Replacing glass in an interior door: step by step instructions. How to insert glass into interior doors of various models How to replace figured glass in an interior door

In modern living spaces, the door does not just separate rooms - it is considered part of the interior. Broken or old glass interior door- this is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as a result of which the interior loses its original harmony, in addition, leaving the glass in the door broken can harm the inhabitants of the home. You will learn how glass is replaced in an interior door with your own hands from this article.

We study the material

Before proceeding with the insert replacement procedure itself, you need to figure out what type of glass you are dealing with.

Decorative glass insert

This insert in the door is the most expensive, and not all manufacturers use it. Such glass can be directly called ideal option, because it does not require any refinement. The only drawback of this design is that to find an insert with the same decorative elements it won't be that easy.

Important! Very often, door owners do not find inserts with the same design, and as a result, they replace the glass in all their interior doors, spending a lot of money on this replacement.

Ordinary glass inlay

Such material is an ideal alternative to an expensive decorative insert, however, this material entails additional refinement, which means pasting it with special films for decoration. You can buy a glass tab in almost every hardware store.

Important! If we compare such glass with the above, the price will be about half as much.


Both types of tabs described above have one serious drawback - fragility. With a careless attitude to such material, it can easily break even before you fix the glass in the door. Plexiglas (monolithic polycarbonate) is deprived of such a disadvantage. Simply put, it is an ordinary transparent plastic that is very easy to scratch.

Important! Just like ordinary glass, monolithic polycarbonate will need additional refinement to give decorative look- it must be covered with a special decorative film, which, at the same time, will also serve as protection against small scratches, subsequent clouding of Plexiglas.

Plywood or fibreboard (Fibreboard)

This option is the most budgetary. You can replace broken or darkened glass by folding fiberboard in half with the back sides facing each other. Another option for using such material is to paste over an opaque film on a laminated fiberboard.

Important! This option cannot be called durable and attractive, but it is he who is the cheapest.

Glass replacement

You broke the glass in the interior door, what to do? After you figured out the material, you can safely pull out the insert and proceed to replace it.

How to take out old glass?

If your glass is broken, it is better to wear shoes with thick soles before work - this will protect you from splinters in your foot.

You can pull out the old glass by following this algorithm:

  • To study the method of attaching glass to the interior door leaf. Each manufacturer has his own.
  • Put on gloves and loosen the fastener using a chisel and hammer.

Important! For greater security, it is best to first loosen the top glazing beads.

  • Carefully remove the glass.

Important! If the glass is broken, it is better to get rid of large fragments first, and only then - from small ones. For greater safety, it is better to put them in a tight bag so that others do not get hurt. If, in addition to glass, the rubber lining is also damaged, you will also have to purchase a rubberized tape.

Standard insert option

This option involves the use of quarters, which users often confuse with glazing beads, but this is not entirely correct. So, if you have this door leaf, then you can immediately say that you are very lucky, because the process of replacing the insert in this case is very simple.

You can install glass in the door as follows:

  • Remove old glass.

Important! If the old glass tab is broken, after removing it, you need to carefully sweep all the fragments from the floor so as not to step on them during work.

  • Take all the necessary measurements and purchase a new decorative or regular insert in the store.
  • If it is decorative, inserting it is quite simple. To do this, you need to insert it where the old glass stood and fix the glazing beads.
  • If the insert is ordinary, you first need to paste over it with a special self-adhesive film. Next, you need to insert this glass in the same way as the decorative one.

Important! Before sticking the film, you need to familiarize yourself with two rules:

  • Before proceeding to its gluing, the glass surface must be moistened with a little soapy water.
  • During gluing, the film must be carefully smoothed and get rid of air bubbles - a spatula will do an excellent job with this job.

Non-standard option

Unfortunately, not all doors have such simple design, as described above. There are also models where glazing beads are simply not used. In this case, you will have to disassemble the door completely, into separate parts. This technology for replacing glass in an interior door with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Examine the ends of the door leaf for the presence of self-tapping screws and confirmations.
  2. Remove the door itself and put it on the floor.
  3. Get rid of plugs and fasteners.
  4. Remove the long side of the door, then remove the glass insert itself.
  5. Install new glass and assemble everything as it was, following the reverse order of the algorithm.

Important! Any decor that was on the old glass insert can be glued onto the new one using liquid nails.

Each room has interior doors. They separate the space, allow you to retire. In addition, interior doors with glass inserts expand the space, fill the rooms with light. But everyone knows that glass is a fragile material. Even on modern, durable varieties of it, cracks appear. But do not be upset, replacing the glass in the door is easy and fast, you just need to make a little effort.

Glass types

So, the door in your house needs to be repaired. You don't have to start working right away. After all, you can replace the old glass with a new, more perfect one. On the domestic market, a wide variety of glass for interior doors is presented in a wide range. So, let's look at the most common of them.

Preparatory work

Replacement of glass in the door must begin with the release of the structure and the preparation of the necessary tools. So, you need to prepare:

  • Gloves for work with glass. Such special gloves are made of a fairly dense material. But at the same time, you should feel the remnants of broken glass or the capture of a glass insert in them.
  • A chisel is necessary for any work related to a wooden canvas.
  • A slotted wide screwdriver will be needed to pry wooden architraves that hold the glass in place. If the door design is different, then this tool may not be needed.
  • A hammer is useful for fixing the glazing beads. If glass is being replaced in a paneled collapsible door, it is better to prepare a rubber mallet. With it, you can knock the panels during assembly to put them in the right place.
  • A sealant or rubberized gasket is needed to tightly shrink and prevent it from rattling during operation.
  • A clerical knife is needed to remove old sealant from the structure.

How to get old glasses?

In order to correctly determine the procedure for replacing glass in an interior door, it is necessary to determine the type of construction. That is, a way to fix the glass in the sash. Otherwise, pulling out the glass will be problematic. So, in your house such a door structure can be installed:

  • Glass is fixed with glazing beads - panel products.
  • Glass can be inserted into the groove of the structure - type-setting paneled blocks.
  • Glass is inserted into the sash of the canvas. At the same time, on one side there is a groove for insertion.

Features of a paneled collapsible canvas

Paneled collapsible designs are considered the most difficult to replace glass. Doors need to be almost completely disassembled into elements. In such constructions, it is glass that is the panels. At first glance, a large number of collapsible elements can confuse the master. But don't panic. You can completely and not disassemble the canvas in order to replace the broken glass in the door. It is enough to free access to the glass panel. So, the design consists of:

  • a horizontal or transverse support that holds the glass inserts and longitudinal posts;
  • vertical or longitudinal support, which are the side racks of the web;
  • decorative baguette element - a transverse support, which is used as a decorative insert;
  • panels - thin inserts that are placed between the transverse supports.

You can independently repair the interior door. in a quality paneled door, it is quick and easy. Such structures are mainly assembled according to the groove-thorn principle. Therefore, difficulties with disassembly should not arise. In a quality product, it will not be necessary to remove the sealant connecting the structure.

The process of disassembling such a canvas is simple: you need to remove the top crossbar, after which the side racks are carefully pushed apart. All other details are revealed by themselves, as in the constructor. The main condition is that all work must be carried out on a horizontal surface.

Remove the old glass and install the new one. The structure is carefully assembled in reverse order. The door is put in place.

Modern doors with special grooves

IN modern designs often there are grooves where glass is inserted. These grooves are created at the end of the sash. They may be various designs: pendulum, sliding, classic swing, etc. Replacing glass in this type of door is quick and easy:

  • The door is removed from the hinges, laid on the floor.
  • On the end side, you need to find the groove into which the glass was previously inserted.
  • The old glass is removed from the groove.
  • A new decorative glass, adjusted to certain dimensions, is placed in the groove.

Often the groove is at the top of the door. Also note that during operation you may need a glass seal, which is recommended to be purchased in advance.

Working with beaded doors

How to quickly repair interior doors? Replacing broken glass in a classic design is also not difficult. Glass in this case is fixed on the sash and held with the help of special wooden elements - glazing beads.

  • Using a hammer and a screwdriver, we knock out the glazing beads around the perimeter, but do not remove them.
  • First, remove the glazing beads located on top, then the rest.
  • Remove glass and gaskets.
  • We remove the sealant.
  • We clean the glass bed with sandpaper.
  • Lubricate the gap with sealant.
  • Insert new glass.

Sometimes glass seals are also used.

Beads are placed on top. Previously, new elements are painted in the desired color. If the doors are curved, you can purchase plastic flexible analogues of glazing beads.

Wooden elements are fixed with finishing small nails. You can also coat them with sealant.


As you can see, replacing glass in a door is an easy task that every man can handle. It is necessary to choose the right tools and prepare the necessary glass of the right size.

The glass door between the rooms looks very advantageous in any interior. But, in addition to beauty, it also performs practical functions. Due to the glass, the dimensions of the room visually expand, and additional light enters the room. It often happens that you need to replace the glass in the interior door. The reasons for this may be different. The most common is damage to it, the need to turn around, or the desire of the owners to replace the glass with one suitable for the new interior design.

How to replace glass in an interior door?

If there are no mirrors, colored stained-glass windows, glass baguettes and other decorations in the interior door, then you can, observing careful accuracy and a simple action plan, replace the glass yourself.

To decide on the procedure, first you need to find out what kind of interior door you have. That is, you need to understand how glass is attached to it. Almost all old and many modern models glass doors can be inserted into the opening and fixed with ordinary or curly glazing beads. But there is another type of fastening (with a hidden fixation), when the glass needs to be brought through the end of the door.

When replacing broken glass in an interior door, you must be extremely careful so that when working with tools, do not damage the door, as well as new glass.

Before starting work, you will need to get rid of the old glass, often broken or cracked. It is better to prepare for this by providing yourself necessary tools and improvised means:

  • gloves (it is better to take tight ones, but not very thick ones);
  • medium-sized hammer;
  • scoop, broom;
  • high density paper;
  • wide slotted screwdriver or chisel.

Fasteners in the form of glazing beads are loosened with a screwdriver (you can also take a chisel), a hammer. Most importantly, wear gloves. It is not necessary to remove the fasteners completely. For safety reasons, it's best to start at the top. Gradually remove the pieces or glass, start with large ones. Place them in thick paper and wrap immediately. After that, the fasteners are removed. If the rubberized gasket is suddenly damaged, it is better to purchase a new tape. Make sure that nothing falls or breaks, and if it does happen, then immediately remove the fragments with a broom and a dustpan. Work better in shoes.

How to replace glass: work steps

To change the glass in an interior door, you will need to determine its opening. So complex shape it is better to contact the glazier. Although at home you can make a special cardboard pattern. Put in your measurements. Now you can cut a new glass on it. You can handle precise shapes without outside help. The main thing to remember is that glass cannot fit closely into its bed. This means that you need to write down dimensions that will be 1.5-2 mm less than the bed for each side.

Glass fragments must be removed with thick gloves, first large, then small.

Glass can be purchased either from hardware stores or ordered from a workshop that specializes in glass and mirror cutting.

The interior door must be prepared for insertion. Remove the old gasket from the entire surface of the bed, remove the old putty along with the sealant. Get a new sealant in advance (special for glass and windows). You may also need fastening systems for glass, which depend on the model of the door. It may also happen that the glazing bead breaks during dismantling. On sale there is a large selection of flexible analogues of such fasteners, made in different colors.

Glass also needs to be prepared. Let it warm up to room temperature. Then wash it using soap and water. Wipe with a clean cotton cloth. So cutting will go easier, and you will protect the glass from breaking and crumbs. Where the place of fastening, remove the remnants of paint and putty.

Remove your door from its hinges and lay it on some horizontal line. A table will do for this. The main thing is that it should be long and wide. So the interior door can lie down completely, because inserting glass in a suspended state is a risky business.

Apply silicone around the entire perimeter of the bed where the glass will lie. Use a caulk gun for this. Place the glass in the gasket tape. After that, start gently putting it in the door. Eliminate pressure on its surface. If the insert is tight, try trimming the gasket. Process with silicone sealant and the second piece of glass.

Fastening glazing beads also sit on the sealant, after which they need to be tightly fitted to each other.

And then it is better to fix them also to the door leaf. For this purpose, take decorative finishing carnations. The sealant sets for about an hour, no less. After that, you can hang the door back.

Each door will have its own nuances. But with the desire and the right approach, replacing glass will not be a difficult task for you. Most importantly, do the work carefully, and everything will work out!

Sections of the article:

Interior doors equipped with glass inserts look great and delight the eye of their owner. Such door structures fill the room with light. However, glass is glass, and even today's strong glass breaks sometimes. At the same time, you should not be very upset - inserting glass into an interior door is quite simple.

Glass types

Before considering the procedure for replacing the glass insert in the door leaf, it is worthwhile to study the materials that can be used to perform these works. After all, there are many options that can replace the "classic" glass.

Decorative glass as an insert in the door is one of the most expensive options. Not all door manufacturers use similar glass sheets in their products. In general, this great option, which does not require any additional improvements - the main thing is to find it on sale with the same type of decor or pattern as on the other doors in the apartment or house, which can be very challenging task. Often, if the glass on one door is damaged, this entails the need to replace glass inserts on all canvases, which can be very expensive, because the price of such glass starts from 1,500 rubles per square meter.

Ordinary glass is a good and, most importantly, more affordable alternative to expensive decorative glass. However, this material requires a slight refinement, which is pasting with a special decorative film. You can buy them at construction markets or in hypermarkets - a wide selection will allow you to find a film for every taste and color. As a result, this option will cost two times cheaper than decorative glass.

Also, as a replacement, you can purchase monolithic polycarbonate (plexiglas). Any glass, whether ordinary or decorative, is glass with all its attributes. With careless operation, such inserts can break, which cannot happen with plexiglass. It is nothing more than transparent plastic. There is only one drawback and it is insignificant - plexiglass is highly susceptible to scratches and eventually loses its transparency. As in the case of ordinary glass, a slight refinement is also possible here using the same film.

Rectangular glass replacement

It is not difficult to replace glass of a traditional rectangular shape in a conventional door leaf. Often, a glass sheet or insert is mounted through the upper end.

So, the first step is to remove the pieces of old glass from the door. Then measurements are taken of the space in which the new glass sheet will be installed. After that, glass of suitable dimensions and thickness is purchased. Then it is very carefully inserted through the top of the door leaf. To strengthen the insert, you can apply silicone gel - it is applied around the perimeter of the glass element.

When taking measurements, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the groove where part of the glass goes. Its value must be added to the overall dimensions of the glass sheet. To measure it, lower a metal ruler into the groove.

If the glass is held on the door leaf with the help of the so-called "glazing beads", then both measurements and installation work are performed in the same order, except that the glazing bead must first be dismantled. Then, after installing the glass, it is installed back with small nails.

Premium door glass replacement

If everything is simple with more affordable models of interior doors, then some difficulties may arise with premium models. Such doors require a special approach. The replacement process is very labor intensive. Often, the canvas has a collapsible design, and in order to dismantle a glass insert that is broken or damaged in any other way, you will have to completely disassemble the entire door, then replace the insert and assemble everything back. Usually this work is trusted only by specialists, but you can do the replacement yourself. To do this, you need to know how this or that door model is disassembled.

If the door leaf is not made of wood, but of metal (for example, aluminum), then there are also certain nuances here. In the event that glass is inserted in the same way as on inexpensive doors or glazing beads are used for fastening, then its replacement is quite possible. But it is very undesirable to allow direct contact of the metal of the door with the glass. When mounting, it is best to use a rubber lining.

How to replace non-standard glass

Glass in modern interior doors can be made in a unique design style. The shape of the insert can be very different - it will be better if the glass is oval and much worse if it is made in the shape of a wave.

If the glass is inserted into the canvas through the top, then the first step is to remove the fragments of the broken glass insert. Then, using a felt-tip pen or marker, the resulting hole is outlined along the contour on paper or cardboard. After that, you need to order a new glass of the required shape in the workshop, after which you just have to insert it into place.

Features of working with panel structures

Paneled doors are very popular. Replacing glass is associated with the need to disassemble the structure. Often, these door panels are easy to disassemble. The glass in them is a panel. The canvas can consist of a vertical and transverse support, glass between them, as well as a baguette - this is a kind of decorative element.

The connections are based on a locking system - on most models it is a tongue and groove. It is not necessary to completely disassemble the door into its constituent elements - the main thing is to open access to the glass. Then, everything that remains of the damaged glass is taken out of the door structure, and a new one is installed in its place, after which it remains only to assemble the structure back.

Sliding door glass replacement

Doors equipped with glass can be not only hinged - there are many designs and sliding solutions among them. If glass breaks in such an interior door, the first step is to dismantle the canvas, and in order to get to the glass, it is necessary to remove the metal frame-frame of the door. Due to the large dimensions, this can cause certain difficulties.


For creative people who like to improve something, make the world around them and other people a better place, the usual process of replacing glass can be turned into a creative work. For example, you can get an interesting effect if the new glass is illuminated from the inside. How to do it? Everything is very simple - in the groove where the glass is inserted or in its end, they install led strip. The system is then connected to electrical network. It is also possible to equip the door leaf with a microswitch so that the tape only lights up when the door is closed. Such decor gives a very wide scope for imagination and creativity, and the result can be very interesting and unique.

Replacing glass in an interior door is a simple matter, but, like everywhere else, it is replete with its subtleties and nuances. This is just the case when we can say that one wrong move can lead to irreversible consequences. In this article, together with the site site, we will analyze in detail the process of replacing decorative glass in the door leaf in all its smallest details. Moreover, we will consider it with respect to several of the most common door leaf designs.

Replacing glass in an interior door: what we change for what

Before proceeding to a direct study of the issue of replacing glass in a door leaf, first we will study the materials that can be used for these purposes - you don’t think that glass is a panacea and it’s almost impossible to replace it? Here it's just the opposite - modern technologies provide a lot of options, not to use which would be, at least, stupid. Let's study them in more detail.

So, we figured out the materials, now it's time to move on to the theory of replacing decorative glass in door panels.

How to put glass on the door: a standard version using quarters

The standard option for glazing door panels involves the use of so-called quarters, which people sometimes confuse with glazing beads. On the one hand, they can be called that, but on the other hand, it is not entirely correct. But that's not the point - if you have just such a door leaf in front of you, then we can say that you are very lucky, and the whole process of replacing glass will happen quickly and easily. This technology looks quite simple.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, the only thing you need to understand is that almost all interior door panels are easily damaged. Carnations and glazing beads must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the decorative coating of the door itself.

How to replace glass in an interior door, see the video clip.

How to replace glass in an interior door: a non-standard option

Unfortunately, not all interior doors with glass are made according to the technology described above - there are doors that at first glance represent a solid structure made of wood and glass without the use of glazing beads. In order to complete and replace the glass, you will need to disassemble almost the entire door, as they say, into boards. How to do it? This process looks like this.

In conclusion, I want to add only one thing - if you are a creative person and have a craving for modernizing something, then a simple glass replacement in may involve some changes. For example, new glass can be illuminated from the inside - all that is required for this is to lay an LED strip in the end of the glass and connect it to the power supply through it. You can even do more - by equipping the LED lighting of the door glass with a contact switch, the diodes can be made to light only when the door is closed.