Relics of the Holy Matrona of Moscow. Church of the Holy Matrona of Moscow, order required Church shop of the Holy Matrona

It so happened in modern life that the Intercession Monastery in Moscow and in our understanding merged into one inseparable concept: help. After all, having come to this monastery with faith, love and hope, we receive the care and support we need so much from the holy blessed Matronushka.

The Women's Intercession Stauropegic Monastery at the Intercession Gate was founded by the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich as a tribute to the memory of his father, in the service of Patriarch Philaret, who ended his earthly life in 1635. The Patriarch died on the Feast of the Intercession, hence the name.

It was a long time ago…

On the lands where it was planned to build the monastery, there had long been a cemetery for homeless, unidentified people. Such people who did not accept church repentance before death could not be buried in ordinary parish cemeteries.

This is how terrible special places appeared: barns with deep holes. One hundred or two hundred unidentified corpses were thrown into them and covered with earth.

And only 2 times a year the priests performed funeral services for them. It was here that the corpse of False Dmitry was brought on a collapsing cart intended for manure in 1606 and thrown into a pit with many other mutilated corpses. Therefore, at first, people called the monastery that emerged, originally a man’s monastery, the monastery on Poor Houses or simply the Bozhedomsky Monastery.

The monastery was completed by another king, Alexei Mikhailovich. Money from the rental of these lands to tenants was invested in this construction. For this, among the common people the monastery was called “room monastery”.

In the 17th century, the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary was rebuilt again, but from stone. In the next, already 18th century, the newly rebuilt Church of the Resurrection of the Word arose and nearby, by God’s command, a bell tower, consisting of 3 tiers, 30 meters high, grew by the hands of Russian craftsmen.

Ups and downs, destruction and restoration

In 1812, Hieromonk Jonah, who was at that time the Rector of the monastery, probably foreseeing future atrocities here, loaded all the church relics into a cart, took almost all the inhabitants with him and took them away from the city.

The monastery itself was severely destroyed during the war with Napoleon's troops: the French who entered the holy monastery land placed horses in the churches, burned and, mockingly, stabbed holy icons with bayonets, and used altars as tables.

Soon after their departure, Elder Jonah returned, and with the help of the residents and monks, they, as far as possible, mostly restored the monastery. For this, Jonah was respectfully called “the builder.”

Around 1870, the Intercession Monastery became a missionary monastery. That is, monks lived and studied there, who expressed a desire, after graduating from the institute, to go to other cities on educational missions. During its existence, the institute has trained several dozen graduates.

But times have changed dramatically. In 1926-1929, churches began to close, and then the monastery itself suffered the same fate. The bell tower was blown to the ground. The cemetery that existed at the monastery was at that time the largest necropolis in Moscow. It occupied an area of ​​about 5.4 hectares.

Many famous residents of the city were buried there. For example, a large family burial of members of the Botkin family, Khludov - a merchant quite famous for his charitable deeds, the poet Glebov, you can’t count them all...

But, despite this, in 1934 most of the graveyard was simply destroyed, and the Tagansky recreation park that still exists today appeared in this place. On the monastery land there was a gym, a printing house of a then popular publication, an extensive film studio, a magazine editorial office and other government offices.

The convent begins to live again

Almost 70 years later, in 1994, the monastery began to be revived, but as a monastery for women. In October 1995, the first divine service took place in the Church of the Intercession, which was still in a dilapidated state.

5 nuns with Abbess Feofania, the first abbess of the Holy Protection Convent, prayed and sang during this service.

And the abbess’s brother carefully cut out a new, very first iconostasis from a sheet of plywood, to which paper icons were attached. This is how the first solemn Divine Liturgy took place in the church, which was beginning its second life.

Later, all its buildings and vast lands were returned to the monastery. All except the one where Taganka Park is now located.

Over time, in 2002, the stone three-tier bell tower with a clock was completely restored. It became an exact copy of the one that was destroyed a long time ago: in 1926.

And now 12 bells, with their iridescent, powerful sound that carries over a long distance, call believers to Divine Services.

On the territory of the monastery

The shrine is kept here

Currently, there are 2 large churches on the monastery territory, which have been completely restored. Closer to the entrance and bell tower is the Church of the Intercession, which has six chapels, and a little further stands the Resurrection Cathedral with three chapels.

At the end of this article there is a map of the area where you can better navigate the area. 🙂

Every day the Intercession Monastery on Taganka welcomes thousands of pilgrims who come here from different countries, places and cities. There are long queues of people who want to get into this sacred place for everyone.

Among other things, such a huge number of people come here also because the transferred relics of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow have been kept here since 1998.

Matronushka helped many people during her amazing life, filled with meetings with people. And even after her death, those who turn to her with sincere prayers receive an unexpected successful resolution of their difficult life situations.

So people seek Saint Matrona for support, for advice - someone wants to get happily married, get pregnant and give birth to a child, someone has been looking for a long time and cannot find a suitable job for themselves - parishioners turn to the Intercessor with completely different requests.

Let's bow to Mother Matronushka

Arriving at the Moscow Pokrovsky women. monastery, you will see two very long lines. One of them (it is visible first) leads to the icon of St. Matrona, which is located outside, on the facade of the Intercession Church building.

According to the existing unwritten rules, each person can stand near her as long as he needs to talk about his request. That is, an unlimited amount of time: one, for example, needs 3 minutes, while another needs a few seconds. But at the same time, no one is rushing anyone. Everyone stands and patiently waits to meet the saint.

But this is in “theory”. In practice, the guards “hurried” the believers so that they did not linger long near the icon. Perhaps this was because it was already evening time and the territory of the monastery was closed. Even so, the line moved very slowly.

The second line begins on the opposite side, where the entrance to the temple is located. Where its ending will be located... is different every time.

The second line moves a little faster, and it leads to the shrine with the relics of St. Matrons. This shrine is located inside the same temple, immediately behind the wall with the icon, to which there is the first line.

There are slightly different rules here. You can venerate the reliquary with the relics only for a few moments. There is always a security guard nearby who monitors this. Yes, this is understandable - after all, there are a lot of people, and everyone wants to, at least for a short time, touch the holy relics of the Matrona of Moscow, bow down and ask for help.

After you have venerated the relics of Matronushka, you can approach her icon, which is located directly opposite the shrine. It is very large, almost the entire wall, and decorated with gold items.

There are a lot of gold and silver jewelry: crosses, rings, chains. People bring them as a token of gratitude to Matrona for her help. In general, of course, it is customary to give thanks if your wish has come true, if your prayer has been heard.

Colorful houses

The hegumen and sister buildings, in which the sisters of the monastery live, look very elegant. The first one is green,

and the second one is pink.

And on the lawn between them I discovered a strange structure on a chicken leg! It turned out that it was just an ordinary bird feeder. But where does this design come from?? 😆

In general, I was very struck by some unusual aura of this place. Even nature reflected this very clearly. If behind the fence of the monastery the spring buds on the trees were still just swelling, then on the territory of the monastery, literally a few meters from the capital’s life, green leaves were already blooming on the branches with might and main!

Holy water and healing oil

To the right of the monastery churches (as seen from the entrance), there is a gazebo where you can collect holy water.

If you don’t have a bottle with you, then this problem is easily solved. Nearby, in the bell tower, you can buy plastic containers of different sizes for holy water. The cost of a liter bottle is 30 rubles, and a 5-liter bottle is 50 rubles.

On the vast, well-groomed territory, near the temples there is a shop and a church shop. Here you can buy various books on religious topics, souvenirs, icons, oil and oil consecrated on the relics of Matrona, an amulet with her face, which will then be useful to carry with you as a talisman or talisman that brings good luck.

How to use Matrona of Moscow oil? It is used in completely different ways. They smear it on sore spots and wounds; a few drops drip into the bath for both children and adults; To get pregnant, women take a drop on their stomach. There are no strict rules, use the oil as you wish, but only with faith and love. Come in, the store is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

All amenities are provided for guests. Almost…

The monastery has a refectory where you can have an inexpensive snack: salads, hot dishes, pastries, cakes.

The assortment is very large: from lenten dishes to fast food. And the prices are quite affordable.

There is a playground for children. This is a very wonderful idea: after all, parents of children can stand in a long line for several hours. But the kids won’t be bored; they can have a little fun here and play with other kids.

There are swings and slides installed here. There are sculptures of animals and birds nearby. There is a fountain in the clearing.

Walking along the road along the alley, I saw this flower angel. It was probably also a fountain, but it didn’t work in rainy weather. Apparently there was already enough water around. 🙂

At the Pokrovsky Monastery there is a five-star hotel “Pokrovskaya”, where you can relax in comfort. I don’t think that ordinary pilgrims will be able to afford it. A room per night with breakfast will cost from 6 thousand rubles. But the building looks very beautiful and modern. Especially with night lighting.

By the way, for those who want to stay in this amazing place for several days, you can choose a more budget accommodation option by booking a hotel room on the website or using the service to rent an apartment or room in any district of Moscow.

Temple of Peter and Fevronia

Behind the monastery wall there is another very beautiful church, consecrated in honor of the holy spouses.

The relics of these beloved Russian defenders and patrons of family life are now in Murom, in.

And in the church near the Moscow Intercession Monastery, wedding ceremonies are performed. And this place is very popular among newlyweds: after all, there are so many patron saints of this place: Matronushka, and Peter and Fevronia. And the city registry office is very close: right behind the monastery wall.

Be sure to go inside this temple if it is open. And even if you can’t pray inside, there is a mosaic icon hanging outside, right behind the altar, to which you can venerate. And, of course, pray to the holy Murom spouses, who lived together all their lives, died on the same day, were buried in the same grave, and even their relics are now in the same shrine.

The Church of Peter and Fevronia near the walls of the Intercession Monastery is open daily from 8.00 to 20.00, entrance from the courtyard.

How to get everything done

There are special dates in the calendar that are revered in the monastery: November 22, May 2 and March 8. This is Matrona’s birthday, the day of her canonization and the day when the relics of Matronushka became the main shrine of the Intercession Monastery. These days, especially many people gather here, groups of tourists come, so the queues become much longer, and there is a chance that you simply won’t get to see the blessed old lady.

Therefore, if, of course, you have such an opportunity, it is better to come to Matrona on weekdays, when there are fewer people and the queues will be shorter.

Sometimes, when the line to see the saint’s relics becomes very long, then the sisters approach people and offer to do something “for the glory of God,” to help the monastery with deeds: maybe sweeping the floor, tidying up somewhere, arranging flowers and putting things in order. Usually, everyone happily agrees. And for this they are then escorted to the relics without a queue.

Pregnant women, mothers with small children or fairly elderly people are often skipped in line. But I want to note that not even everyone who can wants to skip the line. It seems to me that that solemn atmosphere of peace, the spirit of greatness of this very moment that reigns here, is inspiring in itself. And this is probably not just my feeling.

Yes, and more. If you've been standing in line for a long time and suddenly need to step away for a few minutes, exchange your phone numbers with your neighbors - those standing in front of you and behind you. Sometimes the line moves very slowly, but sometimes it moves very quickly. By calling your neighbor, you will easily find your place and will not miss your long-awaited meeting with the Moscow holy eldress.

And at the end, a little advice. If you want to get to the relics of St. Matrona almost without a queue, then come at the closing time of the monastery. 10 minutes before the end of his work, people are still allowed in. Then you can stay on the territory freely for some additional time. As the guards at the entrance told me: they don’t force visitors out, they wait for the last one. 🙂

That’s exactly what happened to me: I came almost to the closing. In the evening, which was also rainy, there were very few people. I got in line to see the icon, and then went inside the temple. I managed to approach Matrona’s relics in 10-15 minutes. After that, after walking around the area a little more, I returned first. It took 20-25 minutes. This is quite a bit: after all, people usually wait here for hours.

Letter to Matronushka

If you enter the Church of the Intercession, you can see two lines inside: the left one goes to the relics of the blessed old woman, and the right one goes to the icon shop. Here you can write notes, order requests, buy candles and everything you need. Usually, it is very crowded here and you can easily get lost in the crowd.

Therefore, I can advise you to write notes or letters to Matrona with your requests in the nearby Resurrection Cathedral or in an icon shop. There is no difference, but it can be done faster and more comfortably.

What do they write to Matronushka about, in what form? Of course, there are no strict rules for writing a note to the patron saint Matrona. Just write, if possible, briefly about your situation in which you are asking for help. The most important thing is that the prayer and request are sincere and come from the heart!

Letters and notes can be placed in a special bag that hangs next to the relics, as well as with the icon on the street. Every day, in the morning, the sisters bring here an empty bag for notes and appeals to the blessed old woman, and by the evening it is almost completely filled with people’s pleas for help and intercession.

Flowers for Matrona

Many go to the relics of Mother Matrona with a large bouquet of flowers to thank the old woman for her help in healing, or maybe for the help and advice provided in something else. During her lifetime, Matrona could not often pamper herself with the smell of her favorite living chrysanthemums and white roses. And now people are coming, bringing her flowers, no matter what.

The main thing is that they be from a pure soul, from a whole grateful heart. According to the existing tradition, Matrona is brought an odd number of flowers, like a living person - this is important!

If you also want to bring Matronushka a bouquet of fresh flowers, then it’s very easy to do. Already near the metro there are sellers with different bouquets, and near the monastery there are several flower shops.

All flowers brought are blessed by the sisters of the temple near the relics of the saint. Raka is literally buried in various bouquets, and the smell in the temple from the floral aromas is simply heavenly!

When a person leaves, he is given several buds or petals with him. They should not be thrown away. What to do with flowers from Matrona of Moscow? Bring it home and preserve it somehow: dry it, for example. And then you can use it this way: just carry them with you for good luck (you can put them in your passport or purse).

And if there is any disease, then apply the shrine to the sore spot and turn to Matronushka with prayer.

There are certain rules here

And a few more tips, if you may. The church has its own etiquette, its own rules of conduct for parishioners. For example, about how to properly venerate holy relics. When approaching the shrine, you need to make 3 bows or bows to the ground in advance, crossing yourself.

When it’s your turn, kiss (kiss) the glass that is located above the relics. And remember that you cannot kiss saints on their faces. I think everyone understands that a woman should not wear lipstick at this moment.

After this, move a little to the side so as not to disturb others, and make another bow, crossing yourself and reading a short prayer, if you know.

Smoking, talking loudly, and swearing are not allowed on the territory of the monastery. And also, it seems, to take photographs. This is the rule I still don’t fully understand. I walked around the territory, filming everything. There were a lot of guards around, but they took it calmly. And only at the very end, when I was walking out and taking the last shots, one of the security guards came up to me and said that you can’t take photos here, even on the street.

You can't come here with animals either. It is recommended to turn off mobile phones.

Well, the uniform should also be appropriate. You should not come in shorts, short dresses and without a headscarf (for women). Let's follow these simple rules for visiting the relics of Matrona of Moscow.


The Intercession Monastery is happy to welcome pilgrims every day. It is open to everyone from 7.00 to 20.00. And on Sundays, the doors for visiting open at 6:00 am. Entrance to the monastery territory stops after 20.00.

Also keep in mind that the Resurrection Cathedral closes earlier: already at 19.00 it was closed for cleaning.

Divine services in the Intercession Monastery are held daily at the same time:

  • Vespers and Matins begin at 16.45;
  • Hours and Divine Liturgy at 7.30;
  • On Sunday there are 2 Liturgies held here: 6.15 - early, and at 9.00 - late.

And prayers with an akathist are served daily near the relics of Saint Matrona. And on Monday, Wednesday and Friday they are supplemented with a prayer service.

If you need any other information: the schedule of services of the Intercession Monastery, its opening hours, or maybe you want to know about obedience in this monastery - all these questions will be answered by calling 8-495-911-49-20.

Come to the temple, bring any flowers. If you do not have such an opportunity, contact Matrona with words of gratitude right at home. She will hear!

Very often, particles of Matrona’s relics are delivered to various cities remote from the capital, so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to venerate the saint and turn to her either with a request for help or with words of gratitude.

Where is it, how to get there

The Temple of Matrona of Moscow is located at the address: Taganskaya street, 58. Entrance coordinates: 55.73829, 37.67154.

Probably the most convenient way to get to the monastery of St. Matrona is by metro. From the nearby metro stations "Taganskaya", "Ploshchad Ilyicha" or "Marksistskaya" you can walk to the monastery in 15 minutes.

It seemed to me that the easiest option to get to the monastery in Moscow, where the relics of Matrona of Moscow are located, is from the Marxistskaya metro station. It’s very convenient that there is only one way out of the subway: it’s impossible to get lost. 🙂

As you go out into the street, ahead and to the left across the road there will be a huge “Tagansky Passage”. The large sign on the roof of this store is easy to see.

There is a stop near the metro exit; no need to cross the road. Here you can wait for public transport to arrive 2 stops. I went to the monastery on foot along Taganskaya Street. The distance to the monastery is approximately 1 km, which is 10-15 minutes at a leisurely pace.

About halfway along the road you will see a beautiful snow-white temple on the right. This is the Church of St. Nicholas in Studenci.

Soon you will see the red walls of the Intercession Monastery.

The entrance will be near the Church of Saints Peter and Fevronia. She will remain on the right. On the left there will be a multi-storey building of the Pokrovskaya Hotel. Walking a little forward, you will see a security post where metal detectors are installed. This is the last obstacle on the way to the Intercession Monastery and to the blessed Mother Matronushka! 🙂

But, of course, you can get to Matrona of Moscow by bus, by minibus, or by car - whatever suits you.

Unfortunately, the monastery does not have its own parking lot. So if you decide to come here by car, you will have to use paid parking spaces nearby or simply leave your car for a while in some courtyard of one of the nearby residential buildings.

On the map you can determine the exact location of all objects along the route to the Monastery of the Intercession, as well as on its territory (click “+” or “-“ to zoom in or out of the image).

To conveniently travel around the Russian capital, you can easily rent an apartment or a room in Moscow using the service, or book a hotel in any convenient location.

My trip took place on April 28, 2017. And the next day I went to where Matrona of Moscow was buried in the last century. And I spent the night in a hotel, from the windows of which a delightful view of the city opens.

The map below shows other attractions and where I was able to visit.

Many, and not only Orthodox people, know who Matrona of Moscow is, how to get to the relics and visiting hours. But not everyone is familiar with this, not everyone knows well what the saint helps with, how to contact her, what to ask for, where Matronushka is buried and how to get to the Danilovo cemetery or to the Intercession Monastery. Let's tell you everything in order.

Take a look.

Who is Matronushka

All Orthodox Christians in the world know about Matrona of Moscow, the blessed saint, helper for all people and consoler in all human troubles. Many people are interested in the question of how to get to the relics and what time it is possible to visit them. Many people want to visit the Intercession Convent. They come to this holy place from afar, from many parts of the country and the world.

Having had a miraculous gift since birth, the Orthodox saint Matrona of Moscow tried to help people, patiently endured all her own hardships, while treating others with special attention and love. During her life, the blessed old woman was famous for the creation of miracles performed through turning to the Lord. And before her death, she told everyone to come to her and talk about their sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, she promised to listen to everyone and help.

Matrona of Moscow was canonized only in 1998. In the Pokrovsky Women's Stauropegic Monastery, her relics are kept in permanent storage. Parishioners share the incredible sensations that overcome them here: a feeling of joy in the soul and peace. People come to this monastery monastery to venerate the holy relics, pray and bring her gifts of fresh flowers, which she loved so much during her lifetime.

How to get to the Intercession Monastery

It’s not at all difficult to get to the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, located on Taganskaya Street, 58. Very close to this address there are such metro stations as Rimskaya, Marksistskaya, Ploshchad Ilyich, Taganskaya, Proletarskaya and Krestyanskaya Zastava. It is not difficult to walk from the listed metro stations to the monastery territory. You can go to the “Pokrovsky Women’s Monastery” stop by tram.

Time to visit the temple

You can enter the temple as early as seven o'clock in the morning on weekdays and at six o'clock on Sundays. At the same time, you need to know that from eight o’clock in the evening the monastery closes the entrance gate and opens it only for those who want to leave the territory. People in the temple or on the monastery territory can wait their turn to see the holy relics. After closing the entrance gate, the guards still let people out for a long time.

There is a church shop at the monastery, which is open every day; it offers icons of St. Matrona of Moscow of various sizes and all kinds of church goods.
Not far from the temple there is a bell tower, and behind it there is a water-blessing chapel, where you can take holy water. It is very important that the refectory is open daily on the monastery territory. The nuns of the monastery can look after children in the playground.

Look, .

Matrona's grave at the Danilovsky cemetery

The miracle worker died in 1952 and was interred at the Danilovsky cemetery in the capital. After her death, stories were passed from mouth to mouth, which said that the blind protector of people knew about prayers and requests, without refusing assistance to anyone. People in need of help, the sick and weak, rushed to visit the resting place and venerate the saint.

There has been a lot of evidence that the requests of those praying have been heard and help has been provided to them. At the end of the 20th century, in March 1998, Matrona was canonized, and her relics were placed in the temple of the Intercession Monastery. A countless number of people come to this temple every day in any weather. But her burial place at the Danilovsky cemetery has not been forgotten. Pilgrims always stand here, bringing flowers and lighting a candle, reading prayers and asking for help. A chapel was built here, fragrant with flowers that Christians carry and carry in memory of Matrona’s love for them.

Every Orthodox Christian dreams of visiting the Danilovskoe cemetery. Matronushka’s grave attracts especially those who cannot give birth to children. Knowledgeable people direct such sufferers to visit the burial site.

Finding the grave of the blind saint is very easy; there is a special sign at the cemetery. Those who visit this burial take with them a small pinch of sand, which they keep close to their hearts with faith. The miraculous properties of grave sand are known and there are many stories to confirm this.
You can get to the grave of St. Matrona of Moscow by metro to the station. “Tulskaya”, from there you can walk just a couple of hundred meters. A tram runs from the Shabolovskaya metro station towards the Danilovsky cemetery. The fence of the cemetery is painted yellow and is visible from a distance, from the entrance to the grave of Matrona no more than a hundred meters.

You can get to your desired location by car. The path will pass along the 3rd transport ring with a turn onto Malaya Tulskaya Street, then turn into Dukhovsky Lane, which leads to the cemetery gates. There are two churches on the monastery territory. In one, the relics are kept, and in the other, services are performed.

Parishioners come here in a continuous stream to venerate the shrine. With faith in a miracle, with hope for help. Priests warn those praying that there will be no automatic deliverance from problems and sorrows. It is necessary to prepare your soul before turning to the holy blind man. You need to read about the life of the blessed old lady Matrona, find prayers for her and learn them. A churchgoer needs to obtain a blessing from his spiritual father.

You need to calmly go into the church where services are held, pray, light candles and submit notes for the health and peace of loved ones and relatives. After such spiritual preparation, you can already stand in line to wait for your time to approach the shrine with the relics of Matrona.

What do people ask Saint Matrona for?

It is impossible to list all human suffering and problems, because these are life’s sorrows, human ones, serious illnesses of loved ones, the suffering of a child, the betrayal of a loved one. Mothers ask to return their dissolute son, lost in life, to his father’s house. The men ask the old woman to help resolve financial difficulties and help save the family. Young people look to Matrona for advice on how to continue to live and how to find the way to God. Girls, desperate to find a real man, ask Matron to help with this. All the troubles cannot be counted, but the sick especially strive to get to this temple. Matronushka will hear everyone and help, you have to believe in this and know that a miracle will happen.

Prayer in front of her icon helps in all troubles and sorrowful torments. It is very significant that the saint strengthens faith and shows the true path to the Lord.

Where and how can you pray to the holy old woman?

First of all, in his prayers, an Orthodox Christian turns to the Savior, to the Mother of God, and then to another saint. You can pray to Matrona for help in any church at your place of residence, because the saints hear the one praying from everywhere.

To venerate the holy relics of Matrona, there is no need to go to the capital at all. Icons with particles of her relics are transported throughout Russia so that as many Orthodox Christians as possible can turn to the miracle worker for help.

With flowers for the help of Matrona

On the side-altar, where the shrine with the relics of the saint is located in the monastery church, there are always a lot of flowers, they are carried and brought here by pilgrims. Flowers are consecrated upon contact with the relics and become part of the Matrona. The nuns distribute the flowers they brought, and those who receive them very carefully dry the petals and carefully store them, because these petals were given to them by Matronushka.

Historians keep records of stories of miraculous healings that occurred after the sufferers turned to Saint Matrona. The Church calls for people to ask in their prayers not only for help in solving problems, but also for giving strength to bear suffering patiently and with dignity.

Special days of remembrance of the saint

March 8, on the women's holiday, the relics of Matronushka were found and transferred to the Intercession Monastery, where they remain to this day, so on this day especially many people come to worship the saint and ask for her protection.
May 2 the saint died May 4th was buried at her request in the Danilov cemetery, so that she could hear the ringing of the church bell even after death. These days are especially revered among the people.

Pokrovsky Stauropegial Convent

Almost all believers who learn about Saint Matronushka for the first time are interested in the question - how to get to the relics of Matrona of Moscow?

People have a very strong desire to personally visit the righteous old woman and ask her for help. After all, many remember her words: “Everyone, everyone, come to me...”

I must say that once you are in the city of Moscow, you can easily drive to the relics of the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow. The Pokrovsky Women's Stauropegic Monastery at Abelmanovskaya Zastava (Church on Taganka) has been the permanent location of this shrine since 1998. As pilgrims say, when they enter the monastery, their soul immediately becomes calm and joyful. People come here from different parts of the country to venerate the relics of Blessed Matrona, bring fresh flowers, pray and ask for help.

At the entrance to the monastery territory you can see the Church Bench. It is open daily (opening hours from 8.00 to 20.00). Here you can buy icons of St. Matrona of Moscow from the smallest to the largest church icons, books, church oil, candles, church utensils and much more.

Near the entrance to the monastery there is a bell tower, and a little further there is a Holy Spring (or water-sanctuary chapel). Pilgrims can collect holy water here in their own bottles or in bottles purchased at the monastery. It must be said that there is a refectory on the territory of the Intercession Monastery, which is open to everyone. There is a small children's playground.

But, of course, the main place where all pilgrims go is the temple, where they are in a special tomb (crystal). The shrine never leaves the Intercession Convent and is available to believers every day. Queues form from early morning until late evening. Another line is lined up for the large icon of Matronushka in the form of a fresco on the wall of the temple, right on the street.

How to get to the relics of Matrona of Moscow

Pokrovsky Convent (Church on Taganka) located at: Moscow, st. Taganskaya 58. You can get to it by public transport, for example, by metro.

Directions: to the metro station “Marksistskaya”, exit to the street. Taganskaya. Then you can walk to the monastery (15 minutes) or by any transport (bus, trolleybus) to the Bolshaya Andronevskaya stop.

Directions: to the metro station “Krestyanskaya Zastava” or “Proletarskaya”, and then 10 minutes walk to Abelmanovskaya Zastava Square.

Visiting hours

Pilgrims can visit the relics of Matrona of Moscow daily. The opening hours of the temple where the tomb is located are the same as those of the Pokrovsky Convent. Visiting hours: Monday - Saturday from 07.00 - 20.00, Sunday from 06.00 - 20.00.

You can also attend morning or evening services in the temple. Read the schedule of services at

Driving directions

Among all the Orthodox saints, the Matrona of Moscow or Mother Matronushka enjoys special love among Muscovites. This healer lived in the last century and became famous for numerous miracles performed during her life and after death. Today her relics rest in the functioning Pokrovsky Convent, where pilgrims from different cities come and go every day.

Pokrovsky Monastery

The relics of Matronushka are located in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow near the Taganka metro station. This is the main place of pilgrimage for all believers who want to turn to the saint. In addition to the relics, there is an icon of the Mother of God “Recovery of the Lost” (1915), with which Matrona did not part until her death. Particles of the relics were also transferred to churches in other cities: Vologda, Krasnoyarsk, Perm and others. Several churches were consecrated in other countries: in the USA (Florida), Bulgaria, Armenia. Several churches of St. Matrona were also built in Moscow, for example, on Sofia Kovalevskaya Street in Dmitrovskoye or a chapel at the Kursk station.

History of the monastery

The Intercession Monastery is a stauropegial (subordinate directly to the patriarch) active women's monastery. Initially, the monastery was for men; it was founded in the mid-17th century by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in memory of his father, Patriarch Filaret. He died on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, so the monastery received the name Pokrovsky. It was completed under Alexei Mikhailovich with money received from renting out the land.

Previously, on this land there was a cemetery for the homeless and wanderers, and therefore at first the monastery was called Bomzhedomsky or at the Poor Houses.

In the 17th century, a stone Intercession Cathedral, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word and a bell tower were built here. During the war with Napoleon, the French general Claparède lived in the buildings. At the same time, the monastery was ravaged, many buildings were destroyed. At the end of the 19th century, a missionary institute was opened in the monastery, which graduated several dozen missionaries.

The monastery was closed in 1929, and the bell tower was blown up the same year. Temples were closed three years earlier. Five years later, in 1934, the western part, where the cemetery was located, was rebuilt into the Tagansky Park of Culture and Recreation, and the wall was demolished. The premises housed a printing house, a gym, a magazine editorial office, a film studio and a billiard room.


The Intercession Monastery was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1994, at which time it was decided to transform it into a convent. The first abbess was the nun of the Holy Trinity-Diveyevo Monastery, Abbess Feofaniya. The following year, the revival of the monastery began: the government transferred the remaining buildings and part of the land to the monastery, without the Tagansky Park and stadium (this is approximately half of the former property).

The need to transfer the park caused strong indignation among local residents, and the government made a compromise decision: only the park itself was returned to the monastery, without the stadium, while the park could still be used by people, that is, it was not changed or closed.

In 1998, the remains of Matrona of Moscow, the blessed one who glorified the monastery, were transported to the monastery. Today, most pilgrims come precisely for her. According to some reports, up to 3 thousand pilgrims come here on weekdays, on weekends their number reaches 25 thousand, and on holidays - 50 thousand people. It is almost impossible to calculate how many people visit Matrona per year. Sometimes you have to wait in lines for up to 6-7 hours.

Today on the territory of the monastery there are:

  1. Shelter for girls.
  2. Hotel for pilgrims.
  3. Publishing house that produces books, audiobooks and films.

In addition to the monastery, Taganka has:

  1. Compound in Strogino with an Orthodox gymnasium in Trinity-Lykovo;
  2. Compound in the village of Markovo, Moscow region.

Biography of Matrona

Matrona of Moscow is considered one of the most revered saints of Moscow and Russia. She was born in 1881 into a peasant family in the Tula region (the village of Sebino), although some researchers believe that the child was adopted. The girl was born without eyeballs, completely blind, and her middle-aged parents wanted to leave her in an orphanage in a neighboring village. However, the night before, the mother had a dream: a blind white bird of extraordinary beauty landed on her chest. After consulting, the parents decided that the dream was prophetic and left the child.

The Life says that Matrona was distinguished by deep faith, she could heal people and predict the future from the age of eight. At the age of seventeen, the girl lost her legs, but this did not stop her from traveling and visiting several holy places. With the daughter of a local landowner Lydia Yankova, Matrona visited St. Petersburg and other cities, visited the Kiev-Pechersk and Trinity-Sergius Lavra. A legend has been preserved that in the St. Petersburg Kronstadt Cathedral, the holy righteous John of Kronstadt after the service asked the parishioners to disperse and let Matrona pass, saying that she was his “replacement - the eighth pillar of Russia.”

The saint's father died in 1912, and soon the revolution broke out. Matrona and Lydia were left homeless and in 1925 they moved to Moscow for food. Despite the fact that the saint’s brothers became Bolsheviks and even advanced in their careers, Matrona never turned to them, preferring to live with friends and fellow villagers. All this time she received visitors (up to forty people a day), practiced predictions and healing, and prayed at night. She was constantly subjected to anti-religious persecution, but constantly avoided arrest.

For some time the saint lived in the Zhdanov family. Zinaida Zhdanova, arrested and convicted as a member of an anti-Soviet church-monarchist group, wrote the life story of Matronushka. The book also mentioned the saint’s meeting with Stalin: the latter came to her for advice, when there was a threat of taking Moscow during the Second World War. But most researchers consider this story to be fiction without any evidence.

Matrona found out about her death three days before it occurred, but continued to receive people. She died on May 2, 1952 and was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. Her grave immediately became a place of pilgrimage, and the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra revered her during her lifetime.

Canonization and veneration

The book about the saint was published only in 1993 and caused sharp criticism from the Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints, as it contained facts and unconfirmed information that did not fit into Christian dogma, for example, a description of a meeting with Stalin. The commission appointed a separate group that thinned out the text, removed inconsistencies and brought it to the accepted form. Today it is he who is considered the official life of Matrona, but the book was withdrawn from sale in the Intercession Monastery.

On March 8, 1998, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy I.I., the grave of Matronushka was opened, her relics were transported to the Danilov Monastery, then to the temple of the Intercession Monastery. They were placed in a silver shrine and left publicly available to everyone in the Matrona Cathedral in Moscow.

The saint's memorial days are:

  1. May 2 is the day of death. On the same day in 1999, Matrona was canonized as a locally revered saint of the Moscow diocese.
  2. March 8 is the day of the discovery of the relics.

Church-wide canonization occurred only in October 2004. This day is not a holiday.

Why do they come to Matrona?

During her lifetime, Saint Matrona became famous as a healer, capable of coping with the most complex diseases. Records of the miracles she performed have been preserved; today, everyone who received the saint’s help can also write their story on the monastery’s website.

You can ask Saint Matronushka:

You can make a request either in person, standing in line to see the relics, or by writing a note. In addition, you can pray at home, and in the monastery you can purchase an icon, candles and draw blessed water. The latter is usually used for washing: for example, you can rinse your hands and face with it in the evening to “wash away” the negative views of others or reduce stress. You can also bless your apartment and car with water or take medicine with you to enhance its effect.

Information for pilgrims

Pilgrims planning to go to the blessed one will find it useful to contact information about the monastery of Matronushka of Moscow how to get there and opening hours of the temple:

Schedule of services on weekdays and Saturdays:

  1. 7:30 - Morning worship;
  2. 16:45 - Vespers, on Saturdays - .

Sunday service schedule:

  1. 6:15 - Early Liturgy;
  2. 9:00 - Late Liturgy;
  3. 16:45 - Polyeleos/Vespers/Matins.

You can find out the detailed schedule of services of the Matrona Church on Taganka and the opening hours of the church shop, as well as about vacancies on the official website. Attendance at religious services is free and open to everyone.

Matrona of Moscow or Saint Matronushka - she is a revered Orthodox saint, in whose name several churches were consecrated in Russia and abroad. She became famous during her life for numerous miracles and healings, which continued after death. Today the saint rests in the Intercession Monastery or the Matrona of Moscow Monastery. Anyone can access it.