What compliments can you say to a girl. What compliment can you give a girl

Compliments are one of the most difficult sciences in the art of seduction. They are purely individual and depend on the type, level of education, self-esteem and morality of the girl. Willy-nilly, men have to learn the art of talking beautifully about the appearance of their chosen ones. That is what this article will be about.

How to compliment your appearance

The best compliment is strictly individual. However, there are some common points:

  • Honesty. You should not flood an Asian woman about "big eyes in which you can drown", a girl with crooked legs about "the exciting bend of her tender legs", and a tanned beach lover about "aristocratic pallor of the skin." They simply will not understand you, twisting a finger at your temple, and in the worst case, they will also laugh.
  • Emotions. Compliments are usually said under the pressure of feeling, in those moments when you are simply bewitched by the interlocutor (at least women think so). So don't try too hard on the wording...but the acting is definitely something to improve on.
  • Conciseness. Short compliments are preferable to long ones. Just consider that your girlfriend has attention like a puppy - accentuated for no more than 15 seconds - and plan to fit into this segment.
  • Individuality. Take into account the girl's education and morals. For example, if you are an ordinary yard kid, then you should remember that your “Test buffers!” or “Well, just a peach!” they won’t win back in any way on a cute girl from an intelligent family ... well, apart from a likely slap in the face.

    In the same way, it will not be easy for an intelligent student in the company of a yard girl who simply does not notice his attempts to woo.

  • Compliments in verse. Do not try to clothe a compliment in verse, especially if you do not know how. First, it's old fashioned. Secondly, it’s very amateurish, because even if you are worth something as a poet, not everyone loves poetry.

    Most the best way- speak in your own words, in prose.

A special case, but a VERY common mistake. Do not use the words "unforgettable / th / th" if you are talking about appearance. Evening or night can be unforgettable, but in matters of appearance - all her features are unforgettable by definition!

What compliments can a girl be offended by?

Those that are directed below her level of education or morality. Even a banal compliment with mistakes can still be perceived as a manifestation of sincere feeling, but a vulgar compliment with obscenities can never be.

Here are some more examples of absolute bottom:

  • "Hey, kitty! ..." - you can no longer write further. Any insulting (for most) treatment has just destroyed any chance of success, even if there was a compliment worthy of Shakespeare in there.
  • “You have ears like an elephant. Well ... in the sense, they are just as soft ... ”- congratulations, Sharik, you are a dunce. Learn to make comparisons before you start complimenting. Any incomprehensible or unpleasant comparisons will significantly reduce your chances, so beware even of "You're just the spitting image of Jennifer Lopez" - it's not a fact that a girl likes the appearance and creativity of this actress.
  • "Your voice is so melodic and gentle that angels descend from heaven to"
  • "You have such Blue eyes... "- especially if they are brown. Seriously, everyday color blindness is the scourge of the male part of the Earth's population. If there is poor lighting in the room or you have not considered some features of your new girlfriend, you do not need to compliment them.

Otherwise, feel absolutely free. Just think before every compliment said - “And I would be pleased if they say that about me” and make allowances for her age, upbringing and experience.

Examples of good compliments

A good compliment is one that you yourself came up with and are ready to confirm. The pattern is felt, no matter how you hide it.

A great option is to say something simple, like "You have very beautiful eyes," and if you say it correctly and with feeling, the effect will be much stronger than any of the sophisticated compliments.

Here is a list of good compliments that will help in difficult times:

The eyes are a very important part of the appearance and in general the “mirror of the soul”. Therefore, be careful with this question. Improvisation is important here. But don't compare eye color to anything but beautiful flowers- it's too risky.

  • “You can drown in your eyes…” - An immortal classic. It is pronounced ... yes, whenever you want, if before that you looked into her eyes for a long time and with tenderness. It can even be used in a slightly playful way.
  • "You have the eyes of a child." - Well, only if the girl understands that you are talking about the purity of her eyes and the innocence of her soul. Again, not for everyone, but the chance of success is more than 50%.
  • “Your eyes just glow” - say when she tells you about her favorite business. Of course, it's also worth listening to, as she may be offended that you are only interested in her appearance ... but the game is usually worth the candle.

Compliments for a smile

Smiling is different. Mischievous, crazy (different things, by the way, the first is more decent), modest, gentle, bitchy ... but always, remember, always smile should be beautiful and cute.

  • “I’m sorry, but you smile so sweetly that I just can’t stop” is your saving straw after a bad joke or the phrase “Can you even talk seriously about something ?!” ... which is almost always the same thing.
  • “[woman’s name], why are you despondent? Smile, make this gloomy world a little brighter! - if your girlfriend is sad and you can't help her, try this option. Not the fact that it will help improve her mood, but at least a ghostly smile can be achieved.

In general, be sincere and inventive. For example, if you are telling some very funny story and you see that the girl is already laughing, freeze for a couple of seconds and look at her face “with a haze in your eyes”. To the question "What happened?" if he follows, reply "I'm sorry, but you're so cute when you smile."

Compliments about the figure

A very, very difficult moment. You do not know how a girl sees herself and what she wants to be, so until you get to know each other better, you should generally close your mouth and not talk about this topic.

  • "Well, you're just a gymnast! Tell me which gym do you go to? - especially if she tries to impress you with the wonders of flexibility.
  • “You know, if someone calls you complete - advise him a good optometrist” - well suited in those moments when the girl herself doubts herself.

Compliments about hair

Hair is a subject of special pride for any girl. Even a little gray mouse can seem pretty if she has chic thick and long hair especially bright colors.

So compliments about hair is a rather complicated topic, especially if the girl does not have a particularly beautiful mane.

  • “You have an interesting hairstyle. It seems to be strict, but at the same time very elegant. It suits you (with a smile) ”- suitable for girls with a short haircut, as well as those who are passionate about work / study.
  • “I really like the smell of your hair” is already a more intimate compliment ... which will always be perceived correctly. The only fully universal one on this list.

Compliments about the voice

The voice is also very important. If you think that a girl has a beautiful voice, it means that you listen to her, and if you listen to her, then you appreciate her.
  • “You have a very gentle voice” is what any romantic girl wants to hear ... unless she speaks like a locomotive whistle.
  • "Have you ever thought about becoming a singer?" - If your girlfriend constantly hums something or just purrs under her breath, she will surely like such an assessment of her talent.

Lip Compliments

Lips are also important. It is very easy to fall into vulgarity here, and vulgarity turns on not everyone and not always, but if you manage to remain sensual and non-vulgar, you have a great chance to earn extra points in her head ..

funny compliments

Funny compliments need to be able to speak. Moreover, skill and acting here fade into the background before a sense of humor, since you won’t be able to just blurt out something funny - you need to prepare the ground a bit and show that you are a cheerful and carefree young man.

Here are some interesting compliments that might come in handy:

  • “You smell so good… (dreamy) violets, citrus, nuts… (with the appropriate joking intonation) I hate nuts!” - here your task is not to seduce her, but to make her smile. So if you can give something unexpected, but funny - do it.
  • “You are so thin ... How does your soul fit in you?” - Especially if the girl is obsessed with diets/sports.
  • “How did you get better, you became so slim!” - There too, especially for anorexics on the way to correction.
  • “Did you grow your legs or are they naturally like that?” - If you REALLY want to pin up. Although it’s better not to, especially if you are still not familiar with it.

The science of making beautiful compliments correctly will have to figure it out on your own, stuffing bumps and getting slapped in the face. However, at the end of the path, SHE is waiting for you - the only one for which you got up on it ... well, or just a great night after a pretty good evening.

It may seem surprising and a little strange, but the strong half of humanity, courageous heroes and defenders, also love compliments.

We can say with confidence that they give incredible pleasure to everyone, pointing to his best sides and achievements. And if it is 100 compliments to a guy, he will be truly happy and proud of himself. And to the person who gives these heartfelt words, the young man will be especially disposed and supportive.

25 best love compliments for a guy

Being next to a loved one, I want to constantly give him warmth and tenderness. And if ordinary words are not enough, compliments come to the rescue. Of the 100 compliments to your beloved guy, you can choose the main 25, the most sensual and the most frank. They will definitely not leave him indifferent and will remain in his memory for a very long time.

  1. Temperamental.
  2. Passionate.
  3. Sincere.
  4. Frank.
  5. Sensual.
  6. Seductive.
  7. The only one.
  8. Loyal.
  9. Caring.
  10. Captivating.
  11. Significant.
  12. Sensitive.
  13. Disturbing.
  14. Exceptional.
  15. Unsurpassed.
  16. Spectacular.
  17. Indispensable.
  18. Unique.
  19. Irreproachable.
  20. Heady.
  21. Playful.
  22. Courageous.
  23. Strong.
  24. Invincible.
  25. Gentle.

Such words will show the guy his importance in the eyes of the chosen one. And if you combine them with words such as, for example, “most-most”, then each phrase will have a double, or even triple effect.

25 best friend compliments for a guy

In a situation where a young man is just a friend, and he has excellent friendly relations, compliments will also be very, very appropriate.

By emphasizing his life merits or excellent comradely qualities, you can express your respect and once again show that friendship with him is important and valuable.

Since we are discussing 100 compliments for a guy, a list of the 25 best for a friend or colleague is highlighted separately.

  1. Hardworking.
  2. Responsible.
  3. Wise.
  4. Kind.
  5. Polite.
  6. Generous.
  7. Clever.
  8. Quick-witted.
  9. Capable.
  10. Gifted.
  11. Nimble.
  12. Happy.
  13. Smiling.
  14. Interesting.
  15. Honest.
  16. Creative.
  17. Selfless.
  18. Curious.
  19. Vigorous.
  20. Outstanding.
  21. Witty.
  22. Economic.
  23. Humane.
  24. Bold.
  25. Courteous.

A friendly compliment is also a great opportunity to get to know each other and attract attention. Thus, you can make a positive impression on the interlocutor and win sympathy.

25 unusual compliments for a guy

In addition to the standard set of words and phrases that will help express your feelings and emotions towards a person, you can use extraordinary, explosive, vivid expressions. Of the 100 best compliments for a guy, we will highlight the most exciting and fantastic.

  1. Sunny, illuminating everything around.
  2. Magical and fabulous.
  3. Grandiose and inspiring.
  4. Almighty, unstoppable.
  5. Brave and daring.
  6. Dazzlingly divine.
  7. Reckless and risky.
  8. Sweet and savory.
  9. Magnetic, sexaholic.
  10. Perfect and flawless.
  11. Energetic and rhythmic.
  12. Festive and enchanting.
  13. Conquering, knocking down.
  14. Pain reliever and healing.
  15. Appetizing, tasty, juicy.
  16. Sparkling and explosive.
  17. Harmonious and aesthetic.
  18. Imposing and gallant.
  19. Dazzling and stunning.
  20. Lucky, fate kissed.
  21. Inspiring, lifting into the clouds.
  22. Sensational and outrageous.
  23. Intoxicating and intoxicating.
  24. Hypnotic and alluring.
  25. Fragrant, uplifting.

25 best compliment phrases for a guy

Sometimes you want to surprise your loved one and at the same time avoid banality. Or just write a couple of lines in SMS. But such that overflowing feelings or subtle hints of great circumstances pass through them like a red thread. You can, of course, say all 100 compliments to a guy at the same time, or you can choose the most suitable words.

  1. From all problems, a savior and a tamer of passions.
  2. Muscular, athletic, this very erotic.
  3. Bold, so important.
  4. Intimate, selfless - and this is not a problem.
  5. With incredible dexterity, strong, brave and agile.
  6. Intoxicated with love, aspiring to passion.
  7. Phenomenal, full of life.
  8. Wounding in the heart, found the key to the secret door.
  9. Decorating life, inspiring everyone around.
  10. Loving, sexy, it's good that there is a mobile.
  11. Venerable, famous, in this we are even.
  12. Smart and amazing, and in this very seductive.
  13. Casanova, Don Juan and always drunk with love.
  14. Insightful, you look into the soul, you want to listen all the time.
  15. Proactive, very creative.
  16. Cheerful, radiant positive.
  17. Flirtatious, charming, divinely intriguing.
  18. Incomprehensible and headstrong, and on the whole I am satisfied with this.
  19. Powerful, passionate, dangerous in love.
  20. Hot, desired, long-awaited in love.
  21. Fresh, carefree, I want to live with you forever.
  22. A winner and a fighter, such a fine fellow.
  23. So neat and elegant, and very pleasant even to me.
  24. Witchcraft, captivating, like a life-giving stream.
  25. Brash, popular, and plush, and nice.

How to compliment a guy

The most important thing on which any compliment should be based is sincerity. Many do not use this magical method, and instead of open, honest words, it turns out to be a complete lie. It must be remembered that you cannot win a man with flattering words and sweet speeches, and at the same time keep a cunning plan in your head.

Say important phrases, such as 100 compliments to a guy, if the person is nearby, better looking into the eyes, with the appropriate intonation. If the message leaves in the form of SMS or email, then you need to put down certain punctuation marks and, if possible, emoticons. They will help to convey emotions in electronic form.

Important! Compliments should be appropriate for the situation, and even if they are spontaneous, they should not embarrass the person and confuse.

Inappropriate Compliments

Having considered the TOP 100 compliments to a guy, you can draw certain conclusions about what words you should not say to young people.

Naturally, in no case should a person be reminded of his shortcomings or blunders. Even as a joke, even beating and, it would seem, turning negative points in a positive direction.

You should not go too far and pour in a row a huge number of albeit charming, attractive words. Busting will look too sugary, feigned and unnatural.

Even if there are 100 compliments to a guy in the arsenal, each of them must match the situation, be sincere and unobtrusive. And only such a message will be accepted and appreciated.

Hit parade of the best compliments to a girl. We have selected the top 50 compliments for the fair sex, which the visitors of our site liked more than others.

Img by Satterwhite.B

The Compliment site has been successfully operating for several months. During this time, we have received a huge amount of your attention, for which special thanks to you, dear readers. People really liked the idea of ​​giving compliments to each other. Today we decided to present you the top 50 most loved by our users ( by number of views) compliments to a girl.

  1. Your eyes and smile are simply charming.
  2. You clever! You are so Beautiful! You're my princess!
  3. I'm fascinated by your dimples when you smile.
  4. You have wonderful brown eyes. The bewitching light each time gives them a different meaning.
  5. I like your red fiery hair.
  6. There is a piece of heaven in your eyes.
  7. All girls are angels. But you are a special angel! You're my guardian angel!
  8. You have an amazing smile - you leave, but she remains.
  9. You are perfection! Stunning in everything.
  10. You are the most charming and attractive girl.
  11. Sometimes you are frivolous, like a little girl, and I like it. After all, then you can also become a child and fool around a little.
  12. Oh God, what a woman! A real man's dream!
  13. Girl, I agree with you! Especially for "happily ever after"!
  14. You have the most beautiful eyes, hiding some secret.
  15. You have such an expressive look that I can feel your touch from a distance.
  16. You have very sensual lips!
  17. You are like a golden fish from a fairy tale - you can fulfill any wish!
  18. Your eyes are two bottomless lakes reflecting the blue sky.
  19. You are unique! You are irresistible! You are unsurpassed!
  20. The bewitching look of a tigress, scarlet lips filled with passion - this is your portrait.
  21. Your mole on your cheek makes you look like a sophisticated French mademoiselle.
  22. You attract me like a magnet! I'm looking forward to meeting you!
  23. Your radiant smile delights even the sky!
  24. Wow, what legs! Wow, what a figure!
  25. You look stunning! When you walk down the street, try not to step on the fainted men.
  26. You are incredibly beautiful and charming, charming and attractive!
  27. You are special and extraordinary. I've never met a girl that even looks like you.
  28. It's impossible not to fall in love with your eyes!
  29. You are my other half!
  30. You are my gentle spring sun.
  31. Girl, I would give you the title of "The Most beautiful girl peace."
  32. Your smile shines brighter than the sun!
  33. Charming beauty - nothing more to add!
  34. If, because of your dazzling beauty, I stop seeing, then the responsibility will be entirely on you! You can’t be so bright and captivate men with impunity!
  35. There is something elusive in you that attracts and fascinates!
  36. Looking at your unearthly beauty, I want to compose poems and dedicate them only to you alone.
  37. You are the Queen of Tenderness! You are the Queen of Passion! You are the Goddess of Love!
  38. Only you have such an incomparable look with a touch of mystery.
  39. I have no words to express my admiration! You disarmed me!
  40. You are my sweet candy! I'm turning into a sweet tooth...
  41. You look like a super model before an important photo shoot!
  42. Shine! Awesome! You look great!
  43. You make me smile!
  44. You have an amazing tan, like the swarthy flame of a sunset!
  45. You are my drop of water in the desert, a breath of air in the sea abyss.
  46. Your blue eyes are like the sky, your golden hair is like the sun! You are more beautiful than all women living on earth!
  47. You are the most sparkling blonde of all blondes in the world!
  48. In these glasses you look like a young, strict teacher.
  49. This rich black hair color really suits you! Even the tan has become more bronzed!
  50. It seems that kindness is concentrated in your sweet hands: from your touch it becomes warm and cozy.

Here it is your choice of the best

What are compliments? This is what you say when you don't know what to say. Constance Jones.

Let's say right away that we will not offer prepared phrases and compliments. Well-worn phrases will impress the girl no less than the grandfather boots you put on on a date, abundantly sprinkled with mothballs. And as a result, you may notice that you have been talking to yourself for five minutes, and your companion quietly hid in the gateway five minutes ago.

A compliment does not need to be done in such a way that it has to be answered with a thank you. You can make an imperceptible compliment and continue the speech as if nothing had happened, leaving her to secretly rejoice in the depths of the female soul. After a compliment, you can meaningfully shut up, “as if” under the effect of her virtues, but this must be done carefully.

To the question: “Why give girls compliments?” artist and writer Wyndham Lewis answered best: "Always tell a woman she's different if you want to get from her what you get from others."

Girls are like flowers, they need to be looked after and regularly “watered” with compliments. If this is not done, then the woman will “fade”, but most likely there will be another boyfriend.

Compliments can be made double: “Your eyelashes are so long that you can’t see your beautiful eyes,” or you can mow the beautiful floor in a burst, like from a machine gun of the White Guards, more long sentences. Sometimes compliments are quite difficult to connect with each other, it’s not for you to swear obscenities, but where did ours disappear? You can use the experience of such recognized classics as ladies' man, such as A. Pushkin or M. Lermontov:

She sings - and the sounds melt,
Like kisses on the lips
Looks - and the heavens play
In her divine eyes;
Does it go - all its movements,
Ile says the word - all features
So full of feelings, expressions,
So full of wondrous simplicity. (Yu.A. Lermontov)

If the last time you told a poem to teacher Tamara Ivanovna, stammering and lisping, now you have a chance to rehabilitate yourself. Will no longer laugh, seeing the attempts, Your first love, classmate Sinichkina. You are already an adult, otherwise what is this tie for? And since a beautiful girl is walking next to you, why not try it? Mayakovsky's verse: "I get out of the wide trousers ..." should be postponed until a more appropriate occasion.

Recall what the American writer Dale Carnegie, the master of compliments, wrote in his book How to Win Friends and Influence People about the polygamist womanizer Idivani.

Why, for example, were the Idivani polygamists enjoying such dazzling success in the marriage market? The great-grandmother of modern glamor and the sex symbol of the silent film era, Pola Negri explained:

“They have mastered the art of flattery like no other man I have ever met. And this art is almost lost in our realistic and skeptical age. I assure you, this is the secret of Idivani's charm. I know".

But do not confuse compliments with flattery, and listen to Dale Carnegie, a man who knows a lot about successful and conflict-free communication:

“How to distinguish flattery from appreciation? Very simply - one is false, the other is sincere. One is dictated by considerations own benefit, the other is disinterested. Finally, one causes everyone to condemn, and the other admiration.

So you should not say to a naive and sweet blonde: “You are so insightful”, otherwise she will guess ahead of time why you invited her to take a walk under the moon.

Compliments don't have to be rude, and what sounds normal among friends can be a bit masculine for a girl. Men, in a compliment, at least replace the word “boobs” with breasts.

What is the subject of the compliment? If a girl has changed her hair, put on a new dress, or there have been other changes in appearance, you just need to react to this. Usually a woman focuses on some detail, her strengths, try to determine what it is and make a compliment.

Young and pretty girls are very fond of compliments about their appearance, but the praise of other qualities is appreciated by women no less. It can be a compliment about a character trait, spiritual qualities, or some act.

How to give compliments? Women perfectly hear falsehood and a compliment requires a confident voice and sincerity of phrases. The abundance of compliments, pouring like a cornucopia, looks too suspicious and will most likely cause a negative reaction.

A compliment to a girl should be unusual and hit an unexpected target. To say to the winner of the Miss World 2010 contest that she is beautiful is naive, because a woman no longer reacts to such curtsies. It is more important to pick up her special feature, which remained behind the scenes, and admire her.

“Don’t tell a woman that she is lovely: tell her that there is no other woman like her in the world, and all doors will open for you.” I. Rekar

Call her by her name, for a person the sound of his name is the most important and pleasant. You can use variations of the name and various pet names.

Learn from the classics: "You have a good heart under a beautiful chest". Janusz Leon Wisniewski. And remember: "Telling a woman that you like her outfit is not a lie, it's self-preservation."

Many underestimate the importance of compliments in communicating with a girl. Of course, you can do without them (and many seducers have already proven this a thousand times). However, a well-made compliment can move you more than a well-made joke. :)

Let's dispel a few myths first. Historically, pick-up artists have given compliments rather stupidly. Why? Remember who were the first pick-up artists in Russia. These were programmers (because only then, back in 1994, they had access to foreign conferences), who read the advice of Western colleagues and perceived these advice as step by step algorithm. And here's what came out of it.

Myth 1. Compliments should not be made, because by doing this you raise the status of a girl and belittle your status (and Western colleagues wrote that the status in communicating with a girl is very important!). If we arm ourselves with common sense and look at how girls react to cool and appropriate compliments, then we will quickly realize that this is complete nonsense. Compliments often allow you to raise a girl's interest in you, this is a good tool for seduction.

Myth 2. A compliment is a dating tool. Many schools still teach how to get to know each other according to the principle “you approach, you say something, then you make a compliment…”. In fact, when you learn to compliment, the first thing to do is to use it during a date, when you already have a good dialogue. Then compliments will turn out better - more sincere and less intrusive. And almost any pretty girl expects to hear a compliment during an acquaintance.

Myth 3. Compliments are meant to please a girl. This is where it gets a little more difficult. A compliment is a tool to increase interest. But, if you do it to please or arouse interest, the compliment will turn into flattery and work exactly the opposite. The right motivation is absolute disinterest as a result of the compliment. And you should compliment only those girls and only those qualities that you really liked.

As we can see, compliments must be able to be made and it is worth learning this. Exists certain rules and easy-to-hear word patterns that will help you give really good compliments to girls. And now I will share with you these schemes.

But first, let me give you some examples of compliments that you can use right now. These will be compliments to girls in SMS and photos - you won't have to wait long for the situation to use these examples.

Examples of compliments for girls in SMS

What to write in SMS to make her feel like it's a compliment and not something else? Let's look at a few examples so you get the gist.

For example, if you communicate with her via SMS, and she teases you, then you can make the following compliment to the girl:

"Masha, I like your sense of humor and impudence!"

Some seducers in such cases are advised to arrange a competition with the girl, whose joke will be funnier and “more painful”.

But everything changes when, instead of playing this game with her, you make a compliment. Thus, you show that you perfectly see her game, that you are above her, and descended to her in order to make this compliment. Those. you perceive her behavior as the playfulness of a little girl, and act as a caring dad. Many women like this approach very much - try it and you will see the result!

Another example: “I love it when you get angry! So you become more sexy!

If during the correspondence she told you that she went to training, you can make the following compliment: “I think that only really strong people go in for sports.” This is the indirect compliment model, which I will tell you about a little later.

Note that in all of these examples, the compliment is your response to her behavior or situation. Those. a compliment really deserves it.

Compliments to girls for a photo

Texting teaches us to compliment her behavior, but what about her appearance? For training, photos of girls are perfect. You have time to look and think. Let's study!

What compliments can girls write to photo? Of course, a lot will depend on what you see in the photo. A universal recommendation is to try to look for those small details in her appearance that you really like and that you can praise. Especially try to notice the changes that occur in her appearance. Perhaps it Nice dress or a new hairstyle.

Then you can write: “Marina, you have taste! ;)" or " This hairstyle really suits you!».

If you can't praise something in particular, you can compliment her in general. True, so that your compliment does not turn out to be banal, it is important to use the so-called “strong” words:

« You are irresistible as always!" or " You are very sexy in this photo!;)».

With the help of "strong" words, you can give your words an emotional coloring. Again, you can use various derivatives on a sexual theme (sexy, passionate, depraved) in compliments. These epithets work well if you already have a sufficient level of trust with a girl.

Direct and indirect compliments to girls: what's the difference?

And now we'll talk a little about various types compliments and the structures of their compilation. We will divide all compliments into direct and indirect.

  • Direct - we directly and openly praise the girl or some quality of her

Straight lines are well suited to the initial stages of communication with a girl, when you are just getting to know her, talking on the phone or having a first date.

As in the previous example of a compliment in SMS, you can praise her attempts to tease you: “ Natasha, I like your sincerity and audacity!».

At the first meeting (at the moment when you saw her) you can say with admiration in your voice: “ You are simply irresistible today!».

  • Indirect - we praise some quality inherent in a girl, in isolation from her personality

Indirect ones are more suitable for more "advanced" stages of communication. More often these are compliments about sex or about "deep and important."

Examples :

« Are you a teacher? I think it's one of the most important jobs!».

« Next to you I feel like a man with a capital M».

« If you do not develop your creative skills, then it will be a crime against all mankind.».

Indirect compliments (especially at the initial stage of training) are recommended to be done during live communication (not by SMS, telephone, but at a meeting). In order for such a compliment to work better, we advise you to adhere to the following structure:

  1. Eye contact for 2-3 seconds.
  2. Look at the subject of the compliment for 1-2 seconds.
  3. A pause of 1-2 seconds.
  4. Giving your compliment.
  5. Touch.

This is the sequence of actions that works "perfectly".

What can be complimented

  • Appearance. Only it should not be banal compliments. Try to find those things that are rarely praised or not praised at all (for example: “ You have such an attractive ankle! :)»).
  • Efforts. Skillfully selected colors in clothes, small wardrobe items, hairstyle, unusual (!) Manicure - all this makes her invest a huge amount of effort. So, it requires praise and approval! ;)
  • Environment and lifestyle. Praise work, friends, and leisure.
  • behavior. The way she manifests herself in life, what actions she performs (she did in the past or the behavior she aspires to).
  • Skills. Often people devalue their own skills, not considering them to be something significant. However, when you compliment something she can do well, she will be pleased to hear it.
  • Beliefs. By approving her beliefs, you are already paying her a compliment. The main thing is not to praise something with which you do not agree, otherwise she will feel false.
  • energy and attraction. It is quite difficult to prove that it has an attractive power. This kind of compliment is based, rather, on the suggestion of this fact. :)

For example, you can ask her why she looks at you like that, and after 5 minutes in communication, make such a compliment: “Well, here it is again. :) Again, I looked so that I even forgot why I took the cup in my hands;)».

Rules of a working compliment

What needs to be done to make it work?

To do this, it is important to remember that:

  • The compliment must be sincere. It will definitely feel fake.
  • You must touch her at least in the format of "SDP" (socially acceptable touch). A compliment with touch works 3-5 times better!
  • The right motivation is when you praise her not because you liked something, but in order to emphasize your vision of beauty.
  • Say only non-standard things!
  • Do this in an evaluation frame so that the girl understands that your value is high enough, and the compliment is not an attempt to pick her up.
  • There should be a slight smile on your face.

If each of these rules is followed, then your compliment will work 100%. Use these charts and examples, and with practice, you'll be able to come up with some really cool compliments on the fly.