As the women imply. Why Women Speak in Hints - Untitled

Even within couples who have been in close relationships for many years, misunderstandings arise from time to time. This is because women like to speak in hints, and men do not recognize them. This problem causes many quarrels and partings. What to do? How to understand what a woman really wants from you?

First of all, you should understand why men do not perceive female hints. The answer to this question is elementary: they do not notice them. Over the millennia, men and women have formed and developed various models thinking. In addition, recent studies by neurologists have confirmed that the neural structures in the brains of men and women have a number of differences. Therefore, we can safely say that we actually think differently.

Women's thinking is intuitive, men's is rational. Men usually concentrate on one or two problems and deal only with them. Women try to simultaneously solve a number of tasks. In addition, it is much easier for men to abstract from the problem and look at it from the side with an open mind. Women, on the other hand, are much easier to understand emotions, they are more prone to empathy, that is, to empathy with the interlocutor and sympathy.

The difference in mindset may not be noticeable when you are single, but when you are in a relationship, it inevitably comes between you. Let's take an illustrative example.

Your girlfriend says, "I haven't had coffee today."

What the girl means: "I wouldn't mind if you made me a cup of coffee."

What the man thinks: "She hasn't had coffee today." The man does not see even the shadow of a hint in the words of the girl.

Emotional susceptibility

Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge conducted an emotion recognition test. He showed the subjects photos that showed only the eyes and a rectangular area of ​​the face next to them. The subjects had to answer what emotions are depicted in the photo.

As a result, it turned out that women correctly identified 88% of emotions, and men - 76%. This is a clear example that women are better at recognizing body language and capturing nuances. And when it comes to seduction, women pay more attention to body language.

For example, a woman sends flirty glances to a man, mysteriously raises an eyebrow, smiles radiantly. A man does not perceive these non-verbal messages, but for the surrounding women they do not go unnoticed. And then a heated discussion takes place in the circle of the girlfriends of the seductive woman: “Well, you were looking at him like that, how could he not notice? He probably isn't interested in you."

Different languages
Due to the difference in thought patterns, often in a conversation with a girl it seems that you speak different languages. This misunderstanding often causes quarrels and deterioration of relations. So how do you know what a woman really means? Here are some tips for you.

So how can a man recognize hints? First, you should pay attention not only to what a woman says, but also to her facial expressions, gestures and gaze. Secondly, practice to catch hints in communication.

Hint recognition can be learned in as little as three and a half hours. To do this, you need to sign up for the training “What does a woman want?”, which will help you better understand the psychology of the opposite sex, reveal the secrets of non-verbal communication and talk about how to behave with a woman in order to become an ideal man for her.

Based on materials from http://shig.rf/article/kak-ponyat-nameki-zhenschin/

Sign language

To try to get your attention, he will try hard to show his personality. For example, he may suddenly begin to behave too noisily, become assertive, defiant, or vice versa, move quietly to the side - the main thing is that he must certainly stand out from the crowd so that you notice him.

If a man is interested in what he sees, his mouth involuntarily opens and his nostrils flare. Another admiration for you can give out his dilated pupils. This is a 100% sign that a man wants you.

As soon as you look at a man, he immediately begins to straighten some of his clothes - sleeves, tie, socks. This suggests that he wants to impress you, or at least interest you, that he is definitely interested in you.

He starts touching his face when talking to you - this is a clear sign of excitement, a desire to look better.

Standing in front of you, he keeps his hands on his hips or on his belt - he feels confident. And with his hands he subconsciously accentuates those places that he wants you to caress.

The man threw his jacket or sweater over your shoulders, wanting to keep you warm. Such a gesture is very significant - you are definitely his woman, he wants to protect and protect you.

About the material

He talks with distaste about how food is prepared in catering establishments. This is how hints are made to women that there can be nothing better than home cooking. This man is able to understand that it is better to spend money on something necessary than to litter it.

You want to go out for a bite to eat, and your man suddenly starts telling you how good it is to walk in the moonlight. There is a simple reason for this - he does not have enough money at the moment to pay for the cafe.

Instead of a favorite show, he turns on a cooking program or puts cooking magazines in a prominent place. Such male hints mean that your loved one would like to see more of a variety of dishes prepared by you.

Secrets of communication

1. Men rarely openly admire and violently express their emotions. If a loved one told you that you are beautiful in this dress, this is an example of the highest rating. You will hardly hear the words: great, amazing, amazing. This is all from the female lexicon.

2. All men have a habit of interrupting. They don't do it to offend you, but more often than not, it happens unconsciously. The male brain is decision oriented. Therefore, while you will state the problem, during this time he can already offer a couple of solutions without listening to your arguments to the end.

3. When talking with a man, you should always start with the main thing, and then proceed to the details. Speak as directly as possible - hints are easier for women, but men do not understand them well.

4. All men like to argue. Do not take this as a desire to quarrel and ruin your relationship with you. Better not interfere with him - men constantly prove something to women, such is their nature.

Take a closer look at your passion, she sends you a lot of signals that she does not need you, but you stubbornly ignore them! I bring to your attention some of them. Read, study, take note so that next time you get out of this situation with your head held high!

1. She says she's not ready for serious relationship. A classic excuse, women often use it when communicating with those who, in principle, are of little interest to them, as a potential gentleman. Here you can not go into details and not explain the reasons. Not ready is all. If you hear these words from your girlfriend, then know that she simply does not want to be with you and you have practically nothing to hope for. There is very little chance that she will ever change her mind.

2. She never calls you. And doesn't call back. Or avoids talking to you on the phone. You try to console yourself with the thought that she just forgot or she doesn't have time. In any case, this means that she has little interest in you and she prefers to communicate with others, rather than with you. Remember important rule- if the girl does not call you back after your first call, it makes sense to call her again. If she doesn't call back even after your second call, then it's worth considering why she does this. Although, in almost all books for women on seducing men they write that a man should seek women and she does not call you on purpose. But after the third unanswered call, forget about her.

3. She avoids physical intimacy and tries not to make eye contact when talking. One of the clear signs that she does not need you, and for some reason men do not pay attention to him. If a girl likes a man, she will try to be closer and look into each other's eyes - this is very important. If she evades your gaze, then most likely she does not want to be with you, but does not dare to say so openly. Or maybe she just keeps you as a fallback and therefore is silent. In any case, think about whether you need to be together or is it better to look for another object of passion.

4. In a conversation with you, she often talks about other men. No, she does not want to make you feel jealous at all (unless she is your ex, but that, as they say, is a completely different story). Most likely, you fell into the category of just "friend", which means only one thing - she perceives you as one of her girlfriends, with whom you can just chat about everything. It didn't even occur to her that you had feelings for her. Not a very good sign.

5. She tries to introduce you to another woman. She does this because, as in point number four, it simply did not occur to her that you can be considered not only as "just a friend." Perhaps you are dear to her, she may even love you, but only as a friend. But he definitely doesn't want to have any romantic relationship with you.

6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes. If the girl is all right with a sense of humor and only your jokes do not make her laugh, then we can draw two conclusions. Firstly, she does not share your sense of humor, your jokes seem flat and not funny to her. Secondly, laughter is a form of flirting, so she is not interested in you and your jokes as well.

7. There is no place for you in her plans. Today she is dating her girlfriends, tomorrow she is with her niece, next week she is going to a nightclub with her friends… You are not there! Maybe you should also plan your life with another girl?

8. She regularly cancels appointments with you. Of course, the reasons may be different, but if dates are canceled more and more often, then most likely she thinks that you are not the man of her dreams.

9. Her descriptions of Prince Charming bear little resemblance to you. She dreams of a Latin American macho, perfectly dancing salsa, and you are more like a Scandinavian man who cannot distinguish a square dance from a butterfly polka. In principle, women rarely share the same opinion, and as a result, it will be the Scandinavian who will be her chosen one, but it will not be you. Let it be a subtle hint that you are not her handsome prince.

If you find one or more of these signs in your girlfriend, be sure that she is not interested in you. If there are three signs, she will never be with you. Draw conclusions and do not drive yourself into a dead end. Don't waste your precious time on it and move on. There are a lot of girls around who will definitely want to be with you.

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“You are a woman and you are right about this,” one great one once said. At all times, it was easier for men to agree with the fairer sex than to try to figure out what they want. But if women still make attempts to understand their faithful, then why shouldn't the stronger sex follow the same example? Let's take a look at the question of how to understand the psychology of a girl together. After all, in fact, there is nothing complicated in this.

Surely you have repeatedly asked yourself the question “Why do I not understand my girlfriend?”. And it is also quite likely that you have already encountered her hints, which you basically do not notice, claims that, in your opinion, are unfounded, and the topic of female logic can generally be left without comment. If you really want to penetrate the world of the beautiful half of humanity, then we will help you figure out how to understand the behavior of a girl.

In the list of actions of the weaker sex that are completely incomprehensible to men, the leading positions are firmly occupied by hints, body language, the words of girls, as well as their feelings. Let's consider each of them in detail.

How to understand what a girl says?

About 90% of men face a similar problem. And the problem here is that it is completely incomprehensible what meaning is actually contained in the words. There are plenty of examples of this:

How to understand a girl's body language?

This is just one side of the question of how to learn to understand a girl. But what if there is no talk of relationships yet? How to understand the body language of a girl, if it is important for you to know whether the relationship will develop? The main thing here is your attention.

These examples are a great clue on how to understand a girl's feelings. In general, we are all well aware that a man and a woman are too different to understand each other perfectly. The main problem here is that men think in a straight line - what they think about is what they say. For women, the process is more complex. Do you remember the phrase - “she came up with it herself, was offended by herself?” - it’s almost classic version behavior. So that there are no barriers in your relationship, and you do not puzzle over how to understand your girlfriend, try to communicate with her more often and pay more attention to her. Gradually, you will learn to identify all her hints, words and behavior. The main thing is to stock up on great patience and, of course, love for your beautiful half of humanity.

A source:
How to understand a girl?
“You are a woman and you are right about this,” one great one once said. At all times, it was easier for men to agree with the fairer sex than to try to figure out what they want.

Number of comments: 4

Young people often ask themselves: do girls like me? How to understand, define it? Pay attention to the hints that the girl makes to you, sometimes without noticing it herself.

So, a girl or woman is not interested in further communication with you if:

1. She keeps looking around. When a woman is interested in your company, she makes every effort not to be distracted by anything and listen to you carefully. If she looks around, exchanges remarks with someone else, in general, does not listen to you, then she is not interested in you.

2. She is not talkative. Even the most taciturn woman loves to talk, so give her such an opportunity, and you will see if her reaction to your words is limited to the words “yes” or “no”, she does not ask counter questions and reluctantly answers yours, she is not interested. Also pay attention to body language. If your interlocutor folds her arms crosswise, crosses her legs, deviates from you and does not “play” with her hair, she is bored with you. But if she began to nervously drum her fingers on the table or tap her foot, then you just got her and it’s better to leave her alone, otherwise it’s not known how this could end for you.

3. She says she is waiting for someone. It is unlikely that she will want to continue to get to know you. If a woman said that those / he / she whom she expects should come very soon, it is definitely that nothing shines for you and it is better to calmly move away.

4. She says she needs to leave. If a woman looks at her watch, looks around, as if she is waiting for someone, in general, she feels like on pins and needles next to you, be sure that your acquaintance will not continue, as the interlocutor will slip away under the pretext that she is urgently somewhere necessary.

5. She refuses to be ordered by you. Women refuse this only if they do not want to continue communication, especially if, after your offer, they place an order themselves. But don't worry, at least you'll save money.

6. She mentions other men in conversation. This can manifest itself in various forms. She may say that she had many male friends, she may say that you remind her of her ex, or start talking about what type of man she likes (in this case, he will be completely opposite to yours).

7. She says that she does not like the following in men ... when a man is smaller than her, older, does not have a permanent job, wears a beard, listens to rock, etc. The comment doesn't matter, but it will be about certain traits of yours. Even if at the same time she accidentally makes you a compliment, she will immediately try to neutralize it with a negative trait.

8. She keeps stressing that she is very busy. The most classic excuse: she's a very busy person and doesn't have time to get into a relationship with anyone, she works late, etc.

There are variations on this theme. For example, she doesn't give you her phone number because: she doesn't have a cell phone (or something happened to it), she has a roommate, she just moved. True, you may also be given the wrong phone number.

9. She says she's not looking for a "friend". If a woman says that she is quite satisfied with her current situation in her personal life, or that she has not yet recovered from a previous love drama, or something like that, then she wants to get rid of your company.

Conclusion: Of course, in life there are exceptions to the rules and the above tips may not be applicable to your particular situation or may not be unambiguous. It can definitely be said that when a woman tells you that she already has a man, this is a 100% negative reaction to your encroachments.

A source:
How do I know if a girl likes me?
Young people often ask themselves: do girls like me? How to define it? Pay attention to the hints that the girl makes to you, sometimes without noticing it herself.

girls hints

Even within couples who have been in close relationships for many years, misunderstandings arise from time to time. This is because women like to speak in hints, and men do not recognize them. This problem causes many quarrels and partings. What to do? How to understand what a woman really wants from you?

First of all, you should understand why men do not perceive female hints. The answer to this question is elementary: they do not notice them. Over the millennia, men and women have formed and developed different patterns of thought. In addition, recent studies by neurologists have confirmed that the neural structures in the brains of men and women have a number of differences. Therefore, we can safely say that we actually think differently.

Women's thinking is intuitive, men's is rational. Men usually concentrate on one or two problems and deal only with them. Women try to simultaneously solve a number of tasks. In addition, it is much easier for men to abstract from the problem and look at it from the side with an open mind. Women, on the other hand, are much easier to understand emotions, they are more prone to empathy, that is, to empathy with the interlocutor and sympathy.

The difference in mindset may not be noticeable when you are single, but when you are in a relationship, it inevitably comes between you. Let's take an illustrative example.

Your girlfriend says: "I haven't had coffee today".

What does the girl mean? "I wouldn't mind if you made me a cup of coffee".

What does the man think? “She hasn’t had coffee today yet.”. The man does not see even the shadow of a hint in the words of the girl.

Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge conducted an emotion recognition test. He showed the subjects photos that showed only the eyes and a rectangular area of ​​the face next to them. The subjects had to answer what emotions are depicted in the photo.

As a result, it turned out that women correctly identified 88% of emotions, and men - 76%. This is a clear example that women are better at recognizing body language and capturing nuances. And when it comes to seduction, women pay more attention to body language.

For example, a woman sends flirty glances to a man, mysteriously raises an eyebrow, smiles radiantly. A man does not perceive these non-verbal messages, but for the surrounding women they do not go unnoticed. And then a heated discussion takes place in the circle of the girlfriends of the seductive woman: “Well, you were looking at him like that, how could he not notice? He probably isn't interested in you."

Due to the difference in thought patterns, often in a conversation with a girl it seems that you speak different languages. This misunderstanding often causes quarrels and deterioration of relations. So how do you know what a woman really means? Here are some tips for you.

It is impossible to understand a woman, especially since she herself sometimes does not know what she wants. This is what drives her in search of the second half - decisive, strong and strong-willed.

And for the same reason, a woman prefers to communicate with a man in hints. In such a simple way, she does not make a decision, is not afraid to be misunderstood and rejected, and gives you the right to make the first move.

In fact, everything is simple. A woman either wants you or she doesn't. If she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t communicate with you at all. If she wants to, she will take you into circulation attentively with all ears and prudently with all eyes.

If this information is not enough for you, let's put iron hints on the shelf that a woman does not mind having sex with you, cooking borscht and giving birth to a son.

We will omit the details that she incinerates you with her eyes, closely follows the movement of your lips, smiles at all 32, pulls everything that comes under her arm and twists curls of passion around her fingers - we are adults and everything is clear to us.

As the facts are clear: all women are different, and in the implementation of the plan to "take the bull by the horns" they act differently; all women live by feelings, hence the natural need to experience emotions, inflame passions and whip up a sensual storm; in the manifestation of feelings, women are open and closed.

It's easier to take on a challenge when a woman shows herself openly. Then, in your presence, even the emotionally stable loses control, and to the beat of a rapid pulse, enthusiastically plunges you into the depths of her inner chaos. And only a blind person or a nerd will not see the obvious - she wants you.

Emotionally open women are more likely to express themselves through appearance and gestures. They take with charm, coquetry, refined gestures, biting humor and quite transparent hints.

And yes, they are light in places. Having reached the desired emotional condition, such smarties will find the courage to invite them for coffee, meet their beloved cat or screw in a light bulb in the bedroom.

It will be more difficult to see lustful desire when a woman is constrained, and like a clamped spring, it strains to the stop at one glance or touch. And if you are a thrill lover, feel free to go all the way, overcoming steel curls.

Emotionally closed ladies starve out, often choosing a difficult and very losing path for themselves - they become a friend who is ready to do anything for you. But be sure that this friend wants you to the last drop and can wait for years until you understand this.

These complex women don't give transparent hints. They come from so far away that if they invite you home to screw in a light bulb, then you will screw in the light bulb. They do not hint appearance. And it happens the other way around, they scare away the closeness and inaccessibility of cotton robes.

Each woman in her own way, more or less emotionally, but will be interested in you and your life if you are interesting to her as a partner. And before you realize that she is ready to share a bed with you, she will quietly share your hobbies, habits and problems, carefully carving out a place in your life for herself.