Painting old wallpaper with water-based paint. Painting wallpapers of different types - we paint without streaks

Wallpaper is part of the interior of so many houses. Often we change this finish to a new one, or another way to decorate the walls. The process of removing wallpaper is very long and takes a lot of effort, so not everyone wants to repeat it. But, why not just paint the wallpaper in a new color and thereby update the look of your home? Moreover, it is quite simple to do it yourself.

Many of us have heard that there are wallpapers specifically designed for painting, but what about the usual look of this wall covering? As it turned out, everything paper wallpaper suitable for coloring, with small nuances, which we will discuss below.

When should you apply this type of paint?

Wallpapers are beginning to not suit us for many reasons. They are torn or initially are poorly glued. In this case, the exit with coloring is not suitable, since it is better to clean the wall, and then apply paint to it. However, if your wallpaper is in perfect condition, and you just don't like its color or pattern, then the coloring option is appropriate here.

What paint on paper wallpaper is ideal?

Acrylic paint is better suited for these purposes than water-based or alkyd. The reason is the stability of the color, as well as the fact that such paint can be washed.

Other than that, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The paint should cover everything that is located under it. You don't want the wallpaper pattern to treacherously show through the painted surface;
  • Glossy or matte? The first is ideal for kitchens, and the second for large rooms.
  • Before you start painting, you need to walk on the wallpaper with a roller with a water-repellent coating. It is better to start painting in a day, when the coating dries;
  • It is best to paint in two layers. The second must be applied after a few hours, as soon as the first dries;
  • It is best to paint from above, use rollers and brushes, and also protect everything that cannot be painted, but is “in the affected area” with masking tape.

One of the most common finishing materials are paper wallpapers. This is due to the ease of operation and low price. But it should be noted, whatever the care, the surface still loses its original appearance over time. And first of all, the question arises: “Do you need to make repairs again or can you restore the old surface?”.

Everyone understands that completely re-gluing a room is quite expensive and takes a very long time, so the choice most often stops at restoring the surface. the best way is painting, and the question arises: "Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper?"

There are several opinions regarding the painting of paper wallpapers, and whether it makes sense to paint them at all. In some cases, coloring is generally meaningless. For example, the surface is damaged, heavily worn, and completely lost its performance.

So, if the top layer of wallpaper is well enough preserved, you can give preference to coloring. A good advantage is that such work can be done independently. Let's get down to business and consider all the nuances of this process, and everything connected with it.

What you need for coloring

First of all, we need to figure out what we need for high-quality performance of this type finishing works.

  1. The first thing you need, of course, is paint. It is recommended to use water emulsion, its action will provide protection against soaking of the wallpaper canvas. This factor will guarantee a strong attachment to wall panel, and at the same time they will not give the opportunity to peel off the old wallpaper.
  2. Masking tape or polyethylene. Skirting boards, sockets and switches are covered with this material to protect them from moisture and paint.
  3. Coating with water repellency. Since the paint is usually created on a water basis, and it is strictly forbidden to soak our surface, since the paper wallpaper will move away from the wall and will not last long.
  4. And of course, painting tools. Here the choice is quite large: a variety of brushes, pile compounds and rollers, which have hundreds of varieties. The main thing is to choose the right fleecy elements, the smoother the layer of wallpaper, the smaller the pile should be, and, accordingly, vice versa.

Paint selection

An important stage of preparation is the selection of paint, first you need to understand the classification of paint compositions, and they can be found as follows:

You should not hurry with the choice, these are not just the names and type of paint, which has a different appearance and nothing more. It is necessary to take into account its operational abilities, and select it depending on the room in which it will be used. Also an important parameter for selection is the absorption and return of natural light. Based on this parameter, a matte dye is suitable for the living room, for example, while glossy or semi-gloss is more suitable for the kitchen and bathroom.

Advice! Don't choose just because beautiful view and good light absorption or light output. There are many more factors to which special attention should be paid, such as, for example, strength, wear resistance, resistance to moisture and chemicals, environmental friendliness, etc.

Also sometimes there is a question of painting with acrylic dye. This is allowed, and even recommended, but of course you should not lose sight of other types of paints. Most often, water-based formulations are used, but latex and even alkyd ones can be used.

Stages of work

Let's understand a little about the principle of work and the stages in general. In the process of coloring, we need to do the following algorithm:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Paint preparation.
  3. Surface coloring.

Let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

Surface preparation

The first stage are preparatory work. They need to be given maximum attention, since this is the so-called foundation of our painting. What should be done:

After these measures, a water-repellent layer is applied to the wallpaper, left until the surface is completely dry. This takes about a day.

Paint preparation

After preparing the room, you can begin to prepare the colorful composition and start painting the paper wallpaper.

Having studied the features and choosing the type of paint, we proceed directly to the preparation. This does not require much effort: open the jar, mix. If necessary, add dyes and solvent.


The last stage of such finishing work is painting itself. Consider brief instructions for coloring paper wallpapers:

  1. We immediately begin applying the colorful composition to the paper wallpaper. To do this, use a roller with a properly selected pile. For processing corners and hard-to-reach places are used different size brushes.
  2. First of all, for the so-called training, start painting those areas that will later be covered by furniture and interior items. Such a beginning will help you understand the structure of the painting and “fill” your hand, which will subsequently make itself felt, and will help you paint open areas with high quality.
  3. It is recommended to start painting from the ceiling, if provided, or to paint the upper part of the walls.
  4. It is important to know that the paint is applied in several layers. In this case, apply at least 2 layers. Between applying each of them on paper wallpaper, you should take a break until the paint dries completely, which can take from several hours to a day. After applying layers of paint, the wall should be checked for defects. If they are absent, while the layer is applied evenly, and the wall itself remains even, then the painting process can be considered complete.

Do not forget to take into account environmental factors, choose the right number of layers, in some rooms one may be enough, and in others two or three are required. And most importantly, try to paint with water-based paint.

The following video clearly shows the process of painting paper wallpaper:

Summing up

I hope that this material gave an answer to the question - is it possible to paint paper wallpapers at all and how to do it. The algorithm of actions can be made as follows:

  1. Proper preparation of the room and surface in general.
  2. Repair of damaged surface fragments.
  3. Provided moisture resistant coating.
  4. prepared tools.
  5. The right paint.
  6. Compliance with application rules.

It is the observance of this plan that will provide you with high-quality repairs, or rather the restoration of your walls.

No matter how high-quality the selected and pasted wallpapers are, sooner or later their color can fade, and the pattern can just get boring. At this point, the question arises - is it possible to paint ordinary wallpaper paint? The answer depends solely on the type of specific roll materials.

It is advisable to paint only those coatings that are not damaged and fit snugly against the wall surface.

An important point when painting wallpaper is the choice of the appropriate paint. Let us consider in more detail the types of coloring compositions suitable for application to rolled materials.

On the market building materials There is a fairly wide range of paints that differ in composition and scope. Choosing suitable paint pay attention to its properties.

  • Environmentally friendly - harmless to humans and animals due to the absence of toxic elements.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress- resistance of the applied composition to cracks and shedding during impacts and cleaning.
  • Light resistance– long-term preservation of color under the action of sunlight.
  • Moisture resistance - resistance to the destructive effects of liquids, the ability to wash painted surfaces.
  • Drying time.

Alkyd paint forms a protective film on the surface of the wallpaper, which allows you to wash the materials with various means without damaging their structure. This film does not allow the wallpaper to "breathe", smoothes their relief, so the coloring composition can only be applied to smooth canvases. Such paints contain antifungal additives. Their average service life is five years, they are best suited for glass.

Alkyd paints contain toxic oils and resins, so it is better to use them in non-residential premises. In addition, such paints are flammable.

To water-dispersion compositions include water-based paint. The distinctive qualities of such paint are environmental friendliness, no smell, quick drying. The protective film of water-based paint is resistant to mechanical stress, protects the wallpaper from damage. It allows air to pass through, which prevents the formation of fungus and mold under pasted wallpaper.

Water-based compositions can be used to paint rooms with high humidity, as the paint has a high moisture resistance.

Water-based paints, depending on the composition, are divided into the following types.

  1. Latex - strengthen the surface of the wallpaper, which does not allow them to peel off and get wet during painting. Extend the life of rolled materials, allow them to be cleaned with detergents. Any type of canvas can be painted with latex compositions.
  2. Acrylic latex based- the most numerous group of water-based compositions. Such paints protect the surface of the wallpaper from corrosion, well convey the relief and texture of materials. Apply them in several layers, this will provide a high-quality and elastic coating.
  3. Acrylic water based– are distinguished by the absence of an unpleasant odor and fast drying. They allow the materials under the wallpaper to "breathe", which prevents the formation of steam in the room. Suitable for non-woven wallpaper.
  4. Water emulsion- the most economical option among all coloring compositions. They are afraid of moisture and have a poor choice of colors. It is possible to paint paper canvases with them only after pre-treatment of the walls with a PVA base. Most successfully combined with non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

An important quality of any paint is the degree of its gloss. This indicator not only affects the appearance of the room, but also characterizes the water-repellent properties of the painted wallpaper.

The lower the gloss protective film paint, the faster moisture will be absorbed into the roll materials.

According to the degree of gloss paints are divided into the following types.

  1. Glossy - emphasizes the imperfections of the walls, so it is rarely used for residential premises. Suitable for dark rooms.
  2. Semi-gloss - has a good reflective ability. You can use it in children's rooms and the kitchen.
  3. Matte - due to the lack of gloss, it masks surface defects, it is used in large rooms.
  4. Semi-matte - a slight gloss smooths out small uneven walls. Organically fits into the sleeping area.
  5. Satin - smooth structure, increased wear resistance and durability allow you to use this paint in any room.

Wallpaper painting technology

Each type of wallpaper involves certain preparatory work before painting. For example, non-woven vinyl foam wallpaper requires two coats of primer. Before treating the wall, wash the work surface with detergent for dishes to degrease it. Oil formulations it is not recommended to choose such wallpaper for painting, they will drain over the vinyl. Use water-based or special acrylic paints.


To obtain a uniform color of the non-woven fabric, paint it with outer side. If the pattern is sufficiently embossed, then you can paint the wallpaper with a more saturated color from the wrong side. In this case, the canvas will absorb the paint, the background of the wallpaper has acquired the desired color, and the pattern will remain the same shade.

Paper based vinyl roll materials are not suitable for painting. The deep penetrating paints used to paint the wallpaper will allow the paper backing of the wallpaper to soak and peel off both the wall and the vinyl top. Non-woven vinyl canvases will be difficult to paint.

You can paint paper canvases with any coloring composition. However, priming the walls in this case will not be enough; use special water-repellent agents. The most successful choice would be latex paints.

An important accent that affects the quality of coloring is tools. paint roller choose woolen or mohair. Foam rubber can slip on the surface of the wallpaper and leave a shiny mark after drying. Wool or mohair will allow you to evenly paint the walls, regardless of the relief of the canvas.

  1. Take out the furniture, cover the floor with newspapers or a protective film.
  2. Clean the surface of the walls from dust, dirt, cobwebs with a vacuum cleaner or sponge. Glue the old roll materials in the right places.
  3. Seal baseboards, switches, sockets with masking tape.
  4. Apply a water-repellent agent with a roller on paper wallpapers or paper-based coatings, use a brush in hard-to-reach places. Wait for the composition to dry completely (preferably at least 24 hours).
  5. Dilute the paint with water, mix until smooth, if required by the instructions on the package.
  6. Evenly, in a thin layer, apply the coloring composition with a roller and brush, starting from the ceiling, so that paint drops do not spoil the already painted part of the wall. Color the hay in parts. To avoid spots and streaks, apply the compound quickly before the painted surface has time to dry.
  7. When the composition is completely dry, apply a second coat of paint (preferably at least 2-4 hours later).

The expediency of coloring faded wallpaper should be judged based on their type and condition. Non-woven materials will safely endure 5-10 stains, while paper-based canvases may not withstand even one, and foamed vinyl will actively resist painting. It is still possible to paint old roll materials. Be responsible with the choice of tools, purchase high-quality paint, do not forget about the primer and water-repellent agents, and everything will certainly work out.

Paper wallpapers are attractive and affordable finishing material. But they tend to become unusable after a while, losing their external aesthetics, or simply become boring with their colors. And then you have a choice: to replace this part of the interior or to update it?

Changing the finish completely is quite expensive and time consuming, but is it possible to paint old paper wallpapers and how to do it, we will consider in this article.

Technology for painting old wallpaper

So, is it possible to paint ordinary paper wallpaper? It is possible, but infrequently and only after pre-treatment, since unprepared paper, the water in the paint will soak and deform.

Preparatory work


  1. We take out all the movable furniture from the room, and cover the fixed furniture with plastic wrap. At the same time, it is also desirable to protect the floor from accidental splashes of paintwork material.
  2. We clean the surface of all kinds of dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

  1. We glue the exfoliating areas. If the condition of such fragments is too deplorable, then carefully cut them off.

  1. We cover the damaged places and scratches with mastic, which after drying we grind with sandpaper.
  2. We prime the surface. This is the most important step that will protect the wallpaper from the penetration of paint into their structure. The primer will create a reliable polymer layer that reduces the porosity of the paper and protects the dilapidated finish from further wear.

  1. After the primer is completely dry, you can start painting.

Paint selection

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? Even necessary. This is the most suitable suspension for restoration.

To see this, let's look at its advantages:

  • Ecological purity. When hardening, only harmless water vapor is emitted, which is important when using the emulsion indoors.
  • Low price. It is achieved due to the absence of an expensive solvent in the composition.
  • Wide range of rich colors. Plus the possibility of mixing them for unique color solutions.

  • Moisture resistance. After evaporation of H 2 O, the resulting polymer film has a high water resistance.
  • High resistance to abrasion, exposure to sunlight and temperature extremes.
  • Fire resistance. For paper finishes, this is a great way to improve fire safety.
  • Ease of application. Does not form streaks and streaks.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning. Allows you to keep the updated coating clean.
  • Long service life. At proper care reaches ten years.

Application of the emulsion

  1. We dilute the purchased mixture with water according to the instructions attached to it.. If a white emulsion is purchased, then we also add the necessary dyes, mixing everything with a construction mixer or a drill operating at low speeds.

  1. The resulting solution is poured into a special paint tray.

  1. We dip the brush into the suspension and paint over the corners and other hard-to-reach places.

  1. Then we take it with a pile, collect the emulsion with it and draw it several times over the ribbed surface, getting rid of excess liquid.

Tip: if you have textured, take a tool with a long pile.
He will be better able to process numerous recesses.

  1. Swipe the tool from left to right, descending from the ceiling to the floor. In this case, it is necessary that each subsequent strip runs a few centimeters onto the previous one.
  2. At the moment the liquid in the roller ends, we run it along the already painted part of the wall in order to collect excess suspension from it.
  3. We are waiting for the first layer to harden, after which we apply the second one perpendicularly.
  4. R We check the result by bringing a bright light source close to the finish. So we can see the prominent spots.
  5. If the check was successful, then we can safely enjoy the work done.


We looked at whether paper wallpaper can be painted and how to do it. First of all, for this it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

This includes:

  • cleaning;
  • restoration of deformed areas;
  • creation of a protective moisture-proof layer.

Next, you should purchase water-based paint, which is best suited for this task, and apply it with a brush and roller. Follow the above recommendations and you won't have any problems.

The video in this article will give you additional opportunity get acquainted with a certain amount of information that directly relates to the considered materials. Painting is always easier and cheaper than a complete refinish.

It happens that the owner of an apartment or house wants to change the appearance of the premises, but he has no desire to start a full-scale renovation. Or the financial situation simply does not allow. How to be?

Alternatively, you can change the color of the paper wallpaper to something more pleasant or to match the style of the new furniture. Painting wallpaper is a fairly simple procedure, because it is quite possible to do it yourself, but before you start painting paper wallpapers, you need to answer a few questions:

  • How well are they glued?
  • Is there damage on the surface?
  • Are there greasy or dirty spots?

If the answer to at least one question is “yes”, then it is worth considering the expediency. It is unlikely that paper wallpapers will last long, so why paint them? This extra costs time and effort. Another thing is when the surface of the paper web is good and the wallpaper will last for many more years.

Wallpaper for painting

Today, such a thing as paper wallpaper for painting does not surprise anyone. They can be freely found in the market or hardware stores. The main difference is the lack of paint on the surface. The factory, as it were, gives the buyer the opportunity to independently choose and apply the color they like on the wallpaper.

Naturally, this version of paper wallpaper is much cheaper, but good paint “compensates” for this. Such a canvas has 2 advantages: a long service life and the ability to change colors at any request.

Varieties of wallpaper for painting

Wallpaper for painting on paper basis

Among all types, they are the most popular. This is due to the fact that they can be used even on walls with uneven surface. Most brands produce paper wallpapers consisting of 2 layers, each of which is treated with a special substance that increases the life of the canvas.

Coarse fiber wallpapers are very popular. Their secret lies in the fact that wood chips are placed between the two layers. This combination forms an interesting texture of the surface of the wallpaper without any pattern.

If you use this canvas for gluing a room and ceiling, then after drying, the effect of a seamless pattern will be created. Due to the lack of complex images, the gluing process is extremely simple - no need to select pictures.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

They are made from a special fiber, which is compressed in the form of segments. This structure is extremely durable and allows you to close various deformations or damage on the walls.

On the one hand, the canvas turns out to be perfectly even, on the other hand, a pattern is applied to it using foamed vinyl. It looks, of course, beautiful, but in practice it is very fragile. The entire relief of the wallpaper can be removed with a fingernail with little or no effort. Painting such a surface significantly increases the strength.

Non-woven wallpaper is quite easy to glue, in fact, like paper, the only difference is that the adhesive base must be applied to the wall.

Glass fiber

The manufacturing process is significantly different from the previous 2. paper base combined with fiberglass thread and impregnated with a substance that makes them fire resistant.

You can find canvases with and without drawings, the material allows you to change the surface texture in any direction. They have an original appearance and look very organic on the wall. For gluing, you must use a special glue.

What is needed for painting

The list of the most necessary things for painting paper wallpapers is practically no different from other similar works. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the paint. The quality will depend on it.

You will also need brushes and a roller. To simplify the work, it is better to have these tools different sizes especially if the room irregular shape or has a large number of "difficult" places, for example, windows, corners, decor elements, and so on.

To exclude the possibility of paint getting on the baseboard, you can purchase mounting tape. It will take quite a bit of time to glue the entire perimeter, but this will save you from further laundering the surface of the plinth.

Surface preparation

If possible, then remove all furniture and, in general, everything that can be carried away from the room. Such piles will only interfere, besides, paint can get on them. If it is not possible to take out, then it is necessary to cover everything with plastic wrap. If it is not, then it is worth buying, in the future it will definitely come in handy on the farm.

Important! On new vacuum cleaners, it is possible to set the minimum speed - this must be done.

Despite the outwardly strong wallpaper, this device can capture part of the canvas. On almost all old vacuum cleaners, it is possible to reduce the suction force using a special hole on the handle.

In some situations there is small areas peeled off wallpaper and re-paste because of them the whole room does not want to. In this case, you can either glue this area, or carefully cut it off with scissors.

Paint selection

This stage must be taken very responsibly, because there is a huge variety of colors that are completely different in their characteristics. For example, based on appearance, they are divided into:

  • glossy,
  • semi-gloss,
  • satin,
  • matte,
  • semi-matte.

Basically, you should choose a certain type of paint, based on the illumination of the room and surface. For example, matte paint will look great in large rooms, but semi-gloss can be used for the kitchen. On the one hand, it washes well, which is especially important in conditions of constant cooking, on the other hand, such a surface perfectly reflects light.

What should be considered when choosing paint for paper wallpaper?

  • Will it show through after applying to another?
  • Can it be washed?
  • What is its resistance to light?
  • How long does it take to dry completely?
  • Are there harmful impurities?

Usually such information is written on the label with paint, but if it is not there or if it is difficult to find it, it is better to contact a specialist for advice. For paper wallpapers, water-based paint is usually used, it may differ in the origin of the components.

Experts prefer to use acrylic paints, due to the fact that they have the most suitable qualities. Of them:

  • set of shades and colors,
  • abrasion resistance,
  • vapor permeability,
  • waterproofing.

With this paint you can paint even in conditions high humidity. If the budget does not allow, as an option, use a water-based paint with a PVA base. Other types will not work, because for a low price you have to pay with quality.

Some craftsmen use special formulations with latex-based binders. The surface is pleasantly matte with good resistance to moisture. On the other hand, such paint has a weaker resistance to abrasion.

How to paint

The easiest and most convenient option is a paint roller.

Important! You should only purchase a mohair or wool roller.

Foam rubber for painting paper wallpaper is not suitable. This is due to the fact that it periodically slips and, after drying, a shiny, well-marked trace forms in this place.

On the other hand, if the wallpaper has some kind of pattern, then the foam roller will simply be missing in the recesses. Experts recommend using only a special tray as a container for paint. No bucket or jar will replace it.

Paint is poured into the lower compartment, then the roller is well fanned and wiped against the top of the tray. If this is not done, then the paint, instead of getting on the wallpaper, will end up on the floor. In hard-to-reach places, you can use narrow brushes or a brush.

Ideally, you need to apply paint on paper wallpaper in an even layer. If this is done for the first time, then it is better to start from the place that will be covered by furniture. Even if a mistake is made, it will be safely hidden.

If the ceiling is painted before the paper wallpaper, this will prevent streaks on the walls. If they dry out, it will be quite problematic to get rid of them.

In most cases, one coat of paint is not enough. Therefore, before applying the second one, you need to make sure that the first one has dried well. It usually takes at least 4 hours. If after this layer the color of the paper wallpaper is not visible anywhere, then the painting can be completed. If spots are visible somewhere, you can cover the paper wallpaper with another layer.

To see an example of how to paint paper wallpapers, you can watch the video: