What does it mean to change location. What is a "housing location"? Objects can be classified according to different criteria.

Locations in engineering and physics

To determine the location in technology, a locator is used. According to the principle of operation, they are distinguished, depending on the type of sensor used. For example, an acoustic sensor uses sound location, a radio wave detector uses radar. They are studied in the section of acoustic physics as the concept of echolocation.

There are also differences depending on the environment. For example, in water, sonar is used as the main means of orienting submarines. And in a number of studies of distant objects (in astronomy), optical or laser location is used.


Animals, using various receptors (optical, acoustic, tactile, etc.), are able to navigate in the world around them.

There are passive dowsing, in which environmental objects act as a source of stimuli (for example, mechanical vibrations perceived by the lateral line of some fish or electric fields perceived by the ampullae of Lorenzini of stingrays), and active dowsing, in which the source of the probing signal is the animal itself (echolocation of dolphins and bats). mice, active electrolocation of some fish species).

Locations in robotics

To facilitate the creation of the illusion of a coherent world, it is divided into a number of parts - locations. A player-controlled character can only be in one location at a time. Loading the required location data for one part of the world into computer memory is much faster than loading the entire world at once. The game character, leaving one location, automatically causes the loading of another; locations are usually designed in such a way that their change is not clearly visible to the player.

The concept of locations is also used in artificial intelligence algorithms, for example, to find a path.

see also



  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia ed. Prokhorov, A. M.; Baibakov, N. K.; Blagonravov, A. A. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Sokolova Yu. A. Sensory. - M.: EKSMO, 2007. ISBN 978-5-699-04645-4
  • Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Mir and Education, 2008. ISBN 978-5-94666-370-0


  • http://hartreality.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=66%3A-frpg&catid=35%3Afrpg&limitstart=1

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Location" is in other dictionaries:

    LOCATION, and, for women. (specialist.). Determining the location of something. Sound l. Optical l. The sense of location in animals. | adj. location, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) sound, determining the direction to the object and the distance to it by the sound it creates. field (passive L.) or by sound reflection from it, created by special. devices (active L.). With active ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    Exist., number of synonyms: 3 location (2) light location (1) echolocation (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    LOCATION- determination with the help (see), the location of various objects in any space (cosmic, air, water) according to the signals emitted by them or reflected from them. Depending on the nature (see) of the signals, L. are distinguished: sound, thermal, ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    location- 2.39 location (computed) various sensors. Source: GOST R ISO 12716 2009: Non-destructive testing. Acoustic… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    I Location (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) determination of the location of an object. Depending on the methods, there can be sound radar (see Sound location, Sonar), Optical location, Radar. The property of L. is possessed by many ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution), detection and recognition of distant objects, determination of their coordinates and speed using email. magn. (optical location and radar) and sound waves. Sound L. uses the generated object ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. locatio placement) determining the location of an object by the signal emitted by this object or the signal (wave, beam) reflected from the object; exists l. sound, optical, radar, etc. New dictionary foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Location- (from lat. locatio placement) determination of the location of any object by the signal emitted by it or by the signal reflected from it. There is radar, sound location, hydroacoustic, etc ... Beginnings of modern natural science

    Location- determination of the location of targets (objects) by signals (for example, sound, electromagnetic waves) emitted by the targets themselves (passive laser), or signals reflected from them sent by special devices (active laser). Distinguish between sound... Dictionary of military terms


  • Archipelago. Six in Pirate Latitudes, Andrey Vasiliev. Fireroll is an incredible cocktail of chance, intrigue and pirates. This is an online RPG. There are no laws and regulations here?!!! No matter how! The Pirate Code has not yet been canceled, as well as the thirst for money and power. AND…

) has a number of distinctive properties, which we will discuss below. Maneuvering these properties allows you to create good balanced games.

Objects can be classified in different ways:

  • by location: ground and underground; on land, on water and under water;
  • by status: unfinished and abandoned;
  • by functionality: active and not active.

By the players themselves, any locations are divided into two groups: not played and "boyans" (played and replayed). Of course, everyone wants new locks, but with a long-term existence of the project (and if there are several, then even faster), this category becomes very rare ...

What to choose: “boyan” or a new location when writing a game? If the new one is an abandoned toilet on the street 100 kilometers from the city, and the “boyan” is an unfinished nine-story building in the center, then I think the choice is obvious. The balance is always very important: remoteness - epic - getting into the theme of the game.

So, let's move on to the description of locations. For each of them we will apply the following criteria:

  • epic (degree of unusualness and originality);
  • the danger of being withdrawn from the game (due to the violence of locals, conflicts with law enforcement officers, demolition, etc.);
  • the degree of suitability for a single-crew or multi-crew game.

Well then, let's go!

abandoned buildingscasts”) - everything that is abandoned by a reasonable person and, often, occupied by representatives of the marginal segments of the population. These are both large and small buildings, settled or simply abandoned.

The degree of epic varies each time individually: there may be forgotten things, toys, military maps, tools, books, etc. If all this is there and corresponds to the theme of your game, this indicator goes off scale.

The risk of removal from the game is low, only if suddenly an hour before the start they demolish a settled building (only a couple of times in my memory), although if this is a private sector, then neighbors can call where they need to.

Suitable depending on size different types games.

Abandoned cities and towns- the accumulation of the above locations. Usually, the epicness in such metas literally rolls over. Removal from the game is unlikely, but they are only suitable for multi-crews.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the casts, referred to as " shithouses”, - so polluted by the contingent living in them that the smell of the location haunts you for several more hours. Epic... Is this word appropriate in this context? Well, only if you don’t write a cool game about homeless people, then the entourage is just off scale, but I’m afraid they won’t appreciate it ... Removal from the game is of medium probability, because such locations are usually located in the private sector, and neighbors can get bored with it ... The use is appropriate in single-crew games, but ... But it's better not to use them =)

Unfinished buildingsunfinished"). We started building a house, but the contractor ran out of money, and everything fell apart. Takova Short story most of the unfinished.

In these locations you will not find artifacts of the former life, at most a bunch of bricks in the corner, but the charm of such buildings is different. They are usually large or have unusual shape and layout, they are quite interesting to wander around. In general, the epic is high.

We mark the danger of removal from the game as medium. I explain why. Unfinished buildings may have guards, and it is not always possible to detect this during reconnaissance and scheduling. Plus, construction is often carried out in already inhabited areas, and the people are now vigilant.

Unfinished, of course, are different, but in the vast majority of cases they are only suitable for multi-crew games.

bomb sheltersbombari”) are locations that are extremely epic in nature. They are rare, it is difficult to get there, but damn interesting. Since bombers are always objects of defense (whether military or civilian), there are all kinds of gas masks, rotary locking mechanisms, metal constructions strangely shaped tables with layouts of the terrain and other wonders. Suitable for both single-crew and multi-crew games. The danger of removal is average - the hosts may appear, the alarm will go off (and this happened) or the doors will be welded before the game.

Underground industrial facilities- ventilation shafts, collectors, pipelines, catacombs, adits, underground passages - everything that is underground and made by human hands. The epic tends to zero, the buildings are typical. The danger of removal is minimal, suitable for multi-crew games with a random lineup. Many people they can not stand, so use carefully and wisely.

Heating mains- the same as the previous one, but only above the ground.

Bridges, crossings and tunnels- medium interesting location. If the bridge is over a full-flowing river, then it still more or less causes adrenaline, but all kinds of pedestrian crossings over roads, etc. almost uninteresting. In general, epicness is from average to minimal. The danger of being expelled by the locals is high, besides, people who show such inadequate aspirations for such objects are paid close attention to by the guards and gentlemen of the police. In terms of flirting - large classic bridges are preferred for random multi-crews (especially under which you have to climb), and transitions are good for single-crew games.

Abandoned vehicles- cranes, barges, ships, trains, planes, etc. If these are not ordinary cars that you meet in everyday life, then the epicism is high, flirting with a rusty Cossack is somehow not ice at all ... The risk of removing the location from the game is almost zero, something extraordinary should happen. More suitable for multi-crew games.

Burnt buildingsburners”) - as a rule, wooden old buildings. Soot, stench and dirt all around. When you walk through such locations, you cannot be sure whether the ceiling or beam under you has burned down and whether the charred wall will collapse. The epicness is close to zero, the danger of being removed from the game only if the location falls apart ... They are suitable for single-crew games.

If you can - never flirt with burners ... The cry of the soul ...

Towers and other similar structures- interesting locations for those who love dangerous codes and adrenaline. Use with caution in single-crew games. The arrival of 5-8 teams will turn the tower into a Christmas tree. There is a danger of breaking loose, moreover, such structures are usually swayed by the wind, and then a bunch of commands hangs. In general, it is preferable to use on a multi-crew. The epic is high. The probability of withdrawal is average, in a conspicuous place, after all.

Point locations- stops, banners, benches and anything to place one code. Suitable for specific types of jobs - points. Epicness is zero, removal is unlikely, you can use it in any type of game (I think it doesn’t need a picture).

Agent locations- civilian places: restaurants, cafes, cinemas, parks, squares, shops, etc. Epicness, I would evaluate here on a scale of relevance to the theme of the game or the unusualness of the place, in general, varies. As a rule, they negotiate with the owners of the establishments, and in public places everything goes so quickly that there are no problems with removing the level from the game. Locations are suitable for any type of game.

And finally, what should not be used for locations: transformer booths, even if unfinished, as well as power masts (well, to hell with them!), Buildings that are already falling apart from old age. Safety is above all! Protected facilities are also a bad choice - don't push your players to break laws that can threaten them with fines.

And in the end I want to wish everyone games from the Neboyans)))

    - (from lat. locatio placement, position) determining the location of something. There are sound, optical, sense of location in animals. In technology, various devices are used that are used in industry, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) sound, determining the direction to the object and the distance to it by the sound it creates. field (passive L.) or by sound reflection from it, created by special. devices (active L.). With active ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    Exist., number of synonyms: 3 location (2) light location (1) echolocation (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    LOCATION- determination with the help (see), the location of various objects in any space (cosmic, air, water) according to the signals emitted by them or reflected from them. Depending on the nature (see) of the signals, L. are distinguished: sound, thermal, ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    location- 2.39 location (location, computed): A method for determining the location of an AE source based on an algorithmic analysis of the difference in the time of arrival of a signal to various sensors. Source: GOST R ISO 12716 2009: Non-destructive testing. Acoustic… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    I Location (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) determination of the location of an object. Depending on the methods, there can be sound radar (see Sound location, Sonar), Optical location, Radar. The property of L. is possessed by many ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution), detection and recognition of distant objects, determination of their coordinates and speed using email. magn. (optical location and radar) and sound waves. Sound L. uses the generated object ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. locatio placement) determining the location of an object by the signal emitted by this object or the signal (wave, beam) reflected from the object; exists l. sound, optical, radar, etc. A new dictionary of foreign words ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Location- (from lat. locatio placement) determination of the location of any object by the signal emitted by it or by the signal reflected from it. There is radar, sound location, hydroacoustic, etc ... Beginnings of modern natural science

    Location- determination of the location of targets (objects) by signals (for example, sound, electromagnetic waves) emitted by the targets themselves (passive laser), or signals reflected from them sent by special devices (active laser). Distinguish between sound... Dictionary of military terms


  • Archipelago. Six in Pirate Latitudes, Andrey Vasiliev. Fireroll is an incredible cocktail of chance, intrigue and pirates. This is an online RPG. There are no laws and regulations here?!!! No matter how! The Pirate Code has not yet been canceled, as well as the thirst for money and power. And… an audiobook
  • Organization of multidirectionality of hierarchical ascent (descent) and location according to the structure of heterogeneous knowledge, L. S. Bolotova. The article discusses the features of heterogeneous knowledge, which are reflected in the construction of models in the field of artificial intelligence, and proposes a description of the mechanism of location by their structure.…

Good morning! Tell me, please, what preposition should be used before the word "location" (in the sense of the place where something is located) - the preposition "on" or the preposition "in"? What is the correct way to say or write: "at the location" (the data center is located at the Moscow location of this organization) or "at the location" (the data center is located at the Moscow location of this organization)?

Question #279576
Good day!

Can you please tell me how to form an adjective from the word "relocation"? Relocated employee or relocated employee?


The answer of the reference service of the Russian language


Question No. 275195
Good day! You often hear the expression: "place of deployment." Question: is it correct to say so, because dislocation is the place? Or is it still possible?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Dislocation is placement. Correctly: location, place (for) deployment.

Question No. 230196
I asked about the spelling of the word "Allocation" (one or two "l"), which is derived from the English "Allocation". Is there any rule in Russian orthography about writing such derivatives. In the literature that I have to deal with, there is a spelling with both one and two "l". Please kindly reply. Best wishes! Anatoly.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no clear rule for such cases. Since this word, according to the sources, is formed from _Latin Al "near" and Locatio "accommodation"_ and in most cases is written with two _l_, we recommend writing _allocation_.
Question #210224
What does the prefix "di" mean? For example, the word "director"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The prefix _di-_ does not exist. The root of the word _director is director_.
N. I. Bereznikova clarifies our answer:
This prefix does not really exist in Russian. But in Latin it stands out. And as many as two such prefixes! Well, strictly speaking, one - in borrowings from Greek. _Diptych, dilemma, diphthong_... Means "double". And the second one is actually Latin dis-, di- and it corresponds approximately to the Russian prefix "raz-", moreover, both with the meaning of a turn in different directions, and with the meaning of the beginning (deployment in time). There are plenty of examples. I give those that entered Russian: _version - sabotage, rector - director, course - discourse, location - dislocation, position - disposition, station - distance_.