Passage of tasks of the Dark Brotherhood The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Passage of the Dark Brotherhood Skyrim dark brotherhood passing quests

We go to Windhelm, search and kill. She walks down the street until late at night, in the evening two times out of three she went into the hall of the dead.

Allen Dufont. We go to Raltbthar.

Three robbers will meet in front of the entrance - we kill in any way, it is almost impossible to sneak past them. We go. Two options - either we go straight and run into the locked door of the Adept level, or after the first broken gate we turn left and go around. Three robbers will meet, one will most likely be sleeping. Farther opened door. There are three in the room - our target and two more robbers. Let's kill everyone, what a trifle then.

The deed is done, back to Muiri. She will reward us with 600 coins and a ring.

Whispers in the dark

Given by: Astrid
The essence of the task: Cicero began to lock himself in the room with the coffin of the Night Mother and talk to someone. Need to figure out who.

Let's go to this room. You can hide there in one place - in the coffin of the Night Mother. Well, we don't have a choice.

We hide, we listen. It turns out two things. First, Cicero spoke to the Night Mother. Kind of a monologue. The second - Our hero is not only Dovakin, but he is also Hearing.

The Night Mother asks us to go to Volundrud and talk to Amon Motierre, but Astrid doesn't like it, she needs time to think it over. In the meantime, we are waiting for two more contracts.

Contract: Kill Lurbuk and Contract: Kill Herne

Gives: Nazir
The essence of the task: You need to kill two - the orc bard Lurbuk and the vampire Hern.


Lives in the village of Morthal, in the Heather Tavern.

He spends all the time there, with the only difference being that sometimes in the hall, and sometimes in his room. The second is preferable - there will be no witnesses.

Vampire Herne

Lives at Half Moon Sawmill with his wife Hurt, also a vampire.

The best option is midnight-one in the morning. He returns home. At this moment, you can stick an arrow between his shoulder blades or cut his throat. The wife will most likely be in the house, but if not, kill her too.

The tasks are completed, we return to Nazir for a well-deserved reward. The reward is the same - 400 coins per contract.

Astrid thought about it and decided to let us go to Volundrud and talk to Motierre.

With the death of silence

Given by: Astrid
The essence of the task: Go to Volundrud and talk with Motierre.

He will give us a contract to kill... the Emperor. Yes, the Emperor Titus-Medes II himself. This has not happened since the reign of Pelagius Septim III! Yes, of course we will take on this contract! Yes, do not forget to pick up the diary from the floor at the entrance, it starts a side quest in the same cave.

So, we get two items - a sealed letter and an amulet. We carry it all to Astriid. At first she thinks we're joking about the contract.

Then, when he sees the letter, he realizes that we are not joking. Well, the first thing to do is evaluate the amulet. We go to Delvin Melori, from Riften. It will be easiest to get from the shelter where we killed the old woman.

At the raised wooden bridge, you need to jump down and go along the corridor.

It turns out interesting - this is the Amulet of a member of the Council of Elders. Delvin will buy it. He gives the receipt and sends it back to Astrid. She says that everything is in order and it's time to start. The first step is to kill Vittoria Vici, the Emperor's cousin. Also, if you need the extra 1200 coins, go to Nazir and take three more contracts.

Contract: Kill Deekus*

We go to the north of Skyrim, to the place where the ship called Hela's Caprice sank. We find a lizard. We kill. Nothing complicated.

Contract: Kill Anoriath*

Our target is a long-eared shopkeeper.

Outside of Whiterun, I didn’t notice him even once in a week. It happens in two places - during the day it stands on the market square behind the tray, and at night it sleeps in the Drunken Hunter tavern. The choice is yours - shoot him an arrow between the shoulder blades from behind the house or kill him while he sleeps.

Contract: Kill Ma'Randra-Jo*

The whole problem lies in the fact that he does not sit in one place, but travels with caravans. I was able to overtake him only at Markarth. He stopped at the camp, and I decided not to miss my chance. Alternatively, you can stand by the river, shoot an arrow and immediately jump into the river.

We return to Nazir, get the well-deserved 1200 coins, and we can take another contract.

Contract: Kill Agnis*

The fort is guarded by robbers. I counted five, maybe I missed someone. The choice is yours - kill or sneak, nothing will change. In the fort itself, we turn right and literally after a couple of steps the old woman's room.

In the fort itself I counted six robbers plus an old woman.

We return to Nazir, get a standard reward and take two more contracts.

Contract: Kill Helvard*

Helvard is Nord Huscarl. That is Jarl's personal bodyguard. I think it is not necessary to explain that he is a strong opponent.

Contract: Kill Meiluril*

Maluril is a Dunmer mage who explores the ruins of Mzinchaleft.

The entrance is guarded by six robbers. In the ruins themselves, I met robbers - two at the first fire, one patrolling the corridor a little further, two in a corner by the pot, one guard at the door to the Dunmer room (he has the key to the door) and Meiluril himself, who was sleeping.

Let's go back to Nazir for the reward and the last contract.

Contract: Kill Safia*

We leave for the Warehouse of the Eastern Imperial Campaign, which is south of Solitude.

Nazir said that she was the captain of the ship, and sometimes leaves Skyrim, but as far as I saw, the Scarlet Wave stood at the docks all the time, never sailed away. But not the point. If it floats away - just be patient - do other things or just wait.

Immediately at the entrance you will meet 4-5 people. But they won't attack, they'll just say you're not welcome here. We just pass by, quietly kill Safiya and calmly leave. For me personally, this contract was not difficult, as Nazir spoke of it. Maybe because I killed Safiya with the first shot and those sailors didn't hear anything. I advise you to do the same.

The last contract has been completed. You can take the reward from Nazir.

Until the death tear us apart

Given by: Astrid
The essence of the task: Kill the Emperor's cousin Vittoria Vici at her own wedding.

First, talk to everyone in the hideout. There will be mostly meaningless phrases, but there will be two clues. The first from Babetta - Vittoria will perform on a balcony, above which stands a loose statue. Therefore, you can overturn it (don't you feel nostalgia?). And Gabriela will tell you that she examined the place of the future murder, and there is a good balcony, from where it is very convenient to shoot. She put a bow and some elven arrows in there.

I'm going to Solitude.

It is best to complete this task at night - it will be easier to hide. The best way to kill, in my opinion, is to topple the statue.

To get an additional reward, you need to kill Vittoria while she is addressing the guests. The best thing to do is to be sure when she says these words:

As soon as we kill her, Vizara will come running. Astrid sent it. She guessed that we would need help, because the guards obviously would not like this murder, and the guests would be offended.

We return to Astrid. She gives us a reward - a spell to summon the legendary Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood and an additional reward of 750 coins. And also sends to Gabriella, who helped to think about our next murder.

Vulnerable Spot

Given by: Astrid
The essence of the task: You need to kill Guy Maron - the son of the commander Maron, the commander of the Penitus Okulatos - the personal bodyguards of the Emperor, and then throw him a compromising note, from which it will follow that he is preparing to kill the Emperor.

You can just follow him from the Dragon Bridge itself, or you can sneak into the Penitus Okulatos headquarters and steal his schedule of city checks, and wait for him in one of them.

For the lazy, Guy's city check routine is as follows:

  • Morndas - Solitude, Imperial Tower
  • Morndas Evening - Solitude Castle Grim (Food & Sleep)
  • Tirdas - Windhelm, Royal Palace
  • Tirdas, Evening - Windhelm, barracks (food and sleep)
  • Middas - Riften, Mistveil Keep
  • Turdas - Whiterun, Dragonreach
  • Turdas Evening - Whiterun, The Prancing Mare (Food and Sleep)
  • Fredas - Markarth, Understone Keep
  • Fredas, in the evening - Markarth, watchtower (food and sleep)
  • Lordas and Sandas - spend at your discretion.

He will repeat the list over and over again until his father calls him (in fact, until you kill him). To get an additional reward, kill him somewhere in a big city. They'll find it faster there. After the murder, problems can arise, because. the soldiers who accompany him (and what did you think? Such a very important person would not walk alone along the dangerous roads of Skyrim) is unlikely to like the fact that you killed the son of the commander-in-chief Penitus Okulatos. Kill them or run away, it doesn't matter.

We return to the shelter. We get 750 coins and an additional amulet, which must be given to the soothsayer from Whiterun. And we also learn that in the shelter everything is not the glory of Sithis.

Cure for Madness

Giver: Gabriella
The essence of the task: Track down and kill Cicero. And along the way to find Arbjorn.

The mad jester wounded Vizara, nearly killed Astrid, and fled in an unknown direction.

Well, let's work as a detective. We go to his room, and we find five parts of the diary. I advise you to read all five, and not just the last one.

It turns out that in Skyrim there is another shelter of the Dark Brotherhood. And, most likely, this jester went there. Well, let's break the news to Astrid. To which she asks you to get to Cicero, and along the way to find her husband, who chased the madman. Sure, not a problem. Finally, Astrid offers to take you a horse named Tenegriv.

We go to the shelter, and at the entrance we find our dog. Arnbjorn is wounded, but says that the jester too, the artery is cut. We send hubby Astrid back to the shelter, and we ourselves go after the jester. The door asks: "What is the greatest illusion of life?" To which we must answer with a password, which you will learn if you read the diaries.

For the lazy: "Innocence, my brother"

"Welcome home" we will hear. Further everything is simple. We follow the trail of blood, as Arnbjorn will tell us, avoid traps, kill or slip past our ghostly brothers and sisters. And all this is accompanied by rather funny remarks of Cicero. Like, for example, my beloved: “You ... are still here. Of course, Cicero respects the Listener's abilities, but can't you just slow down a little? I'm not the same as before. Eh." And in the end, we naturally find (how could it be otherwise?).

Here we have a choice - to kill him or let him live. If you leave him alive, then after the passage of the Dark Brotherhood, he will appear at the new shelter and say that he will continue to protect the Night Mother, and will also be able to keep company in the wanderings of the Listener. The job is done, you can return to the shelter.

Astrid rejoices, thanks for saving her husband, allows Tenegriv to be left as a reward and ... gives a new contract for the murder.

Killer Recipe

Given by: Astrid
The essence of the task: Kill Gurman and take away from him a letter confirming the letter.

This time you need to kill ... the cook. But not a simple cook, but the Gourmet himself - the best cook in Skyrim and, possibly, Tamriel. Also a cookbook author. But not only do you need to kill him, but first you need to find out who he is, find him, kill him and pretend to be a Gourmet yourself. Well, first, let's find out who this Gourmet is. We go to Festus, he gives us a Gourmet gift book, presented to a certain Anton Viran. He is a cook in Markarth. Perhaps he knows Gurman, which means you need to visit him. In the end, Festus advised to kill Viran, after interrogation. Ends in the water, and all that. We go to Markarth, to the Understone Fortress. Our Anton works as a cook there.

We find and find out that Gourmet is ... Orc? Yes. And he lives in the Night Gate Tavern.

It's time to visit Gourmet. But before that, you need to kill Anton Viran. As far as I managed to notice, he didn’t leave the kitchen with his foot. Only there he hung around, so it would not work to watch for him somewhere. Show your imagination to kill him unnoticed.

We go to the tavern indicated to us. We talk with the innkeeper and find out that our orc sits in his room almost all day, sometimes goes to the cellar for wine and goes down to the lake. The lake... What did the elf in the shelter say to us there? That she usually hides bodies in the water? Ideally.

At noon, an orc (at least I met him there twice at noon) stands on the bridge and admires the lake.

We kill as we want and throw it into the water.

Yes, do not forget to pull the letter out of his pocket. And then who will believe you that you are a Gourmet, if no one knows his face? Well…Now nobody.

The job is done, you can return to the shelter. We tell Festus that the Gourmet is dead, he praises, says that everything is done, exactly as it should, gives coins and the Night Weaver's Ring and apologizes for being mistaken in us. Come on, we're not vindictive, right?

Death of the Empire!

Gives: Festus Krex
The essence of the task: Pretend to be a Gourmet and kill the Emperor.

And now, that time has come. It is time to begin the most important part of the operation entrusted to us. It's time to kill the Emperor, for the glory of Sithis!

I'm going to Solitude. We show the letter to Commander Maron, he lets you into the kitchen. By the way, have you read Gourmet's book?

We put on a chef's hat and start cooking. We tell Gianna what to add from the ingredients, and at the end we add our special ingredient. The king will like it ... And now, the soup is ready. Yes, while you're there, collect all the ingredients you can find.

We follow Gianna to the refectory. She will serve the broth, and you just have to stand and ... shine. And be ready to run. And here it is, this moment. The emperor begins to eat, praises the gourmet and the dish itself. But now he feels that something is wrong. But he fails to understand and dies. Emperor Tit-Mede II is dead! But it's too early to celebrate. We escape through the door and run across the bridge... But suddenly the legionnaires and Commander Maron himself block the way. And then it turns out that we killed ... a double. But how did they know? How did you find out about the assassination? So this is how it is. Someone betrayed us, someone from our family came to Maron and told him everything, made a deal. But Maron decided to spit on the deal and kill us and the entire dark brotherhood in general, so his troops are already storming the shelter. We need to go back, but for now we will deal with more pressing problems. For example, three legionnaires who stubbornly want to kill us. We deal with them and run to the shelter. On the way and at the entrance we will meet several more legionnaires. Is it all over? But you need to check. Suddenly there are still survivors.

Death Incarnate

Gives: Automatically when approaching the hideout.
The essence of the task: Find the survivors.

At the entrance to the shelter there will be two more legionnaires who are discussing the destruction of the dark brotherhood, and they say that the shelter is already on fire. We must hurry. We kill them. We go to the shelter. Everything is in smoke, the fire is blazing and again the legionnaires. We kill them, and we see Arbjorn.

He also fights legionnaires. We rush to help him, but we don’t have time to save him, the archer kills him. We avenge him and move on. And suddenly we see Nazir. He survived, but fights with the legionnaire. Need help! Die Legionnaire! Nazir is saved. But let's leave the joy for later, we need to get out. Otherwise, we'll burn alive. But you can't find a way out, the doors are blocked.

And suddenly you hear the Night Mother. She says... hug her? This seems to be our only chance for salvation.

We climb into the coffin and hug her (sounds crazy). The coffin closes and, judging by the sounds, falls out through the stained-glass window and falls into the water. The Night Mother whispers “Sleep…” and we… fall asleep. Yes. We fall asleep in a metal coffin in the water, hugging the corpse of the Night Mother.

The first thing we hear when we wake up is Babette. And, judging by the dialogue with Nazir, she exploits him to the fullest. He urges him to get the coffin out of the water faster. While he is doing this, the Night Mother spoke to us again. She asks to speak to Astrid, here at the hideout. So she's alive too? Well, let's hurry. We run into the room and ... we see it in a circle of candles, all burnt and covered in blood, and next to it lies a nightshade and a dagger. Familiar surroundings, isn't it?

And so, everything fell into place. Astrid betrayed us. Maron promised that if she betrayed us to him, the Dark Brotherhood would be left alone. Everything will be as before. But Maron betrayed her. And Astrid, in order to atone for her guilt and prove her sincerity, created a black sacrament for herself. Nothing to do but leave her like this. Yes, the contract has been signed. We kill Astrid with the Blade of Woe (yes, yes, with the same blade). And back to the Night Mother. She tells us that everything is as it should be. Astrid is dead. But if we are alive, then the Dark Brotherhood is also alive, and therefore the contract to kill the Emperor is still in force. Okay, so be it.

Glory to Sithis!

Given by: Night Mother.
The essence of the task: Kill the real Emperor.

We approach Nazir and talk about our plans. He says we can find him at the safe house in Dawnstar. While we fulfill the contract, he, together with Babette, will come up with a way and transport the Night Mother there. We go to the Prancing Mare in Whiterun. By the way, if you have not yet learned your fate - good time do it. Just along the way. From the gate to the first turn and to the right, don't get lost. As a reward, you will receive a good set of shadow armor.

And so, Motierre is glad that we are alive, and even more glad that we will fulfill the contract.

He reveals that the Emperor is about to sail on his ship, Katariah, back to the Empire. We must send him to Sithis by all means. Plus there is the opportunity to take revenge - Commander Maron will also be there. Great chance to kill two birds with one stone.

So, first we will go to the Warehouse of the Eastern Imperial Company, which is south of Solitude. Maron will be there.

We kill. And then we move to the ship. It is located east of Solitude.

The best way to get on the ship is to climb the anchor chain to the lower deck.

From there we will begin our journey through the ship, in search of the Emperor. You can kill everyone you meet. Personally, I did just that. We reach the chambers of the Emperor and find out that he just sat and waited for us.

He, unlike Maron, did not believe that the Dark Brotherhood could be stopped. And he's right. But before he dies, he asks to speak to him. Okay, let's hear what he has to say. And he will say this. Many wanted him dead, but only one was able to achieve this. And he wants this man to be punished for his betrayal. We'll think about his proposal, but for now let's get back to more pressing matters. And now, the Emperor is lying on the floor, in a pool of blood, with his throat cut. A triumph for the Dark Brotherhood and a brutal defeat for the Penitus Oculatus. It remains to return to Motierre, receive his reward and kill him. Well, or NOT to kill. It's like who. I personally killed - I do not like traitors. We find out where the reward is - in the very cave where we first met him - we kill (or don't kill) and go for the reward.

Then we go to the Dawnstar refuge, we speak with Nazir, he will advise us to go to the notorious Delvin Melory, to buy the furnishings for a new shelter. After buying it, out of the 20,000 coins received for killing the emperor, you will have only 1000 left. But then you will have a corner of the poisoner (an alchemy laboratory and a garden with plants), your chambers, a secret entrance, a torture room and flags. That's all, Listener. The monotonous (endless) quests from the Night Mother will follow. Like go there, talk to him and kill him.

Torture victims

If you bought a torture room, then after torturing the prisoners, they will tell you about their hiding places. After that, quests to search for these treasures will automatically appear.

Here's where these caches are located:

  1. In an old swamp stump south of Solitude.
  2. In a hollow rock north of Windhelm.
  3. In a hollow stone west of Whiterun.
  4. In a hollow stump north of Riften.
Search for an assassin from the past

After completing the quest "Vulnerable Spot" with an additional condition, you will receive a medallion that you need to give to Olava the Weak from Whiterun. We leave for Whiterun and give the medallion to Olava. She US predicts that soon we will find an assassin from the past, who found his peace in one of the tombs in the north-west of Skyrim.

Our goal is the tomb of the Forest Oplot. It is located in the mountains near the village of Dragon Bridge. Outside and inside are full of outcasts, as well as all kinds of traps.

We pass through the tomb and get into the Forest Valley - a spacious camp of outcasts, surrounded on all sides by rocks. We cross this camp and enter the next tomb - the Witch's Nest. There, witches and a fortuneteller will be waiting for us. You won’t have to go far, and in one of the rooms behind the throne there will be secret door, opening with a lever on the wall. Behind the door in a small room will lie the same assassin, or rather his corpse. Also, if you go further along the tomb, then in the large hall there will be a wall with the Word of Power "Eternity" (Slow time).

belated funeral

This quest can only be completed before joining the Dark Brotherhood. To the northeast of Whiterun, near the Lorea farm, we meet Cicero. He says he was taking his dear mother's body to the funeral, but his wheel broke on the way, and the farm owner refuses to help him because of his strange behavior. Now we have to choose either to help Cicero and persuade Lorea to fix the wheel (for this Cicero will give you from 250-750 coins, depending on the level), or by agreeing with Lorea to inform the guards on Cicero (after that you will find out that the guards and the owners of the farm were found dead ).

This is probably the most famous guild among The players. Elder Scrolls. However, the Dark Brotherhood is only a memory of a once truly majestic corporation. Previously, only its name already frightened even the most important people Tamriel.

How to join the dark brotherhood

This guild differs from the rest in that it has no official headquarters in different cities. And it's very hard to get there. Go to the tavern and ask about the rumors to find the Dark Brotherhood. To complete the Skyrim game, you need to raise the topic "Aventus Arentino" with you. However, it is not discussed everywhere. You can try to find out about the boy in the settlement of Ivarstead, it does not reach the greybeards. This man is performing some kind of dark sacrament in Windhelm. You need to find his house, and then get inside by breaking the door. By the way, there may be a couple of local residents near the house. Don't worry, they won't "notice" the hack. Go to Aventus, who will introduce you to his history, as well as tell you about your new mission.

Lost innocence

Aventus will ask you to finish off some old lady. She does not allow children to live in peace. Go to Riften to the orphanage and deal with her in her room. Don't kill her elsewhere as there will be too much noise.

Return to Aventus and collect your reward for completing the mission in Skyrim in the form of a heirloom belonging to the Aventus Arentino family.

With such friends...

Find yourself a lodging for the night anywhere in the city, anyway in the morning you will find yourself in another. You will not immediately succeed not to move during sleep, from the third time it may work. By the way, even before you start looking for the brotherhood, you can be attacked by a killer. And just after that, you will no longer be able to go to bed and wake up every time in a different place. And they will send you a note with the text "We know" all the time.
When you wake up in some abandoned building, Astrid will come up to you and demand to return her debt. That is, to kill a person. Look around and you will see three captured people who will have bags on their heads. According to Astrid, one prisoner was ordered to her, while others accidentally caught her eye. To complete Skyrim, you will need to deal with one, but you can kill all of them. After that, it turns out that the essence was not in the murder itself, but in feeling the deprivation of a person's life. She will then plot the hideout on the map and give you the password. He will also give you the key to this house. Then you can leave

Their Sanctuary will be marked on the map. It is located south of Pinewood Cave. And the password will be the words "Silence, my brother." Find the specified location and say the password. Now you have been accepted into the brotherhood. You will receive clothes and will be able to talk about the current situation of the Dark Brotherhood.


The task will be given to you by Astrid. It is necessary to get the first orders for assassinations from Nazir. Walk forward. Then you will notice the members of the hideout gathered around some girl entertaining them. However, you will find Nazir and get your contacts. To complete Skyrim, you will need to kill Baitild, then Narfi, and then Ennodius Paphia in order.


To complete the task, sneak into her house at about three o'clock at night. Kill her sleeping.


Fighting won't hurt you, but still be careful when killing.

Endoius Pafius

It will be even easier than the rest of the kills. To complete the Skyrim game, find a tent with a sleeping ordered person in the wilderness. Complete the task. Finally, all three victims are dead and you can return. Cicero, along with the Night Mother, came to the hideout. And Festus is unspeakably happy. He is sure that after this, dogmas will finally reign in the shelter. Talk to Astrid and get another task. Do not forget to report to Nazir on completed contracts and collect your reward for completing the mission in Skyrim in the form of 400 coins for each.

goodbye love

Astrid will ask you to go to Markarth and pick up an order from Muiri. She is a pharmacist's assistant. You will need to finish off a man named Alain Dufont. Once upon a time, he was Muiri's lover. In addition, the customer will say to deal with Nilsin with a broken shield. Take care of her first.

Find Nilsin in Windhelm and kill her. She can be seen walking in the dead of night. In addition, twice she will visit the hall of the dead. You can find the next victim - Alain Dufont in Raltbthar. Three bandits will block your way there. Kill them immediately, you will not be able to pass unnoticed by them. Then you have a choice: either go forward to the closed door with the "Adept" level, or turn left after you see the first broken gate and move around. Then you will meet again three bandits, one of which will fall asleep. Ahead of you is an unlocked door and all your targets are behind it. And two more bandits. To complete Skyrim, kill everyone. Return to Mairi and get your reward - a ring and 600 coins. As you can see, the passage of the Skyrim game does not skimp on rewards.

Whispers in the dark

In this mission from Astrid, you will have to find out who Cicero is talking to when he closes himself in a room with the Night Mother, or rather with her coffin. Find yourself a hiding place in Cicero's room. Actually, there is only one there - the coffin of the Night Mother. Hide and listen. You will learn that Cicero is talking to none other than the Night Mother herself. It's more of a monologue. In addition, he is a Listener and Dovahkiin! From the Mother of the Night, a request will be made to go to Volundrud, and there to talk with a certain person named Amon Motierre. Astrid is not happy with this idea and asked to give her time to think. In the meantime, you can do two more orders

Contracts: Kill Lurbuk and Kill Herne

The passage of the Skyrim game in this task requires you to kill a vampire named Hern and an orc bard Lurbuk.


He lives in the settlement of Morthal, or rather in the Heathers tavern. He is always there, moving only between his room and the hall. Of course, the first option is better - no one will see you.

Vampire Herne

Lives with his vampire wife, Hurt, at Half Moon Sawmill. It will be better for you to go to him between midnight and one in the morning. The vampire is about to go home. And you shoot an arrow between his shoulder blades or cut his throat. If the wife leaves the house, you will have to kill her too. This completes these tasks. You can return to Nazir for a reward for completing Skyrim (again 400 coins per order). By the way, Astrid will say that she has already thought about everything and allows you to go to a meeting with Motierre in Volundrud.

With the death of silence

So, a new mission from Astrid begins. And as already mentioned, you must find Motierre in Volundrud. In addition, Astrid will give you an order to kill the Emperor Titus-Medes II himself. And there have been no such cases since the reign of Pelagius Septim III! Of course, you will agree, but do not miss the diary on the floor, because it will give you an additional task right there in the cave.

You will be given an amulet and a sealed letter. To complete the Skyrim game, take these items to Astrid, who at first will take your words about the order as a joke. Then, after reading the letter, she will realize that everything was said in earnest. Proceed to the assessment of the amulet. To do this, you will need to get to Delvin Melori, who lives in Riften. The easiest way to get there is if you leave the shelter where you dealt with the old woman. On the way, a wooden bridge will stop you because it will be raised. Therefore, make a jump down, and then go through the corridor. Find Delvin and ask him that your amulet belongs to a member of the Council of Elders. Sell ​​it to Delvin and take the receipt from him. Then go back to Astrid, who will inform you that you should already get to work. Kill Vittoria Vici first. She is the Emperor's cousin. If you want to earn another 1200 coins, find Nazir and accept the next three orders.

Contract: Kill Deekus

Head north of Skyrim to the wreck of the Caprice Hel ship. Find and kill the lizard. That's all.

Contract: Kill Anoriath

Here the passage of the game Skyrim forces you to deal with the long-eared shopkeeper. He does not leave Whiterun and is usually found behind the stall in the marketplace during the day. At night, his refuge is the tavern "Drunken Hunter". You can stab him in his sleep or shoot him with an arrow between his shoulder blades.

Contract: Kill Ma Randra-Joe

It will be a little more difficult here, because your target is not in one place, but moves with caravans. You can find him at Makart, there, in the camp, he will make a stop. Don't miss this opportunity. For example, you can crouch near the river, shoot from the bow and immediately jump into the water. You have completed the orders, so go back to Nazir and collect your rightful reward for completing Skyrim in 1200 coins. By the way, you can immediately receive a new order if you wish.

The Dark Brotherhood is a mysterious and no less gloomy brotherhood of assassins who are ready to kill anyone whom a certain "Dark Mystery" points to. The Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim has moved away from the usual cult of Sithis and at the moment worships the no less mysterious Night Mother, thereby observing all the Five Commandments. They have practically become ordinary hired killers that they are ready to literally do anything for the sake of hard cash.

In the passage of the Dark Brotherhood as a couple, difficulties arise, incomprehensible tasks, situations, and so on. We will help you to understand every game detail, for a more detailed and understandable passage.

Lost innocence

To join the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodiil, it was only necessary to kill some innocent inhabitant of this province. In Skyrim, other laws apply - you can destroy the entire city, but you will not receive a summons to the Dark Brotherhood. But do not lose hope and do not doubt that the Dark Brotherhood exists. As proof of its existence, you can be attacked by an assassin, from whose corpse you can take a note that says that you were ordered by the Dark Brotherhood.

In any case, getting into the Dark Brotherhood is real, you just need to wander around the taverns or talk to the kids who are in the Riften orphanage, although you can also immediately go to Windhelm, since it is from there that all the rumors about the Dark Brotherhood will go. As soon as you find yourself in Windhelm, then at the entrance, eavesdrop on the conversation of the characters on the right side. In general, you will hear the following: a recently orphaned boy named Aventus Aretino, ran away from the orphanage and is now going to call on the Dark Brotherhood.

The boy lives in the same alley where you could hear the story about him. There will be a locked door there, so break it open, go inside and go up to the second floor, where you will find Aretino. You will see that the boy has surrounded himself with very strange objects, and he also pronounces very strange words. So the boy thinks he's doing the Black Sacrament. But it is not known whether he really calls secret assassins or not. In any case, Aretino, seeing you, decides that you are the one he called.

In general, the boy will ask you to kill a certain Grelod the Good, who will turn out to be not so good. She is in a shelter located in Riften and the easiest way to kill her is when she sleeps. After you quietly sneak in and kill her, the whole orphanage suddenly wakes up and a very funny scene begins. As a reward, Aretino will give you his family plate and say that he will soon return to the shelter (but in fact he will never return there and will sit at home for the rest of his life).

With such friends...

At what moment the courier brings the letter to the main character, on which there will be a signet with a hand. The essence of the letter says something like "we know what you did that summer." Well, having fallen asleep at some point on your favorite bed, you soon wake up already in some incomprehensible and abandoned barn, already in the company of a certain Astrid. So, in front of you, three "hostages" are sitting on their knees.

Astrid, in turn, will scold you for committing lynching and will soon offer to pass a test to join the Dark Brotherhood. The text is simple - talk to the captives and figure out who the contract was concluded with, and then kill the target. It is generally impossible to fail this test, so there is no point in describing it, so talk to everyone and kill someone already.

After this test, you will be officially accepted into the Dark Brotherhood and officially invited to their hideout. Now go to Falkreath and find the entrance to this shelter you need, at the entrance of which you will need to pronounce a secret word, after which the doors will open for you. Upon arrival at this shelter, Astrid will greet you and offer you to try on the signature suit of the Dark Brotherhood - the armor of the Shadows. After that, you will meet your first employer in the shelter, which will be Nazir.


Go to Nazir and take three contracts from him. So, your victims will be: a beggar named Narfi, the mistress of the Beitild mine and the former owner of a sawmill named Ennodius Papius. You can find Narfi in a ruined house, which is located in the vicinity of Ivarstead. You can find the hermit Ennodius Papias near the waterfall in the west, which is located in the vicinity of Windhelm. And the last goal - Baithilde, you can find on the streets of Dawnstar.

goodbye love

Soon, a cheerful and insane Cicero appears in the shelter. If you have previously completed his task called "A Belated Burial", then he will undoubtedly recognize you! If you talk to him, he will complain that your Dark Brotherhood does not have a Listener - a medium who could talk to the Night Mother, which he recently brought from Bravil in one of the boxes.

At the same time, Astrid sends you to Markarth, where an assistant pharmacist named Maury wants to deal with her former lover. In general, hand over all the previous contracts to Nazir and go on a new task.

You can find Mauri in a local pharmacy called "Witch's Tincture", or in a tavern. After talking with her and about her difficult fate, she gives you a contract for a robber named Alain Dufont who lives in the depths of the Dwemer ruins called Raldbthar. In addition, she will also tell you that it would be nice to kill a certain Nilsina Shattered Shield, who lives somewhere in the city of Windhelm.

It will be necessary to get to the Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar from the north side, since from there the stairs lead up. Outside, you will meet Alain Dufont's friends, so this task turns into the most common cleaning of the dungeon. You can find your goal inside this dungeon, by the fire with the rest of the robbers. By the way, in the hands of Alain you can see a hammer called "Curse of Aegis". Since Alain is a coward, only his friends will attack in battle, and in the meantime he will try to hide from you. By the way, there is spilled oil near the fire, so you can try to fry the whole gang.

As for Nilsina Shattered Shield, here you have to face a moral dilemma. Her sister was killed by a maniac, so the whole family is in complete mourning, and if you kill Nilsina, then her mother will hang herself ... As a reward, you will receive a ring that gives additional strength to your potions. After the job is done, return back to Astrid. And upon arrival, you notice that after the arrival of Cicero, their fun days begin in the Brotherhood.

Whispers in the dark

Astrid will be very worried, because the already too crazy Cicero has already started talking to someone in his room. Maybe he's up to something very bad? To eavesdrop on what Cicero is talking about, you will need to quietly and carefully sneak into his room. And it's better to hide somewhere in advance, for example, in the coffin of the "Mother of the Night", with a mummy ... In general, open the lock on the sarcophagus and climb inside.

After a short scene, you have to talk to Cicero and Astrid. You will have to tell them what happened to you. In the end, you are sent to Nazir. He, in turn, gives you two new contracts. In the first contract, you will have to kill an orc bard named Lurbuk, and in the second contract, you will need to kill a vampire named Herne.

Herne lives with his girlfriend at the Half Moon Sawmill, which by the way is located not very far from the Dark Brotherhood's hideout. Usually your target is at home, so by picking the lock, you can go inside and kill Herne.

As for Lurbuk, you should know that he is the sickest bard in all of Skyrim. He is so bad at Berd craft that his own guild decided to remove him. He will perform in a tavern in Morthal called Heathers. The easiest way for you to get to him is when he leaves the main hall. After you complete these two contracts, you can safely continue to play through the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

With the death of silence

As soon as you return back to your shelter, Astrid immediately meets you and offers to listen to the Night Mother together and then go to the burial ground called Volundrud to talk with a man named Amon Motierre.

You won't have to search for this person for a long time - just turn to the left side and go through the corpses of the draugrs, and then open the doors in the end. As it turns out, Amon attracted the attention of the Night Mother with the help of the Black Sacrament. In general, this character offers you a very interesting contract: the assassination of the emperor! As soon as you receive a letter from Rex with a valuable amulet, then return back to the Dark Brotherhood shelter.

After you chat with Astrid in the shelter, then you just have to go to Riften now and get into the Thieves Guild to a buyer named Delvin Mallory. You will need to learn more from him about the amulet that Amon Motierre gave you. A little later, it turns out that the amulet is a sign that it belongs to the Imperial Council of Elders. You will have to take a receipt from Delvin and return back to your shelter. Apparently, someone from the Council of Elders was involved in this murder.

So, after Astrid receives a receipt, she sends you to the wedding. In order to summon Emperor Titus Mid II to Skyrim, it is necessary to cause great confusion, so the best way is to sew one of his relatives and the choice falls on Victoria Vici, who stands as the head of the Eastern Imperial Company in Solitude. Immediately you will have an additional task - to kill her at the moment when she makes a speech.

Until the death tear us apart

The character who knows how to hide and owns a bow, the task will be easier than ever. It is only necessary to make your way along the fortress walls to the place where the wedding will take place. Then find a better place, wait until the bride starts to make her speech and kill in the end.

You can also use some kind of destructive spell, or the illusion of rage on her husband (after which he will beat her there on the spot), melee weapons and even the claws of a lycanthrope will also be very effective! By the way, you can also push the statue on the head of the girl that stands on the top of the wall. But the developers still took pity on everyone and allowed the bride to be killed even by those who are not good with the bow. So, on the left side of the entrance to the Temple of the Gods there will be a small door that leads to the city to a balcony, which is located just opposite where the princess is going to perform. In general, in that place there is a very powerful bow called "Death of Friniel", and six elven arrows and a jar of accuracy potion will also be right there!

But after you find this bow, it is best not to stay there anymore and climb higher, since it will be much easier for you to leave from there. Of course, the lizard Vizara will cover you, but it will be enough that you will run from this place along the bastions and keep to the right side in order to eventually reach the city gates.

Advice: It makes sense to search the body of the bride for some valuable things, for example, wedding clothes with a pile. But the problem is that these clothes are very quickly removed from the game, and jumping directly to the corpse is quite dangerous, because there are a lot of guards below. But there is one tricky way: as soon as the arrow hits the bride, you must immediately move to the shelter and turn in the task, after which you will quickly return back to Solitude to the corpse.

As a reward, Astrid will give you a talent that allows you to summon a ghostly assassin (those who are familiar with the previous part of the game will undoubtedly recognize this talent). In general, after that you need to go to Gabriella and get new instructions for the task.

Vulnerable point

The task that Gabriella gives sounds very difficult: in order to neutralize the emperor's guards, you will have to demoralize the head of this guard, and this can only be done by killing his son named Guy, at the moment when he is making an inspection tour of the cities of Skyrim. Although this does not end there, because after the murder, it is also necessary to put fake papers on Guy's body, which will say that it was he who was preparing an attempt on the Emperor. By the way, it is better to carry out this plan not when Guy is in some city, but when he is on the road - so his body can be found faster, moreover, for this you will be given an additional reward, with which you can still and receive an additional task in which you will receive an already improved Shadow armor.

You can steal the schedule of all trips in the garrison house called Penitus Okulatus, but it is also not necessary to do this, since you can simply wait for your goal in one of the taverns. Or you can just watch the scene where Guy says goodbye at the Dragon Bridge. From there, you just have to follow him to the nearest settlement, where you can kill Guy and plant a fake letter on him.

The note: Also if you passed the company civil war and were on the side of the Storm Brothers - that is, they took the Dragon Bridge, you can not be afraid for Guy, because he and his soldiers can easily defeat all enemy soldiers and continue moving along the indicated route.

Once you have done everything that was required of you, then return back to the shelter of the Dark Brotherhood. Gabriella will meet you at the entrance to the hideout. In general, hand over your task to her and return back to Astrid.

The cure for insanity

The shelter of the Dark Brotherhood is a complete mess: Cicero took and attacked the inhabitants of this place, mortally wounded Vizara, and then fled from Arnbjorn pursuing him. To find out where the mad Cicero has gone, you are sent to his room. At some point, you find his diary and it becomes clear where he ran away. This place will be another shelter of the Dark Brotherhood, which is located in Dawnstar, in addition, there is even a password to enter this shelter in the diary.

In order for you to get to Cicero faster, Astrid will kindly give you his horse, which will be the legendary Tenegriv. Get in and go, but in any case, Dawnstar is best reached by fast travel.

The note: If Tenegriv does not appear from the black lake, then try to bring enemies to this place, so that in the end, the horse will attack them, thereby getting out to you. In any case, it's best to save before you get out of hiding and head to the lake.

So, first you will need to find the werewolf Arnbjorn, who led the pursuit of Cicero and suffered in battle. In the end, he can speak and will tell you that he wounded Cicero and will tell you that when you find yourself in a shelter, then follow the bloody tracks. As soon as the doors ask you "What is the greatest illusion of life?" then answer "Innocence, my brother."

Once you're inside, you'll start hearing Cicero's craziest words. Also, be careful here, as along the way you will meet fire traps and ghostly guards of the sanctuary. By the way, pay attention to the clothes of the jester that lies on the table and also to a large number of educational books.

Advice: You can call on your ghostly assassin and listen to what he thinks about everything that is happening here.

Bloody footprints lead you eventually to an ice cave, where bear traps will already begin to meet you. Soon Cicero will say that someone "forced him to expand", after which you will see who this "someone" is - a huge troll Udurfrukt.

As soon as you pass the wooden doors, then pull the chain. Going a little further you come across coffins and another batch of ghostly guards. As soon as you kill all the enemies, then open another passage, after pulling the chain. At this point, you finally meet Cicero. Since he is very badly injured, he asks you to spare him and deceive Astrid. But how to be? On the one hand, he caused great harm to the brotherhood, but on the other hand, he is the guardian of the Night Mother.

It is worth leaving him alive, if only because he can become your companions a little later. But if you want to kill him, then keep in mind that he is not injured, but just pretending, so he will instantly jump up and fight you. In addition, if you defeat him, then you can take the improved jester's clothes from his body.

After that, go back to Astrid and you can lie - if you decide to spare Cicero, or tell the truth - if you killed. So, it's time to move on with the imperial plot - now you will have Festus Keks (a very grumpy old man) as an instructor.

Killer Recipe

Your new task is to kill the secret Gourmet. In addition, you will also need to decorate the pass of the personal chef of the emperor, and then hide the corpse so that no one knows that the imperial chef died. Of course, no one has any idea what this unknown Gourmet looks like, so this is your perfect opportunity to pretend to be one.

Who exactly is actually hiding behind the unknown Gourmet is known only by Anton Viran, who lives in the Podkamenny Fortress, which is located in Markarth. You will first have to interrogate him, and then kill him. It's best to kill your informant after night falls and everyone is asleep. As soon as Anton hears that you are from the Dark Brotherhood, he will immediately tell everything that he knows. So, the unknown gourmet will be an orc named Balagog gro-Nolob and he is in a tavern called "Night Gate", which is located in the western part of the city of Windhelm.

You can find an orc there in the cellar, although during the day he comes ashore in pairs. If you want to kill him on the street, then you can throw the corpse into the water, but if you kill him in the basement, then the corpse will have to be thrown into one of the barrels. Also, do not forget to take the necessary pass from his body, and a training book in the basement.

The note: Keep in mind that if you try to kill an orc at the moment when he is sitting on his chair, then the corpse may get stuck and then superhuman efforts will be required to get him out of this “mess”.

After the murder is done, the corpse is hidden, and all the necessary papers are taken - go back to Frestus Krex. The time has finally come to kill the emperor. In this case, Astrid again acts as an instructor.

Advice: Before you go on the next task, then make sure that you have nothing left in the shelter, as it will not be available to you in the near future.

Death of the Empire

The task sounds too simple: use the recently stolen pass, sneak inside the palace, send food using the root of the brazier and then, when the emperor throws his legs back, get out of here through the upper doors to the unguarded bridge.

As you find yourself in Solitude, then climbing up the stone steps a little, eavesdrop on the conversation of the legionnaires, who will be very alarmed by something. They will talk about what kind of conspiracy was uncovered. They also mention Commander Maron, whose son you killed a few quests ago. Maron himself will stand nearby. He accepts your pass and sends you to the kitchen to the cook named Gianna.

So, the girl will tell you to put on a hat. You, in turn, do everything that she tells you and after, start cooking. By the way, do not forget to add the roast root to the food.

At some point, the cooking ends and Gianna takes the pot of food to the emperor. As it turns out a little later, the food went to the fake emperor, but you don't know that yet. With one eye, look at how the emperor is eating, and then slowly get out of the palace. As soon as you poison the emperor and he dies, then immediately go to the bridge. Once on the bridge, you meet unexpectedly with Commander Maron, where you have to face the guards.

The note: Try to kill the guards, because if you do not kill them, then they will remain further in the city in battle mode, and they will constantly resurrect and attack you again.

After such a setup, it's time to get out of here. Climb down with the help of a spiral staircase and find yourself in this way already outside the city.

Death incarnate

Suddenly fast travel in the shelter will no longer be available, so you have to move on your own two from Falkreath. The task begins when you are attacked by agents of the empire. Around the Dark Brotherhood hideout, you can see a bunch of barrels of oil and a blazing fire inside. If you overhear the conversation of the Imperials, you will hear that someone from the brotherhood managed to survive, but the problem is that he hid deep in the shelter.

Bursting inside, you do not have time to save the old Arnbjorn, but making your way further through the fire, you find Nazir. Having dealt with the imperial soldiers with him, you can finally prove your innocence in this plot against the Dark Brotherhood. After talking with Nazir, you understand that the exit from this place is blocked, but Nazir will have nothing to do, because he is a Redguard - this means that he is practically not vulnerable to fire. But what are you to do? You will have to hide in the Night Mother's sarcophagus...

After a short scene, get out of the sarcophagus and go in search of Astrid. As soon as you fulfill her request, then go back to the Night Mother and listen to what she will tell you. In the end, the Night Mother informs you that you are now the head of the Dark Brotherhood.

Glory to Sithis!

It's time to tell Nazir what the Night Mother told you. After that, go to a tavern called "The Prancing Mare", which is located in Whiterun. There you will meet your old friend Amon Motierre. He will tell you that at the moment the real emperor is on board a ship called "Kataria", which is located at the mouth of Solitude Bay. What does the emperor have a very powerful guard. In addition, you can finally get even with Maron, which will be located in the port. It is better to start the task with Maron, since he is the easiest target: he wanders along the port bridges back and forth.

The ship "Kataria" anchored near the huge rock of Solitude. You can get on the ship by climbing the anchor chain. The security will be small. Apparently they relaxed after they realized that the Dark Brotherhood was defeated. Making your way through the sailors and agents of the empire, you soon stumble upon doors that are locked with a powerful lock. You can take the key to this locked door from the local captain, who will live in the cabin next door.

As it turns out a little later, the emperor was waiting for you. Before his death, he also asks to fill up the conspirator - Amon Motierre. You can fulfill the request of the emperor and after talking with Amon in the Whiterun tavern, fill him up too, and receive a reward in Volundrud, in an old urn.

After finally completing the contract, go back to the new hideout in Dawnstar and talk to Nazir there. Now you are the new head of the Dark Brotherhood and can take contracts from the Night Mother, as well as slowly build up the shelter.

Where to hang the enemy's head

Before you head to the tavern called "The Ragged Flask" before Delvin, you can immediately take the quest from the Night Mother called "The Dark Brotherhood Forever". The task is endless, as the Night Mother will constantly send you to an unnamed customer, who in turn will pay for unnamed goals. In general, the payment will be 1200 septims per kill. In addition, you can also take small contracts that Nazir gives out, but of course they will give much less money for them - 750 Septims, but they will be interesting because the victims are real Skyrim characters, and not generated at the time of taking the task, but Nazir will not have infinite contracts.

In general, get out of your shelter and at some point you meet the old Cicero, who returned back to his duties (provided that you, of course, did not fill him up in the past). Cicero, as always, in his own style: at first he will scare you with his bad joke, and then he talks normally. So, now you can take him as your partner, and help and send him back to wipe the coffin of the Night Mother.

In any case, go to Delvin. Upon arrival, ask him to repair and equip the Dunstar hideout. You will be forced to buy everything that he offers you, because if you interrupt his offer, the pointer will be removed from him. In general, you will have to shell out a very round sum for all this - 18,000 septims (by the way, almost the entire reward for the death of the emperor).

As soon as you return back to your shelter, you will notice how good it has become here. Nazir, along with Babette, will be surprised that Cicero survived (of course, if they did not take care of the opposite in the past). In the torture chamber, you can see the victims languishing there. In addition to being ordinary prisoners, they also know where the treasure is stored, so you can take four treasure hunt tasks. Even in the shelter, you will be able to notice that two Initiates have appeared, who, by the way, can also become your partners. At this point, the Dark Brotherhood's main storyline ends.

Joining the Dark Brotherhood

For starters, we can ask around for various rumors in the taverns of Skyrim or just from people. From the rumors we learn that the boy from Windhelm Aventius Aretino appeals to the dark brotherhood. We go to Windhelm, find Aretino's house there, go inside and see how the boy performs a dark ritual and calls out to the mother of the night.

Lost Innocence 1

We approach the guy, he is glad to see us and entrusts us with a contract to kill Grenod the Good from the orphanage in Riften. We go to the Noble Orphanage, which is located in Riften and kill the grandmother. The children are happy and so are we. We return to Aretino in Windhelm, he is pleased and hands us a silver plate worth 100 gold. After completing the quest, we need to wait a certain time, and after that, in one of the cities of Skyrim, a messenger will run up to us and hand us a mysterious note that will show a hand and the inscription “We know”, after that we need to sleep for eight hours.

With such friends... 2

After we were given a note and we fell asleep, we wake up in an incomprehensible place to us, and an incomprehensible woman in the clothes of an assassin is talking to us. The woman's name is Astrid and we need to pay for the murder of the old woman, because we stole her from the Dark Brotherhood, but can we pay with what? Life, but not ours, but the life of one of the three people with bags on their heads who are in the same room with us. It doesn't really matter which one we kill. And we can also destroy Astrid herself and then the quest "Farewell, Dark Brotherhood" will start, see paragraph 5 of the content "Farewell, Dark Brotherhood". We are not in a hurry to kill Astrid yet, but we will kill one of the three targets ... or all three at once, as your humble servant did. We approach Astrid - she is pleased with us and gives the key to the hut, and also gives the location of the dark brotherhood. The TB hideout is located west of Falkreath. We go there and call the password "Silence, my brother." We go inside and talk to Astrid. In the shelter you can find the "Stone of Barenziah", which can be given to Vex in the "Rampant Flask" under Riften if we joined the Thieves Guild. There you can take a useful word of power. We go to Nazir and take contracts for murder from him.

Main Quest Line

Contract: Kill Baitild

We need to kill Baytild, who owns the Mine in Dawnstar. We go to Dawnstar and find Baytild there. There are two ways to destroy our victim. You can tell her that you are from the Dark Brotherhood, and she herself will start attacking you in the middle of the whole audience, and you can safely kill her. You can wait until 12 o'clock at night and kill her when she sleeps. I chose the first one because it looks more legal.

Contract: Kill Ennodius Papias

We need to kill the former owner of the sawmill in the village of Anga - Ennodia Papia. Here the most difficult thing is to get to the village itself, but its location is indicated by a marker on the map, so this difficult task is quite simple, and killing Ennodius is generally easier than ever, you can talk to him, and he will run away from you, quite funny.

Contract: Kill Narfi

We need to go to Ivarstead. Those who completed the main quest will find it easy to get there. In Ivarstead, we need to find Beggar Narfi, he is in his own burnt house. I felt sorry for him, the house burned down, and even the dark brotherhood came. The author of this passage is generally a compassionate person, but what will you not do for you, gentlemen readers. Try to kill him secretly and give him the opportunity to run away so that the guards do not notice you, the author of this passage threw him into the river and Narfi carried the waterfall away.

After completing all three contracts, we return to the sanctuary and see the scene of the arrival of the mother of the night and ... Cicero. Astrid will give us a new contract, and we give the completed ones to Nazir.

goodbye love 1

This is our first serious contract that Astrid gives us. We need to go to Markarth and find Muiri there. After talking with Muiri, we will need to kill her former lover Alain Dufont and additionally Nilsin Shattered Shield in Windhelm. Don't forget to get the Lotus Extract from Muiri. To begin with, let's kill Dufon, for this we go to the Dwemer ruins with the unpronounceable name "Raldbdthar". We interrupt at the entrance of the bandits, we go inside. We destroy the robbers, and if we go around and open the door of the expert level, then we can bypass the bandits in the central hall and shoot them from the Dwemer catapults, however, the projectile will not hit Dufon and we will have to finish him off manually. After killing Dufon, we leave the ruins and go to Windhelm to kill Nielsin Shattered Shield, but this is an optional task. Killing Nilsin is easy: either during sleep, or at 7 pm when she is in the Hall of the Dead. Nilsin is a good person, besides, her sister was killed, so if you don’t really need gold or you’re not a murderer (which is impossible, given your belonging to the dark brotherhood), then you don’t have to kill her. We return to Markarth and tell Muiri about our successes. If you have completed both of her orders, she will be pleased and will give you more money, as well as your ring. After that, if you have Mara's amulet, you can marry her. After talking with Muiri, we must return to the shelter and talk to Astrid.

Whispers in the Dark 2

We need to hide in the coffin of the Night Mother. If you suddenly went to look for the coffin from the side of the door locked at the master level, then go around on the other side, the door will be open there. Having found the coffin, we break open the lock and climb inside. Soon Cicero appears, and the mother of the night speaks to us. After Cicero discovers us, and we become a listener in his eyes. Astrid doesn't like this, so she instructs us to go get more contracts from Nazir. Nazir will give us two more contracts.

Contract: Kill Lurbuk

We have to go to Morthal and kill the orc bard Lurbuk there. The best way is to wait until Lurbuk is asleep and most of the tavern patrons have left. It's about 2 am. After that, you can safely destroy this funny character.

Contract: Kill Herne

This time we need to destroy the vampire Herne (I love our localization). We leave for the Half Moon Outpost - this is the most difficult part of the contract. Herne himself is a fairly easy opponent, and he, like his girlfriend, can be destroyed with any weapon, despite the fact that he is a vampire. You can kill both himself and his girlfriend. It all depends on the time and place of the murder. AI packets are dumb, so use "wait" at your discretion.
We return and hand over the contracts to Nazir. After we enter the hideout, Astrid will meet us.

With the death of silence 3

Astrid decided to listen to the Night Mother and sends us to Volundrud to Amon Motierre. Finding Volundrud is not difficult, given that a marker on the map points to it. Arriving in Volundrud, we find Motierre and take a letter and an amulet from him, and also learn about a very unusual goal. We return to Astrid in the shelter (see Silence of Tongues).

The Silence of Tongues (Optional)

At the exit from Volundrud, we can find a diary (it lies next to the skeleton to be killed and a pile of gold), the diary says that someone important is buried here and we need to find ceremonial weapons. Both weapons are located in the first location.

With the help of two ceremonial weapons, we will be able to open the door to the Cairn of the Elder. Find Quenel Tongue and kill him. You can take a sword from his corpse. Next to Quenel is the Word of Power, we study it. Quest completed.

After we got back to the Sanctuary and talked to Astrid, we need to go to the Ragged Flask, an inn that is located in the Rat Hole, which is located in Riften. Finding the "Rat Hole" is simple, go to the square and jump down into the channels, get out of the water and look for the right door. After finding Delvin Mallory in the Ragged Flask, give him the amulet for evaluation. We return to Astrid and listen to her further instructions.

Before you go to the wedding, I advise you to drop by Nazir and fulfill his contracts.

Contract: Kill Anoriath

Killing Anoriath is extremely easy... I would say stupid. You can kill him right in the city, just tell him that you are a hunter, and he is a game. Anoriath can be killed in other ways, such as when he goes out hunting from the city or in his own bed. I killed him in public.

Contract: Kill Ma'randru-jo

Our next target is a Khajiit wizard who travels with caravans. The hardest part is finding the caravan, but the location of the caravan is tracked on the map. Having found Ma'randru-jo, the easiest way is to choose the second dialogue point with him and he will attack you himself, forcing you to answer. In case your character is a Khajiit, Ma'randrujo will have a unique dialogue with you.

Contract: Kill Deekus

The lightest of these easiest contracts. Deekus is an Argonian marauder, and at the time of our search, he is just cleaning one of the broken ships, namely, Hela's Caprice. Once you find Hela's Folly, you can destroy it with any accessible way and at any time. You can talk to him. After Deekus dies, clear out his camp and Hela's Folly.
After completing all three contracts, we return to Nazir's hideout for a reward and take another contract.

Contract: Kill Agnis

We need to kill the old maid Agnis in Fort Greymoor, located near Whiterun. There can be both bandits in the Fort, as well as Stormcloaks or Imperials. If the soldiers attack you, fight, but if not, then Agnis is inside the fort in the left wing and it is quite possible to kill her without running into trouble. After killing the grandmother, we return to Nazir for a reward. After completing the contract with Agnis, Nazir will give us two more contracts.

Contract: Kill Helvard

We have to kill Helvard, the housecarl of the Jarl of Falkreath himself. This contract can be completed first, as the hideout is located near Falkreath. In a conversation with Helvard, choose the first or second dialogue option. He will attack you. If the jarl and his assistants then attack you, then there is another way. We wait until 2 am and kill him secretly in our own bed. He is a VERY easy opponent.

Contract: Kill Meiluril

This time, you need to kill the Dunmer explorer Meilurin, who is conducting his research in the Dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft. We need to go to the ruins. At the entrance we interrupt the bandits and inside we do the same. After we find Meiluril. You can talk to him, or you can kill him without talking. We return to Nazir for a reward and the last contract.

Contract: Kill Safia

This is Nazir's last contract and, as he himself claims, the most difficult. In fact, the same insanely simple task, only Safiya's corsairs are dangerous. If you've been through the Thieves Guild, you've probably already come across one of the team members of the captain of the Scarlet Wave pirate ship, moored in the docks of Solitude. We're heading there. Personally, no one attacked me, and I calmly dealt with Safiya one on one. After the death of Safiya, we go to Nazir for a reward.

Until Death Do Us Part 4:

We have to kill the emperor's cousin at her own wedding. Tragic. You will receive a bonus if you kill Vittoria Vici when she is giving a speech to the guests. Approach Gabriela and Babette, they will help you with very practical advice. Let's go to Solitude. The wedding is open and takes place outdoors. Don't waste time, time is precious. The best way to kill Vittoria Vici is to drop a statue on her or shoot her from a certain point.

Climbing the stairs, you can go around the wedding from above, find the statue (it is one and in the shape of a head) and at the right time throw it on Vittoria.
There is another version of the development of events.

Entering this door:

You will find yourself in a convenient place for archery, in addition, Gabriella left you very nice and good gifts there.

I would advise you the second way, but in any case, Vizara appears and covers us, and we must run away as far and quickly as possible if you do everything right - the guards will not attack you, but the guests will attack (if they find us, of course, in the first option, it will be quite problematic for them). Do not be afraid for Vizara, everything will be fine with him. We return to the shelter and receive the following order.

Vulnerable Spot 5

Astrid instructs us to talk to Gabriella and find out from her the details of the next task. We do as Astrid says. We need to kill and shame the victim, in this case, Gaius Maron, an agent of the Imperial Security Service. To begin with, we go to the village of Dragon's Reach, which is located near Solitude. We steal Guy's timetable from Post Penitus Okulatus, wait for the day corresponding to the schedule, and with the help of fast travel we get to the desired city. The most important thing is to follow Guy's schedule (no need to follow him!). Where to get the schedule, it is written above. Personally, I killed Guy Fredas in the evening in the Watchtower of Markarth. After killing Guy, plant a compromising letter on him and return to Gabriella's hideout. If you kill Guy in the Dragon Bridge or on the road, then you will not get a very interesting reward, so I advise you to follow Guy's schedule exactly and kill him in the city. If the task is incomplete, then you will miss a very important part of the story.

Cure for Madness 6:

While we were gone, a small tragedy happened in the shelter. Cicero went berserk and wounded Vizara, but not mortally. Gabriella meets us and asks to speak to Astrid. After we talked with Astrid and saw everything with our own eyes, we go to search Cicero's room. In Cicero's room we find the diary and take it to Astrid. Leaving the shelter, we see a picture of how the legendary horse of the dark brotherhood appears from the void - Tenegriv. Now Tenegriv belongs to you.
Before you go to complete the task, go to Whiterun to Olava the Weak for a prediction (if you, of course, received this task).

After receiving the prediction, we have to find an assassin from the past. To do this, we need to go to the forest stronghold.

The forest stronghold is the base of the Outcasts of the Reach. We go inside, cut through the outcasts, go through the guillotine trap, find a door with a master level lock, go here:

And we take the key to the master level door from the outcast. We open the door, kill the outcasts on the bridge and go to the next location - a huge outcast bastion in the open sky. It's hard to give you advice here, especially considering that my character was strong enough and hacked to death all the outcasts, taking the bastion by storm. However, you can just try to run past them, in any case, we need to get into the Witch's Nest. In the Nest, the hottest part awaits us, a bunch of witches and fortune tellers. When you reach a room with a throne and a bridge that can be lowered, pull the lever that is located to the left of the throne. Behind the secret door lies an assassin from the past. The killer has a set of Ancient Armor of the Dark Brotherhood. Reaching the end of the Witch's Nest is not worth it, because the reward is zero.

(sequel to Cure for Madness)

Let's go to Dawnstar. We head along the map marker towards the Dawnstar refuge of the Dark Brotherhood. At the entrance to the shelter, we see Astrid's wounded husband, we talk to him and go inside the shelter (we learned the password from Cicero's diary). After entering the hideout, pick up a set of jester's clothes in the first room of the hideout. We make our way through traps and guards into ice caves. In the caves we defeat Udurfrukt - the troll. We pass through the tomb and find Cicero. And now we have to decide whether to kill Cicero or not. It's up to you to decide. If you kill him, the mother of the night will be disappointed, and if you leave him alive, he will appear later (not as an enemy, but as a very useful ally, and in fact, Cicero was right, this turns out later). We return to Astrid and report success.

Killer Recipe 7:

Astrid instructs us to talk to Festus Krex. We go to Festus and ask him about the details of our task. We need to go to Markarth's Understone Keep and find Anton Viran there. Having found Anton, we speak with him and convince him to tell about everything he knows about Gurman, and then we kill him. At about 1 o'clock in the morning, both Anton and his henchmen will be sleeping - kill him while everyone is sleeping. After killing Viran, we go to the Night Gate tavern, but we don’t kill the orc as soon as we find it, but wait for him to walk by the river. At one in the morning, Balagog goes to bed. The orc wakes up at six o'clock. At noon (12 o'clock), Balagog goes on a treasured walk.

This is the best place to kill Balagog (he will stay here for up to 4 hours). After the kill - throw his body into the river (move the cursor over the body, press the E button and move) and pick up the gourmet letter from the body. After we kill Balagog, hide his body in the water, take the letter from the body, return to Festus Krex for a reward and further instructions.

Death of an Empire 8:

The Emperor's hour is drawing to a close. We need to talk to Astrid and find out from her the details of the plan to kill the Emperor. We leave for Solitude, find Commander Maron there and hand him the Gourmet certificate. We go inside the Dark Castle. We talk with Gianna, and then we take from the shelf, which is located to the left of Gianna, a chef's hat. We put on the cap and talk to Gianna. We need to prepare a dish, and this is the most comical moment of almost the entire Dark Brotherhood, you can put anything in the dish, from carrots and vampire ashes to imperial sepim (coins), very funny. Do not forget to add the last ingredient to the broth - the root of the frying pan. Since we will analyze the killing of the Emperor with poisoned food, and not anything else, I strongly advise you to add the root of the brazier, otherwise the quest will go the other way (namely, you will have to kill the Emperor manually). After preparing the broth, we follow Gianna to the imperial table and poison Titus Mid II (and also get a lot of pleasure from what we see). You can take imperial clothes. After the death of Titus, we kill the Penitus Okulatus and run from the Castle through the door in the hall where Titus was killed (behind the table). At the exit from the castle, a surprise awaits us. We were framed and deceived. We destroy the Penitus Okulatus and run to the very bottom of the tower, the guards will be waiting for us, but we can buy it off or just run away. Having got out of Solitude, we return to the shelter of the Dark Brotherhood.

Death incarnate 9:

Near the shelter, Penitus Okulatus are waiting for us, we destroy them, poor Festus was fired upon and nailed to a tree. We go inside the shelter. Everything is filled with oil. In the first room, Vizara is lying covered in blood and undressed, in the next room Arnbjorn is fighting, but, unfortunately, he cannot be saved. We kill Arcturus, Penitus Okulatus, who attacked Nazir. We speak with Nazir. After the conversation, we run to the mother of the night and hide in her coffin. After some lull, they find us ... Babette and Nazir, they escaped. After all that we have experienced, we learn from the Night Mother that Astrid is alive, we go to her and see what is left of her. We speak with her, and after talking we take the blade of grief, kill her and become the head of the dark brotherhood. Back to the Night Mother.

Glory to Sithis! 10:

The true emperor must be killed! Amon Motierre's contract must be completed. Let's go talk to Nazir. After talking with Nazir, we must find Amon Motierre in the "Prancing Mare", located in Whiterun. Having found Amon, we learn from him about the Emperor, as well as about the Commander Maron (will add an additional task "Kill Maron"). After talking with Motierre, we go to the port of Solitude. Maron is in the port, he will be extremely surprised by our visit and, in a state of shock, will try to kill us. After killing Maron, we are looking for the ship of the emperor, or rather we go towards the marker on the map.

And here is the majestic imperial battleship Kataria. You can get inside the Kataria through the anchor hole using the chain.

Having made our way into the ship, we can use both stealth and assault tactics. In any case, there are several main doors inside the ship that need to be opened. The first door is the expert level door on the second floor (where the cages are). Behind the door will be Lieutenant Salvar's cabin, he will have a master key from Kataria on his body, with which you can open the emperor's chambers, locked with a Master level lock. In general, the opponents on the ship are quite weak and it is not difficult to defeat them. Once in the chambers of the emperor, we speak with Titus Mede II, we try to use the first option of dialogue in a conversation with him, given that he will ask you to fulfill his dying request to kill his employer in the spirit of American films. The Emperor's chambers contain many valuable items, such as weapons made of expensive materials and ebony boots.

After killing the Emperor, we return to Whiterun to Amon Motierre, find out the location of our reward and - if we took last request Emperor Titus Mede II - kill Amon Motierre. I fulfilled the request of the late ruler. On the body of Amon Motierre you can find several expensive precious stones. After all, we go to Volundrud, the Nordic barrow, in which we first met Amon Motierre. There is an urn with our reward in the mound, and it contains 20,000 imperial septims. We return to Nazir in the Dunstar refuge of the Dark Brotherhood.

Additional quests

Where to hang the enemy's head:

The task is given to us by Nazir after returning to the Dunstar Asylum of the Dark Brotherhood, upon completion of the quest "Glory to Sithis!". We must refurbish and restore the Dawnstar Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. All the necessary upgrades for the Dawnstar Sanctuary can be purchased from Delvin Mallory at the Ragged Flask located in Riften. The total cost of all upgrades is 19,000 septims (we received 20,000 septims by completing the quest "Glory to Sithis!"). After a full upgrade of the sanctuary, the quest will end.

Dark Brotherhood forever:

These are random quests given by the mother of the night. The purpose of the tasks is to fulfill the contract of a random employer.

Approximate chronology of quest events:

  1. We speak with the Mother of the Night and get the location of the customer.
  2. We get a goal from the customer.
  3. Eliminate the target.

Quest rewards vary depending on the level of the hearer:
600 septims, 750 septims, 1000 septims, 1200 septims.

Retrieve the hidden treasure:

After purchasing a torture room from Delvin Mallory, four prisoners will appear in it. By lowering the health of the captives, you can find out the location of the four hidden treasures. Each treasure contains approximately 1000 to 2000 septims, allowing you to recoup the cost of purchasing a torture room.

Return of Cicero

ATTENTION: In order not to spoil your impression of the game, it is advisable not to start reading this entry before the start of the quests "Cure for Madness" or "Glory to Sithis!".

If you do not kill Cicero in the Cure for Madness quest, after completing the Glory to Sithis quest, he will appear when we leave the Dawnstar Sanctuary in front of the entrance and start a conversation with us. In conversation, he will joke very sharply, but do not be alarmed, he is grateful to us for his own life and will decide to join us, and will also be available as a cheerful and helpful companion. Leaving Cicero alive is the right and wise decision, given Astrid's further actions, which we will be able to learn about at the end of the "Death of the Empire" quest. Cicero is not a traitor.

Goodbye Dark Brotherhood

Alternate history of the Dark Brotherhood. In this story, we have to destroy this faction. You can only start the quest during the introductory quest "With such friends ...", killing Astrid in it at the moment when she instructs to kill one of the three captives. After killing Astrid, the quest "With Friends Like These..." will fail, but the quest "Farewell, Dark Brotherhood" will begin.

After the start of the quest, it will be possible to free the captives. After we leave the building, we go to any city and tell the guards that we killed the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, and after that we will be sent to Commander Maron in the Dragon Bridge. We inform him that we have destroyed the head of the Dark Brotherhood. After we reported the information to Maron, Maron will send us to the sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood so that we kill all the members of the assassin's guild.

We have to find the entrance to the sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood. Having found the black door, we call it the password “Silence, my brother” and go inside, and inside everything is according to the worked out scheme ... We kill everyone. We return to Maron and listen to his pathetic speech, and then we get 3000 septims for the work. The quest is extremely linear and you don’t need to think much in it.

"Belated Funeral"
(Delayed Burial)

Even before joining the Dark Brotherhood, you can complete the "Belated Burial" quest given by one of its members. On the road north of Whiterun, there is a wrecked cart with Cicero circling next to it. Based on his story, he is taking the body of his mother to a new crypt, but the wagon broke down, and the owner of the nearest farm refused to help. Cicero will send you to the Loreius Farm, which is not far from the road, and ask you to convince Vantus Loreius to help him. For the service, he will pay you 400-600 gold (depending on the level).

Note: if you do not want to help Cicero and support the owner of the farm, and also inform the guards, then after you join the Dark Brotherhood, when you visit the farm, you will find its owners killed.

"Lost Innocence"
(Innocence Lost)

In order to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, you must complete one quest. To start it, just listen to the whispers of the townspeople or ask someone for fresh gossip. One way or another, but you will learn that a certain boy from Windhelm (Windhelm) named Aventus Aretino (Aventus Aretino) threatens to perform the Dark Sacrament and invoke the Dark Brotherhood. This will start the Innocence Lost quest. Indeed, when you get into his house (the lock is of minimal difficulty, but you will need the master keys), you will see a child performing a gloomy ritual. Aventus will be delighted with your arrival, mistaking you for a representative of the Dark Brotherhood. Accept his task and go to fulfill.
From a conversation with the boy, it will become clear that he is an orphan. After the death of his mother, Aventus was sent to an orphanage in Riften, but he soon escaped from there. The reason was Grelod the Kind (Grelod the Kind) - the guardian of orphans, who in every possible way torments her wards. She will need to be killed.
Grelod spends all his time in the orphanage, sometimes locking himself in his little room. There it will be best to liquidate it; orphans will be delighted with what they have done. Return to Aventus, who will also be glad to see you and will pay for the service with a family treasure - a plate worth 100 coins =).

"With such friends..."
(With friends like these…)

In a few days, a messenger will find you, who will hand over a note with the Black Hand's mark and the inscription "We know." After receiving it, go to bed - the awakening will not be pleasant and will start the quest "With friends like these ...". You will come to your senses in an old abandoned house in the north of Skyrim. You will be met by Astrid - a representative of the Brotherhood and will say that you acted not quite honestly - they took away the contract that belonged to the Dark Brotherhood. And this debt you have to work off right here: Astrid brought three connected victims and offered to choose any for killing. It doesn't matter who you choose: Vasha is a brash Khajiit who, according to him, is not the first time he gets into such trouble; Alea Quintus is a nervous and sharp-tongued single mother; Fultheim the Fearless is a mercenary who managed to send many souls to the other world in his life *. Kill anyone and your debt will be forgiven. However, Astrid is in no hurry to let you go: she will offer to join her family - the Dark Brotherhood. When you agree, she will give you a password and direct you to the hideout.

The last Skyrim hideout of the Dark Brotherhood is located in Pine Forest near the city of Falkreath, it is hidden in the stones right next to the road. The door, according to the old tradition, will ask the question “What is the music of life?”, To which you must answer “Silence, my brother.” Astrid will be waiting for you inside. She will tell you about herself, and also offer to meet her family. After meeting, contact Nazir (Nazir), most often he can be found either in the common room or in the dining room. It is he who will give you the first tasks.

*Actually, you can kill Astrid too. But then the road to the Dark Brotherhood will be closed to you. However, there are those who want to know about her death. After the kill, go to any guard and report what happened. You will be directed to the commander of the Imperial Legion, Maron, sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood. He lives in the settlement of Dragon Bridge, which is not far from Solitude. Commander Maron will be inexpressibly times your news, and will also share that he recently discovered their shelter and sent his people to storm it. And he will offer you to join this operation ...

"Contracts of Nazir"
So, Nazir gave you the first contracts. There are three of them in each, as expected, you need to kill the ordered victim. You can perform them both at once, and each separately.

(Beitild) - the owner of the mine in Dawnstar. Previously, she was in business with her husband, but now she is at odds with him and is his competitor.
(Ennodius Papius) - an imperial from Anga's Mill. To be more precise, he lives a little east of the mill itself in a tent by the river.
(Narfi) - A beggar who lives on the outskirts of Ivarstead. Sometimes it goes down to the river.

All three victims are extremely simple, eliminating them does not require any wisdom. After completing the contracts, return to Nazir.

"Goodbye Love"
(Mourning Never Comes)

Astrid will give you the next contract. You need to find a young Breton Muiri, who will tell you the details of the next task. Muiri lives in Markarth and works at The Hug's Cure, an alchemy shop. The girl will tell you that she wants revenge on her former lover named (Alain Dufont), who seduced her in order to rob her friendly Shattered Shield family.
In fact, Alain Dufont is a robber who, along with his gang, is hiding in the Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar (Raldbthar). His camp is set up inside not far from the entrance, the corridors are patrolled by guards, and the victim herself is surrounded by several fighters. Exactly above them there will be a ledge with stationary Dwemer crossbows aimed at the gang. You can try to shoot the whole group of them.
But Muiri also asks you to provide another service for an additional reward - to kill (Nilsine Shatter-Shield). The deceived family declared Muiri a traitor and abandoned her, so the girl so subtly decided to take revenge on them. Nilsey lives in the western part of the city of Windhelm, the house is locked with an expert-level lock, but the victim is already leaving it at 6 in the morning, her path will lie through the deserted city cemetery.

For completing a contract with an additional task, you will receive a significant cash reward, as well as special gift Muiri is a ring enchanted to increase the effectiveness of the potions you create.

"Whispers in the Dark"
(Whispers in the dark)

The arrival of the Coffin Keeper of the Night Mother, Cicero, has turned the life of the Dark Brotherhood hideout upside down. Astrid suspects that he was plotting a betrayal against the Dark Brotherhood and even managed to win someone over to his side, as a muffled conversation is periodically heard from his room. You have to find out what and with whom Cicero is up to. The best place Mother's coffin itself turns out to be monitored, climb into it and wait. Soon Cicero will come, but will not say anything interesting. Instead, the Night Mother will speak to you. She will say that she has chosen you as a Listener, and now you will voice her will. And her very first will will be a conversation with Amaund Motierre in the tomb of Volundrud.
It's time to leave the coffin and announce yourself to Cicero. At first he will not believe you, but say the secret phrase that Mother whispered to you "Darkness comes with the death of silence", and he will recognize you. However, this news will not please Astrid. She should think about the situation, but in the meantime she will send you to Nazir for new contracts.

"Contracts of Nazir"

Nazir will give you two contracts - to kill a Nord (Hern) and an Orc (Lurbuk).
is a vampire who lives with his vampire girlfriend Hert at the Half-Moon mill, north of the hideout. It is not necessary to kill a girlfriend, but it is not forbidden either. Don't forget that vampires are vulnerable to fire, and that they can infect you in combat.
- Orc bard from Morthal (Marthal), who lives in a local tavern. They say that a bard from him is useless, and Nazir even had to arrange a lottery for the customer. At night, the orc sleeps in one of the rooms.

"With the death of silence"
(The Silence has been broken)

Astrid considered your conversation and gave the go-ahead for a conversation with Amon Motierre. Go to the tomb of Volundrud, which is not far from Whiterun (Whiterun). You don't have to climb far - Amon, along with his guard, is literally in the next room, not far from the entrance. The Breton will say that his order is not so simple, but you will receive a decent reward for it. The victim is the Emperor of Tamriel himself (Titus Mede II). As proof of the seriousness of his order, Amon provided a letter and a valuable amulet. Take them to Astrid, who is hesitant to give an answer right away, so she will send you to Riften to Delvin Mallory to assess the true value of the amulet. Delvin is located in the Rat Hole Tavern in the lower tier of the city. You will most likely not be welcome there, but no one will touch you in the tavern. Delvin will tell you that such amulets are worn by members of the Council of Elders and do not part with them just like that. He agrees to buy the amulet and gives a receipt for Astrid.

"Until the death tear us apart"
(Bound until death)

Finally, Astrid decides to fulfill the contract. In order to eliminate the Emperor at minimal cost, a number of conditions must be met. The first is to kill (Vittoria Vici), who is the head of the Eastern Trading Company in Solitude, as well as the cousin of the Emperor, that is, she represents the interests of the Empire. She is soon to be married to Asgeir Snow-Shod, who has ties to the Stormcloaks, so this marriage could be a step towards peace between these warring factions. However, if Vittoria Vici is killed, her death will most likely be attributed to the Stormcloaks, and this incident will force the Emperor to visit Skyrim.
Head to Solitude, the wedding is in full swing. The newlyweds sit in front of the audience under a small balcony, which they will periodically climb to deliver a solemn speech. In order to get the bonus, you need to kill Vittoria at the very moment of the performance. There are two options to complete this task invisibly:
1. Gabriella will tell you about the parapet, which is just opposite the balcony. Moreover, a caring sister left you a nice gift - on the very parapet you will find an enchanted bow, several arrows and a potion that increases bow damage.
2. Babette will tell you about a different way to solve the problem. Right above the balcony hangs a bulky stone and very old statue. With proper effort, the statue can fall right on the head of the victim. To get to the wall from which you can throw the statue, climb the stairs, which is located next to the Gloomy Castle.
To make your task even easier, take with you a potion of invisibility or a spell with the same effect. With due skill, the guard will not notice you.
When the job is done, Veezara will come to your aid, sent by Astrid to distract the guards from you. While the lizard takes the hit, run out of the city.
In addition to the money due, as a bonus, you will receive the summoning of the spirit of the legendary assassin who will fight at your side (in this spirit, you will recognize an old acquaintance from the Dark Brotherhood of Cyrodiil).

Note: On the body of Vittoria Vici, you can find a wedding outfit, which includes a wedding dress, sandals and a flower wreath, as well as a key to the deceased's house.

"Vulnerable Spot"
(Breaching Security)

Your next target is (Gaius Maro), the son of Captain Maron and an agent of the imperial security service. Guy was sent to the cities of Skyrim to assess the situation and prepare for the arrival of the Emperor. When the victim is dead, it is necessary to put a fake letter on his body, which will indicate his involvement in a conspiracy against the Emperor. Astrid believes that the tarnished name of her son will make Captain Maron harmless for the next attempts to remove Titus Mede II.

In the hideout, talk to Gabriella (Gabriella) and she will give you everything you need to complete the task. The target will start its journey from the outpost of Pentius Okulatus, which is located in the Dragonbridge settlement. In order to get a bonus for completing it, you will have to kill an agent within the boundaries of any of the cities that he visits. Information about his route is in the schedule, which can be stolen in the same outpost:

Morndas - Solitude (Solitude) - imperial tower, evening - Gloomy castle.
Tirdas - Windhelm - royal palace, evening - barracks.
Middas - Riften - Mistveil Fortress.
Turdas - Whiterun (Whiterun) - Dragon Limit, evening - tavern "Prancing Mare".
Fredas - Markarth - Understone fortress, evening - city.
Lordas and Sandas - at the discretion of the target.

As a bonus, you will receive Olava's talisman, which will start an additional task. (More on that later).

"Cure for Madness"
(The Cure for Madness)

Something happened to Cicero during your absence. According to eyewitnesses, he attacked Astrid and wounded Vizara, and then fled. Arnbjorn went after him, but no one knows where he went. Astrid sends you to look for clues in the escapee's room. Look for the last part of his diary. It will contain Cicero's notes about the abandoned Dark Brotherhood hideout in Dawnstar, as well as the password to the door: "Innocence, my brother." Tell Astrid about it. She will order you to find and kill Cicero, as well as find Arnbjorn, he may need help. Moreover, for a quick journey, the head of the refuge will provide you with a horse born of the Abyss itself - Shadowmere, also known to us from the previous part of the Elder Scrolls.

The werewolf will sit right in front of the hideout door. Send him home, and you yourself go in search of Cicero in the wake of blood on the floor. Dawnstar Sanctuary is said to be the first Dark Brotherhood hideout in Skyrim, but has been abandoned for over a hundred years. Inside you will find restless ghosts who will not be happy about your intrusion, as well as several traps. A huge and strong troll Udurfrukte (Uderfrykte) roams in the ice labyrinth. When you get to Cicero, he will already be severely weakened. You will have the choice to kill him or let him live and lie to Astrid.

Note: Summon the spirit of the legendary assassin and listen to what he advises you. The ghost of Lucien Lachance will say that the Keeper of the Coffin of the Night Mother is a special position and his murder is not welcomed by the Brotherhood.
If you choose to let him live, Cicero will soon meet you at the entrance to the Dunstar Sanctuary and offer to become your companion.

"Killer Recipe"
(Recipe For Disaster)

There remains the last step in preparation for the assassination of the Emperor - the elimination of the so-called greatest cook, who is invited to the court to prepare dishes for the table of Titus Mede II. The catch is that no one knows who this chef really is. However, the identity of Gurman's closest friend is known - this is a court cook from Markarth named (Anthon Virane). It is located in the Understone Fortress. Talk to him and, threatening the Dark Brotherhood, find out the identity of the Gourmet. After this, an unnecessary witness must be killed. This is best done late at night, when two of his assistants go to the next room to sleep.
The gourmet turns out to be an orc (Bolagog gro-Nolob) who lives in the Nightgate Inn. At night he sleeps in the basement, and during the day he goes out to the river. The bonus task will be to throw the body of the dead into the water, but before that, do not forget to take a letter from the body, which will come in handy in the next quest.

"Death of the Empire"
(To Kill An Empire)

Everything is ready to fulfill the contract. Talk to Astrid, who will tell you about your next steps, and also give you a special poison - brazier root. The Emperor has already arrived in Skyrim and is in the Dark Castle of Solitude. It's time to play the role of Gourmet. Go to the castle doors, Maron will be waiting for you there. Show him the letter taken from the Gourmet's body and go inside to the kitchen to cook Gianna (Gianna). You can immediately put on one of the chef's hats lying on the shelves on the left, otherwise Gianna will still ask you to do it. While cooking the dish, she will periodically ask you what ingredients to use, so at the end, do not forget to offer her to throw the poisonous root that Astrid gave you. When everything is ready, go with the cook to the dining room. Wait for the Emperor to try the dish and, having made sure of the result, run through the door on the other side of the table (it’s convenient to immediately stand next to it), Astrid said that she “agreed” that no one would interfere with your escape.

But on the bridge you will still be expected. Captain Maron and his servants have trapped you: instead of the real Emperor, it turns out that you poisoned a double; moreover, Astrid betrayed you by trading your life for the sanctuary of the Penitus Oculatus. However, the captain, inflamed by the death of his son, was not going to comply with the terms of the agreement, his people are already storming the shelter. Run away from Solitude to save yourself and have time to save the shelter in Pine Forest.

"Death Incarnate"
(Death Incarnate)

The hideout in Pine Forest is already under siege, and you'll have to kill a few Penitus Okulatus warriors before breaking through. Fight off the attackers to find at least one of the survivors. Unfortunately, no one but Nazir and Babette can be saved. The task is complicated by the fact that the cave in which the shelter is located is gradually collapsing, blocking almost all the moves. Go to the dining room, where Nazir will already repel the attacks of the guards and help him. After that, you will hear the voice of the Night Mother, who will call you again, but this time to save you. Go to the room with her coffin, climb into it and hug the Mother. The shutters will slam shut, and the collapse will not harm you. A little later, Nazir and Babette will pull out the coffin. The shelter will be almost filled up, burying the bodies of the dead under it.

The Night Mother will speak to you again. She will send you to Astrid, who also miraculously survived and is in the same cave. It turns out that she performed a Dark Sacrament on herself to try to remedy the situation, and is close to death. Take the Blade of Woe next to her body and kill Astrid at her request. So her soul will be forgiven and go to Sithis.

"Glory to Sithis!"
(Hail Sithis!)

The Night Mother wants to speak to you again. The contract is not cancelled, and must be killed. Talk to Nazir, who will support you, and also inform you that he will move to the Dawnstar refuge with Babette, since it is pointless and dangerous to stay here.
In the meantime, go to Amon Motierre, who moved from the tomb to the Prancing Mare in Whiterun. The news that the contract will still be fulfilled will please him, and he will inform you that the Emperor is about to sail to Cyrodiil, however, you still have a chance to get to him. The ship "Kataria", on which he sails, is still in the port of Solitude. Also in the port is and, so you have the opportunity to return the favor to him. Stock up on patience, master keys and go to fulfill the contract.

After killing the captain, who is standing on the pier of the warehouse of the Imperial Trading Company, swim directly to the ship, which is standing on the water in the middle of the bay, climb up the anchor chain and get into the hold. Wait for the movers to finish their work and hide in the room. On the way you will have a dining cabin, which contains a bard and one guard. Both will sit with their backs to the stairs. Wait for the second guard to hide in the next room and run to the stairs. Ahead of you will be a door with an expert-level lock and another staircase. Further - the chambers of the Emperor with a lock of the "master" level.
The emperor is already waiting for you. He is ready for his death, because he knows that the Dark Brotherhood is not retreating. However, before dying, he will ask you to kill the one who ordered him. Your right to comply with his request or not.
Amon Motierre already knows about what happened, and your reward is already waiting for you where Motierre performed the Dark Sacrament - in the tomb of Volundrud. 20,000 gold will be hidden in the urn.

"Where to hang the enemy's head"
(Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head)

Nazir and Babette have already settled in the Dawnstar Sanctuary, but its appearance still leaves much to be desired. Nazir will offer you to talk to the already familiar Delvin Mallory from Riften, who will agree to help you with the situation. Go to the Rat Hole and meet the Fence. Here are his rates:

New flags - 1000 gold;
Torture room - 5000 gold;
Poisoner's corner - 5000 gold;
Secret entrance - 5000 gold;
Master's bedroom - 3000 gold.

By the time you arrive, everything will be ready. The rooms are furnished, the victims are moaning in the torture chamber, and Nazir has already found new people.

"Dark Brotherhood Forever"
(The Dark Brotherhood Forever)

This concludes the main quest line for the Dark Brotherhood. But the Mother of the Night will continue to speak to you, so do not forget to visit her, and she will supply you with new customers. If this money is not enough, then Nazir, as before, will have simple contracts (if you have not completed them yet).

Additional tasks

« Nazir's contracts »


So, Nazir gave you the first contracts. There are three of them in each, as expected, you need to kill the ordered victim. You can perform them both at once, and each separately.

(Beitild) is the owner of the mine in Dawnstar. Previously, she was in business with her husband, but now she is in a quarrel with him and is his competitor.
(Ennodius Papius) - an imperial from Anga's Mill. To be more precise, he lives a little east of the mill itself in a tent by the river.
(Narfi) is a beggar who lives on the outskirts of Ivarstead. Sometimes it goes down to the river.

All three victims are extremely simple, eliminating them does not require any wisdom. After completing the contracts, return to Nazir.


Nazir will give you two contracts - to kill the Nord Hern (Hern) and the orc Lurbuk (Lurbuk).

an Empire who lives with his vampire girlfriend Hert at the Half-Moon mill, north of the hideout. It is not necessary to kill a girlfriend, but it is not forbidden either. Don't forget that vampires are vulnerable to fire, and that they can infect you in combat.
An orc bard from Marthal who lives in the local tavern. They say that a bard from him is useless, and Nazir even had to arrange a lottery for the customer. At night, the orc sleeps in one of the rooms.


The following contracts, available after completing the quest "With the Death of Silence", are not included in the list of required ones. Completing them can become an additional source of income for you, as well as help you gain respect from Nazir.

(Deekus) - Argonian, marauder. He earns a living from what he finds on sunken ships. His camp is located in the very north of Skyrim on the seashore.
(Anoriath) - Bosmer from Whiterun. He has a trading post in the city and co-owns the Drunken Hunter with his brother Elrindir. Sometimes he leaves the city to hunt.
(Ma "randru-jo) is a skilled Khajiit mage traveling with a caravan of merchants between the cities of Skyrim - Markarth and Whiterun.

(Helvard) - Nordic warrior from Folkreath. Lives in the Jarl's Longhouse and is his housecarl. "Search for an Assassin from the Past"
(Locate the Assassin of Old)

This quest can only be obtained after completing the "Breaching Security" quest. Moreover, you must fulfill an additional condition. As a reward, you will receive Olava's talisman, which makes it possible to learn a special prophecy.

Go to Whiterun and present the talisman to Olava the Feeble. She will understand that you came from Gabriella and will tell you that soon you will have to find the Dark Brother - an assassin from the past, who found his peace in one of the tombs in the north-west of Skyrim.
Your goal is the tomb of the Forest Stronghold (Deepwood Redoubt), located in the mountains near the settlement of Dragon Bridge. The dungeon outside and inside is stuffed with Outcasts, as well as all sorts of traps, there will be one door locked with a “master” level lock, however, in the nearest room there will be one of the Outcasts who has a key to it.

The tomb will have to go through; from it you will find yourself in the Forest Valley - a spacious camp of savages, surrounded on all sides by rocks. It is necessary to cross this camp and enter the next tomb - the Witch's Nest (Hag's End). Witches and fortune tellers will already be waiting for you there, and magic runes will be added to the traps. You don't have to go far: in one of the rooms behind the throne there will be a secret door that opens with a lever on the wall. Behind the door in a small room will lie the same assassin.

"Search for Caches"

If you bought a "torture room" from Delvin Mallory during the restoration of the Dark Brotherhood's Dawnstar Asylum, then this will give you a few more additional tasks with a nice reward. In total, there will be four victims of torture in the cell, and, accordingly, there will be the same number of hiding places that they will point to in order to stop the torture.

The first cache is in an old swamp stump south of Solitude.

The second one is north of Windhelm in a hollow stone.

The third is located in the tundra west of Whiterun (Whiterun) also in a hollow stone.

The fourth cache, in which treasures are hidden, is located in a hollow stump near Riften.

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