How to make a wish on New Year's Eve. How to make a wish on New Year's Eve Wishes on New Year's Eve

December 30, 2013, 23:40

Try to formulate your desire in a positive way so that, while benefiting you, it does not harm others. For example, instead of "I want my boss to quit," think "I want to get a promotion." Let your wish be as short and precise as possible, no need to write long sentences with a negative meaning: replace the phrase “In the New Year I don’t want to be sick and be angry and angry” with “In the New Year I want to be healthy and happy.” And then your wish will not be slow to come true!

One of the most common and effective ways is to write your desire on a piece of paper while the chimes are chiming, set it on fire from a candle flame, shake the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it in one gulp. In order to have time to do everything, it is better to formulate the desire in advance, clearly and briefly.

It is also common that with each stroke of the chimes you need to eat a grape, naturally, thinking about your desire. Drink champagne and wait for the performance.

Try the old way of making wishes, which is used in many New Year and Christmas fortune-telling. Write on small slips of paper your most cherished desires that you want to come true in the coming year.
Put them under your pillow, and when you wake up in the morning, take one out. It must come true.

If you meet New Year in a big company and shy
in front of strangers, shake the ashes of your dreams into a glass, do not drink champagne the fastest. There is such a belief that, having thought about the most secret and cherished desire, especially if it concerns happiness and love, you need to drink champagne from
his glass is the last of those present, as if drawing love and luck to his side.

To find out for sure whether a wish will come true or not, you can try another old method: on New Year's Eve, leave the house, stand with your back to him and quietly ask your question. Then you need to count the windows in which the lights are burning: if you get an even number, then the desire will come true, and if not, you will have to work hard to make it come true.

If all your thoughts are about love and affairs of the heart, going to bed, put a piece of chl under the pillow :) and scissors. They say that if you do this on New Year's Eve, then the future spouse will definitely come in a dream.

Did you know that during each day there is one minute when you can make a wish to come true. Everything-everything you ask for at this moment comes true one hundred percent! This minute is called the “golden” minute of the day. She's like opened door to another dimension where all your dreams come true.

GENERAL RULES. We all have desires and we all want those desires to come true. Even the most unrealizable After all, desires exist in order to come true. You just need to guess correctly ... You need to make a wish at one time and carry a treasured coin in your pocket before this wish comes true. Do not lend money to anyone at this time! When guessing, it’s good to chew a few grapes or chewing marmalade.

New Year... On the one hand, well, what's special, just one more day of the calendar will turn over, but no... this is some kind of magical time and not only for children. Yes, we no longer believe in Santa Claus, but we are still waiting for this day, preparing for it, making new plans, dreaming and really hoping that in the new year we will definitely succeed in what did not work out in the old one. And maybe not everyone, of course, but many, even skeptical people on different kind rituals, signs, there is at least one New Year's ritual for the fulfillment of desires. Would you say it's not? But don't you make a wish to the sound of the chimes, and do it every year? The real Christmas ritual.

New Year's signs

Even if you do not really believe in all kinds of rituals, then still pay attention to New Year's signs, because many of them have come to us since ancient times. They did not form out of nowhere, perhaps there is something in this.

  • For example, there is a sign that you would have money in the new year, you can’t celebrate the new year with an empty wallet and pockets.

By the way, it is not recommended to leave a wallet empty not only for the new year, read about it.

Taking this sign into service, make sure that when you make New Year's purchases and gifts you do not spend all your money, something must remain in your wallet and the fuller the wallet, the better. And do not forget to put a banknote in your right pocket before the new year, and the larger it is, the better it is too.

Agree, it’s a good sign, even if you don’t really believe in it, the saved money will definitely come in handy in the new year.

  • There is another sign - how you celebrate the new year, so you will spend it. Therefore, it is customary to lay a festive table for the new year.

When buying products for such a table, do not forget about point 1. After all, a festive table is not necessarily something super expensive. But the table should not be meager - this is to poverty. The menu for New Year's Eve was varied. Prepare your family's favorite dishes, make a beautiful festive serving.

A decorated Christmas tree, a decorated apartment, a table set with love, close and beloved people at the table, a cheerful, festive mood - this is quite enough to celebrate your favorite holiday, according to this sign.

In fact, there will be a lot of New Year's Eve, here are some more of them:

  • it is customary to celebrate the new year in something new, by this you attract good luck;
  • you can’t quarrel at the festive table - this is unfortunately, and point 2 will work;
  • it is customary before the new year to free the house from old unnecessary things - by doing this you let the law of abundance work correctly: in order for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old. But this must be done in advance, a decade before the New Year, but in no case do not take out the garbage on December 31 and in the first half of the day on January 1 - take out your well-being along with the garbage;
  • if you want to move only forward in the new year and not return to old problems - do not put crustaceans on the New Year's table;
  • on the eve of the new year, you can’t borrow money, but they don’t advise lending if you want to be with money in the new year;
  • an accidentally broken New Year's toy does not mean something bad at all, on the contrary. When you throw out the fragments, make some unusual wish;
  • in order not to endure illnesses and ailments in the new year, on December 31 you need to take a bath with the addition of needles or fir oil or go to the bathhouse and take a good steam with a birch broom.
  • a good sign - for the new year to give gifts, treat, wish everyone a happy New Year. The more people you congratulate, the more luck awaits you in the coming year.

And for those who want something more mysterious for the new year, then let's move on to New Year's rituals for the fulfillment of desires. But I will not consecrate rituals with various spells, specific rites, who knows how it all works in reality.

I will talk about those rituals in which you need to invest not magic, but your passionate desire and faith in fulfillment. And together they sometimes do real miracles.

There is also a technique for fulfilling desires called "Simoron".

For those who are not familiar with her, in short, simoron is to find a way out of problems, make wishes effortlessly, putting into practice funny rituals.

To be honest, I somehow don’t really perceive the technique of fulfilling desires “Simoron”, maybe my fantasy doesn’t work very well, or maybe my sense of humor is not at that level, I don’t know. But I definitely won’t hang red shorts on the chandelier, no matter how they promise that this is almost the most effective ritual for attracting money.

But, the new year is both a magical and fun holiday, so some Simoron New Year's wish fulfillment rituals can be applied, why not. Read on, you might like them.

New Year's rituals for the fulfillment of desires in the "Simoron" technique

They say that you need to meet the new year without debt. But, as you understand, for many this is not realistic - mortgages, for example, are difficult to repay, and not only mortgages.

  • There is a Simoron ritual, with the help of which debts, of course, will not be paid off, but it can smooth out the negative effect of debts for your better financial condition. How to do it? On the eve of the new year, write all your debts on a piece of paper, accurate to the nearest ruble and indicating your creditors, then pour soda on this piece of paper and extinguish it with vinegar.

The Christmas tree is not just a beautiful attribute of the new year, it also has magical properties, it’s not for nothing that they advise, in addition to toys, to hang coins on it to attract money, sweets for a prosperous life.

Simoron also does not bypass the Christmas tree with his attention.

  • In order for your most cherished desire to come true next year, come up with a symbol for it, so that it accurately reflects your desire and hang it on the New Year tree. For example, if you want to get married - hang some kind of wedding attribute, if you want an addition to the family - hang rattles, a dummy, booties. I really want to go to the sea - something that is connected with the sea, for example, an advertising booklet of a travel agency, you can even hang beach slippers. Here, as they say, your imagination has no limits, the more unusual, funnier your symbol, the better.
  • If you want to row money in the new year, hang a rake on the Christmas tree. Of course, you don’t need to bring them from the dacha, but in the department of children’s toys it’s quite possible to pick up the right attribute.

Even when making a New Year's salad, you can make it so that it has magical properties, endowing one or another ingredient with the quality you need.

For example, Orchid salad, the recipe of which can be viewed.

  • Let's fantasize, for example, I really want to go to the sea - laying a layer of squid, decide that this is for a trip to the sea, decorating the salad with yolk, decide that this is for money (no money on the sea in any way), and making flowers from chips, decide what it is pleasant surprise(if the trip happens, isn't that a surprise). In short, fantasy and humor are welcome.

You can also, to enhance the effect, put this “charged” salad on your plate, whisper your desire and eat it to the end.

  • There is another interesting Simoron ritual - "Magic Matches". I need to buy a new box of matches. Cut two white leaves to the size of the box and stick them on one side and the other matchbox. On one side write - "magic matches", on the second your first and last name. In order for the matches to start working, they must be charged. Light a match and say the wish that will come true right away, for example, "Now I will eat a delicious candy." The match burns out to the end and you eat the candy (of course, you should have it at home). That's it, your wish has come true and the matches are charged to fulfill your desires. You can use them further, but at first they are advised to use them to fulfill small desires, then you can think of something more serious.

These matches do not refer specifically to the New Year's ritual, but they say that New Year's rituals for the fulfillment of desires operate not only on New Year's Eve, but also on 12 days of the new year. So why don't we also use magic matches these days to enhance the effect.

On this optimistic note, I would like to end my article about New Year's wish fulfillment rituals.

How someone will react to this information is a personal matter for everyone. But, you see, sometimes, at least on New Year's Eve, you want to believe in a Miracle, in a Fairy Tale and invite them into your life, even if they are so unusual, maybe somewhere naive, but it will seem to someone stupid ways. But what if…? After all, as I said at the beginning, our true desire and deep faith sometimes do miracles.

We often hear this expression:
If you want something, then the whole Universe will contribute to making your desire come true.
There is another important point. They say that wishes come true only when a person is grateful for what he has today and now. Therefore, before doing this or that ritual, do not forget to thank the outgoing year for everything that was in it, even if not very good.

There is also this expression:

Don't regret unnecessarily. If it was good, then it's great. And if it was bad, then it's an experience.

And why don't we thank the outgoing year for the experience too. Smile, enjoy every day and may all your dreams come true.

And this video, as an addition to the above, is another New Year's ritual.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

New Year is the most fabulous and wonderful holiday of the year. On such a day, even adults begin to believe in fairy tales and miracles.

After all, only on this wonderful New Year's Eve can all our most cherished desires and dreams come true. And in order for your dreams to come true as quickly as possible, we decided to tell you how to make them right on New Year's Eve.

Burning the leaf

The most familiar and popular option is considered to be burning a piece of paper. Your paper can be any colors and in it you p find your most important wish. After they start beat the chimes, set fire to the leaf.

When it burns, pour its ashes into a glass and quickly drink the contents. You should hurry up to make this simple manipulation in one minute otherwise your wish will not come true.

Drinking champagne

Light a candle and pour into a glass or glass of champagne while waiting for the chiming clock on TV. After hearing the first fight, start drinking champagne from the glass in small sips.

Every sip of champagne is one of your wishes that will come true in the new year. As long as you have time, while the chimes are beating to take a sip of champagne, so many desires will come true for you.

12 wishes

Take 12 small pieces of paper. Write a wish on each of them and twist the leaves into a tube or a square, as you prefer.

Put the leaves under the pillow, scattering the leaves. In the morning, when you wake up, first think about the most important and necessary desire, and then pull out one of the leaves. You will definitely pull out the one that will be most needed and most important for you.

Letter to Santa Claus

Write a small letter of wishes on the 30th, and on the 31st on New Year's Eve, seal it in a New Year's envelope, and then put it under your Christmas tree.

When it's time to throw out the Christmas tree, hide the envelope in a safe place, and a year later, on New Year's Eve, open the envelope and read what all the same came true. As repeated practice shows, you will be amazed at the result.

A screaming desire in the night

If you have a balcony, then you need to wait until midnight and when the chimes strike, jump out onto it and shout your desire into the silence of the night.

If you don't have a balcony, don't get upset. You can always shout out your wish through an open window. The most important thing is to shout your desire as loudly as possible, and then it should definitely come true. You can also shout out your desire with your soulmate, this will enhance the magical effect.


Buy eight oranges. Choose only the most beautiful, juicy fruits of small sizes. On New Year's Eve, after the chimes have struck, scatter oranges around the room where the festive table stands.

You can throw oranges one at a time to make it more convenient. When you throw them, you should mentally congratulate yourself on the fulfillment of your desires. Also wish yourself good health, success in business and of course a millionaire for happiness.

After the last orange is on the floor and you make your last wishes, collect them in a basket. Then, for seven days, give an orange to your family, and eat the eighth orange yourself on the eighth day. After that, the speedy fulfillment of your desires will not keep you waiting.

Follow these not tricky ways and your desires will surely come true. Upcoming holidays !!!

New Year is the most magical holiday. It is awaited with impatience and even inveterate skeptics note it. And for people in whose hearts a fairy tale lives, this night is also an opportunity to wish the most intimate. Today we will figure out how to make a wish for the New Year.

Is it so easy to make a wish to make it come true?

Anyone can make a wish, but it does not always come true. Why? There are several principles for formulating queries. Here are the main ones:

  • The wording must be extremely clear, otherwise the execution price may be high. Real life example: a girl really wanted to stay for another 2 weeks in another country. She asked so often that the universe heard. She was admitted to the hospital the day before her flight and spent those same 2 weeks there. To avoid trouble, when you think, add the formula “this is only good” at the end. Then both the result and its achievement will be pleasant and painless.
  • Do not wish harm or harm to other people. The universe will satisfy such requests, but with bestowal to those who wish.
  • You really need to want with all your heart to make your wish come true.
  • Record and visualize. The clearer the execution is, the more likely it is to get what is being predicted.
  • Think about what you have envisioned as if everything has already been fulfilled. “I want a red car” is not true, it is correct to think in this way: “my new red car is gorgeous.”
  • Correctly guess not the money, but what you will spend it on. For example: “I want 100 thousand dollars” is wrong, “I’m flying to the Maldives in a five-star hotel for two weeks” is the correct wording.
  • You need to think in a good mood and with kindness in your heart, otherwise they may be distorted for the worse.
  • Don't ask for things that might harm other people, like "I'm getting married to Lucy's boyfriend." Such requests will not bring happiness.
  • For everything to work out the way you want, remove the “not” particle from your wording. “I am not sick” is a wrong statement, the universe can interpret it in its own way, correctly formulate: “I am healthy.”

Magic of wishes in the New Year 2021

Habitual Attribute holiday table or a way to make a wish? It's about. This drink is chosen to celebrate the New Year. However, in addition to a pleasant taste, it has the property of fulfilling what was envisioned.

Champagne will help fulfill a dream

The well-known ritual with champagne will never lose its relevance. This drink has been a symbol of the New Year for more than a dozen years. If the taste is unpleasant, you can replace the champagne with wine, juice or water.


  • a glass with any drink;
  • small paper;
  • pencil;
  • matches.

This way of making a wish for the New Year is so popular that shops began to sell special magic papers for writing.

As soon as the chimes start to beat, write what you would like most with a pencil on a piece of paper, light it with a match, mix the remaining ashes with a drink. Drink the mixture to the last stroke.

This ritual is familiar to almost everyone, but there are other less well-known, but effective ways help make dreams come true. Here they are:

  1. Champagne bottle. Prepare a small bottle, like a keychain. Put inside a note with a dream. On New Year's Eve, pour some champagne from your glass. Hide the bottle and do not show it to anyone until what is written is fulfilled. Then pour the contents into running water with the words “what has come, let it remain and bring joy.”
  2. Please in a bottle. Pour champagne into glasses and drink with people dear to your heart. Blow into an empty bottle and close the cork. At this time, be sure to think about the dream. Do not throw away the bottle for 7 days.
  3. For love. If you want to strengthen your feelings, share a glass of champagne with your chosen one on New Year's Eve. Before you drink, whisper to the drink: “like bubbles in a glass, we will be happy.”
  4. To attract money, in the New Year, wrap the stem of a glass with any bill. At the end of the holiday, put it in a separate pocket of your wallet. Do not waste, keep as a talisman.

Christmas tree

On New Year's Eve, take a branch from the Christmas tree, whisper your wish on it. You need to speak quietly so that no one can hear. Put the branch in the water next to the bed. After 3 days, count how many needles fell off. An even number means that the desired will come true this year. Odd - you have to wait until the universe is ready to fulfill this request.

Christmas ball

Buy a glass Christmas ball before the New Year. On a small piece of paper, write down your desire, twist it into a tube and place it inside the toy. Hang the ball on the tree. Take it in your hands every day for 5 minutes. After a week, remove and put in a secluded place.

tangerine stone

- an indispensable attribute of the New Year's table will help girls get pregnant. During the chiming clock, you need to have time to peel and eat all the fruit. For the wish to come true, there must be a bone in the tangerine. In no case do not spit it out, but swallow it along with the pulp.


In this method, on the contrary, the bones should not be swallowed. On New Year's Eve, eat exactly 12 grapes under the chiming clock, saying your cherished desire to yourself. The bones must be spit out before 00:00. Raisin-type grapes will simplify the process. It is small in size and pitted.

Letter to Santa Claus

New Year in childhood is not only a Christmas tree and a festive mood, it is also gifts. From whom to ask them, and most importantly, how? That's right, write a letter to Santa Claus. Adults can compose too. However, it is not necessary to send an envelope to Lapland, it is enough to launch a letter in an open window.


This method is good when you want to think a lot, but it’s difficult to choose one. Write 12 notes with your dreams and put them under your pillow on New Year's Eve. In the morning, without looking, take one out. What is written on it will come true first.

After the New Year

When removing toys from the Christmas tree, hold the last one in your hands. Close your eyes, imagining what you want as vividly as possible. Many note the effectiveness of this method.

Food and drink

Before celebrating the New Year, imagine what you want and try to embody it in food. For example, if you want a new car - put a salad in a similar shape, think about a trip - buy a bottle of wine from a dream country. When decorating the table, do not stop mentally imagining a situation when everything has already come true.

A prerequisite for the fulfillment of the conceived is that the purchased / cooked must be eaten / drunk without a trace for New Year's Eve. It’s great if family or good friends help with this.

New Year in the forest

It's no secret that wishes come true best when a person is happy and contented. Treat yourself and your loved ones to another little celebration. Before the New Year or on the old New Year, take with you everything that reminds you of this holiday, for example:

  • fairy lights;
  • fireworks;
  • champagne;
  • tangerines.

Find a low Christmas tree in the forest and arrange a mini holiday. A prerequisite is a round dance, during which you need to make wishes. The more people there are, the stronger the energy of happiness, the faster dreams will come true.

It is important to remove all the consequences of the walk.

In touch with the sky

There are 3 ways to send a message straight to the Universe:

  1. Buy a Chinese lantern and write a dream on it. To the beat of the clock, launch it into the sky.
  2. At exactly 00:00 on the New Year, go outside and shout your request to the stars.
  3. Write on a small piece of paper what you would like to receive this year and attach it to the fireworks. Be sure to run it on New Year's Eve.


It has long been known to believe that dishes beat fortunately. On New Year's Eve, take an unnecessary plate, break it on the street, repeating to yourself what you thought. Collect and dispose of the fragments so that no one gets hurt.

Think red

Buy new red underwear. Wear it to the chimes in the New Year. This method works great for fulfilling dreams of a personal life.

Some more red

The color of blood, passion and love is also associated with prosperity. To increase your income in the coming year, prepare 19 small gifts. Let it be sweets, fruits or souvenirs. Pack each in red paper or a bag. While the chimes are chiming, keep gifts with you and make a wish for the whole new year. With the last blow, you need to go outside and give out bundles strangers with wishes of happiness and good luck.

Drawing and happiness

A few days before New Year's Eve, draw your dream. Enough schematic sketch. While drawing, try to feel what kind of sensations the fulfillment of a dream will give you.

For instance:

  • family - comfort, tenderness, security;
  • children - joy, happiness of motherhood;
  • travel - freedom, novelty, interest.

Roll your design into a tube and tie with red ribbon. In this form, it should hang on the Christmas tree for 7 days. After that, store the drawing in a secluded place.

You can make a wish on any day of the year, but it is on the New Year, when a huge number of people fill the energy of the planet with a dream at the same time, that everything made is more likely to come true. Ask the universe correctly and it will surely respond.

Books will help you achieve your goals

Many talented people who have learned to use the energy of the universe have shared their knowledge of what to do to make their wish come true by writing books. Here are some of them:

  1. Deepak Chopra - "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desires";
  2. Murakhovskaya M. - "The Magic Diary of Desires";
  3. Alexander Sviyash - "What to do when everything is not the way you want";
  4. Timur Gagin, Alexey Kelyin "Handbook of the Achiever";
  5. Vitale Joe - "Key. Turn it and you will know the secret of attraction ";
  6. John Kehoe - "The subconscious can do anything!";
  7. Barbara Sher, Annie Gottlieb - Dreaming is good. How do you get what you really want?
  8. “This year I…” M. J. Ryan.

With a little effort, each of us can learn how to correctly compose our requests to the universe and manage them. We believe that everything will work out for you. Happy New Year and may your dreams come true.

Thought is material - a scientifically proven fact. Since matter has energy, for the materialization of thought, a certain amount of this very energy is needed, and it should be exclusively positive, if we do not want, for example, a brick on our heads. We can develop this energy ourselves, there are certain techniques. But for this you have to sweat a lot in the spiritual sense. And, as you know, no one likes to do this.

But there are certain days when the collective subconscious produces a colossal amount of such positive energy necessary for the realization of a desire (materialization of a thought). These are big holidays. When the majority of people, gathering together, wishing each other well, radiates positive into the Universe. Therefore, wishes made on New Year's Eve have the maximum number of chances for realization.

Even the most notorious skeptics succumb to the general New Year's euphoria, feverishly rushing to the chiming clock to scribble their cherished desires on pieces of paper, burn candles on a flame and have time to drink champagne with ashes before the last blow. True, you can’t think of a lot and really in the last minute of the outgoing year on a not quite sober head. But if you think about it in advance? .. Yes, even guess correctly, the result can pleasantly surprise you.

When making a wish, it is important to remember the following.

First, wish carefully. What would then not grab his head from the result. Try to imagine that the desire has already been fulfilled, with all the ensuing consequences. Draw this picture in as much detail as possible. If that's what you need, then go ahead.

Second, be specific. If car, make, model, color. If an increase, then a specific position and salary. If it is an apartment, then be sure to specify the number of rooms, floor, area. If rest, indicate the place where (after all, you can also relax in the country).

Thirdly, be sure to exclude the “not” particle from the desire. For our subconscious, negative particles do not exist. Therefore, the desire “I want not to gain weight” will be perceived as the opposite of “I want to gain weight”, “I want not to get sick” - “I want to get sick”. Use positive language. For example: "I want to love and be loved."

Fourth, the main thing is to firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true.

Several ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve.

Traditional. Write down a wish on a small piece of paper before the holiday feast. When starting a New Year's meal, do not forget your workpiece, it is better to put it next to you. With the beginning of the chimes, burn the prepared note, pour all the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink in one gulp until the last blow of the chimes, announcing the New Year. This method is suitable for fizzy drink lovers who have reached the age to drink alcohol.

Snowflake. This method is suitable for the whole honest company, including children. When the guests have already gathered, but there is still time before the New Year, give everyone white paper (you can use napkins) and scissors. Have everyone carve a snowflake while making a wish. You need to cut carefully, carefully, without being distracted. After all, the result will symbolize your desire. When everyone was done, it was time for the magical snowfall of wishes. Ideally, everyone should unanimously release their snowflakes from a window or balcony, accompanying them with a mental reproduction of what was hidden.

Grape. This method is borrowed from the Spaniards. A wish is made and under the chiming clock you need to have time to eat 12 grapes. Whoever has time, a happy and successful year awaits, and the wish will come true. Therefore, it is advisable to select 12 medium-sized grapes in advance (there was still not enough to choke on). Grapes can be replaced with raisins, better than light varieties, because of their resemblance to gold coins. Italians, for example, believe that the more you eat, the richer you get.

Daruma (Japanese doll). For creative people (handy), in the sense of handicrafts. Daruma can be made from papier-mâché, wood, or whatever your imagination tells you. It is round, similar to a roly-poly with a center of gravity shifted to the bottom. It cannot be put down, it still takes a vertical position, which symbolizes your determination. The doll is usually painted red, less often yellow, green or white. A mustache and a beard are drawn on it, but the eyes are left without pupils. In the New Year, a wish is made and one pupil is drawn. The daruma is then placed in a prominent place. If within a year the wish is fulfilled, the second pupil is completed on the doll. If not, the doll is solemnly burned. This ritual of making wishes is performed by thousands of Japanese every year.

If you haven't used the magic of New Year's Eve yet, it's time to try it. I personally will do this for the first time.