Snake and Rabbit: compatibility according to the eastern horoscope. Snake and Rabbit: compatibility according to the eastern calendar

In nature, the Hare and the Snake get along poorly. This does not mean that everything happens the same in the human world. Rather, everything is exactly the opposite. The compatibility of the Snake and the Rabbit, based on their eastern horoscope, is high. These individuals know how to make their partner happy.

Rabbit Traits

A person born under this sign is characterized by wisdom and a sense of calm. It will take a lot of effort to get the Cat mad. This symbol of the eastern horoscope has all the makings to become a diplomat. People born under the constellation Cat are often tasked with conducting important negotiations.

New situations for a Cat are an indicator of instability. They prefer to know everything in advance and never commit rash acts. If they are faced with a task that they have not calculated in advance, then this leads them into a stupor.

Snake Character

The Snake symbol in the eastern horoscope is characterized as a wise nature. Such people never make quick decisions and always think things through before taking one action or another. The bright Snake is hard not to notice even in the noisiest company. If you fall in love with her, you will dream about her until you meet her in reality.

The main character traits of such people include:

  • determination: this zodiac sign knows perfectly well what it wants from life and boldly moves towards its goal;
  • hard work: people born under this sign never give up on something halfway, they prefer to finish what they start and only then decide whether it is necessary or not;
  • willpower and strength of character: it is almost impossible to break a person born under the sign of the Snake; he is able to fight back in order to achieve what he wants.

Snake Man and Rabbit Woman

Due to the fact that a man has charm, he easily finds a common language with all women. The advantage of such a man’s character is that he is not a supporter of hasty and thoughtless relationships. He prefers to first get to know the girl better and only then decide whether he is ready to live with her all his life or not.

It is difficult to find flaws in such compatibility between Snake and Rabbit. If a man chooses a woman born under the sign of the Rabbit, their relationship is doomed to long and happy years.

Union in love and marriage

The characteristics of these signs indicate that the compatibility of the Snake and the Rabbit in love and marriage will be crowned with success. The guy in this relationship is looking for care, support and attention, and the Hare girl easily fits this. She will not only give her loved one advice, but also agree with him in certain situations.

The woman in this pair will be discreet, friendly and caring. In marriage, she will be the keeper of the home, providing her man with comfort, and the guy, as he wanted, will become a real protector and patron for her. In a joint marriage, these symbols will find what they have been looking for for so long during relationships with other partners.


In friendship, the compatibility of Rabbit and Snake is also high. Both partners prefer a quiet home holiday instead of a noisy party. Although they are considered the life of the party, their love of peace will only bring them closer.

In friendship in this pair there will be no follower. Each of them has their own voting rights. When difficult conflicts are resolved, both parties agree to compromise in order to maintain friendship. Both the Snake and the Rabbit will never communicate with those people who are not interesting to them. First, they must find out everything about those around them, and after that make a decision with whom to be friends.

Business relationship

Since the Rabbit prefers to weigh everything, the Snake’s common business with him will bring good results. In this pair, the man will negotiate and make important decisions. At the same time, it is better for a guy to listen to the opinion of his partner. Her overly developed intuition will help protect herself from attackers and traitors.

Men born under the sign of the Snake are demanding individuals. They are ready to take responsibility and lead people. The cat in this pair prefers to obey. He believes that this will cause less harm to the business and reduce the risk of his guilt in the event of an accident.

The Snake man is demanding and often runs a business. The Rabbit Woman prefers not to take responsibility

Union in bed

In the sexual sphere of these signs, everything is extremely calm. There are no quarrels between them regarding positions or behavior in bed. Each of them wants experiments and extreme sports from time to time. Each partner is ready to listen to the opinion of a loved one and do as he wants.

The squeezed Rabbit understands that the Snake does not like calm and traditional sexual relationships, therefore, despite his own desires, he is ready to regularly introduce something new into his intimate life. Also, men who know about the conservatism of their women are ready to give in for the sake of peace of mind of their partner.

Snake Woman and Rabbit Man

The Cat man and the Snake woman are the best tandem that can only be found in nature. Despite her attractiveness, the woman in this couple will never rush between several men. She prefers to choose one and give herself entirely only to him.

In a pair of Snake and Rabbit, a man needs a kind and caring woman who will provide him with comfort and mutual understanding. He is attracted to her by her composure, which appears in difficulties and conflicts with others.

Relationships in love and marriage

In a pair of Snake and Rabbit, a woman becomes a real keeper of the hearth. She is ready to do cleaning and cooking every day while her man is at work. In love and marriage, their compatibility is high, because partners support each other in a difficult situation.

A man trusts his partner completely. She protects him from troubles and gives advice in difficult periods of life. In love and marriage, the woman takes the lead. The guy is not against this state of affairs, because it is difficult for him to make decisions on his own. In a pair of Snake and Rabbit, a wise woman is engaged in raising her man, but she does this gently, almost imperceptibly.

Friendly Union

If we consider the compatibility of the Snake and the Cat in friendship, then it is high. Such a highly probable union is influenced by the fact that the partners not only have the same views on life, but also common interests.

Although Snakes are not as sociable as Cats, they can also become the center of attention in a noisy company. Because of her erudition, she knows how to win over those around her, which cannot but attract the Hare.

Business compatibility

When considering the horoscope of the Snake and Rabbit, their low ability to negotiate with each other is noted. If in love and friendship a man and a woman find a common language and complement each other, then in the business sphere they are incompatible.

In a relationship between a Rabbit man and a Snake woman, the guy will try to take the reins of power, which the fairer sex will not like. Because she has wisdom, she will be able to manage the business, but with such an act the girl will completely terminate any business relationship with her partner.

Intimate relationships between signs

In sex, the Rabbit man and the Snake woman complement each other. At the first meeting, each of them experiences an irresistible desire and passion for each other, but such signs of the eastern horoscope are not characterized by promiscuous relationships. They first take a closer look at their future partner, get to know him better, and only then take the initiative.

In a pair of Rabbit man and Snake woman, the woman shows more initiative, and the man is satisfied with this situation. He is ready for various experiments and role-playing games, but he just doesn’t have enough imagination for it. When a woman shares her ideas, the guy is ready for any feat. The partners know everything about each other, so their union in bed is ideal.

The Snake woman shows more initiative in intimate relationships than the Rabbit man

At first glance, the Rabbit and the Snake seem like a promising couple. Both love a measured life, maximum peace. However, their emotional differences can create special difficulties between them. The Rabbit is a sensitive nature, and the Snake is extremely calculating, although the relationship is warm. As a result, they often find it difficult to find common ground on many issues. Also, the Snake's possessive instinct will always irritate the Rabbit.

Snake man and Rabbit woman (Cat) compatibility = 15%!

In love = 15%: The Rabbit woman will be captivated by the Snake man. She really likes the logic of his actions, his ability to always find the right solution. However, this is not enough for a long-lasting and pleasant relationship. As soon as they encounter everyday problems, communication with other people, they will feel cramped together, since a measured existence will not bring satisfaction. The Snake man with his desire to control will interfere with her in many matters.

Married = 10%: This union is especially difficult for the Rabbit woman to navigate. She does not understand her intentions, and the Snake man complicates everything even more. She will be dissatisfied with herself, her spouse and fate in general. The Snake man can balance the emotional state of his wife, but being not too emotional, he will not be able to understand her. They can live in such discord for quite a long time until someone decides to change the situation.

In bed = 20%: The intimate life of the Snake man and the Rabbit woman is more optimistic. Here they do not need to seek any protection. This is just an opportunity to relax, to be together for a while without looking for solutions on how to live further. For them, the bed can sometimes become a place for solving problems, although not in all cases they will be able to come to a mutually pleasant solution. They will not experience much passion, but at the same time they will be able to receive satisfaction.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Snake woman compatibility = 18%!

In love = 20%: The love relationship between the Rabbit man and the Snake woman begins quite unexpectedly. He is simply fascinated by his chosen one, but at the same time he is a little afraid of her domineering character. However, at the stage of a romantic relationship, they get along well with each other and try to forgive their partner’s shortcomings. And in order to move on to a serious relationship, the Rabbit man will have to think carefully, since he is not satisfied with her desire to suppress him.

Married = 20%: Much in their marriage will depend on the success of the Rabbit man. However, due to his certain immaturity, he will not be able to achieve much in life. As a result, the Snake woman will constantly push him, but he will not move. Deep down, she will stop respecting him and will most likely break off the relationship. They will be able to be together only in minimal cases, when the Snake woman tries to change.

In bed = 15%: The intimate sphere will give them even more misunderstanding. On the one hand, the Rabbit man is able to bring a spark into a relationship, and on the other hand, the Snake woman will ignore this spark. She is harsh and cold in relationships, making it quite difficult for a couple to achieve satisfaction. Very often he avoids intimacy, because her next desire to dominate angers him. But even these negative outbursts of feelings will not give him the strength to part with her.

Relationship forecast!

Rabbit and Snake are not made for each other. Too different characters, habits and desires lead to misunderstanding. The Rabbit needs to become tougher and the Snake softer so that they can end up together. Also, you should not indulge in a measured life, since this will not become the basis for a long-lasting relationship. They need to change themselves before circumstances force them to change themselves. But even in this case, their chances are not great.

The compatibility of the Rabbit and the Snake according to the eastern horoscope is very good. This may seem strange to a person with Western ideas, because in nature these two animals are antagonists, the prey and the hunter. But in Chinese mythology everything is a little different.

Rabbit and Snake are happy together

The snake there is a symbol of wisdom, healing from illness and support. The rabbit is a symbol of virtue, refined taste, confidence and goodwill.

Two such animals get along well and can build a prosperous family. The year of their birth is favorable for this.

General compatibility of Rabbit and Snake

There is a lot in common between partners

The Rabbit and the Snake, so different at first glance, actually have a lot in common. Here's what's typical for both signs:

Year after year they can live in the same house, work for the same company, and never change their daily habits. A measured life is what the Rabbit or the Cat and the Snake will build their relationship on. Cheating is rare in such a family, because the Rabbit is prone to permanent relationships, and the Snake does not like to change its habits. A man and a woman of this sign are excellent at negotiating with each other, especially when it comes to everyday life. They always find a common language when arranging their nest or raising children. Both live more with family than with the outside world and connections with other people.

forecast for this month: Group o�

Eastern horoscope of compatibility of Zodiac Signs by �

Characteristics of the sign - Rabbit (Cat). The Rabbit sign is �

Rabbit, Hare (Cat) - Characteristics of men and women, �

Although the couple does not always manage to avoid storms and troubles. The cat has a refined, sensual soul; he needs to be alone with himself from time to time. The Snake, on the other hand, loves to control everything; it is more often guided by reason and logic than by feelings and emotions. On this basis, spouses may have conflicts. They are resolved quite quickly, because no one wants to break off a generally stable relationship. A realistic outlook on life helps them navigate the sea of ​​life.

The compatibility of the signs of Rabbit and Snake is also influenced by the Western horoscope. The year of birth and the zodiac sign can greatly change the characters of people. This is how Pisces makes the Cat even more sensitive, and his partner, on the contrary, cold and secretive. Libra has a positive effect on both; they add openness, a sober outlook on life, and balance to eastern animals. Fiery Aries can turn the Rabbit into a determined and ambitious person, and make the Snake more sensual and open. Scorpio will enhance the snake's permeability, and Kota will make him a little more cunning, freeing him from a somewhat naive outlook on life.

Compatibility of Snake woman and Rabbit man

Relationships based on trust and understanding

Compatibility in love is quite good for the Cat man and the Snake woman. Very often their relationship begins on the initiative of the girl. It’s as if she reads her boyfriend’s thoughts, bewitches him in an incomprehensible and incomprehensible way. By and large, the Rabbit has nothing against being conquered, so he quickly moves towards rapprochement. Their relationships can begin even at a very young age. Many peers will envy them because they found love so quickly. But you won’t see these two in early marriage. They need to think carefully about everything, plan it, and be sure that the family will really be prosperous. Despite the good compatibility of the Snake with the Cat, they often get married many years after they started dating.

In marriage, the wife will take on a leadership role. She is an excellent housewife, knows how to get involved in business, and makes decisions faster than her husband. At first, this situation suits the man quite well, because by nature he is not very decisive and prefers to hide in the face of troubles. The main thing for him is the feeling of security that a woman can give, and home comfort. By and large, already at the very beginning of their life together, the Cat man and the Snake woman “sign” an unspoken agreement on a clear distribution of roles and clearly follow it all their lives.

Problems in a couple can arise if a woman wants to control the man too much. She can rarely penetrate the depths of his subconscious and understand the sensual soul. By and large, the Rabbit doesn’t need this. The main thing for him is to have his own personal space, time for solitude and reflection. If the wife understands this and does not try to penetrate where she should not, nothing will threaten the family. Otherwise, quarrels may arise between partners, despite a good compatibility horoscope. To avoid unpleasant situations, partners should trust each other. This is not difficult to do, because for both, a family hearth and a stable, faithful relationship are above all else.

Compatibility of Snake man and Rabbit woman

Relationships develop gradually

The Snake man and the Rabbit woman do not always fall in love with each other at first sight. A girl may be a little frightened by the mysterious, almost hypnotic charm of a man. He, in turn, may not immediately understand the woman’s feelings. Although the Snake man does not like easy victories and the mystery of the Cat can provoke him. After a short time, both will understand that this is the chosen one of fate. A man will be touched by some of the woman’s naivety and responsiveness, and she will feel protected next to him. Relationships may be at risk due to female indecision; she often doesn’t know what she wants and this resembles whims. The Western horoscope can save the situation; a stronger character of the Zodiac sign will give the Rabbit confidence and allow him to make the right choice.

The Rabbit woman and the Snake man will build family relationships according to the traditional model. Often a father-daughter alliance develops between them. The husband will make all the important decisions in the marriage and protect his wife from the dangers of the outside world. Concerns about the financial support of the family will also fall on his shoulders. The wife will become a wonderful housewife and mother. Despite some unadaptability to life, she is able to build a cozy nest, or, more correctly, a mink. The children of such a couple will be well brought up, they will be able to develop as creative individuals. The mother will give them sensuality and emotionality, and the father will give them a sober mind and a penchant for logical thinking.

The compatibility of a Rabbit woman and a Snake man may be shaken if they do not take into account the few dangers that await their family boat. A man should not put too much pressure on his wife. Her subtle mental organization does not tolerate gross interference from the outside. A woman requires increased attention to herself, but at the same time, she likes to be alone at least for a while, selling herself to her thoughts and dreams. You should not constantly control it, this can cause internal and even external protest. The wife must remember that her man loves prominent, sophisticated and well-groomed women. You should always take care of your appearance, even if many years have passed after the wedding and a whole flock of children have appeared in the house. You should not neglect self-education and improvement in order to always remain an interesting conversationalist, and not turn into a domestic chicken.

The compatibility of the Snake man and the Rabbit woman (Cat) is very favorable and has many prospects. Each of them feels their partner perfectly and complements him. They are able to provide the other half with exactly what it needs, and this extends both to the material and physical sphere, as well as to the spiritual. In this tandem, the spouses achieve complete harmony on an emotional level, as both strive for a vibrant social life, sophistication and romance. They help to reveal the strengths of their companion, while even improving each other's talents.

Each of the partners is an independent and self-sufficient person. They respect the points of view of their loved one and will not limit or limit their freedom. In addition, the Rabbit (Cat) woman is satisfied with the fact that her chosen one provides her financially. It is for this reason that she can devote herself to home and family.

A big plus is that the woman in this union is not characterized by jealousy, and this significantly increases the compatibility of the Snake man and the Rabbit woman. The partner will let her lover go to negotiations without any questions and will not start scandals because of his late arrivals home. In this regard, a man can be fully realized in his own business and devote as much time to his work as necessary.

Snake man and Rabbit woman (Cat): general compatibility

The Snake man has natural magnetism, it is difficult not to succumb to his charm

This couple never goes unnoticed, as the partners look very harmonious together. It is clear from them that they are connected by sincere feelings and deep understanding. They love spending time together and are a complement to their partner. The compatibility of Snake and Rabbit in marriage is reinforced by the desire for comfort, diverse interests, and the initial desire to understand each other’s characteristics.

A woman born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is quickly captivated by the Snake man. She falls in love with him almost at first sight. And he always knows how to achieve what he wants. With the Rabbit woman there are no obstacles in this. He attracts her to him with his beauty and refined behavior. He beckons her. And his chosen one has no options left but to succumb to his boundless charm and attractiveness.

The Snake man knows how to speak beautifully and can conquer every woman who interests him. Sometimes a woman may not even understand how he managed to captivate her. The Rabbit Woman is crazy about her companion. She appreciates his logic, ability to find optimal solutions even in critical situations, deep intelligence and attractiveness. A man born in the year of the Snake likes the femininity, charm, modesty, spirituality, simplicity, caring and tenderness inherent in his beloved.

She is distinguished by a positive attitude towards life, the ability to create a warm atmosphere and general mood. It's easy to get in touch with her. There are always many admirers around her. However, she does not strive to build a serious relationship. As a husband, she is looking for a man who is strong and independent from a financial point of view. When she meets just such a partner, she will happily make a choice in his favor. The Snake man is a good option for her, because he is often respected in society, he has power and does not skimp on gifts for his chosen one.

The man in this couple has a powerful leader character. He will be the stone wall that the emotional and sophisticated Rabbit (Cat) woman needs. She can count on his protection under any circumstances. A caring, vulnerable and talented beloved will easily be an excellent wife, a gentle mother and a sincere friend. She will always support her husband and be by his side.

Snake Man and Rabbit Woman (Cat): Marriage Compatibility

It is very easy to offend a Snake man, you can be sure that he will harbor a grudge for a long time

In order for family life to be harmonious and joyful, a woman needs to realize that in reality her partner is a vulnerable and sensitive nature. He is susceptible to harsh words and misunderstandings. He gets offended if his opinion is not taken into account. Closedness and vindictiveness characterize a man born in the year of the Snake. And when the opportunity arises, he will certainly take revenge. He experiences defeats painfully and tries to hide his emotions from those around him.

Problems in relationships can be caused by the inability to save on the part of the Rabbit (Cat) woman. Her chosen one will not be happy with what he believes are unnecessary expenses. In response, she will certainly accuse her husband of complete irresponsibility. If partners are interested in a long-term and strong marriage, they should not be greedy and not blame each other for anything.

An undoubted and significant advantage in the pair of Snake and Rabbit is their closeness on the emotional and spiritual levels. They always find something to talk about. They have many points of intersection. However, when resolving everyday issues, minor disagreements may arise.

The Rabbit Woman (Cat) is characterized by unpredictability and spontaneity. If she makes a decision, everyone must be actively involved. Her partner is accustomed to a quiet life and does not want to change his way of life because of the constant plans of his beloved. He is not delighted with her communication with friends, of which the Rabbit woman (Cat) has a lot. The man represents an uncompromising owner. And the absence of his wife causes attacks of jealousy in him. He always controls everything, thereby creating obstacles in the activities of his wife.

Snake man and Rabbit woman (Cat): compatibility in love

Sex brings both spouses unforgettable pleasure. Each of them can completely relax and enjoy their partner. Proximity also helps resolve accumulated mutual claims, but, unfortunately, not all of them.

A woman born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is characterized by passion, ardor and emotionality. She easily distracts her husband from life’s problems and makes him completely forget about everything during sex. This is extremely important and necessary for the Snake man, because intimate life for him is often a service for his wife. However, a sexy and sensual woman helps him satisfy all his desires. Partners are not averse to experimenting. They are temperamental and love to invent something. This is what guarantees them an ideal sex life.

Cheating happens between spouses extremely rarely.

If the partners do not try to change each other to suit themselves, then the union of the Snake and the Rabbit will be happy

Snake and Rabbit have excellent compatibility in love. Over time, the marriage only gets stronger. Of course, disagreements between spouses happen, but lovers should value each other and protect their union, since not all couples have such prospects. The woman in this tandem will always be next to her companion. She shares his hobbies, which brings the partners even closer together.

In addition to everything else, the differences in the temperaments of the Snake and Rabbit have a beneficial effect on this tandem. It is they who stimulate spouses to improve themselves and grow morally. Undoubtedly, changing yourself is very difficult. However, you can go to great lengths for your loved one. Initially, spouses should avoid trying to change their other half and accept their partner for who he is. You should not put pressure on your lover or be harsh. No one in this couple will accept someone else’s point of view and will not follow endless advice.

Each spouse should have personal space. For both, the opportunity to be alone is important. It will be great if lovers manage to set certain boundaries of their personal territory. If you come to a compromise at the very beginning of the novel, then the union will be filled with harmony, warmth and mutual understanding.

The Snake man manifests himself as a strong and wise spouse. He achieves excellent results in his professional activities. However, his desire to be a leader in everything limits and burdens a woman born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). She values ​​her independence very highly. A man needs to learn to provide some freedom to his companion.

In order for the union to be long, a woman should show patience with her husband’s tediousness. She must correctly prioritize in favor of her family, rather than communicating with numerous friends. The man is unbearably jealous and wants all the attention to be paid exclusively to him. You should not forget about this. The Snake man sometimes needs to overcome himself and go with his beloved to the cinema, restaurant or any event where she can enjoy the company of her friends.

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Many people, when building their personal lives, rely on the horoscope as one of their guides to the world. The compatibility of the Rabbit and the Snake is quite high; its indicators indicate how the partners will behave in their everyday life, what difficulties they will have to face, and how best to overcome them.

People who are under the protection of these signs can form a harmonious tandem, and the partners themselves will not have to make much effort for this purpose.

Characteristics of the Snake

The eastern horoscope claims that this animal is a symbol of wisdom.

People born under this sign are able to make decisions after careful consideration. Another feature of such people is their bright character.

A representative of this sign is a person endowed with the following qualities:

  • a strong character;
  • good determination.

These characteristics, coupled with hard work, allow the bearer of this sign to go towards their goal, regardless of obstacles.

Elemental influence

According to the eastern horoscope, a person’s character is influenced not only by the patron animal, but also by which of the 5 traditional elements has an influence. The main features under the influence of the elements of a particular year can change and appear at different times of the year.

  • Wooden Snake (1965). Such a person is endowed with such character traits as honesty, sociability and straightforwardness. He is a good administrator, loves power, values ​​stability in all relationships and does not tolerate outside interference. At the same time, the Wood sign representative can provide good support and give valuable advice to another person, understanding his problem.
  • Metal (1941, 2001). Fate endowed this man with intelligence, ambition and sensitivity. Such people are independent and reserved. It is best for them to work, and sometimes even live, on their own. A person of this sign is well versed in the situations developing around him, calculates everything in advance and does not miss his chance.
  • Fiery (1917, 1977) - a person with a developed sense of justice, acting openly. A representative of this sign is energetic, active, speaks well and has strong leadership qualities.
  • Vodyana (1953, 2013) is characterized by intelligence, generosity and a little naivety. A strong character and a constant desire to learn and improve oneself allows one to achieve heights in one field or another.
  • Zemlyannaya (1929 and 1989) - a favorite of fortune, who knows how to choose partners. A responsible, purposeful person who makes decisions thoughtfully, endowed with wisdom and common sense.

But no matter what the spontaneous characteristic says, you should not stand in the way of such people: they are vindictive enough to strike back when you least expect it.

Characteristics of the Rabbit

The Rabbit, also known in astrology as the Cat, is a calmer nature. In addition to wisdom, fate endowed people born under this sign with diplomacy. Luck always accompanies him in life.

This person values ​​coziness and comfort. It is difficult for such people to leave their comfort zone; new situations and circumstances can frighten them. The innate restraint of Cats makes communication with them easy and pleasant.

Elemental influence

In both Western and Eastern horoscopes, the elements have a significant influence on a person’s behavior and character. The elements of the eastern horoscope not only influence character, but also predict a person’s interaction with other elements and signs.

  1. The Wooden Rabbit (1915, 1975) is easy to communicate, generous, generous, and does not hide his emotions.
  2. Metal Cat (1951, 2011) is purposeful, knows how to use the given chance well, has a tenacious mind, and is endowed with a certain amount of cunning.
  3. Fire Rabbit (Cat) (1927, 1987) is wise, enterprising, savvy, and has an open character.
  4. The Water Rabbit (1903, 1963) is friendly, attentive to his surroundings, sentimental, sometimes even too much.
  5. Earth Cat (1939, 1999) is a realist who is dedicated to the goal set before him. Secretive, calculating, knows how to convince others.

Regardless of the element, people born under this sign achieve a lot and can gain power and respect from the broad masses. The main thing for this is to find harmony.

Snake Man and Rabbit Woman

Relationships in such a duet will develop quite harmoniously and to the envy of everyone without any special problems. All this is due to the fact that representatives of these signs get along well in all areas of life.


A man whose patron is the Eastern symbol of wisdom and determination takes a leadership position in love. This person is quite demanding and can independently set restrictions in the family. His difficult character and inquisitiveness can create some tension in communicating with him. A relationship with such a guy is possible if the Cat woman makes an effort. Patience and working on yourself will help establish harmony in marriage and love.

A woman born under the auspices of the Cat is quite curious by nature.

She feels comfortable within a noisy company of close people, but is also not against simple family comfort. A girl born under this sign gives preference to solving household issues and worries. Fate endowed her with wisdom and diplomacy skills. A man feels that he is provided with a reliable rear, and this is valuable in love and, even more so, in marriage.


The compatibility of Rabbit and Snake according to the eastern horoscope in such a pair will be harmonious only if both partners do work on themselves.

Both men and women will prove their devotion to their partner throughout their entire family life. A distinctive feature of the pair of Snake man and Rabbit woman is the constant family battle of characters.

Most of the possible conflicts in a couple consisting of a Snake man and a Rabbit woman will concern the financial side of life together. The guy can speak out regarding the large expenses made by his beloved.

Problems in a couple

The Snake man and the Rabbit woman cannot live their whole lives without conflict situations. This is due to the fact that a person who is patronized by the Eastern symbol of wisdom and determination wants to occupy an exclusively dominant position - from time to time he puts too much pressure on his beloved, but the girl’s subtle mental organization cannot tolerate such strong and rude interference in her personal space. She requires increased attention to herself, but at the same time she needs the opportunity to retire, to be alone with her thoughts. Constant control by a partner can cause both internal and external protests, especially if it is under the auspices of the water element.

The partner should also remember some of the characteristics of her spouse. A young man, born under the auspices of the eastern symbol of wisdom, prefers well-groomed representatives of the fair sex. His girlfriend should pay attention to her appearance and expand her horizons, despite all the worries and troubles.

Cat Man and Snake Woman

The eastern horoscope states that the Cat and the Snake are well suited for family life and romantic relationships. Unlike the natural environment and animal behavior, people of these signs get along well and understand each other on an intuitive level.


Quite often the initiative comes from a determined and insightful girl. The Cat man has nothing against being fascinated and conquered. The couple is rapidly getting closer, due to the fact that the compatibility of the Cat man and the Snake woman is quite high. Love can begin at a fairly young age. The tandem of a Cat man and a Snake woman will become the envy of their peers, because few people can find their soul mate so quickly.

Unlike other couples, the Rabbit and the Snake are in no particular hurry to tie the Hymen knot. Before getting married, partners must make sure of the well-being of the family, calculate everything and make the right decision. Despite their high compatibility in love, the Cat man and the Snake woman get married after several years from the start of the relationship.


In marriage, the representative of the fair sex will lead. She is distinguished by her ability to make decisions faster. At the same time, one should not remain silent that this girl copes well with household chores and is a good housewife. At first, the man will be pleased with this state of affairs. By nature, the Rabbit is a person who is much more comfortable hiding from problems and feeling the protection and comfort that his partner provides. Even at the beginning of the relationship, the Snake and the Rabbit secretly sign a sacred agreement between themselves about how the roles will be distributed in their marriage. Throughout their subsequent lives, the Rabbit man and the Snake woman do everything so as not to violate this agreement.