When was the year of the dragon? Dragon: description and characteristics

Includes 12 characters. This list includes Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. Each sign corresponds to a constellation (in the “dragon” case, it is Aries). Each sign has its own characteristic, which, by the way, often turns out to be extremely accurate - many character traits of people born in the same year actually coincide, not to mention the fact that it significantly influences a person’s fate.

Chinese legend

The Chinese tell a beautiful legend according to which Buddha, before descending to earth, called all the animals to him. However, only 12 of them came. As a reward for their service, the Buddha gave each a year of reign, arranging them in the order in which the animals came.

People born in 1988 (the year of the Dragon, we will consider below) belong to the sign of a mythical creature, which usually appears in legends as a treasure keeper, so many Dragons are quite wealthy. This is a symbol of good luck and a rich supply of vitality, so Dragon people are often bright and strong personalities. They conquer other signs with their charm and charm, which shine like golden scales and attract attention. In this article we will look at its characteristics in more detail, and also find out what year of the Dragon 1988 is and what its influence on a person’s character is.

Dragon Man - what is he like?

This is a very interesting personality - Dragons often find themselves in the center of attention thanks to their sense of humor, curiosity and irrepressible energy. These people know how to behave, speak correctly and are distinguished by pride and self-esteem. This is not to say that Dragons do not like attention - it flatters them and increases their self-esteem, which is already quite high.

Dragons are impulsive. Often such people do not have basic tact - this entails misunderstanding between them and those around them, but Dragons are used to saying what they think, without thinking at all about the risk of offending their interlocutor. However, you should listen to their advice, since the recommendations they give are usually very useful - in fairy tales these creatures are famous for their wisdom for a reason.

Dragons are capable. Whatever profession a representative of this sign chooses, he will have enough vitality to realize himself in it. Dragons may give preference to creative, political, medical, religious professions - and each of them will bring them success.

These people are reliable. Strength and reliability make them excellent friends, who themselves notice the troubles of their comrades and try to help. The power of Dragons in everyday life is not superfluous. Moreover, it seems inexhaustible, but behind the external facade lies a kind and sensitive heart, not inclined to fight and compete. The only desire of Dragons is to become better, reaching greater heights with every step. However, they are quite competitive, which is of course a big plus for any career. Thanks to intelligence and determination, the Dragon is able to lead even a serious company out of a crisis.

Dragon and love relationships

Considering the charm of the Dragons, it is not difficult to guess that they do not suffer from a lack of fans (or admirers). It is not difficult for them to reach heights in the love field, but it is much more difficult to stay there, because, depressed by the excessive dependence of their other halves, they can go in search of others. Dragons need partners who will not limit their freedom and prevent them from expressing their own individuality, but will not become their shadow. Every Dragon is looking for someone who will complement and balance his character. 1988 - what year of the Dragon?

This is the year of the Earth Dragon. And, of course, this sign endowed those born this year with a couple of individual character traits. What are they - Earth Dragons? The character of such people is very similar to Dragons - representatives of other elements. But, thanks to the different elements, some differences are clearly noticeable.

Character of the Earth Dragon

I would like to note that this characteristic is only suitable for those born in 1988. What color was the Year of the Dragon? The 1988 Dragon is yellow (the color of optimism, fun and sociability, not to mention the color of gold), so it is not surprising that working with finances comes especially easily to these people due to their high intelligence. Earth Dragons make excellent bankers, financiers, and sometimes talented organizers. Usually they are not deprived of financial support from outside, as well as moral support.

Main Character Traits of Earth Dragons

Those born in 1988 are distinguished by pride, uncontrollable enthusiasm, a huge supply of energy (they do not like waiting), as well as stubbornness and a small amount of vanity. Meanwhile, Dragons are also intelligent and generous - they are always ready to help those who need it. Dragons can be called in a sense naive, because hypocrisy, pettiness and slander are alien to them. Dragons are simple-minded, as they are accustomed to acting and speaking directly.

Earth Dragons are lucky with friends. Usually, despite the obvious lack of diplomacy, they do not suffer from a lack of comrades - they are constantly in the spotlight, they have something to say or advise on any issue, they always have their own original opinion. Dragons demand a lot from those around them, but in return they give even more.

The shine of Dragons, like gold, is visible far away, but it is, in fact, an illusion. In fact, people born this year are quite peace-loving and vulnerable, although they seem unbending, strong and resilient.

Dragon Release 1988

1988 is the year of which dragon? The element of the sign also plays a role in the interpretation of character. The element of the Earth Dragon is Earth (the gnomes are its guardians). Earth Dragons are open and sociable, they have enough stability that Dragons of other elements lack. They are able to show patience and prudence in different areas of life and, thanks to these qualities, win.

Compatibility of the Dragon and other signs

We already know which year of the Dragon is 1988. Compatibility of signs can play a significant role in the relationship of partners. Of all the eleven signs, the Monkey is the most ideal for the Dragon, since they complement each other perfectly: the first needs the cunning of the second, and she needs his strength and reliability. However, the Dragon and Monkey union lacks depth. Another ideal union is the relationship with the Snake - its wisdom will balance the Dragon’s uncontrollability and make his life calmer. A representative of this sign will get along well with the Rat, giving her the confidence she lacks in the future. An alliance with the Rooster will be no less successful. Relationships with the Tiger will not bring peace to the Dragon, since their temperaments are very similar. But, above all, the horoscope recommends that the Dragon avoid the pessimistic Dog, who does not believe in his success.


In this article, we found out which year 1988 is the year of the Dragon (the characteristics of this sign, to be honest, are very interesting, and it will certainly be interesting to read not only for Dragons), as well as what its compatibility with other signs is.

The compilers of horoscopes are convinced that a person’s personal qualities and even his fate are determined by the time of his birth, or more precisely, by the signs of the Western and Eastern zodiacs that were active at that time. One of the most controversial and prominent representatives of the Chinese zodiac is the Dragon, and therefore it is not surprising that people born during his reign are also extraordinary.

General information

Years of birth: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

The Dragon is the fifth of the twelve zodiac signs according to the Chinese calendar.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Aries.

Talisman stones:

  • green peridot,
  • iridescent opal,
  • chalcedony,
  • sapphire,
  • amber,
  • all synthetic stones.


  • lotus,
  • sage,
  • mandrake.

Time of year: spring.

Best month: April.


  • gold,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • black.

Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7.

The best days according to the Chinese lunar calendar are the 1st and 16th days of each month.

Direction: North, West, East.

What are Dragons like?

According to the Chinese calendar, each year corresponds not only to a certain sign of the eastern zodiac, but also to one of the five elements. In addition, each element has its own color, which is acquired by the Dragon ruling that year.

Metallic or White

Years: 1940, 2000.

People born in these years are distinguished by their brightness and strong will. In addition, they are energetic and vain, but sometimes overly harsh. Representatives of this Dragon sign always say what they think, without taking into account the feelings of others and without trying to be objective in relationships with other people. If others do not support their ideas, then Metal Dragons are not very upset. They continue to go their own way, even alone. These are usually people of high moral principles who are respected by both friends and colleagues.

Water or Black

Year: 1952, 2012.

The Water Dragon is easy to communicate with and is also friendly. These character traits make him easy and pleasant to deal with. Natural wit and the ability to feel all the nuances of a situation, as well as the moods of the people around him, make this person an excellent conversationalist and the soul of any company. The main drawback of people born under the sign of the Water Dragon is their tendency to jump from one idea to another, that is, the inability to concentrate on one goal.

Wooden or Blue-green

Years: 1904, 1964.

People born in the year of the Wood Dragon are natural businessmen. They know how to build theories and put them into practice. The inquisitive mind of these people delves into all the details of any business. In addition, Wood Dragons always have a lot of interesting ideas in stock, which they strive to implement in reality. The unconditional advantages of their character are generosity and generosity.

Fiery or Red

Years: 1916, 1976.

Dragon people, belonging to the fire element, amaze everyone with their ability to work. They usually try to achieve success in any business they take on. Colleagues respect them for their directness and honesty. In addition, those born in the year of the Fire Dragon have innate leadership qualities and a strong will. They tend to rely only on their own perception of the situation and only on their judgments. These people often do not take the considerations and interests of those around them into account at all. The isolation characteristic of representatives of this sign prevents them from living life to the fullest. However, they are big fans of music and art.

Positive and negative qualities

Each person has his own positive and negative character traits, which partly depend on the Chinese zodiac sign that ruled in the year of his birth.

The positive traits of the Dragon are:

Negative character traits Representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are the following:

Character of men and women

According to astrologers, all people of the same zodiac sign have certain common character traits, but at the same time, the influence of the ruler of the year of birth on men and women varies. This statement is also true for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of a man

Dragon Man- a bright and extraordinary personality. He is either self-centered and eccentric, or always demanding of attention and sometimes unreasonable. In addition, a man of this sign is characterized by pride, aristocracy, self-confidence, vanity, irritability and stubbornness. All this is balanced by high intelligence, intelligence, generosity and a complete lack of inclination towards pettiness and hypocrisy.

Such a man is often loved by ladies, although he rarely loves himself. He is an individualist and thinker, distinguished by excellent health, incredible vitality and enormous energy, characteristic of all those born in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of a woman

Feature of the Dragon Woman is her outer coldness, behind which a kind heart is hidden. Nevertheless, she is a good family man and friend, and values ​​constant and clear relationships. Both in love and in life, this lady always strives to win, and at the same time she really likes to impress others. If he fails to do this, he becomes very upset. A woman born in the year of the Dragon can achieve great success, because she is smart and practical.

This lady is popular with men. But it is worth considering that she does not like indecisive and always hesitant people.

Combination of Western zodiac signs and the Year of the Dragon

Those born in the year of the Dragon under different signs of the Western zodiac differ from each other. Constellations strengthen some personal qualities in them and weaken others.

Aries, born in the year of the mythical animal, can be called the Dragon squared, since this sign is closest in spirit to the eastern ruler of the year. It is not easy for him to reach his goal, but he flies towards it as if he had grown wings. But due to their stubbornness and straightforwardness, Aries may face many difficulties on the path to success.

Taurus significantly softens the temperament of the eastern sign, making the formidable ruler an esthete and connoisseur of beauty. Basically, this combination of signs makes people good family men. In addition, such Taurus are very attentive to their appearance and are fans of various accessories.

Twins convey their duality to the formidable sign of the Chinese horoscope, which leads to the fact that a person can, at the most unexpected moment, move from extreme good nature to extreme anger. It should be noted that people born with this combination of signs love to be showy, even if it harms themselves or their loved ones.

Under the influence of Cancer The dragon becomes a builder of wonderful castles in the air. He clearly knows how what he has in mind should look like, but does not bother himself to think about the little things, or what he personally thinks are little things.

a lion in combination with the same majestic sign, it turns, oddly enough, into endless suspiciousness, accompanied by constant doubts about oneself and one’s strengths. It seems that the best thing for such a person is to find a quiet place away from people, letting all the uncertainty disappear, but no, the Leo cannot live without spectators. He strives to perform and be the center of attention.

Virgo, with her inherent realism and practicality, under the influence of the dreamy Dragon becomes a very interesting person. Such a Virgo will be able to convince anyone of anything, because her reasoning seems logical and completely justified. The problem is that Virgo’s plans may subsequently turn out to be ill-conceived and unrealistic.

The eternal problem of the Dragon-Libra is the blues. It seems that he is bored and fed up with everything. He is disappointed in the opposite sex. He sees work as a hopeless routine. Libra can be saved from this condition by travel, extreme sports, or work that requires the ability to risk oneself.

Scorpio Those born in the year of the Dragon certainly need something large-scale. If he wants to have his own business, then only the oil one, but if he wants to lead, then only the country. It is better for those close to you to keep an eye on such a Scorpio, since even the obvious illegality of the activity in which he is engaged will not stop him.

Sagittarius, perhaps the calmest and most reasonable of all the signs of the Western zodiac born in the year of the reign of the Chinese Dragon. He always values ​​sincere friendship, and he himself is very decent. He is not particularly interested in fame and does not have a strong need to be the center of attention. Having chosen a business to his liking, such a person engages in it absolutely unselfishly and devotedly.

Capricorn similar to Sagittarius in that he does not feel the need for excessive pomp and veneration of the crowd. He prefers a decent income and stability. Nevertheless, the irrepressible essence of the Dragon takes its toll and, succumbing to it, Capricorn often chooses an extraordinary field of activity, for example, breeding crocodiles.

Aquarius-Dragon cannot accept imperfection either in himself or in others. Any failure that representatives of other signs would not pay special attention to will cause him a feeling of discomfort for weeks. Aquarius will spend a lot of useful energy on these experiences, and may also lose some of their future success.

Fish under the influence of the Dragon they are always prudent, intelligent and also have a sense of beauty. Such a person will make an excellent science fiction writer, but, unfortunately, the combination of signs gives him low self-esteem. Because of this, it would hardly even occur to him to think about literary creativity.

Every person at birth falls under the influence of the Western and Eastern zodiac signs. It is so great that once you know what signs a person was born under, you can say a lot about his character, tastes and even interests. The dragon is truly one of the most brilliant signs of the Chinese zodiac, which simply cannot but be reflected in people born in its year.

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People born in the year of the Dragon are dynamic and lucky. They exhibit royal traits, which makes them leaders in their circle. Dragons can live large, but they never humiliate other people. They value cleanliness and openness above all else. Most of them are idealists. People born in the year of the Dragon have special character traits. In what years were they born? The article will discuss the characteristics of the sign and compatibility with other representatives of the eastern horoscope.

general characteristics

People born in the year of the Dragon are independent from childhood and always defend their freedom and independence, the opportunity to express their own opinion, different from others. They strive to leave their parents' home as quickly as possible.

The Dragon has good moral qualities, he is distinguished by his generosity and magnanimity. Thanks to his abilities, he grasps knowledge on the fly. The representative of this sign is hardworking and smart, he gets great pleasure from his work. The dragon will never do something that is not at all interesting to him. Although such things are not enough for him, he loves everything new.

The representative of the eastern horoscope is endowed with various abilities, so he is confident that he will achieve everything he wants in life. However, he needs to be more constructive and consistent, which he often lacks. Those born in the year of the Dragon have the following characteristic: they are excellent diplomats, so they can come to an agreement with any person. The dragon achieves everything he wants with his unusual abilities, talent, as well as cunning game tactics or, in rare cases, deception.

In what years are people born under the sign of the Dragon?

In China, the dragon is a revered mythical creature. He is revered and many holidays are dedicated to him. What are the years of those born in the year of the Dragon? These include 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. These years correspond to the Year of the Dragon according to the eastern calendar.

Personality strengths

For those born in the year of the Dragon, the horoscope confirms that nothing is impossible for them. If a representative of the sign plans to achieve something, then he will definitely succeed, despite possible obstacles. The dragon does not like to waste time on trifles. Whatever he wants must be the best or unusual. The representative of this sign loves a rich life and provides a decent level of income for his family.

The dragon is responsive. He is rarely asked for help; if there are people in his immediate circle who need help, he will provide them with support and, if necessary, financial support. The representative of the eastern horoscope does not like to make false promises. He is a man of action.

For those born in the year of the Dragon, the characteristic is as follows: they are very honest. They are not able to deceive or appear to be someone they really are not.

Weak character traits

People born in the year of the Dragon are not the most tactful of the signs of the eastern horoscope. They do not hide their opinions and cannot refrain from commenting when necessary. People close to him judge him based on his positive character traits. Outsiders, on the contrary, perceive him as a rude and ill-mannered person.

The dragon is very emotional and prone to outbursts of anger. Even if he is wrong, he reinforces his actions with a sense of justice and can sometimes be cruel. It is difficult for a representative of the eastern horoscope to restrain his emotions, which is why his reputation and relationships with people suffer.

Dragon Man

The representative of this sign becomes independent early. From a young age, a man born in the year of the Dragon strives for financial stability and freedom of action. He does not allow anyone to make decisions for himself. The dragon always goes its own way and rarely lives up to the expectations of its loved ones. Over time, the correctness of his choice becomes obvious, and until then his ideas give the impression of dubious and unrealistic.

In his youth, the Dragon’s personal life is full of bright events. This guy is smart and charming. The female sex likes him, but his unions in rare cases differ in duration. It is common for the Dragon to get carried away; he evaluates every new girl superficially. If she turns out to be different from what he imagined her to be in his dreams, then the man will move on in search of his true happiness.

Family life, as imagined by the Dragon, should be bright. A boring life and a wife who has not changed at all for several years do not suit him. A man needs a passionate life partner, changes in the interior of his home, communication with friends and a lot of freedom. If his wife turns out to be so wise that she does not suspect him of cheating, but is able to support the Dragon’s interest, then the marriage promises to become strong and truly happy.

Dragon Woman

A representative of this sign, like a man, exhibits traits of independence early. She resolves many issues concerning her life without the influence of other people's opinions. This includes her studies, occupation and profession.

According to the horoscope, a woman born in the year of the Dragon is distinguished by her charm, so she easily makes new acquaintances. She is united by a common interest and mutual benefit with her friends, but her social circle cannot be called permanent. A woman’s interests and outlook on life are constantly changing, so new acquaintances and friends appear.

In relationships with the stronger sex, a woman behaves confidently, and very often becomes the initiator of the first date. Even if she liked the man at first sight, he should interest the girl not only from the romantic side. The woman belongs to the far-sighted sign of the eastern horoscope, so she has absolutely no need for unpromising family relationships.

The ideal match for her is a man who has a similar type of temperament. If he is active and is not at all afraid of change, then the two spouses will not be bored. The Dragon Woman is an active person, so she is oppressed by routine and monotony.


For the Dragon, work is not only an opportunity to earn money. He strives to choose an activity related to moving or constant communication. According to the horoscope of the Year of the Dragon, he cannot stand routine and monotony, as well as strict restrictions on working conditions.

The representative of this sign is an excellent leader. He has organizational skills and knows how to calmly and clearly explain everything to his subordinates. He is demanding not only of his team, but also of himself. The dragon loves power and strives for it, but he will not go ahead. If he applies for the position of a fired person, then he will act completely openly. He will do this in the following cases: if a person fails to cope with the assigned task or crosses the path of the Dragon himself. He doesn’t offend people undeservedly.

The dragon can constantly change its interests. If in his youth he was engaged in some activity, then at an older age he can change it to the opposite. When this happens, the main reason is not material gain, but his search for real occupation.

People born in the year of the Dragon do not have a vocation for specific professions. They do an excellent job with any task.

In work, representatives of this sign are most compatible with people born in the year of the Dog. The best business partner for the Dragon is the Monkey.

Love for those born in the year of the Dragon

Under this sign, people know how to love and enjoy the company of loved ones, but they will not commit madness for their sake. The Dragon is not capable of making big sacrifices. He is practical, thinks soberly, so if the relationship does not work out for any reason, then the representative of the sign steps aside. The dragon very rarely gets into love triangles. Relationships that do not work out are unpromising for him.

Representatives of the sign like the attention of the opposite sex, but they like to win their chosen ones, and not give in to overly obsessive fans. The dragon doesn't like it when everything comes to him too easily. He is able to charm the object of his adoration with his actions, manners and care, and if there is no reciprocity, then step aside in time.

The representative of this sign values ​​his freedom very much, so it is important for him if his companion understands this. There is no point in controlling or being jealous of the Dragon. He can keep whatever he needs secret. With constant suspicion, the Dragon loses his temper and is ready to break off the relationship.

Dragon Compatibility in Love

A representative of this sign has the following compatibility:

  1. The Dragon and the Rat have a wonderful union and complete mutual understanding. There is no contradiction or struggle in it.
  2. The Dragon and the Ox may have an unstable alliance because they are too stubborn and constantly fight for power. Sometimes they admire each other, but this is not enough to live together.
  3. A strong alliance is possible between the Dragon and the Tiger. Both signs are strong and promising.
  4. The Dragon likes the compliant Rabbit, so marriage between them is possible. He will be good and calm.
  5. The compatibility of the two Dragons is not the best; they will constantly conflict due to the similarity of characters. In some cases, spiritual closeness is observed.
  6. The union of the Snake and the Dragon is simply magnificent. They can live a happy life. However, a lot depends on the Snake.
  7. The Dragon and the Horse will not be able to create a strong union due to their differences in characters and morals. Even if a marriage is concluded, it will be very problematic.
  8. The Dragon and the Goat will not be able to be together, because the Goat will not be able to make its partner happy. As a result, the marriage will be unreliable.
  9. The union of the Dragon and the Monkey is magnificent. Partners are able to complement each other.
  10. The Dragon will get along with the Rooster if they find a common language. There will be no indifference or boredom in the marriage.
  11. In the union of the Dragon and the Dog, all sorts of problems can arise. The partners are too different in character.
  12. The Dragon and the Pig have an excellent marriage. Partners are very attractive to each other. And the Pig constantly admires the Dragon, which he really likes.

Despite the lack of compatibility in love with some signs, the Dragon can establish friendly or partnership relations with them. This allows them to implement many successful projects together.


People born in the Year of the Dragon have special character traits. We found out in what years they were born in the article earlier. By nature they are cheerful and optimistic. However, they have few real friends. The dragon does not understand the weaknesses of others and does not know how to take them into account. He demands a lot from his friends. This sign’s social circle is formed mainly at work, where he is valued and respected. This prevents the Dragon from losing confidence in his abilities.

His strongest friendships are with the Rat, Tiger, Goat, Rooster and Boar.


People born in the year of the Dragon have a special character. They may hold leadership positions or be good performers. Despite the negative character traits, the Dragon is one of the beautiful signs of the eastern horoscope.

The Chinese zodiac is based on the 12-year lunar cycle. The Year of the Dragon ranks fifth in the Chinese zodiac, between the Year of the Rabbit and the Year of the Snake. Year of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024. Find out Why were these particular animals chosen? and in that order.

  • Lucky colors:
  • Lucky numbers: 1, 6, 7
  • Lucky Flowers:

Were you born in the year of the Dragon?

If you were born in the following years, more likely, Your Chinese zodiac sign is Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012. Why "most likely"? The fact is that it is not always possible to find out by the year of birth what year it is - what animal it is.

The signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined by the lunar calendar, with the onset of Chinese New Year. New Year in China begins during between January 21 and February 20, that is, the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Let's look at a specific example. Let's take the year 2000:

2000 who?

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

In 2000, the Year of the Dragon began on February 5th. If you were born after February 5th, then your zodiac sign is the Dragon. However, if you were born before February 5th, then you are a Rabbit, the previous zodiac sign. Take advantage special calculator on the right to find out exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign! Enter your date of birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Chinese New Year Dates for the Dragon:

What brings luck to the Dragon

Each Chinese zodiac sign has its own lucky days, colors, numbers, flowers and even cardinal directions that bring them good luck. In this, the Chinese and Western horoscopes are similar.
Do you know, What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

  • Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7
  • Happy Days: 1st and 16th of the Chinese lunar month (new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: gold, silver, grayish white
  • Lucky Flowers: Thomson's clerodendrum, snapdragon
  • Lucky cardinal directions: east, north, west
  • Happy months: 3rd, 4th and 7th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

According to Chinese astrology, those born in the Year of the Dragon should avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: blue; green
  • Unlucky numbers: 3 and 8
  • Unlucky direction: northwest
  • Unlucky months: 5th and 6th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

The dragon is the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac. This the strongest and most powerful sign, but he is also famous for his hot temper and sharp tongue. In ancient times, it was believed that thanks to their power and ambition, Dragons were able to keep the whole world under control.

Such innate qualities as courage, perseverance and high intelligence allow Dragons to be at their best and confident in their abilities. They are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to take risks.

However, at the same time, Dragons are irritable, unrestrained and rarely open to criticism. They do not like to follow traditions, preferring to live by their own rules.


By nature, Dragons are hardworking and have good health. But they do not run away from difficulties and difficult situations, and therefore tension and stress are often present in the lives of those born in the year of the Dragon.

In old age, Dragons should pay increased attention to the liver and gall bladder, intestines and stomach, while young and middle-aged Dragons should take more care of their skin.

Yoga or walking outdoors They are the best fit for the Dragon to be healthy and stay in great shape. After all, such physical activity is equally beneficial for the soul and body.

The most suitable professions for the Dragon

Dragons love challenging tasks and taking risks. They are perfect for those professions that allow them to test their endurance and endurance.
Successful professions for the Dragon: journalist, teacher, inventor, manager, systems analyst, lawyer, engineer, architect, broker, sales manager.

How to build a relationship with the Dragon?

In love to Dragons It can be difficult to take a step towards a serious relationship and make a commitment. However, when they do decide, their intentions are more than serious. Dragons are characterized by warmth and generosity towards people close to them.

Year of the Dragon Compatibility in Love

Each animal of the Chinese zodiac has its own characteristics. The coincidences and differences of these features determine the compatibility of signs in love.

Compatibility Horoscope for Dragon

  • Best Compatibility: Rat, Tiger or Snake
  • Least successful: Bull, Goat or Dog

Celebrity Dragons:

  • Alexander Blok, Marina Tsvetaeva, Joseph Brodsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Maxim Gorky, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Soso Pavliashvili, Diana Vishneva, Mikhail Vrubel, Ilya Repin, Alexander Green, Vladislav Tretyak.
  • Bruce Lee, Sigmund Freud, Salvador Dali, Martin Luther King, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bernard Shaw, Marlene Dietrich, Gregory Peck, Pablo Neruda, John Lennon, Immanuel Kant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Pele.

Types of Dragon according to the eastern calendar – 5 elements/elements

According to the Chinese theory of 5 elements/elements, each zodiac sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements/elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. Thus, Year of the Wood Dragon, which will occur in 2024, happens only once every 60 years.
Find out about other interesting Facts about the Chinese Zodiac, which you most likely have not heard of.

In China, they believe that a person’s character is determined not only by the sign of the animal in whose year he was born, but also by the element/element. AND There are 5 types of Dragon, each with its own specific characteristic:

For the Dragon, 2019 will be a successful year of the Pig and will bring special success at work, as well as profit. Dragons, however, should be more careful about their health.

Dragon's career in 2019

In 2019, Dragons will experience success in their field of activity. They will be able to achieve their goals, even the most ambitious ones. Dragons will receive a promotion, and new opportunities for development and professional growth will open up for them. The main thing is to be able not to miss the right moment.

Dragon health in 2019

In 2019, Dragons are strongly encouraged to take care of their health. Think about healthy eating, spend more time in the fresh air. Go for a walk in the countryside, spend time with friends, find a sport that is interesting and comfortable for you.

Horoscope 2019 for the Dragon promises success and good luck in love. Throughout 2019, Dragons will be very popular with the opposite sex; it will be easy for them to meet and start communicating. Dragons will be able to find their chosen one without much effort.

Dragon finances in 2019

2019 will bring incredible financial success to the Dragons. If your Chinese zodiac sign is the Dragon, then a stable income awaits you, as well as pleasant surprises in the form of bonuses and cash bonuses.

Year of Destiny 2024 for those born in the Year of the Dragon

In China there is such a thing as Benmingnian - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. year of your zodiac animal. In 2024, Benmingnian will occur for people born in the year of the Dragon.

The Chinese believe that Benmingnian is a special year, although those whose year has arrived may face trials or unexpected changes. Find out, What will bring good luck to your year? and what special awaits you!

Find out more about the Chinese Zodiac:

  • The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac – From the many legends about the Chinese Zodiac, we have chosen the most famous one in China
  • 10 Facts About the Chinese Zodiac You Probably Haven't Heard About
  • 12 Animals of the Zodiac – Why these particular animals were chosen and in this order

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People born in the year of the Dragon are considered the personification of good luck in all endeavors. They are smart and successful in business, and are excellent parents and leaders.

The Dragon is number five in the twelve-year cycle according to the Eastern calendar. It is strongly associated with the earth and the zodiac sign Leo. The talisman stone of this sign is amethyst and chrysolite. The main shades of the Dragon are red and gold. The characteristics of these people have positive and negative aspects.

The positive ones include:

  • enormous potential;
  • brightness and charisma;
  • achieving your goals;
  • perseverance and desire to work;
  • the ability to support any conversation and become the life of the party;
  • natural ingenuity;
  • talent and ability to learn;
  • openness and desire to help others;
  • high level of trust;
  • curiosity.

Among the negative features are:

  • gullibility;
  • incontinence;
  • desire to teach the offender a lesson;
  • irritability;
  • the desire for perfection, which makes you go over your head;
  • demanding not only of oneself, but also of loved ones;
  • stubbornness;
  • love of controversy.

Video “Characteristics of the Dragon sign”

From this video you will learn what kind of character people born in the year of the Dragon have.


The Dragon Man is characterized by the mythological traits of these animals. They are able to conquer any woman with their charm and desire to please. People born under this sign value freedom in everything above all else. They don't like it when their rights are infringed. Guys are wonderful in bed, they are able to win girls with their sexual talent and ability to flatter.

Astrologers claim that these men are pronounced egoists. They will not show care and attention if it does not bring them any benefit. Thanks to extravagant behavior and leadership habits, men are able to win over the audience and build trusting relationships with them. People are ready to follow them because they have the gift of persuasion.


Women born in the Year of the Dragon often suffer from delusions of grandeur. They often exaggerate their own merits, not taking into account the successes of others. It is almost impossible to convince them in an argument. Even if a woman is wrong, she will still be unshakable in her faith.

Communication with such a special person always brings positive emotions. She is able to support any topic, has a sense of humor and ingenuity. Such girls are easy-going, they are able to support even the most extravagant ideas.

Dragon ladies always stand out in the crowd. They not only take care of their appearance, but also know how to present themselves from the best side. Despite their apparent serenity, they can cope with difficult tasks no worse than men.

In family relationships, these representatives of the fair sex love to build matriarchy. They manage finances and family problems, giving instructions to their household. Love is not the main thing in life for them. Such women try to find an accommodating partner who will fulfill their every whim.


Dragon children are generous and inquisitive. They always get good grades in school because they grasp information on the fly. They will not spend a lot of time doing homework because they have good memory and ingenuity. Such children are always ready to help their parents; they will become a real support for them in old age.

Character by elements

In ancient times in the East they believed in five substances from which everything in the Universe is composed. Based on the names of these substances, five types of Dragon are divided, possessing certain character traits.

Metal dragons were born in the 1940s and 2000s. They are unshakable in their judgments and desires. The disadvantage of such persons is indecision.

The next element is water (1952 and 2012). These people have excessive self-confidence and envy. They may become fixated on the success of others, and as a result they will achieve nothing in their own field.

Wooden dragons (1904 and 1964) are overly hot-tempered, and fire dragons (1916, 1976) are apathetic. The earth element (1928, 1988) is considered the most calm and reasonable. These people confidently move towards their goals, not paying attention to competitors.

Career and profession

The dragon symbolizes success in any profession. Thanks to their high level of initiative and diligence, they are able to create their own business from scratch at a young age. Leadership positions are most suitable for those born under the signs of the Tiger and Dragon, as they can cope with any problems and are also excellent at managing people.

Dragons never set tasks for their subordinates that they cannot solve themselves. If there is a serious problem, they will personally handle it. The only negative is that Dragons, who are overly demanding of themselves, expect full dedication from their employees. If Dragons cannot cope with the tasks of a leader, they get rid of non-executive employees.

This sign is suitable not only for the profession of a manager, but also a producer, actor, politician or architect. They can work in any field. The main thing is the ability to lead people.

Relationships and love

The Dragon's destiny will be successful if he does what he loves and finds mutual love. This sign needs attention like no other. He demands admiration and reverence from his other half. Such people have enviable charisma and charm, so they are able to drive others crazy. They have many fans, among whom they are looking for their other half. They also love to play with their admirers: turn their heads and then ignore them.

If this sign is lucky enough to fall in love, he will experience strong feelings for his passion. For the sake of love, he is capable of much, so he marries at a conscious age, when he is absolutely confident in his partner. But loneliness does not frighten the Dragon. They do not need an intermediate relationship, so if they do not find a person suitable for marriage, they can remain alone.

Famous people

People born under the symbol of a fire-breathing sign are very successful in any field. They are able to earn even where others will not make a penny. Dragons acquire connections and influential friends, thanks to whom they achieve their goals.

Among the celebrities born in the Year of the Dragon are the following men: Salvador Dali, Martin Sheen, Sigmund Freud, Michael Douglas, Charles Darwin.

There are also many women born under this sign who have achieved success: Joan of Arc, Marlene Dietrich, Shirley Temple.

Representatives of this sign are successful not only in their careers, but also in their personal lives. They can earn trust without much effort because they make a good impression from the first minutes of meeting you.

Such people build life according to their own rules, but do not take it seriously and perceive it as a game.