Tell fortunes for next month. Fortune telling for the month

Anyone who has once experienced the magical power of the Tarot will maintain a relationship with them constantly. Anyone who needed psychological support, and received it through the layout of mysterious images and symbols, will not need to explain the power of the cards and their influence on a person’s destiny. Usually, a person turns to cards in a moment of despair, or on the eve of some event. A person’s desire to know what will happen in the future is associated not only with curiosity, but also with the desire to be confident in the future. - the most common type of fortune telling. Layouts can be very diverse. Starting with fortune telling for one day, week, month and so on. By drawing one card, you can find out the general characteristics of the day. By pulling out several, you can find out the schedule of events at different times of the day. Fortune telling is done with more complex Tarot layouts, to the study of which tarot readers devote many years of their lives.

How to make a Tarot layout “Month”?

The desire to do a Tarot reading indicates your willingness to accept the events that are about to happen. You will be able to minimize the negative impact of the event on your life because you will be prepared for it. If the upcoming events please you with variety and bright colors, then the Tarot cards will rejoice with you and show you what to do in the future in order to preserve the favor of fortune. In general, it is advisable to produce on days that correspond to your biological rhythm and are favorable for them. This way you can achieve a more accurate interpretation of the cards. Future readings consider not only your thoughts and feelings, but also your fears. What are you afraid of and what are you trying to escape from? The cards look at our desires and dreams that have not come true. Perhaps they will show you options for the paths you should have taken to achieve your goal, or they will tell you what exactly prevented you from following the beaten path. What made you deviate from the specified path.

In cards, as in any responsible work, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules of conduct. Do not begin fortune telling with cards until you have established contact with the deck you have chosen for fortune telling. To do this, you can hold the deck in your hands for a while, or touch the card with your left hand, moving it from the deck. After this, you need to discard all unnecessary thoughts that may interfere with fortune telling. And only then can the layout begin. If you have difficulty interpreting a card, it is better to rely on your intuition and interpret the card based on nearby cards. It is not recommended to make several layouts for the same question. This is done only if you want to clarify a question and clarify the state of things over a certain period of time.

Monthly fortune telling is traditionally considered a classic of the genre. There are two reasons for this. The first is the frequency of requests - fortune telling is perhaps the most popular. The second reason is ease of execution, from the point of view of technical implementation. It doesn’t matter whether you do the fortune telling yourself, whether a professional in the field of fortune telling makes the reading for you, or whether you decided to tell your fortune for the month using a free online service related to fortune telling.

Fortune telling online for a month - and today we will talk about it - is an excellent opportunity to get some guidelines, based on which you can make the right decisions and insure yourself. Moreover, you will be able to navigate the issues of what exactly can go wrong.

For the most part, many predictive systems give forecasts in the following time frames: from several hours to several weeks. A month, plus or minus a couple of weeks. Much less often - several months, but, as a rule, no more than six months. Otherwise, the accuracy of the prediction drops significantly. Why is that? It's simple. There are external circumstances, and there are internal ones that depend on the person himself.

A person is not a constant component, or rather, his internal state is not a constant. Over time, it changes. And if the Querent (the one who has been told fortunes or is being told fortunes) changes internally (his habits, point of view, attitude towards the world around him, attitude towards his partner, etc. change), the external side of the coin also changes. Those. three months ago there was “one oil painting,” but today everything has changed dramatically.

Thus, fortune telling for a month is a certain optimal duration within which the prediction can “live” and come true. It is extremely rare for the Querent to undergo dramatic changes in a matter of days (although this also sometimes happens) and the prediction does not come true. The accuracy of forecasts in fortune telling for the month is quite high and tends to eighty percent.

On the Mogura website, in the online monthly fortune telling section, a huge number of Oracles are presented, ready to give you all the comprehensive information regarding the upcoming thirty days. Guess with us and be happy!

Fortune telling for a month, for three months and for the new year on ordinary playing cards will allow you to reveal the secret of the coming day and calculate the future without the help of analysts, predictors and fortune tellers. You will be able to see your destiny with one eye and find out what will happen tomorrow. Fortune telling on playing cards for a month, for 3 months and for 12 months often comes true. And the explanation for this lies in magical dates associated with key points in the present, past and future. These points are located in the matrix of the Earth, enveloping it in a giant tangle of cause-and-effect relationships of the Universe, proven by the theory of parallel worlds of quantum physics. To penetrate into this “astral tangle” in fortune-telling for a month, three months and a year, for some the tools are crystal balls, pendulums, candles and fortune-telling boards, while for others it is ordinary playing cards. By laying out cards in difficult moments of fate, they receive those drops of calm that relieve stress and instill hope in the soul.

Playing cards allow even untrained fortune tellers, using instructions, to come into contact with the magical world of life scenarios prepared by Fate. Agree that predictions do not always hit the bull's eye, but fortune telling allows you to penetrate the cell of the universal bank of information where your history is stored. Even an experienced psychic finds it difficult to figure out what’s what and sort through pictures related to the past, present and future. This is not always possible, and this is also easy to explain using the ideas of quantum physicists, according to which all the scenarios of our life and all the branches that are not at all the main ones are “stored” in one place. But sometimes predictions do come true. Fulfilled predictions bring an amazing state of joy and are those pleasant moments in life when insight is akin to a feeling of omnipotence. Turn on your intuition, trust your inner voice to decipher signals from the Universe that will reveal to you ordinary playing cards in fortune telling for the month, for three months and for the new year.

Fortune telling for the month

Fortune telling on cards for the month is usually carried out on the last days of the previous month, the 30th or 31st, to find out what awaits you in the next month. For fortune telling for the next month, take a deck of 36 playing cards and mix thoroughly. Think of your suit for the lady by which you will identify yourself in the layout, for example, the queen of diamonds. Then randomly take out 9 cards, lay them out in front of you in a horizontal line from left to right and determine how many cards are of the same suit and how many are of the same name. After this, look at the meaning of card combinations and the meaning of individual cards. Stop the whirlwind of your thoughts, break the looped chain of fears about your future and tune the tuning fork of your soul to a positive scenario. Allow the Universe to synchronize your field with the field of luck. Tune in to the positive scenario of the coming month, decipher the impulse coming from the Universe, and you will see what awaits you in the next month.

The meaning of card combinations

First of all, look to see if the drawn cards match all nine cards of the same suit, or maybe you got all four cards of the same value, for example, all sixes or all kings. Such combinations will be important in fortune telling on cards for the month.

All 9 cards of the same suit: Trefi - vanity, government affairs, theft; peaks - grief, sadness, bad news; worms - stability in relationships, family well-being; diamonds - expected profit in money, financial success.

If there are 4 cards of the same value: sixes - defenselessness, mental loneliness; sevens - melancholy, separation, boredom, anticipation of a meeting; eights - a bleak time, bitterness, annoyance; nines - surprise, unexpected event; tens - fulfillment of desire, success in business; jacks - need for money, worries, search for finances; ladies - a bad sign for women, strong feelings, heart attack; kings - success, good deeds, pleasant events; aces - an unpleasant story around you, a bad situation.

If the layout contains only small cards (without pictures or aces), troubles and tears are possible, you will be bored and worried all month.

If among the small cards from the pictures there is one of your queen (the hidden lady), then gray everyday life, loneliness and boredom are ahead.

If you get a queen of your suit and an ace (one or more) - good news and happy events.

If in the scenario there is a queen of your suit and any king, this is the appearance of a fan or secret admirer.

If your lady happens to be with other ladies - trouble, you have to go through intrigue and gossip.

If there are queens and jacks in the layout, you will have to work on a troublesome but profitable task.

If you get 2 queens, 2 kings, jack, 10, 7, ace, 6, guests will come to you or you will go on a spree and have a fun month.

If the cards rolled in order are king, queen, jack, ace, 10, 7, 10, 9, 6, you have a rival, and your beloved has a mistress.

If in the layout the king of your suit (the same as the queen) together with an ace (one or more) is an unexpected help in business.

If a king and small cards fall out, then they warn of danger, you need to be very attentive and careful.

If the layout has a king and queens (one or more), then pleasant events with adventures are coming.

If a king and jacks (one or more) appear, get ready for a cruel joke, the machinations of spiteful critics.

If the jack of your suit comes up, then expect some changes in life and changes in business.

If you get a jack and a king (one or more), then expect a catch, someone will deceive you or let you down.

If you get a jack and a queen (one or more), you will create trouble for yourself with your own hands, and you will not find sympathy from anyone.

If the layout is a jack with small cards, then a surprise awaits you, pleasant or not, but it will surprise you.

Fortune telling for three months

Fortune telling for three months is intended for lovely ladies, this is women's fortune telling on cards for 3 months on the eve of different seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. It is advisable to carry out fortune telling once every three months. The layout for three months is very simple and is carried out on a deck of 36 playing cards. The deck is thoroughly mixed. After you have shuffled the deck well, divide it into 6 parts with 6 cards in each pile. From each pile of cards, select 1, 2 or 3 cards and see their value. Each card has its own meaning; combinations of cards do not play a role in this fortune-telling, but try to collectively interpret the meanings of cards drawn from one pile. Your layout will contain from 6 to 18 cards that will indicate some events in your life for the next three months.

The meaning of cards for fortune telling for 3 months

The meaning of cards when fortune telling for three months is determined by the suits of the cards drawn. First, look at the suit of the card, and then find the meaning of the card by its name.

♠ Spades suit

6 – illness of loved ones, anxiety, concern;

7 – difficulties, obstacles on the way, danger, unreliability, risk;

8 – love experiences, mental suffering, excitement;

9 – success, dream fulfillment, joy, surge of strength;

10 – malaise, illness, poor health;

Jack - a bad card, the death of one of your loved ones or friends;

The lady is an angry widow, an unkind woman;

King - administrative institutions, state house;

Ace - failures in business, troubles in everything, a bad streak.

♣ Club suit

6 – financial difficulties, lack of money;

7 – lucky card, success in love, successful marriage;

8 – cash receipts, small bonus, profit;

9 – recognition of merit, reward for work;

10 – stable position, security, faith in the future;

Jack - efforts are not in vain, good luck awaits you in business;

Lady - unexpected losses, loss of money;

King - outside help, a rich sponsor;

Ace is a lucky card, good luck in everything, a bright streak.

♦ Diamond suit

6 – there is a road, a journey ahead;

7 – 2 children will appear in life, your own or guests;

8 – unfulfilled desires, vain dreams;

9 – worries about friends, tears of a friend;

10 – help will be needed from you, someone needs it;

Jack - life will be turned upside down by betrayal, a fork in life;

Lady - disappointment in loved ones, deceitful friend;

The king is your admirer many years older than you;

Ace is a good card, good luck and success.

Hearts suit

6 – love, fall in love with a blond;

7 – falling in love, fall in love with a brunette;

8 – someone will fall in love with you, romantic mood;

9 – great love, inspiration and flight await you;

10 – meeting a good person, pleasant communication;

Jack - communication with a true friend, a lot of useful things;

Lady - you will learn about your rival, she will influence business;

King - receive wise advice, clarity in the matter will appear.

Ace – parting with a loved one, separation.

Fortune telling for the year using playing cards

“Fortune telling for the year” is carried out on a deck of 36 playing cards. Identify for yourself any queen or king from the deck that will symbolize the person you are telling fortunes about. If it is a man, then choose any king. For a woman, nominate any lady. This card will be a “portrait”. Place the “portrait” in the center of the table. Shuffle the deck and remove a small number of cards from the top and place them at the bottom of the deck. Remove and place the cards down a total of three times. After this, you need to remove 16 cards from the deck in a random order and arrange them in four rows above the portrait, face down from left to right. Each subsequent row must be placed higher than the previous one. The cards above the portrait in four rows will mean the future of the next 6 months.

From these cards you will find out what may happen to you in the next six months. Take any other card from the deck and place it on top of these rows. This card will symbolize the circumstances or person that will play a decisive role in your life during these 6 months.

Then place 16 more cards in four rows under the portrait. Place each next row lower than the previous one. These cards will signify your future in the remaining 6 months of the year. At the end of the layout, place the last two cards at the very bottom, one under each other. The first one from below will mean something that will leave a person’s life forever, and the second symbolizes the cause of all the troubles in the distant future that the cards above predict for you.

When interpreting cards, start with combinations of cards, and then move on to interpreting the meanings of individual cards.

Combination of playing cards for fortune telling for the year

The meaning of combinations of fortune telling cards for the year for the first 6 months

The cards are located above the portrait:

Two sixes - all your wishes will definitely come true, thanks to perseverance and a kind heart.

Three sixes are empty chores that will not bring the desired result.

Four sixes - a small and amazing journey awaits you, everything will be great.

Two sevens – passion and strong feelings for a person of the opposite sex.

Three sevens - follow the course you have chosen and do not pay attention to the irony of others, you are on the right path.

Four sevens - a stormy showdown with a partner, Mexican passions with a loved one.

Two eights - luck is on your side, all worries and doubts away, you will succeed.

Two nines - stability and material well-being await you, calm down, everything will be excellent.

Three eights or nines are empty chores, wasted efforts, useless deeds.

Four eights - confusion in thoughts, confusion in life, turmoil in business.

Four nines are an unexpected joy, good luck awaits you, don’t be upset over trifles.

Two tens - nothing will work out, serious problems and troubles, a streak of failures.

Three tens - changes in life, a turn in fate, new opportunities.

Four tens - success in business, luck is on your side, you will succeed.

Two Jacks - evil intrigues and gossip, anxiety and restlessness.

Three jacks - help from an influential person, a meeting with whom will be beneficial.

Four Jacks - fun, feast, feasts, waste of time.

Two ladies - the probability of losing what you have long sought, negotiate with your opponent.

Three ladies - one wrong word can turn against you; in women's company, watch what you say.

Four ladies are gossip, be careful, they will talk about you and discuss you in a biased way.

Two kings are a danger, be on your guard, you are in danger of trouble.

Three Kings - serious business, meeting with influential people.

Four Kings - a useful meeting with an influential person.

Two aces - a loved one is waiting for your help, show responsiveness.

Three aces - progress towards the goal, good luck in everything.

Four aces - all plans will be fulfilled, goals will come true.

The meaning of combinations of fortune telling cards for the year for the second 6 months

The cards are located below the portrait:

Two sixes - you will need all your patience to withstand separation from a loved one.

Three sixes - you will be protected by a person occupying an important position or high position.

Four sixes - be careful, there are unpleasant conversations and gossip around you.

Two sevens - a happy event or good news awaits you.

Three sevens - difficulties in the labor sphere, problems at work, troubles.

Four sevens – travel, long-distance business trip, separation from a loved one.

Two eights or nines - for success it is very important to approach the implementation of plans wisely.

Three eights or nines - annoyance and anxiety due to a serious mistake in business.

Four eights or nines - misunderstanding of loved ones, cooling of relationships.

Two tens - think through everything in detail, hope for the best, and success is guaranteed.

Three tens - financial difficulties, debts, losses.

Four tens - only friends will help in difficult times, seek help from them.

Two jacks - your financial situation will allow you to spend money without hesitation.

Three jacks - the likelihood of deception and slander; you may be unexpectedly slandered.

Four jacks - large amounts of money and serious expenses are ahead.

Two ladies - don’t be overly gullible, otherwise you’ll get yourself into trouble.

Three ladies - vigilance and vigilance again, especially with women, they deceive you.

Four ladies - for a woman: friends and a society of women in which someone treats you badly, be on your guard; for men: increased female attention.

Two Kings - be sure to make plans, and your dreams will come true in your life.

Three Kings - hurry up, don’t miss the chance, make an important decision very quickly.

Four kings - the stars favor, success is guaranteed, a lucky coincidence of circumstances.

Two aces - look around, carefully weigh the pros and cons, take your time so as not to make a mistake.

Three aces - the demon may confuse you, there is a possibility of committing a bad act, be especially careful.

Four aces - think about the main thing, set priorities, no need to waste time on trifles and useless actions.

The meaning of cards in fortune telling for the New Year

After you have considered and determined the meaning of combinations of cards of the same value, you can begin to interpret the meanings of individual cards and their combinations with other cards in the layout.

Hearts suit

Six – well-being in the family, good mood or a pleasant surprise; the ace of diamonds next to the six of hearts predicts news of the arrival of money; the seven of hearts next to the six of hearts means a long-awaited meeting; The ten of spades next to the six of hearts symbolizes deep disappointment after wild fun.

Seven - a pleasant date; a six of worms next to a seven of worms portends a successful journey; the seven of spades next to the seven of hearts promises a solution to the problem in your favor; the king of clubs next to the seven of hearts will bring joy.

Eight – a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one or loved one; the ace of hearts next to the eight of hearts prophesies the growth of mutual affection into a great feeling; The queen of spades next to the eight of hearts warns of a conversation leading to a serious quarrel.

Nine - get ready for the wedding; the queen of diamonds next to the nine of hearts predicts tears and disappointment; the ace of spades next to the nine of hearts speaks of the betrayal of a loved one; the jack of clubs next to the nine of hearts symbolizes future worries and troubles.

Ten - a surprise or a pleasant gift; the queen of hearts next to the ten of hearts indicates a gift - a sign of the devotion of a loved one; the nine of spades next to the ten of hearts warns of a quarrel and separation from a loved one; The ten of clubs next to the ten of hearts symbolizes success in love affairs.

Jack - dreams come true, success in all matters; the queen of diamonds next to the jack of hearts foretells guests; the ace of hearts next to the jack of hearts predicts good news or unexpected luck; a nine of clubs next to a jack of hearts predicts a profitable agreement at a business meeting.

Lady - symbolizes an attractive married lady; the nine of hearts next to the queen of hearts predicts the emergence of a new sympathy; The eight of clubs next to the queen of hearts warns of sadness and tears.

King - symbolizes a young married man; a dozen of hearts next to the king of hearts promises good luck and luck in business; Ten of spades next to the King of Hearts promises quite big troubles.

Ace – stability in relationships, peace and tranquility with relatives and loved ones; the Ace of Diamonds next to the Ace of Hearts promises to receive money in the future; the seven of hearts next to the ace of hearts predicts a long-awaited meeting; the six of clubs next to the ace of hearts means a successful business trip.

Suit of CLUBS

Six - worries about the collapse of hopes and plans that will not come true; the seven of hearts next to the six of clubs means a meeting with old friends; a jack of spades next to a six of clubs predicts an insult from a stranger.

Seven – business negotiations at work; the nine of diamonds next to the seven of clubs symbolizes the upcoming hard, but generously paid work; the six of hearts next to the seven of clubs promises changes in life for the better; the jack of spades next to the seven of clubs warns of the loss of a large sum of money.

Eight – sadness, sadness and tears; the ace of hearts next to the eight of clubs indicates a serious conversation with a loved one; The ten of spades next to the eight of clubs warns of serious illness and injury.

Nine – a bright streak, success in business; a ten of diamonds next to a nine of clubs predicts the fulfillment of all desires, but large financial expenses; the jack of spades next to the nine of clubs promises deliverance from the presence of unpleasant people in your life.

Ten – victory in creativity and success at work; the seven of diamonds next to the ten of clubs symbolizes a significant increase in material wealth; a nine of hearts next to a ten of clubs predicts a joyful and cheerful life; a six of clubs next to a ten of clubs indicates losses as a result of commercial deception.

Jack – symbolizes a person with bad news; a ten of diamonds next to a jack of clubs advises in difficult times to turn to loved ones for help; a dozen of hearts next to a jack of clubs indicates betrayal of a loved one; a ten of spades next to a jack of clubs indicates the likelihood of an accident.

Lady - symbolizes a middle-aged woman; the nine of diamonds next to the queen of clubs indicates the spread of gossip and rumors about you; the ace of spades next to the queen of clubs promises trouble at work; a ten of clubs next to a queen of clubs is a sign of empty troubles.

King - symbolizes a middle-aged man; the seven of hearts next to the king of clubs speaks of good luck in business; the jack of spades next to the king of clubs warns of the loss of a loved one and a broken engagement; The nine of clubs next to the king of clubs predicts a good mood and joy in the soul.

Tuz - institution, state house; an ace of hearts next to an ace of clubs indicates help from an important person holding a high position; a ten of spades next to an ace of clubs warns of legal proceedings.

Suit of Diamonds

Six – long or short road, travel; the seven of hearts next to the six of diamonds predicts a wedding; the seven of spades next to the six of diamonds indicates troubles on the road; a ten of clubs next to a six of tambourines promises an invitation to a date.

Seven – financial affairs and paperwork for money; the seven of hearts next to the seven of diamonds warns of losing money due to carelessness; the queen of spades next to the seven of diamonds predicts large debts; The ten of clubs next to the seven of diamonds symbolizes a profitable business offer.

Eight – fuss about money and material well-being; the ace of diamonds next to the eight of diamonds promises a big waste of money; The six of clubs next to the eight of tambourines warns of an indecent proposal from a stranger.

Nine – a large amount of money; the king of hearts next to the nine of diamonds indicates receiving money as a gift; a jack of clubs next to a nine of diamonds indicates that you will have to wait a long time for money.

Ten - search for new sources of cash income, material interest; a six of diamonds next to a ten of diamonds indicates that you will receive money soon; the seven of spades next to the ten of tambourines foreshadows financial difficulties that will be successfully resolved; a ten of clubs next to a ten of diamonds guarantees success in money problems.

Jack - vanity and empty efforts to solve money problems; the nine of spades next to the jack of diamonds warns of a quarrel with your loved one over money; The seven of clubs next to the jack of diamonds predicts failure and failure in any endeavor.

Lady - symbolizes a young unmarried fair-haired woman; an ace of diamonds next to a queen of diamonds foretells a wedding; the seven of spades next to the queen of tambourines speaks of imminent sadness and sadness; the seven of clubs next to the queen of diamonds indicates obstacles in all endeavors.

King - symbolizes a young unmarried man; the seven of diamonds next to the king of diamonds speaks of his generosity and the ability to borrow money from him; The Eight of Hearts next to the King of Diamonds shows that he can make your wishes come true.

Ace - quick cash profit; the ace of hearts next to the ace of diamonds promises well-being and prosperity in the family; a ten of clubs next to an ace of diamonds warns of the likelihood of a major mistake when working with business papers; The eight of spades next to the ace predicts a temporary delay in the receipt of finances.

Spades suit

Six - no luck on the road, bad road; the seven of diamonds next to the six of spades predicts work with maximum effort, but also with good reward; eight hearts next to the six of spades says that all failures are over; the king of clubs next to the six of spades promises help from influential people in important matters.

Seven – deception and slander; the ace of hearts next to the seven of spades promises happy events; the jack of spades next to the seven of spades warns against loss, you may be robbed; a ten of clubs next to a six of spades predicts an unexpected waste of a large sum of money.

Eight – disappointment in a loved one or resentment towards a loved one; a dozen of hearts next to the eight of spades promises joy; the king of spades next to the eight of spades promises punishment for your offender; The eight of clubs next to the eight of spades warns of the loss of a significant amount of money.

Nine – poor health, depression and illness; the jack of diamonds next to the nine of spades promises rewards and money for past services; a six of hearts next to a nine of spades promises good news.

Ten – problems and troubles at work; the eight of diamonds next to the ten of spades warns against trying to take out a cash loan, it is not yet time and until it is approved; the six of hearts next to the ten of spades promises changes for the better; a ten of clubs next to a ten of spades predicts a cure for all diseases.

Jack - bad news and bad news; the six of diamonds next to the jack of spades symbolizes an unpleasant road; the eight of hearts next to the jack of spades indicates that bad news can change life for the better; The queen of clubs next to the jack of spades prevents you from being too frank; your sincerity with everyone can lead to betrayal.

A lady is a middle-aged woman who is unfriendly towards you and is planning something bad; the nine of hearts next to the queen of spades symbolizes the love of a fan, unrequited on your part; the seven of spades next to the queen of spades portends major troubles; the king of clubs next to the queen of spades promises help from a friend in a difficult situation.

King - symbolizes a respectable person; the nine of diamonds next to the king of spades promises problems with getting money; the ten of spades next to the king of spades predicts the beginning of a dark streak; the seven of clubs next to the king of spades indicates an unsuccessful date.

Ace - serious illness, major troubles; the six of hearts next to the ace of spades softens the blow and your suffering will be rewarded; The queen of spades next to the ace of spades, on the contrary, will add problems, these could be failures in court or difficulties in a relationship with a loved one.

The monthly layout on tarot cards tells about possible events and situations that may occur within a specified period of time. Thus, a person has time to prepare for what awaits him,

or try to change or correct those points that you didn’t like in the layout or seemed unacceptable. The monthly schedule gives you the opportunity to adjust your life and put it in the direction you want.

The layout can be performed either on a full deck of 78 cards, or only on the Major Arcana; in this case, the Major Arcana directly represent the situation, and the remaining cards of the deck can be used to obtain clarifications and clarifications.

Preparing for the fortune-telling schedule for the month

  1. It is necessary to clear your mind, calm down and meditate for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Get rid of negative thoughts and moods.
  3. If you are tired or hungry, you should first satisfy your primary needs. In the best case, postpone fortune telling until the moment when you are alert and ready to receive answers to your questions.
  4. Provide yourself with a quiet and cozy atmosphere, preferably without anyone disturbing or distracting you, put your phone on silent mode.
  5. Concentrate on the question. Prepare for the layout: write a layout diagram and the necessary data.
  6. Also, before the start of the reading, you can light candles and use incense to tune in to the necessary rhythm and better feel the situation and what the cards want to tell you.

After preparation for the reading has been completed, you can begin the fortune telling itself. There are two options for the fortune telling schedule for the month. To begin with, you can use the first option, which is not so extensive.

Monthly fortune telling for beginners

First option. The layout involves five cards, which are laid out as follows.

1 – general description of the coming month, what to expect.

2 – this is something that is not worth getting full of. If you planned something in the month specified for fortune-telling, then most likely these plans are not destined to come true. If you had several options or projects, then you should pull out clarifying cards with a question about a specific case.

3 – events that you do not expect; perhaps a sign from Above may come. These could be negative events or warnings about them, or there could be chances for something to happen.

4 – display of events that will occur after a set period of time. This is what will stay with you. What awaits you after you take all the blows of the month if you do nothing. In this position, you can also use the remaining cards in the deck to clarify the situation.

5 – description of moments that will leave you. Unfortunately, you will have to part with some aspects of your life, but whether it is voluntary or forced is up to you to decide.

This version of the layout conveys a generalized description of the month and focuses your attention only on the significant and primary aspects.

Second layout option for more advanced

The second option paints a broader picture and will help you pay attention to those aspects of your life that you haven’t thought about or didn’t expect to change. This arrangement helps you better plan your actions. The layout involves 22 cards plus the S card – the significator. If fortune telling is carried out on the Major Arcana, then the significator is drawn from the stack of the Minor Arcana, and the Minor Arcana can also be used to explain any position. Layout diagram:

1,2,3 – description of the first week of the month, its mood, events and situations.

4,5,6 – characteristics of the second week of the month, what awaits you and what you should prepare for.

7,8,9 – what is expected in the third week of the month.

10,11,12 – how the month ends – description of the fourth week.

13 and 14 – family, life, home. What awaits you in relationships with family and possibly friends. Also, these positions can be considered as relationships in general with others.

15 and 16 – the emotional component of the month. What emotions will overwhelm you, the card will also give advice on how to cope with these emotions and keep them under control.

17 and 18 – work, career, study. This card reveals your prospects in the professional field.

19 and 20 – money and finance. This position helps you properly plan your expenses and protect yourself from unnecessary expenses. Of course, you won’t get a specific amount that will come to you or go away, but you can feel the general trend.

21 and 22 are a general characteristic of the month; the cards dropped here set the atmosphere and mood for the entire month. If the Major Arcana appear in this position (if the layout was carried out on a full deck), then pay attention to this, most likely this is how your month will pass. It is also worth analyzing in what other positions the Major Arcana fell.

S – the significator card shows the general conclusion and sums up the month as a whole.

If you are planning any event in the forecast month, you can pull out a clarification card for the position when you are planning this event.

To get a more detailed answer to the question in the monthly layout, you can use the following techniques:

In order not to get confused about where to place which card, draw a diagram on a piece of paper, write down for which month the layout is being made. It is better to carry out the alignment on the last day of the outgoing month, or on the first day of the coming month. For example, if you need a schedule for March, it is done either on February 28 (29 depending on the year), or directly on March 1. If the layout is done in the middle of the month, then 4 weeks are counted forward from the date.

Therefore, next to the positions revealing the descriptions of the weeks, you can write the dates of these weeks from such and such a date.

You can also divide the week into days, for example, positions 1,4,7 are the days Monday and Tuesday, positions 2,5,8 are the days Wednesday and Thursday, positions 3,6,9 are the days Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You can also assign a corresponding date to each day by looking at it on the calendar.

This layout option will allow you to see more specifically what awaits you. Also, the monthly layout allows you not only to find out the future, but also to try to change it; if you don’t like any things in the layout, you always have the opportunity to adjust your future and direct it in the direction you need.

The monthly schedule makes it possible to plan your life, just remember that no one has canceled the action of the uncontrollable Higher powers.


When laying out Tarot cards for the near future, the fortuneteller must remember that the deck will only tell about those events that can occur within a certain period of time with an emphasis on the situation of the questioner. After receiving the information, a person will be able to adjust his life path at his own discretion and avoid negative predictions through targeted work on himself. In this article you will learn how to make a Tarot layout for the month and ways to prepare for this procedure.

What does the Tarot layout for the month show?

Using the above Tarot layout, you can learn about upcoming events and changes in your life’s path, as well as properly prepare for them. For fortune telling, you can use all cards or only the Major Arcana - it depends on the desired result or the individual preferences of the fortuneteller. It is known that the Major Arcana outlines the situation in a straightforward manner, therefore, in order to consider the resulting forecast in more detail, it is advisable to use other cards of the working deck.

In addition to the above, the fortuneteller will be able to view personal relationships with certain people, learn about the state of the financial situation in the near future and other aspects of a particular person’s life.

Before starting work, you should first cleanse your thoughts and body. It is recommended to take a shower and meditate a little, throwing all negative thoughts out of your head. Tarot readers categorically do not advise taking up cards after a busy day at work, when you are feeling poorly physically, or on an empty stomach - this can negatively affect the process of interpreting the final result of the forecast. If you are interested in resolving an exciting problem in the coming month, be sure to watch the video of the Tarot layout for the month, where you can familiarize yourself with the step-by-step guide for correctly performing the ritual.

  1. Candles. It is best to choose white and black. To improve concentration, the white one should be on the left side of the fortuneteller, and the black one on the right. This approach symbolizes the two pillars of the Tree of Sephiroth. For those who are not aware of this Tree, it is recommended to mentally imagine that a black and white candle symbolize energy balance, thereby balancing each other with their strength. It is possible to use candles of other colors, but this is not advisable. The main task is to clear your thoughts and give them clarity, which will help you ask a specific question and get a truthful answer.
  2. A crystal is not only a beautiful attribute, but also an indispensable assistant in working with Tarot cards. Experts recommend using crystal of natural origin. The shape of the product can be anything - ball, triangle, cone, etc. If you don’t like crystals, you can limit yourself to rings with small inclusions of crystal, which should be pre-charged with your energy, for example, placed under the pillow on certain lunar days (for more details, see my other materials).
  3. Clothing is an important criterion for successful fortune telling. It should be neat, comfortable and a little... festive. Ideally, when drawing up a diagram for a Tarot reading, the fortuneteller should have special clothing that brings inspiration and the desire to “create.”
  4. Incense. Their choice is based on your personal preferences. It can be incense sticks, incense, an incense burner - in a word, whatever your heart desires.
  5. Tablecloth. This attribute is desirable, but optional - it all depends on your spiritual harmony and mood. It’s best to make it yourself by purchasing a piece of satin or silk fabric. And, of course, you should use a clean table for layouts.
  6. Musical accompaniment. Choose pleasant, soothing music that will relax you and put you in a calm mood. For example, I use compositions by Era, Enigma, Gregorian - try it too.
  7. A notebook and pen will help in correctly interpreting the results obtained.

Tarot card layout for the month

If you are new to learning the secrets of Tarot cards, I recommend starting with the simplest monthly layout. Draw out five cards in front of you according to the figure below, starting to decipher the dropped values ​​in the following order.

  1. The question will open up about what to expect from the next month in general terms.
  2. Will tell you about events that you shouldn’t hope for
  3. Will show unexpected events or omens that will occur during these thirty days.
  4. Displays events that will occur after the next month.
  5. Will reveal in detail what will not happen after the above period of time

What is the difference between a monthly Tarot layout and a weekly Tarot layout?

A video of the Tarot layout for the week will help to identify the fundamental differences from the layout of the cards for the month. This version of the layout can be complete or brief - it all depends on what interests the questioner. To get a quick answer, you can use the Tarot spread for the week “Aquarius” or use another, simpler layout given below.

Seven cards are drawn randomly (each card symbolizes a day of the week), which are laid out horizontally from left to right on the table surface.

Important! When pulling out each card, you must name the day of the week out loud - this will help simplify the interpretation of the result. It is best to start fortune telling on Sunday or Monday. If the meaning of the received card is not completely clear, it is possible (but not advisable) to draw one or two additional cards.

I hope this article will help you in predicting events for the next month. Stay tuned for more interesting information. I wish you good luck and further development on your chosen path in life.