Instructions for installing plastic windows. Installation and installation of plastic windows

Advantages of the installation plastic windows Not only performance characteristics but also ease of installation. An uncomplicated process, facilitated by the presence of fasteners and additional parts in the factory, home master he will be able to master and carry out on his own. There are a number of nuances in it that dictate scrupulous implementation of building regulations to an independent installer. To call on assistants will need patience, accuracy and at least one person. Then the installation of plastic windows with your own hands will be performed flawlessly and practically free of charge.

Video tutorial for independent builders

Preliminary measurements and calculations

Before buying a window, it is traditional to measure the opening, taking into account whether it is with or without a quarter. Openings with a quarter are a characteristic detail of a foam concrete structure, which significantly reduces heat loss. In an opening without a quarter, you need to order a window, the length of which will be 5 cm less than the equivalent opening parameter. From the width value, you need to subtract 3 cm. Gaps along the contour of 1.5 cm are needed for foaming, an additional 3.5 cm from the bottom are needed for the window sill. GOSTs recommend leaving 2.0 cm around the perimeter.

To arrange an opening with a quarter, measurements are taken at the narrowest point. Windows are ordered by adding 3 cm to the width, the length value is not changed.

Windows are usually located not in the middle of the opening, but retreating from the outer plane 1/3 deep. But those who want to install a plastic window with their own hands may have options with an offset to either side. This circumstance must be taken into account when ordering window sills and external ebbs. To the width indicators of both elements calculated according to the location of the window, 5 cm must be added.

The location of the battery also affects the calculation of the width of the sill. It should only half cover the radiator. Plus 2 cm for the establishment under the base of the window. The minimum margin for length is 8 cm, but it is better not to skimp and add 15 cm to cut this part beautifully.

Note. Plastic side plugs are attached to the window sills and ebbs. Don't give up on them.

Frame fastening methods

The installation technology does not depend on the number of internal chambers in the metal-plastic profile, nor on the number of chambers in double-glazed windows. It depends on the material from which the walls of the building are built, and on the dimensions of the window. Based on the above prerequisites, the method and attachment devices are selected.

You can fix the plastic window structure:

  • mounting anchors or dowels inserted into the walls through through holes drilled in the profile;
  • with special toothed plates that are pressed into the profile, they do not penetrate into the wall, but are installed by surprise and fastened with screws.

The first method is recognized as the most reliable. It is used mainly for the installation of large and heavy window systems. With a through fastening, the window will firmly resist numerous shock loads that occur, for example, when operating windows with sashes that open in two different positions. In addition, the anchors passing through the frame will allow you to more accurately adjust the verticals and horizontals of the mounted structure.

However, those who want to know how to properly install plastic windows of small dimensions with blank double-glazed windows should be interested in the method of fixing with anchor plates. Appearance they will not spoil the windows, since then they will be hidden under the slopes.

Advice. For the installation of anchor plates in a concrete or brick opening, it is advisable to make small recesses so that you do not have to apply an extra leveling layer before installing the internal slopes.

Often builders combine both methods. The anchors are buried in the walls through the side elements of the frame and through the bottom profile (window base), and the top is fixed only with plates. If the installation of plastic windows with your own hands is done in wooden bath, anchor plates are rarely used, they can become loose. Instead of anchors, galvanized self-tapping screws are sometimes used.

Specifics of installation in a wooden structure

To a large extent, the installation process is influenced by the type of building material. If for walls made of foam concrete, hollow or solid bricks, the differences are only in the size of the depth of the anchors, then for openings in log cabins and in timber walls special approach. You need to take into account not only how, but also when it is better to install plastic windows in wooden openings, and even how to do it.

  • It is possible to equip a wooden structure with plastic windows only after a year, preferably two years after the completion of construction. This significant break is necessary due to post-construction shrinkage. The smallest period of shrinkage and its size are for buildings made of glued laminated timber.
  • Installation is not carried out directly in the opening. You can only insert a window into a wooden box that protects the window structure from deformation. There should be no damage, defects and rot on the window unit. Before starting work, it must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Shrinkage, however, is no longer so intense, and will occur after the installation of windows and finishes. Taking into account what, a gap of 3-7 cm is left between the upper plane of the opening and the box. The size of the gap depends on the humidity and the category of materials used in construction. The gap after the installation of the window is filled with jute insulation and closed with platbands on both sides.

In building codes there are no exact recommendations about the material for ebbs and window sills in wooden houses. The ebbs usually use standard ones attached to the window structure. The window sill can be both polymeric and wooden. It is not forbidden for the bottom profile to rest directly on wooden window sill. That is, before installation, it may already be.

There is a nuance that is not specified in the regulations, but recommended by experienced builders to those who figure out how to insert plastic windows correctly. Wood that can pass evaporation will reduce the technical qualities of the mounting foam. In order for the foam “blown out” along the perimeter not to be moistened, window block along the line of its application, it is desirable to equip it with a foiled polyethylene foam tape.

Plastic window installation standards

A distinctive feature of the technology is the use of mounting foam, which stiffens the frame-opening connection. The layer obtained as a result of polymerization of the foam simultaneously performs the function of insulation and additional fastening. In order for the specified element to retain the necessary specifications the foamed layer is surrounded by insulating layers.

When it is better to insert a plastic window, the owner decides. Winter installation is often recommended due to the immediate manifestation of all flaws. When choosing a mounting foam, it is imperative to take into account at what values ​​of atmospheric temperature the composition will harden better. It is advised to prefer professional foam, and to work with negative thermometer readings, you need to buy a specialized nozzle.

How to perform foaming is described in detail by the manufacturer in the instruction attached to the product. Foaming usually begins from the bottom, moving upward in a circular motion. To eliminate the overspending of expensive material, the foam is blown in several steps in segments of 25-30 cm.

Advice. In order to shift the dew point, foaming is performed with unequal density. The outward facing foam layer is recommended to be made less dense than the inner one. Along the perimeter, the foam must be blown evenly, without voids and gaps.

Window opening preparation

There should be no dust, no debris, no paint residues in the opening - this is a prerequisite. Home craftsmen who want to know how to insert a plastic window into a wooden structure need to cut off the top “unreliable” layer if the installation is to be done in an already used box. The foam will adhere firmly to the top layer. If there is a suspicion that it will exfoliate over time, it is better to eliminate it.

Advice. The gaps between the frame and the opening are filled only with foam, if the distance does not exceed the limit of 4 cm. If the gaps are larger, it is better to partially fill them with cheaper material: drywall, pieces of timber, foam plastic, brick, etc.

Preparing a plastic window

  • First, release the frame from the sash, for which pull out the pin inserted into the upper hinge. You need to pick it up carefully from below with pliers and a screwdriver. Then, slightly lifting, remove the sash from the bottom hinge. Double-glazed windows are removed from blind windows, having previously removed the longitudinal and then transverse glazing beads. To remove glazing beads, a knife with a thickened side or a spatula is carefully inserted into the gap and slowly shifted, trying not to damage the glass.

Note. It is possible to insert a plastic window of small dimensions using mounting plates without removing the sashes or double-glazed windows. If possible, do not violate the integrity of the factory design.

  • Lean the double-glazed window or sash at an angle against the wall, placing it on a flat surface covered with cardboard or some soft material.

Attention. You can't lay flat! Put with a warp too. The smallest pebble under the base will cause a crack to appear.

  • From the outer surface of the frame, remove protective film. If you do not remove it now, then it will be much more difficult to do it and you will have to use a building hair dryer.
  • Regardless of the type of mount chosen, mark the places for its installation. The step strongly recommended by the builders is 40 cm (maybe a little less), allowed by GOSTs is a maximum of 70 cm. The standards for indentation from the corners and from the impost are 15 cm. If mounting plates are used, they are pre-attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. Holes are made for anchor bolts or long self-tapping screws by placing a drill for metal with outside frames.

Most of the video instructions teaching how to install a plastic window yourself dictate fixing the PSUL protective tape before installation. However, craftsmen, faced with its sticky "inconvenience", convince that it is more reasonable to attach it after installation.

Direct installation process

  • Insert the frame into the opening, placing special plastic corners or small blocks around the perimeter to provide a technological gap. Slightly moving these spacer wedges, set the frame clearly horizontally and vertically with uniform side clearances.

Advice. It is desirable to place spacers near the point of attachment with a self-tapping screw or anchor. They will protect the frame from deformation.

  • Because pvc installation do-it-yourself windows can be carried out using different fasteners, at this stage differences appear.
    • in the opening wooden house through the holes in the frame, immediately screw in the self-tapping screw. You don't need to screw it all the way in.
    • On the walls of foam concrete or brick, mark the points through the holes in the frame, then remove the frame, drill holes with a drill appropriate for the material. Then return the frame to its place, “bait” the fasteners.
    • There will be no need for double manipulation of the frame when mounting on anchor plates. They should simply be bent so that they adjoin the place intended for their fastening.

  • The final fastening is made after the control of the horizontals and verticals with a spirit level and a plumb line. It is impossible to persist with tightening, so that the frame does not begin to bend barrel-shaped. Finish screwing as soon as the hat is level with the frame. Installers advise leaving 1 mm above the surface.
  • Return the dismantled parts to their place in the reverse order and check the operability of the structure.
  • Fill gaps with foam. Outside and with inside close the foamed seams with protective tapes. Outside, the insulating tape must be "drowned" in
  • Fill the gap under the drain with foam. Install it with a slope from the window, attach it with screws to the bottom profile.
  • After the polymerization of the foam, it is necessary to install a window sill. The plastic version is 2 cm under the sweet clover. To create a slight slope from the window, the space under the window sill can also be foamed.
  • It is desirable to make slopes on the day of installation. Maximum break 3 days after installation.

After performing all operations for 16 hours, it is not recommended to use windows so as not to violate the integrity of the assembly joints. Knowing how to install a plastic window is necessary not only for skilled owners. If the owner of country estate decides to order the services of a little-known team of installers, he also needs to study the specifics of installation in advance.

You decide to replace the old wooden windows plastic? Of course, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals, since the installation of plastic windows carries many nuances, if they are not observed, the windows may not retain heat, be not airtight, close poorly and fog up. If you are sure that you will cope with this task, then we will talk about the nuances of installing PVC windows in this article.

The content of the article:

Organizational matters

The advantage of self-installation of plastic windows is that you yourself will do it much more scrupulously than most installation teams, who sin by non-compliance with GOST when installing windows. But again, we repeat that if you have never seen it visually and are not familiar with the process of installing plastic windows, order the installation from specialists.

When is the best time to install uPVC windows?

It is best to replace windows in the warm season, from May to September. Installation work do it in dry weather, in rainy weather it is highly recommended not to do this. Many are interested in the question: do they install plastic windows in winter? It is possible to install plastic windows in winter, but this is not recommended for a number of reasons. If you bought new apartment and you plan to move into it as soon as possible or you are making repairs in the apartment in which you live, then delaying repairs solely because of the windows is illogical, making repairs now and installing windows in six months is even more illogical, since part of the repairs made will go down the drain, and leaving old windows while doing repairs is wrong. Installation of windows in winter is allowed at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees. In addition, installing plastic windows in very hot weather is also not recommended. An important aspect when replacing windows is not only their installation, but also the right measurement and the right choice.

Measurement of plastic windows

Before you go shopping for a window, you need to measure the window opening, based on these dimensions, place an order or buy a finished window. The advantage of ordering a window is that they will make a window for you according to your dimensions, as for buying ready-made windows, they are made according to standard sizes, which do not always fit perfectly into specific window openings.

So, the measurement of the window must be done as follows. To begin with, the window opening is measured from the inside in width, from the bases of the wall, so if you have slopes on the windows, they must be dismantled in order to make an accurate measurement. Then it is necessary to measure the height of the window opening, taking into account the type of window sill. If the house is panel, then in such houses the window sill, as a rule, is part of the slab, so a new window will be installed on it, but if the window sill is removable, then it is necessary to measure from the base of the slab itself. After that, you need to try to measure the depth of the window opening, for this, you may need to beat off part of the plaster or remove the wooden plank from the side parts of the window.

As for measurements from the outside, here we first measure the width and height of the window opening, then again you will need to beat off part of the plaster or cement in order to measure the depth of the opening between the window and the wall with a knife. If possible, also remove the ebb: check if there is a border from the bottom of the window opening or if the surface is solid.

As you understand, the window itself cannot fit right into window hole, since it needs space to contract and expand, depending on temperature fluctuations. As for gaps, they minimum size should be the following:

  • For windows up to 1m 20cm - indentation of 15mm;

  • For windows up to 2m 20cm - 20mm;

  • For windows up to 3m - 25mm.

When measuring, also keep in mind that the window itself should only go into the window opening by a few centimeters, that is, that there should be at least 4 cm from the edges of the double-glazed window and the sash, so that the double-glazed window is not in the wall, and slopes can be made normally. Having received the dimensions of the window and the so-called window edging, we take into account the indicated nuances and obtain the size of the window profile. After that, place an order for the manufacture of a window, or buy a finished one, also order along with this: a handle, mosquito net(mounts), window sill and ebb.

Dismantling the old window and preparing the opening

When you have purchased a window and the weather is good outside, we start work. Keep in mind that all the work will be very dusty, so either remove all things from the room, or cover them with a film. We begin work with the dismantling of old windows, for this, use a hammer, mount and chisel. First you need to remove the window or the smaller sash, after which the large sash is dismantled. Next, using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw, you need to cut the partition between the wings in half and tear it out of the frame. Then we cut in half a part of the frame from below, after which we make its further dismantling.

When the frame is dismantled, with a hammer and a chisel or with a puncher, we knock down the bumps and make grooves on the sides so that the window sill goes a little into the wall. Immediately before installing the plastic window, you need to carefully clean the window opening from debris and slightly moisten it. After that, we proceed to the preparation of the window profile and its installation.

Installation of plastic windows

Before installing the profile, you need to remove the sashes and pull out the double-glazed windows from the deaf parts of the window. We peel off the protective tapes from the outer part of the profile and put on decorative caps in the drain holes. Using self-tapping screws, we fix the fasteners for the mosquito net.

Many old sources do not mention this, but today the technology for installing plastic windows has changed a little, one more item has been added to it: profile insulation. These actions were included in the process of installing plastic windows due to the fact that for most people, even with proper installation in compliance with all the rules, moisture (condensation) and fungus formed on the windows, as a result of which the profile was frozen. Thanks to this action, all the negative consequences that were observed earlier should not appear.

For a tighter and tighter fit of the profile to the window opening, the perimeter of the profile is pasted over from the outside with a vapor-tight self-expanding sealing tape. Then the side parts of the profile on all sides (closer to the inside of the window) are pasted over with butyl-based vapor barrier tapes. From above, on the side part of the profile, a self-expanding tape seal can be glued, after which, if necessary, a start or expansion profile is attached. After the insulation work, we proceed to the installation of the profile.

What to fix the plastic window on: mounting plates or anchors

There are two options for fixing PVC windows during their installation: on anchors and on plates. It is impossible to say specifically and unequivocally which of these two types of fastening is the best, since each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In view of the fact that fastening is the most important component of installing a plastic window, and the fact that beginners who want to install plastic windows with their own hands are interested in this issue, we will consider this issue in more detail with your permission.

So, first of all, when choosing the type of fastening of plastic windows, it is necessary to focus on the type of walls. That is, if you have a panel or brick house, then you are not limited in choosing the type of window fastening, but if you want to install plastic windows in a new building or in country house, which are built from foam blocks or gas blocks, then the windows must be fixed exclusively on mounting plates.

The biggest disadvantage of fastening windows to anchors is the so-called depressurization of the profile. As you know, there are several cameras inside the profile, which are separated from each other. Thanks to these chambers, the profile “holds” the temperature, since, for example, in winter the coldest chamber is located on the outside of the window, and in each subsequent chamber the temperature is slightly higher. In the outermost chamber, which is located on the inner side, the temperature is several degrees higher in winter than in the first chamber, due to this there is no temperature difference in the profile. In principle, the meaning is clear that due to such a structure and tightness of the chambers, they retain heat in the profile.

When the profile is fastened with anchors, it is drilled through, resulting in depressurization of the chambers. Also, fastening plastic windows to anchors requires more time, accuracy and skill, so this is not the most the best way bindings for beginners. If the profile is not fixed correctly, it can lead, and if this happens, the window will be damaged by and large, as this is fraught with gaps both between the double-glazed window and the profile, as well as loose closing of the window sash. The advantage of fixing plastic windows with anchors is that the structure will be more durable, that is, strong winds will not cause the profile to vibrate, and the likelihood that the structure will sag heavily after installation is also reduced.

As for fixing plastic windows on mounting plates, it is much easier, besides, it will save a lot of time and the chambers in the profile will not be depressurized, and this is very important. The disadvantage of mounting windows on mounting plates is the lack of structural strength, that is, the window may tremble slightly, but this will not be significant. However, mounting plates are the easiest way for beginners to fix a plastic window.

Some installers, when installing plastic windows, simultaneously use both of these types of fasteners. What type of window fastening to use is up to you. If you decide to fasten the profile to the mounting plates, then we fasten them to the profile with self-tapping screws, but if it is decided to fasten the profile with anchors - with a drill or a puncher, then first make holes in the profile.

From each corner at a distance of 120-150mm, the first fastener is made, then subsequent fasteners are made in increments of 700mm. There must be at least 3 fasteners on each side.

Profile fixing

Before placing the profile in the window opening, check the planes of all sides of the opening with a level. After that, with the help of wooden blocks made of hardwood or linings made of polymeric materials, we raise the profile and adjust it vertically. Vertical adjustment is made from the top of the window opening, that is, from below you need to raise the profile using the named materials. Then align the profile horizontally. Preliminary fixation of the profile in the window opening on the sides and top is carried out using wooden blades. When the profile is leveled on all sides, inspect it - is everything correct, and proceed to fix it.

To fix the profile to the mounting plates, first use one hollow nail. Then once again check the evenness of the profile with a level and after that fix each mounting plate with a second dowel-nail. If you fix the window on the anchor, then through the holes made in advance, using a perforator, make holes in the wall, screw in the anchor, but do not tighten them, firstly, you need to check the evenness of the window with a level, and secondly, you need to tighten the anchor slowly so that do not disturb the profile geometry. When the profile is fixed, we take out the wooden blades from the sides and the top, the lower ones remain - they are the basis of the profile.

Low tide

The next stage of work is the installation of the ebb. We measure the ebb and with the help of scissors for metal we adjust it according to the right size. Then a vapor barrier tape is glued from the bottom of the frame, which will protect the seam between the wall and the bottom of the window, under the ebb. When the tape is glued, we apply a layer of mounting foam on top of it, and another layer on the edge of the plate to ensure sealing and soundproofing of the ebb. The ebb enters the grooves of the profile and is fixed with special self-tapping screws.

Seam sealing

Next, using a special mounting foam for installing windows, we blow out the mounting seam between the wall and the profile: first on the left side, then on the right, then at the top. A feature of this mounting foam is the lack of expansion, which is very convenient for installation - the foam fills the gaps, but does not swell excessively. The surface of the wall can be slightly moistened beforehand. After a few minutes, when the foam dries a little and expands, we glue the second part of the insulation tape on top of it on the wall.

Installation of shutters and double-glazed windows

First, remove the protective tape from the inside of the window. When installing a double-glazed window, use special linings so that it evenly closes the opening. Next, fix the double-glazed window with the help of the strips; you can hammer the fixing strips into the grooves using a rubberized hammer. After installing the sash and fixing it in the canopies, fix the handle and adjust the sash itself vertically and horizontally. At the very end, a mosquito net is installed.


Then we move on to the final part - the installation of the window sill. We foam the bottom mounting seam well and stick a vapor barrier tape on top of it. The next thing to do is to install wooden blocks on which the window sill will be laid. The pads must be at least 10cm in length. The level of the pads should be such that the window sill is firmly pressed against the bottom of the profile. Another nuance - the window sill should have a slope towards the room of no more than 5 degrees. Please note that the window sill should not cover the battery, otherwise the heat from it will not spread to the window. It is unnecessary to fasten the window sill to the mounting plates, as well as to special clips: the method proposed by us will provide a strong and reliable fastening of the window sill. Check if the window sill is tightly held, then sing it from below, preferably with mounting foam that expands. At the end of this stage of work, place 5-liter bottles of water on the windowsill to fix it.

Video instruction for self-assembly plastic windows

In order for you to clearly see the process of installing a plastic window, we recommend that you watch the videos below.

This video briefly talks about what you need to pay attention to when installing plastic windows.

We will take the purchase and delivery of the window to the destination as a given and immediately proceed to the installation. For convenience, the whole process should be divided into main stages:

  1. Removing the old window;
  2. Preparing windows for installation
  3. Fixing a new frame and insulation;
  4. Installation of ebbs and window sill;
  5. Double-glazed window fasteners;

Also in advance prepare the necessary tools:

  • Perforator;
  • Drill with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • Dowel;
  • Self-tapping screws 40 mm long, without drill;
  • Self-tapping screws 30 mm long, with a drill;
  • Hammer;
  • Mounting plates;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Crowbar;
  • Level;
  • Plumb.

Removing a window structure

Do all work with the utmost care.. Start dismantling with window sashes. To do this, you need to open and close the sash a few centimeters several times. Thus, she will loosen up and get off the awnings. To achieve the desired result, lift the sash up with a crowbar. If the process is difficult and requires the use physical strength, it is better to remove all glasses in advance, in order to avoid injury.

The second stage will be removal of the old window sill and the frame itself. It is not recommended to knock out the frame, it is better to immediately remove the slopes with a puncher. After that, the frame itself will come out of the window opening, and you can begin to dismantle the window sill.

To remove the window sill you will need a crowbar and a hammer. With their help, plaster and plaster should be cleaned, and then the board should be pulled out. If you come across a stone window sill, it is better to do the work together. It will be problematic to lift its considerable weight alone.

After all the old structure is removed, it follows thoroughly clean the window opening from mortar residues, construction debris, insulation and insulation. There is nothing difficult in this, all work is carried out manually.

Preparing a plastic window

Before starting installation, you need take the glass pane out of the window. Usually, glazing beads in new windows are not specially clogged to the end. They should be removed from the structure, after which the glass will easily separate from the frame. If you do not see protruding parts around the perimeter of the window, then the guides are clogged tightly. To knock them out, you need to find a groove and insert a spatula into it. We direct the handle from the center of the window and knock out the glazing beads with light taps. Good for this wooden hammer(kiyanka). The procedure will have to be repeated 4 times - that is how many fasteners around the perimeter of the frame.

Prepare in advance a place where you can put the glass for a while. The floor surface must be perfectly smooth and clean. You can lay several layers of newspaper.

Next we go to the dismantling of the sashes. Slightly push the top rod down and immediately lower it to the end with pliers. Thus, you have released the top mount. Now lift the sash and it will come out of the bottom hinge.

Be careful, the weight of the sash is quite large! Better to work with a partner.

Frame installation

Without double-glazed windows and shutters, the frame has become much lighter. Now you can install it in the window opening.

For this:

  • Measure the height of the window sill, in its place, put auxiliary wooden blocks (every 40 cm) or a stand profile;
  • Apply markings all around window opening every 70 - 100 cm. Fasteners will be installed here;
  • Install the frame on the substrates and check the verticality of the structure with a level;
  • Fasten the fasteners to the frame. It can be:
    • Ankera:
    • To do this, holes in the wall are drilled with a puncher, which coincide with special holes in the frame. Anchors are inserted into them;

    • Anchor plates:
    • Such plates are located along the perimeter of the window in the form of "ears" with holes for self-tapping screws. Bend the metal plate so that it fits snugly against the wall and drill holes in the same way.

  • Set the tide. It is best to place it under the window structure, but you can also attach it to the frame itself using metal screws;
  • Thoroughly fill the space between the frame and the walls of the window opening with mounting foam. In order for the foam to grab as much as possible, pre-moisten the walls with water from a spray bottle;
  • We install shutters and double-glazed windows in place.

Do-it-yourself PVC window sill installation

This process should be given special attention. Usually window sills are produced with a margin, so cut off the excess length with a jigsaw or grinder. If a stand profile is provided, substitute a window sill to it and set it level. To do this, place wooden blocks under the bottom. Fill the remaining space with mortar if the gap is large enough. If not - with ordinary mounting foam.

After installation on the window sill weights should be installed. A few bottles of water will do. This will not allow him to rise under the influence of foam. Any excess solution should be removed after 24 hours.

Self-installation of plastic windows. Video

In this video, you will more clearly see the whole process of installing plastic windows with your own hands. We insert plastic windows with our own hands!

Thus, in the process of installing plastic windows (PVC) with your own hands, there is nothing complicated. If you want to install plastic windows with your own hands, just take care of necessary tools and find yourself a partner. All other work will require a little time and clear instructions. During installation, do not forget to check the level of the frame several times to avoid unwanted distortions. You can open the sashes no earlier than a day after installation.


Plastic windows are very popular. They well protect the room from cold, wind, qualitatively retain heat inside the room. It is important to know how the installation of double-glazed windows takes place, because it depends on its correctness whether the window will function as planned. If the double-glazed window is damaged, it is quite possible to replace it yourself.

What do you need to prepare before installation?

An important role is played preparatory work: without them it will not be possible to install according to all the rules, which can lead to a violation of the tightness of the window.

If you have an old window installed and you want to replace it with a new product, you will need to start working with dismantling, then you will need to clean the opening from debris, align it if necessary. If you want to replace only a double-glazed window, it will be enough to carefully pull out the damaged one from the frame: it is fastened with special glazing beads. Remains of broken glass must be carefully removed. Wear gloves as the edges may be sharp.

Before installation, it is necessary to correctly measure, finding out if there is a horizontal or vertical offset

What design to choose?

Installation does not begin with installation, but with measurements. They must be accurate, otherwise the new design will not fit. If you are afraid to take measurements incorrectly, invite a measurer. Well, if it is from the same company that will manufacture the double-glazed window for you.

Give preference to better proven manufacturers whose product quality has proven itself in the market.

The configuration is selected relative to the number of sashes of the future window and the method of fastening. It depends on how the double-glazed window will be attached. Usually there are two ways:

  • Fastening through the frame in the same mounting plane.
  • With the use of supporting reinforcement. Such fittings are already in the frame and placed there by the manufacturer.

Most often, the first method is used during installation, since it is easier to implement on your own, the weight of the structure is reduced, installation takes less time. If the sashes are deaf, you will need to remove the internal double-glazed windows. In the case of fittings, the circuit itself is a little more complicated, however, despite this, you do not risk damaging the double-glazed window during installation, accidentally damaging the frame or breaking the glass. You can install double-glazed windows hermetically, which is not always possible with self installation the first way.

If the window is under warranty, you should not change the double-glazed window yourself: this will deprive you of warranty service. If the glass is damaged, contact the installer.

How the window works

How is a double glazing installed?

The work takes place in several stages. First of all, you need to prepare a place: clean, move furniture away from it so that it does not interfere with work; if the opening is uneven or there is debris, it must be cleaned and leveled with cement mortar.

Dismantling the old window

Opening preparation

After that, you can proceed to preparing yourself. To do this, you will need to remove the sash. At installation of a double-glazed window into the frame should not take place on weight, for installation it will be necessary to pull out the glazing beads, for which you can use a chisel and a hammer. Work should be done carefully so as not to accidentally break the glass.

Beads must be placed in the same place where they were previously, so it is better to number them immediately.

Pull out the bottom and side elements first, the top one last. The glazing bead should go in tightly, but not tight, if it does not fit into place, try another one: you probably mixed up the elements in places. If the sequence is violated, the double-glazed window will not hold firmly, small gaps will form that violate the tightness of the window. It is not necessary to remove the frame to install the double-glazed window.

Installing the frame in the opening

After the first steps are completed, you can proceed to the direct installation of a double-glazed window. Even with minimal experience, you will spend a little time on these actions. Installation is carried out as follows:

  • In order for the installation of the frame to turn out to be even, special bars made of wood or plastic are placed at the bottom of the window. Most often, these elements are sold in the same place as plastic windows. The top edges of the substrates must be horizontal, this can be checked using a building level of the appropriate length or a laser level can be used for this purpose. If the line is slanted, the window will also skew, and it will not be able to function normally.
  • After that, the structure is fixed with anchor bolts or mounting foam. Do not rush to pull out the bars: this must be done two weeks after the window is fixed.
  • In order for the frame not to bend, pegs should also be installed on the sides or in the center. They will keep the structure upright.
  • Whether the double-glazed window is located horizontally is checked using the building level. If it is uneven, you need to add pegs, aligning the structure to the desired plane. In order to find out if the window is vertical, use a plumb line.

Installation of a double-glazed window

It is more convenient to fix the frame first from below, on both sides of the corners. After that, you can move on to other attachment points. If fastening takes place with the help of anchor bolts, they should be tightened to the end only when the structure is perfectly level. Otherwise, there is a high risk of its deformation.

  • Some designs are attached using the metal ears included in the kit: they already have holes for anchor bolts. Make sure that the hole drilled in the wall matches the hole on the lug, and metal element fit as close to the wall as possible: this will save you from unnecessary gaps.
  • After that, a window sash is installed into which a double-glazed window is already inserted, and the cracks are sealed.

Knowing how to install double-glazed windows, you can save a lot if you need to replace the glass and do the work yourself. This does not require you to have building skills or buy expensive tools.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Installing or replacing windows is an important component of an expensive apartment renovation. Those who want to save their own money can refuse the services of apartment renovation masters and try to cope with this task on their own. Where to start and how to install plastic windows efficiently and quickly, we will tell you in our material.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows is not as complicated as it might seem at first. In order for it not to complicate you and soon please you with the result, it is worth paying attention not to some nuances. Before starting the installation of the structure, you should clear the place in front of the window, set aside the furniture and cover the floor and heating radiators with a cloth. In addition, we prepare the window opening, cleaning it from the frame and sashes.


When installing PVC windows with your own hands, consider the following nuances. Their design must be securely fixed. This is first. Secondly, in order to avoid foam settling and deformation of the window structure in the future, it is worth plastering the foam both inside and outside. Thirdly, in order to prevent the occurrence of distortions, it is necessary, using a laser or oil building level, to adjust the verticality and horizontality of the system.

Step-by-step instructions for installing plastic windows with your own hands

Detailed video instruction:

To install plastic windows, you will need a window structure with fasteners, polyurethane foam, grinder, level, mount and a new window sill. Below we offer you brief instructions consistent steps, with the help of which you can correctly and efficiently install PVC windows with your own hands. The instructions are accompanied by photo and video materials, thanks to which the process of installing plastic windows with your own hands will look more visual.

1. First you need to dismantle the old window, frame and window sill using a grinder and a mount. First we will make cuts on the window frame, and thanks to the second we will pry it off to remove it.

2. Having removed the sashes, we begin to install a new window. Inserting the window frame into the opening, we fix it in the corners with temporary wooden wedges. Using the level, we look to see if the frame is evenly fixed. If yes, go to the next step.

3. Using anchor bolts and mounting plates, we fix the frame, as in the photo. Then, with construction screws, we fasten the window structure to the tree. It is strictly forbidden to use nails at this stage, they can cause deformation of the structure in the future.

4. The main purpose of installing plastic windows with your own hands is to secure the window structure. As soon as it is reached, we proceed to sealing, as in the video lesson at the bottom of the article. It is carried out using mounting foam, which should be evenly applied to the surface moistened with water. The foam used is not only a sealant that does not allow street dust to enter the apartment space and provides good sound insulation, but also a reliable window fastening.

5. You can remove temporary wooden wedges after the foam has hardened. Then we move on to the so-called cosmetic stage of work.

6. Now we install the window sill, attaching it to the stand profile.

7. If the mounting foam used has hardened unevenly, it should be cut or trimmed. The resulting slopes are plastered both inside and outside with a special mixture.

8. After leveling the plaster, the slopes are painted or covered with the necessary elements. After that, it is permissible to remove the sashes on the frame and peel off the protective films.

A smart approach to self-installation of plastic windows is the key to their reliable and long-term operation. Taking into account the instructions proposed above, you can install PVC windows without much difficulty without resorting to the help of a wizard and saving money.