"Skyrim" - the ending of the game. How did Skyrim end?

Dragons are not uncommon characters in video games, but for the Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim's dragons have been a revelation. As to whether these winged creatures look harmonious in the setting of the Elder Scrolls, disputes still do not subside, but it can be said unequivocally that they did not spoil the game. In addition, dragons also have a purely utilitarian function in Skyrim, each winged monster contains a soul. This substance can be used by the character to gain access to dragon cries. The way to get the soul of a dragon is simple and trivial - the dragon must be killed. Moreover, there is no separate requirement for honesty in a duel.

Our acquaintance with dragons begins in Skyrim from the first minutes of passing this computer game. It was thanks to the dragon that our character escaped execution, read more about this in the unbound article on the site. The first dragon soul we will get in the task dragon rising, having destroyed, not without the help of the guards, our first dragon. After that, winged creatures will be encountered more and more often, and battles with them will become easier. All this will continue until the final battle with Alduin in the dragonslayer quest. After defeating the leader of the winged creatures, many players fear losing dragons.

These fears are quite justified, since dragons not only add variety to the Skyrim gameplay, but are also part of several game systems. First of all, the souls of dragons, and therefore themselves dragons are required to learn dragon calls. Although the total number of these peculiar spells is small, not everyone managed to create an acceptable supply of souls before the completion of the main storyline. Secondly, dragon bones are important ingredients in blacksmithing, so the raw material is in demand. Not everyone wants to use the id codes of items in Skyrim, some players receive important resources honestly and in battle. However, the game item codes are available on the site in the form of a convenient file, and efficient system search will help you find the right item.

Fortunately for many dragons after defeating Alduin will not be lost. Most likely, not all dragons decided to lay down their arms and follow the path of the voice. As before, winged creatures will periodically attack us, although now it is not difficult to deal with them. Some of the cries are still hidden in secluded caves and grottoes, some of which we will visit when completing other game tasks. So you should not worry about dragons, these creatures will be present throughout the entire time of playing The Elder Scrolls 5.

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Dear site users site!

I am a localizer of plugins for Russian users on our site and often get a lot of questions about why the mod is not installed, or why it does not work, why the game crashes after installing it, why the textures are not displayed.
Therefore, I decided to create a small blog where I will describe the most common problems that you may have already encountered or someday will encounter, and possible solutions to them.

So let's get started.

1. If you use a licensed version of the game, then you will never encounter 90% of problems.

2. Always keep an eye on the state of your operating system - update drivers in a timely manner, use programs to clean the registry, defragment hard drives.

3. For the best game performance, it is advisable to use operating system Windows 7 64x.
32-bit systems can only use 3GB of RAM, while modern games capable of consuming more, and its lack will necessarily affect performance.

4. Always update the game to latest version. Patches contain a large number of bug fixes that may affect the operation of modifications.

5. Download and install, it will greatly simplify the installation and you, moreover, will not have to delve into the files in order for the mods to be displayed in the launcher.

6. Try not to install all mods automatically via . This, of course, is very convenient, but not all mods work correctly after that. Some mods provide a function for selecting additional options (for example, SkyUI - selection of icons, Real Ice - selection of the desired ice textures). If the archive does not contain a folder called FOMOD, then it is better to install the mod manually.

Always read the installation instructions in the plugin distributions. Most of the problems are due to the fact that people are too lazy to do it.

8. If you downloaded and correctly installed the modification, but the game does not load, or crashes into the menu, then first of all you need to check if this is a conflict. Turn off your plugins one by one in the manager, perhaps after deactivating one of the bottom ones, the game will start and work correctly.

9. If you have a problem loading the game after installing the modification, try moving the plugin to the very bottom in the manager's download list.

10. If your plugin textures are displayed incorrectly, or they are not visible at all - check the version of your game
, perhaps it is outdated, and the plugin requires a more recent one.Check your mods for compatibility and try lowering your settings. Some modifications contain high-resolution textures and your computer may simply not be able to handle such a load. You should also consider updating DirectX and NET Framework to the latest version.
11. If the texture is purple, then it means that it was not found by the game in the Data folder. You need to check the correct installation of the mod and, if necessary, download it and reinstall it. If this starts to happen with vanilla textures, then you should think about the performance of your video card and replace it if necessary.

Download and install. This utility helps to solve many problems. Just be sure to read the instructions.

13. Sometimes, when downloading a plugin from the Internet, a broken archive is downloaded. Even if it is unpacked, it will make itself felt during the game. Therefore, first of all, download it and, if this does not help, inform the author of the distribution - he will correct this misunderstanding.

14. Do not forget that modifications are not created by professionals, but by ordinary people, just like you and me, and when using them, you can deal with all sorts of copyright errors that can lead to crashes and the like. Do not use this modification, wait for the update, perhaps the author will fix everything.
15. Always make a backup of the original Data folder files when installing a mod that requires file replacement. This is one of the most common user problems - they do not know how to roll back if the game suddenly stops working.

If you downloaded an archive with a mod, and when unpacking it, an error is generated and it is not unpacked, then check its format. Files packed with the 7zip archiver are often only opened by it. Download and install the 7zip archiver and try to unzip the archive with it.

17. If you have downloaded some retexture, logged into the game and did not see any changes, check if you have the HD Textures Pack DLC. This DLC is packaged in BSA archives, which means that the game engine first of all accesses them and takes textures from there. If your plugin contains textures in the TEXTURES folder, and not in the BSA archive, and these are textures that replace vanilla ones, then the game will ignore this folder and take textures from HD DLC, if they are there.
For example, I encountered such a problem when I installed a retexture for vials with poisons and potions. The game saw only new textures of poisons, and potion bottles remained the same. It turned out that the HD DLC pack had potion textures, so the engine took them from there. If you still want to use HD textures and install modifications that, for example, recolor vanilla armor, furniture, and the like, then you will have to unpack the BSA DLC archives.

17a. In order not to unpack the texture mod BSA archive, you can do the following: Find the file Skyrim.ini, which is located in the folder with your saves and change it a little:
Find a line in it , then after Skyrim - Textures.bsa enter the BSA of your mod and save. Don't forget to delete the mod's ESP file from the DATA folder.

18. Also, if you did not see any changes after installing the mod, check if you forgot to check the box next to it in the manager. It happens to me sometimes :)

19. If after removing the buggy mod the game stopped running, then try deleting the Skyrim.ini file. If it doesn't help, the only way out is a complete reinstallation, and do not forget to clean the registry and save the save folder somewhere.

20. Carefully read the information about the mod being downloaded in the distribution, perhaps this is an addon for some other mod and without it it will not work, the game will crash or not load at all, or you will not see any changes.

21. How to download from the site NEXUS? To do this, you need to register there. To do this, you will need to have email ending with COM. Further registration is standard - fill in the fields, wait for a letter by mail, confirm the registration and you can download.

22. Some modifications involve the use consoles. If you opened the console, entered the command and nothing happens, then most likely the Russian keyboard layout is installed on your system. You need to change it to English. To do this, at the bottom of the taskbar, near the clock, find the RU icon, click on it right click mouse, select OPTIONS, in the GENERAL tab, select ENGLISH(US).
23. Be sure to check out this
Skyrim Boss Userlist Manager - a very useful utility for sorting modifications and eliminating conflicts due to their relative position, especially for those users who have a lot of them.

For now, that's all I can remember. From time to time I will add descriptions here to solve problems with launching modifications, write about your problems and we will solve them together!
Post your questions here and we'll figure it out.

A hit parade of 19 fun, useful or wacky things you can do while playing Skyrim. Vegetable wars, chain dead, saw accidents and bear rides.

1. The path of a true necromagus.

A real necromagician will never get his hands dirty on a living person. No more than once anyway. You can complete an entire dungeon with just one kill. Kill the first enemy, revive and let him do all the work for you. Thus, moving from one enemy to another, reviving them one by one, you will clear the whole dungeon. It is quite difficult, it is a pity that there are no medals for this.

2. Use Scream to skydive.

Thu'um "Ethereal" not only protects you from enemy attacks, it will also save your legs from turning into mincemeat after falling from a high mountain. Problems, gravity?

3. Create your own video shouting “FUS RO YES”!

Fresh internet meme “FUS RO DA” is gaining popularity. Search the internet for a video of someone falling and overlay this truly epic scream on top of it:

4. Wait near an abandoned house in Markarth.

We don't know what will happen to you, but it's worth a try.

5. Upgrade your stealth skill!

Nords are not very attentive guys. Well, they can’t make a simple logical chain: “The player with a weapon in his hands” + “The absence of the guy who was here five seconds ago” + “corpse” = “it would be nice to call the guard.” Strain enemies, rob them and get away, with special skill you can do this in sunlight.

6. Start a fight with a couple of cabbages.

Drunk mercenaries are quite aggressive. Approach a couple of such persons in the tavern and throw a few heads of cabbage on the table. The corpse of the loser can be looted.


7. Build your book collection

Please do not throw away freshly read books - someone shed blood to write them. Better buy yourself a house and fill its bookshelf to capacity! Be sure to read The Argonian Whore, as well as writings about the religions of Tamriel, for toilet reading, the Yellow Book of Riddles is suitable. By the way, are there toilets in Skyrim?

8. Pack mercenaries.

Mercenaries are not your brothers, not sisters, not even your wife. So why respect them? Here's a recipe for a good time: go to a bar, sit in a secluded corner and set a mercenary on the most healthy Nord. You can also make kills with the hands of mercenaries for The Dark Brotherhood without fear of guards. And when you collect dragon scales and bones, give it to the mercenary, let him wear it. You still pay him money! Of course all friendships come to an end, climb a high mountain and say FUS RO YES to his face when you get tired of him.

9. Get rid of the corpses.

How about putting the corpse on a fire or sticking it in a sawmill?


11. Make dragons attack everything.

Once it sees you, the dragon will chase you until it dies. Or it won't kill, but it won't kill, right? This suicidal instinct makes him easily manageable. Set him on strong NPCs. The winged lizard often misses you, hitting even those who did not fight originally, drawing them into battle. Which fight do you think will be the most dramatic?

12. Throw all this garbage out of your backpack already!

If you've been playing Skyrim for more than two hours, we're sure your Stuff is full, and since it's not good to litter outside, litter at home! We are sure that in a couple of days your house will resemble a dumpster.

13. Use your Shout wisely.

If the enemy is standing near a cliff, or opposite the spikes - why not push him?

14. Become a self-sufficient magician.

Tired of digging through menus looking for the right potion? hang on left hand restoration of health, and on the right - the distillation of health into mana. At high levels of magic development, you can restore health and mana at the same time!

15. Become a vampire

This is reversible, go to the “Broken Fang Cave”, it is located in the west of Whiterun and the South-East of Rorikstead, climb into it, two vampires will be waiting for you inside, hang a healing spell on one of your hands and let yourself be attacked.

16. Become a werewolf

In Whiterun, sign up for the Companions. Follow the quest line.

17. Meet M'aiq the Liar

He roams somewhere in Skyrim, all meetings with him bring a bit of joy to this harsh land.

18. Become King Arthur

Somewhere in the province, a stone with a sword stuck in it is hidden, as well as the Lady of the Lake. Can you find them?

19. Launch a bear rocket

It's amazing what you can do with Freeze Thu'um, Slope, and Giant Mammal!

Each game is interesting not only by the process of passing, pumping the hero and quests, but also by the ending. Skyrim seemed to many a promising project. Partially he is a fan. But the ending was not remembered for anything special, and the players had to install mods in order to be able to extend the pleasure of passing.

About the game

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a popular game released in 2011. Players available open world where you can travel freely. This is the main advantage of the project. For many, the ending of Skyrim is not as important as the process of passing itself.

The game takes the gamer to the fictional location of Skyrim, which is located on the Tamriel mainland. 200 years have passed since the events of the previous part of the project. Therefore, the new part is only conditionally considered a continuation of the previous one.

The story tells that the dragon Alduin settled in Skyrim. The protagonist must stop him, otherwise the creature will call his fellows to the mainland.


Since many people play games for the sake of the story and the ending, they were worried about how many endings Skyrim had. If we talk about the main quest, then here we are talking about only one ending. But there are a huge number of mods for the game, so it would be possible to provide yourself with more than 100 finals. But all of them will not be related to the original game.

The project also has official DLC with its own history and endings. Skyrim has Dawnguard expansion, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. In the first case, the gamer will be able to realize himself in the Volkihar vampire clan, get new weapons, armor, armor, locations, etc.

Hearthfire doesn't have an ending. Here the player buys land plot, builds his house and takes care of the household. It is also possible to adopt a child.

The Dragonborn expansion continues the story of the first Dragonborn. The player will have to remember Miraak, fly dragons, fight with the help of spiders and serve the Sea.


After the release of the game, statistics were collected on how the passage is progressing. It was decided to analyze the activity of players who purchased the game on Steam. As a result, we managed to draw conclusions on who got to the end of the Skyrim game.

It turned out that in a month only 15% of the players reached the final test. Of these, only a third of gamers improved the protagonist to level 50. It was possible to collect information that there were those who did not even leave the first fortress. Moreover, it is difficult to determine for what reason this happened: perhaps the player simply abandoned Skyrim, or maybe he decided to carefully explore the world.

The players also, slowly, killed the first dragon, slowly took out the stone card, and were in no hurry to level up to level 10. Some did not overcome the monastery, and almost 40% abandoned the construction of their property.

Many years have passed since the release of the game, and we can safely say that such a measured passage was due to the fact that some players enjoyed the gameplay. Most were in no hurry to find out the ending of the story, but threw all their strength into studying game world and gameplay with mods. And even now, those who want to play the game again or for the first time, still put off the moment when they find out how Skyrim ended.

Passage: history

The story begins 200 years after the events in Oblivion. The war was resolved by the signing of a peace treaty. But the population of Skyrim remained dissatisfied with the conditions that were spelled out in the document. Many took to the streets to riot.

A certain Ulfric Stormcloak decided to roll up the government and organize his own community called the Stormcloaks. He wanted to regain the independence of his settlement. Such actions led to a civil war, during which the king of Skyrim was killed.

So the prophecy of the Elder Scrolls came true. It became clear that the return of the dragons and Alduin was ahead, which would lead to the end of the world.

Road to the final

The protagonist turns out to be a prisoner who is soon to die for having crossed the border of the city. But a dragon flies to the execution, which allows the main character to escape.

The game tells the gamer that the protagonist turns out to be a Dragonborn, who can use the souls of dragons and take away their cry. Dovahkiin finds out that Civil War in Skyrim - the last event in the prophecy. The hero has to complete a series of quests to rid the land of the tyrant.

List of missions

The developers divided the main quest into 3 acts. The first one has 6 tasks to complete. In this act, the gamer will be able to get to know the story of the protagonist and the gameplay. In the second part of the passage of 7 missions. Thanks to them, you can get to know the history of Alduin better and pump the character to a high level.

The third act is the final one. It is divided into 6 tasks. The player will still need to catch dragons and collect their screams, improve weapons and armor. You will also have to sit down at the negotiating table and get closer to Alduin.

Final quest

The last task is "Dragon Slayer". It will lead to the ending of Skyrim. Basically, it consists of two actions: dispel the fog and defeat Alduin. To successfully complete this task, the hero needs to leave the Hall of Valor and find warriors who would agree to help in the fight against the dragon.

Next, you will need to combine the "Clear Sky" shouts to deal with the fog, which can interfere with the battle. But it is worth remembering that Aludin restores the fog on his own, so the procedure will have to be repeated three times. When the third sounds, rush at the heroes.

Since Aludin is in the sky, he will have to be lowered to the ground with the help of the Dragonslayer. After that, you need to immediately attack with everything that is there. That is why it is important during the passage of all tasks to improve the level of the hero, his weapons and armor. Those who volunteered to help Dovakin will divert attention to themselves while the protagonist will deal a lot of damage.

After the final

After completing the main quest, the player will have access to all tasks at the game location. After Alduin's death, dragons will still be encountered on the path of the protagonist, so it will be possible to collect their souls and materials for equipment. But the hero cannot take the soul of the antagonist.

At the end of the battle, the player can move on, helping everyone in his path. First you need to talk to Tsun. He will give a new cry and go to the mortal world. Dovakin will see a meeting of dragons and will be able to tell Arngeir about the battle with Alduin. But he will report that the antagonist was not completely defeated, and can return at any time.


While playing the game, it is important to remember about blacksmithing in Skyrim. This skill helps you craft and upgrade items of equipment. If the ability is high, then the hero will be able to create a deadly weapon, and the battle not only with ordinary dragons, but also with the main one will be simple.

Usually, blacksmithing in Skyrim is used by warriors, although any other character can learn it. To increase the level of this skill, you need to pay attention to the Stones of the Warrior and the Lover. If the hero has the "Ancient Knowledge" ability, this skill will be accelerated by 15%.

Many players also advise completing the "Shards of Past Glory" quest before the end of the game in order to defeat the antagonist with the Razor of Mehrunes Dagon.