Kiwi fruit useful properties. slimming product

Relatively recently, on the shelves of grocery outlets, they began to sell the fruits of an exotic plant - kiwi. The fruit has rapidly become popular and loved by many people. Kiwi has a second name - Chinese gooseberry, which was given to him due to the territory of origin of the plant. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, the pulp is tender, surrounded by a fleecy skin.

The vitamin range attracts with its diversity:

  • Vitamin C is able to fill the daily human need for it. Even citrus fruits lag behind in its quantity.
  • B vitamins: B2, B3, B6 and B9.
  • Nicotinic acid, vitamins A, E, D.

The composition of kiwi also includes a significant amount of useful micro and macro elements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc.

If you are on a diet, then the fruits of this plant are right for you! After all, they contain a minimum of calories, as well as fiber, disaccharides and monosaccharides.

The fruits of this plant can rightly be called a storehouse of beauty and health. Useful vitamins and substances in excess are part of kiwi. What are the benefits of this product?

Health Benefits

Kiwi is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that:

  • strengthen immunity
  • help fight colds and prevent them
  • improve digestion
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins
  • normalize metabolism
  • help improve mental performance
  • give energy.

With regular use of kiwi, hair turns gray more slowly.

Kiwi removes cholesterol from the body. Helps relieve heaviness in the stomach, and also removes salts, good for the kidneys.

Kiwi can help you lose weight if you want to - a lot of fiber and acid remove excess water from the body. Help burn fat.

Calcium and phosphorus protect skin and hair, as well as teeth and bones, which often suffer from vitamin deficiency in various diets. With kiwi, you will lose weight without losing beauty.

Most often, we eat kiwi without peel. However, the peel of this fruit can be not only edible, but also useful. We are talking about one variety of Kivinho, which was bred by Spanish breeders. This variety is characterized by small fruits and a smooth, lint-free skin.

So, kiwi peel contains antioxidants, the amount of which is greater than in the pulp. The antiseptic properties of the skin prevent the appearance of harmful bacteria in the stomach. However, before eating kiwi with a skin, it must be thoroughly washed.

But, despite the positive features of the peel, it is not recommended for people with sensitive mucous membranes.

slimming product

Many people on the planet are seriously passionate about the idea of ​​losing weight. The use of these fruits contributes to the achievement of this goal. Proper nutrition necessarily includes this berry in the list of recommended foods.

But do not eat more than two pieces at a time. Thus, the medicinal qualities of the product are activated - the intestinal microflora is normalized and metabolism is accelerated. The fruits also have a healing effect on the kidneys, which helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body.

Kiwi (useful properties for weight loss) can be realized by preparing the following recipe:

  1. 200 g of fruit is taken;
  2. 50 g cloves
  3. 50 g avocado;
  4. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  5. 100 g walnuts;
  6. 50 g orange or zest

All this is thoroughly mixed and taken 2 tablespoons 7 times a day, for a month. The therapeutic effect will not keep you waiting, especially if you consume this composition before training!

The healing effect can be obtained from a dried, fresh product - the most important thing is that the necessary proportions are taken. So the beneficial properties of an exotic fruit for the health of the human body are not limited to just one scope of application - this is a universal remedy!

Due to the chemical composition, kiwi is useful for men. This fruit strengthens the heart.

Men are more prone to heart attacks and strokes. Kiwi also strengthens the immune system and relieves stress. If you regularly eat kiwi, mental stress will be nothing.

The fruit perfectly cleanses blood vessels, respectively, blood circulation improves, good blood circulation, a guarantee of excellent health. Kiwi increases potency and libido and is an aphrodisiac fruit.

What is the benefit of kiwi juice?

The benefits of kiwi juice are enormous, but you will have to cook it yourself.
Recipes for diabetes and pregnancy, as well as for facial skin (masks) are not complete without the use of this ingredient.

For example, here is one good recipe that all diabetics can safely use:

  1. 300 g of the fruit in question is taken;
  2. 50 g coriander;
  3. 50 g papaya;
  4. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  5. 100 g hazelnuts;
  6. 50 g orange or zest

All this is thoroughly mixed and taken 1 tablespoon 7 times a day, for a month. The therapeutic effect will not keep you waiting, especially if you follow all the other dietary requirements for diabetics.

A lot is also known about the beneficial properties of kiwi for female beauty. The tender pulp is great for preparing masks, the properties of which can transform your face, make it soft and significantly reduce wrinkles. The composition can be used for different skin types, mixing the mass with other care products.

In addition, such a mask is able to relieve irritation on the skin, slightly whiten it and saturate it with vitamins. The result of use becomes noticeable to others after a few applications.

The rich vitamin composition of the berry is used in cosmetology for the care of the skin of the hands and face. Knowing this, cosmetologists often include it in their products.

The focus is on vitamins that can have a rejuvenating effect, cleanse the skin and saturate it with useful microelements and minerals. Kiwi is often used in home cosmetology. Based on it, a number of recipes for kiwi masks have been developed.

Kiwi masks will help maintain good skin condition and make it beautiful. Using different proportions of kiwi, you can create masks for different skin types.

  • skin lightening mask;

Such a mask will brighten the skin of the face, soothe irritations and enrich with minerals. It is great for all skin types. To prepare the mask, you need to peel the kiwi from the peel. Mash the pulp and mix it with one tsp. poppy seeds. You should get a uniform consistency. The mass is applied to the face with massaging movements. The mask should be kept for 10-15 minutes. Rinse afterwards with cool water.

  • masks for mature skin;

The mask recipe allows you to saturate the skin with vitamin C, which will help slow down the skin aging process. Kiwi is peeled and finely chopped. Then mixed with one tsp. honey. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Wash with warm water.

The simplest care is considered a mask of kiwi circles. Apply kiwi circles on the face and hold for 20 minutes. After wipe the face and lubricate with a moisturizer. The effect will be noticeable immediately.

  • nourishing masks;

One kiwi fruit is crushed to a mushy state. 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese are added to it. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. It is aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face. It will be especially useful in the cold season.

Instead of cottage cheese, you can use a few tablespoons of low-fat yogurt. The resulting mixture must be brought to a homogeneous state, and then immediately applied to the face.

  • scrub mask;

Kiwi can be used as an exfoliating agent, instead of a regular scrub. The method is quite simple. One kiwi berry is crushed to a homogeneous mass. Apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Benefits for pregnant women and children

Kiwi is a storehouse of useful components for pregnant women. They know firsthand about the properties of folic acid. The element is very valuable for the proper formation and development of the child.

Young children should also get this fruit in their food. For example, drinking it in the morning before breakfast will help not even remember the problem of constipation in a child.

The properties of vitamin D, which is part of the composition, favorably affect the strengthening of bone tissues of a growing organism. In addition, this vitamin is increasingly used as a cancer prevention.

The immune system is activated after taking Chinese gooseberries. Protective as well as restorative functions are launched at full capacity. Increased resistance to stress.

Human heart activity improves significantly, cell metabolism is activated, and the digestive process is much better. That is why people consider kiwi a berry with medicinal qualities.

The inclusion of the product in the diet in order to prevent rheumatic diseases, diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems is very popular.

Eating fruit daily, everyone can significantly reduce cholesterol, strengthen the walls of small vessels and capillaries.

At the same time, the composition of the blood is normalized, as a result of which it reduces the risk of thrombosis and hypertension. The beneficial properties of kiwi help improve the quality of lipid metabolism, gray hair appears at a later age, fats are burned, and the body is brought into the necessary tone.

You can talk about the positive qualities of the product almost endlessly, but you should also pay attention to contraindications.

Kiwi treatment

Kiwi is equally useful, both in its pure form and in combination with other products. Various combinations and recipes are aimed at eliminating a number of health problems.

  • treatment of coughing and shortness of breath;

To get rid of hoarseness and cleanse the lungs, kiwi salad is suitable. Kiwi is finely chopped. To it is added a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Such a dessert can be consumed at night. It will not affect your body weight and will help you fall asleep easily.

You can also squeeze kiwi juice. Mix it with honey and ground anise.

  • to increase immunity;

To strengthen the immune system, you should eat kiwi salad for breakfast. 4 peeled and ripe kiwis are cut. Half of tsp is added to them. sesame, tsp cinnamon, tsp grated ginger root and 2 tsp. finely chopped mint. The salad is mixed and poured with unsweetened yogurt without additives.

  • kiwi juice;

Kiwi juice consumed for 4 weeks contributes to the treatment and prevention of blood clots. Also, the level of fatty acids in the blood decreases by 15%. Kiwi juice improves blood circulation and the condition of the veins. It affects the regulation of blood sugar levels, so it will be useful for those suffering from diabetes.

Useful properties of kiwi for diabetes

Nutritionists still do not cease to be surprised at how wide the scope of the beneficial properties of the "earth apple" for the health of the human body.

In addition to the fact that the healing effect of the dried and fresh product for the intestines, for the liver, as well as for colds, this fruit is also actively used in type 2 diabetes.

Benefits for diabetics will be when using the following recipe:

  1. 300 g of fresh, necessarily ripe fruit;
  2. 50 g cinnamon;
  3. 50 g avocado;
  4. Half a teaspoon of cloves;
  5. 100 g of cashew nuts;
  6. 50 g lemon peel;

The resulting composition should be consumed in a tablespoon three times a day, you can use the recipe for life.

Harm is possible in this situation only if the recipes are prepared using honey or sugar.

The benefits and harms of kiwi on an empty stomach

The benefits and harms that the "earth apple" brings and the harm from this fruit for men and women when consumed on an empty stomach depends on the acidity of the stomach.

With normal or increased acidity, this will lead to heartburn, but the reduced pH will be compensated by eating an “earth apple” in the morning.

Many argue that this fruit with the skin can be eaten. In principle, maybe it is possible, but that's just not for anything - the healing properties of the peel are used externally, as a face mask. But the pulp is indispensable for the normalization of all metabolic processes in the body.

Kiwi dried useful properties

All the recipes above can be safely prepared with dried kiwi, but with the difference that it will need to be taken by weight 3 times less.

Useful properties of kiwi for constipation

Like any other fruit, the "earth apple" stimulates peristaltic bowel movements and helps a person cope with constipation. A very effective remedy, especially in combination with baked milk.

What is useful kiwi at night?

The healing effect of dried and fresh product for men and women when consumed at night is that it helps to speed up metabolism and break down fats.

Thus, even the energy that would have turned into fat overnight will be safely eliminated by kiwi consumed at night. Nutritionists recommend eating one fruit after a workout, and after that you can safely go to bed. The result will not keep you waiting!

Harm from use

Like other food products, the fruits of this plant have not only positive qualities, but also contraindications. Do not be afraid of them and completely exclude the fruit from the diet. The main thing is to be aware of the possible consequences and exercise some caution in eating kiwifruit.

So, the presence of a large amount of vitamin C can provoke allergic reactions. Moderate consumption of berries is important to prevent the risk of hypervitaminosis.

The product is not recommended for people who often suffer from stool disorder. The known presence of an allergy to some fruits can also become a contraindication. Consultation of a specialist in this case will not be superfluous.

They have the sweetest taste, and the acid content is minimal. People suffering from diarrhea can eat the product after removing its peel, which has laxative properties.

A tasty and healthy tropical kiwi fruit is loved by many today. This fruit is rich in vitamins, organic acids and mineral elements. That is why it is increasingly used in cooking and in home cosmetology. Regular consumption of kiwi helps in weight loss and prevents many chronic diseases.

Composition and useful properties

Kiwi contains almost all groups of vitamins. In addition, the tropical fruit contains:

  1. plant fiber and proteins.
  2. Antioxidants.
  3. folic acid.
  4. Bioflavonoids.
  5. Beta carotene.
  6. potassium ions.
  7. Serotonin.

The calorie content of the fruit is quite low and is only 61 kcal per 100 grams of the product. The benefits of kiwi fruits for the body a person has the following effects:

Only one medium-sized fruit contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. The amount of this vitamin in kiwi exceeds that in citrus fruits. Kiwi perfectly strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of allergies. Due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition, the aggressive action of free radicals is neutralized.

Due to the large amount of pectins and fiber , kiwi is excellent help deal with constipation.

The composition of this fruit contains the natural enzyme actinidin, which activates the processes of digestion and improves the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat 1 or 2 berries before a hearty lunch or dinner, it will help to avoid feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Thanks to this enzyme, with the help of kiwi, meat for barbecue is very well marinated.

The fruit is also very useful for those who suffer from a lack of calcium in the body. Regularly eating kiwi, you can improve the condition of bones and teeth, accelerate the healing of fractures.

Due to the low content of sugars, this fruit is quite acceptable for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Environmental friendliness of kiwi fruit

One of the advantages of these tropical fruits is its high environmental friendliness. Most vegetables and fruits are grown with the use of chemicals - pesticides, herbicides, nitrogenous fertilizers - which cannot but affect human health. The peculiarity of kiwi fruits is that they do not accumulate harmful substances in themselves.

The health benefits and harms of kiwi may also depend on the variety. The most popular are "fluffy" fruits of brown color. In recent years, the “golden” variety has become increasingly common on sale - its peel is absolutely smooth and has a bronze color. These fruits have a sweeter taste and strong aroma, but are inferior to fluffy ones in vitamin content. Golden fruits contain a large amount of folic and pantothenic acid. The first of them is very useful for pregnant women, and the second excellently strengthens the nervous system.

Useful properties for women

The body of a man and a woman has significant physiological differences. This is associated with hormonal functions and with the functions of childbearing. During the period of hormonal surges - in adolescence, during pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome - there is a high susceptibility to stress and emotional breakdowns.

Due to the high content of B vitamins and serotonin, kiwi has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of women. To normalize the emotional state, it is enough to eat 2 fruits a day. In addition, it will help reduce the pain of menstrual bleeding.

During pregnancy, kiwi will serve as a supplier of a large amount of vitamins and mineral elements. The high content of folic acid helps prevent miscarriage. And the pantothenic acid contained in the fruit contributes to the proper development of the fetal nervous system.

Very often, pregnant women complain of fatigue, lethargy and nausea caused by toxicosis. You can improve the condition with the help of kiwi fruits.

Very often, pregnant women suffer from constipation, and taking medicines during this period is not safe. Eating a tropical fruit allows you to gently solve this problem without harming the fetus and without provoking an increase in uterine tone.

This fruit is also indispensable for women who are breastfeeding a baby. It is necessary to introduce this fruit into the diet of a nursing mother very carefully, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction The child has.

The male half of the population is more prone to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The mechanism of development of these diseases includes susceptibility to stress, lack of potassium in the body and the aggressive effect of free radicals on cell walls. Kiwi contains a significant amount of potassium, which lowers blood pressure and normalizes heart rate.

The benefits and harms of kiwi fruits for the body of men are due to the active substances contained in these fruits. Due to the high content of antioxidants, the walls of blood vessels are protected from destruction and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, kiwi perfectly protects the nervous system from stress and improves immunity. Regular consumption of food improves mental performance.

Since the fruit provides the removal of toxins from the body, it helps to improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.

Being an aphrodisiac this fruit increases sexual function in men.

Is it possible to give to children

Some mothers are afraid to give kiwi to children. However, these fears are completely unfounded. Fruit can be included in the children's diet from 5 years. In order not to develop an allergic reaction, the child should be given kiwi fruit, starting with small amounts. The benefits and harms of kiwi for a child's body depend on his age and individual characteristics of the body.

Due to the high content of vitamins A, C, E in the fruits, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. In addition, the use of this fruit improves mental activity, increases academic performance.

Application in dietetics and cosmetology

Kiwi can be of great help to those who want to lose weight. This product is low in calories and rich in fat-burning enzymes. In order to lose weight, nutritionists recommend eating fruits with a peel before eating. Thus, you can reduce appetite, remove toxins and excess moisture from the body, get rid of excess fat.

To get rid of the painful feeling of hunger in the evening or at night, you can eat one ripe fruit at night. It also helps cleanse the intestines..

In cosmetology, kiwi fruit is widely used to improve skin color and even out its relief. If you add fruit pulp to the cosmetic mask, you can cleanse and whiten the skin, clean enlarged pores.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite the large number of useful properties, we must not forget about some restrictions on the use of these exotic fruits. They can be harmful to health in the following cases:

The daily intake of food should not exceed three pieces.

How to choose the right kiwi

In order for fruits to bring not only pleasure, but also benefits, they should be chosen correctly. In this case, you should pay attention to the following signs:

How to eat kiwi correctly

Recently, kiwi has become an indispensable culinary product. It is used to decorate salads and desserts, and is also eaten fresh. Since it contains enzymes, it is used for making marinades. Based on this fruit, jam and jelly are prepared, as well as sweet wines and liquors.

The fruit can be eaten fresh with the skin on, or you can pick out the pulp with a teaspoon. You can peel and cut the fruit into pieces.

It is allowed to eat 2-3 ripe fruits per day. It is best to do this an hour before the main meal or an hour after it ends. This will avoid the development of heaviness and heartburn.

It is allowed to eat the fruit along with the peel. It must first be washed thoroughly. According to experts, eating the peel of this fruit helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and get rid of dysbacteriosis. The peel, as well as the pulp, contains many antioxidants and vitamins.

Since eating kiwis with their hairs on may not be very pleasant, you can peel them with the back of a knife or look for smooth fruits of the gold variety on sale.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the era of the 21st century, you will not surprise anyone, a common exotic fruit that is sold in any supermarket. But not everyone buys it, not knowing all its benefits and uniqueness. This vine - actinidia can even be grown on your site. In taste, they resemble our gooseberries, for which they received the name “Chinese gooseberries”.

Kiwi is enriched with a group of vitamins: A, B, B6, C, D, E.

In addition to vitamins, it is rich in:

  1. folic acid,
  2. beta carotene,
  3. fiber,
  4. vegetable protein,
  5. antioxidants,
  6. pectin,
  7. flavonoids.

And all this is contained in one fruit. One hundred grams contains only 61 kcal.

Due to the fact that it contains potassium, kiwi is useful for people suffering from hypertension, potassium helps to lower blood pressure. Also, this exotic fruit contains a daily intake of vitamin C.

Health Benefits

Kiwi is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that:

  • strengthen immunity
  • help fight colds and prevent them
  • improve digestion
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins
  • normalize metabolism
  • help improve mental performance
  • give energy.

With regular use of kiwi, hair turns gray more slowly.

Kiwi removes cholesterol from the body. Helps relieve heaviness in the stomach, and also removes salts, good for the kidneys.

Kiwi can help you lose weight if you want to - a lot of fiber and acid remove excess water from the body. Help burn fat.

Calcium and phosphorus protect skin and hair, as well as teeth and bones, which often suffer from vitamin deficiency in various diets. With kiwi, you will lose weight without losing beauty.

The benefits of kiwi for women

In women, the body is arranged a little differently. This is due to the menstrual cycle and menopause, as well as childbearing function. During these periods of every woman's life, the hormonal background changes, and chronic whitening intensifies. Hormones begin to play pranks, and the nervous system is overwhelmed by stress and mood swings.

Due to the fact that kiwi is rich in vitamins and microelements, it has a positive effect on the nervous system. On days when hormones are jumping, it is enough to eat two fruits a day, and your mood and well-being will noticeably improve. And these days will pass less painlessly.

But we must not forget about contraindications.

The benefits of kiwi for men

Due to the chemical composition, kiwi is useful for men. This fruit strengthens the heart.

Men are more prone to heart attacks and strokes. Kiwi also strengthens the immune system and relieves stress. If you regularly eat kiwi, mental stress will be nothing.

The fruit perfectly cleanses blood vessels, respectively, blood circulation improves, good blood circulation, a guarantee of excellent health. Kiwi increases potency and libido and is an aphrodisiac fruit.

Kiwi during pregnancy and lactation

Kiwi, due to its composition, during pregnancy perfectly nourishes the body of the mother and the conceived child. Folic acid, which is contained in an exotic hairy berry, prevents miscarriage. It has a great effect on the nervous system and brain of the child.

During pregnancy, there are periods of constipation, due to the high content of hormones, kiwi is perfect for solving this delicate problem. Due to its laxative effect.

With toxicosis, kiwi will help to cope with nausea, lethargy and fatigue, because it has a large amount of fiber.

When breastfeeding, kiwi is also not replaceable, because the mother continues to feed the baby, she needs vitamins. There is no need to be afraid of allergies in a child, if the mother ate kiwi during pregnancy, the child will not have allergies, and if not, then the fruit should be introduced gradually into the diet.

Benefits and harms in diabetes

With diabetes, kiwi should be eaten without fear for health. Due to the content of vitamins, pectin, and the general useful composition of the fruit, it helps to fight this disease.

Kiwi is well absorbed by the body. And it doesn't raise blood sugar levels.

Kiwi for kids

Despite the benefits of kiwi, mothers are afraid to give kiwi to their children. Their fears are unfounded.

The benefits and harms of kiwi for the body: video


Like any product, kiwi has a number of contraindications.

  1. Allergy, kiwi is an exotic fruit that can cause asthma, dermatosis of the throat, swelling of the tongue. People suffering from allergic reactions should use this fruit with caution.
  2. With a stomach ulcer, gastritis, as well as high acidity, kiwi should not be consumed.
  3. In case of kidney disease, you should not get carried away with the use of kiwi, as it contains a lot of water and makes it difficult for the kidneys to work.
  4. In case of poisoning, you can not use it, kiwi has a laxative effect.

How to choose a ripe kiwi?

Buying kiwi is not worth it in supermarkets, markets or street stalls, you can find processed fruits with a chemical composition.

The most delicious fruit, a little soft, but without dents and browning.

A hard fruit will be tasteless, sour and green, and a very soft one will be overripe.

It is better to buy hard fruits and let them ripen to a soft ripeness.

The smell of kiwi should be barely noticeable, the fruit that smells, it is better not to take wine, it has gone bad.

When buying a good fruit, you can choose as follows, press on the place of the stalk, if juice is released, then this is a bad fruit, nothing should stand out. There should be no mold and rot on the fruits.

How to eat kiwi

In cooking, kiwi is an indispensable fruit. It is used for marinades, sauces. Jelly and jam are also made from it. Liqueurs and wine are prepared on its basis. Kiwi is an excellent filling for cakes and pies. Also, kiwi can be dried or candied fruits can be made.

It is best to eat kiwi fresh!

  1. You can eat it whole, with the skin on, after cleaning the hairs.
  2. You can cut it in half and eat the pulp with a spoon.
  3. Or cut into rings or pieces, first completely peeled.

It is better to eat kiwi half an hour before meals or an hour after.

You can eat 2-3 fruits per day with health benefits!

Abuse of tasty and healthy fruit is not worth it!

Can you eat the peel?

Kiwi can be eaten with the peel. Wash well beforehand. The peel contains a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants.

European scientists believe that kiwi peel helps to cure dysbacteriosis.

It is unpleasant to eat a shaggy fruit with a peel, you need to brush the hairs with the blunt side of the knife. You can buy smooth fruits, GOLD varieties.

Kiwi in cosmetology

In cosmetology, kiwi also succeeded. The fruit perfectly cleanses the skin and nourishes with vitamins. In winter, kiwi perfectly moisturizes the skin and rejuvenates it.

Vitamin E is good for skin, nails and hair, so kiwi can be called the fruit of youth and beauty.

Mask based on cottage cheese and kiwi

Mix 100 grams of cottage cheese with one kiwi and apply on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Leave for ten minutes and rinse with water. When using this mask in winter, the skin will be perfect.

Excellent peeling from the pulp of kiwi

Peel and mash the fruit with a fork, apply the pulp on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Massage a little and rinse with water.

Kiwi is an excellent fruit that can be called a green doctor. Useful for all people of all ages. With regular use, it strengthens the body.

The exotic kiwi fruit is a selection product from specialists from New Zealand, who created a popular fruit based on Actinidia sinensis. Kiwi was bred in the 20th century, but became known to Russians relatively recently. An alternative name is the Chinese gooseberry, named for its large, branched tree-like vines, on which the fruits ripen with a dark brown color, green, with bristles.

The indescribable taste properties of kiwi - a mixture of pineapple, apple and - allowed millions of fans of a fruit that can be called a delicacy to appear. Is this fruit useful, what are the harms and benefits of kiwi fruits for the health of men, women, pregnant women and children, how to use it so as not to destroy the beneficial properties?

Health benefits and composition

Constantly or occasionally taking kiwi, a person will enrich his diet with new flavors and benefit from consumption. A large number of vitamins gives the right calling fruit the "king of vitamins" that supports the body in good shape for adults and harmoniously develops for children.

By what parameters kiwi overtake other fruits:

Only one kiwi will fill the daily need for vitamin C (almost 93 mg per 100 grams). The product contains a valuable, rare, which can be found in broccoli in similar concentrations. Kiwifruit can be a beneficial substitute for broccoli in children's diets, which babies often dislike.

For the elderly, "Chinese gooseberry" is useful for protection against and high blood pressure with rapidly absorbed potassium.

By consuming a valuable gift of nature in terms of nutrients along with citrus fruits, children and adults are better able to tolerate cold and are less likely to get colds.

Is it possible to eat with the peel, is it useful and how

You can eat kiwi with peel without fear for your health: the hairy membrane of the fetus contains a large amount of fiber, which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Another advantage is that the taste of the product from New Zealand becomes richer and deeper, the only requirement is to rinse the surface thoroughly to get rid of possible pesticides used in cultivation.

The rind of the velvety fruit has a soft, hair-like coating that works like bowel brush(quick cleaning of slags). You can remove the peel for aesthetic purposes and for ease of use - sometimes the roughness of the shell is an annoying moment.

Doctor Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will tell about the benefits of kiwi for the body:

Contraindications and subtleties of application

Exotic fruit is consumed washed. It is worth avoiding cleaning an unwashed fruit with a knife (microbes from the knife will come into contact with the pulp, and if there is an infection, they will cause illness). Has a characteristic laxative effect, an exotic fruit is not recommended for people prone to intestinal upset.

In what situations you can not eat kiwi:

Individual intolerance in case of detection can cause swelling of the mucous membrane with asthmatic manifestations in the form of shortness of breath, edematous phenomena in the region of the tongue. At the first dose, you need to try a small amount of pulp, and in the absence of negative manifestations, enjoy the taste of this fruit.

Other applications

What else is the use of kiwi? The presence of valuable substances in the pulp of green fruit allows you to use it in cosmetic and caring procedures, nutrition systems for effective reduction of body volume.

For facial skin

Simply rubbing the face with a piece of the original fruit will tighten the pores and have a slight brightening effect. But more efficient application of masks. Consider a few popular examples with peeled fruit.

For aging skin. Half of the fruit is mixed in a blender with a teaspoon of honey. Use - direct application of a nourishing consistency to clean skin for 15-20 minutes. Saturation with vitamins helps to slow down the aging process, active rejuvenation.

For dry skin. Half of the green pulp is brought to a smooth consistency in a blender along with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and half a banana.

Application time - no more than 20 minutes on the neck and face. The result is toned, hydrated skin with no signs of dryness.

Safe whitening. Scrub-peeling hand made format helps to relieve irritation, get rid of dirt and acne. The recipe is mixing half a teaspoon of poppy seeds (food) with a kiwi fruit mashed in the hands. The mixture is gently rubbed (1.5 minutes), then the mixture is left for 15 minutes in the form of a mask, washed off with warm water. After a few procedures, you can notice a slight whitening effect.

Dietetics: means for weight loss

What is useful kiwi for weight loss? Simultaneous satiety from eating kiwi and low calorie content allows the use of a fruit engineered product to get rid of extra pounds.

The kiwi diet involves the use of this fruit in large quantities (from 1 to 1.5 kilograms per day) with the alternation of some products: semolina, yogurt, dietary bread, soups (not meat).

Boiled chicken breast and steamed fish are allowed, taboos are lemonade, sweets, pork and convenience foods. Already in 1 week of following such a nutrition system you can lose up to 5 kilograms without harm to health.

Folk healing recipes

The scope of the "green miracle" even affected health recipes that help to resist diseases and adverse manifestations of nature.

Any skin lesions are quickly regenerated with a mixture of grated green pulp.(1 fruit) with a spoon. It is used for burns and frostbite.

Can't recover from a debilitating cold? Revitalizing energy cocktail quickly restores strength, which is drunk with dried bread.

Folk recipe: 1 kiwi, a spoonful of honey, 3 and a glass are crushed in a blender. After a few hours of taking, there is an increase in energy and tone.

Kiwi syrup will help with a choking cough and shortness of breath prepared on the basis of mixing ripe fruit, ground anise and honey in equal proportions. Initially, the mass is covered with sugar and left for 2 hours, then the syrup is prepared by bringing the consistency to a boil, which is maintained for 3-5 minutes, and then cooled.

How to choose and store

Passing between the fruit rows, a supermarket visitor may think: how to choose ripe, because the fruit has a dark green color with a brown tint, and our traditional ideas about ripeness refer to yellow or red?

Signs of a ripe kiwi:

  • elastic structure (non-stone) indicates a tasty fruit;
  • a dry stalk indicates the ripeness of the fetus;
  • the absence of spots is a sign of a healthy fetus;
  • hard, well-detachable hairs - a sign of quality.

You should be afraid of too soft kiwifruit, which are highly likely to be rotten inside.

Gourmets advise choosing fruits from New Zealand individually (by the piece), rather than buying them in prepackaged plastic boxes. This form of sale may come as a surprise - some of the fruits will be of poor quality.

Compared to the usual "Chinese gooseberry" Gold kiwi has a lot of useful substances, the yellow fruit is especially rich in vitamins C and E, potassium and fiber. Fruity associations are inspired by other combinations - there is an aroma with the traditional taste of kiwi.

In contact with

Kiwi is a herbaceous vine of Actinidia sinensis and its fruits are berries with green flesh and brown skin pubescent with small hairs. The history of kiwi is very unusual. The birthplace of the creeper with the name mihutao, which became the progenitor of kiwi, is China.

And the kiwi gained immense world fame after surviving a long sea voyage and a dockers' strike. When the ship finally began to unload, it turned out that the Chinese gooseberries were preserved in their original form, but the lemons sent on the same flight were no longer suitable for sale and use for food.

It is difficult to say exactly when the Chinese gooseberry began to be called kiwi. But it is known that for New Zealanders this berry has become a symbol of the country, along with the kiwi bird, which cannot fly.

There are approximately 50 varieties of kiwifruit today, but only a few are cultivated for their edible fruit.

The world production of kiwi today is more than 1 million tons per year. The main suppliers are Italy and New Zealand.

Kiwi calories

Kiwi is considered a dietary and low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 48 kcal. In 100 g of kiwi juice - 41 kcal, and in 100 g of kiwi jam (thick jam) - 243 kcal. Excessive use of this kind of cooking can lead to obesity, but the use of a fresh product will saturate the body with useful substances without harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwis are rich in fiber, amino acids and also contain fructose, glucose, vitamins, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, flavonoids, pectins, enzymes, folic acid and others fruit acids - citric, malic, quinic and others. Like pineapple, kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin, which breaks down proteins and aids in the digestion of food. The amount of carbohydrates in fruits is negligible. A mature kiwi fruit contains up to 9% carbohydrates and has an energy value of 40 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

Kiwi strengthens the immune system and stimulates collagen production. And the potassium contained in kiwi, normalizes blood pressure. In traditional Chinese medicine, kiwi fruit has been used for centuries to improve digestion, prevent rheumatic diseases, prevent kidney stones, reduce nervousness, and prevent premature graying of hair. Kiwi has a beneficial effect on the stomach, gallbladder, small and large intestines, bladder, as well as muscle tissue, reproductive system, muscles of the external and internal genital organs.

The study of kiwi fruits showed that they inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the body, have antitumor, antimutagenic, antioxidant effects, and improve physical performance.

One berry can replace one orange or three tomatoes. 100 g of kiwi contains 360 mg of vitamin C, which is four times the daily dose for an adult. According to the content of vitamin C, kiwi ranks second after blackcurrant. And during storage, the amount of vitamin C in these fruits does not decrease over time due to the skin, as well as the acids contained in this fruit.

If after a good dinner you eat one kiwi fruit, then you will not have heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

Recently, scientists from Norway have found that kiwifruit can help people with heart disease, as kiwifruit has the ability to burn fats that block arteries, and this reduces the risk of blood clots.