A new task in the exam in the Russian language. A new task in the exam in the Russian language Task 21 in the Russian language

(1) The Chegem Gorge is one of the real pearls of Kabardino-Balkaria. (2) It stretches from the northeast to the northwest, piercing the Rocky, Wooded, Lateral and Pasture ridges. (3) In the place where the gorge passes through the Rocky Range, there is a gorge - its narrowest part. (4) The bottom of the gorge in some places narrows to 15–20 m, squeezed on the sides by sheer walls that rise 100–200 m and hang over the path and Chegem rushing nearby. (5) The river has washed away the limestone ridge here, so the walls of the gorge are painted in beautiful shades: from white and cream to orange. (6) Behind the Rocky Range, ancient towers have been preserved, and at the very end of the gorge rises, perhaps, the most picturesque mountain of the Main Caucasian Range - Tikhtengen (4611 m), to the west of which is the Twiber Pass (3780 m). (7) Here the journey of ordinary tourists ends: a powerful glacier blocks the road - moving along it is very dangerous.


(1) Chegem noun gorge - num. one from real noun pearls Kabardino-Balkaria.

(2) It stretches from the northeast to the northwest, piercing the Rocky, Wooded, Lateral and Pasture ridges. - there is no dash in the sentence

(3) In the place where the gorge passes through the Rocky Range, there is a gorge - widespread application. the narrowest part.

(4) The bottom of the gorge in some places narrows to 15–20 m, squeezed on the sides by sheer walls that rise 100–200 m and hang over the path and Chegem rushing nearby. - A dash to indicate the limits of spatial, temporal, quantitative.

(5) The river has washed away the limestone ridge here, so the walls of the gorge are painted in beautiful shades: from white and cream to orange. - there is no dash in the sentence

(6) Behind the Rocky Range, ancient towers have been preserved, and at the very end of the gorge rises, perhaps, the most picturesque mountain of the Main Caucasian Range - tichtengen app(4611 m), to the west of which is the Twiber pass (3780 m).

(7) Here the journey of ordinary tourists ends: a powerful glacier blocks the road - moving along it is very dangerous. - (non-union proposal)

Answer: 36|63

Answer: 36|63

Source: Demo version of the USE-2019 in the Russian language.

Viktor Evgenievich Zaraichenko 28.12.2018 19:22

Dear colleagues! The clarification about sentence #4 says that there is no dash in it. Meanwhile, in the well-known reference book by D.E.Rosenthal, paragraph 82 is called "Connecting dash", and then comes subparagraph 1. Dash to indicate the limits of space, time, quantitative. This is exactly what sentence 4 is about. True, this does not change the correct answer to the assignment question, but it must still be explained correctly. Sincerely, Viktor Evgenievich

Tatiana Statsenko

Thanks for the addition.

Find the sentences where the dash is placed according to the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) On coats of arms different countries plants are often depicted: on the coat of arms of Canada, it has become familiar Maple Leaf, and the national emblem of Mexico depicts a cactus. 2) This is no coincidence, because on the Mexican plateau, rising above sea level up to 2500 meters, there is a real country of cacti. 3) Some cacti are densely covered with yellow and reddish spines - such plants resemble birds and animals. 4) Sometimes you can see a cactus with long hanging hair - it looks like an old man's head. 5) The cactus flower is one of the most beautiful in the world. 6) In the midst of the darkness of the night, a large white-blue star is revealed. 7) The size of a flower with a large plate - up to twenty-five centimeters in diameter.


In sentences 3 and 4, a dash is placed in a non-union complex sentence.

Answer: 34

Find the sentences where the dash is placed according to the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) For any person there is nothing clearer and closer than the word "home". 2) For a child, a home is, first of all, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. 3) For an adult, his family is his home. 4) “Be at home,” we say. 5) And folk wisdom says: "The house of news is not to weave bast shoes." 6) And always, when we say the word “house”, we do not mean the foundation, walls and roof, but everything human that is placed in these walls. 7) The house is a fortress, protection, the abode of the family, and only those who are allowed by its inhabitants have access there.


In sentences 2 and 7, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate, expressed by nouns in the nominative case.

In response, proposal No. 5 can also be made, because. in its composition, the subject and predicate are expressed by the verb in an indefinite form.

Answer: 257

Artem Khruskin 14.11.2018 18:13

Will it be a mistake if I don't write 5 sentences in response, but write 27? The site does not count for the correct answer, requiring the number 5.

Tatiana Statsenko

Yes, it will be a mistake, try again.

Find the sentences where the dash is placed according to the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) From the first months of his stay at the Lyceum, Pushkin begins to write down his impressions and ideas in sonorous Russian poetry. 2) This is how his lyceum lyrics grow - the first experiments of a growing genius, as if spreading his wings for a wide flight. 3) This is how an early section of his work is created - Pushkin's youthful poetry, full of indescribable freshness of feelings, fascination of thought and burning excitement of words. 4) Yellowed pages with Pushkin's adolescent poems have been preserved. 5) Separate sheets, handwritten collections, albums, notebooks - all this brings to us his first creative thoughts. 6) These friendly anthologies, albums and notebooks of the “lyceum troubadours” are a broad picture of the extraordinary growth of the poet. 7) In a few years, he went through all the preparatory phases of poetic development with a giant step and achieved universal recognition.

(according to L. Grossman)


In sentences 2 and 3, a dash separates a common application.

Task 21 USE in the Russian language 2018, theory

Complexity of 21 USE assignments is that one cannot simply learn theory and put it into practice. There is simply no set rule. But you can remember what to pay special attention to.

For example, in the demo version of the Unified State Examination 2018 The task is worded like this:

« Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify answer numbers.

Other formulations of the task are also possible:

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text

Which of the statements does not match the content of the text?

Which of the statements contradict the content of the text?

Which of the statements not contradict the content of the text?

Which sentence expresses the main idea? and etc.

Execution algorithm:

1) Read the assignment carefully.

Decide for yourself how you will mark the option after review. For example, if you are asked to find a sentence that matches the content, put a "+" after each matching sentence. If you need to find a sentence that contradicts the content of the text, put "-" in front of each sentence that does not match the content. This will help you avoid confusion when you write down your answers. If you need to find a sentence that matches the content of the text, it is not necessary to look for the main (main) information, in which case the task is formulated differently. Pay special attention to the particle not or its absence in the wording. It often happens that graduates are looking for exactly the opposite answers.

2) Read the text.

3) Read the text again checking the accuracy of each offer.

Don't rely on luck. The main mistake of all graduates is the unwillingness to double-check every statement. It is better to find a section of text that has a thought related to a sentence than to lose a point.

4) Check for factual errors.

Sometimes minor, "imperceptible" errors are deliberately made in sentences. For example, they incorrectly indicate the name of the hero or initials, time, place of the event. The actions of the heroes, the sequence of their actions, the causal relationship can also be changed. Usually graduates look for obvious errors when they distort content, but do not pay attention to details.

5) Pay attention to the number of answers: they can be from 2 to 5.

Usually there are no more than 3 answers, but you need to be on the lookout.

The twenty-second task opens a group of tasks related to text. It is quite simple: you need to carefully read the text and determine which statements out of the five given correspond to its content. However, you need to take this task seriously so as not to lose one primary point due to inattention.

Theory for assignment No. 22 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

Text - a speech unit characterized by a set of sentences that are interconnected in meaning and grammatically.

Semantic integrity is provided by the theme of the text and its main idea. It is thanks to the unity of these concepts that the author creates a text that is understandable to the reader.

Topictext- what the text says.

The basic idea(idea) text - what the author wanted to say to the reader.

Task execution algorithm

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. We analyze each statement, establish its correspondence to the content of the text, its theme and main idea.
  3. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 22 USE in the Russian language

The twenty-first task of the demo 2018

(1) In the evening they again met at the Starkins. (2) They only talked about the war. (3) Someone spread a rumor that the call for recruits this year will be earlier than usual, by August 18, and that student deferrals will be cancelled. (4) Therefore, Bubenchikov and Kozovalov were oppressed: if this is true, then they will have to serve their military service not in two years, but today.

(5) Young people did not want to fight: Bubenchikov loved his young and, it seemed to him, valuable and wonderful life too much, and Kozovalov did not like anything around him to become too serious.

(6) Kozovalov spoke dejectedly:

- I'm going to Africa. (7) There will be no war.

- (8) And I will go to France, - said Bubenchikov, - and I will transfer to French citizenship.

(9) Lisa flushed annoyedly. (10) Shouted:

- And you are not ashamed! (11) You must protect us, but you yourself think where to hide. (12) And do you think that in France you will not be forced to fight?

(13) Sixteen spares were called up from Orgo. (14) An Estonian caring for Lisa, Paul Sepp, was also called. (15) When Lisa found out about this, she suddenly felt somehow embarrassed, almost ashamed that she was laughing at him. (16) She remembered his clear, childlike eyes. (17) She suddenly clearly imagined a distant battlefield - and he, big, strong, would fall, struck down by an enemy bullet. (18) Careful, compassionate tenderness for this departing one rose in her soul. (19) With fearful surprise, she thought: “He loves me. (20) And me, what am I? (21) Jumped like a monkey and laughed. (22) He will go to fight. (23) Maybe he will die. (24) And when it’s hard for him, whom will he remember, to whom he will whisper: “Goodbye, dear”? (25) He will remember a Russian young lady, someone else's, far away.

(26) Those called were escorted solemnly. (27) The whole village gathered. (28) Speeches were made. (29) A local amateur orchestra played. (30) And almost all summer residents came. (31) Summer residents dressed up.

(32) Paul walked ahead and sang. (33) His eyes shone, his face seemed sunny-bright, - he held his hat in his hand, - and a light breeze fluttered his blond curls. (34) His usual baggy had disappeared and he seemed very handsome. (35) This is how the Vikings and Ushkuyns once went on a campaign. (36) He sang. (37) Estonians enthusiastically repeated the words of a folk song.

(38) We reached the forest behind the village. (39) Summer residents began to return. (40) Those called up began to sit in carriages. (41) Clouds ran up. (42) The sky was gloomy. (43) Gray whirlwinds curled and ran along the road, beckoning and teasing someone.

(44) Lisa stopped Sepp:

- Listen, Paul, come to me for a minute.

(45) Paul went to the side path. (46) He walked next to Lisa. (47) His gait was resolute and firm, and his eyes boldly looked ahead. (48) It seemed that the solemn sounds of martial music beat rhythmically in his soul. (49) Lisa looked at him with loving eyes. (50) He said:

- Don't be afraid, Lisa. (51) While we are alive, we will not let the Germans go far. (52) And whoever enters Russia will not be happy with our reception. (53) The more they enter, the less they will return to Germany.

(54) Suddenly Liza blushed very much and said:

- Paul, these days I fell in love with you. (55) I will follow you. (56) They will take me as a sister of mercy. (57) At the first opportunity, we will get married.

(58) Paul broke out. (59) He leaned over, kissed Lizin's hand and repeated:

- Honey, honey!

(60) And when he again looked into her face, his clear eyes were moist.

(61) Anna Sergeevna walked a few steps behind and grumbled:

- What tenderness! (62) He God knows what he imagines about himself. (63) Can you imagine: kissing the hand, like a knight to his lady!

(64) Bubenchikov mimicked Paul Sepp's walk. (65) Anna Sergeevna found that it was very similar and very funny, and laughed. (66) Kozovalov smiled sardonically.

(67) Lisa turned to her mother and shouted:

- Mom, come here! (68) She and Paul Sepp stopped at the edge of the road. (69) Both had happy, radiant faces.

(70) Together with Anna Sergeevna, Kozovalov and Bubenchikov came up. (71) Kozovalov said in the ear of Anna Sergeevna:

- And our Estonians are very much in the face of militant enthusiasm. (72) Look, what a handsome man, like the knight Parsifal.

(73) Anna Sergeevna grumbled with annoyance:

- Well, he's handsome! (74) Well, Lizonka? she asked her daughter.

(75) Lisa said, smiling happily:

- Here's my fiancé, mommy.

(76) Anna Sergeevna exclaimed in horror:

- Lisa, what are you talking about!

(77) Lisa spoke with pride:

- He is the defender of the Fatherland.

(According to F. Sologub *)

* Fedor Sologub (1863-1927) - Russian poet, writer, playwright, publicist.

  1. Lisa's mother, Anna Sergeevna, who laughed at Paul, was horrified when her daughter called Paul her fiancé.
  2. The last words of Paul Sepp, who died in battle, were addressed to his beloved girlfriend Lisa: "Farewell, dear."
  3. Seeing off sixteen people called up for war, the inhabitants of the Estonian village of Orgo cried and behaved as if at a mourning ceremony.
  4. Bubenchikov and Kozovalov were filled with pride that they would have to stand up for the Motherland, adding to the number of recruits.
  5. Liza was determined to go after Paul, who was going to serve, in order to become a sister of mercy and marry him at the first opportunity.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. The first statement is correct. Throughout the second half of the text, we see Anna Sergeevna's mockery of Paul, and at the end of the text, her horror at Liza's decision. The second statement does not correspond to the content of the text: it does not mention the death of Paul. The third statement is incorrect: the inhabitants of the village, on the contrary, dressed up and sang songs. The fourth statement does not reflect the content of the text: Bubenchikov and Kozovalov were not going to fight at all. The fifth statement is true: Liza wanted to go after Paul and become a sister of mercy, so that she could marry him at the first opportunity.

Answer: 1, 5.

The first version of the assignment

(1) Often we call beautiful what corresponds to the ideals and norms of our time. (2) Each epoch has its own norms and fashions, but at the same time there is an imperishable, enduring beauty, to which humanity will necessarily return. (3) We will never cease to be pleased with the proportions of the Parthenon, the harmony and unity with nature of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. (4) I am upset every time I hear the phrase: "There are no comrades for the taste and color." (5) Just the opposite - you are surprised at how many people evaluate beauty in the same way. (6) And what is remarkable: those who are not included in this majority are usually not unanimous in their opinions. (7) This is the proof of the objectivity of the concept of beauty.

(8) Is it possible to confine ourselves to external perception of beauty? (9) Is it possible to appreciate beauty by measuring the size ratio with a ruler? (10) Behind the purely external beauty of the face, we are looking for spiritual beauty, nobility, tension of thought. (11) We call a beautiful face that does not express anything “puppet”. (12) In both concrete and abstract art, the significance of a work is determined by how far it goes beyond the limits of external influence, how deeply the parts of the whole interact and correlate. (...) (13) This interaction of parts is sometimes pleasing to the eye, as in the "Kiss" by Rodin, the paintings of Raphael or Watteau, but can be tense and tragic, as in the "Slaves" by Michelangelo, El Greco or Goya.

(14) According to Larousse's dictionary, beautiful is something that "pleases the eye or mind." (15) We are talking about the beauty of Mozart's music, Pushkin's poems, but what can be said about the beauty of science, the beauty of mental constructions that cannot be drawn on paper, carved on stone, or put on music?

(16) The beauty of science, like art, is determined by a sense of proportion and interconnectedness of parts that form a whole, and reflects the harmony of the surrounding world. (17) Here is what the great French mathematician Henri Poincaré wrote in his book “Science and Method”: “If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing it, life would not be worth experiencing it. (18) I am talking here, of course, not about the beauty that catches the eye ... (19) I mean that deeper beauty that opens in the harmony of parts, which is comprehended only by the mind. (20) It is she who creates the soil, creates a framework for the play of visible colors that caress our feelings, and without this support, the beauty of fleeting impressions would be imperfect, like everything indistinct and transient. (21) On the contrary, intellectual beauty gives satisfaction in itself.

(Academician A. Migdal "Algebra and Harmony")

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

  1. The proportionality and interconnectedness of the parts that form the whole are not important for the comprehension of beauty.
  2. There are examples of eternal beauty.
  3. The beauty that Poincare speaks about is not only a reflection of the harmony of the material world, it is also the beauty of logical constructions.
  4. Feelings are important, and intellectual awareness of beauty is impossible.
  5. The external beauty of the face is enough to admire it.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. The first option is definitely not correct - in sentence 16 it says that beauty ... is determined by a sense of proportion and interconnectedness of parts that form a whole. The second, on the contrary, corresponds to the text - this can be seen by reading sentences 2, 3. The third is also true: Poincare's quote speaks of intellectual beauty, which consists in the harmony of parts. What corresponds to the content of the text does not necessarily repeat what is said in it word for word. It is clear that the fourth option is not correct - it directly contradicts sentence 21. The fifth option, which contradicts what was said in sentence 11, does not correspond to the text.

Answer: 2, 3.

The second version of the assignment

(1) I said in one place that the museum is like that block of ice, most of which is hidden under water and is only implied. (2) How true this is, I was convinced when I found myself in the various storerooms of the museum.

(3) The rooms where, so to speak, a surplus of icons are stored, that is, icons either restored, but not exhibited in the main exhibition of the museum, or awaiting their restoration - these rooms seem extremely cramped. (4) Firstly, they are really cramped, and secondly, too many icons are placed in them. (5) Icons are stored on shelves, placed edgewise, like books in a library. (6) There are shelves with small, "house" icons. (7) There are rows of "solid" icons. (8) There are icons two meters high. (9) However, the solidity of an icon does not always depend on its size.

(10) Sometimes I randomly took an icon, like a book from a shelf, and saw that the icon was beautiful or that it would be beautiful after a skillful and careful restoration. (11) There are thousands of icons in the storerooms. (12) Beauty, which was thinly distributed throughout the Russian land, is now scraped off with a scraper, like gilding, and collected in handfuls. (13) A handful in the storerooms of the Tretyakov Gallery (about six thousand pieces), a handful here, in the cellars of the Mikhailovsky Palace (four thousand), a handful, for example, in the Yaroslavl Regional Museum, a handful in the Vologda Museum. (14) And then, after large cities, scrapes will go: in Suzdal, somewhere in Totma, in Shenkursk, in Gorodets ... (15) On the ground, from where it was scraped off and scraped off, or even simply washed away, there were heaps of rubble , weeds, sometimes dead, decapitated brick rooms where they keep kerosene, oats, pig feed, freshly skinned sheep and calf skins.

(16)On northern lands, mainly Arkhangelsk and Karelian, among the forests and along the banks of cold rivers, in some places amazing wooden chapels and churches have survived, in which, they say, sometimes they still find sequins that have dried up, darkened from a soot raid. (17) If they are not saved in time, they are doomed, as was the case with Neneksa, the ancient estate of Martha the Posadnitsa (Boretskaya). (18) She, Martha, at one time sent the best craftsmen from Novgorod there. (19) Since then, beauty has lurked in the distant White Sea village, which the Vatican and Ravenna would envy. (20) The first of the museum workers to enter the Neneksa was the ubiquitous white-bearded old man Kalikin. (21) Although he was shocked, he calmly numbered the best icons according to their degree of value, accident rate and priority of evacuation. (22) He put large Roman numerals with chalk: III, V, X, XV ... (23) The old man managed to take one and only icon with him. (24) In order to take out the rest of the icons, it was necessary to send people on a business trip again. (25) We need an airplane, all-terrain vehicles, trucks, and most importantly - money. (26) Where can the State Hermitage or the Russian Museum get money? (27) In the meantime, the church roof was leaking, and the priceless painting was irretrievably washed away by the rains.

(28) The Leningrad artist Yevgeny Maltsev and museum employee Gella Smirnova go on expeditions from the Russian Museum to the North every year. (29) On passing cars, or even on foot, they climb into the wilderness in search of masterpieces of ancient painting. (30) But how many will they take away together? (31) For example, during one expedition they discovered five hundred and twenty-five icons, but managed to save only sixteen.

(32) - What do you need in order to save everything? - I asked them when they started talking.

(33) - Helicopter for one month.

(34) - How? Is this what it's all about?! (35) But is it really in our state ... (36) One helicopter ... (37) For one month ... (38) Wouldn't this money pay off?

(39) Of course, they would not have paid off directly, because the Russian Museum is not going to sell icons. (40) But values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you simply cannot name prices would be saved.

(Vladimir Soloukhin "Letters from the Russian Museum", letter 6)

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

  1. The main problem is that the premises of the museum, where the icons are stored, are too cramped.
  2. The Russian Museum does not have its own helicopter, so it cannot preserve its collection.
  3. The Russian Museum once organized an expedition to the North.
  4. Museums alone, no matter how wonderful they are, are not able to save the cultural heritage of the country: they do not have the opportunity to do so.
  5. The collection of icons of the XII-XX centuries in the Russian Museum has 5,000 works.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. The first option is incorrect: yes, the author says that the rooms intended for storing icons are cramped, but does not call this the main problem. The second option is also incorrect: yes, it can be understood from the text that the Russian Museum does not have a helicopter, but this is not the reason for the impossibility of preserving the collection (which, by the way, is not mentioned at all). The third option is fundamentally wrong, as you can see by reading sentence 28 - expeditions to the North are organized every year. But the fourth option is correct - the author says that in order to save valuables, transport and money are needed, which museums do not have. And, finally, the fifth option is also incorrect: the text does not mention the collection of the Russian Museum.

The third version of the task

(1) "Inhale - exhale, exhale!" (2) I hear the voice of the gymnastics instructor: “To inhale deeply, you need to exhale well. (3) Learn first of all to exhale, to get rid of the "exhaust air". (4) Life is primarily breathing. (5) "Soul", "spirit"! (6) And he died - first of all - "stopped breathing." (7) So they thought from time immemorial. (8) "Get out!" - it means "died". (9) “Stuffy” happens in the house, “stuffy” in moral life. (10) Breathe out all the petty worries, all the fuss of everyday life, get rid of, shake off everything that hinders the movement of thought, that crushes the soul, does not allow a person to accept life, its values, its beauty. (11) A person should always think about the most important thing for himself and for others, throwing off all empty worries.

(12) We must be open to people, tolerant of people, look for the best in them first of all. (13) The ability to seek and find the best, just “good”, that is, “veiled beauty”, enriches a person spiritually. (14) To notice beauty in nature, in a village, city, street, not to mention in a person, through all the barriers of trifles - this means expanding the sphere of life, the sphere of that living space in which a person lives.

(15) I have been looking for this word for a long time - a sphere. (16) At first I said to myself: “We need to expand the boundaries of life,” but life has no boundaries! (17) It's not land plot, enclosed by a fence - borders. (18) Expanding the limits of life is not suitable for expressing my thoughts for the same reason. (19) Expanding the horizons of life is already better, but still something is not right. (20) Maximilian Voloshin has a well-invented word - “okoe”. (21) This is all that the eye can hold, that it can cover. (22) But even here the limitations of our everyday knowledge interfere. (23) Life cannot be reduced to everyday impressions. (24) We must be able to feel and even notice what is beyond our perception, to have, as it were, a “premonition” of something new that is opening up or that can open up to us. (25) The greatest value in the world is life: someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - both in the past, and in the present, and in the future ... (26) And life is infinitely deep. (27) We always meet with something that we did not notice before, which strikes us with its beauty, unexpected wisdom, originality.

(Dmitry Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful", letter 4)

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

  1. Life is first and foremost breathing.
  2. "Stuffy" is the concept of a person's physical life.
  3. The author is glad that he found the word sphere, which does not limit the concept of life, like the words borders, limits, horizons.
  4. To notice beauty through the barriers of trifles is to expand the sphere of life itself.
  5. Maximilian Voloshin is a wonderful poet, who finally settled in Koktebel after the revolution.
Task execution algorithm:
  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. The first option is correct: it exactly repeats what was said in the 4th sentence of the text. But the second one does not correspond to the text: in sentence 9 it is said that it is stuffy in the moral life. The third option is correct: the author says that he searched for the word "sphere" for a long time, sorting through different variants- from this it follows that he is glad that he found best word. The fourth option is again quoted almost verbatim from sentence 14. The fifth option does not correspond to the content of the text - the biographical information of Maximilian Voloshin is not given in it.

Task 21 USE 2018 in Russian. Theory.

Complexity of 21 USE assignmentsis that one cannot simply learn theory and put it into practice. There is simply no set rule. But you can remember what to pay special attention to.

For example, in the demo version of the Unified State Examination 2018 The task is worded like this:

« Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify answer numbers.

Other formulations of the task are also possible:

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text

Which of the statements does not match the content of the text?

Which of the statements contradict the content of the text?

Which of the statements not contradict the content of the text?

Which sentence expresses the main idea? and etc.

Execution algorithm:

1) Read the assignment carefully.

Decide for yourself how you will mark the option after review. For example, if you are asked to find a sentence that matches the content, put a "+" after each matching sentence. If you need to find a sentence that contradicts the content of the text, put "-" in front of each sentence that does not match the content. This will help you avoid confusion when you write down your answers. EIf you need to find a sentence that matches the content of the text, it is not necessary to look for the main (main) information, in which case the task is formulated differently.Pay special attention to the particle not or its absence in the wording. It often happens that graduates are looking for exactly the opposite answers.

2) Read the text.

3) Read the text againchecking the accuracy of each offer.

Continues to acquaint students with changes in the USE 2019 in the Russian language. In this article, we analyze task number 21.

As everyone who got acquainted with the new demo version on the FIPI website has already seen, USE 2019 has undergone some changes. There are even fewer single-choice tests. Pseudo-literary arguments, which were used to patch up holes in the content of the essay according to the text, are now irrelevant. The main thing is that a completely new punctuation task has been added. So, what is task number 21?

From the numbered sentences, you need to choose those in which some kind of punctuation mark (dash in the demo, colon, comma) is set according to the rule common to several sentences.

In the demo, you need to find sentences in which the DASH is put in accordance with the same punctuation rule. In seven sentences of the 21st task of the 2019 demo version, a dash is used four times as a punctuation mark and twice as a value interval sign (15–20 m, 100–200 m). We look at what rules the dashes are placed in the first, third, sixth and seventh sentences. In the first dash - between the subject and the predicate, in the third - before the application, in the sixth dash also before the application, and in the seventh dash it stands between the parts of the non-union complex sentence (BSP). As you can see, the general rule for setting a dash in the third and sixth sentences. Answer: 36.

So far, there seems to be no need for a demarcation within general rules. For example, a dash between parts of the BSP is placed for various reasons, but to complete task No. 21, you just need to attribute the specified punctuation mark to a specific group.

Let's try to identify such groups.

For comma:

1) between homogeneous members;

2) to isolate a member of the proposal;

3) to highlight constructions that are not members of the sentence (address, interjection, introductory words);

4) between parts of a complex sentence.

Perhaps some distinction within the 3rd and 4th groups. For example, by the type of complex sentences: unionless, compound or compound. But, most likely, there will be an example on the exam that does not involve different readings.

For dash:

1) between the subject and the predicate;

2) in an incomplete sentence;

3) before application;

4) to highlight the plug-in structure;

5) before a generalizing word

6) in a non-union complex sentence.

A dash is also placed when transmitting someone else's speech in writing: before the replicas of the dialogue, before the words of the author. Since almost always in such cases we are talking about a combination of characters, it is unlikely that there will be similar examples at the exam.

For colon:

1) after a generalizing word with homogeneous members;

2) in a non-union complex sentence;

Here, in general, are all the main groups of punctuation marks inside sentences. There are also end-of-sentence punctuation marks: dot, ellipsis, question and exclamation marks, but only the use of an exclamation mark or ellipsis forms groups. So it is best to focus on the rules of punctuation within sentences: comma, dash and colon. The semicolon, too, if you remember, is used only in a single case: between parts of the BSP.

In my opinion, the best tool for repeating and summarizing what has been learned in syntax and punctuation is the now rare and out-of-print book by V.N. Gorshkova "Syntax and punctuation. Exercises with a selective answer. A manual for teachers of an evening school". I have one in the 1975 edition. I met incomplete versions in electronic form. Find it - you won't regret it. But there are only tests in the book, there are no rules. In addition, the tests are not in the USE format.

I will give an example of tasks from the book.

150. Indicate where the dash is placed: between the subject and the predicate, in an incomplete sentence to indicate the omission of a sentence member, before a generalizing word or in a non-union complex sentence.
I. The spring sun, the local fields - I would be glad to give you everything. (Fat.)
II. Over Russia - the sky is blue. (Fat.)
III. Dry, strong autumn is the best poetic time of the year. (M.-S.) It is not light in the morning - it is light from the moon. (Slut.)
V. Truly the sweetest burden is solemnly carrying a watermelon home. (Vansh.)
VI. The sun was reddening in the yard in a frosty steam - it was warm in the house. (Boon.)
VII. Fragrant swollen birch buds, powerful smells of roots, the thinnest streams from breaking grass sprouts - all this was amazingly new and delightful. (Triple)
VIII. Frosty air is clean - look through. (Onion.)
IX. The freshest, cleanest, right time to work is morning! (V.Inb.)
X. Frosts - December, snowstorms - February, first drops - pensive March. (Ryl.)

Were you able to divide the sentences into 4 groups? Answers: 1 - III, V, IX, 2 - II, X, 3 - I, VII, 4 - IV, VI, VIII.

The rules themselves are in various reference books, textbooks, manuals on the Russian language. Some of the most authoritative - edited by D.E. Rosenthal. Many of his manuals also include exercises.

So repeat the punctuation, find out the incomprehensible from the experts, practice. You can already find examples of new tasks in free access on the Internet. Collections for preparing for the exam will soon appear in bookstores. Be careful not to trust the free "trials" too much: they have bugs!

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