Sberbank insurance policy savings insurance. Life and health insurance companies accredited by Sberbank

Deposit products and credit programs of Sberbank. People have unlimited trust in this financial institution, which is the flagship of the Russian banking sector. For regular and new clients, the bank offers a wide range of services aimed at improving the level of service, for example. When applying for credit products, applicants can take part in insurance, thanks to which their life and health will be financially protected from risks.

Life and health insurance - cost at Sberbank

Health and life insurance at Sberbank is provided at different rates:

note: When applying for mortgage loans, insurance is a mandatory procedure for all applicants.

Insurance options

Insurance policies are issued at the time of concluding loan agreements. Clients will be invited to participate in insurance in two areas:

  1. Voluntary. This type of policy is issued for all types of loans. If during the validity of the contract an insured event occurs with the borrower, the insurer will be obliged to cover the entire amount of his debt.
  2. Mandatory. Financial institutions offer this type of policy to clients in order to protect their money from possible risks.

note: the procedure for health and life insurance at Sberbank involves paying monthly contributions or including the entire cost of insurance in the body of the loan. If after this the borrower temporarily becomes unable to work, the insurer will repay his debt to the bank temporarily (usually this is the duration of the sick leave). Full repayment of the debt is possible only in two cases - the client died or became disabled.

How to participate in voluntary insurance?

When trying to find out, people should carefully review the terms of existing programs. For some of them, the requirements have been significantly relaxed, thanks to which people who are unable to document their financial solvency can apply for a loan. For this category of borrowers, one of the mandatory conditions will be health and life insurance with Sberbank.

All applicants for participation in lending from Sberbank must weigh all the risks before purchasing policies, and also find out the exact cost of insurance. They should remember that health and life insurance is carried out on a voluntary basis; if there is no desire, the client can refuse. If, nevertheless, the borrower entered into an agreement with the insurer and paid the obligatory contributions, he has the legal right to terminate it and return the funds spent.

note: The insurance policy is issued in most cases for 1 year. If it is issued for a mortgage loan program, the borrower will have to renew it several times.

The procedure for obtaining insurance involves several stages:

  1. When drawing up a loan agreement, the client will be asked to issue a policy, to which he must give his consent.
  2. The borrower must study the terms of the insurance and carefully read the contract proposed for signature.
  3. Payment is made according to the current tariff (you will need to make monthly insurance payments). The client has the opportunity to include the cost of insurance in the body of his loan.

note: when registering for a life and health insurance program at Sberbank, you can designate either a financial institution or another person as a beneficiary. In the latter case, when an insured event occurs, the recipient of insurance payments can spend them at his own discretion, and the borrower’s debts will be repaid by his legal successors.

How to cancel insurance?

If the borrower decides to cancel the insurance policy, he can expect reimbursement of costs in the following amount:

  • if an application for cancellation of insurance is submitted during the first month of its validity, then the entire amount is returned;
  • when contacting the insurer during the policy period from 1 to 6 months, up to 50% of the funds spent are returned;
  • if this period is missed, then only a small part of the insurance payments is returned.

Advice: to apply for a refund of insurance, you need to submit an application to the insurance company and attach to it a certificate from the bank, which indicates that there is no debt on the loan.

In what cases will an insurance contract lose legal force?

The agreement concluded between the borrower and the insurer will cease to be valid in the following cases:

  1. An insured event has occurred, and therefore the insurance company is obliged to fulfill its obligations. Once insurance payments are made, the policy will be cancelled.
  2. The borrower was diagnosed with a disease that cannot be regarded as an insured event.
  3. The client unilaterally decided to terminate the contract and return all funds spent.

Features of obtaining insurance

Regardless of whether the client signs up for a credit program, he can voluntarily take part in insurance. Applicants for the policy are subject to the following requirements:

  1. Health and life insurance at Sberbank is provided for persons over 18 years of age (up to 65 years).
  2. Citizens of any age group can act as beneficiaries. If these are close relatives, then after the death or accident of the insured person they will be able to receive funds with which they will pay off his debts to the creditor.
  3. If the borrower violates the terms of the contract, he will not be able to receive insurance payments.
  4. Each insured event is carefully checked. If it is proven that the client was injured while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, then it will be classified as an accident that occurred during the commission of illegal actions.
  5. Each borrower, when signing an agreement with an insurance company, must carefully study the document to ensure that the insured events are clearly identified.
  6. The insured person can exercise the right to receive personal income tax benefits.
  7. Upon divorce, insurance payments are not subject to division.

A timely issued insurance policy allows you to avoid many problems in the future. But the question arises, in which bank can you take out a policy with more favorable conditions for yourself. The choice is obvious! Sberbank, the largest and most reliable bank in Russia, offers many insurance programs. One of the most popular services among the population today is “Life Insurance from Sberbank”.

The new Sberbank life insurance website offers several types of contracts, which will be discussed further.

Protecting loved ones

  • Fractures of body bones;
  • for chemical and thermal burns;
  • when receiving serious injuries;
  • with frostbite.

Also, a life insurance contract with Sberbank implies payment when a loved one dies due to an accident or train accident.

Each contract program for the protection of loved ones includes certain mandatory elements, such as:

  • Amount of one-time contribution;
  • the amount of the insured amount;
  • list of persons to whom compensation applies.

Separately, there are three categories of close relatives for whom a life insurance contract can be issued:

  • Children under 24 years of age;
  • spouses from 18 to 65 years old;
  • parents, aged from 35 to 75 years.

The standard insurance premium in the contract for this type of service is defined in three options: 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. In each case, the client receives amounts for the “Injury” risk in the range of 100,000, 200,000 and 500,000 rubles.

There is a separate service called “Protection of Loved Ones Plus”, which provides clients with slightly different conditions for obtaining a policy.

Head of the family

Life and health insurance for the head of the family is very important, since this person most often provides his loved ones with everything they need, earning money and solving problems that arise. In this case, the policy allows you to preserve the financial well-being of relatives even in the most difficult life circumstances.

Among the insured events of this insurance program, it is worth highlighting the following conditions:

  • Death of the head of the family as a result of an accident;
  • becoming disabled due to an accident.

On the official site The following benefits of insurance can be identified:

  • Fast execution of the contract;
  • the need to provide only the client’s passport;
  • choice of different levels of insurance premium;
  • The policy is valid all over the world 24 hours a day.

The insurance premium can be in the amount of 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. Accordingly, the client receives an insurance amount of 300,000, 600,000 and 1,500,000 rubles.

Family protection

Protecting your family from any accidents is an important task that should not be neglected. The price of the issue is insignificant compared to the guarantee of financial security of loved ones. Sberbank Life Insurance is a reliable tool for protecting loved ones.

There are several categories of those who may be covered by a family protection policy:

  • Spouses (from 18 to 70 years old);
  • children (from 2 to 50 years);
  • grandchildren (from 2 to 30 years old).

Insurance is issued for one year. After this period, it is possible to extend the agreement between the bank and the client.

Each family protection category has its own insurance conditions. This applies to the amount of payment and the monthly insurance premium. You can make payments in your Sberbank Insurance personal account on the official website. After signing the agreement, access to your personal account will be available.


This unusual name for the insurance program makes it clear that in unforeseen situations, the insurance contract will come to the rescue just like an airbag in a car. The essence of the program basically comes down to the fact that by paying the minimum premium for insurance, you receive many times the amount of payment in the event of an insured event.

To choose this insurance program, you need to decide:

  1. What insurance period to choose - (the program provides a period from 5 to 30 years);
  2. The required amount of financial protection – about 2-3 annual income is considered the most optimal option;
  3. Determine for yourself the frequency of insurance payments (once a year or monthly).

Sberbank has identified insurance risks under which the client can receive payment of money. These include the following events:

  • Injury due to an accident;
  • acquiring disability of the first or second group;
  • fatal accident;
  • death due to an accident with any type of transport.


The Sberbank Life Insurance personal account allows you to track the necessary information under the contract. and also make payments on transactions. You can register on the site only if you have an agreement for the Airbag service or any other program.

When concluding an agreement, the client has the possibility of a financial deduction (refund of up to 13% of the annual fee (Tax Code of Russia, Article 219 from 01/01/2015)

Corporate insurance program

Sberbank offers a special type of insurance to protect employees of enterprises from injuries and other accidents.

A corporate insurance program allows an employee to gain confidence in the future. The registration process consists of several points:

  1. Familiarization with various options for insurance programs, as well as choosing the most suitable one;
  2. Determining the amount of financial protection for an employee (from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles);
  3. Signing of all documents;
  4. Payment for the service.

This contract provides insurance either for all employees of the company or for several (more than 10). There are also certain tax benefits.

For example: insurance amounts received upon the occurrence of an insured event do not provide for personal income tax (for the recipient of the payment, Article 213 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

You can take out a policy on various conditions for yourself, your family or employees of the company. Reviews about this service are mostly positive, due to the fact that the bank constantly and fully fulfills its obligations.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of termination taking into account the interests of both parties. Each client of the insurer has the right not only to become the owner of a policy, but also, if necessary, to terminate cooperation ahead of schedule on legal grounds.

What is provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation?

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation in most cases provides for the need to return part of the money paid. When calculating backwards, the period during which the company’s former client no longer used the services offered is taken into account. According to this scheme, proportional financial compensation occurs. At the same time, it is recommended to take into account the terms of the contract that is signed.

Russian legislation allows early termination of a concluded agreement if the policyholder so wishes. It is important to take into account that the insurance amount paid will not be paid if the contract does not initially stipulate aspects related to early cancellation of the services provided.

Nuances of termination of cooperation

Cooperation can be stopped not only after a certain event occurs. The following potential circumstances of refusal of insurers' services are considered:

  • disappearance of the risk of an insured event recorded in the current policy;
  • inability to fulfill obligations regarding further payments;
  • desire to change insurer taking into account potential benefits;
  • violation of the law by the policyholder, including the provision of false information;
  • a mutual decision to change the initially established duration of the contract.

Regardless of the intentions of both parties, only valid reasons for terminating a policy are considered at the legislative level. If the insurer agrees with the policyholder's arguments, only part of the money can be returned. It is important to be prepared for the fact that the terms of the executed contract, first of all, protect the company. A legal entity must lose at a minimum level to exclude the serious impact of situations related to early termination of cooperation.

How to terminate an insurance contract?

The legislation provides for various ways to terminate a contract and return funds. The initiator of termination of cooperation must be taken into account.

An insurance contract may be void if the policyholder fails to pay premiums or fail to comply with any terms of the contract. In this case, the insured person who is a client of the company has the right to submit an official statement of intent to terminate cooperation. At the same time, the current policy specifies all possible options and possibilities for getting out of current situations, as well as requirements that must be met.

Termination of cooperation with LLC IC Sberbank Insurance

IC Sberbank Insurance LLC is one of the best insurance organizations in Russia. The institution conducts its activities in accordance with current legislation. Each client has the right to be sure that his rights and interests are protected, so he can take advantage of the appropriate opportunities.

Is termination of the contract allowed?

Termination of a life insurance contract with Sberbank SK LLC is permitted. However, the insurance premium is refunded only within fourteen calendar days, so the policy should not become legally binding. After the initial period, termination of the executed agreement ceases to be advisable, since financial compensation is not possible.

When carrying out the procedure, in the first fourteen days you can provide the details of any bank card, account details or savings book. A representative of the target audience can use the most convenient method for themselves.

Features of termination of the contract

As we have already understood, the terms for terminating a life insurance contract at SK Sberbank LLC, taking into account the interests of clients, are limited to the first two weeks. At this time, you need to re-visit the Sberbank office center to fill out a standard form confirming certain intentions.

The application must include the following information:

  • bank details of the account used (personal account of the client of the institution, as well as the BIC of the bank) for receiving the insurance premium;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • passport details;
  • current contact information (phone number, email address);
  • number and date of registration of the insurance contract.

Specialists consider only those applications that contain the full amount of information. Otherwise, termination of the current policy ceases to be possible.

The required package of documents must be attached to the application. This requirement must be met in order for the termination procedure to be carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. So, the necessary documents (copies):

  • valid civil passport;
  • document confirming payment for the issued policy;
  • valid insurance documentation.

As we have already understood, the issue will not be considered without an application and a documentary package. Given the limited time frame, it is advisable to immediately take care of meeting existing requirements.

Another option for resolving the issue of early termination of potential cooperation is to send a letter with an application and other necessary documents. The letter is sent to the following address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Pavlovskaya street, building 7, index 115093.

The countdown of the period during which the decision will be made begins after the Application is received by the insurance organization. Funds are returned within seven working days.

How to find out about a refusal to pay?

Within seven working days of the decision to refuse financial compensation, a letter will be sent with a clear justification of the reasons. This document will be received by mail. If the insurer knows the email, the message will be duplicated electronically. Justifications for refusal to return money spent to issue an insurance policy are required.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of profitable early termination of a contract with an insurer. At the same time, each organization operates according to a unique scheme, so you should take into account the terms of the policy and comply with the established aspects of interaction with specialists.

Read how to get a tax refund for life insurance.

Recently, many financial organizations have begun to present the long-known insurance service in a new way. It turns out like an old candy, but in a slightly updated wrapper. With the help of this service, you can now not only insure the life of the borrower in case of non-payment of the loan, but also protect his entire family from accidents and threats to life. Not long ago, this service appeared in such a large financial organization as Sberbank. Life and health insurance here is carried out according to specially developed programs. What kind of banking products are these? What is their essence? And how interesting are they to the end consumer?

What insurance programs are available at Sberbank?

At the moment, Sberbank offers life and health insurance to everyone. Each of the programs included in this offering is associated with coverage of certain individuals. It allows you to protect them from accidents, injuries and other dangerous situations. For example, here you can issue:

  • "Head of the Family Online."
  • “Protecting loved ones online.”
  • "Protected borrower online"
  • "Traveler's insurance online."
  • "Insurance against accidents and illnesses."
  • "Accumulative life insurance."
  • "Investment life insurance."

Taking out a policy to protect a family without a breadwinner

When taking out life and health insurance, Sberbank suggests doing this in accordance with the topics of the insurance programs. For example, the annual “Head of Family” policy allows you to provide relatives and friends with certain financial assistance in the event of the loss of life or harm to the health of the main breadwinner. Insured events under this agreement include:

  • Receiving disability (1st, 2nd groups).
  • Death of the head of the family.
  • Fatal outcome due to a train or plane accident.

The process of connecting to the program is carried out on the official website of Sberbank Insurance Company: Life Insurance LLC. To apply for such a policy, simply fill out an online form and expect to receive an insurance contract to your specified email address. According to many users who managed to register with Sberbank: Life Insurance LLC and receive this policy, such help was just in time. Those of them who nevertheless lost their breadwinner due to an accident were able to receive financial compensation in full.

Obtaining a policy to protect relatives

This insurance (“Sberbank: life insurance”) makes it possible to insure the following categories of citizens against accidents:

  • Children aged 2-14 years.
  • Spouses aged 18-65 years.
  • Parents from 35-75 years old.

As you can see, the age of the insured persons in this case ranges from 2 to 75 years. Therefore, both children and people of retirement age can be insurance participants. Moreover, this insurance, according to the stories of many insured persons, easily covers the costs of medical treatment, professional assistance in case of fractures, frostbite, severe injuries and burns. The amount of insurance coverage ranges from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles. This policy is also issued online, and you can pay for it on the organization’s website. Moreover, everyone is offered several payment options, one of which is payment by card.

Issuing a policy to potentially protect the borrower

The insurance company “Sberbank: Life Insurance” offers insurance services necessary for the borrower and the financial institution. Most often, quick and unsecured loans, as well as housing loans, fall under insurance protection. In addition to the fact that this policy is an excellent safety net for the lending bank, it is also very beneficial for the borrower. The fact is that such insurance helps to provide him with some financial protection, for example, if he receives a serious injury that leads to a significant deterioration in his health, disability or death. If an insured event occurs, your policy will cover the remaining amount of money on the loan issued.

General information about the “Online Travel Insurance” policy

Sberbank: Life Insurance LLC also took care of tourists going on vacation to different countries of the world. With its help, you can insure not only your luggage in case of loss and theft, but also your own life and health.

According to the stories of many users, this insurance helped them solve the problem of treatment and transportation from another country where the injury occurred. Moreover, its size directly depended on the length of stay in the territory of a foreign state, the number of insured persons and the amount of insurance coverage. The validity period of this policy ranges from a couple of days to a year.

How does accident and illness insurance work?

When choosing this policy, the object of insurance, as a rule, becomes an individual or legal entity, a bank. The insurance itself undertakes to protect the insured object from the consequences of various types of diseases, injuries, disability and death.

To connect to this insurance program, just contact the nearest branch of a financial institution and inform about your choice of program. Then all you have to do is write an application, sign a contract and pay for insurance. All this can be done directly at the bank.

How to insure and save with a policy

The savings program allows you to collect a certain amount of money over a certain period of time. Then it can be spent upon the occurrence of an insured event associated with a deterioration in health or in the event of a probable threat to life. At the same time, this policy makes it possible to accumulate a certain target capital, intended, for example, to make a down payment on a housing loan or pay for university studies.

Bank investment product

The universal insurance and at the same time investment product of IC “Sberbank: life insurance” deserves special attention. Reviews about it can be heard in a very positive way. According to some users, one contribution is enough to start accruing dividends. Moreover, your contribution is made in two directions at once: in favor of highly profitable and risk-free investment instruments. At the same time, the program allows you to insure the interested person against accidents, as well as bring him a constant and almost unlimited income.

Why are there negative reviews?

Among users' opinions about the insurance programs of Sberbank's partner, one can hear not only positive, but also negative statements. For example, some users are disappointed with one of the storage systems. According to them, they have to wait too long to receive income (5-15 years), and the amounts earned are much lower than promised.

Others complain that in certain cases they have to prove their case not only verbally, but even in court. Some are outraged that the insurance company Sberbank: Life Insurance does not issue refunds, and if they do, this amount is very far from the original investment.

However, no matter what situation causes such negative reviews, it is necessary to look at the root of the problem. The whole point is that before signing an insurance contract, you should definitely read it carefully. It would seem so simple. However, this is precisely what many users do not do. By the way, Sberbank is quite loyal to customer requests, so it is happy to provide a sample agreement for home study. Therefore, if you are offered a new insurance option, do not be lazy to ask for a sample contract and study it carefully. And only then the number of negative reviews will be significantly reduced.

The Sberbank insurance company, like other insurers, offers several products when you find yourself in circumstances with deteriorating health, injury, death or other events. The programs provide for the designation of not only one person as insured, but are also designed to protect the entire family, corporations and narrow areas based on the complexity of the identified disease. What you should know aboutlife and health insurance at Sberbankand how the conditions of different products differ.

A classic product that can be used to protect the health and life of children, parents, and spouses. The program combines insurance risks in case of fractures, burns, severe wounds, frostbite:

  • Being involved in an accident resulting in injury or death;
  • Death under critical circumstances of a wide nature - an air or railway accident (an additional insurance payment in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles is assigned).

Insurance Company " "has introduced the following coverage, which acts as a guarantor in case of injury:

  • 100,000 rub. – the accrued bonus is 900 rubles.
  • 200,000 rub. – 1800 rubles are required for payment;
  • 500,000 rub. – the annual insurance premium is 4,500 rubles.

It is allowed to indicate as the insured person children from 2 to 24 years old, husband (wife) 18-65 years old and parents who are over 35 years old, but they are not older than 75 years old.

If unfavorable circumstances occur (life threat, deterioration of health due to injury), you should contact a Sberbank division. This can be done by directly submitting documents or using the services of a courier or post office. Users of an Internet account on the page have access to various options for notifying them of exposure to negative health circumstances.

Please note: Applicants for payment must attach medical certificates indicating injury, death and papers confirming relationship with the insured.

Head of the family

Conditions of life and health insurance in Sberbankwhen choosing the “Head of Family” program, they apply to the breadwinner, who, if he has a policy, has the opportunity to receive compensation for health problems. The product is designed for those families who care about their financial well-being in case of unforeseen situations of deterioration in health or increased risk to life.

The insurance policy specifies amounts for the following risks:

  • Death due to being taken to the National Security Service;
  • Assignment of disability (group 1,2) as a result of accidental emergency.

The policyholder independently chooses the insurance coverage against which the premium is calculated. If desired, establish a minimum protection of 300,000 rubles. you will have to pay 900 rubles. And families insuring the breadwinner for 600,000 rubles. or 1,500,000 rub. contribute 1800 or 4500 rubles. respectively. All fees are paid upon conclusion of the contract.

Important: Life insurance policies for the family or head of the family can be issued on the website.

Do not forget that claiming compensation in the event of a risky situation of deterioration in health is allowed even in circumstances where you find yourself in an unfavorable situation outside your homeland. When calling the Sberbank insurance consultation center after a deterioration in health, the client receives full information about next steps, even if he is abroad.

In case of illness, injury, or death, you should contact Sberbank with medical documents and papers that allow you to establish a relationship.

Family protection

The “Family Protection” policy from Sberbank Insurance is suitable for those who are committed to protecting those closest to them in situations of injury, death, or disability. Thisvoluntary life and health insurance V Sberbank Life Insurance,which allows you to include in the contract the following categories of insured:

  • Spouse (s) in the age category 18-70 years;
  • Children who may be infants over 2 years of age, as well as adults who have not crossed the threshold of 50 years;
  • Grandchildren whose age ranges from 2-30 years.

An insurance policy from Sberbank, when a person is trying to protect loved ones in situations of threat to life and health, contains two programs:

  • Economy – the conditions apply to the protection of the policyholder (18-70 years old) and grandchildren (over 2 years old) under the risk of “Injury”;
  • Comfort – does not apply only to personal protection contracts of the payer.

The “Comfort” package differs from the standard parameters of life and health insurance by the fact that the relatives of the policyholder or the beneficiary of the policy receive insurance compensation in the event of the death of the payer or assignment of disability.

After collecting all the documents, they must be sent to the company’s office by registered mail or brought in person. Since the company has only one office and is located in Moscow, the preferred option for citizens living in the regions is postal or courier delivery.