Nice toilets. Small toilet interior, photo of different design options

Creating a harmonious interior in their apartment, many people think about how the bathroom should be. And the thought that comes to mind first is to tile it, which is a universal solution.

The tile is moisture resistant and easy to clean. A wide range of this type of product is presented on the market today - a variety of colors and textures will make it possible to choose the best at an attractive price.

However, if you are not so conservative, you can find other ways of decorating. We offer to consider various options for finishing the toilet in the apartment in the photo.

Plastic panels, for example, do not absorb moisture, are easy to clean, and do not change their appearance over a long service life. appearance. However, if the area is small enough, this material may not be suitable - during installation, a crate is performed, due to which part of the space will go away.

Inexpensive and in a simple way bathroom design can become wallpaper. It is necessary to choose those species that are resistant to moisture. Usually it is non-woven, vinyl wallpaper.

The best, but also more expensive option is liquid wallpaper. They appeared on the market not so long ago, but are already in great demand among consumers. Such wallpaper is applied to the wall with a special roller. A large selection of shades will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

Furniture and plumbing

If you are thinking about how to design a toilet that has a small area, we recommend stopping at the suspended types of toilet bowl structures. This option will save space so much that you can allocate space in the bathroom for a small sink. And by choosing plumbing fixtures in a tone that is as close as possible to the color of the walls, you will achieve an even better visual effect of expanding the area.

Think in advance how you will hide the layers and pipes. Gypsum boards will help to hide unwanted structures well, their installation is quite simple.

Light shades can visually expand the space, while it is better to choose materials without a pattern. Glass inserts that reflect light can also visually enlarge the room.

Instead of a rug, in this case it is better to equip a "warm floor" that allows you to feel comfortable on any cold days. If you still choose a rug, it is important that it is as monochromatic as possible, without patterns and inscriptions, and its shade is close to the color of the walls or floor.

When repairing a toilet in an apartment, be careful about purchasing accessories so that the room takes on a finished look. The use of chrome fittings (faucets, handles, holders for toilet paper) will visually enlarge the space. Competently combining elements of the interior, even with a small bathroom area, you can create a stylish, comfortable space.

As for furniture, but above all it should be functional and comfortable. With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet, you can afford to fill it useful furniture. If possible, it is better to make furniture to order, according to individual measurements. Furniture should not contrast too much with the color of the walls and conflict with the main style of the room.

Color solutions

Using various shades and simple tricks, you can achieve the visual effect you need by adjusting non-standard rooms. For example, to visually expand the space of a room, tiles can be placed with the long side along the wall when facing. Light cold tones are designed to expand the room visually, dark and very bright colors - to narrow.

If the ceilings are high, a tile border in the middle of the wall will be useful. The lower zone in this case should be somewhat darker than the upper one. If the ceiling is low and the width of the walls is sufficient, vertical inserts of contrasting tiles or tiles with a bright pattern will be optimal.

Diagonal laying of tiles on the floor and walls is a very effective technique that allows you to expand the space. But this method is more expensive, be prepared for a large number of scraps of material.

When choosing a tile, pay attention to its size. Currently, the range of tiles is quite wide and allows you to choose any size and configuration.

However, one must take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - large tiles in a modest bathroom are unlikely to look harmonious, it is better to refrain from such a choice.


The interior of the toilet in the apartment can become both calm and restrained, and very original. With any arrangement quality lighting will help to achieve the desired effect, creating a comfortable space.

In the interior of this room, both large sconces and spotlights mounted in the ceiling or floor look great. Lighting should not be too weak and faded. This is especially true for premises. large sizes Here lighting can make a big difference.

Thinking through the light, consider colors, finishing materials, various elements design - they can be presented in the most advantageous way.

It is better to make the lighting of a small toilet in a small apartment as bright as possible so that the limited size of the room does not make a “pressing” impression. If you have a large space, you can afford a more subdued light.

Toilet design in various sizes

Even a small bathroom, not exceeding an area of ​​​​1.5 square meters. m, you can decorate interestingly by creating a unique design. Of course, when arranging it, you should not overload it with various details and decorative elements - you can create comfort without them.

Ceramic and marble tiles as finishing materials are very widespread. The use of these materials will make it possible to visually increase the area without much effort, varying the color and different ways styling.

It is worth choosing small-sized plumbing, giving preference to products hanging type. If you have 2 sq. m or more, you can also place a small washbasin suspended from the wall, as well as a mirror above it.

Use wallpapers in predominantly light colors, diluting them with bright elements to give more expressiveness to the interior.

In the combined bathroom, in addition to the bath, you can place a shower. Cabinets and shelves will fill empty seats, the built-in model will fit perfectly washing machine. The atmosphere can be supplemented with interesting decor items - vases, plates, candlesticks, artificial flowers and other decorations, including useful accessories.

Photo of the toilet in the apartment

Thinking about the interior design of the toilet in the apartment, I want to bring individuality. Not only the living room or kitchen, but also the bathroom also create an overall picture of the room as a whole. The conditions in the toilet room can be completely different - whether it is a large space in a private house, where there are no boundaries for imagination, or a small toilet per 1 sq. m, and it is necessary to take into account any nuances in the interior to create an atmosphere of comfort.

  • It is necessary to determine the location of the toilet;
  • Choose a design that suits your style or liking;
  • Purchase all the necessary material;
  • Prepare floors and walls (repair, decoration);
  • Provide lighting;
  • Hide pipes to maximize the visual perception of the bathroom, but access to them should be free.

Toilet decoration

When preparatory work completed and you can begin to ennoble the room, first of all, you have to choose a toilet bowl. What design of the toilet in the apartment would not be chosen, modern wall hung toilets fit into any interior. The floors are always available for cleaning, there is no such breeding ground for bacteria as with the standard location of the toilet bowl on the leg, and it also takes up much less space, since the drain barrel is hidden in a niche, only a button for draining above the toilet bowl is displayed.

Material for finishing works should be chosen taking into account its ability to absorb odors. You also need to take into account water resistance, color and material resistance to chemicals. Marble or ceramic tiles are the most popular material for wall decoration in the toilet and the most durable.

Another option for wall decoration - decorative plaster. It looks very nice and modern, its wear is insignificant, respectively, it will last for many years. Plaster has many types, one of the necessary characteristics is its water-repellent ability. Well, it should be noted that professional masters in decorative plaster not easy to find, this method appeared much recently, besides, the process is long and not cheap.

More budget options would be:

    Plastic. Plastic panels are very easy to work with, easy to clean, and they look quite neat in the interior of the bathroom.

    Wallpaper are often used today, the material is easy to install, the variety and water-repellent properties of wallpaper allow them to last longer than paper materials that are familiar to us. Usually, when choosing this type of coating for the interior of the toilet walls, they prefer non-woven or vinyl wallpaper.

    Dye. To create a cozy and Beautiful design You can just use paint. The right choice of a trusted paint manufacturer will also extend the life of the walls.

Color selection

As a simplified version, without resorting to any style, we use neutral color scheme, white or beige colors, pastel colors that can be diluted with decor - a picture or flower pots, which in the end will be classic version design.

It is not recommended to use dark and bright shades, this visually reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If we are talking about the interior of a small room, in addition to using light colors in wall decoration, light will play a big role in visually increasing the square. , regardless of its size, when it comes time to design, plays an important role. It will be the right solution in addition to the main lighting install sconces or spotlights.

Gallery: toilet design (25 photos)

Toilet design 1 sq. m

The most popular, but already not fashionable a way to visually enlarge the room in the toilet room is to divide it into a light half and a dark one. The design of a small room involves dark tiles from the bottom to approximately the level of the head of the person sitting, and light tiles are laid out to the ceiling. Or the option with highlighting the far wall in a brighter shade, and the two side walls in calm, light colors. Such methods both lengthen and make the room wider.

Another stylish option for a small bathroom vertical stripes. Several types of tiles are used, as desired. The only requirement is a combination of colors and patterns with each other. You can lay out floors and stripes with the same palette. Tiles in the toilet - classic and win-win design.

Ideas for the interior design of a small bathroom can be safely used in different directions, modern technologies and materials for turning fantasy into reality are waiting for their buyer, the market is full of means of arranging your comfort.

Bathroom from two square meters

There are much more design options for a modern toilet, with an area of ​​at least two square meters. New design ideas, fashionable inventions can be used without stopping at the main task - to increase the space. Again, this may already be toilet with sink.

Speaking of fashion trends bathroom design, pay attention to the 3D floor. These are self-leveling floors with a three-dimensional image and a coating that looks amazing and stylish if you use a pattern that matches the walls. For example, it can be a sandy beach or pebbles, you can imagine yourself somewhere on the coast of a warm sea (you need to take care of floor heating in advance).

When it comes to saving space, there are plumbing options with corner toilets or sinks. A place for toiletries also needs to be allocated. You can use the option of a shelf above a drain barrel or sink, or a small cabinet with divisions, which, located under the very ceiling, will not be very striking. Mirror installation- another method of expanding space and a necessary part of the interior in the bathroom, and laying out the floor or ceiling with a mirror coating, you can get an amazing result.

Stylish dressing room

Owners who have chosen a certain style throughout their living space can confidently reproduce it in the bathroom as well.

If the toilet room is small (hello "Khrushchev" and panel houses), then this does not mean that it does not require unusual design finds. Quite the contrary - the interior design of a small toilet should be worked out in detail, taking into account the rest of the interior in the house or apartment, and, of course, with the main functional purpose of this room. The right interior of small toilets will visually increase the limited space.

Interior ideas for a separate toilet

In our understanding, the bathroom and toilet are one, even if they are separated by a wall. That is why in the tiny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet, the same Decoration Materials, the same colors, the same shapes, textures and techniques for decorating the water and sewer risers as in the next bathroom. The interiors of the toilet and bathroom are twins, the separation of which can spoil the overall impression of the whole house.

Separate bath and toilet - a photo example of rooms made in the same style:

To create a harmonious interior of the toilet room, you must:

  • replace old communications with new PVC pipes;
  • hide sewer risers under finishing materials and water pipes(for this you should use simple designs from drywall, which can be easily disassembled in case of an emergency);
  • install new plumbing (if the toilet is suspended, then it can be fixed immediately - before the walls are finished, the floor model is already installed on the new floor);
  • lay down flooring, tiles and then sheathe the walls and ceiling;
  • mount lamps of small sizes (any overall chandelier will instantly reduce an already small room).

Small toilet - how to visually enlarge the space?

Having decided on the general concept of the toilet (and it should be combined with the style of the house and the bathroom in particular), you can begin to repair.

Read on to learn how to create the illusion of free space, with the immediate proximity of floors, walls, ceilings and doors.

I would like to talk about deep black, saturated blue, but, in our case, we will talk, of course, about light shades - about warm and cold pastels.

Delicate, as if washed out by water, pastel shades are especially good in the interiors of small toilet rooms.

Ultramarine, mint, lilac, turquoise and delicate rose will visually fill the interior of the toilet with coolness and emphasize the textural feature of each accessory in the room.

You can revive a pastel interior with color accents, for example, a bright graphic panel or an intricately shaped lamp on one of the walls.

Another well-known technique is soft contrast.

The only wish is that the interior of the toilet in pastel colors does not give off a cheap “scoop”, do not lay square tiles in the toilet, but simply paint the walls in these colors. It will be elegant and fresh, we promise!

If you want to make the interior of a flat and lifeless toilet brighter and more interesting, then in no case use tiles of the same color in the decoration of the toilet.

Remember, the smaller the space, the more bold the color combination should be.

Creation of accent areas. Tile pastel-colored tiles on almost the entire surface of the toilet room, and finish the wall behind the toilet with a different, brighter color.

or like this...

As for the new trends in the design of the toilet, today it is more than relevant to design these rooms in a somewhat pretentious style, something like rococo, baroque or renaissance.

For those who are frightened by the prospect of sitting in a bathroom with gold trim, we offer a photo of a toilet decorated in an eco-style - both original and modern.

Interested in the color of the toilet according to Feng Shui? Then for walls, plumbing and accessories, it is better to use soft, blue, white and green shades that blend perfectly with the elements of water.

One of the most risky and complex design options for a small bathroom is a black and white toilet interior.

There can be no mistakes here, since the line between despondency and luxury, melancholy and solemnity, is too thin.

Of course, the amount of white in a small bathroom should exceed the amount of black. In this case, the option in which the lower parts of the wall are tiled with black tiles will look great, and the ceiling, floor and upper parts of the wall will remain light.

If you decide to paint the walls with plain washable paint, do not be lazy and decorate one of them with wall decorations: unusual drawings, photographs, simple paintings or stickers.

Or so...

What materials to use in the design of a tiny toilet?

As for classic materials - ceramic tiles, plastic panels and multi-colored mosaics, then so much has already been said and written about them ...

Yes, they are easy to clean, tolerate chlorine-containing cleaning products and do not absorb unpleasant odors.

Unlike wallpaper, which is too sensitive to moisture, tiles and panels are practically not soiled and always look clean.

But really, in our high-tech age, haven't there been any interesting novelties in the interior design of the toilet and bathroom? Toilets are not decorated with a single tile!

Appeared, and not one, not two, but hundreds of new ideas, but ceramic tiles (oh, you can’t hide from it anywhere, even in the toilet!), As they say, “rules”.

What is there to argue, the competent design of tiles in the toilet is a win-win option, with which you can not only maintain perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, but also almost double its area.

Don't believe? Then try using a technique in the toilet room that is often used by experienced designers - tile the toilet with non-contrasting imitation texture material: cloth, sand, natural stone, etc. or use 3D panels.

What should be the shape and size of ceramic (tile) tiles in a small toilet?

For tiny toilets, it is preferable to use small rectangular tiles. well balanced, good option- a combination of walls covered with small square tiles and a mosaic floor.

But tiles of a complex polygonal shape should not be used - such a design will visually reduce and crush an already modest area.

How to lay tiles in the interior of a small toilet?

A method that definitely does not hide the volume of the room is butt-to-butt.

Lighting in the toilet

You can turn a cramped typical toilet into a stylish and comfortable room by properly organizing the lighting. The light in a small toilet should not hit the eyes and be too bright, it is much better if the backlight is diffused and soft. An interesting effect is given by waterproof spotlights and halogen lamps.

Which toilet is better to choose for a small toilet room?

According to the installation method, toilets are:

  • hanging (save space in a small bathroom and facilitate cleaning);

  • floor (traditional version);

  • built-in (differ in elegance and significantly save space);

  • with a closed eco-system (a sink is installed on top of the toilet bowl, the water from which is cleaned and enters the drain tank).

Optimize small space in the toilet room, you can put a small cabinet with high legs behind the toilet. This solution will allow you to store things of an intimate nature in the toilet that you would like to keep here.

A cistern with a sink is the perfect solution

A small toilet that has been refurbished irresponsibly looks, as a rule, depressing.

Show some imagination! Just do not overdo it, as in the photo below)

The interior of a small toilet - photo design ideas

It would seem, what could be more boring than a toilet. The room is small, you can’t pick up a special decor for it. However, modern designers fundamentally disagree with such statements. This material contains 15 design options for the toilet room, which simply cannot but be liked.

1. Decorative plates

Agree, plates are the last thing you expect to see in the interior of the toilet. However, it is on such unexpected details that unique spaces are built. A vivid example of this is this bathroom in soothing colors with many decorative plates hung over the toilet.

2. Mosaic

The highlight of this snow-white toilet was a mosaic of small bright tiles decorating part of the wall behind the toilet. It is worth noting that every owner of a one-color bathroom will be able to implement such a project in order to transform it literally over the weekend.

3. Map of the world

If you have traveled half the world or just dreaming about it, this design is for you! And all because the walls of this toilet are pasted over with photo wallpapers depicting a map of the world. Who knows, perhaps it is in this “corner of thought” that you will come to realize where you really want to be.

4. Patchwork

Has it ever happened in your life that when you finish decorating a room, you realize that you are just a little short of material, and the store no longer has the shade you need? Surely, something similar happened to the one who invented the patchwork direction. Perhaps this prompted the idea to use materials of different colors and shapes. Looking at the tiles that adorn the walls of this bathroom, we can see that despite different colours and prints, the interior looks bright, dynamic and quite harmonious.

5. Newspapers

There is always something to read in this toilet, because its walls are decorated with photo wallpapers with real newspaper spreads. Another unusual feature of this space is a crude wooden box filled with toilet paper rolls. According to the site, this is the case when a practical detail has become an interior decoration.

6. Alternative materials

Who said toilet walls have to be lined ceramic tiles. Before readers, the site is an excellent example of the use of decorative gypsum bricks for decorating the walls of a bathroom. The design in this style looks concise, stylish and a little brutal.

7. Garden of Eden

Looking at the interior of this bathroom, the language does not dare to call it a toilet or a toilet, as the room looks more like a Garden of Eden. The main mood of this space is set by the decoration: photo wallpapers depicting a magical landscape, which smoothly pass from the walls to the ceiling, and marble tiles on the floor. The finishing touches are golden fittings, a mirror in an elegant frame and a modern toilet bowl.

Interesting fact: sanitary fixture, which we call the toilet, has a rich and sufficient interesting story, during which its appearance changed dramatically. For the first time, something similar to a toilet bowl appeared in China in the 1st century BC. In 1596, Sir John Harington invented the toilet for the Queen of England. cistern, calling it "Ajax". The most active toilet metamorphosis began in 1777 and continues to this day.

8. Perspective

Those who feel uncomfortable in small enclosed spaces should take a closer look at the photo wallpapers with a perspective. With their help, you can "erase" the walls and create the illusion of infinite space.

9. Pictures

We are all used to seeing pictures in living rooms and hallways, but seeing pictures in a toilet is a rarity. But you should not drive yourself into a strict framework of conventions, and if you like the idea, feel free to decorate the walls of your bathroom with paintings and posters in a laconic framework. This decor will bring a little dynamism to the interior of a small space.

10. Moldings

A tiny but very bright space, which was created with the help of decorative moldings painted in acid shades. The interior of this bathroom is a clear example of how to transform a boring small room for a penny and without energy costs.

11. Eco design

A fantastic restroom, the walls of which are decorated with evergreen phytopanels with flowers, will definitely appeal to all nature lovers, as well as those who dream of their own home, but are forced to live in a high-rise building.

12. Modern style

Most of the bathrooms in our country have the same type and rather boring design. Moreover, making a small space interesting is not difficult. It is enough to create a contrasting accent wall, pick up an interesting conceptual idea for the floor or ceiling, add light and enjoy the result.

13. Pixels

Using contrasting tiles of the same shape is perhaps the easiest way to create original design without much difficulty. Just look at how beautiful the uneven transition of a dark hexagonal tile into a light one looks!

14. Classic style

Classic style in the interior, where you do not expect to see it. Agree, you rarely see a toilet stylized as a living room. Nevertheless, such a design has a place to be.

15. Painting

People who are not devoid of talent can independently make their bathroom unique. Arm yourself with paints, brushes, let your imagination run wild and draw inspiring stories on the walls.

Video bonus:

The bathroom can also be transformed beyond recognition. These

Achieving a cozy atmosphere in small spaces is not easy! A separate bathroom is two rooms in which the lack of space is a big problem. In order to somehow improve the situation, they are often combined. GD-Home has prepared 25 ready-made projects, where the design is stylish and practical. At the same time, the lack of space does not seem to be such a problem! Look!

Who should not combine a toilet and a bathroom?

According to designer Natalya Preobrazhenskaya, not everyone should combine a bathroom. For a large family, a common space can only create difficulties. Someone needs to go to the restroom, someone takes a shower, and if the family also has an animal accustomed to the tray, which is most often placed near the toilet, additional difficulties will arise. However, this is not always the case. A family of three or four may have different work/study schedules to avoid the queue.

Is it profitable to combine a bathroom from a financial point of view?

Dismantling the partition in is not a cheap matter. Registration, dismantling, removal of construction debris cost a lot. But on the other hand, you can decently save on finishing the demolished wall. Subtract the cost of tiles to finish this wall on the side of the toilet and bathroom, the cost of the front door and its installation. In conditions budget repair It is necessary to calculate all the options and choose the most optimal one.

How can you increase the size of the bathroom?

This can be done using the hallway or corridor. Due to one or two additional square meters, the design of the bathroom can be significantly improved. At the same time, the entrance to the kitchen can be moved to the living room. Such an alteration can be implemented in houses such as P-44, P-44T, where the corridor leading from the hallway to the kitchen can be combined with a bathroom.

    It will seem more spacious if you use transparent or frosted glass instead of a shower curtain, which will not divide the space.

    Save space with a corner shower. From the inside, it seems more spacious than a square one, and takes up less space.

    Use large mirror, due to which a compact bathroom will seem much larger than its size.

    The drain system for the toilet bowl or water supply to the shower can be hidden in the ventilation duct. The design of a small bathroom will only benefit from this.

    In some houses, a compact shower cabin fits perfectly in the opening between the ventilation duct and the wall.

    The design of the bathroom will look more interesting if one of the walls is accentuated. This can be done with patterned tiles, solid colored tiles or mosaics. In this way, a wall is often isolated behind a shower or bath, sometimes behind a toilet or sink.

    Decorate the interior of the bathroom can be more budget. For example, focus on a colorful door.

    Use glossy cabinet surfaces that reflect light.

    A beautiful chandelier, posters or paintings, green plants, a rug on the floor can become a decoration of a modest bathroom design. When these details are matched to a single style and color, the interior seems more complete.

And some more photos of the design of a small bathroom!