Kaaba by compass. In search of the true path, or how to correctly determine the direction of the qibla

  • Where is Mecca (Makkah) located?

    Mecca is located in western Saudi Arabia. It is also known as "Makkah" (مكة). The Holy Ka "aba is located in Makkah. It is also the birthplace of Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him). It is the holiest city for Muslims. Muslims go on pilgrimage to Mecca to perform Hajj and Umrah.

  • What is the “Kaaba”?

    Kaaba (Ka "aba) is the Mosque built by Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ismael (peace be upon them) in Makkah (Mecca). It is the cube-shaped building at the center of the Grand Mosque called Al-Masjid al- Haram – a house of God within the larger complex of the Grand Mosque Muslims all over the world face the actual Ka'ba when they pray It is an Arabic word (القبلة) which means "the cube".

  • What is the meaning of Qibla?

    The literal meaning of the Arabic word Qibla (قبلة‎) is "direction". In the Islamic context it means the direction Muslims face when performing their prayers (salaath)

  • What is the definition of Qibla direction in Islam?

    It is the direction in which Muslims face when performing their prayers wherever they are in the world. This is the direction leading to the Ka‘ba in the Grand Mosque in Makkah in current day Saudi Arabia.

  • Is the Qibla direction is west or east?

    Muslims do not pray facing east or west wherever they are. They perform their prayers while facing the Kaaba. As such, the Qibla direction depends on your location vis-à-vis Kaaba in Makkah. It could be East, West, North, South, etc.

  • What is a Mihrab (محراب)?

    It is the semi-circular structure in a Mosque. It indicates the direction of Qibla from the Mosque.

  • What is a Qibla Compass or Prayer direction compass?

    These are standard compasses showing the direction of Qibla on the compass. When users align the needle of the compass to a specific number allocated to the city (provided in the booklet along with the compass), the resulting direction of Qibla marked on the compass is the prayer direction. This may not be accurate when used inside buildings.

  • What is an Online Qibla Compass?

    With advent of mobile devices, the physical compasses are getting replaced by the online compasses available on Android and iPhone/iPad devices. This has given rise to the Online Qibla compasses mobile applications. These compasses will automatically detect the location (when online) and then show the Qibla direction. These compasses also may not be accurate when used inside buildings. HalalTrip mobile App available for both Android and iPhone/iPads has an Online Qibla Compass.

  • How to find Qibla direction using an online compass?

    Online Qibla direction compass mobile applications will generally automatically detect the current location (when online) and then show the prayer direction, as is the case with the HalalTrip mobile app. On some apps the user may have to enter the location, then the compass will show the qibla direction (relative to TRUE North and not relative to compass North). website also provides an online compass which provides the Qibla direction relative to the TRUE North .

  • How to find Qibla direction using google maps?

    Locating the qibla direction using the google maps is very precise. It uses the great circle to show the qibla direction on a Google Map. Once you enter your location, the direction of qibla will be shown on the google map with a line drawn on the map. Zoom in the map and find the landmark to orient yourself to the qibla direction.

  • How to find Qibla direction online for my current location/place/house?

    The best way to find the accurate Qibla direction for any location is to use a mobile application which provides both an online compass as well as the ability to locate the qibla using google maps. site as well as the HalalTrip "s mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android let"s you easily find the qibla direction for your house or for any location while you travel. The HalalTrip mobile app will instantly find your location and display the qibla direction..

  • How to find Qibla direction without compass?

    The best way to find the qibla direction without a compass is to use an online qibla direction locator. Especially using a google maps based prayer finder.

  • Does the Qibla finder tool work in every country?

    Yes, this tool will solve your need to find Qibla. Our visitors from many countries such as Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania , Turkey, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, Azerbaijan, France, Indonesia, Norway and Iran (wherever you are) should find this tool useful.

  • How is the word Qibla spelled in English?

    "Qibla" is an Arabic word - قِبْلَة

    As such when written in English there are number of variations used to spell the word. The main variation is the use of either "Q" or "K" in the beginning of the word. The second is the addition of letters "t" or "h" at the end. This has given rise to the following variations of spelling:

    · Qibla, Qiblat, Qiblah

    Kibla, Kiblat, Kiblah

    Sometimes the prefix "Al" is added to the word which make it "Al Qibla". "Al" is an Arabic prefix for the word "the". The most common usage is “Qibla”.

    Few other variations of how it is spelt are Quibla, Quibla, Qible and Qebla.

  • In addition to Qibla direction, where can I find Dua(s) for traveling on HalalTrip?

    HalalTrip has a list of some of the most important Islamic travel Dua(s) for Muslims. It includes Dua(s) in Arabic and English with audio playback of the Dua(s) in Arabic, as well as Dua(s) to be recited before setting out on a journey, along with Dua(s) for when leaving home, traveling by plane, car, and more.

  • What is the Qibla direction (Namaz Direction) in India?

    The Qibla direction in India is generally West. The exact direction depends on the location in India. For Chandigarh, a city in the north of India, the direction is about 263 degrees. For Madurai, located in the south, the direction is around 292 degrees. Here are directions for some of the main cities in India.

    Mumbai - 280.07

    Kolkata - 278.21

    Delhi - 266.6

    Chennai – 287.93

    Bangalore - 288.5

    Hyderabad - 282.3

    Ahmedabad - 273.4

    Surat - 276.6

    Qibla is a precisely established direction from any point on Earth towards the sacred, located in the city of Arabia. During prayers and a number of rituals, all Muslims turn their faces there. Qibla is of particular importance in the construction of mosques, as well as other places of worship.

    How did the Qibla come about?

    In the early years of Islam, Qibla was the holy city of Quds (Jerusalem). But seventeen months after the Hijra, when the Medinan Jews declared that the Muslims and the Prophet did not know the location of the Qibla and that they taught them. In response, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him!) prayed to Allah to show the Muslims their real Qibla for Islam. In response, Allah indicated a new Qibla. As a result, it became the Meccan Kaaba.

    How to determine Qibla?

    1. The geographical coordinates of the Kaaba can be determined by the mosque. In this building there is a mihrab. The imam from it conducts a prayer. Mosque, according to religious rules, was built so that a person who addresses this niche could pray in the direction of Qibla.
    2. If there are no mosques nearby, then you can use the definition of Qibla using geography. You should take a map, find Mecca and your city on it. Next, you need to determine in which direction Mecca will lie from you. After that, you need to determine the desired side of the world. You can use natural methods. At noon, if you stand to the sun with your left side, you will face south, your right side to the west, and your back to the north. At night, you can navigate by the stars. To do this, in the northern hemisphere, you need to find the North Star, which is located in the tail of the constellation Ursa Minor. It has the shape of a bucket. The direction of the polar star always points north.
    3. You can ask the direction of the Qibla from a Muslim who is trustworthy. In this case, even if he makes a little mistake, this will not be considered a violation of the religious canon.
    4. You can also use electronic maps, gps navigators and other technological devices.

    When can one not face the Qibla?

    When praying, turn towards the Qibla, however there are some exceptions:

    1. Voluntary prayer of a rider or passenger in modern conditions
    2. Prayer in case of danger, illness or forced conditions

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    For every Muslim, the definition of the qibla (direction towards the sacred Kaaba) is important, since it is in the direction of the qibla that the daily prayer should be performed according to the precepts of Allah, which were sent down in the Koran. There are various ways to determine the Qibla, in the same article I will tell you how to use the online qibla compass, and what network services will help us with this.

    Why determining the qibla is important

    According to the precepts of Allah, every Muslim during his prayer must direct his face towards Mecca. Mosques and other religious buildings should also be oriented towards the Holy Kaaba. Every Muslim must do everything in his power to correctly determine the qibla in order to perform prayer correctly.

    The Holy Quran says: “We have seen how you turn your face to the sky, and We will turn you to a qibla with which you will be satisfied. Turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces in her direction. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture know that this is the truth from their Lord. Allah is not ignorant of what they do.” (Quran, 2 sura, 144 verses).

    List of the best qibla compasses on the internet

    There are various ways to determine the qibla direction. I will focus on online network services that will help devout Muslims in search of qibla.

    In most cases, these resources work on a similar principle: you indicate your location to them (or place a corresponding mark on the map), and they indicate the qibla direction with an arrow. Some resources can also indicate the distance to Mecca, latitude and longitude, as well as degrees. Also, if you want to determine the direction of the world in an apartment using, I recommend that you read the article.


    The Russian-language resource computers.ru invites you to find the qibla using Yandex maps for this. On the page that opens, indicate your location on the map by clicking there, after which a line with an arrow will appear on the map indicating the direction to Mecca.


    1. The English-language site halatrip.com will help you easily determine the qibla.
    2. To do this, go to this site, after which it will ask permission to determine your location.
    3. If you agree, then click on "Allow Location Access", the site will determine your location, and show you the qibla path on the map.
    Click on "Allow Location Access" and the resource will determine your location

    If you want to enter your location yourself, then enter your address in the green box on the right (“Enter Location” field), and press enter.

    Enter your address in the "Enter Location" field

    The map will display your location and qibla direction as a bar, and the compass on the left will indicate the exact angle of the qibla direction.


    1. Another English-language online resource eqibla.com will help Muslims find the qibla.
    2. Go to this resource, enter your address in the "Enter your address" line, and click on the "Locate" button.
    3. The map will show your location, and the line will indicate the correct qibla direction.

    In addition, the resource will determine the latitude and longitude, the distance to the Kaaba, and also show the qibla how many degrees.

    Qibla direction map on "Eqibla.com"


    The English-language resource for Muslims islamicfinder.org will also help you determine the qibla direction online. To do this, you need to place the cursor on the map at your location (by holding left key mouse), the service will immediately indicate the qibla direction with a dashed line.

    Like the eqibla.com resource, this resource determines the latitude and longitude, distance and will show the qibla degree online.

    Qibla direction on "islamicfinder.org"


    The qib.la service also makes it easy to find out the qibla. Upon switching to this service, it will ask you for permission to determine your location. If you click on "Allow location access" it will find your location on the map and show you the direction to Mecca.

    You can also indicate your location on the map yourself, and the line with arrows will show you the way to the Holy Kaaba.

    The working window of the site "qib.la"

    Mobile applications to find the direction of the Kaaba

    You can also use mobile applications for your smartphone such as Find Qibla Direction (Android), iSalam: Qibla Compass (iOS), Qibla Compass (Android), Muslim Pro (Andoid) and others. Using the built-in tools of your smartphone (GPS, accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, etc.), you can correctly determine the qibla.

    The Muslim Pro mobile application will help you determine the qibla correctly


    In this article, I have listed network compass resources that will help you correctly determine the qibla. All of them have simple and convenient functionality, it will be enough for you to indicate your address, and the resource will immediately show you the correct qibla direction. Peace to you!

    Instructions for determining the position of Mecca, for the implementation of Namaz.

    Islam is the youngest religion that exists at the moment. However, despite this, she has a huge number of fans and people who pray to Allah daily. In this article, we will tell you in which direction you need to pray.

    In which direction do prayers on the compass?

    This daily prayer, which is held five times a day. It is worth noting that a lot of rules and even entire instructions for conducting prayer are associated with this action. Muslims are an unusual people who adhere to a huge number of rules in the implementation of prayer. It is necessary to perform prayer not in any direction, but in a certain direction. More precisely, it is held to the side Qibla.

    In which direction do prayer by compass:

    • Qibla Literally translated as located opposite. Previously, it was located in the direction of the city of Jerusalem, but then it was moved to the city of Mecca, where the Kaaba is now located. The most interesting thing is that there are many difficulties in determining the direction Qibla , in the event that a person is in the desert, travels, or is constantly in transport.
    • Many believe that the development of mathematics, physics, geometry, as well as the exact sciences, is provoked precisely by the need to accurately determine Qibla . Now there are many ways to determine this direction, even special rugs with compasses and with a mark are sold, that is, an indicator in which direction it is necessary to pray.
    • Despite this, with the definition Qibla there are many difficulties, especially if a person is on the road. However, there are several ways to determine this direction from the stars, the Sun, as well as a compass, an electronic clock.

    How to determine in which direction to pray?

    Now everything is much simpler, since there are electronic maps that allow you to determine the exact direction. However, unfortunately, not everywhere on the road there is an opportunity to turn on GPS navigation, which is why in such cases orientation is carried out in ancient ways, using the direction of the sun and stars.

    How to determine in which direction to pray:

    • Before the advent of new technologies, the Qibla direction was determined using special tables. They were founded and developed on the basis of mathematical formulas and complex calculations.
    • A little earlier, mathematicians puzzled and provided a huge number of special formulas to determine the direction of Qibla. However, in most cases, such measurements were not suitable for the general population, since not everyone had enough knowledge, erudition and IQ levels to determine the calculation for these formulas.
    • Accordingly, that is why all the values ​​​​were entered in special tables, which were used for a long time. Now everything works much easier, for this it is enough to have an electronic watch or a phone with an online application.
    • Thanks to him, the exact coordinates of your location are found, and as a result, a person receives a vector, the direction in which it is necessary to perform prayer. However, if this is not possible, then the sun is often used. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the Sun and see that the shadow will be directed towards the East, the back is North, and the face is directed to the South. It was in this way that they determined where the Qibla was.

    Position of Mecca

    How to know in which direction to pray?

    There is an opinion that Muslims always pray towards the East., But, this is relevant only for eastern countries. If you are, for example, in the USA, then prayers can be carried out towards the northeast. In every corner of the globe, the direction can change.

    How to know which way to pray:

    • Now thanks modern technologies to determine the location of Mecca is quite simple. However, things were much more complicated before. Generally the most simple option is the orientation towards the sun.
    • As mentioned above, it is necessary at 12:00 to stand with your back to the Sun and determine the location. This will help if you know in which direction the Kaaba is located from a given place. Then it will be enough just to determine the point in the direction of which you need to look and determine the coordinates where you are now.
    • Now it is enough to have GPS navigation and the simplest compass to determine the direction. There are many online sites that allow you to determine the direction of Mecca. In general, the direction is of great importance, however, there are several opinions and confirmation that if you pray in the wrong direction, then nothing terrible will happen.

    In which direction should prayer be done?

    There are several confirmations that in the past, to determine the direction, it was necessary to perform many complex manipulations that did not give an accurate direction and had a very large measurement error. That is whysome travelers prayed in the wrong direction.

    In which direction should you pray:

    • There is even a story that says that two travelers could not determine the direction of Mecca, so they prayed in completely different directions, opposite in direction.
    • The action was carried out at night, in the morning the travelers determined by the level of the sun where the south and west were and realized that they were performing prayer in the wrong direction, where Mecca is located.
    • However, the prophet came to them and said that there was no need to repeat the prayer, since Allah is everywhere: in the north, and in the West, and in the East. There are a number of confirmations of this, therefore, if you accidentally determined the direction of the Qibla incorrectly, then there is no need to repeat the prayer. This applies to travelers, as well as people who have difficulty in determining the direction of the Kaaba.

    It is worth considering that when building temples in Islam, the direction relative to the Kaaba is also used. In general, all the temples are directed towards Mecca, so this fact should be taken into account. When performing prayer, you can focus on the position of the mosque. In any country in the world, it is built according to these rules. Therefore, being in the mosque, it is necessary to stand in the indicated directions. In some temples on the floor, on the walls there are markings in which direction it is necessary to perform prayer.

    VIDEO: In which direction do Namaz?

    Islam is one of the youngest religions on the planet, it differs significantly from ancient religious beliefs and currently has the most followers around the world. For the uninitiated or those recently converted, it is very difficult to observe all the daily rituals that are prescribed for devout Muslims. It is especially difficult for many to determine the direction of the qibla, without which it is impossible to perform namaz and a host of other ritual actions. But this is a serious deviation from the rules, which in Islam is considered a sin. In this article, we will explain how to determine the direction of the qibla in different ways, and explain why this landmark is so important for the faithful.

    Qibla: the term and its meaning

    The term "qibla" arose literally in parallel with the formation of Islam, in literal translation from Arabic it means "that which is opposite." Almost every Muslim knows that with its help from anywhere in the world you can determine where Arabia is located. Mecca (city) and the sacred Kaaba are the direction towards which the faithful should pray. This moment is very important for any person practicing Islam. But these are far from the only actions that regulate the qibla direction.

    Life and daily affairs of Muslims, depending on the location of the holy Kaaba

    In order for the faithful to know exactly what to do in a given situation, the Prophet Muhammad left behind hadiths as a reminder. The qibla is mentioned even in several of them. For example, this topic is covered in the hadiths of Bara ibn Azib, Jabir ibn Abdallah, Amir ibn Rabiy. Thanks to these pious people, in the daily life of Muslims, there is practically not a single moment that has not been explained and described. So, let's look at rituals and daily activities that imply the need for information about which side the qibla is:

    • Burial of the dead. Hadiths define the special position of the body of a Muslim during burial - it must be turned on its right side, facing the Kaaba.
    • Animal slaughter. If any Muslim plans to slaughter cattle, he should put the animal on its left side and turn its head towards Mecca.
    • Dream. Muslims must go to bed strictly observing a ritual identical to laying down the dead. After all, each person may not wake up in the morning, therefore, according to the Qur'an, sleep is equated with death.
    • Management of natural needs. It is strictly forbidden for the faithful to do this with their backs turned or facing Mecca.
    • Namaz. This is the most important daily action, for which you need to know exactly the direction of the qibla. Since prayer is performed several times a day, and a person constantly moves during this time, he should be able to receive reliable information about which side of the world Mecca is in.

    Of course, this is not all the actions indicated in the hadiths. We have given only the most common and interesting. However, there is also a certain list of peculiar exceptions to the general rules, when it is allowed not to look for the qibla direction during prayer. There are only two such cases:

    • During the travelling. If you are on the road, and the time comes to perform a prayer or another action listed above, then the qibla will be considered the direction in which the transport is moving.
    • Danger or serious illness. In the event that you are in mortal danger, a terrible disease approaches, or another critical situation arises, it is allowed to pray without focusing on Mecca.

    We think, from all of the above, you have already understood how important the qibla is in Islam. Almost anyone can determine its direction in the modern world without much difficulty. But where did this term come from and why is Mecca the main reference point? We will tell you about this now.

    The emergence of the qibla

    From the very first days of the emergence of Islam as a religion, there was a tradition to build mosques and perform all rituals, focusing on one direction. But originally it was the city of Quds (Jerusalem). It was considered a sacred place, and all the faithful, determining the qibla, turned to face him.

    However, over time, a dispute arose between the Medinan Jews and Muslims. The former constantly reproached the faithful with the fact that they and the Prophet Muhammad could not even independently determine the qibla and learned this art from the Jews. The Prophet turned to Allah with a request, and the Almighty heard him received a new qibla. Now they had to face the sacred Kaaba. Since that time, the direction has never changed, so it is so important, regardless of your location anywhere in the world, to know where Mecca is located.

    Qibla: how to determine the direction

    Muslims know many ways to calculate the qibla direction. Some of them have been preserved since ancient times, others have arisen thanks to the technical achievements of our time. We have compiled in the article the most detailed list of all known methods:

    • mosque;
    • geographic map;
    • compass;
    • nine scientific methods of Abdelaziz Sallam;
    • computer programs ("Qibla Compass");
    • mechanical watches;
    • a question to an authoritative person.

    Since this is a rather important and interesting question, we will analyze each method separately.

    Qibla determination by mosque

    If your city has a mosque, then you will not have problems with determining the qibla. After all, initially every religious building in the Muslim world was built in such a way that all those who pray are always facing Mecca.

    If you enter the mosque and look around carefully, you will notice a small semicircular niche - the mihrab. It is from her that the imam leads. The niche is always oriented towards Mecca. Therefore, when praying in a mosque, you can always be sure that you are facing the right direction.

    When there are a lot of people in the mosque, a prayer rug helps to determine the qibla. On many of them, an arrow indicates the direction, signed by the word "qibla". This greatly facilitates the life of Muslims who observe all the instructions of Allah. Also in many hotels in the world you can see signs with arrows pointing to Mecca.

    Interestingly, in ancient times, experienced astrologers were always involved in the construction of mosques, who could absolutely say exactly in which direction the sacred Kaaba was located. In the future, these questions were addressed to architects, who, in addition to their main duty, did an excellent job of determining the direction of the qibla.

    Now it is much easier to build mosques, because you can correctly indicate the direction with the help of a set technical means, which allow, with an accuracy of one degree, to determine the location of Mecca in relation to a certain point on the ground.

    Interestingly, among all Islamic mosques, there is one that stands out for its special characteristic - it has two kiblas. We could not fail to mention this miracle in our article.

    Unusual building in Saudi Arabia

    In Medina, there is the mosque of the Two Qiblas, or Masjit Al-Kiblatayn. This building is one of a kind, because it has two mihrabs, which means it points to two qiblas. The first niche is oriented towards Jerusalem, and the second towards Mecca. One of the most ancient Muslim legends is connected with this mosque.

    During the life of the Prophet Muhammad, when Quds served as the qibla, he often prayed at the site of today's mosque. It is believed that it was here that the prophet prayed to Allah to send down a new qibla in connection with the protracted dispute between Muslims and Jews. Right during the prayer, Muhammad received a revelation from the Almighty and instantly turned towards Mecca. All the worshipers immediately followed his example. Thus, before the eyes of many people, an important event took place - the change of qibla. And the mosque, which has become a symbol of this significant change that affected the life of every true believer, has two mihrabs.

    The religious building itself is made in the best Muslim architectural traditions. It has strict geometric outlines, emphasized by two minarets and domes. Since the mosque is located on a slope, it is noticeable how the prayer hall passes from one level to another and consists of many arches. The false dome, symbolizing the ancient direction for prayer, smoothly connects with a small gallery to the main domes and the hall. This traces the description of the process of changing the qibla, which took place many years ago.

    Externally, the mosque is not much different from most similar structures. At the moment it has been reconstructed and is operational.

    How to determine the qibla direction using a compass

    This is one of the simplest and available ways determine where the sacred Kaaba is located relative to you. After all, a compass is an item that is sold in many stores and costs very little money. In addition, many others are connected with this method in one way or another, which we will describe in the following sections of the article.

    For example, you pray in Moscow. How to determine in which direction you need to turn your face? Everything is simple. For prayer, you need to know that, relative to the inhabitants of central Russia, Mecca is located in the south. Therefore, you must take a compass and determine the cardinal points, and then turn to the south. In the case of performing all these simple actions, you will always know the right direction.

    But what about other regions of our country and neighboring states? How to find out, for example, the direction of the qibla by compass in Makhachkala? This is no less a simple process: those who live in the Caucasus, in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, should look for the southwest. That is where Mecca is for them.

    For northwestern Russia and Ukraine, the direction of the qibla extends south. St. Petersburg has minor deviations from generally accepted calculations, but this is not a particular violation. The hadiths indicate that for prayer and performing rituals, it is not required to observe accuracy up to degrees. It is enough just to correctly orient in space. How to determine the qibla direction without a compass? This is a fairly common question, and we will answer it.

    Geographical map - an assistant in determining the qibla

    If you didn’t have a compass at hand, and a geographical map is in your hands, then you can easily cope with the task of determining the location of the Kaaba. Let's take the same example: you are praying in Moscow and you want to find the qibla. You just need to find two points on the map - Moscow and Mecca, and then, using the definition of cardinal points, orient yourself to the south. Many believers are confused precisely this item recommendations, because without a compass it is rather difficult to determine the cardinal directions. We will give you a hint:

    • Shadow at noon. If the sun is outside the window, then you need to go outside and turn your back to our luminary. The cast shadow will become the north indicator, with the right and left sides being east and west, respectively. This rule applies when you are in the Northern Hemisphere. In the South, your shadow will point, on the contrary, to the south.
    • Polar Star. This ancient wayfinder for sailors and travelers can also prove useful in finding the qibla. If the night sky is clear, then you can easily find the North Star, located in the tail of the constellation Ursa Minor. If you draw a perpendicular to the ground from it, then it will point you to the north. Behind will be the south, on the right - the east, and on the left side - the west.

    We hope that with the help of our tips you can always easily determine the direction of the qibla.

    Qibla and mechanical clock: a simple and affordable method

    This method is closely related to the previous two, because you also need the sun and knowledge of exactly where you are in order to understand which side of the world you need to look for.

    You need to place the watch on a flat surface with the small hand pointing towards the sun. The resulting angle between the hand and the twelve o'clock mark is divided into two equal parts, and its bisector will point to the south. And keep in mind that until noon the south will be on the right side of the star, and after - on the left. You can use this method from six in the morning to six in the evening.

    Scientific work of Abdel-Aziz Sallam

    It is especially difficult to determine the exact direction of the qibla for Muslims living in America. After all, usually the direction is calculated based on the shortest distance between two points on land. Therefore, there is no unity among American Muslims about the qibla. Sometimes prayer is performed relative to opposite ends of the world.

    Approximately seventeen years ago, a whole symposium was devoted to this serious issue, at which Abdel-Aziz Sallam, who devoted almost his entire life to the study of qibla, spoke. He presented to the audience his scientific work, containing nine scientific methods that can be used in everyday life with certain knowledge:

    • Arithmetic. Here, the rules for solving spherical triangles, as well as the formulas for the sine of a half angle, apply.
    • Trigonometric tables. They are used in two methods and are based on the calculations of the ancient Egyptians.
    • Celestial sphere. This method is ideal for navigators who need to correlate the meridians and latitude of the Kaaba with the angle of inclination of the celestial sphere. The method described in the fifth scientific papers is identical, but here the circle of the celestial sphere is used.
    • The sixth and seventh methods are based on the adoption of the Kaaba as the starting point in navigational instruments.
    • sun perpendicular. Twice during the year, our luminary becomes perpendicular to the Kaaba, this can be observed from different countries peace. Therefore, it is enough to see this phenomenon once and make approximate guidelines for yourself in order to be able to always look towards Mecca in the future.

    • Prayer card. It was specially compiled for the inhabitants of America and allows you to calculate the desired direction using the indicated angles.

    It should be noted that everything different methods recognized as correct and may be used at any time.

    Computer programs

    The direction to the qibla during prayer is helped by various computer programs. Now they are very popular and widespread, there are applications for smartphones and tablets that, when launched, show you where you need to turn your face during prayer.

    Despite the fact that these programs are very diverse, many Muslims summarize them under one name - "The Qibla Compass". Indeed, in any case, a drawn compass appears in front of you, the arrow of which points to the Kaaba. Typically, such programs have common characteristics:

    • sound notifications about the beginning of prayer;
    • compass;
    • audio recordings of texts from the Koran;
    • list of nearby mosques;
    • Muslim calendar and the like.

    In principle, such programs greatly facilitate the life of the faithful, because they can be used anywhere in the world. Now it is practically the most accurate method of determining the qibla of all known.

    Question to another Muslim

    If you cannot independently find out the direction of the qibla for one reason or another, then it is permissible to ask a trustworthy Muslim with a question. Many are worried about such a moment that the respondent can also make a mistake and incorrectly indicate the direction. Keep in mind that in this case someone else's mistake will not be considered a sin. You can safely pray with your face in the indicated direction, but if you find out the correct direction, you should change it. And further rituals to perform in the right direction.

    It is interesting that if, as a result of any actions during prayer, you realize that you are making a mistake, then you must immediately turn around to face right side and continue your prayer.

    A few words in conclusion

    We hope that our article was useful to you, and we have given all the answers to questions related to the qibla. Now you can always perform namaz and other rituals facing the Kaaba. And this is correct, because that is what Allah commanded to do through the Prophet Muhammad. But, striving to perform all actions correctly and in accordance with the Qur'an and hadiths, do not forget the main thing. The life of a faithful Muslim should be filled with spiritual purity and the desire to live according to the precepts of the Almighty, and if for some reason you cannot determine the direction of the qibla, do not be discouraged. It is written in the hadiths that it is better to pray sincerely, not knowing where Mecca is, than to pray without a spark of faith in the heart, but in the direction of the qibla.