How to raise iron in the body quickly. How to increase iron in the body with folk remedies

The general condition of the body directly depends on how well the cardiovascular and circulatory systems function. These are key factors that ensure the proper functioning of all other organs and systems of the body, including brain activity.

A worn-out cardiovascular system, which does not fully cope with the performance of its functions, contributes to the appearance of deficiencies in the process of hematopoiesis, deviation of the blood composition from normal values, thereby depressing the state of the body, which, in turn, leads to even worse heart function.

In addition to the functionality performed by the heart, the blood composition is also important. In order to provide the organs of the body with sufficient nutrition, the blood must contain certain substances in the right proportions, in particular iron.

According to research, the concentration of iron in the blood can be effectively adjusted by changing the diet.

In this article, we will discuss the functions and levels of iron in human blood, as well as provide a list of the most effective tips on how to increase its level in the body.

Functions and norm of iron in the blood

The function of iron in the body is diverse. On the one hand, iron is involved in the synthesis of collagen, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), in the formation of immune and enzymatic reactions.

In addition, it is one of the most important proteins for human life. Hemoglobin supplies oxygen to tissues and removes carbon dioxide.

  1. through clinical analysis of capillary blood;
  2. by analyzing the binding ability of blood serum based on the analysis of venous blood;
  3. by analyzing the level of iron in serum;
  4. others.

The established norms for the content of iron for different groups assume that they correspond to it. So, for children, women (including during pregnancy) and men, the following norm values ​​\u200b\u200bare established:

Iron levels are affected by a wide range of factors. This is a way of life, and bad habits, and a genetic hereditary predisposition, and a reduced ability of the body to absorb and store iron. However, ceteris paribus, nutrition has the most significant impact.

Signs of deficiency

Among the external symptoms of iron deficiency, it is worth highlighting:

  1. fragility and dryness of hair, nails;
  2. "blue" lips;
  3. unnatural pallor of the skin;
  4. frequent shortness of breath with minor physical exertion;
  5. weight problems;
  6. , headaches, dizziness, migraine.

5 nutrition rules to increase it

In order to quickly restore and maintain the level of iron in the blood at an acceptable level for health, it is important to establish an appropriate diet. What does it mean?

  1. Firstly, when drawing up a diet, it is important to take into account the time and number of meals during the day. It is important to eat at the same time every day. This leads to a significant improvement in the degree of absorption of nutrients by the body;
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account recommendations for the distribution during the day of nutrients for daily maintenance of health and activity;
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to include in the diet those foods whose consumption contributes to an increase in the level of ferritin with its deficiency;
  4. Fourth, it is worth excluding those foods whose consumption lowers the level of iron in the blood;
  5. And finally, you should definitely take into account all the specific individual needs of the body and possible contraindications.

4 groups of the most important products

When choosing foods that increase iron in the blood, you should pay attention to the way the animal is raised. Meat health guarantees natural fattening without the use of antibiotics and other substances that are dangerous and harmful to the body. What products are most useful? Pay attention, first of all, to the following list:

1. Meat and poultry

Iron is found in large quantities in poultry,. From meat, preference should be given to veal, beef, lamb, lamb, lean pork.

From poultry: chicken, turkey, duck and guinea fowl. Liver is also useful: beef, pork, turkey, cod liver, etc.

2. Fish, seafood, seaweed

Iron is also found in large quantities in: fish, shellfish, caviar, etc. The most useful are salmon and sturgeon and their caviar, tuna, sardines, herring.

From shellfish: mussels, shrimps, oysters and rapana.

From algae, attention should be paid to kelp and fucus.

3. Cereals

. Moreover, not the classic, but the so-called "green buckwheat" is more useful.

In addition, it is tastier, and the method of its preparation implies the preservation of a greater number of useful substances. You should also pay attention to oatmeal, barley and rye.

4. Vegetables, greens, fruits, berries, nuts

Useful fresh seasonal, greens, fruits, berries, including spinach, broccoli, beans, lentils, pomegranates, plums, pear, apple, pineapple, feijoa, mango, peaches, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, mulberry (mulberry tree).

Also huge. Nuts must be present in the diet, as they are involved in the most important processes and have a universal restorative effect on the body.

In addition, it is worth eating and. The latter are perfect in winter as a substitute for seasonal fresh fruits.

Also take a look at the table

Folk remedies

In case of severe iron deficiency, in addition to dietary adjustments, the doctor may prescribe medication. This does not mean that there is no need for the corresponding diet above. Proper nutrition in any case will play an important role in recovery and maintaining a healthy state.

How else can you raise iron in the blood without pills? It may be effective to turn to proven folk remedies. Among them:

Freshly squeezed juices and their combinations:

  1. beets-carrots;
  2. cranberry apple;
  3. carrot;
  4. apple-lemon-beet-carrot;

Infusions, decoctions, as well as their combinations:

  1. St. John's wort-clover-eyermint white-blackberry leaves (one tablespoon of each ingredient per 200 ml of boiling water) - leave for half an hour, drink 30-50 ml per day (course - a month);
  2. wild rose-rowan (three tablespoons of each berry per 200 ml of boiling water) - leave for 10-20 minutes, take 100 ml before meals three times a day;
  3. lungwort (two tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water) - leave for 20 minutes, take half a spoon on an empty stomach;
  4. wild rose - honey - as a healing tea.

Before deciding on the use of one or more of the above methods, be sure to consult with the supervising general practitioner. In some cases, home methods may not be enough. Then the doctor will prescribe certain pills and medications.

What lowers it?

In addition to including foods that stimulate an increase in serum iron in the diet, it is also important to exclude foods that reduce it.

These include primarily the following:

  1. fast food and junk food - fatty, very salty food, fried in copious amounts of oil;
  2. snacks and snacks with the addition of preservatives - chips, crackers lead to the depletion of nutrients in the body;
  3. soda (sweet) - leads to leaching of useful substances, contains phosphates;
  4. containing calcium in large quantities (milk and products based on it);
  5. containing phytates (primarily bread and a variety of beans);
  6. soy and;
  7. tannins (tea, coffee, persimmon).

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So, the human body is an inextricably interconnected system. Problems of the cardiovascular system both cause and predetermine at the same time a general deterioration in health. Comprehensive measures are also required to improve the situation, including:

  1. refusal of bad habits (primarily from the consumption of junk food, excessive amounts of alcohol, coffee and smoking);
  2. improvement of the local environmental situation;
  3. active life;
  4. limited, not too intense physical activity, including, if possible, in the fresh air;
  5. improving diet and nutrition;
  6. consumption of sufficient clean water.

It is comprehensive measures, combined with taking responsibility for one's own health, that can prolong life and improve its quality.

2 years ago

Hemoglobin deficiency is one of the most common problems detected in the laboratory diagnosis of blood. This protein is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the internal organs and tissues, so its lack affects the state of the whole organism. In order to normalize hemoglobin levels, doctors advise patients to increase the amount of iron in the blood, but how to do this?

How to increase iron in the blood correctly?

Before you go to the pharmacy to buy preparations containing this element, or start looking through lists of food products in which it is present, there are a few things to take into account. First, it is likely that there are sources of iron in your diet, but for some reason it is not absorbed. Often this happens if the menu is unbalanced and lacks:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B12.

These elements are responsible for the proper absorption of iron, and directly for the synthesis of hemoglobin, protein must always enter the body: without this amino acid, it also makes no sense to increase the level of iron. In addition, the absorption of iron can be interfered with by its simultaneous intake with sources of calcium: as a result, your body will not receive either one or the other. The main food products containing calcium are representatives of the dairy group, therefore, they should not be combined with iron sources in one meal.

If we talk about how to increase iron in the blood with a normal diet correction (this method is suitable for pregnant women who cannot take medication, children, the elderly, but will not work if the deficiency is pronounced), then you should use more often:

  • sauerkraut, kefir (contain vitamin B12);
  • oranges, bell peppers, broccoli, lemons, tomatoes (sources of vitamin C).

But these are only helper products that are an additive to more important ones that contain iron directly: from cereals it is buckwheat and oatmeal, from fruits pomegranates and persimmons, from vegetables spinach, beets and lentils. In addition, be sure to eat red meat: lamb, beef, turkey, all kinds of nuts, asparagus, prunes and dried apricots.

Recommendations for the correction of nutrition can be attributed to the methods of alternative medicine, although they are also taken into account in the official one, let the latter rely more on drug treatment. But besides them, there are several more safe ways to improve hemoglobin levels by increasing iron levels:

  • Squeeze juice from fresh beets, 4 green apples and 2 carrots. Divide the resulting mixture into 2 parts, drink half in the morning on an empty stomach, and the rest half an hour before lunch. For 3 weeks, this remedy will have to be applied daily.
  • A mixture of rose hips and mountain ash (in half) in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. fill with cold water (0.5 l). Let it boil, pour into a thermos or put in a preheated oven. Infuse for 2 hours, drink warm during the day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Pour the crushed dry raw material of nettle with boiling water (1 tablespoon per 300 ml), let it brew for half an hour. Take 50 ml before the main meals in the form of heat.

Decoctions of parsley and dill, St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow are also considered useful in relation to the level of iron. From time to time it is worth making tea based on flowers (!) of clover or preparing a mixture of walnuts with honey, using it in 2-3 tsp. daily.

In the event of a severe decline in hemoglobin, the doctor may advise, in addition to correcting the diet, to drink vitamin complexes or other medications in a short course that help to quickly normalize the level of iron in the blood. Keep in mind that it is better not to choose such funds on your own, since you can provide yourself with hypervitaminosis, which is no less dangerous. The most successful are:

  • Ferroplex - in addition to the level of iron, it also corrects the level of folic acid, therefore it can be recommended in order to increase iron in the blood during pregnancy or during its planning period.
  • Hemofer - is also sometimes prescribed for pregnant women, since it additionally has a positive effect on the immune system. This drug is not recommended for children and adolescents.
  • Fenyuls - is a complex remedy based on vitamin C, fructose, folic acid and iron.
  • Tardiferon - helps to cope with the deterioration against the background of severe blood loss, is prescribed to women after a difficult birth.
  • Globiron is a well-known anemia treatment used in adults and children over the age of 3 years.

Keep in mind that all of the listed drugs are not absolutely safe, they have a large list of contraindications and possible side effects, so they should be taken strictly according to the doctor's instructions and in a short course.

Considering the question of how to increase iron in the blood with folk remedies, phytotherapists recommend taking into account that this trace element plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen to all human organs and tissues, being an integral part of hemoglobin. A reduced level of this "dye" of red blood cells leads to the appearance of asthenic symptoms: tinnitus and headaches in the morning, dizziness, weakness or excessive fatigue after a working day.

List of ferrous products

Human body weight is an index, depending on which the daily amount of iron needed varies from 20 to 30 micrograms.

Nutritionists consider the leaders of the grocery list (with a saturation of more than 4 micrograms of a microelement per 100 g):

  • bovine liver (preferably beef);
  • turkey meat;
  • beef tongue;

  • powdered cocoa, in a hot drink (or chocolate bar), which can instantly increase hemoglobin;
  • caviar of salmon species of fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, trout and Pacific, Atlantic, Caspian salmon);
  • buckwheat, which in the form of porridge should be consumed every week and more often;
  • legumes (beans and low-calorie peas - an ideal ingredient for cereals, first courses and assorted vegetables);
  • mushrooms;
  • blueberries, renewing the blood and stimulating the restoration of the health of many organs.

The second place in terms of the presence of iron (from 2 to 4 mcg / 100 g) is occupied by:

  1. Egg yolks (quails and chickens).
  2. Rabbit meat.
  3. Kashi (oatmeal and millet).
  4. Wine red natural.
  5. Fruits: quince (fresh and in jam), apples, figs, persimmons.
  6. Dogwood berries.
  7. Spinach.
  8. All types of nuts, including pecans.

The third place is occupied by various gifts of nature and bread with a minimum amount of iron (less than 2 micrograms per 100 g):

  • Bee Honey;
  • vegetables: beets and carrots, any cabbage (including red cabbage);
  • Borodino bread (based on natural ingredients);
  • fruits: peach, kiwi, plum, pomegranate (and juice from it);
  • berries of summer varieties: cherries, black and red currants and others;
  • algae: fucus and kelp.

If a person has low hemoglobin, then it must be increased, first of all, by providing nutrition with these products and combining them in the diet.

Improve iron absorption

By including iron-containing foods and supplements in your diet, you need to create conditions for the absorption of the most important hematopoietic element. Animal protein, along with vitamin C and water, is the best way to help the absorption and absorption of iron in the digestive tract. Beef (meat), tongue or liver are ideal components to help ensure high hemoglobin, especially when combined with berries, vegetables and fruits rich in ascorbic acid.

However, there is an element that can block the buildup of iron for the hematopoietic system due to food.

Calcium is the main "enemy" of increasing hemoglobin in the blood. But this does not mean that you need to exclude its consumption - it is no less important for the body than iron. Just foods rich in it - milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, sesame seeds, tofu, poppy seeds, almonds and others - should be consumed without mixing with ferro-containing food.

Passion for strong tea or coffee during the day also adversely affects the absorption of iron, so you can eliminate such a violation by drinking herbal teas or weakly brewed drinks.

It is especially important to think about how to raise hemoglobin for expectant mothers:

  • You can consume 200 ml of pomegranate juice daily.
  • There are assorted, mixing carrots, apples and beets (or grated), with berries and nuts.

  • Honey (if not allergic) is also an excellent source of iron during this period.
  • If buckwheat porridge for a pregnant woman is an unloved dish, then to get iron, cereals can be ground into powder (in a coffee grinder) and sprinkled on fruit salad, eaten as a powder, 50 g per day, washed down with water or eat in the form of halva. To prepare it, you need to mix 200 g each: buckwheat powder, nuts and honey.
  • Drink in any amount of rosehip infusion.

Reduced hemoglobin prevents the transport of many nutrients and oxygen from blood vessels to the tissues of the human body, so it is vital to ensure the intake and absorption of iron.

Traditional medicine: recipes

In the "grandmother's" pharmacy, many useful recommendations have been preserved in the form of recipes on how to increase iron in the blood with folk remedies, each of which can be prepared and drunk not only for adults, but also for children:

  • mix equally: fresh blackcurrant, cranberry and lemon, add beetroot juice and the same amount of honey. Set aside in a dark cool place (but not in the refrigerator!) for 3 days. Next, transfer the healing mixture to the refrigerator and you can use it three times in 1 tbsp. l.;
  • arbitrarily brew strawberry leaves, you can add berry juices and honey before drinking;
  • rosehip infusion with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice to taste. Children - the norm - 100 ml, adults - 200 ml;
  • sprouted wheat grains with sprouts - 50 g (2 tablespoons) can be chewed before breakfast, or can be added to dried apricots with nuts and honey;
  • in the morning, replace the traditional sandwich with a salad of cabbage, carrots, dill and green onions. Beet or pumpkin (pumpkin can be steamed or boiled) salad is also a great source of iron for breakfast, which can be seasoned with herbs and cold-pressed oil (olive);
  • in fresh carrot juice (2 parts), you can add one serving of freshly squeezed apple and beetroot juice, which you need to drink immediately after cooking an hour or half an hour before meals, and first eat a spoonful of sour cream (tablespoon). Half portions are prepared for children, diluting the sugary drink with water;
  • in cereals - buckwheat and millet - instead of sugar put dried fruits, pumpkin, honey.

The intake of ferro-containing supplements should be discussed with a doctor. "Ferroglobin-B12" in the form of syrup (for children), tablets or capsules, "Maltofer" - chewable tablets or drops, "Ferlatum" and "Fenuls", "Aktiferrin" and "Totem" - is prescribed only by a specialist. Such drugs are taken for at least 30 days in order to obtain a stable rate of hemoglobin in the blood.

If properly treated and applied folk methods, they will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of anemia for adults and children.

Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults and children are a common medical prescription. Coming to the pharmacy, a person is lost from the abundance of drugs. They differ in the valence of iron (bivalent or trivalent), in the type of iron compound (organic - huconates, malates, succinylates, chelated forms and inorganic - sulfates, chlorides, hydroxides), in the method of administration (oral - tablets, drops, syrups and parenteral - intramuscular and intravenous forms).

If in the treatment of anemia the best iron preparation is recommended to you by a doctor, then for a preventive increase in iron stores in the blood, you often have to figure out all this disgrace of diversity on your own. We will deal with the analysis of drugs that are effective in iron deficiency.

Reasons for the development of iron deficiency

The body contains 3 to 5 grams of iron. Most of it (75-80%) is found in red blood cells, part of it is in muscle tissue (5-10%), about 1% is part of many body enzymes. The bone marrow, spleen, and liver are storage sites for reserve iron.

Iron is involved in the vital processes of our body, so it is so important to maintain a balance between its intake and loss. When the iron excretion rate is higher than the iron intake rate, various iron deficiency states develop.

If a person is healthy, then the excretion of iron from our body is insignificant. The content of iron is controlled mostly by changing the level of its absorption in the intestine. In food, iron is present in two forms: Fe III (trivalent) and Fe II (bivalent). When entering the digestive tract, inorganic iron dissolves, ions and iron chelates are formed.

Chelated forms of iron are best absorbed. Ascorbic acid contributes to the formation of iron chelates. In addition, fructose, succinic and citric acids, amino acids (for example, cysteine, lysine, histidine) help iron chelation.

Causes of iron deficiency:

  • Decrease in the efficiency of iron absorption in the digestive tract (increase in the speed of food passing through the digestive tract, the presence of inflammation in the intestines, surgical interventions on the intestines and stomach, digestive disorders, etc.);
  • An increase in the body's need for iron (during intensive growth, pregnancy, lactation, etc.);
  • Decreased iron intake due to nutritional characteristics (anorexia, vegetarianism, etc.);
  • Acute and chronic blood loss (gastric bleeding with ulcers, bleeding in the intestines, kidneys, nasal, uterine and other localizations);
  • As a result of tumor diseases, prolonged inflammatory processes;
  • Decreased synthesis of iron transport proteins (for example, transferrin);
  • Destruction of blood cells with subsequent loss of iron (hemolytic anemia);
  • Increased intake of calcium in the body - more than 2 g / day;
  • Lack of trace elements (cobalt, copper).

The body constantly loses iron with feces, urine, sweat, hair, nails, during menstruation.

The male body loses 0.8-1 mg of iron per day. Women lose iron more during menstruation. For a month, women lose an additional 0.5 mg of iron. With blood loss of 30 ml, the body loses 15 mg of iron. Iron consumption is significantly increased in pregnant and lactating mothers.

Losses of iron in excess of 2 mg/day lead to the development of iron deficiency. Since the body is not able to replenish more than 2 mg of iron per day.

Iron deficiency often occurs in women also because their iron stores are 3 times less than in men. And the incoming iron does not always cover the costs.

In Russia, the hidden deficiency of iron in some areas reaches 50%. Almost 12% of girls of childbearing age have an iron deficiency condition. 75-95% of all anemias in pregnancy are iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in pregnant women can lead to weak labor, miscarriages, excessive blood loss during childbirth, reduced lactation, and a decrease in newborn weight.

The use of iron supplements in pregnant women to reduce the risk of developing anemia is justified in the third trimester, and the intake is continued 2-3 months after delivery. Additional sources of iron are not given to term newborns in the first 3 months. Premature babies are given iron supplements at an earlier date.

The required daily intake of iron in boys is 0.35-0.7 mg / day. In girls before the onset of menstruation - 0.3-0.45 mg.

What can reduce the intake of iron with food:

  • Excess phosphate in food;
  • Oxalic acid found in some plants;
  • Tannin, which gives a tart taste, reduces the absorption of iron;
  • Tea reduces iron intake by 60%, coffee by 40%;
  • Phytate found in wheat bran, rice, nuts and corn;
  • Too much fiber in food
  • Substances that neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach - antacids;
  • Egg white, soy and milk protein;
  • Some preservatives, such as EDTA.

Rules for taking iron supplements

Iron preparations are used to reduce the risk of iron deficiency, as well as in the complex treatment of anemia.

Traditionally, treatment begins with oral tablet forms. Preference is given to drugs that can give a rapid increase in hemoglobin in the blood with a low risk of side effects.

Usually begin with the appointment of high dosages of iron: 100-200 mg / day. Such an amount of iron is able to compensate for the costs of the body for the formation of the required amount of hemoglobin. When exceeding the dosage of 200 mg / day, side effects are much more common.

If the drug is chosen correctly, hemoglobin returns to normal in 15-30 days. When the blood counts reach the desired values, the iron preparation continues to be taken for at least 2 months to replenish iron stores (in the bone marrow, liver, spleen).

How to take iron supplements correctly:

  • Before meals or during meals. Bioavailability does not depend on the time of day, but there are recommendations to take in the evening;
  • It is recommended to drink clean water;
  • You can not drink milk, coffee, tea due to a decrease in absorption;
  • You should not combine oral iron preparations with agents that block the production or neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid: antacids (baking soda, phosphalugel, almagel, gastal, rennie, etc.), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, etc.);
  • Iron preparations affect the action of some antibiotics, so taking these drugs should be separated in time by 2 hours;
  • The intake of iron supplements is not compatible with the use of alcohol. Alcohol enhances iron absorption and increases the risk of iron toxicity;
  • Iron absorption will not be affected by magnesium (magne B6, magnelis, cardiomagnyl, magnesium chelate), but extreme calcium dosages of 2 grams or more can reduce it.

Features of iron preparations

In the case of iron deficiency anemia, preparations of two (Fe II) and trivalent (Fe III) iron are taken. Preparations with Fe II have a higher bioavailability than trivalent. Molecular iron in these preparations is enclosed in organic and inorganic compounds, which also differ in their bioavailability and tolerability (frequency of side effects).

I. Inorganic ferrous salts

The most common representative of the inorganic iron compound in preparations with Fe II is ferrous sulfate. It is characterized by relatively low bioavailability (up to 10%) and frequent side effects associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Such iron preparations are usually cheaper than analogues in cost. The most popular representatives that can be found in pharmacies: Sorbifer Durules, Aktiferrin, Aktiferrin compositum, Ferro-Folgamma, Fenyuls, Tardiferon, Feroplekt. To increase the bioavailability of iron, ascorbic and folic acid are often included in the composition.

Pharmacies will provide you with a rather modest choice if you want to buy an iron preparation with ferric chloride. Ferrous iron, which is part of the inorganic salt, will not please with a bioavailability of 4%, and does not guarantee the absence of side effects. Representative: Hemofer.

II. Organic ferrous salts

Combine higher bioavailability of Fe II and organic salts, bioavailability can reach 30-40%. Less common side effects associated with the use of the iron preparation. Medications are well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation. The disadvantages include the higher cost of these drugs.

  • The combination of organic salts of iron, copper and manganese gluconates is presented in the French preparation Totem, which is available as a solution.
  • The combination of ferrous fumarate and folic acid is hidden in a capsule of Austrian origin - Ferretab.
  • A complex composition of chelated forms of ferrous gluconate, ascorbic acid, synergistic herbs can be found in Iron Chelate- bad American production. It is not a drug, but serves as an excellent source of easily digestible iron with virtually no side effects.

III. Inorganic ferric compounds

They are characterized by low bioavailability of these forms of iron (up to 10%). The most common form of release is injectable.

This form of drugs solves the problem of manifestation of side effects associated with irritation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. But it adds a number of necessary conditions for the implementation of the drug and the associated side effects and complications. They are the drugs of choice for severe forms of anemia, for pathologies of the digestive tract, leading to a decrease in iron absorption.

The route of administration (parenteral - intravenous or intramuscular injections, oral - tablets, drops, syrup or solution) does not affect the availability of iron itself. Safer - oral, parenteral prescribed according to indications.

The active substance is complexes with iron hydroxide. Folic acid is used as an excipient. Popular representatives: Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Maltofer Fall, Biofer, Ferinject, Ferroxide, Ferropol, Venofer, CosmoFer, Likferr, Monofer.

IV. Organic ferric compounds

Presented by the Spanish drug Ferlatum in two modifications: with and without folic acid. Available in the form of a solution for oral administration.

List of iron preparations for low hemoglobin for adults and children

Name /
The form
Inorganic salts of Fe II
Sorbifer Durules /
tab. 320 mg /
Sulfate 100 mg/tab. Vitamin C
Aktiferrin /
caps. 300 mg/
Sulfate 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
drops /
30 ml
9.48 mg/ml
syrup /
100 ml
6.87 mg/ml
compositum /
caps /
5.9 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
folic acid,
Ferro Folgamma /
caps. /
Sulfate 37 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
folic acid,
Fenyuls /
caps. /
Sulfate 45 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
pantothenic to-ta,
Ferroplex /
dragee /
Sulfate 50 mg/dr. Ascorbic acid
Tardyferon /
tab. /
Sulfate 80 mg/tab.
Gino-Tardiferon /
16.33 Folic acid
Ferrogradumet / (Serbia) tab. /
Sulfate 105 mg/tab.
Feroplect /
tab /
Sulfate 10 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid
Gemofer / (Poland) drops /
Chloride 44 mg/ml
Organic Fe II salts
Totem /
solution /
Gluconate 50 mg/10 ml copper gluconate and
Ferretab /
caps. /
fumarate 50 mg/caps. Folic acid
Iron Chelate /
tab. /
14.52 Chelate, gluconate 25 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid,
calcium chelate,
collection of synergistic herbs
Inorganic compounds Fe III
Ferrum Lek /
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
syrup /
100 ml
50 mg/5 ml
tab. chew /
100 mg/tab
Maltofer /
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab.
syrup /
150 ml
10 mg/ml
injection solution /
100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
50 mg/ml
Maltofer Foul/
tab. /
100 mg/tab. Folic acid
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab. Folic acid
injection solution /
2/10 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 200 mg/2 ml
Organic Fe III salts
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml
Ferlatum Fall/
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml calcium folinate

Complications and side effects when taking iron supplements

The most common complications associated with the digestive tract:

  • feeling of bloating;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • vomiting, feeling of nausea;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation).

The severity of these symptoms depends on the amount of iron that is not absorbed in the intestine. Accordingly, the higher the bioavailability of iron in preparations, the better the tolerability of the treatment and prevention of anemia.

Iron preparations often stain the feces dark or black. Black stools, which are usually a sign of bleeding, in this case simply indicate that some part of the iron has not been absorbed and does not portend any threat.

In some cases, iron preparations affect the color of the teeth, leading to the appearance of a temporary dark plaque. This property spoils the appearance of the teeth. To prevent plaque, it is recommended that liquid forms of iron be not diluted with anything and that teeth should be thoroughly brushed after ingestion.

There are also allergic reactions and intolerance to individual components of the drug: the appearance of itching, rash, urticaria, asthma. You should immediately stop taking the drug and seek help from a doctor.

In case of violation of the technique of administering injectable forms of drugs, it is often found:

  • the appearance of abscesses;
  • skin staining at the injection site;
  • atrophic changes;
  • the appearance of painful seals in the injection area.

When injected, an overdose of iron in the body is more common.

Excessive intake of iron can lead to an overload of the body with it - hemosiderosis. Often this condition occurs in men. They do not lose as much iron as women and often get it from some alcoholic beverages (ports, cognacs, red wines, ciders). Certain types of cider in some European countries may contain 16 or more mg of iron per liter.

Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient, which is involved in the structure of hemoglobin, and is not synthesized by the body. A person receives it with food. A person needs it for oxygen transfer, anti-infective protection of the body, and the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Fe is also important for the processes of hematopoiesis, mineral metabolism, the normal condition of the skin, nails and hair. The norms of iron content for different groups of people, below the level of which it is worth sounding the alarm, will be given below. The body of a healthy person contains about 4 g of iron. Most of it is accounted for by hemoglobin, a blood protein responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. Another part is deposited in other proteins, ferritin, hemosiderin, as well as in the liver, muscles and spleen.

Children have higher levels than adults especially in newborns. With age, the level decreases, in the elderly there is a decrease in the indicator, due to a decrease in the required energy, changes in eating behavior. In pregnant women, a decrease in Fe is often observed.

The lower rates in women compared to men are due to blood loss during menstruation, and less developed muscles.

If the indicator is below the norm, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken as reduced.

Factors that affect the result include: age, food intake, stress, exercise, medications, smoking and alcohol. As well as pregnancy, malnutrition, chronic overwork, vitamin deficiency and menstruation.

Iron deficiency in the blood is called sideropenia.

Below is a table of contents of pathologies in which there is less (little) Fe in the blood.
anemia. Iron deficiency anemia develops due to various changes in the body, both increased consumption of Fe for synthesis, and its reduced intake.
It is characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood (in women below 120 mg / l, in men below 130), erythrocyte hypochromia (discoloration of blood cells due to a decrease in hemoglobin). Further, anisocytosis (different sizes of erythrocytes), poikilocytosis (change in the shape of erythrocytes) is observed.
Bleeding(nasal, during menstruation, hemorrhoidal, dental, gastric, etc.).
Loss of iron in the blood, decrease due to a decrease in the total volume of circulating blood, a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.
Diseases of the hematopoietic system, in which iron is significantly used for the process of hematopoiesis.
Pregnancy. With it, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases and the body's need for nutrients and elements increases, so iron is not enough.
Long term diets, inadequate and malnutrition. There is a low intake of trace elements with products. The situation is aggravated by the passion for fast food, fatty foods, a dairy diet with calcium, which prevents the absorption of iron, and a lack of intake of ascorbic acid, which promotes the absorption of iron.
long-term chronic diseases. Rheumatism, myocardial infarction, osteomyelitis, prolonged colds, etc.

Iron is absorbed by the cells of the phagocytic system, the cells of the body's immune system.
Diseases of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, disorder of absorption processes.
Gastritis with hyposecretion of hydrochloric acid, celiac disease, ulcers, enteritis, enterocolitis, resection of the stomach or small intestine, neoplasms of the stomach - contribute to the violation of iron absorption.
Oncology. Increased iron uptake by rapidly growing dysplastic cells.
kidney disease. Violation and insufficient production of erythropoietin by the kidneys. Increased excretion of Fe in the urine in kidney pathologies.
The influence of drugs.
Overwork, excess exercise.
Liver pathologies(cirrhosis, liver cancer).
Intravascular hemolysis.
As you can see from the list, a lot of factors can give rise to sideropenia. In this case, the following symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood will be observed:
  • weakness, dizziness, fainting;
  • flickering "flies" before the eyes, tinnitus;
  • headache, palpitations, shortness of breath, drowsiness;
  • deterioration of health, intolerance to physical activity;
  • decreased memory and mental performance;
  • dry and pale skin;
  • brittle and dull nails, dry and thinning hair, alopecia, baldness;
  • cracks in the corners of the lips;
  • dry mouth, pain in the tongue (glossitis), atrophy of the papillae of the tongue, stomatitis;
  • Restless legs syndrome may often be present;
  • perverse taste, desire to eat inedible objects;
  • perverted sense of smell;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sometimes subfebrile.

You can also use drugs for intravenous administration (Venofer, Ferbitol).


Nutrition should be rational, balanced, exclude alcohol.

Products that increase blood iron:

  • Meat and offal - beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, lean pork, liver.
  • eggs.
  • porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, barley.
  • seafood - fish, caviar, shellfish, oysters.
  • vegetables and greens - corn, broccoli, beets, asparagus, spinach, lentils.
  • fruits - pears, persimmons, pomegranates, apples.
  • nuts, all kinds.
  • dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, figs.

You need to follow some principles of nutrition:

  • you can not combine iron-containing products with dairy.
  • tea is better to drink green.
  • After eating, it is not recommended to immediately drink coffee and tea.
  • it is better to use mineral water for drinking.
  • occasionally it is useful to drink a little red wine.
  • tea is better to choose herbal, fruit.

Foods that should be limited to consumption:

  • cheeses, milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts;
  • wheat bread;
  • strong tea, cocoa, coffee;
  • chocolate and its products.

Proper food preparation is important.

Eat fruits and vegetables fresh. If possible, do not peel the peel, minimize heat treatment in order to preserve nutrients. You should also avoid high amounts of salt in your diet.
Meal examples:

  1. grilled vegetables. This method of processing allows you to save all the vitamins and nutrients, it is prepared with a minimum amount of oil.
  2. buckwheat cutlets. A very healthy dish, an alternative to ordinary buckwheat. Boil buckwheat, add an egg, grated potatoes, mix and form cutlets.
  3. potato and pumpkin stew.
  4. vegetarian cabbage rolls filled with rice and vegetables.


Transfusion of donor red blood cells

This type of therapy is a last resort, exclusively in severe cases, as it has a lot of side effects and risks.

For example, after massive blood loss, with a decrease in hemoglobin below 50 g / l.
This procedure is fast acting, immediately raises the concentration of hemoglobin, but is dangerous for the development of allergic reactions, severe complications associated with incorrect determination of the blood type.

Although this happens very rarely.

Method for correcting low iron in the blood must be determined by the attending physician after examination and additional diagnostic procedures, which include a complete blood count, serum Fe, total serum iron-binding capacity and ferritin.

Watch a video about iron deficiency in the blood


  1. periodic monitoring of the overall blood picture;
  2. eating food with a high content of Fe;
  3. preventive intake of iron-containing drugs in risk groups;
  4. fast and effective elimination of sources of blood loss.

Rational nutrition, proper lifestyle, timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid low iron content in the blood and associated diseases!