Recipes kulebyak from quick puff pastry. Recipe for puff pastry puff pastry

Step 1 out of 6

First you need to wake up the yeast. To do this, combine dry yeast and half a glass of water. Let the yeast dissolve in the water. Add milk to water up to 3/4 cup level. Crack 1 egg into a glass and stir with a fork. You will get a liquid from water, milk, eggs. Add a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Yeast must be fed. Sugar is the best. The total mass of the liquid is 200 ml and is equal to 1 glass.

Step 2 out of 6

Sift flour into a bowl. Grate butter on a grater. Mix it with flour until crumbly. Pour in the liquid and use a mixer to knead the dough. The impact of hands on the dough is bad. I recommend using a mixer.

Step 3 out of 6

Knead the dough for about 7-10 minutes. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 1 night. The dough rest time is about 6 hours, but 12 hours is better. Depending on the rest time, you will end up with a more layered or less layered dough.

Step 4 out of 6

After a while, take the dough out of the refrigerator. Divide into 3 parts. Roll each piece into a sausage. Flatten it with a rolling pin into a layer. Make notches along the edge of the dough. Arrange diced apples in the center. Apples can be sprinkled with sugar and starch. The starch will hold the juice when baking. Weave a braid from the notches on the dough. Your kulebyaka should be oval in shape with a scythe in the center.

Step 5 out of 6

Strive to ensure that everything is well fixed. When baked, apples will give juice. Weave the braid tightly so that the cuts do not go deep. Transfer the prepared cake to a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Leave for 20 minutes. Then brush with beaten egg. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until done. Will be ready in 30 minutes.


Cool the prepared pie. Serve to the table. The pastry is very tasty. On the cut of the dough, its layering is visible. Properly kneaded dough is light. From this number of products, 3 such beauties came out. Serve them at the table with tea. Kulebyaka is well kept. It didn’t stay with me for more than 2 days, but during this time it didn’t turn stale. This dough can be used to make other types of baked goods. Very good.

Recently, we went to a cafe where we tasted very tasty closed pies with various fillings. I could not resist and asked the seller what kind of dough they use. I was told that all pies are made from puff yeast dough. And this means that the dough does not have to be made by yourself, it can be bought at the store. At the same time, a homemade pie will cost 10 times cheaper than in a cafe.
Since then, I always have a pack of this dough in my freezer. The fillings were sweet, meat, fish, cheese, with green onions and eggs, as well as cabbage and eggs.

You will need:
250 gr. puff yeast dough
quarter chicken breast,
half a small zucchini
half an Israeli carrot
quarter red bell pepper,
one bulb medium size,
salt, spices and spices to your liking.
I had a quarter of a chicken breast that had been minced with a knife.
The vegetables were sautéed with a little butter and vegetable oil, seasoned with spices, garlic and salt. Then minced meat was added to the vegetables, and the filling was cooked for another 5 minutes on low heat with constant stirring.
Cool the finished filling.
Let's start making the pie:
1. Half puff pastry Remove from package and thaw completely. Roll out into a rectangle 3 mm thick. Distribute the filling in the center:

2. Grease the dough along the edge with a beaten egg, fold it so that the seam is located in the middle of the pie. Pinch the edges of the kulebyaki so that the filling does not bake during the baking process:

3. Then put on a baking sheet, covering with baking paper, seam down. Use small, sharp-tipped scissors to make cuts on top.

I made cuts in the form of strips imitating parquet:

4. Lubricate the top of the kulebyaki with an egg, and so that it does not wind up, it is advisable to cover it with something and leave it to rise for half an hour.

5. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees until a beautiful golden brown for about 15-20 minutes.

6. Cool the finished kulebyaka, cut into 6 parts and, while warm, eat with pleasure, drinking good freshly brewed tea.

Bon Appetit!

While the dough rises and rises, we work on the filling. Boil the fillet with spices and salt.

When the meat is ready, do not rush to remove it from the broth. So that it does not become dry, but chicken fillet sins with this, let him lie down in a spicy broth. Saute carrots grated on a medium grater and chopped onions in oil over low heat with the addition of a small amount of water.

We bring the vegetables to readiness. Don't forget to salt. If you notice that the carrot has absorbed all the oil and juice, add water.
We wash the dried apricots, pour boiling water over them and let them stand.

When the dough has grown, it has become soft, tender and lush, we collect the filling. Cut the fillet into pieces.

Cut the dried apricots into strips.

Mix with passerovka.

We spread the prepared mass in the middle of the dough layer.

Raise the edges and pinch them both in length and in width. You should get a closed rectangle. Leave it at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Then put the pie in a warm oven. Set it to 160 degrees first and let it grow a little more. Bake at 180 degrees until golden, about 30 minutes.

the best option it is difficult to think up quickly and for a long time to get enough. And if kulebyaka with meat and potatoes or meat and mushrooms, then here you have a full-fledged second course, where the dough plays the role of bread.

Today we will tell you how to cook kulebyaka with meat, kulebyaka with meat and mushrooms, kulebyaka with meat and potatoes in one recipe. It will be a puff pastry. Having learned how to cook it, you will be able to master the preparation of any kulebyaki. So, how to cook kulebyaka with meat according to all the rules of culinary art?

  • kulebyaka is an oblong-shaped pie, so the dough for kulebyaka needs to be rolled into a rectangle;
  • it is better to buy ready-made dough for kulebyaki, or prepare it in advance, then cooking kulebyaki will not take you much time;
  • kulebyaka can be prepared from both yeast and puff pastry;
  • the filling in the kulebyak should be glued, for this, add a spoonful of flour to the crumbly filling.

Recipe for kulebyaki with meat


  • puff pastry - 1 pack (two sheets).

For pancakes:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

For filling:

  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • medium potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • parsley;
  • spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


And now we begin the story of how to cook kulebyaka with meat.

First, prepare the fillings: fry half the onion in vegetable oil. When the onion turns golden, add minced meat to it, mix well, salt, pepper, add our favorite spices and cover with a lid - let it cook over low heat.

We prepare a fairly thick puree from potatoes and 0.5 cups of milk. Add some butter and parsley.

Wash mushrooms, clean and dry. We cut the mushrooms finely enough, fry them in a pan in oil, with the remaining half of the onion, salt, pepper, add parsley. If the filling is watery, sprinkle the mushrooms with a little flour.

While our fillings are cooling, we begin to bake pancakes for the layer of kulebyaki.

Crack one egg into a glass of milk. We pour enough flour so that the dough is not too thick, but flows well from a spoon. Salt and a little sugar. We bake pancakes in a pan. We put them in a pile and, carefully, cutting off both sides sharp knife, give a rectangular shape.

Now you can start assembling our kulebyaki.

The scheme will look like this: dough - pancakes - minced meat - pancakes - mushrooms - pancakes - mashed potatoes - pancakes - dough.

We roll out a sheet of puff pastry with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges, giving it the shape of a rectangle. The rolled sheet should fit in size on a baking sheet in the oven. Transfer it to a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

We lay the finished pancakes in one layer along the entire length of the dough, leaving free margins at the edges. Now carefully lay out a layer of minced meat on a layer of pancakes, slightly squeezing it with your hands so that it sticks together better without crawling out of the edges of the pancakes. Do the same with all layers.

We cover all this multi-layered structure with a second sheet of puff pastry, rolled out wider and longer than the first sheet, so that it is enough to cover the entire height of our pie. We crimp the free edges and pinch.

Now our kulebyaka goes to the oven preheated to 200 degrees, and languish there until a golden crust forms. We cut puff pastry puff pastry with a special bread knife, with cloves. We need to saw through the top crust of the kulebyaki without crumbling it, and then we can wield an ordinary knife.

You have mastered the recipe for kulebyaki with meat, and now you can bake it with any combination of toppings, for example.

Today I want to offer a recipe for a simplified pie with cabbage, meat and carrots. Why simplified? Because in a traditional pie there should be several fillings at the same time, which are stacked in layers. But in Lately can be found and simple options kulebyaki with a single filling. Also, the pie is distinguished from the pie by a more elongated, oval, shape, similar to a loaf. This form guarantees better baking of the filling, as well as convenient portion cutting.

We will need the following products:

I used a mix of homemade minced pork and beef. Carrot cut into small cubes. Onions - half rings.

It is better to cut the cabbage into thin strips, then in the filling it will look like an onion and give it a sweetish taste.

Fry the minced meat in hot vegetable oil. Then add onions and carrots. Salt and fry while stirring for 10 minutes. Then add the cabbage, stir all the time and pour a glass of water. Simmer until the liquid is completely boiled away. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can sprinkle with your favorite spices, ground coriander or suneli hops.

Cool the finished filling.

Roll out the dough into a rectangle, making cuts along the edges. Put the filling in the center and braid the edges like a Christmas tree, forming a pie.

Lubricate the surface with sour cream, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for about 25 minutes at 170 degrees.

Cool the finished puff pastry kulebyaka slightly and can be served.

Very juicy and soft. Bon Appetit!