Whiskey chilling stones - regular ice is no longer in vogue. Whiskey Stones: good marketing or something more? How whiskey stones work

Our compatriots do not drink whiskey as often as other nations, but it happens that they also taste an overseas drink. Each drink is consumed according to certain rules. If the culture of consumption of martini, tequila, rum has already been mastered, then whiskey is still at the stage of development. There is a reason for this - the competition of their usual, native vodka.

And yet, whiskey is increasingly becoming a guest on the table, and until now it was drunk with ice or cold water. Real connoisseurs drank clean, believing that ice, like water, dilutes whiskey and destroys subtle notes of toffee and roasted grains in it, drowning out the unusual aroma of baked apples. But whiskey should be drunk chilled to 20 degrees, and in summer there is not always such an opportunity. How to be?

Steatite (talcochlorite) and its application

The problem was solved with the help of (Whiskey Stones) from soapstone. Steatite is an untreated talc ore, a dense, soft, natural mineral that is highly resistant to heat. It can be used for both keeping warm and keeping cold. If you put a stone in boiling water for 5 minutes, it will cool for an hour.

If you put it in cold water or keep it in the refrigerator, it will cool down just as long, maintaining the whiskey in the glass at the right temperature. Now on sale are sets of whiskey stones - an elegant cotton bag with 9 cubes measuring 20x20 mm. Magical and healing properties are attributed to steatite, amulets and amulets are made from it. It has long been used as a building material, and sculptors love to make figurines out of it.

How to use whiskey stones correctly

  • Place Whiskey Stones in the freezer for 4 hours. During this time, they do not become as cold as ice, but maintain the desired temperature in the glass for a long time.
  • It is better to pour the drink into a glass with a wide thick bottom, this is the best option for dishes.
  • Put 3 pebbles in a glass, and pour enough whiskey so that it covers the stones a little. Nine pebbles are enough for a company of three people.
  • After use, wash the stones, let them dry and put them in a bag, or put them in the freezer so that they are always at hand.
  • Stones must be handled with care, falling on a hard surface, they can break, because some varieties of steatite are very fragile.

Stones from the freezer can be used not only for whiskey, but also for wine and soft drinks. For coffee and tea, they need to be put from the bag immediately into boiling water, and the temperature of the hot drink will remain until the last sip drunk. An exceptionally original and useful gift even if a person does not drink whiskey.

Every real connoisseur of alcohol knows all the rules of etiquette for its use and, of course, the right temperature of alcohol to reveal the full bouquet of aroma and taste.

Lovers, in order to cool the intoxicant, often make the mistake of adding ice to it. That is why we will tell you about the correct method of cooling, we will figure out what whiskey stones are, what they are for and how to use them correctly.

Whiskey Stones are an alternative to ice cubes that are added to alcohol to cool it down. Due to the fact that it must maintain a temperature of 18-20 GRC, and diluting it with ice that melts is considered a sign of bad taste, polished pebbles were invented that kept cold for a long time and did not spoil the taste of alcohol.

Oddly enough, although the etiquette for proper drinking of this alcohol has been established for a very long time, such stones for cooling whiskey appeared relatively recently, in 2007 in the USA. It was invented by a certain Andrew Hellman (apparently, a real connoisseur of alcohol).

Such an unusual accessory very quickly became famous all over the world and is now a necessary attribute when tasting the elite varieties of this alcohol.

What are they made from?

Traditionally, pebbles were made exclusively from steatite. Such a material was chosen due to the fact that its surface does not undergo oxidation, and only very strong alkalis, which do not exist in alcoholic beverages, can affect it.

Thus, the pebbles do not affect the taste and aroma of alcohol in any way. You can use them an unlimited number of times, all you need to do is just rinse them in warm water before putting them in the freezer.

Now this accessory is often made of shungite, steel or green jade.

What do they look like?

As already mentioned, cooling stones are a kind of accessory, which is why now they can have a wide variety of shapes and even engravings. Most often, the pebbles are cubic in shape and can vary in color from dark gray to white (if they are made of soapstone).

They are also very well polished, and therefore there is no risk of scratching a good glass with them. Such cooling cubes are often engraved (it is very popular to make them in the form of dice). They can also have a cylindrical shape.

Jade pebbles can also become an unusual and very beautiful accessory for serving. It has a deep green color, which is different from other species. However, they have a price corresponding to their appearance.

Another popular material is stainless steel. They are also cubes, but there is also a more interesting modification in the form of special bullets.


Steatite is mined in the USA, which is why real pebbles for cooling are made there (in this country, such an accessory is almost always used when serving). Each of them is manually polished and therefore may have small irregularities or tiny differences in size.

Very often, ordinary granite is fitted under the appearance of steatite, which can harm the body. An accessory made of such material often has smooth edges and ideally the same size of stones.

How to use stones correctly?

The procedure for cooling alcohol in this way is extremely simple.

  1. After unpacking the purchased stones (if they are original, they should be sold in a case or hard packaging where a special bag for storing stones is placed), they should be thoroughly washed under warm running water.
  2. Wipe them off any drops of water and put them back in the bag.
  3. Place the bag in the freezer 2-4 hours before use.
  4. After the specified time, take out the bag and boldly put them in a glass of alcohol.
  5. After use, rinse them again under warm water, wipe dry and put in a bag.

After use, it does not make much difference where you store the bag with the accessory. If it does not bother you in the freezer, you can leave them there until the next use, or just put the bag in the closet.

The opposite way to use

Oddly enough, chilling stones can be used for more than just cooling. And not just for whisky.

First of all, although initially this item was invented exclusively for cooling everyone, it is easy to conclude that pebbles can cool absolutely any drink, regardless of whether it is alcoholic or not.

Secondly, in addition to the fact that they are able to store cold for a long time, they also perfectly retain heat. Thus, you can warm them up in the microwave and then add them to your coffee, tea or any other hot drink. The main thing is that their temperature should not be lower than the temperature of the drink, in this case you will not get any effect.

How many stones will be needed?

If you are used to drinking alcohol in a narrow family circle, one package will be enough for you. The standard soapstone set includes 9 pebbles (there are also 12, but mostly stainless steel sets). This is quite enough to cool 4 glasses of alcohol at once (2-4 things are added to a portion of 50-70 grams.

How long does the cold last?

Since the cooling of soapstone or other material must last at least two hours, the stones will keep their cold for about the same time. This is the main advantage of such an accessory over ice, which melts very quickly, not only not keeping the cold, but also diluting the alcohol.

If you are a true connoisseur of good alcohol, and consider its dilution bad manners, such an interesting accessory is exactly what you need. Be sure to share your experience with them in the comments.

There are more and more fans of whiskey among our fellow citizens. They believe that this drink, which is similar in strength to vodka, has a much richer taste and aroma - even when compared with the variants of the original drink, where honey, pepper, birch buds or something else is added. At the same time, supporters of Irish-Scottish alcohol claim that it is drunk softer, there is no hangover from it, and in general, drinking whiskey is more of a ritual and an occasion to talk than the desire to “throw on”.

The most common mistakes in acceptance

As soon as they got access to a drink previously known only from films, people made mistakes in its use. And they drank in one gulp, like bad moonshine, and ate processed cheese, and poured it into piles, and even glasses. The most common "abuses" of whiskey were diluting it with water, chilling it in the freezer, and mixing it with Coca-Cola.

At the same time, the drink - of course, of high quality - is among the noble on a par with cognac (again, real) or expensive regular wines. Therefore, to get full pleasure from it, you need to drink it as it should be.

Culture of consumption

Now whiskey lovers have already acquired thick-bottomed glasses that do not expand upwards and do not seek to lower its temperature below room temperature. Real connoisseurs now consider it below personal dignity to have a bite of their favorite drink or build suspicious “cocktails” from it. Some even understand the differences in the traditional drinking of whiskey of different origins: single malt Scotch - with a few drops of water; blended - with ice, water, and even with cola; Irish - with coffee or again with ice cubes; Jack Daniels - washed down with apple juice or adding a little lemon juice to the drink ...

The universal tradition of drinking whiskey, cooling it with ice cubes, is spreading more and more. And in general, this is correct, but ...

Disadvantages of Ice Cooling

Of course, frozen water cubes will lower the temperature of the whiskey very quickly. But, unfortunately, not for long. In a drink, the ice melts quickly, and after five minutes the cubes dissolve, and after ten minutes your glass is as warm as it was before.

Let's also not forget that ice is water. And as soon as it melted, it diluted your drink exactly to its volume. So its strength is no longer the same, and the taste has changed, and the aroma, for which whiskey is especially loved, has significantly weakened.

In addition, this drink should be drunk at a temperature of 16 to 18 Celsius, and its sharp changes are highly undesirable. Cooling should be gradual and unhurried. Ice cools whiskey very quickly, and then it heats up just as quickly. So catch the moment when the taste and smell will be exactly the same!

At the same time, true connoisseurs of this alcohol know for sure that it is impossible to dilute it with water categorically. The only exception is undiluted whiskey made in Scotland, which is drunk according to a completely special pattern: glasses need a certain shape, whiskey is poured into them a little, the glass is turned (at this moment it is supposed to enjoy the smell), and only after that a few drops of water are dripped into the glass for full disclosure taste. But a few drops, not 50 grams! Yes, and the current whiskey of this type is already sold in bottles with the right amount of water.

Dilution with water is also justified. It seems to be whiskey, but half corn. Its taste, to put it mildly, is not for gourmets, so it requires disguise. For her, both cola and juices are used - what’s the usual ice! However, a quality Irish or Scottish product does not need extra water.

Gift for whiskey lovers

To overcome the disadvantages of ice cooling, a Hellman named Andrew helped. He found a unique solution - stones in English). They are made from a special rock called steatite. For the townsfolk, the name does not mean anything, but stone cutters know that dishes have been made from steatite since ancient times. Whiskey stones made from it are very durable. Probably, over the years they will still collapse, but the set will definitely be enough for your lifetime. Steatite does not react with whiskey, so it will not affect the taste or aroma in any way. And, since it naturally does not melt in a liquid, it does not lower the degree of your favorite drink. Those who have not yet encountered whiskey stones may be afraid that they will damage the glass of their favorite glass, because they have sharp edges. However, such fears are groundless: not only durable, but also soft, so that scratches do not threaten the dishes.

Where and how do treasured stones

It is noteworthy that steatite can be mined only in two places - in Vermont, in the homeland of the man who invented the elite whiskey stones, and in Scandinavia. The second name of the miracle material is “soapstone”, although nothing can be washed with it. Most likely, this name was trying to describe its smooth and soft features.

Stones are trimmed and polished only by hand, and to obtain a high-quality result, experienced specialists who undergo special training are needed. That is why you can’t buy whiskey stones cheaply in an ordinary store - the reviews of those who “pierced” like that are very sad. What the people expected from their purchase, no one received. And often even elite alcohol was ruined.

Terms of use

Whiskey chilling stones are extremely simple to use. Having bought (or received as a gift) this miracle, you need to carefully wash it in warm water - it travels from afar and is probably dusty. It is not necessary to wipe the pebbles, they will dry themselves, and there may be villi left on the sides from a towel or napkin.

When the planned use of whiskey approaches, the pebbles are placed in the freezer for at least two hours. Further - as with ice: we lower cooling stones for whiskey into a glass (three or four pieces, depending on the portion), wait a bit and enjoy the process.

When a pleasant evening is over, the cubes are rinsed with water, this time cold, and put into a packing bag so as not to get dirty.

So it's very convenient - whiskey stones. Reviews, however, are somewhat capricious: they say that ice cools faster. True, but it also holds the desired temperature much less!

Useful for coffee lovers

In principle, the action of the pebbles is similar to the work of a thermos - both, as it were, “preserve” the desired temperature. So, whiskey stones are quite suitable for maintaining “hotness” - the reviews are the most positive. Just so that your coffee does not get cold while you are banging on the keyboard or thinking about a work problem, the cubes should not be put in the freezer, but in the microwave. To prevent the drink from cooling down, it is enough to hold the stones in this unit for only half a minute.

Keeping in mind that whiskey stones are chemically inert, it is easy to conclude that they will not absorb the smell of coffee, and therefore will not spoil the taste of alcohol at the next party. And rinsing will remove the smallest droplets of tea or coffee that may have remained on the cubes.

Choose right

Like anything that exploded in popularity, whiskey chilling stones were quickly copied and counterfeited. The most common imitations are, of course, Chinese. Since there is no proper material in this country, it produces granite stones for whiskey. Reviews about them are extremely negative, since granite is a porous stone, it adsorbs all odors and accumulates any bacteria. No one checks Chinese fakes, so even the quality of granite is not controlled, and where it came from is impossible to say. Which, of course, threatens with serious health disorders.

A real, correct set of whiskey stones consists of nine cubes and the obligatory packing bag. The shape is exclusively cubic. You see the polyhedron is a fake; parallelepiped - it is. And the edges of these cubes should not exceed two centimeters. You don't put bricks in whiskey!

The lowest price is 600 rubles (this is not a gift set). See for 300 - go to the quarry and collect granite fragments for free. And keep in mind: you can order the coveted stones so far only via the Internet. The bag lying on the counter immediately begins to raise doubts and suspicions. At a minimum, someone has already used it, that is, you will buy second-hand. And even if they do not retain traces of use, not everyone likes second-hand, even if it is “good condition”.

Diversity of opinion

Those who have already tried whiskey stones leave a variety of reviews. Most agree that know-how is worthy of respect and attention and is worth the money that is asked for it. Of particular delight is the time that keeps cooling. Still, half an hour is enough to enjoy a drink and participate in a conversation, slowly catching the desired temperature.

However, there are supporters of the old method of cooling. They say: “Why whiskey stones? It's just fashion and show off." To be honest, among people with this opinion there are a lot of those who prefer to dilute whiskey with water or, nostalgically, with Coca-Cola. However, it is a personal matter for everyone how to use the drink they like.

Although in relation to fashion and "dressing" there is still some truth. This is not to say that whiskey stones are a matter of prime necessity. Of course, this is an accessory, and a very expensive one. Of course, it is not needed every day. Among all sorts of pleasant “nonsense”, whiskey stones can be called the elite. So after all, the drink itself is noble, and drinking from it has become almost indecent. So why not add elite accompaniment to an elite drink?

Whiskey Stones have been very popular among the inhabitants of the United States for quite a long time, and now their fame has reached Russia. It is believed that whiskey stones are a must-have for every lover of this drink. In addition, this is a wonderful gift for a husband, colleague, boss. Whiskey Stones are suitable for any type of whiskey and retain the full range of taste, because ice cubes dilute the drink, changing its taste.

Along with stones, it is recommended to use special transparent glasses with a thick bottom, since whiskey is usually not poured into glasses. The glass of whiskey must be a quarter full and the drink must be chilled. The optimal temperature for whiskey is considered to be 18-20 degrees - only in this way can the drink fully reveal all the richness of its taste. Since the air temperature in the apartment usually ranges from 22 to 26 degrees, whiskey needs to be cooled slightly just before drinking. It is important to remember that really little cooling is required, because if the drink is supercooled, natural oils will thicken and the taste will “close” for you and the whole point of buying a good whiskey will be lost. That is why it is so important to reach a certain temperature.

Whiskey absolutely cannot be stored in refrigerators, and good varieties of the drink are not recommended to be cooled with ice cubes - ice will cool the whiskey excessively, which will lead to the destruction of taste.

There are two ways to drink whiskey: pure and diluted. Whiskey is usually diluted only if it is a cask strength, that is, it can be concluded that drinks sold in bottles and having a strength of about 40% have already been diluted by the manufacturer in advance and additional dilution is not required from you. Moreover, whiskey is diluted mainly with the same water that was used in its production.

Such a popular and common way of cooling whiskey with ice is actually not so good. Ice spoils the taste of the drink due to both excessive cooling and dilution with melt water. In order to avoid these mistakes, whiskey stones were invented.

From what and how?

Whiskey stones are made from a material called steatite - this is the so-called soapstone. Why exactly steatite? Because it is an environmentally friendly and natural material. It has been used for many centuries by different peoples, for example, in the manufacture of dishes. Steatite is a non-porous stone that does not absorb odors and tastes. Moreover, it is quite soft in order to give in to processing and at the same time not scratch the glass. Since steatite is chemically neutral, it does not react with drinks, water, detergents, etc. Soapstone has long been endowed with special healing properties.

Stone cubes are cut by experienced craftsmen by hand, polished, which gives them a smooth and regular shape. Due to the fact that the carving of the stones is handmade, their sizes may not be exactly the same in the set, in addition, there may be small chipping on the surface of the stone. Neither one nor the other affects the quality and properties of steatite. Due to the fact that the stones have a cubic shape, it is easy to control the degree of cooling of the drink: just dip a couple of cubes into the glass, depending on what temperature of whiskey you need. The sets usually offer 9 stones, which makes it possible to enjoy your favorite drink in the company of friends.

Subtleties of use

It is important to know that before the first use, whiskey stones must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water with a sponge. This is done in order to clean them from dust. In the event that you want to chill the drink, then place the stones in the freezer for 2-3 hours beforehand, and then put the chilled stones in a whiskey glass. If you want the drink to remain hot for a long time, for example, coffee, then heat the stones in the microwave for 30 seconds and place in the drink. Do not forget that after heating the stones should not be touched with bare hands, because they are very hot. After use, the stones should be rinsed well in water.

As for the question of the number of stones to be submerged, it all depends on the volume of the drink. When you need to cool one serving of whiskey (50-70 ml), three stones are placed. For more volume, use more stones.

Some people wonder why other types of stone, such as granite, cannot be used instead of soapstone (granite whiskey stones are often sold as an alternative to soapstone and are much cheaper). It's very simple: granite has very serious drawbacks. Since this is a stone of igneous origin and contains potassium, it is radioactive - it is unlikely that this will be useful for the human body. Granite is a porous stone, which means it absorbs all tastes and smells. That is why it is better to purchase real soapstone whiskey stones that are safe and tested.

Whiskey stones are usually sold as an original set and placed in a special canvas bag.

What are whiskey stones made of?

From steatite. This is an environmentally friendly stone that was previously used for making dishes. It has an amazing structure: quite soft and at the same time surprisingly durable. This material does not break down over time, the period of its use is unlimited.

Will whiskey stones change the taste or smell of the drink?

No, soapstone does not have its own smell and taste and does not have a porous structure that could absorb part of the bouquet. In addition, whiskey stones do not chemically react with the drink. They only cool it in your glass, allowing you to enjoy the taste and aroma.

Will the stones scratch the glasses?

No, the stones do not scratch the glass, as they are polished.

Why not ice?

Ice cools the drink too much, and then melts and dilutes it, changing the strength and taste of whiskey.

Is it bad to dilute whiskey?

Drinks that go on sale are already diluted with distilled water to the optimum strength - 40 degrees. By diluting whiskey more, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy its bouquet and rich taste.

How long will my whiskey stay cold with soapstone stones?

Steatite heats up and cools very slowly. Whiskey stones will allow your drink to stay at the optimum whiskey drinking temperature of 18-20 degrees longer. Ice will not be able to provide you with this at all - the temperature will either be too low, or it will simply melt. To prepare whiskey stones for use, keep them in the freezer for at least two hours. Your drink will stay cold enough for a long time and you can enjoy it without any rush.

How to use whiskey stones? Just hold it in the freezer and then lower it into a glass?

Before cooling and after use, the stones should be washed with warm water. They should chill in the freezer for about two hours. For a standard portion of the drink (50-70 grams), you will need two to four stones.

How many stones are in a standard package?

Nine. Enough to enjoy the "right" whiskey in a small pleasant company.

Where are whiskey stones made?

We consider the best stones from steatite, which is mined in the USA. Masters carve whiskey stones by hand, so even those that are collected in one set (of nine stones) may vary slightly in size and even have slight crevices on the surface. This is not only normal, but also a sign of real whiskey stones. Erzats made of granite and "disguised" as steatite, which are produced automatically, have the same dimensions and a flat surface. Besides, have you ever heard of Chinese, Russian or Scandinavian whisky? It's the same with whiskey stones, they have to be American.