Igor Petrovich wolf children. Volk Igor Petrovich

Volk Igor Petrovich - cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station, USSR pilot-cosmonaut No. 58. Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1983), USSR cosmonaut (1984). He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree, and medals.
Today he is gone.

IP Volk was born on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev, Kharkov region of Ukraine. In the Soviet Army since 1954. In 1956 he graduated from the Kirovograd Military Aviation School for Pilots. Served in combat units of the Air Force. May 1965 to 2001 - on flight test work at the Flight Research Institute. In 1995-97. - Head of the Flight Test Center of the LII named after M.M. Gromov. He lifted into the sky and tested the atmospheric analogue of the Buran spacecraft - BTS-002. He also tested the Su-27 and Su-27UB aircraft for a spin; a number of complex test operations on supersonic combat aircraft MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, Su-7, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, Su-27 and many others. In 1980-1995 - Head of the Branch Complex for the Training of Test Cosmonauts at the LII.

In 1978, he was enrolled in the detachment of Soviet cosmonauts. He was trained to fly on ships of the Buran type. On July 17-29, 1984, he made a space flight as a research cosmonaut on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station, lasting 11 days and 19 hours.

For the successful implementation of space flight and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, pilot-cosmonaut Igor Petrovich Volk was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on July 29, 1984 with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 11515).

He was the first in the world to conduct flight studies of the behavior of the Su-27 aircraft at critical angles of attack (up to 100 °), for the first time performing and subsequently describing the aerobatics "Cobra" (later, by misunderstanding, called "Pugachev's Cobra"),

From July 17 to July 29, 1984, according to the training program for piloting the Buran OK, he participated in a visiting space expedition on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station as a research cosmonaut. The duration of the space flight was 11 days 19 hours. The main purpose of this flight was to confirm the possibility of piloting Tu-154 and MiG-25 aircraft by an astronaut immediately after a many-day stay in outer space.

On November 10, 1985, together with R. A. Stankevicius, he made the first atmospheric flight on an analogue of Buran (machine 002 GLI) under the program of horizontal flight tests.

The flight duration was 12 minutes, altitude - 1500 meters. In total, he performed 13 test atmospheric flights on the 002 GLI machine, including:

10 flights as commander and 3 as co-pilot. In February 1987, he was appointed head of the Industry Complex for the Training of Test Cosmonauts LII - OKPKI (an analogue of the Cosmonaut Training Center of the Ministry of Defense), created by the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry. From 1995 to 1997 he worked as the head of the Flight Test Center of the Flight Research Institute. He worked as deputy head of the FII until 2002. Lives in Moscow, heads the Russian National Aero Club.

About the Hero filmed several documentaries, including the film "Buran. Constellation of the Wolf ", he is a guest of many television studios, including the studio of the 1st channel at V.V. Pozner.

Professor Melnikov, developer of artificial intelligence "Buran", spoke about his work with astronauts, among whom was Igor Volk

Pilot-cosmonaut, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Igor Volk died. This year, namely on Cosmonautics Day on April 12, he would have turned 80 years old.
... On July 29, 1984, the descent module of the Soyuz T-11 spacecraft landed in the Kazakh steppe near Dzhezkazgan with cosmonauts - ship commander Vladimir Dzhanibekov, cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya and cosmonaut-researcher Igor Volk. They worked in orbit for 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds. Immediately after landing, Dzhanibekov and Savitskaya were successfully evacuated from the descent module by rescuers. But, as they say, Igor Volk had to hang upside down on the belts for 40 minutes: for some reason, they could not immediately unscrew the metal box with the returned cargo. And the Wolf had to slip out "by the method of exhalation." Moreover, he himself recalled, the most important thing was to hold on after he slipped out so as not to hit his head.

He was sometimes called "Chkalov of our time". And not by chance. He was a test pilot from God, he gave thirty-five years of flight test work at the Gromov Flight Research Institute. And in 1995-1997 he headed the Flight Test Center of the LII.

The wolf flew all types of fighters, transports and bombers. He tested an aerospace aircraft developed under the Spiral project, checked the machines for a spin, for inertial interaction and aerodynamics. He was the first to refuel a fighter in the air. Carried out tests of the Su-27 on a spin, "run in" the supersonic MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, Su-7, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, Su-27 and many others . And on November 10, 1985, he lifted into the sky and tested the atmospheric analogue of the Buran spacecraft - BTS-002.

He was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps in 1978. According to the training program for the flight on our space shuttle - Buran, Igor Volk worked out manual control systems and automatic landing systems on the Tu-154LL, equipped with the Buran control system, as well as on the Su-7LL and MiG-25LL, aerodynamic qualities which were close to Buran.

Unbelievable, but true: after that same landing from space, Volk immediately conducted an experiment to control flying laboratories - Tu-154LL and MiG-25LL: he flew to Akhtubinsk and back to Baikonur! It was important for specialists to assess the possibility of piloting Buran after a long time in orbit...

In an interview, he once said: “An astronaut is a person who has always strived for space, devoted his life to this. And I am a pilot. I was sent into space to gain space flight experience. I was supposed to prove that a professional pilot after a space flight can successfully land the Buran. I have confirmed this."

Without it, the sky, space, and the Earth were empty.

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Igor Petrovich Volk

Serial number - 143 (58)
Number of flights - 1
Flight duration - 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds.

Status - test cosmonaut LII.

Date and place of birth:
Born on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev (former Gottwald), Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR.

Education and scientific titles:
He studied at the seven-year school No. 1 in the city of Zmiev and secondary school No. 14 in the city of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk) of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR.
In 1954 he graduated from secondary school No. 5 in the city of Kursk. Simultaneously with his studies at school, he studied at the Kursk flying club, where he received his first skills in independent control of an aircraft. He made his first flight in April 1954.
In 1969 he graduated from the evening department of the Zhukovsky branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Professional activity:
Since 1995, he worked as the president of the LII airline. MM. Gromov.

Military education:
In 1956 he graduated ahead of schedule (two years) from the Kirovograd Military Aviation School for Pilots (KVAUL).

Military service:
In active service since 1954.
Since 1956, he served as a pilot in the Baku Air Defense District, Azerbaijan SSR, flying Il-28, Tu-16 aircraft.
He retired in 1963.

Military rank:
Senior lieutenant of the reserve (since 1963).
Reserve Colonel (since 1987).

The total flight time is more than 7000 hours, the flight time in test flights is more than 3500 hours.
Test pilot 4th class (since 1965).
Test pilot 3rd class (1966.07.22).
Test pilot 2nd class (since 1969).
Test pilot 1st class (11/1971/16).
Cosmonaut 3rd class (1984).

Test work:
In 1963 he entered and in 1965 graduated from the Test Pilot School of the Flight Research Institute (LII) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (MAP).
Since 1965, in flight test work at the Flight Test Center (LIC) LII MAP. He flew on all types of modern domestic fighter, military transport and bomber aircraft.
Carried out a cycle of development works various systems automatic flight control, as well as fine-tuning experimental and modified power plants. He carried out tests of aircraft for a spin and at high angles of attack, for inertial interaction, strength, aerodynamics and flight dynamics. Conducted research on refueling fighters in the air.
He carried out a whole range of important and complex tests and experiments, including spin tests of the Su-27 and Su-27U aircraft.
From 1995 to 1997 he worked as the head of the LII PERSONS (deputy head of the LII). He retired from the institute on February 26, 2002.

Space training:
Participated in atmospheric tests of an aerospace aircraft developed under the Spiral program.

On July 12, 1977, by order No. 630 of the head of the LII, he was enrolled in the special training group under the Buran program. On August 3, 1978, he received a positive conclusion from the Main Medical Commission (GMK). At the end of 1978 he was appointed commander of the test pilot detachment No. 1 of complex "A" of the Flight Test Center.
On February 1, 1979, by order No. 34 of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (MAP), he was enrolled in the lead group for training on the topic 11F35 ("Buran").
From April 1979 to December 1980 he passed general space training at the Yu.A. Gagarin CTC by the method of gathering. On July 30, 1980, by decision of the GMVK, he was recommended for admission to the group of research cosmonauts. On September 26, 1980, by MOM order No. 345, he was included in the squad of research cosmonauts (without specifying the name of the squad). On August 10, 1981, by order No. 26 of the head of the LII, he was enrolled in the detachment of test cosmonauts created at the LII MAP. On February 12, 1982, after passing all tests for general space training, by the decision of the MVKK, he was awarded the qualification "test cosmonaut".

From September 1982 to May 1983 he was preparing for a space flight as part of the main crew with Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyov. He was removed from the crew due to a change in the flight program for the Salyut-7 DOS.

On December 26, 1983, he underwent direct training for the flight on the Soyuz T spacecraft under the visiting expedition program, together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Svetlana Savitskaya.

The first flight

From July 17 to July 29, 1984, as a cosmonaut-researcher of the visiting expedition on the Soyuz T-12 and Salyut-7 OS. Call sign: "Pamir-3".

The flight duration was 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds.

Less than 2 hours after returning from a space flight to Earth, he conducted an experiment on controlling the Tu-154 laboratory aircraft equipped with the Buran control system and the MiG-25 aircraft, close in aerodynamic qualities to the Buran, flying in the Moscow region and back to Baikonur, in order to assess the pilot's reaction when piloting Buran analogues after exposure to space flight factors.

Since 1984, under the program of preparation for a space flight on the Buran MTKK, he has been testing manual control and automatic landing systems on the Tu-154 laboratory aircraft equipped with the Burana control system, on the Su-7 and MiG-25, which are close in aerodynamics to MTKK "Buran".

According to the plans of MAP and LII, Volk was to become the crew commander (together with Rimantas Stankevičius) for the first space flight of the Buran MTKK. He was also trained as a crew commander together with Alexander Ivanchenkov from NPO Energia, and since 1988 - together with Magomed Tolboev.

He performed five runway taxiings as a commander and thirteen flights on a special copy of the Buran spacecraft for horizontal flight tests OK-GLI (analog aircraft BTS-02) as a commander and co-pilot:
12/29/1984 - 1st taxiing of BTS-02 along the runway, the speed of 45 km/h was reached (commander).
1985.08.02 - 2nd taxiing of BTS-02 along the runway, the speed of 200 km/h was reached (commander).
10.1985 - 3rd taxiing of BTS-02 along the runway, the speed of 270 km/h was reached (commander).
10/1985 - 4th taxiing of BTS-02 along the runway, the speed of 300 km/h was reached (commander).
11/1985 - 5th taxiing of BTS-02 along the runway, the speed of 170 km/h was reached (commander).
11/1985 - 1st flight of BTS-02, lift height - 1.5 km, speed - up to 480 km/h (commander).
1986.01.03 - 2nd flight of BTS-02 (commander).
1986.05.27 - 3rd flight of BTS-02 (commander).
1986.06.11 - 4th flight of BTS-02 (commander).
12/1986 - 7th flight of BTS-02 (commander).
12/23/1986 - 8th flight of BTS-02 (commander).
1987.02.16 - 10th flight of BTS-02, first fully automatic landing (commander).
1987.02.25 - 11th flight of BTS-02 (co-pilot).
1987.06.25 - 13th flight of BTS-02 (co-pilot).
10/05/1987 - 14th flight of BTS-02 (co-pilot).
1988.01.16 - 16th flight of BTS-02 (commander).
1988.03.04 - 19th flight of BTS-02 (commander).
1988.04.15 - 25th, last flight of BTS-02 (commander).

In February 1987, he was appointed head of the Industry Test Cosmonaut Training Complex (OKPKI).

Honorary titles:
Hero of the Soviet Union (1984),
Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1984),
Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1983).

Social and political activities:
From 1984 to 1987 he was a member of the Zhukovsky City Council.
From 1986 to 1990 he was president of the All-Union Tennis Federation of the USSR.
Since 1988 - President of the Federation of Aviation Fans.
Since 1989 - member of the Executive Committee of the Green Movement.
In 1999, he was nominated as a candidate for State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation 3rd convocation in the Lyubertsy single-mandate constituency No. 107 from the Party of Pensioners, but was removed from registration.
He was a candidate for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 3rd convocation in the Kolomna single-mandate constituency No. 106 in the by-elections on March 18, 2001. Gained 3.72% of the vote.
From June 2003 to March 29, 2005 he was First Vice-President of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation (FKR), Chairman of the FKR Executive Committee.
He is a member of the Green World initiative group, which promotes bioagroecopolis projects.

He was awarded the Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1984), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 342 April 11, 1997), medal "For Merit in Space Exploration" (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 436 of April 12, 2011).

Family status
Father - Volk Petr Ivanovich, born in 1912, automotive engineer.
Mother - Volk Irina Ivanovna, born in 1913, medical worker.
Sister - Godlevskaya (Wolf) Galina Petrovna, born in 1940, pharmacist.
Wife - Wolf (Skvortsova) Valentina Aleksandrovna, b. 12/31/1940, housewife.
Daughter - Volk Marina Igorevna, born in 1961, teacher.
Daughter - Volk Irina Igorevna, born in 1968, teacher.

Piloting sports planes, tennis, skiing, ballet.

Igor Petrovich Volk (born April 12, 1937) is a Russian cosmonaut. Hero of the Soviet Union (by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1984). Cavalier of the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, medals. Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, President of the International Association "Earth and Cosmonautics", Colonel in the Reserve.

Volk Igor Petrovich - Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR.

Born on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev, Kharkov region (Ukraine). He spent his youth in the cities of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk) of the Primorsky Territory and Kursk. In 1954 he graduated from the Kursk flying club.

In the army since 1954. In 1956 he graduated from the Kirovograd Military Aviation Pilot School. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Since 1963 - in reserve.

In 1965 he graduated from the Test Pilot School, in 1969 he graduated from the evening department of the Zhukovsky branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering.

From May 1965 to 2001 - at flight test work at the Flight Research Institute (Zhukovsky, Moscow Region). In 1995-1997 - Head of the Flight Test Center of the LII named after M.M. Gromov.

He lifted into the sky and tested the atmospheric analogue of the Buran spacecraft - BTS-002. He also tested the Su-27 and Su-27UB aircraft for a spin; a number of complex test operations on supersonic combat aircraft MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, Su-7, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, Su-27 and many others. In 1980-1995, he was the head of the Branch Complex for the Training of Test Cosmonauts at the LII.

In 1978 he was enlisted in the detachment of Soviet cosmonauts. He was trained to fly on ships of the Buran type. In 1980 he graduated from the Cosmonaut Training Center.

He was enlisted in the cosmonaut corps in 1978. He underwent training for flights on the Buran spacecraft. According to the training program, he made a space flight (from July 17 to 29, 1984) as a cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft (crew: Dzhanibekov, Savitskaya). Rabo

tal on the orbital complex "Salyut-7" - "Soyuz T-11" (crew: Kizim, Solovyov, Atkov) - "Soyuz T-12". Flight duration - 11 days, 19 hours and 15 minutes. As part of the tests, immediately after landing, he piloted an airplane and a helicopter in order to acquire skills in piloting the Buran spacecraft.

Until 1995, he remained in the cosmonaut corps.

On July 17-29, 1984, he made a space flight as a research cosmonaut on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station for 11 days and 19 hours (together with V.A. Dzhanibekov and S.E. Savitskaya ). Immediately after returning from space flight to Earth, he conducted an experiment on controlling the Tu-154LL and MiG-25LL aircraft, which were close in aerodynamic qualities to the Buran, flying to Zhukovsky and back to Baikonur in order to assess the pilot's reaction when piloting the Buran after impact space flight factors.

On July 29, 1984, pilot-cosmonaut Igor Petrovich Volk was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal for the successful implementation of space flight and the courage and heroism shown at the same time.

He lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, currently lives in Moscow. Heads the Russian National Aeroclub.

Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1983), Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (1984), Colonel of the Reserve. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree, and medals.

The 58th cosmonaut of the USSR / Russia and the 143rd cosmonaut of the world Igor Petrovich Volk was born on April 12, 1937. And until 1961, he did not even suspect that this day would become a holiday of his profession - Cosmonautics Day. He lived, studied, like all his peers - children born before the war; graduated from the flying club, the military school of pilots, the School of test pilots, flew jet bombers. He made his first flight at the Kursk flying club, where he received his first skills in independent aircraft control. It was in 1954 and also in April.

Igor Petrovich has been in flight test work since 1965. He is proud to have flown virtually every aircraft our aviation industry makes and to have been able to test his skills in every area of ​​the vast field of testing. He carried out tests of aircraft for a spin and at high angles of attack, for inertial interaction, strength, aerodynamics and flight dynamics. Conducted research on refueling fighters in the air. His examiners, mentors, and then comrades in heaven were the truly great Kokkinaki, Anokhin, Garnaev, Amet Khan, Gudkov.

The wolf is by nature a researcher and tester; when the tires of his fighter were torn off on takeoff and he was ordered to eject, he, contrary to all rules and regulations, landed on bare metal drums.
In 1978, Igor Petrovich was enrolled in a detachment of Soviet cosmonauts, he was trained to fly on Buran-type ships. As part of this training, from July 17 to 29, 1984, he made a space flight as a cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft (together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Svetlana Savitskaya). He worked on board the orbital complex "Salyut-7" - "Soyuz T-11" (crew Leonid Kizim, Vladimir Solovye and Oleg Atkov) - "Soyuz T-12".

Less than 2 hours after returning from a space flight to Earth, he conducted an experiment on controlling the Tu-154 laboratory aircraft equipped with the Buran control system and the MiG-25 aircraft, close in aerodynamic qualities to the Buran, flying in the Moscow region and back to Baikonur, in order to assess the pilot's reaction when piloting Buran analogues after exposure to space flight factors.

In February 1987, I.Volk was appointed head of the Industry Test Cosmonaut Training Complex (OKPKI). After the closure of the Buran program until 1995, he remained in the cosmonaut corps, but did not undergo flight training. Did test work.

At present, Igor Petrovich Volk is the head of the Flight Test Center of the LII named after M. M. Gromov, the head aircraft organization of the Russian testing industry. He pays a lot of attention to civil aviation, because he is the president of the Federation of Aviation Fans of Russia. He is the president of the international association "Earth and Cosmonautics", a reserve colonel.

The famous Soviet and Russian pilot-cosmonaut Igor Petrovich Volk died at the age of 79.

On January 3, in Bulgaria, at the age of 80, the famous Soviet and Russian cosmonaut, the first commander of the pilot detachment of the Buran spacecraft, Igor Petrovich Volk, died.

This was reported on the official portal of the urban district Zhukovsky.

“Igor Petrovich was a representative of the legendary generation of cosmonaut pilots - a man of great willpower and courage, a professional the highest class, who has done a lot for the development of the domestic space program and major research projects,” the message says.

The President of Russia expressed condolences on the death of pilot-cosmonaut Hero of the Soviet Union Igor Volk, noting his contribution to the profession.

"Devoting himself to aviation, astronautics, he did a lot for the exploration of extraterrestrial space, participated in the implementation of legendary projects. Igor Petrovich set an example of courage and responsibility, indifference and fidelity to duty. He was endlessly devoted to the profession," the press service said in a telegram published on Thursday Kremlin.

Igor Volk in the program "Pozner"

He studied at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Zmiev and at secondary school No. 14 in the city of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk), Primorsky Krai.

In 1954 he graduated from secondary school No. 5 in the city of Kursk.

He was engaged in the Kursk flying club, made the first flight in April 1954.

Since 1954 - in active service.

In 1956 he graduated ahead of schedule (two years) from the Kirovograd Military Aviation Pilot School (KVAUL).

Since 1956, he served as a pilot in the Baku Air Defense District, Azerbaijan SSR, flying Il-28, Tu-16 aircraft.

He entered the reserve in 1963 with the rank of senior lieutenant, since 1987 - colonel in the reserve.

The total flight time is more than 7000 hours, of which more than 3500 hours in test flights.

Since 1965 test pilot 4th class, since July 22, 1966 test pilot 3rd class, since 1969 test pilot 2nd class, since November 16, 1971 test pilot 1st class.

Since 1984 Cosmonaut 3rd class.

In 1963-1965. He was trained at the Test Pilot School of the Gromov Flight Research Institute (LII), since 1965 on flight test work at the Flight Test Center (LIC) of the FRI.

In 1995-1997 worked as the head of this center, deputy head of the LII.

Over the years of work, he flew on all types of domestic fighters, bombers and transport aircraft. He showed special skill in complex tests of various aircraft in a spin. He was the first in the world to test the behavior of aircraft at high supercritical angles of attack (up to 90 °), performing the “Cobra” aerobatics.

In 1969 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze without leaving his main job.

As part of the Spiral aerospace program, in May 1976, he tested a subsonic analogue of an orbital aircraft, the MiG-105.11 (initial stage).

July 12, 1977 enrolled in the special training group under the program Buran, August 3, 1978 received a positive conclusion from the Chief Medical Commission (GMK). At the end of 1978, he was appointed commander of the emerging test-pilot squad No. 1 of complex "A" of the LII PERSONS.

By order of the Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR of June 23, 1981 No. 263 (order of the head of the LII of August 10, 1981 No. 26) in the LII. M. M. Gromov, an industry detachment of test cosmonauts of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR was created as part of test pilots: Volk I. P. - commander, Levchenko A. S., Stankyavichus R. A. and Shchukin A. V. (first set).

From April 1979 to December 1980 he passed general space training at the TsPK im. Yu. A. Gagarin, February 12, 1982 he was qualified test cosmonaut.

From September 1982 to May 1983, he was trained for space flight as part of the main crew together with Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyov, but due to a change in the Salyut-7 flight program, he was removed from the crew.

On December 26, 1983, he was trained for flight on the Soyuz-T spacecraft. He made a space flight (from July 17 to 29, 1984) as a cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft (crew: Dzhanibekov, Savitskaya).

Dzhanibekov, Savitskaya, Wolf

He worked on the orbital complex "Salyut-7" - "Soyuz T-11" (crew: Kizim, Solovyov, Atkov) - "Soyuz T-12". The visiting expedition returned to Earth on the Soyuz T-11 spacecraft. Flight duration - 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds.

Personal call sign - "Pamir-3".

As part of the tests, immediately after landing, he piloted a helicopter and Tu-154 and MiG-25 aircraft along the Baikonur - Akhtubinsk - Baikonur route in order to assess the pilot's capabilities after being in zero gravity. According to Igor Petrovich himself, the main purpose of his flight was to prove the cosmonaut's ability to pilot the Buran after working in orbit, and he succeeded to the fullest.

During the tests of the Buran project, I.P. Volk performed five taxiings and thirteen flights on a special copy of the ship. He was supposed to become the crew commander of the first space flight of the Buran MTKK (together with Rimantas Stankevičius), however, due to complex political intrigues in the highest circles of the space and aviation industries, the first and only flight was made in automatic mode. A huge merit in the successful completion of this unique flight belongs to I.P. Volk and his comrades in the detachment of the LII. M. M. Gromova.

He was trained as a crew commander together with Alexander Ivanchenkov. Until 1995, he remained in the cosmonaut corps.

In subsequent years, he was engaged in social work.

In 1984-1987 - Deputy of the City Council of Zhukovsky.

In 1986-1990 - President of the All-Union Tennis Federation of the USSR.

Since 1988 - President of the Federation of Aviation Fans.

Since 1989 he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Green Movement.

In 2003-2005 - First Vice-President of the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics, Chairman of the FKR Executive Committee.

Since April 1990, he has been a member of the editorial board of the Wings of the Motherland magazine.

President of the International Association "Earth and Cosmonautics".

On November 21, 2013, he signed an open letter to the President demanding support for the production of domestic aircraft.

In May 2016, he supported the program of environmentalists in the elections and primaries of United Russia in the Moscow region.

Date of death: A place of death:

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The order of Lenin Order of the Red Banner of Labor Order of Friendship of Peoples Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration"
Jubilee medal "For Valiant Labor (For Military Valor). In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" 40px 40px 40px

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Igor Petrovich Volk(born April 12, Zmiyev) - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, president of the international association "Earth and Cosmonautics", retired colonel (from the city).


Childhood and youth

He studied at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Zmiev and at secondary school No. 14 in the city of Ussuriysk (former Voroshilov), Primorsky Krai. In the city he graduated from secondary school No. 5 in the city of Kursk. He studied at the Kursk flying club, made his first flight in April.

Military service

Since 1954 - in active service. In advance (two years) he graduated from the Kirovograd Military Aviation School for Pilots (KVAUL). Since then, he served as a pilot in the Baku Air Defense District, Azerbaijan SSR, flew on Il-28, Tu-16 aircraft. He entered the reserve in the city with the rank of senior lieutenant, since 1987 - colonel in the reserve.


The total flight time is more than 7000 hours, of which more than 3500 hours in test flights. From 22 July 1966 test pilot 4th class, from 22 July 1966 test pilot 3rd class, from 1969 test pilot 2nd class, from 16 November 1971 test pilot 1st class . Since 1984 Cosmonaut 3rd class.

Test work

In 1963-1965. He was trained at the School of Test Pilots (LII), since 1965 on flight test work at the Flight Test Center (LIC) of the LII. In 1995-1997 worked as the head of this center, deputy head of the LII. Resigned from LII on February 26, 2002.

Over the years of work, he flew on all types of domestic fighters, bombers and transport aircraft. He showed special skill in complex tests of various aircraft in a spin. He was the first in the world to test the behavior of aircraft at high supercritical angles of attack (up to 90 °), performing the aerobatics "cobra" .

Without interruption from the main work in 1969 he graduated from the name of Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

space programs

On July 12, 1977 he was enrolled in the special training group under the Buran program, on August 3, 1978 he received a positive conclusion from the Main Medical Commission (GMK). At the end of 1978, he was appointed commander of the emerging test-pilot squad No. 1 of complex "A" of the LII PERSONS.

By order of the Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR dated June 23, 1981 No. 263 (order of the head of the LII dated August 10, 1981 No. 26) in the LII. M. M. Gromov, an industry detachment of test cosmonauts of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR was created as part of test pilots: Volk I. P. - commander, Levchenko A. S., Stankyavichus R. A. and Shchukin A. V. (first set).

From April 1979 to December 1980 he passed general space training at the TsPK im. Yu. A. Gagarin, February 12, 1982 he was qualified as a test cosmonaut.

From September 1982 to May 1983, he was trained for space flight as part of the main crew together with Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyov, but due to a change in the flight program of the Salyut-7 station, he was withdrawn from the crew.

He was trained as a crew commander together with Alexander Ivanchenkov. Until 1995, he remained in the cosmonaut corps.

Social work

  • Member of the City Council of Zhukovsky in 1984-1987.
  • President of the All-Union Tennis Federation of the USSR in 1986-1990.
  • President of the Federation of Aviation Fans since 1988.
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Green Movement since 1989.
  • First Vice-President of the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia, Chairman of the FKR Executive Committee in 2003-2005.

Since April 1990, he has been a member of the editorial board of the Wings of the Motherland magazine.

On November 21, 2013, he signed an open letter to the President demanding support for the production of domestic aircraft.

In May 2016, he supported the program of environmentalists in the elections and primaries of United Russia in the Moscow region.


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see also


  • Vasin V.P., Simonov A.A. LII testers. - Zhukovsky: Aviation Printing Yard, 2001. - S. 81. - ISBN 5-93705-008-8.
  • Simonov A. A. Honored Testers of the USSR. - Moscow: Aviamir, 2009. - S. 49-50. - ISBN 978-5-904399-05-4.


  • (website of veterans of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, 2 video interviews by I.P. Volk about the history of the creation of OK "Buran" and the history of the creation of the cosmonaut detachment of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry)
  • http://city.tomsk.net/~space/volk.htm
  • . Video encyclopedia "Cosmonauts". Roscosmos television studio

An excerpt characterizing the Wolf, Igor Petrovich

- Oh no, my joy, there is no place for Caraffa here. I heard people like him go to terrible world only I haven't been there yet. They say - this is what they deserve! .. I wanted to see, but have not had time yet. Don't worry, daughter, he'll get his due here.
“Can you help me from there, father?” I asked hopefully.
– I don’t know, my dear… I haven’t understood this world yet. I'm like a baby taking its first steps... I have to "learn to walk" first before I can answer you... And now I have to go. I'm sorry, honey. First I must learn to live between our two worlds. And then I will come to you more often. Take heart, Isidora, and never give up to Caraffe. He will definitely get what he deserves, trust me.
Father's voice became quieter until it became thinner and disappeared... My soul calmed down. It really was HE!.. And he lived again, only now in his posthumous world, still unfamiliar to me... But he still thought and felt, as he himself had just said - even much brighter than when he lived on earth. I could no longer be afraid that I would never know about him ... That he left me forever.
But my female soul, in spite of everything, still grieved for him ... About the fact that I could not just humanly hug him when I got lonely ... That I could not hide my longing and fear on him wide chest, wishing for peace... That his strong, affectionate palm could no longer stroke my tired head, as if saying that everything would be settled and everything would definitely be fine... I madly missed these small and seemingly insignificant, but such expensive, purely "human" joys, and the soul was starving for them, unable to find peace. Yes, I was a warrior... But I was also a woman. His only daughter, who always knew before that even the worst thing happened - her father would always be there, always be with me ... And I painfully yearned for all this ...
Somehow shaking off the surging sadness, I forced myself to think about Karaffa. Such thoughts immediately sobered me up and forced me to collect myself internally, since I understood perfectly well that this “peace” was just a temporary respite...
But to my greatest surprise, Caraffa still did not appear ...
As the days passed, the anxiety grew. I tried to come up with some explanations for his absence, but nothing serious, unfortunately, came to mind ... I felt that he was preparing something, but I could not guess what. Exhausted nerves gave out. And in order not to completely go crazy with waiting, I began to walk around the palace every day. It was not forbidden for me to go out, but it was also not approved, therefore, not wanting to continue to be locked up, I decided for myself that I would go for a walk ... despite the fact that someone might not like it. The palace turned out to be huge and extraordinarily rich. The beauty of the rooms was amazing, but personally, I could never live in such eye-catching luxury... The gilding of the walls and ceilings crushed, infringing on the mastery of the amazing frescoes, suffocating in a sparkling environment of golden tones. It was with pleasure that I paid tribute to the talent of the artists who painted this wonderful home, admiring their creations for hours and sincerely admiring the finest craftsmanship. So far, no one has bothered me, no one has ever stopped me. Although some people constantly met, who, having met, bowed respectfully and left further, each hurrying about his own business. Despite such a false "freedom", all this was alarming, and each new day brought more and more anxiety. This "peace" could not last forever. And I was almost sure that it would definitely “give birth” to some kind of terrible and painful misfortune for me ...
In order to think about the bad as little as possible, every day I forced myself to explore the stunning Papal Palace more deeply and carefully. I was interested in the limit of my capabilities... There must have been somewhere a "forbidden" place where "strangers" were not allowed to enter?.. But, oddly enough, so far no "reaction" from the guards could be caused... I was freely allowed to walk wherever I wanted, of course, without leaving the limits of the palace itself.
So, walking freely around the dwelling of the most holy Pope, I racked my brains, not imagining what this inexplicable, long “break” meant. I knew for sure that Caraffa was very often in his chambers. Which meant only one thing - he had not yet gone on long trips. But for some reason he didn’t bother me either, as if he sincerely forgot that I was in his captivity, and that I was still alive ...
During my "walks" I met a lot of different, beautiful visitors who came to visit the Holy Pope. These were both cardinals and some very high-ranking persons unknown to me (which I judged by their clothes and by how proudly and independently they behaved with the rest). But after they left the Pope’s chambers, all these people no longer looked as confident and independent as they had been before visiting the waiting room ... After all, for Caraffa, as I said, it didn’t matter who the person standing in front of him was, the only important for the Pope was HIS WILL. And everything else didn't matter. Therefore, I very often had to see very “shabby” visitors, fussily trying to leave the “biting” Papal chambers as soon as possible ...
On one of the same, exactly the same "gloomy" days, I suddenly decided to do something that had been haunting me for a long time - to finally visit the ominous Papal cellar ... I knew that this was probably "fraught with consequences", but the expectation of danger was a hundred times worse than the danger itself.
And I decided...
Going down the narrow stone steps and opening a heavy, sadly familiar door, I found myself in a long, damp corridor, which smelled of mold and death ... There was no lighting, but it was not difficult to move further, since I always had a good orientation In the dark. Many small, very heavy doors sadly alternated one after another, completely lost in the depths of the gloomy corridor... I remembered these gray walls, I remembered the horror and pain that accompanied me every time I had to return from there... But I ordered myself to be strong and don't think about the past. She told me to just go.
Finally, the terrible corridor ended ... Having carefully peered into the darkness, at its very end I immediately recognized the narrow iron door behind which my innocent husband once died so brutally ... my poor Girolamo. And behind which terrible human groans and screams were usually heard ... But for some reason, the usual sounds were not heard that day. Moreover, behind all the doors there was a strange dead silence ... I almost thought - finally Caraffa came to his senses! But then she straightened herself up - Papa was not one of those who calmed down or suddenly became kinder. It’s just that, at the beginning, brutally exhausting in order to find out what he wanted, later he apparently completely forgot about his victims, leaving them (like waste material!) At the “mercy” of the executioners who tormented them ...
Cautiously approaching one of the doors, I gently pressed the handle - the door did not give in. Then I began to feel it blindly, hoping to find an ordinary deadbolt. The hand came across a huge key. Turning it, the heavy door crept inside with a creak... Cautiously entering the torture chamber, I felt for the extinguished torch. The flint, to my great regret, was not.
“Look a little to the left...” a weak, exhausted voice suddenly rang out.
I shuddered in surprise - someone was in the room!.. Rummaging my hand along the left wall, I finally found what I was looking for... In the light of a lit torch, right in front of me shone large, wide-open, cornflower blue eyes... Leaning to a cold stone wall, sat an exhausted man, chained with wide iron chains... Unable to get a good look at his face, I brought the fire closer and recoiled in surprise - on the dirty straw, all smeared with his own blood, sat... a cardinal! And by his dignity, I immediately realized that he was one of the highest-ranking, closest to the Holy Pope. What prompted the “holy father” to act so cruelly with his possible successor?! .. Did Caraffa even treat “his own” with the same cruelty? ..
“Are you very ill, Your Eminence?” How can I help you? - I asked, looking around in confusion.
I was looking for at least a sip of water to drink the unfortunate, but there was no water anywhere.
“Look in the wall… There’s a door… They keep wine there for themselves…” the man whispered softly, as if guessing my thoughts.
I found the indicated locker - there really was a bottle that smelled of mold and cheap, sour wine. The man did not move, I carefully lifted him by the chin, trying to get him drunk. The stranger was still quite young, about forty or forty-five years old. And very unusual. He looked like a sad angel tortured by beasts who called themselves "humans"... His face was very thin and thin, but very regular and pleasant. And on this strange face, like two stars, bright cornflower blue eyes burned with inner strength ... For some reason, he seemed familiar to me, only I could not remember where and when I could meet him.
The stranger groaned softly.
- Who are you, Monseigneur? How can I help you? I asked again.
“My name is Giovanni… you don’t need to know more, Madonna…” the man said hoarsely. - And who are you? How did you get here?
Oh, it's very long and sad story... I smiled. – My name is Isidora, and you also don’t need to know anything else, Monseigneur...
– Do you know how you can leave here, Isidora? The cardinal smiled back. “How did you end up here?”
“Unfortunately, people don’t leave here so easily,” I answered sadly. “My husband didn’t manage, anyway… And my father only got to the fire.
Giovanni looked at me very sadly and nodded, showing that he understood everything. I tried to get him drunk with the wine I found, but nothing worked - he was not able to take even the slightest sip. “Looking” at it in my own way, I realized that the poor fellow had a badly damaged chest.