Iraida. Iraida meaning of the name, character and fate The second name of Iraida

The female name Iraida has Greek roots and means “daughter of a hero.” This is the name of the daughter of the supreme goddess Hera in ancient mythology. In Russia, this name is not widespread, but due to its euphony, many young parents turn to it as a name option for their daughter.

Characteristics of the name Iraida

By nature, Iraida is a strict, hardworking woman, demanding of herself and those around her. She loves cleanliness very much, is always neat, looks good, fashionable, but dresses strictly. In childhood, it is not easy to cope with her, since she strives to be first everywhere, does not listen to her parents, and can be insolent. Little Iraida simply does not have authority, strives to win the position of leader, and is even ready to study well and participate in all public events for this. She retains this disposition into adulthood, adding to it external arrogance and inaccessibility, punctuality, reliability and disgust. Next to her, many people feel pathetic, second-rate, and this is exactly the feeling that Iraida seeks to evoke with her behavior and appearance. Oddly enough, she is always lucky both with work and in her personal life. Since Iraida does not do anything for nothing or to her own detriment, she accumulates many happy periods in her life, which she knows how to appreciate and increase. She has quite a few friends, because she rarely helps others and even less often needs someone’s support herself. But strong people feel comfortable with her, and it is with such people that Iraida tries to maintain friendly relations.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name may be suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Leo or Virgo. Leo (July 23-August 23) is similar to Iraida in leadership qualities, vanity and demandingness, therefore, under his influence, the owner of this name will develop her authority, inner strength, easy perception of life and a creative approach to everything. Virgo (August 24-September 23) is a more strict sign; it will endow Iraida with several other character traits: enormous hard work, responsibility, diligence, discipline, practicality and external dryness.

Pros and cons of the name Iraida

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the name Iraida? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, energetically strong name that will definitely make its owner stand out from the group. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and has several harmonious abbreviations and diminutions, for example, Ida, Iraidushka, Iraidka, Irasya. But he also has shortcomings, the main one of which is Iraida’s complex, domineering and arrogant character.


The owner of this name is usually in good health, because she is active, neat, takes care of herself and the condition of her body, and can attend sports classes, for example, shaping or yoga.

Love and family relationships

Iraida can be in family relationships several times, because because of her independence and demandingness, it is difficult for her to find a man to match herself. She is not the most diligent housewife, she takes care of the house more because of her cleanliness and gets terribly annoyed if her husband or children make a mess. Iraida’s mother turns out to be strict, but she is ready to work hard for the benefit and comfort of her family, whom she loves very much in her own way.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Iraida shows purposefulness and determination, therefore she persistently moves up the career ladder. She is suitable to work as a university teacher, doctor, bank employee, lawyer, in court or prosecutor's office, diplomacy, police.

Name day

The female name Iraida is beautiful and quite rare. It is revered in Christianity and has ancient origins.

Iraida - whose name, how did it come about? It is generally accepted that it was first used in Ancient Greece. This name comes from Hera, the goddess of fertility, patroness of family and marriage.

It spread in Russian culture after the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Initially, the name was pronounced as Herais or Irais, but soon acquired its current, familiar sound. Interestingly, it is one of the few names for which there is no paired male name.


The name Iraida, the origin and meaning of which is associated with the goddess Hera, according to the first version is translated as “belonging to Hera” or “from the family of Hera.” The second interpretation is “heroine”, “daughter of a hero”. According to this version, the name comes from the ancient Greek word hērōis, which means “hero”.


Since childhood, Iraida has been inclined to defend her opinion in any situation. The girl makes progress in her studies thanks to her desire for leadership. Her health is usually good. There may be a predisposition to obesity, stomach diseases and nervous breakdowns.

Iraida is distinguished by her dedication and determination, which helps her in her career advancement. Success awaits her in law and banking, education, and medicine. The circle of friends is narrow, but this does not upset her. Iraida is interested in communicating only with strong-willed and strong individuals, such as herself.

Appearance is of great importance to her. She always looks neat and follows fashion.

But family life often remains in the background, inferior in importance to building a career and self-development. Iraida gets married late, choosing a reliable partner for a long time and meticulously. But because of her straightforwardness and unwillingness to make concessions, marriage often ends in divorce.


Among the positive qualities of Iraida’s character, the main ones are perseverance, punctuality, high efficiency, curiosity and ambition. She also has a rich imagination. She succeeds in theory better than practice.

She is demanding of herself and others. This quality manifests itself in relationships with both colleagues and family. At work, she is often disliked for her pickiness and arrogance.

From the outside, Iraida may seem cold and distant. But with loved ones she is able to open up, becoming affectionate, kind and responsive, although this does not happen often.

She is strict with children and enjoys authority among them. Iraida considers her main task to be to provide for the material side of her family’s life. She also demands obedience from her husband, which leads to conflicts. Only a man who is ready to make concessions can get along with her.

The influence of the time of year in which Iraida was born on the formation of her character is noted. Women born in the summer are usually more flexible and have a gentle disposition, while women born in the fall are more focused on work and building a career.

Name day

The patroness of the name is the martyr Iraida of Alexandria. In Orthodoxy, Iraida celebrates name days twice a year - on September 18 and October 6.

Name color

The color of this name is dark blue, blue. Such people are stable, true to their principles and practical. At the same time, they are quite restrained in expressing emotions, secretive, demanding and sometimes overly strict.

They find it difficult to get along with other people. Some of the owners of this name color have the gift of divination and healing.

Name flower

The treasured plant named after Iraida is the rose. This flower, like herself, is beautiful, proud and unapproachable. Iraida is at the same time arrogant and passionate, cruel and gentle. She often becomes the object of envy, gossip and intrigue.

Like a beautiful flower, Iraida attracts attention. She is popular with men, but not everyone can conquer her. Her chosen one will have to show persistence and determination in order to get through the “thorns” with which she surrounds herself.

Church name, calendar

Iraida is an Orthodox and Catholic name. At baptism it remains unchanged. Also, a girl with this name can be baptized as Raisa and vice versa. In the calendar, Iraida is mentioned twice, the dates coincide with those indicated in the “Name Day” section.

Translation of name, in different languages

According to the current transliteration rules, Iraida is written as IRAIDA in the international passport. It is noteworthy that in Western culture this name sounds like Irais.

In other languages, the spelling and pronunciation of the name also differs:

  1. Iraida – in Ukrainian.
  2. Իրիդան (Iridan) – in Armenian.
  3. ირაიდა (Iraida) – in Georgian.
  4. إرادة (Irada) – in Arabic.
  5. 伊拉伊達 (Ilayida) – in Chinese.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Full name: Iraida. There is also a less common form of it - the Iriad. The abbreviated name Iraida can sound like Ira, Raya, Raida, Ida (in some countries it is an independent name). The owner of this name is affectionately called Iraidka, Raidka, Iraidushka, Iraidonka, Iraidochka.

Name compatibility

Iraida has a high chance of a lasting marriage with a man whose name is Stepan, Roman, Miron, Maxim, Oleg, Dmitry, Gleb, Nikolai, Eduard, Evgeniy or Rostislav. With common interests and similarity of characters, a happy union with Igor, Grigory, Leonid, Vladislav, Sergei, Konstantin, Timur, Stanislav is also possible.

But she shouldn’t tie her fate in with Mikhail, Plato, Denis, Fedor, Lev and Eldar. Most likely, their relationship will be overshadowed by frequent conflicts.

How to incline

Declension of the name by case:

  • Iraida – nominative;
  • Iraida – genitive;
  • Iraide – dative;
  • Iraidu – accusative;
  • Iraida – instrumental;
  • Iraide – prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Although the name Iraida is not very common in the world, it has managed to leave its mark on history. Famous owners of this name:

  1. Iraida of Alexandria. Holy martyr who lived at the beginning of the 4th century in Alexandria. She was executed for confessing her faith in Christ.
  2. Iraida Geinike (1895-1990). Russian poetess, student of Nikolai Gumilev. She worked under the pseudonym Irina Odoevtseva, the author of the novels “Isolde”, “Angel of Death”, “Mirror”, “Abandon Hope Forever” and several collections of poems.
  3. Iraida Fomina (1906-1964). Industrial graphic artist. She created sketches for painting fabric and porcelain, candy wrappers, etc. She is the author of the blue and white label for condensed milk.
  4. Iraida Soldatova (1921-2001). Honored Artist of the RSFSR, actress of the Army Theater. She starred in the films “Born of the Revolution”, “Close Distance”, “Hero of Our Time”, “A Simple Story”.
  5. Iraida Utretskaya (1925-2006). Soviet ballet dancer, teacher and tutor at the Mariinsky Theater.
  6. Iraida Kukarkina (1934). Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, worked as artistic director and author-producer of dances of the Olympushka ensemble.
  7. Iraida Lukashova (1938). Teacher-choreographer, ballet dancer, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1964 she became a laureate of the A. Pavlova and V. Nijinsky Prize in Paris.
  8. Iraida Yusupova (1962). Russian composer, author of music for plays and films, as well as several operas, symphonies and chamber works.
  9. Irada Zeynalova (1972). Moscow journalist, TV presenter, correspondent, member of the Russian Television Academy. She worked as an editor in the Vesti program (RTR), and as a correspondent in the information programs of Channel One OJSC.
  10. Irada Khait (1988). Israeli singer, producer of the Comedy Club Israel project.

The female name Iraida, which was popular during the Soviet Union, has now lost its position. Nowadays, it is very difficult to meet a young girl or girl with this name.

Ira, Irochka, Iraidka, Irunya, Irusya, Raya. Synonyms for the name Iraida. Iriad.

Name Iraida in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Punjabi: ਇਰਾਇਡਾ (Irā"iḍā). Armenian: Իրիդան (Iridan). Yiddish: יראַידאַ (Yrʼaydʼa). Ukrainian: Іraїda Gru. Zinsky: ირაიდა (iraida). (Iraida).

Origin of the name Iraida

The name Iraida translated from ancient Greek means “heroine” or “daughter of a hero”; it can be translated “from the family of Hera.” The patron saint of this name is the holy martyr Iraida of Alexandria, Antinopolis. There is a derivative name Iriad, which is identified with the name Iraida.

Character of the name Iraida

A girl named Iraida is a naughty and daring person. She achieves success in her studies, as a rule, out of the desire to be the first in everything. Peers usually don't like Iraida very much because of her arrogance. She is not much of a helper for her mother: she doesn’t help much around the house. After graduating from school, she tries to continue her studies at one of the prestigious educational institutions.

In adulthood, Iraida is usually a very strict and sometimes arrogant woman. And sometimes she even seems insensitive and cold to others. But this is not true at all, she just always shows restraint in everything. Iraida always tries to be punctual and obligatory, so she absolutely does not tolerate it when others are late or do not do what they promised.

A woman named Iraida does not really like to communicate with people, so she never gets close to anyone. Because of this, she has very few girlfriends and friends. It happens that Iraida keeps people at a certain distance, not allowing them to approach her. But if she does have close friends, she is very attentive to them and tries to maintain good relations with them, for this purpose she often invites them to visit and is very willing to help them.

The secret of the name Iraida

Iraida becomes a strict and arrogant woman. It is difficult for her to prove something; she likes to insist on her opinion. Such a girl can give the impression of being cold and unapproachable. Nog is not like that, she just knows how to restrain her emotions. Iraida is strict with herself and self-critical; she also does not like it if someone is late for an important meeting.

Iraida does not open up to strangers; she prefers loneliness. She has few friends, she cannot easily meet a new person. Iraida is attentive to real friends, helps them and maintains connections with them.

Iraida's house is always in order. She is clean and tidy, but a little squeamish. Such a woman is demanding of those around her. When Iraida wants to make a career, she will stop at nothing. Iraida often overestimates her abilities.

Such a woman has many admirers, but she is in no hurry to get married. She's just not attracted to family. But if such a girl decides to marry, then her husband will be either great love or a rich and wealthy man.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: dark blue
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Saturn
Stone-mascot: turquoise
Plant: calendula
Totemic animal: termite
Basic features character: intuition, will, activity

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 91%
Psyche: self-centered
Health: you need to take care of the nervous system

Numerology of the name Iraida

Those with the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make broad gestures, they love to help people. However, “Nines” are prone to inflated conceit and often flirt and turn into arrogant egocentrics. “Nines” are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are not always constant, which is often expressed in “frivolity” in their personal life. Nines are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a “nine”.


Planet: Neptune.
Element: Water, cold-humidity.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Aquamarine, sea green.
Day: Thursday Friday.
Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
Plants: Grapes, poppy, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
Animals: Deep sea fish, whale, gull, albatross, dolphin.

The name Iraida as a phrase

AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
D Welcome
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Iraida

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

General description of the name Iraida

- “heroine”.

As a child, Iraida is often bright, daring and disobedient. True, a girl usually studies well, even excellently, but often out of a desire to be first. Peers do not like Iraida for her arrogance. She doesn't help her parents much around the house. After school he tries to enter a prestigious educational institution.

Adult Iraida is a strict, sometimes arrogant woman. At times she even gives the impression of being cold and insensitive, but this is a deceptive impression, she is simply very reserved. A punctual, obligatory and neat woman, she does not like it when someone is late or does not fulfill their promise. But Iraida herself is self-critical and strict with herself.

A woman with this name is not very sociable, she tries not to get too close to anyone, and she has few friends. Often keeps others at a certain distance. But she is very attentive to her many friends. He constantly maintains relationships with them, inviting them to visit him, willingly helping them.

Iraida is squeamish, but she is clean and tidy and keeps the house tidy and clean. Her workplace is also in perfect order. A woman with this name is demanding. But she is not selfish, although she cares little about those around her, and she is not interested in the experiences, joys and misfortunes of those who are close to her. In an effort to make a career or achieve any of her goals, Iraida often does not stop at any difficulties standing in her way and always achieves her goal. She has a high opinion of herself, but sometimes greatly overestimates her abilities.

Iraida takes care of herself, dresses fashionably, sometimes not quite conventionally. Loves to attract attention. The one who bears this name is successful with men, but does not marry for a long time, because she is not attracted to family life. Iradia enters into marriage both out of love and convenience. She loves to invite guests and knows how to get away with it even in the most unpleasant situations. And he will never do anything to his own detriment.

Those born in autumn are economical, prudent and thrifty, but not stingy. She works hard, is ambitious and has a career. Often becomes a leader. This woman is not very sociable and often comes across as too strict, but she is very friendly with close people. Rarely makes contacts with work colleagues and prefers to talk with them exclusively on official matters. This Iraida has few close friends. Her external coldness often scares off men, which is why Iraida suffers greatly, but never admits it. For this reason, Iraida’s character often completely deteriorates. She is afraid of being alone and tries to get married, often getting married after only a short time of dating. She is married several times, but her family life is not always successful.

Positive traits of the name

Iraida is characterized by high efficiency, ambition, perseverance, curiosity, and rich imagination. Iraida knows her worth, although she is more inclined to theory rather than practice. In practical matters, she can complicate everything to the limit, because a simple solution seems trivial to her. She has her own point of view on any issue, although her opinion is often subjective. She is well-read, has creative abilities, and does not tolerate wasting time. Iraida loves to brag about her abilities or merits, but she will never come into conflict with her superiors or authoritative people.

Negative traits of the name

If Iraida is shown her mistakes, she follows the principle, withdraws, becomes embittered, arrogant and irreconcilable. Iraida can be ruthless in her pursuit of what she wants and will not hesitate to throw aside those who stand in her way.

Choosing a profession by name

Iraida has difficulty finding her place in life. She will try many things before committing to one thing. She has a sharp, insightful mind, but her diplomatic skills are poorly developed. The most suitable areas of activity for her may be literary criticism, social activities, and expertise.

The impact of a name on business

In money matters, Iraida will be thrifty and economical: she needs to develop persistent optimism in herself in order to overcome the depression that will sometimes overwhelm her.

The influence of a name on health

The main health concern for Iraida should be psychological relaxation and elimination of nervous tension. Stomach problems are possible.

Psychology of a name

One must always agree with Iraida. She appreciates a joke, as long as the joke is not directed at her. Otherwise, Iraida can turn into your dangerous opponent at the slightest provocation. She is sincere in communication, does not know how and does not want to pretend, in this regard it is easy to deal with her. Iraida does not like uncertainty, so she prefers concrete business relationships. She demands respect for herself, needs the approval and sympathy of those around her.

Famous people named Iraida

Iraida of Alexandria (holy martyr originally from Alexandria in Egypt. Executed under Maximian at the beginning of the 4th century)
Ida Strauss ((1849 - 1912) née Rosalia Ida Bloon; wife of the co-owner of the Macy's department store, Isidor Strauss, who died with him during the sinking of the Titanic in April 1912. Macy's is considered one of the first stores in which clothes were hung in size, however, Macy's is better known as the store that determined the date of Thanksgiving, celebrated in the United States every year)
Iraida Utretskaya ((born 1925) ballerina, teacher, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
Iraida Spasskaya ((born 1944) Soviet athlete (checkers), master of sports of international class, grandmaster, four-time USSR champion in Russian checkers, vice world champion in hundred-square checkers (1974). Student of Lev Moiseevich Ramm)
Iraida Yusupova ((born 1962) Russian composer)
Ida Gan-Gan ((1805 - 1880) German writer, at one time so popular that she was called the “German George Sand”; in the last years of her life she put a lot of effort in the name of converting fallen women to the Christian faith)
Ida Rubinstein ((1885 - 1960) Russian dancer and actress, known from the portrait of V.A. Serov, Russian ballet dancer, student of choreographer M.M. Fokin; after the October Revolution she lived in exile, led her own ballet troupe in Paris)
Iraida Arkhangelskaya (contemporary artist (still life, Pushkin theme))
Iraida Potekhina (modern Russian poetess)
Iraida Kukarina ((born 1934) artistic director and dance director of the Olimpushka ensemble, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the All-Russian Competition of Variety Artists, Laureate of the 3rd and 6th World Festivals of Youth and Students in Berlin and Moscow)
Irina Odoevtseva ((1895 - 1990) real name - Iraida Ivanova, nee Geinike; poetess, prose writer)
Ida Lupino ((1918 - 1995) English and American actress, one of the first female directors in the history of cinema)
Ida Kaminska ((1899 - 1980) Polish actress, nominated for an Oscar in 1966)
Ida Gerhardi ((1862 - 1927) German artist, representative of classical modernism)
Ida de Lorrain or Ida of Lorraine, sometimes also called Ida of Flanders ((1160 - 1216) Countess of Boulogne from 1173, eldest daughter of Mathieu of Alsace and Mary of Boulogne)
Ida Presti ((1924 - 1967) real name - Yvette Montagnon; French classical guitarist)

A girl or woman bearing the name Iraida is one of the few who, with their character and destiny, fully confirm its interpretation. The literal translation of the name from ancient Greek is “daughter of Hera,” the most powerful and majestic of the Olympian goddesses. Sometimes the meaning of the name is interpreted a little differently - “heroine”, but this does not detract from the qualities of its owner.

Iraida in Orthodoxy

According to church chronicles, a woman named Iraida lived in the city of Alexandria in the 300s. Raised in the Christian faith from childhood, she decided to devote her entire life to serving Jesus.

While still very young, Iraida became a novice in one of the monasteries, where she spent time in prayer and helping the suffering. On the days when the young nun could leave the walls of the monastery, she preached on the streets of the city, telling those gathered about the life of Christ and his great teaching.

One day, going out to the seashore to scoop up water, Iraida saw a large ship on the pier, on which there were many men and women chained. Among them she noticed several Christian monks and priests. As it turned out, all of them were sentenced to death for their adherence to the true faith and were taken to carry it out.

The courageous nun, without hesitating for a moment, stepped onto the ship and extended her hands to the guards, who immediately put shackles on them. And when the ship arrived in the city of Antinoe, Iraida was the first to go down to the pier and put her head under the executioner’s ax. Following her, the rest of the Christians were executed.

In memory of the feat of the martyr Iraida, dates have been set for her veneration. According to the Orthodox Church calendar these are September 18 and October 6. These days, women who bear the name Iraida must come to the temple and venerate the icon of their saint.

In addition, Iraida’s name day can be March 18 and August 7. The date that is closest to the real birthday will become the day of the patron angel of our heroine.

Diminutive forms of names

Iraida can be called Ida or Ira for short. For a little girl, affectionate options are suitable - Iraidochka, Irusha, Iraidushka, Iraidonka, Idusha.

Sometimes the shortened form Raya or Raida is used. From them the diminutives Raisochka, Rayusha, Raidochka, Raidonka are formed.

It is interesting that, no matter what nationality a woman represents, her name will still sound like Iraida, without interpretation.

Famous namesakes

Nowadays, the name Iraida is not found often; it was also rare in past centuries. Therefore, there are very few famous women who wore or wear it. Nevertheless, let us remember each of them.

  1. Iraida Nikolaevna Utretskaya (1925-2006) - Russian Soviet ballerina, teacher.
  2. Iraida Rafaelevna Yusupova (born 1962) is a Russian composer.
  3. Iraida Gustavovna Geinike (Irina Odoevtseva) (1895 -1990) - Russian poetess and prose writer.
  4. Iraida Vasilievna Spasskaya (born 1944) is the world champion in hundred-square checkers.

In addition, among the famous Iraids there are also representatives of modern art. This is Iraida Arkhangelskaya - an artist, a master of still life, and Iraida Potekhina - a talented young poetess.

Life and destiny

Throughout her life, Iraida is proud of her heroic name and tries to live up to it. To find out how successful she is at this, let’s turn to horoscope predictions.

Little Idusha

Among her peers, the girl stands out for her courageous and decisive actions. Without hesitation, she will rush to take a kitten from the boys or share a sandwich with a friend. Irusha has a sharp tongue and often uses it in various disputes. Remembering the origin of her name, the girl from an early age tries to do everything not just “A”, but “A+”. This also applies to studies - our Iraida will only be an excellent student.

Being first is Iruni’s motto, and following it, she plays sports, joins a dance club, and attends an art studio. At the same time, thanks to perseverance, perseverance and great hard work, she achieves excellent results everywhere.

The girl does not accept being told what and how to do. In such cases, the flexible and kind Iraidochka becomes disobedient and can even become rude. True, after a while she cools down and asks for forgiveness, but she still acts in her own way.

After graduating from school, Irusha chooses the most prestigious university and, having carefully prepared, passes the exams brilliantly and becomes a student the first time. Here, too, she does not give up her leadership - she studies excellently and receives a honors diploma.


Thanks to her determination and efficiency, our heroine literally soars up the career ladder. Within a few years after graduation, she can become the head of a large department in a bank, a leading specialist in an enterprise, or a famous lawyer. Iraida often opens her own business, in which she also invariably achieves success.

In adulthood, our heroine becomes pedantic and strict. Moreover, these qualities apply not only to herself, but also to her subordinates. They are required to strictly follow any instructions from their superiors, and for the slightest mistakes in their work they will face not only verbal, but also material reprimand.

Iraida is sociable, but her circle of friends is quite narrow. Not everyone gets the honor of being among our heroine’s good acquaintances, much less becoming a friend. She does not like people who try to gain her trust and penetrate into her private life, and does not maintain relationships with them.

Possessing aesthetic taste, a woman always looks impeccable. But she does not allow herself excesses either in clothes or in cosmetics and therefore has a very strict appearance.

Love and family

Beautiful, stately and successful Iraida is popular with the stronger sex. But only a few can boast of having a relationship with her, since the girl is very selective in her relationships. It is quite in her spirit to torment a fan for a long time, not responding to signs of attention and ignoring him during meetings. Not all men are able to overcome the “obstacle course” that she builds on the way to her heart; many leave, barely reaching the middle of the distance.

But proud and self-sufficient Iraida is not too worried about this. Having achieved material well-being early and living separately from her parents, she values ​​freedom and is in no hurry to tie the knot.

A man who will win her heart must be equal to her in education and success. In addition, it is important that he is hardworking, decent and willing to obey his smart wife. If a gentleman with such a set of advantages appears on the horizon, Iraida will marry him.

A family created more at the behest of the mind rather than the heart will, oddly enough, be stable and strong. She will be even more united by her children, whom Iraida will love, but will raise in severity.

Name compatibility

According to the predictions of astrologers, our heroine will be able to create a happy union with Oleg, Nikolai, Evgeniy, Pavel and Yuri. A marriage with one of these men will last into old age.

With gentlemen who bear the names Mikhail, Denis, Timur, Igor and Alexander, only temporary relationships that lead to nothing can develop.

Health and hobbies

In childhood and youth, Iraida practically never got sick; even the annual colds and flu bypassed her. Playing various sports and self-discipline have an impact.

At an older age, due to hard work, problems with the heart and nervous system may occur. But adherence to a diet and feasible physical activity will not allow illnesses to reach a critical stage.

Since work takes up most of Iraida’s time, she has no energy left for hobbies. She is not indifferent to animals; dogs or cats always live in her house. She loves to read and enjoys spending weekends on the couch with an interesting book. Sometimes he visits theaters, especially premiere performances.

The main character traits of Iraida

Let's try to summarize and determine which qualities of our heroine prevail in her character - positive or negative.

A woman with such “heroic” character traits will never get lost in the crowd. This means that Iraida deservedly bears her name and is worthy of her happy fate.

The beautiful female name Iraida comes from the ancient Greek name Herais and means “heroine”, “daughter of a hero”. Sometimes it is also translated as “from the line of Hera” - the goddess, patroness of marriage. The name is quite rare and is not popular among young parents.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Neptune
  • Talisman stone: aquamarine
  • Color: blue-green
  • Plant: saffron, poppy
  • Animal: whale, albatross
  • Favorable day: Thursday, Friday

Character traits

The name Iraida contains such contradictory character traits as kindness and arrogance, unprincipledness and empathy for strangers. A woman is never idle, but she has to gain success and achievement through hard work and struggle.

This is a bright individuality, a comprehensively developed personality, a talented and responsible girl. External coldness and restraint create many problems in relationships with such a person. She is not prone to deep introspection and prudence.

Enormous willpower and determination make it possible to implement the most complex projects and solve global issues. The secret of the name Iraida is that its owner is endowed with exceptional organizational abilities, she is obligatory, responsible, and punctual.

Not finding similar qualities in another person, he shows obvious intolerance. The girl has an excessively high opinion of herself; she won’t lift a finger to help anyone if it interferes with her personal plans.

No barriers can hold her back; even from the most difficult situations, Iraida manages to get away with it.

She pays special attention to her appearance. She loves to dress in expensive stores, which is why many people admire her. She is hospitable, although she has practically no friends due to her complex character.

Interests and hobbies

Iraida’s greatest hobby is shopping. She takes great pleasure in going shopping in expensive boutiques to choose her next extravagant outfit and once again conquer everyone with her unsurpassed beauty. Likes to visit beauty salons, sports clubs and generally take care of herself.

Profession and business

The greatest satisfaction for a representative of this name comes from working in leadership positions. Iraida is a very focused person who always strives for more. Therefore, she often becomes the “big boss.” Alas, colleagues and subordinates do not particularly like such a leader because of her quarrelsomeness, intolerance and categorical attitude.

Personal business can bring success for Iraida, because she is diligent, disciplined and has high intelligence. However, the desire for eternal rivalry still forces her to work more often on “someone else’s battlefield” rather than on her own. Therefore, she usually becomes a lawyer, lawyer, judge, doctor or teacher. And in pursuit of a career, she often finds herself lonely in her personal life.


Iraida rarely gets sick, as she is active by nature, takes care of herself, eats right and plays sports. May suffer from sleep disorders, which is more associated with overwork in the desire to succeed everywhere.

Sex and love

Iraida is a powerful woman, which is why she wants to see only a worthy gentleman next to her.

In order to choose someone who is worth it, she often arranges some kind of tests for men, maybe even humiliating them in public, to see how he can get out of such a situation.

From among the worthy ones, she is already selecting a suitable match for herself. True, not every guy after such a test will want to deal with such a girl.

Family and marriage

Iraida is happy in marriage only when her chosen one is an easygoing man with a compliant character, but not a “weakling” - such a strong-willed woman cannot stand such people.

She is the leader in the family, so if the spouse is unable to come to terms with the role of henpecked, the union breaks up. At a more mature age, having gained experience, the owner of the name is already more tolerant of the shortcomings of other people.

Therefore, late marriage is ideal for her.

As a strong and intelligent woman, Iraida knows how to give her children a brilliant upbringing. They do not always understand the severity and views of their mother, but they sincerely admire her, imitate her and are proud.

Most compatible names: Aaron, Anatoly, Arkhip, Vadim, Georgy, Gordey, David, Dementy, Ruslan

Upcoming name days

Characteristics of the name by letter

And - rich imagination, insight, lively mind, practicality, attention to detail. The bearer of a name with this letter strives for harmony with himself and the world around him.

He has a good sense of humor, is endowed with sensitivity, kindness and gentleness. This is an honest and straightforward person. He is romantic in love and searches for his ideal for a long time.

The letter “I” at the beginning of a name endows its bearer with detachment and a desire for ideals.

The repetition of a letter in a name indicates a person’s giftedness and inner need for spirituality.

R – courage, desire for active action, responsibility, ability to delve into the essence of what is happening, confidence in one’s rightness. The bearer of a name with this letter is an optimist. Doesn't get discouraged and doesn't give up when faced with failures. Risk-prone. As a life partner, he chooses a strong-willed, faithful and capable partner in difficult times.

A – activity, desire for undertakings, desire to achieve success in life, desire for comfort. The bearer of a name with this letter has strength and fortitude, independence, external brightness, and leadership qualities. He acts in his own way, does not like to adapt to other people.
Repeating a letter in a name indicates excessive openness and a waste of energy.

D – thoughtfulness of actions, responsibility, self-sufficiency, responsiveness, ability to keep one’s word. The letter "D" symbolizes external beauty and material well-being, which can give rise to pride and boasting. Such a person is prone to telepathy and clairvoyance. Family-oriented, can be capricious in relationships.

Characteristics of a name according to numerology

9 – determination, leadership, charisma, developed intelligence, talent. A person with this name number is energetic, enthusiastic, persistent, and talented. Loves to learn new things. Enjoys authority and respect in society. Often achieves material well-being.

Can be selfish and arrogant. Has a tendency to mood swings and aggressiveness. This is a kind, compassionate and sympathetic person, a fighter for the rights of others, a selfless defender of humanity, a helper in difficult times. Does not tolerate lies and deception.

He loves his family dearly, is generous and tolerant towards his loved ones.


The name Iraida is of ancient Greek origin and is not as popular in our time as in past centuries. However, it will be an excellent option for a newborn girl, as it will give the baby a courageous and persistent character.

What does the name Iraida mean is an easy question, since the answer to it is unambiguous. Translated from ancient Greek, the interpretation is noted as “heroine” or “belonging to the family of the Goddess Hera.” The Iraids have a very heroic character, in which there are many contradictions.

  • Character
  • Love and family
  • Career
  • Health


Since the early childhood The bearer of the name Iraida displays a very hooligan character, which is more typical of boys than girls. She diligently seeks adventure, does not like to sit in one place and easily finds trouble. That is why parents have to carefully monitor their daughter so that she does not hurt herself or do anything stupid.

By the way, such girls do not like being told how to behave at all. They themselves know perfectly well what to do in a given situation. Their decisions are not always correct, but they become invaluable experience for the future.

During adolescence The owner of the name Iraida does not become calmer or more balanced. She often spends time in the company of guys, since she finds it more interesting to be friends with them. Moreover, she positions herself as a leader and ensures that others recognize her authority.

In adulthood leadership traits become even more noticeable. However, friendliness and sociability appear, since this is what helps a woman named Iraida maintain good relationships with people. She has no principles and is quite arrogant, but at the same time she has a kind heart and is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.

Love and family

Not every man can be close to the bearer of the name Iraida. She gives any fan, and especially those who really like her, a kind of endurance test. She puts them in uncomfortable situations and watches how this or that person will get out of them.

It is very important that a man prove himself with dignity and show strong character traits. This will be a much faster path to the heart than even the most beautiful courtship.

If one of the fans meets at least half of the requirements, he will receive the privilege of being next to the impregnable Iraida.

He may still regret that he was once lucky enough to pass the selection, since such a woman has a difficult and ambiguous character, and is also very demanding of her partner.

The meaning of the name Iraida for marriage is that in the family she most often takes the place of commander-in-chief, therefore She needs a man with a soft and pliable character, but at the same time strong and decisive.


In most cases, the bearer of the name Iraida gets married late, since from a young age she prefers to build a career rather than a relationship.

Iraida Alekseevna Krasnopolskaya (Actress of the Moscow Drama Theater of Artistic Publicism)

  • She can spend whole weeks working without rest, forgetting about rest, friends and loved ones.
  • It is very important for her to achieve success, since her self-respect depends on it.
  • Determination and desire to work help to achieve heights in your career, although, as a boss, Iraida is too categorical and strict, so her colleagues may not like her.
  • However, she is not one of those who wants to become the favorite of all the employees, so this attitude is not at all upsetting.
  • The following professions would be a good choice: lawyer, doctor, lawyer, teacher.


The health of the bearer of the name Iraida is always good, she practically does not even suffer from colds, and she does not know about serious illnesses at all. That is why she does not always understand that she needs to monitor the condition of her body and not test its strength, otherwise she can harm herself.

A woman named Iraida often considers herself almost immortal, which is why she develops many bad habits and recklessly risks her life.

She was recommended rest and relax more, as there may be problems with the nervous system and stomach due to an overly stressful lifestyle. Otherwise, there are no health problems, especially at a young age, when a woman is full of strength and energy.


Once you meet a girl named Iraida, you are unlikely to soon forget her name. It is consonant with the name Irina, but is completely different, independent, and has a different meaning.

Its origin is ancient Greek, and it is translated as “heroine”, “daughter of a hero”. Of course, previously such a beautiful name was given only to girls from a glorious family, in which there was a real hero, a brave warrior or a conqueror, girls who were worthy of this name.

This name leaves its mark on both the character and fate of its bearer. The name Iraida is full. In short or in a friendly way, the girl can be called Ira, Ida, Idushka, Isya, Irusya, Raida, Raidushka.

Fate and character

The fact that the meaning of the name Iraida is “heroine” is evident from an early age. She really stands out from the crowd of her peers with her incredible courage, perseverance and strong character. This girl strives to be the first in everything, is very proud of her name, family (regardless of the origin and wealth of her family), and knows her worth.

She is disobedient, willful and daring, but at the same time she is not at all angry or capricious. She just doesn't like to do things she doesn't want to do and hates being pressured. He achieves excellent results in his studies because he strives to be the best. It is important for her to be first.

Championship is always of great importance for this girl, and after graduating from school, Iraida strives for new heights. She is hardworking, not lazy, and very brave. He chooses an exceptionally prestigious university, which is difficult to get into, and gets in the first time. The girl wants to live with dignity and knows that for this she will not get in the way of a prestigious higher education and even a diploma with honors.

Iraida also chooses her profession consciously, and it is not a childhood dream that plays a role, but a reasonable approach. The profession should be interesting to her, but at the same time prestigious and profitable. She does not agree to play second roles and immediately aims to become a leader. Quite early he begins to manage a company or a small team, or opens his own business.

She is pragmatic, has great determination and achieves success in her career with incredible speed. Such areas as court, jurisprudence, law enforcement, saving people and other strong-willed, strong industries that require courage and heroism are well suited for her.

In communicating with people, the meaning of the name Iraida also makes itself felt. The hero’s daughter chooses her environment very carefully, is in no hurry to let people get close to her, and hates it when they interfere in her private life. He makes few friends, choosing quality over quantity. She usually has one best friend for life, but he is real and faithful.

She keeps other people at a certain distance, but this does not mean at all that Iraida is closed and arrogant. She just doesn’t have a need to be the center of attention; she prefers to communicate only with “trusted” people.


In love, reliability and loyalty are of great importance to this woman, so Iraida carefully and for a long time checks her chosen one so as not to be disappointed. Having fallen in love, she softens, becomes more pliable and flexible, but does not open up to a man right away. Her man must be neat and clean, careful in business, hardworking, decent and very disciplined.

Iraida does not tolerate young people who live for today, are looking for fresh experiences and do not think about their future. She will begin to love and respect someone with whom she is stable, reliable and comfortable. He must be a smart, successful, faithful man.

Iraida is in no hurry to get married; she’s fine alone. He starts a family at a conscious age, when he already understands how he wants to live, when he can provide for himself. Iraida’s family is strong, stable and indestructible, like a real fortress, and there is always order and prosperity in it. What names of men are compatible and incompatible with this woman?

1. Excellent compatibility: Oleg, Maxim, Miron, Stepan, Rostislav, Roman, Evgeny, Nikolay, Gleb, Dmitry, Eduard. This is a couple that will get together right away, and for Iraida such a man will be the only one forever. A strong marriage, harmony and happiness - that’s what awaits them ahead.

2. Good compatibility: Leonid, Grigory, Vladislav, Konstantin, Sergey, Stanislav, Igor, Timur. The chances of creating a strong union are quite high. There is mutual understanding, common views on life and similar character traits.

3. Low compatibility: Plato, Mikhail, Rinat, Fedor, Eldar, Denis, Leo. Different characters, different destinies, different views and goals. There will be conflicts rather than harmony in relationships.

Iraida celebrates name days several times a year:

  • February 7.
  • March 5 and 18.
  • August 7.
  • September 18 and 23.
  • October 6.

This woman may seem strict or even arrogant, but she is wise, brave and kind, and she is not short of justice. Thanks to these qualities, Iraida will have a happy fate; there will always be prosperity in her life and only the most worthy people nearby! Vasilina Serova


Why is the owner of the name Iraida doomed to success?

A girl or woman bearing the name Iraida is one of the few who, with their character and destiny, fully confirm its interpretation. The literal translation of the name from ancient Greek is “daughter of Hera,” the most powerful and majestic of the Olympian goddesses. Sometimes the meaning of the name is interpreted a little differently - “heroine”, but this does not detract from the qualities of its owner.

Iraida in Orthodoxy

According to church chronicles, a woman named Iraida lived in the city of Alexandria in the 300s. Raised in the Christian faith from childhood, she decided to devote her entire life to serving Jesus.

While still very young, Iraida became a novice in one of the monasteries, where she spent time in prayer and helping the suffering. On the days when the young nun could leave the walls of the monastery, she preached on the streets of the city, telling those gathered about the life of Christ and his great teaching.

One day, going out to the seashore to scoop up water, Iraida saw a large ship on the pier, on which there were many men and women chained. Among them she noticed several Christian monks and priests. As it turned out, all of them were sentenced to death for their adherence to the true faith and were taken to carry it out.

The courageous nun, without hesitating for a moment, stepped onto the ship and extended her hands to the guards, who immediately put shackles on them. And when the ship arrived in the city of Antinoe, Iraida was the first to go down to the pier and put her head under the executioner’s ax. Following her, the rest of the Christians were executed.

In memory of the feat of the martyr Iraida, dates have been set for her veneration. According to the Orthodox Church calendar these are September 18 and October 6. These days, women who bear the name Iraida must come to the temple and venerate the icon of their saint.

In addition, Iraida’s name day can be March 18 and August 7. The date that is closest to the real birthday will become the day of the patron angel of our heroine.

Diminutive forms of names

Iraida can be called Ida or Ira for short. For a little girl, affectionate options are suitable - Iraidochka, Irusha, Iraidushka, Iraidonka, Idusha.

Sometimes the shortened form Raya or Raida is used. From them the diminutives Raisochka, Rayusha, Raidochka, Raidonka are formed.

It is interesting that, no matter what nationality a woman represents, her name will still sound like Iraida, without interpretation.

Famous namesakes

Nowadays, the name Iraida is not found often; it was also rare in past centuries. Therefore, there are very few famous women who wore or wear it. Nevertheless, let us remember each of them.

  1. Iraida Nikolaevna Utretskaya (1925-2006) - Russian Soviet ballerina, teacher.
  2. Iraida Rafaelevna Yusupova (born 1962) is a Russian composer.
  3. Iraida Gustavovna Geinike (Irina Odoevtseva) (1895 -1990) - Russian poetess and prose writer.
  4. Iraida Vasilievna Spasskaya (born 1944) is the world champion in hundred-square checkers.

In addition, among the famous Iraids there are also representatives of modern art. This is Iraida Arkhangelskaya - an artist, a master of still life, and Iraida Potekhina - a talented young poetess.

Life and destiny

Throughout her life, Iraida is proud of her heroic name and tries to live up to it. To find out how successful she is at this, let’s turn to horoscope predictions.

Little Idusha

Among her peers, the girl stands out for her courageous and decisive actions. Without hesitation, she will rush to take a kitten from the boys or share a sandwich with a friend.

Irusha has a sharp tongue and often uses it in various disputes. Remembering the origin of her name, the girl from an early age tries to do everything not just “A”, but “A+”.

This also applies to studies - our Iraida will only be an excellent student.

Being first is Iruni’s motto, and following it, she plays sports, joins a dance club, and attends an art studio. At the same time, thanks to perseverance, perseverance and great hard work, she achieves excellent results everywhere.

The girl does not accept being told what and how to do. In such cases, the flexible and kind Iraidochka becomes disobedient and can even become rude. True, after a while she cools down and asks for forgiveness, but she still acts in her own way.

After graduating from school, Irusha chooses the most prestigious university and, having carefully prepared, passes the exams brilliantly and becomes a student the first time. Here, too, she does not give up her leadership - she studies excellently and receives a honors diploma.


Thanks to her determination and efficiency, our heroine literally soars up the career ladder. Within a few years after graduation, she can become the head of a large department in a bank, a leading specialist in an enterprise, or a famous lawyer. Iraida often opens her own business, in which she also invariably achieves success.

In adulthood, our heroine becomes pedantic and strict. Moreover, these qualities apply not only to herself, but also to her subordinates. They are required to strictly follow any instructions from their superiors, and for the slightest mistakes in their work they will face not only verbal, but also material reprimand.

Iraida is sociable, but her circle of friends is quite narrow. Not everyone gets the honor of being among our heroine’s good acquaintances, much less becoming a friend. She does not like people who try to gain her trust and penetrate into her private life, and does not maintain relationships with them.

Possessing aesthetic taste, a woman always looks impeccable. But she does not allow herself excesses either in clothes or in cosmetics and therefore has a very strict appearance.

Love and family

Beautiful, stately and successful Iraida is popular with the stronger sex. But only a few can boast of having a relationship with her, since the girl is very selective in her relationships.

It is quite in her spirit to torment a fan for a long time, not responding to signs of attention and ignoring him during meetings.

Not all men are able to overcome the “obstacle course” that she builds on the way to her heart; many leave, barely reaching the middle of the distance.

But proud and self-sufficient Iraida is not too worried about this. Having achieved material well-being early and living separately from her parents, she values ​​freedom and is in no hurry to tie the knot.

A man who will win her heart must be equal to her in education and success. In addition, it is important that he is hardworking, decent and willing to obey his smart wife. If a gentleman with such a set of advantages appears on the horizon, Iraida will marry him.

A family created more at the behest of the mind rather than the heart will, oddly enough, be stable and strong. She will be even more united by her children, whom Iraida will love, but will raise in severity.

Name compatibility

According to the predictions of astrologers, our heroine will be able to create a happy union with Oleg, Nikolai, Evgeniy, Pavel and Yuri. A marriage with one of these men will last into old age.

With gentlemen who bear the names Mikhail, Denis, Timur, Igor and Alexander, only temporary relationships that lead to nothing can develop.

Health and hobbies

In childhood and youth, Iraida practically never got sick; even the annual colds and flu bypassed her. Playing various sports and self-discipline have an impact.

At an older age, due to hard work, problems with the heart and nervous system may occur. But adherence to a diet and feasible physical activity will not allow illnesses to reach a critical stage.

Since work takes up most of Iraida’s time, she has no energy left for hobbies. She is not indifferent to animals; dogs or cats always live in her house. She loves to read and enjoys spending weekends on the couch with an interesting book. Sometimes he visits theaters, especially premiere performances.

The main character traits of Iraida

Let's try to summarize and determine which qualities of our heroine prevail in her character - positive or negative.

A woman with such “heroic” character traits will never get lost in the crowd. This means that Iraida deservedly bears her name and is worthy of her happy fate.


This beautiful female name came into our language from Ancient Greece. Translated from ancient Greek, the meaning of the name Iraida is “heroine”, or “belonging to the family of the Goddess Hera”.

The woman so named is distinguished by several special characteristics, sometimes completely opposite.

It contains kindness, arrogance, lack of principles, and the ability to self-sacrifice for the sake of another person.

Already in childhood, little Iraida shows herself as a girl capable of leadership. She strives to be independent and completely rejects the authority of adults, and even parents.

Many may have the impression that this young princess looks down on everyone, but in fact, the meaning of the name Iraida for a girl embodies a subtle and sensual nature, striving to isolate herself from negativity with her arrogance.

With age, she does not become more friendly and sociable, in order to achieve respect among friends, she can cruelly laugh at a weaker girl, which is especially often manifested at school. But by nature she is not at all a tyrant, and, tormented by remorse, she will definitely ask for forgiveness from the offended one. The peace of her own soul is of great importance to her.

Iraida tries to succeed everywhere - in studies, in creativity, and in sports. Her innate versatility does not allow each of the acquired knowledge to dissolve; she achieves success in everything she takes on. The meaning of the name Iraida for a child implies great responsibility, pedantry, and disgust.

The girl tries to position herself in such a way that those around her feel “out of place”; she takes pleasure in manipulating others, enjoying her own sense of superiority. It is of great importance for her to be admired, to be hated, as long as they are not indifferent.

The interpretation of the name contains a lot of negative things, but nevertheless, Iraida always has several reliable friends, in front of whom she does not need to build herself into an impregnable fortress, for their sake she is even ready to perform heroism. She gives priority to strong and faithful friendship in her life.


In search of a chosen one, a mature girl arranges a kind of endurance test for her fans, completely ignoring advances and not giving in to attempts to speak. This means that for the sake of experiment, she can even humiliate a man and see how he gets out of an uncomfortable situation.

As a result, a carefully “selected” gentleman gets the right to be next to an unapproachable beauty, but not all men can withstand life with such a multifaceted nature. She is very demanding, always strives to occupy the position of head of the family, therefore the ideal man for her would be a man with a soft and compliant character, but not a “rag” - the strength of her partner matters to her.


Iraida's family life does not always work out well. This means that even when confidently getting married, she cannot foresee that not every man will be able to easily exist under her thumb. Her love for her loved ones is quite peculiar, and she is very afraid of losing them, but this fear does not stop her from her habits - she attaches great importance to obedience on the part of her relatives.

Only at a more mature age, a woman who has gained experience and has been divorced more than once begins to be more tolerant of other people’s shortcomings, and therefore her late marriage will be almost ideal. The birth of children becomes a test for her, but she comes out of it with pride, quickly returning from maternity leave to work, and providing the family with most of the income.

She is quite strict with both her daughter and her son, demands strict fulfillment of obligations, and the children never stand up against her. Her authority before them is unshakable, and the kids even love her severity.

Business and career

Until Iraida got married, career success occupied most of her thoughts. She puts her self-sufficiency and security above all else, often forgetting about her personal life while working. Her determination allows her to achieve a high position, but her colleagues and subordinates often dislike her for her categorical and quarrelsome attitude.

Iraida Zeynalova

Discipline, diligence, and high intelligence help a girl achieve success in her own business, but she always prefers to arrange a battle for a place in the sun on someone else’s battlefield, so she rarely creates her own business, which means that the profession of a teacher is most suitable for her , doctor, lawyer, lawyer or judge.

Origin of the name Iraida

The origin of the name Iraida is ancient Greek, and its etymology is closest to the word, which in translation means “heroine”. According to another interpretation, in the country where this word originated, it meant “daughter of Hera.” In any case, the girl, whose name sounds like Iraida, is endowed with great abilities for self-sacrifice, as can be judged by the life of the holy martyr Iraida.

The story goes that she was very young when a ship carrying more than a hundred captives sailed to her city. They were taken to execution for their Orthodox religion. The girl could not help them, no matter how hard she tried, and she decided to share their hard lot, voluntarily surrendering to the tormentors and being the first to receive execution, thereby confirming the main secret of the name Iraida.

Unlike many, this girl’s arrogance is never feigned; she really believes that her position is much higher than those around her, even if she stands in front of her superiors. The main positive characteristic of the name Iraida is the ability to self-sacrifice. She always has a certain circle of loved ones, for whom she is able to give a lot.

Iraida Khait

She knows how to manage her time perfectly, and therefore her life is always full of many pleasant and happy moments. She does not waste time on petty quarrels, ignores ridicule and jokes, keeps her emotions in optimal balance, trying to bring her own life to an ideal that only she understands.

There are both pros and cons to the character of this strong woman, and one of the negative qualities that can be given the most importance is narcissism. She can’t even imagine that there is a person who can overpower her fortitude, and because of this, she sometimes finds herself in bad situations.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Opal.
  • Name day - March 18; October 6.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo, Libra.

Famous people

  • Iraida Zeynalova is a Russian journalist.
  • Iraida Hayit is an Israeli singer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Iraida from ancient Greek is “belonging to the family of Hera,” or, according to another theory, its meaning is “heroine.” This name is quite rare, and is used exclusively among Slavic peoples, so nothing can be said about how it is translated into other languages.

Using a transcription translation, you can write the name in Chinese - 伊拉伊達, and it will be pronounced as Ilayida. In Japanese, the word will sound the same as in Russian, and is written using the Japanese katakana alphabet - イライダ, or in hieroglyphs - 偉雷妥.

Name forms

  • Full name: Iraida.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Raida, Raya, Iraidushka, Iraidka, Raiska, Ida.
  • Declension of the name – Iraidu, Iraide.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Iraida, Raisa.