Stalker dead city where to find pudding. Guide to folk hodgepodge

Pacifier based mods - "Data from X-16"

Fire Pacifier - Bright Pacifier - Lunar Pacifier - Pudding

Lies on the floor in the room where the Controller is in the last cell on the left.

Information in PDA:

Report No. 14/7 on the project "Deceiver" to the Director of the research department "K-32" Professor Sazonov Nikolai Dmitrievich Dear Nikolai Dmitrievich, we have completed a series of experiments on the "Dummy" artifact. During the experiments, 7 (seven) "Empty" artifacts underwent destruction, 5 (five) "Empty" artifacts underwent degradation, 1 (one) "Empty" artifact showed positive results in a series of transmutations. The "Empty" artifact, when placed in the "Electra" anomaly after 3 hours, 1 minute, 43 seconds, receives the following characteristics: increases resistance to fire, slightly increases endurance, increases susceptibility to electric shock. The mod's working title is "Fire Dummy". When the "Fire Dummy" modifier is subsequently placed in the "Electra" anomaly after 6 hours, 3 minutes, 12 seconds, the artifact receives the following characteristics: greatly increases resistance to fire, increases endurance, increases the wearer's susceptibility to electric shock. The working title of the meso-modifier is "Bright Dummy". With the subsequent placement of the Bright Dummy meso-modifier into the Elektra anomaly after 8 hours, 4 minutes exactly, the artifact receives the following characteristics: greatly increases resistance to fire, greatly increases stamina, greatly increases susceptibility to electric shock. The working title of the hypermod is "Moon Dummy". At this point, the experiments on the transmutation of the "Empty" artifact were continued in the same anomaly. Unlike the projects "Scrap", "Sister", "Invisible" and "Lord of the Flies", this experience was a success! When the "Moon Dummy" hypermodifier was placed in the "Electra" anomaly, the artifact was not rejected. After 12 hours, 3 minutes, 56 seconds, the artifact received the properties of the absolute class, namely: it significantly increases resistance to fire, slightly increases endurance, and significantly increases resistance to electric shock. The working title of the absolute is "Pudding". Further placement of the resulting absolute in the "Electra" anomaly did not lead to anything - the anomaly rejects the artifact. I believe that our group has come to a brilliant result of research on the transmutation of the "Empty" artifact. Thus, I consider that the project "Deceiver" has been successfully completed. Complete records of observations have been transferred to the server. Head of the research group "7", V. A. Avakyan! Tip: so that the recipe does not fail “in textures”, try to go through the entire X-16 from the autosave without intermediate saves / loads, and when you bring down Kontrosha, do without grenades.


Artifact "Kolobok" and its modifications:

1. Ruby spring - "Data from Petrenko"

For Flash, Petrenko reports two recipes, one of them for the Ruby Spring.

Recipe: Throw a Spring at the Snow Anomaly for 10 minutes.

2. Ruby Film - "Data from Max Luber"

After the PDA, he will ask for Vodka and Hooves, a Ruby Film award and a Recipe for it.

Recipe: Throw a Tape at the Snow Anomaly for 10 minutes.

3. Ruby Battery - "Data from the Deserter"

After you bring the Wolf to the AC, Walkie-talkie, he will reward you with this recipe.

The Battery itself can be found on the Radar on a tip from Kruglov, or from the Deserter, for filing Orders.

Recipe: Throw a Battery for 10 minutes at the Snow Anomaly.

4. Living Heart - "The final recipe will be reported by the Doctor"

Logical ending NLC. To get a prescription, you have to run around, the starting point is a meeting with the Doctor in Pripyat.


More art transformations. Plasma caterpillar.

In addition, artifacts can be turned from one to another, sometimes it becomes so necessary that it makes sense to describe where and how these recipes are obtained.

Most of the Artmods got into Solyanka from NLC, but there are a couple of fresh modifications. Read on, maybe someone will learn something new. There are repetitions regarding the information written above, do not pay attention.

1. Flash from Frying - from the Wolf, for the found document.

2. Stone flower from Carousel - from Nimble, for Medusa.

3. Chunk of Meat from Springboard - from Tolik, for Dog Tails.

4. Slug from the Funnel - from Petrukha, for TOZ

5. Crystal Thorn from Kholodets - from Kuznetsov, for Vodka to D.R.

6. Fireball from Elektra - from the Fox, for First Aid Kits.

7. Drop from the Carousel - from the PDA in the Bandit Camp in the Junkyard.

8. Mucus from Frying - from Mole, for PDA.

9. Thorn from Kholodets - a document in the Trailer by the helicopter at Agroprom.

10. Bengal fire from the springboard - from Yurik, for the upgraded MP5 or from Dan, for the sawed-off Raven.

11. Moonlight from Frying - from Petrenko, for Flash.

12. Slime from the Funnel - from Bes, for Strelka's Jumpsuit.

13. Night Star from the Funnel - from the Bes, for the Ammo Box.

14. Stone Flower from Elektra - from the Captive Dolgovets, for salvation.

15. Gravels from Zharka - from Petrenko, for the Gauss Pistol.

16. Soul from Elektra - by Max Luber, for PDA.

17. Slug from the Springboard - from Prapor, behind the Eyes of the Flesh.

18. Crystal thorn from the Carousel - a document from the Checkpoint on Cordon.

19. Flash from the Funnel - from Prapor, for the Bloodsucker Tentacles.

20. Medusa from Electra - from Krysyuk.

21. Twist from Kholodets - from Borov, for Krysyuk's PDA.

22. Fireball from Kholodets - from Volkodav's PDA.

23. Sea Urchin from Springboard - from Ivantsov, for exchanging a grenade launcher for money.

24. Golden Fish from Kholodets - from Kruglov, for the Scanner.

25. Kolobok from Kholodets - from Kruglov, for exchanging the Artifact for money.

26. Spring from Electra - from Petrenko, for Exy.

27. Moonlight from the Carousel - from the Miser for Ammo.

28. Night Star from Fry - from the Miser for the PLAN.

29. Mica from Electra - from the PDA of the Monolith in the trailer on the Radar.

30. Film from the Funnel - from Sakharov for documents from the laboratories.

31. Soul from the Funnel - from Syak, behind the Toolbox.

32. Mother's Beads from the Carousel - from Syak, for the safe from X-18.

33. Goldfish from Electra - from Syak for the Goldfish.

34. Battery from Zharka - from Syak, for exchanging money for SKAT.

35. Springboard Dummy - Sold by the Informant.

36. Mica from the Carousel - sold by the Informant.

37. Crystal from Kholodets - should be taken from the Notebook of the traitor Pavlik, but errors in the scripts deprived us of this Artmod.

38. Ruby Spring - from Petrenko for Flash.

39. Ruby Film - from Max Luber for Hooves and Vodka.

40. Ruby Battery - from the Wolf for the Walkie-talkie.

41. Plasma Caterpillar - Sold by Sakharov.

42. Rattle - from the Miner for the Guard's Notebook.


We continue to consider the features of Solyanka.

Changed and Additional Transition Points from comrade a185.

The system of moving between locations has undergone major changes. Some points that existed in original game, moved or changed, and some missing before a certain moment. In addition, you can find information about new transition points. And also in Solyanka there is a developed system of teleports.

I will put in the headline the two most frequently asked questions about transition points.

Indeed, at the start of the game, there are no transition points from the Bar to the Wild Territory and the Warehouses.

The passage to the Wild Territory will open when you bring the docks from X-18 to the Bartender and take the quest for X-16.

The transition to the Military Warehouses opens when you bring Kruglov's flash drive to the Bartender. Moreover, the flash drive removed from the Kruglov troupe does not work. He must give it to you himself, after completing the escort.

More information about the transition point can be bought from the informant.

Also, a Fan can teleport you to the Military warehouses when you bring him a Laptop from X-18.

You can also get to the Military Warehouses through the new ATP location. To do this, you need to complete the Adrenaline quest for "Spare Parts of Monsters".

From Cordon.

1.Agroprom. Find and bring Sakharov documents from Agroprom.

2. On the Radar. Information about the transition lies under the corpse of an environmentalist not far from the hole in the grid on the Radar.

3. To the Labyrinth. After you meet Fima Coal in the Cave, talk to him.

4. Teleport to the Army Wards. Install a telemetry unit for Sakharov at the Army warehouses.

5. Teleport to Cordon. Install a telemetry unit on Kordon for Sakharov.

6. Teleport to Pripyat. Install a telemetry unit for Sakharov in Pripyat.


From Army Warehouses.

In addition to transition points and stationary teleports, Solyanka has several mobile teleportation systems.

1.Smart teleport from the Cross. Complete all Cross quests and get this device. The truth works only on "native" locations and on the "master" difficulty level. Teleports to a random location.

2.Mobile teleporter Bones. The teleport received as a result of quests teleports randomly. Take it to Sakharov for fine-tuning,

and you will be able to move to Bar, Cordon, or Yantar from any location.

3. Teleport Arrow. Together with the Note at the Monolith, you find the Strelka Teleport, with its help you can get to the Army Warehouses from Any location.

4. Teleports of the Monolith. Complete Lukash's quest for the Controller's Brains and he'll tell you where the Monolith Leaders' Mobile Teleporters are. With their help, you can get to Chernobyl-2 from any location.


New quests in Solyanka from 04/19/2010

Kuznetsov's quest for the inspector's bag:

After you give ten bottles of vodka to Kuznetsov, he will have a line in the dialogues in which he asks to bring the inspector's bag from Agroprom. To complete the task, vodka in the amount of 10-15 bottles is required. Get five from Kuznetsov. We buy the rest of the amount from NPCs / exchange for art from merchants.

Let's go to Agroprom. We fight off the Mole, we carry out all the necessary quests. After that, we return to the transition to the Landfill and move along the left side, clinging to the fence as much as possible. We reach Lieutenant Vinogradov:

We speak with him, we give vodka. There is an exchange of SMS with Kuznetsov. We are waiting for the warriors to get drunk. SMS arrives. We move to the fire, we talk with this Persian:

We drink vodka with him. He informs us about the location of the magic chumudan:

We pick it up and carry Kuze. Award - PDA for art transformations.

When re-passing the "NS" on 19.04, I ran into a problem - the captain did not appear (apparently he was tormented by a terrible beast with the name "Drank". In this case, we return to Kuznetsov - he will have a dialogue about this ...


Lightning and quests related to it.

Carefully read all the messages and dialogues, they contain all the hints, all the tips. Do not rush anywhere and do not rush to run around the locations. If you haven’t met an anomalous counter, go to Klenov anyway, the quest will count normally, just don’t get bonuses. When using a photo gun before shooting, save so that there is one shot - one photo


Passage of the Dead City

Important note

It all starts with turning off the teleport to the switch in Limansk. GG is asked to put some items in the safe behind. For the first time, my invisible exoskeleton was eliminated ...

1. We meet NPC named "Evil". We approach, we talk, we find out why he is still Evil and we understand that our GG is in a complete ass ...

2. We receive SMS and go to the Perfumer. We talk with him, find out that our situation is even more bleak than it was described by Evil. We recall some of our old "friends", about the story of Chernomor. Don't forget to search the nearby houses - I've tucked in there little by little...

3. We are looking for those stalkers that the Perfumer told us about. We are talking with Tambovsky, the leader of the local neutral stalkers. Things with them (and with us) are very bad, and therefore we carefully listen to Sanya. There is nothing to do, we are looking for his scouts.

4. We negotiate with the scouts, pay a "courtesy visit" to the bandos. We take away food, weapons, things. Don't forget to go up to the attics of the houses and explore the nearby landscape...

5. We go for a walk along the outskirts of the City, we meet SOMETHING. (most importantly, if you see a neutral on the map, shoot anything but a psionic mutant)

6. This character is really unusual. On his tip, we are going to "lead the market" with Fainting, he should help. A prerequisite: we go along the thorn and jump onto the fuel truck - an SMS should come stating that our GG is in place.

7. Bazarim. The bandits and the "Last Day" really are not very smooth, and therefore - he will help us, but the task will not be easy.

8. We look at the received photo. Let's go look for a secret. He

We receive SMS from Norman. After that, we go for a walk around the Zone, enjoying the new special stage and waiting for the next one.

6 784

Clear Sky Quests.

1. At the entrance to the Swamps, we find Dyak on the farm and he gives the task of rescuing a friend from the captivity of bandits. We go along the road to the church, we clean up the bandits and find the captive Sahatoy, we talk to him.

2. We return to the Dyak, report on the completion of the task, get information about the teleport to the Clear Sky base.

3. We go to the base, we meet 3 characters who give us quests - Vasily, Kholod and the leader of the Chistonebovites Sviblov.

4. The task of Vasily is to find a healing ointment.

4.1. We go to Kalmyk's hut - the place is marked on the map with a circle. In the hut, there is a backpack on the floor with a grenade in it. We take a grenade and it explodes (GG must have very good protection against explosions - art + costume). Kalmyk appears.

4.2. We speak with Kalmyk, we get the task to bring the container. The location of the container is marked on the map with a circle.

4.3. We go to the backpack, pick up the container. In the teleport around the backpack there is at least 1 passage, but it is very narrow (+\- half a meter to the side and it does not work), you need to find the place of this passage. It looks like the location of the passage is set randomly. Be persistent in your search, come from different directions.

4.4. We bring the container to Kalmyk, find out the tariffs for the exchange of ointment. We bring swag and get 3 necessary jars, we take Vasily

4.5. We hand over the ointment to Vasily and get the opportunity to upgrade and repair some costumes.

5. Cold's task is simple - mark a unique pseudo-giant at Agroprom. The location is marked on the map in the PDA. If there is no mark, then the pseudo-giant runs in the ravine northeast of the complex in which Adrenaline is located (from the entrance from the side of the landfill immediately to the right along the fence).

5.1. We aim the pseudo-giant from the weapon of Cold and report on the completion of the task.

Sviblov's quests are key to the further passage of the plot, incl. to open passages to new locations (Limansk and beyond).

6. We speak with Sviblov, we get the task to bring the brain of a unique controller. The spawn location of the controller is marked on the map. We go, kill the controller and the monsters accompanying him, take the brain.

7. We hand over the brain to Sviblov and in return we get the opportunity to exchange the details of unique monsters for weapons.

8. We speak with Sviblov again. We get the task to steal PKM from the bandits. And a label in the PDA for Kashchei. Without delay, it is necessary to go and talk with Kashchei, otherwise he may die in the fight against the bandits or disappear into the anomaly.

9. We speak with Kashchei, we get a clarification on the assignment.

10. We go to the territory of the bandits and climb onto the roof through the tank, go down and take the PKM from the backpack. Before taking the PKM, the bandits should not see the GG, otherwise the quest fails.

11. At the moment of taking the PKM, hunters led by Den spawn, help fight off the bandits, now you can fight the bandits. After cleaning, you can talk with Dan, but more on that later.

12. We hand over PKM to Sviblov, we get a new task - to control the Freebie deal.

13. We go to Cordon to the factory where the hunters with Den used to be (in the PDA of the task there is a typo that Freebie will supposedly be on the farm). To successfully complete the task, 2 conditions must be met:

So that before the call of the Freebie, the mercenaries do not notice the GG

So that after the call of Freebie, Freebie himself and his friend would survive.

To complete the quest, you need to hide on the territory of the factory so that it is convenient to quickly jump out and start clearing the Monoliths. I hid almost behind the back of Freebies. After his cry, there will be a few seconds while the Monoliths stand like idols - during this time you need to have time to destroy at least 2, so that then the three of you with Freebie and his friend will clean up the rest.

14. We go to Sviblov and report on the completion of the task.

The search for the box and the safe of the mysterious stalker.

Attention! Not all quests are displayed in active PDA tasks, so it is necessary to memorize dialogues, given tasks, codes, etc.

The key character of the branch is a miner. To get a passage to the Cave, you need to take a quest in the Bar from the Bald One to search for a treasure. Well, the Miner will definitely ask the GG to complete a small assignment - to bring the Book from the Forgotten Forest. Don't be lazy - bring it.

1. We speak with the miner, we get the task - to save the runaway "prodigal son" (Fima Coal) and bring the sentry's notebook.

2. In the Labyrinth, on the upper tier of transitions in the large hall, we take the notebook from the guard, save the fugitive and receive from him, in gratitude, the transition from the Labyrinth to the Cave.

If in a shootout the Monoliths suddenly kill Fima Coal - do not be upset, the main thing is that Tagged saved him and the quest will be counted.

3. We bring a notebook to the miner and observe the return of the prodigal son (even if he was killed by the Monoliths before that). As a reward, we get a recipe for a new Art, Rattle.

4. On the advice of the miner, we talk with Fima and learn from him about the mysterious box and safe, the transition from the Labyrinth to Yantar, and also about the need to talk with Adrenaline. For the opportunity to learn about another transition, Fima asks to bring first-aid kits, bandages, "Soul" and soap.

5. We bring Fima a swag and it gives a transition from the Labyrinth to a new location, which is blocked in the version from 26.04.

6. We speak with Adrenaline, we get the task to bring the Casket and the safe from the Labyrinth. At the same time, we get the transition to the Labyrinth from Amber.

7. In the Labyrinth we find the Casket, in it is a note with an interesting and useful information. We bring the box to Adrenaline, tell about the meeting with the immortal Shadow of the Monolith. We learn that we need to talk with the miner. (how to find the Box can be found in the answers to "Other questions", in the "Labyrinth" section)

8. We speak with the Miner, he talks about the need to join the Monolith and sends him to Sidorovich.

9. We speak with Sidorovich, we get the next task to search for repair kits and the Monolith amulet.

10. We go to the Labyrinth, on the way to the Labyrinth we try to stay as far as possible from neutrals and former friends! In the Labyrinth we find the Shadow of the Monolith and find out the 3rd missing code from the door to the Monolith's bunker. In order for him to speak, it is necessary to say to him the "Plasma Caterpillar" and "Rattle". In the bunker we pick up the safe and repair kits. Repair kits can be picked up by one of the Monoliths in the bunker - do not forget to bargain with them.

11. We go to Sidorovich, we give repair kits and the amulet of the Monolith.

12. We go to the miner and give the safe.

Continuation of the search for the mysterious stalker.

This storyline will be available after completing the quests to find the killers of the Fang.

If you suffer from sclerosis, take screenshots of the dialogues. Go.

1. We take the safe, go to the upper level of the Labyrinth, find the transition point to the Unexplored Land (NZ) and go there. The transition at the highest level of the large hall is almost a mirror image of the transition through which the GG enters the Labyrinth.

2. We speak with the Astrologer, we learn about some local Residents.

3. We get acquainted with the Hermit, he talks about a few more. We get a bag with medicines for the Gynecologist.

4. We get acquainted with the Gynecologist, we give the Bag and the Safe.

5. We speak with the Cyclops, from his poems we learn about the location of the Medicines. We learn about the transition point Dump -> NZ.

6. We go to the Cordon and pick up the Medicines.

7. We give the Medicines to the Cyclops or the Gynecologist, as appropriate.

8. We speak with Zhorka-Anomaly, he opened the first door, there was infa about Fang. But in order to open the second door, he needs Batteries.

9. We speak with the Old Man at the entrance to the Cave. He tells about the Fire Cave (OP), about the fact that he saw the required batteries there, and asks, if they come across, to find the clock lost there.

10. Again we speak with the Hermit, he knows about the OP and knows some of its "inhabitants".

11. There are two entrances to the OP, both are visible, but not very well. At one entrance we find the Pilgrim and talk to him. He promises to help, both with batteries and with a watch, if we bring the Razor from his cache. Now there is a parking lot of the Avengers, and he himself cannot go.

12. A simple stealth mission, we find the abandoned backpack of the Pilgrim and take everything from there. If at least one Avenger dies while reporting on the task, the mission will fail.

13. We give the Machine, we get the Clock.

14. We give the Clock, and learn from the transition points AC -> NC, TD -> NC.

15. Again we go to the Pilgrim, he has already shaved and gladly gives us the Batteries. An SMS comes from the Hermit, asks to come in, there is information.

16. We speak with the Hermit. We learn that Adrenaline was looking for us, information appeared on the owner of the Safe. Says Adrenaline needs a New Anomaly Detector. Vitya-Hologram can help with the Detector.

17. We take Batteries to Zhorka, for one we speak with Vitya. He asks for two Elite Detectors and a Plasma Tracker. SMS comes from Adrenaline, people came for the box.

18. We go to Yantar and buy detectors from Sakharov. That's the trouble with detectors! Well, if you play with ranks, then you should already have one. And the second should appear on sale from Sakharov, with the same frequency as the Bioradar, but personally I have never seen this device on sale from him. If someone bought without editing configs, unsubscribe. It may very well be that in the future this matter will be corrected, but for now, I had to edit Sakharov's trading config.

19. We bring Vitya two elite detectors and a plasma caterpillar, in response he sends us to the Cyclops, he knows where to look for caches with Vitya's Detectors. We listen to his next tip in poetic form.

20. We go to the Landfill, we find a cache, there are Two detectors, we’ll just leave one for ourselves, a wonderful thing, it sees the Invisible Kholodets, and the Star of Arkhara, and of course, all the rest.

21. We come to Adrenaline, we give the Detector. We learn that two people came for the Casket, one of them is the Astrologer, the second Adrenaline did not consider, it is a shabby suit, which means the owner has been trampling the Zone for a long time. We were looking for the Safe and GG. SMS from the Gynecologist comes, the safe is opened.

22. We speak with the Gynecologist, there was in the Safe old map territories near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The gynecologist asks to find information on Perfusor. For nuances, as usual, we go to the Cyclops. Again we hear a tip in the verses. A transition point to the Labyrinth appears.

23. We find a half-dead mercenary in the Labyrinth, who is aware of Perfusor, and says where to look for a flask for him. The diskette with the information lies nearby. If, before that, you got to the Box through a teleport, you will find a mercenary quickly, he lies a little short of this teleport. We select a diskette, we treat the Mercenary.

24. We bring the floppy disk to the Gynecologist and find out that we really need the flasks. In addition, we will need Reagents, you can ask them from the leader of the snipers, here on NZ, that's just how to get close to them, they shoot at everything that moves. We leave for the next portion of poems to the Cyclops. We receive an SMS from an unknown stalker, the owner of the card, he does not mind if GG makes a copy, but the original will have to be returned through the Astrologer.

25. We go to the Army Warehouses, find the desired place, select the Flasks.

26. We return, we give the Flasks to the Gynecologist. To build the installation, he asks to find Power Supplies and a control chip from Exa Liberty. In addition, we give the Fang cards to the Gynecologist so that he makes copies.

27. We go to the place where the meteorite fell, we find the deactivator of teleports, we get into the cave through one of the entrances. (We find the deactivator of the second teleport already in the cave. Another tip, it’s quite hot at the entrance, it won’t hurt to hang artifacts from the heat.

28. We find the Pilgrim in the cave, he helps to find an approach to the Mercenaries. We rummage through the cave, we find the PSU and boards.

29. We go to the Chimera, the leader of the Avengers in NZ. He has a small request to fill up a competitor - Sidorovich and bring his head as proof ...

A small note, between points 28-29 you need to do without intermediate saves / restores, otherwise the Avengers will become enemies-

30. We take the ingredients for installation found in the Cave to the Gynecologist. We pick up the original and a copy of the Fang card. We inform the Gynecologist that Sidorovich's head is needed for success. Shura offers to slip a scarecrow on the Avengers, and Owl, the commander of the Hunters, can help us with this, they also live nearby.

31. Owl agrees to help, but you need a Controller to work, just the right one was filled up on the Radar, you have to run to pick it up.

32. We run and select. Bring Filina.

33. For work, he asks for 10 Chimera Claws + 100 tr. We collect, bring, select the head of "Sidorovich".

Sidor and Petrenko-first-aid kits, Bartender-gran.RGD-5, Miser-repair kits for weapons, B. Doctor-anti-rads,


Bartender and Sryaga-patr. 5.56X39, Sakharov-anti-rads, B. Doctor-grand. RGD-5,

Art "GRAV"--

Bartender-patr.9X39, Skryaga-patr.5.7X39(R90),Sakharov-repair kits for armor,Cold-gran.F-1,

Zakhar-anti-raids, Syak-patr.9.39


Bartender-AS "VAL" and repair kits for weapons, Syak-charges GAUSS,


Barman-OTs-14 "Thunderstorm", Sakharov-charges to Gauss,


Bartender and cold-first aid kits, Sakharov- Patr. 12X70,


Skryaga-gran.F-1, Sakharov-first-aid kits, B. Doctor-shot,


Miser-patr. to PKM, B. Doctor-weapon repair kits, Syak-first-aid kits,


Hunks-Belgian R90,


Skryaga-FN2000, Petrenko-SVU AS,


Sugar-charges Supergauss,


Sakharov-Kombez SSP-99M "Vega", Zakhar-weapon, Syak-VVS "Vintorez"


Sakharov-M72-M "Gauss Rifle",


B. Doctor-sniper SIG, Petrenko-special armor and Exa DOLGA



Things not worth selling:

TV set

4 flesh eyes

1 bloodsucker tentacle

3 bloodsucker tentacles

8 hooves, 8 vodka

6 abnormal bison

5 jellyfish, 5 stone flowers, 5 fireballs

10 zombie hands

10 stop snorks

10 packs of cigarettes

9 packs of cigarettes (or 9 bottles of vodka)

beads grandmother burer

17 chimera claws

2 elite detectors

2 plasma tracks


assault abakan

freeman pistol

two gravity suits

exoskeleton of neutrals

bandit exoskeleton

pzs9d (duty armor)

shotgun toz 34

15 bottles of vodka

night star + 10 stops of snork

20 loaves of bread, 20 loaves of sausage, 20 cans of stew

Tears of fire

10 golden slices of meat

and don't forget to save for teleportation: crystal to Cordon, Moonlight to Pripyat, Soul to AS, Mica to Amber

Merchants change:

Cartridges 12X70 shot (3p) - Medusa

Grenades RGD-5(2pcs) - Coil

Cartridges 5.45X39mm(3p) - Drop

Cartridges 7.62X39mm(2p) - Blood of the Stone

TOZ-34 "Vertical" - Flash

Saiga-12K - Chunk of Meat

First aid kits (8pcs) - Stone Flower

Vodka (3 bottles) - Twist


Cartridges 5.45X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Flash

Grenades RGD-5(3pcs) - Stone Flower

Cartridges 5.56X39mm (5p-simple, 3p-b / b) - Slime

Cartridges 9X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Gravi

AS "Val" - 2pcs Fireball

OTs-14 "Groza" - Night Star

First aid kits (5pcs) - Bengal Fire

Vodka (5 bottles) - Blood of the Stone

Armor Repair Kits (3pcs) - Chunk of Meat

Repair kits for weapons (3pcs) - Fireball

Miser (freedom)--

Cartridges 5.56/NATO/(5p-prost, 3p-b/b) - Slime

F-1 grenades (2pcs) - Thorn

Cartridges for the PKM machine gun (2 boxes) - Crystal Thorn

Cartridges 5.7X39mm for Belgian R90(4p) - Gravi

Belgian P90 - Goldfish

FN2000 - 3pcs Soul

First aid kits (5pcs) - Medusa

Anti-rads (5pcs) - Coil

Repair kits for weapons (3pcs) - Stone Flower


Charges 9mm M72-M"Gauss"(10pcs) - Night Star

9mm М72-М "Supergauss"(3pcs) - Spring

Suit SSP-99M "Vega" - Crystal

Cartridges 12X70mm (5p-usual, 3p-dart, 2p-zhakan) - Bengal Fire

SPAS 12 - Slug

M72-M "Gauss Rifle" - Mother's Beads (3 pcs)

First aid kits scientific (4pcs) - Thorn

Antirads (5pcs) - Slime

2 armor repair kits - Gravy

Cold (Clear Sky)--

F-1 Grenades - Gravy or 2pcs Chunk of Meat or 2pcs Coil

First aid kits 5pcs - Slug or 2pcs Bengal Fire or 2pcs Blood Stone

for 3 fly agaric

Cartridges 7.62X25mm PS for PPSh-41

Cartridges 7yu92X57 for machine gun Maschinengewehr 42

Cartridges 5.45X39mm

Cartridges 5.56X45mm SS109

Cartridges 9X39mm PAB-9

3 first aid kits and antirad

Swamp doctor--

Shot ammo (5p) - Thorn

Grenades RGD-5(5pcs) - Slime

Cartridges 5.56X39mm (3p) - Drop

Cartridges 7.62X39mm(3p) - Flash

Sniper SiG - Mica(3pcs)

AK-47 - Soul

First aid kits (3pcs) - Slug

Antirads(5pcs) - Stone Flower

3 weapon repair kits - Crystalthorn


Cartridges 5.45X39mm, AK-47 (3p-b / b, 5p-simple) - vodka (3b)

Grenades RGD - vodka (1b)

Cartridges 7.62X39mm, AKM (3p-b / b) - vodka (3b)

Abakan - vodka (5 liters)

AK-47 - vodka (4 liters)

First aid kits (2pcs) - vodka (1b)

Ensign Sherstyuk (Agroprom)--

Cartridges 5.45X39mm, AK-74 (3p-b / b, 5p-simple) - vodka (3b)

F-1 grenade - vodka (1b)

Cartridges 7.62mm for PKM machine gun - vodka (7b)

Bronik SKAT-9M - vodka (15b)

Abakan sniper - vodka (15b)

PKM machine gun - vodka (box)

Army first aid kits (2pcs) - vodka (1b)

Zakhar hunter--

Weapon "Absolute" - 3pcs Crystals

Modified weapon - 3 pieces Meat Chunk

Antirads - Gravy

Colonel Petrenko--

Cartridges 7.62X54mm - Drop

Shots VOG-25(4), VOG-25R - Blood of the Stone

Cartridges 7.62X39 - Medusa

Special armor DOLG PS3-9Md - 2 pcs Mica

Exoskeleton of Duty - 3pcs Mica

SVD - Sea Urchin

SVU-AS - Soul

3 first aid kits military Stone Flower

Cartridges 5.45X39mm (1p) - 2 cans

Grenade RGD-5 - 2 sausages

Cartridges 9X19mm (b / b), for MP-5 - 2 energy

F-1 grenade - 5 loaves

Abakan - 10 cans

MP-5 - 5 sausages

First aid kit - sausage

Vodka - 2 cans

Armor repair kit - 3 water

Repair kit for weapons - 10 loaves

Cartridges 9X19mm b/b(3p) - 3 flesh eyes

Cartridges 11.43mmX23mm (3p) - 5 jerboa heads

Cartridges 5.45X39mm b / b (5p) - 2 hands of the controller

for other parts - artifacts

AK-47,TOZ-34,Saiga-12,Desert Eagle,BM-16 sawn-off shotgun - controller hands

PP "Bizon", Kriss Super V, MP-5 - byurer's hands

cartridges 12caliber, shot, jekan, dart - tails of pseudo-dogs

Thunderstorm ammo - tails of blind dogs

for unique weapons gives artifacts

Sniper Ammo (2p-prost, 1p-b/b) - Chunk of Meat

Cartridges 9.39mm (5p-prost, 4p-snipe, 3p-b/b) - Gravi

Charges to Gauss - Fireball

Army SKAT-10 - 3 Sea Urchins

VVS"Vintorez" - Crystal

Army First Aid Kits (3pcs) - Crystal Thorn

Armor repair kits (3pcs) - Flash

Max (Freedom)--

flamethrower mix

Cartridges for "Thunderstorm"

Bronnik Nauchnik Dolgovskiy

minigun box - 2500+ Medusa

All mod guide People's Solyanka on your computer!

Download the installation file, click on it, install it and enjoy the cheat sheet with screenshots!

Passage of all Akim's quests.

Akim is a murky and suspicious type that lives at the checkpoint between Kordon and Dump (in the courtyard of the BMP and the tower). Dressed like a complete fool, but a very important character. Therefore, do not rush to kill him. However, you won't succeed.

1st Quest: Bring 10 Zombie Hands
There is nothing easier! We pass to the Garbage, go past the Cemetery of Technology and turn right - to the swamp. We pass the swamp, we go deeper into the forest. The number of zombies in this forest is enough to complete the quest.

Map. The arrow marks the location of the accumulation of zombies.

2nd Quest: Bring 1st piece of old documents
It's also a pretty easy quest. We go to the Garbage and saw through the entire territory to the northern checkpoint of Duty.

The trailer has a canopy made of camouflage mesh and several boxes. On one of these boxes are the documents Akim needs.

If for some reason you don't find them there, don't worry. They were united by one of the debtors. Talk to everyone; go to the "Trade" menu. One of the people hanging around the checkpoint has documents and you will see it.

3rd Quest: Bring the 2nd part of the old documents
We go to the Agroprom and climb into the underground tunnel, where the shooter went for the flash drive. There, in the tunnel with electrics, there are documents.

We enter, go through the tunnel, go down the stairs, turn left. We rise along the stairs and enter the tunnel with electr. Just in the center of the tunnel (it could not be otherwise), they lie on the pipes.

Yes, who would doubt. However, nothing surprising. On the contrary, I would be surprised if they were lying on Akim's desk, and he, the poor fellow, would crawl on the floor, adjusting his glasses, and complaining that he already sees badly.

4th Quest: Bring the 3rd piece of old documents
We go to the Dark Valley to the laboratory X-18. In the basement there is an entrance to the underground laboratory.

The 1st part of the documents is in the room with boxes behind 2 tanks in the corner.

The 2nd part of the documents is also behind the boxes. But not here. We go into the hall with the pseudo-giant. We go in, immediately turn left and go into the corner to the boxes. Let's look at the boxes. We pick up.

The 3rd part of the documents can lie in two places. On the fridge in the fridge room.

Either at dead stalker on the surface. We go to the pipe, jump to the ledge and look for the corpse. He has documents.

The 4th part of the documents in the hall with the pseudo-giant between two boxes just behind the grid.
The order may not be followed.

5th Quest: Bring a broken PDA, 4th piece of old documents and 4 armor
The PDA lies in the Dark Valley on a crane near the bandit camp.

The 4th part of the old documents is located in the laboratory X-16 on the floor in a round room with a switch.

Bronik SKAT-10 removed from the military, repaired.

Remove the bandit exoskeleton from the bandit, repair it.

Neutral exoskeleton can be bought from Syak on the Radar or from the Doctor in Pripyat, after waiting for the suit to appear on sale. You can also remove it from the corpse, which lies near the radioactive pipes between the crossing point to Pripyat and the battlefield of Freedom and Duty.

The scientific suit of Duty PS3-9MD can be taken for the grenade launcher brought from Voronin. Petrenko gives such a suit for the liquidation of a defector. You can exchange it for vodka at Max's or take a walk to the location of the ATP and persuade one of the bandits to give it to you.

6th Quest: Bring a part from each monster
The list, in fact, is this:

1 Rat Spleen
2. Dog Tail
3. Jerboa Head
4. Zombie Hand
5. Flesh Eye
6. Boar Hoof
7. Pseudo-dog tail
8. Cat Tail
9. Snork's foot
10. Bloodsucker Tentacles
11. Burer's hand
12. Broken Hand
13. Chimera Claw
14. Hand of the Controller
15. Eye of Poltergeis
16. Hand of the Pseudogigant

Quest 7: Bring experimental SKAT-15 armor and upgrade blocks for it
After the conversation, we look for Akim's notebook in the inventory. It contains the supposed location of all parts of the quest.

I'm going to Yantar. There is a small building on the territory of the plant.

On the roof of this building lies armor.

We are looking for a module activation system on the roof of one of the wagons in the Wild Territory.

The 1st upgrade block lies on the roof of the building on the Radar.

The 2nd upgrade block is located in the Cave.

8th Quest: Bring the medicine
Vials with medicine in the amount of 5 pieces are located in a minefield north of the military checkpoint on Cordon. Somewhere here.

Be careful while searching. Still, the military is very close. Well, it’s better not to be distracted by any other tasks after receiving the task. We go right behind the bubbles.

9th Quest: Bring the Rubik's Cube
We go to the Dark Valley and climb onto the roof of the gallery. There the cube lies, waiting for us.

\ It seems that everything. If there are additions and corrections - welcome here, in the comments.

Pacifier based mods - "Data from X-16"

Fire Pacifier - Bright Pacifier - Lunar Pacifier - Pudding

Lies on the floor in the room where the Controller is in the last cell on the left.

Information in PDA:

Report No. 14/7 on the project "Deceiver" to the Director of the research department "K-32" Professor Sazonov Nikolai Dmitrievich Dear Nikolai Dmitrievich, we have completed a series of experiments on the "Dummy" artifact. During the experiments, 7 (seven) "Empty" artifacts underwent destruction, 5 (five) "Empty" artifacts underwent degradation, 1 (one) "Empty" artifact showed positive results in a series of transmutations. The "Empty" artifact, when placed in the "Electra" anomaly after 3 hours, 1 minute, 43 seconds, receives the following characteristics: increases resistance to fire, slightly increases endurance, increases susceptibility to electric shock. The mod's working title is "Fire Dummy". When the "Fire Dummy" modifier is subsequently placed in the "Electra" anomaly after 6 hours, 3 minutes, 12 seconds, the artifact receives the following characteristics: greatly increases resistance to fire, increases endurance, increases the wearer's susceptibility to electric shock. The working title of the meso-modifier is "Bright Dummy". With the subsequent placement of the Bright Dummy meso-modifier into the Elektra anomaly after 8 hours, 4 minutes exactly, the artifact receives the following characteristics: greatly increases resistance to fire, greatly increases stamina, greatly increases susceptibility to electric shock. The working title of the hypermod is "Moon Dummy". At this point, the experiments on the transmutation of the "Empty" artifact were continued in the same anomaly. Unlike the projects "Scrap", "Sister", "Invisible" and "Lord of the Flies", this experience was a success! When the "Moon Dummy" hypermodifier was placed in the "Electra" anomaly, the artifact was not rejected. After 12 hours, 3 minutes, 56 seconds, the artifact received the properties of the absolute class, namely: it significantly increases resistance to fire, slightly increases endurance, and significantly increases resistance to electric shock. The working title of the absolute is "Pudding". Further placement of the resulting absolute in the "Electra" anomaly did not lead to anything - the anomaly rejects the artifact. I believe that our group has come to a brilliant result of research on the transmutation of the "Empty" artifact. Thus, I consider that the project "Deceiver" has been successfully completed. Complete records of observations have been transferred to the server. Head of the research group "7", V. A. Avakyan! Tip: so that the recipe does not fail “in textures”, try to go through the entire X-16 from the autosave without intermediate saves / loads, and when you bring down Kontrosha, do without grenades.


Artifact "Kolobok" and its modifications:

1. Ruby spring - "Data from Petrenko"

For Flash, Petrenko reports two recipes, one of them for the Ruby Spring.

Recipe: Throw a Spring at the Snow Anomaly for 10 minutes.

2. Ruby Film - "Data from Max Luber"

After the PDA, he will ask for Vodka and Hooves, a Ruby Film award and a Recipe for it.

Recipe: Throw a Tape at the Snow Anomaly for 10 minutes.

3. Ruby Battery - "Data from the Deserter"

After you bring the Wolf to the AC, Walkie-talkie, he will reward you with this recipe.

The Battery itself can be found on the Radar on a tip from Kruglov, or from the Deserter, for filing Orders.

Recipe: Throw a Battery for 10 minutes at the Snow Anomaly.

4. Living Heart - "The final recipe will be reported by the Doctor"

Logical ending NLC. To get a prescription, you have to run around, the starting point is a meeting with the Doctor in Pripyat.


More art transformations. Plasma caterpillar.

In addition, artifacts can be turned from one to another, sometimes it becomes so necessary that it makes sense to describe where and how these recipes are obtained.

Most of the Artmods got into Solyanka from NLC, but there are a couple of fresh modifications. Read on, maybe someone will learn something new. There are repetitions regarding the information written above, do not pay attention.

1. Flash from Frying - from the Wolf, for the found document.

2. Stone flower from Carousel - from Nimble, for Medusa.

3. Chunk of Meat from Springboard - from Tolik, for Dog Tails.

4. Slug from the Funnel - from Petrukha, for TOZ

5. Crystal Thorn from Kholodets - from Kuznetsov, for Vodka to D.R.

6. Fireball from Elektra - from the Fox, for First Aid Kits.

7. Drop from the Carousel - from the PDA in the Bandit Camp in the Junkyard.

8. Mucus from Frying - from Mole, for PDA.

9. Thorn from Kholodets - a document in the Trailer by the helicopter at Agroprom.

10. Bengal fire from the springboard - from Yurik, for the upgraded MP5 or from Dan, for the sawed-off Raven.

11. Moonlight from Frying - from Petrenko, for Flash.

12. Slime from the Funnel - from Bes, for Strelka's Jumpsuit.

13. Night Star from the Funnel - from the Bes, for the Ammo Box.

14. Stone Flower from Elektra - from the Captive Dolgovets, for salvation.

15. Gravels from Zharka - from Petrenko, for the Gauss Pistol.

16. Soul from Elektra - by Max Luber, for PDA.

17. Slug from the Springboard - from Prapor, behind the Eyes of the Flesh.

18. Crystal thorn from the Carousel - a document from the Checkpoint on Cordon.

19. Flash from the Funnel - from Prapor, for the Bloodsucker Tentacles.

20. Medusa from Electra - from Krysyuk.

21. Twist from Kholodets - from Borov, for Krysyuk's PDA.

22. Fireball from Kholodets - from Volkodav's PDA.

23. Sea Urchin from Springboard - from Ivantsov, for exchanging a grenade launcher for money.

24. Golden Fish from Kholodets - from Kruglov, for the Scanner.

25. Kolobok from Kholodets - from Kruglov, for exchanging the Artifact for money.

26. Spring from Electra - from Petrenko, for Exy.

27. Moonlight from the Carousel - from the Miser for Ammo.

28. Night Star from Fry - from the Miser for the PLAN.

29. Mica from Electra - from the PDA of the Monolith in the trailer on the Radar.

30. Film from the Funnel - from Sakharov for documents from the laboratories.

31. Soul from the Funnel - from Syak, behind the Toolbox.

32. Mother's Beads from the Carousel - from Syak, for the safe from X-18.

33. Goldfish from Electra - from Syak for the Goldfish.

34. Battery from Zharka - from Syak, for exchanging money for SKAT.

35. Springboard Dummy - Sold by the Informant.

36. Mica from the Carousel - sold by the Informant.

37. Crystal from Kholodets - should be taken from the Notebook of the traitor Pavlik, but errors in the scripts deprived us of this Artmod.

38. Ruby Spring - from Petrenko for Flash.

39. Ruby Film - from Max Luber for Hooves and Vodka.

40. Ruby Battery - from the Wolf for the Walkie-talkie.

41. Plasma Caterpillar - Sold by Sakharov.

42. Rattle - from the Miner for the Guard's Notebook.


We continue to consider the features of Solyanka.

Changed and Additional Transition Points from comrade a185.

The system of moving between locations has undergone major changes. Some points that existed in the original game have been moved or changed, and some are missing until a certain point. In addition, you can find information about new transition points. And also in Solyanka there is a developed system of teleports.

I will put in the headline the two most frequently asked questions about transition points.

Indeed, at the start of the game, there are no transition points from the Bar to the Wild Territory and the Warehouses.

The passage to the Wild Territory will open when you bring the docks from X-18 to the Bartender and take the quest for X-16.

The transition to the Military Warehouses opens when you bring Kruglov's flash drive to the Bartender. Moreover, the flash drive removed from the Kruglov troupe does not work. He must give it to you himself, after completing the escort.

More information about the transition point can be bought from the informant.

Also, a Fan can teleport you to the Military warehouses when you bring him a Laptop from X-18.

You can also get to the Military Warehouses through the new ATP location. To do this, you need to complete the Adrenaline quest for "Spare Parts of Monsters".

From Cordon.

1.Agroprom. Find and bring Sakharov documents from Agroprom.

2. On the Radar. Information about the transition lies under the corpse of an environmentalist not far from the hole in the grid on the Radar.

3. To the Labyrinth. After you meet Fima Coal in the Cave, talk to him.

4. Teleport to the Army Wards. Install a telemetry unit for Sakharov at the Army warehouses.

5. Teleport to Cordon. Install a telemetry unit on Kordon for Sakharov.

6. Teleport to Pripyat. Install a telemetry unit for Sakharov in Pripyat.


From Army Warehouses.

In addition to transition points and stationary teleports, Solyanka has several mobile teleportation systems.

1.Smart teleport from the Cross. Complete all Cross quests and get this device. The truth works only on "native" locations and on the "master" difficulty level. Teleports to a random location.

2.Mobile teleporter Bones. The teleport received as a result of quests teleports randomly. Take it to Sakharov for fine-tuning,

and you will be able to move to Bar, Cordon, or Yantar from any location.

3. Teleport Arrow. Together with the Note at the Monolith, you find the Strelka Teleport, with its help you can get to the Army Warehouses from Any location.

4. Teleports of the Monolith. Complete Lukash's quest for the Controller's Brains and he'll tell you where the Monolith Leaders' Mobile Teleporters are. With their help, you can get to Chernobyl-2 from any location.


New quests in Solyanka from 04/19/2010

Kuznetsov's quest for the inspector's bag:

After you give ten bottles of vodka to Kuznetsov, he will have a line in the dialogues in which he asks to bring the inspector's bag from Agroprom. To complete the task, vodka in the amount of 10-15 bottles is required. Get five from Kuznetsov. We buy the rest of the amount from NPCs / exchange for art from merchants.

Let's go to Agroprom. We fight off the Mole, we carry out all the necessary quests. After that, we return to the transition to the Landfill and move along the left side, clinging to the fence as much as possible. We reach Lieutenant Vinogradov:

We speak with him, we give vodka. There is an exchange of SMS with Kuznetsov. We are waiting for the warriors to get drunk. SMS arrives. We move to the fire, we talk with this Persian:

We drink vodka with him. He informs us about the location of the magic chumudan:

We pick it up and carry Kuze. Award - PDA for art transformations.

When re-passing the "NS" on 19.04, I ran into a problem - the captain did not appear (apparently he was tormented by a terrible beast with the name "Drank". In this case, we return to Kuznetsov - he will have a dialogue about this ...


Lightning and quests related to it.

Carefully read all the messages and dialogues, they contain all the hints, all the tips. Do not rush anywhere and do not rush to run around the locations. If you haven’t met an anomalous counter, go to Klenov anyway, the quest will count normally, just don’t get bonuses. When using a photo gun before shooting, save so that there is one shot - one photo


Passage of the Dead City

Important note

It all starts with turning off the teleport to the switch in Limansk. GG is asked to put some items in the safe behind. For the first time, my invisible exoskeleton was eliminated ...

1. We meet NPC named "Evil". We approach, we talk, we find out why he is still Evil and we understand that our GG is in a complete ass ...

2. We receive SMS and go to the Perfumer. We talk with him, find out that our situation is even more bleak than it was described by Evil. We recall some of our old "friends", about the story of Chernomor. Don't forget to search the nearby houses - I've tucked in there little by little...

3. We are looking for those stalkers that the Perfumer told us about. We are talking with Tambovsky, the leader of the local neutral stalkers. Things with them (and with us) are very bad, and therefore we carefully listen to Sanya. There is nothing to do, we are looking for his scouts.

4. We negotiate with the scouts, pay a "courtesy visit" to the bandos. We take away food, weapons, things. Don't forget to go up to the attics of the houses and explore the nearby landscape...

5. We go for a walk along the outskirts of the City, we meet SOMETHING. (most importantly, if you see a neutral on the map, shoot anything but a psionic mutant)

6. This character is really unusual. On his tip, we are going to "lead the market" with Fainting, he should help. A prerequisite: we go along the thorn and jump onto the fuel truck - an SMS should come stating that our GG is in place.

7. Bazarim. The bandits and the "Last Day" really are not very smooth, and therefore - he will help us, but the task will not be easy.

8. We look at the received photo. Let's go look for a secret. He

We receive SMS from Norman. After that, we go for a walk around the Zone, enjoying the new special stage and waiting for the next one.

6 784

Clear Sky Quests.

1. At the entrance to the Swamps, we find Dyak on the farm and he gives the task of rescuing a friend from the captivity of bandits. We go along the road to the church, we clean up the bandits and find the captive Sahatoy, we talk to him.

2. We return to the Dyak, report on the completion of the task, get information about the teleport to the Clear Sky base.

3. We go to the base, we meet 3 characters who give us quests - Vasily, Kholod and the leader of the Chistonebovites Sviblov.

4. The task of Vasily is to find a healing ointment.

4.1. We go to Kalmyk's hut - the place is marked on the map with a circle. In the hut, there is a backpack on the floor with a grenade in it. We take a grenade and it explodes (GG must have very good protection against explosions - art + costume). Kalmyk appears.

4.2. We speak with Kalmyk, we get the task to bring the container. The location of the container is marked on the map with a circle.

4.3. We go to the backpack, pick up the container. In the teleport around the backpack there is at least 1 passage, but it is very narrow (+\- half a meter to the side and it does not work), you need to find the place of this passage. It looks like the location of the passage is set randomly. Be persistent in your search, come from different directions.

4.4. We bring the container to Kalmyk, find out the tariffs for the exchange of ointment. We bring swag and get 3 necessary jars, we take Vasily

4.5. We hand over the ointment to Vasily and get the opportunity to upgrade and repair some costumes.

5. Cold's task is simple - mark a unique pseudo-giant at Agroprom. The location is marked on the map in the PDA. If there is no mark, then the pseudo-giant runs in the ravine northeast of the complex in which Adrenaline is located (from the entrance from the side of the landfill immediately to the right along the fence).

5.1. We aim the pseudo-giant from the weapon of Cold and report on the completion of the task.

Sviblov's quests are key to the further passage of the plot, incl. to open passages to new locations (Limansk and beyond).

6. We speak with Sviblov, we get the task to bring the brain of a unique controller. The spawn location of the controller is marked on the map. We go, kill the controller and the monsters accompanying him, take the brain.

7. We hand over the brain to Sviblov and in return we get the opportunity to exchange the details of unique monsters for weapons.

8. We speak with Sviblov again. We get the task to steal PKM from the bandits. And a label in the PDA for Kashchei. Without delay, it is necessary to go and talk with Kashchei, otherwise he may die in the fight against the bandits or disappear into the anomaly.

9. We speak with Kashchei, we get a clarification on the assignment.

10. We go to the territory of the bandits and climb onto the roof through the tank, go down and take the PKM from the backpack. Before taking the PKM, the bandits should not see the GG, otherwise the quest fails.

11. At the moment of taking the PKM, hunters led by Den spawn, help fight off the bandits, now you can fight the bandits. After cleaning, you can talk with Dan, but more on that later.

12. We hand over PKM to Sviblov, we get a new task - to control the Freebie deal.

13. We go to Cordon to the factory where the hunters with Den used to be (in the PDA of the task there is a typo that Freebie will supposedly be on the farm). To successfully complete the task, 2 conditions must be met:

So that before the call of the Freebie, the mercenaries do not notice the GG

So that after the call of Freebie, Freebie himself and his friend would survive.

To complete the quest, you need to hide on the territory of the factory so that it is convenient to quickly jump out and start clearing the Monoliths. I hid almost behind the back of Freebies. After his cry, there will be a few seconds while the Monoliths stand like idols - during this time you need to have time to destroy at least 2, so that then the three of you with Freebie and his friend will clean up the rest.

14. We go to Sviblov and report on the completion of the task.

The search for the box and the safe of the mysterious stalker.

Attention! Not all quests are displayed in active PDA tasks, so it is necessary to memorize dialogues, given tasks, codes, etc.

The key character of the branch is a miner. To get a passage to the Cave, you need to take a quest in the Bar from the Bald One to search for a treasure. Well, the Miner will definitely ask the GG to complete a small assignment - to bring the Book from the Forgotten Forest. Don't be lazy - bring it.

1. We speak with the miner, we get the task - to save the runaway "prodigal son" (Fima Coal) and bring the sentry's notebook.

2. In the Labyrinth, on the upper tier of transitions in the large hall, we take the notebook from the guard, save the fugitive and receive from him, in gratitude, the transition from the Labyrinth to the Cave.

If in a shootout the Monoliths suddenly kill Fima Coal - do not be upset, the main thing is that Tagged saved him and the quest will be counted.

3. We bring a notebook to the miner and observe the return of the prodigal son (even if he was killed by the Monoliths before that). As a reward, we get a recipe for a new Art, Rattle.

4. On the advice of the miner, we talk with Fima and learn from him about the mysterious box and safe, the transition from the Labyrinth to Yantar, and also about the need to talk with Adrenaline. For the opportunity to learn about another transition, Fima asks to bring first-aid kits, bandages, "Soul" and soap.

5. We bring Fima a swag and it gives a transition from the Labyrinth to a new location, which is blocked in the version from 26.04.

6. We speak with Adrenaline, we get the task to bring the Casket and the safe from the Labyrinth. At the same time, we get the transition to the Labyrinth from Amber.

7. In the Labyrinth we find the Casket, in it is a note with interesting and useful information. We bring the box to Adrenaline, tell about the meeting with the immortal Shadow of the Monolith. We learn that we need to talk with the miner. (how to find the Box can be found in the answers to "Other questions", in the "Labyrinth" section)

8. We speak with the Miner, he talks about the need to join the Monolith and sends him to Sidorovich.

9. We speak with Sidorovich, we get the next task to search for repair kits and the Monolith amulet.

10. We go to the Labyrinth, on the way to the Labyrinth we try to stay as far as possible from neutrals and former friends! In the Labyrinth we find the Shadow of the Monolith and find out the 3rd missing code from the door to the Monolith's bunker. In order for him to speak, it is necessary to say to him the "Plasma Caterpillar" and "Rattle". In the bunker we pick up the safe and repair kits. Repair kits can be picked up by one of the Monoliths in the bunker - do not forget to bargain with them.

11. We go to Sidorovich, we give repair kits and the amulet of the Monolith.

12. We go to the miner and give the safe.

Continuation of the search for the mysterious stalker.

This storyline will be available after completing the quests to find the killers of the Fang.

If you suffer from sclerosis, take screenshots of the dialogues. Go.

1. We take the safe, go to the upper level of the Labyrinth, find the transition point to the Unexplored Land (NZ) and go there. The transition at the highest level of the large hall is almost a mirror image of the transition through which the GG enters the Labyrinth.

2. We speak with the Astrologer, we learn about some local Residents.

3. We get acquainted with the Hermit, he talks about a few more. We get a bag with medicines for the Gynecologist.

4. We get acquainted with the Gynecologist, we give the Bag and the Safe.

5. We speak with the Cyclops, from his poems we learn about the location of the Medicines. We learn about the transition point Dump -> NZ.

6. We go to the Cordon and pick up the Medicines.

7. We give the Medicines to the Cyclops or the Gynecologist, as appropriate.

8. We speak with Zhorka-Anomaly, he opened the first door, there was infa about Fang. But in order to open the second door, he needs Batteries.

9. We speak with the Old Man at the entrance to the Cave. He tells about the Fire Cave (OP), about the fact that he saw the required batteries there, and asks, if they come across, to find the clock lost there.

10. Again we speak with the Hermit, he knows about the OP and knows some of its "inhabitants".

11. There are two entrances to the OP, both are visible, but not very well. At one entrance we find the Pilgrim and talk to him. He promises to help, both with batteries and with a watch, if we bring the Razor from his cache. Now there is a parking lot of the Avengers, and he himself cannot go.

12. A simple stealth mission, we find the abandoned backpack of the Pilgrim and take everything from there. If at least one Avenger dies while reporting on the task, the mission will fail.

13. We give the Machine, we get the Clock.

14. We give the Clock, and learn from the transition points AC -> NC, TD -> NC.

15. Again we go to the Pilgrim, he has already shaved and gladly gives us the Batteries. An SMS comes from the Hermit, asks to come in, there is information.

16. We speak with the Hermit. We learn that Adrenaline was looking for us, information appeared on the owner of the Safe. Says Adrenaline needs a New Anomaly Detector. Vitya-Hologram can help with the Detector.

17. We take Batteries to Zhorka, for one we speak with Vitya. He asks for two Elite Detectors and a Plasma Tracker. SMS comes from Adrenaline, people came for the box.

18. We go to Yantar and buy detectors from Sakharov. That's the trouble with detectors! Well, if you play with ranks, then you should already have one. And the second should appear on sale from Sakharov, with the same frequency as the Bioradar, but personally I have never seen this device on sale from him. If someone bought without editing configs, unsubscribe. It may very well be that in the future this matter will be corrected, but for now, I had to edit Sakharov's trading config.

19. We bring Vitya two elite detectors and a plasma caterpillar, in response he sends us to the Cyclops, he knows where to look for caches with Vitya's Detectors. We listen to his next tip in poetic form.

20. We go to the Landfill, we find a cache, there are Two detectors, we’ll just leave one for ourselves, a wonderful thing, it sees the Invisible Kholodets, and the Star of Arkhara, and of course, all the rest.

21. We come to Adrenaline, we give the Detector. We learn that two people came for the Casket, one of them is the Astrologer, the second Adrenaline did not consider, it is a shabby suit, which means the owner has been trampling the Zone for a long time. We were looking for the Safe and GG. SMS from the Gynecologist comes, the safe is opened.

22. We speak with the Gynecologist, in the Safe there was an old map of the territories near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The gynecologist asks to find information on Perfusor. For nuances, as usual, we go to the Cyclops. Again we hear a tip in the verses. A transition point to the Labyrinth appears.

23. We find a half-dead mercenary in the Labyrinth, who is aware of Perfusor, and says where to look for a flask for him. The diskette with the information lies nearby. If, before that, you got to the Box through a teleport, you will find a mercenary quickly, he lies a little short of this teleport. We select a diskette, we treat the Mercenary.

24. We bring the floppy disk to the Gynecologist and find out that we really need the flasks. In addition, we will need Reagents, you can ask them from the leader of the snipers, here on NZ, that's just how to get close to them, they shoot at everything that moves. We leave for the next portion of poems to the Cyclops. We receive an SMS from an unknown stalker, the owner of the card, he does not mind if GG makes a copy, but the original will have to be returned through the Astrologer.

25. We go to the Army Warehouses, find the desired place, select the Flasks.

26. We return, we give the Flasks to the Gynecologist. To build the installation, he asks to find Power Supplies and a control chip from Exa Liberty. In addition, we give the Fang cards to the Gynecologist so that he makes copies.

27. We go to the place where the meteorite fell, we find the deactivator of teleports, we get into the cave through one of the entrances. (We find the deactivator of the second teleport already in the cave. Another tip, it’s quite hot at the entrance, it won’t hurt to hang artifacts from the heat.

28. We find the Pilgrim in the cave, he helps to find an approach to the Mercenaries. We rummage through the cave, we find the PSU and boards.

29. We go to the Chimera, the leader of the Avengers in NZ. He has a small request to fill up a competitor - Sidorovich and bring his head as proof ...

A small note, between points 28-29 you need to do without intermediate saves / restores, otherwise the Avengers will become enemies-

30. We take the ingredients for installation found in the Cave to the Gynecologist. We pick up the original and a copy of the Fang card. We inform the Gynecologist that Sidorovich's head is needed for success. Shura offers to slip a scarecrow on the Avengers, and Owl, the commander of the Hunters, can help us with this, they also live nearby.

31. Owl agrees to help, but you need a Controller to work, just the right one was filled up on the Radar, you have to run to pick it up.

32. We run and select. Bring Filina.

33. For work, he asks for 10 Chimera Claws + 100 tr. We collect, bring, select the head of "Sidorovich".

Sidor and Petrenko-first-aid kits, Bartender-gran.RGD-5, Miser-repair kits for weapons, B. Doctor-anti-rads,


Bartender and Sryaga-patr. 5.56X39, Sakharov-anti-rads, B. Doctor-grand. RGD-5,

Art "GRAV"--

Bartender-patr.9X39, Skryaga-patr.5.7X39(R90),Sakharov-repair kits for armor,Cold-gran.F-1,

Zakhar-anti-raids, Syak-patr.9.39


Bartender-AS "VAL" and repair kits for weapons, Syak-charges GAUSS,


Barman-OTs-14 "Thunderstorm", Sakharov-charges to Gauss,


Bartender and cold-first aid kits, Sakharov- Patr. 12X70,


Skryaga-gran.F-1, Sakharov-first-aid kits, B. Doctor-shot,


Miser-patr. to PKM, B. Doctor-weapon repair kits, Syak-first-aid kits,


Hunks-Belgian R90,


Skryaga-FN2000, Petrenko-SVU AS,


Sugar-charges Supergauss,


Sakharov-Kombez SSP-99M "Vega", Zakhar-weapon, Syak-VVS "Vintorez"


Sakharov-M72-M "Gauss Rifle",


B. Doctor-sniper SIG, Petrenko-special armor and Exa DOLGA



Things not worth selling:

TV set

4 flesh eyes

1 bloodsucker tentacle

3 bloodsucker tentacles

8 hooves, 8 vodka

6 abnormal bison

5 jellyfish, 5 stone flowers, 5 fireballs

10 zombie hands

10 stop snorks

10 packs of cigarettes

9 packs of cigarettes (or 9 bottles of vodka)

beads grandmother burer

17 chimera claws

2 elite detectors

2 plasma tracks


assault abakan

freeman pistol

two gravity suits

exoskeleton of neutrals

bandit exoskeleton

pzs9d (duty armor)

shotgun toz 34

15 bottles of vodka

night star + 10 stops of snork

20 loaves of bread, 20 loaves of sausage, 20 cans of stew

Tears of fire

10 golden slices of meat

and don't forget to save for teleportation: crystal to Cordon, Moonlight to Pripyat, Soul to AS, Mica to Amber

Merchants change:

Cartridges 12X70 shot (3p) - Medusa

Grenades RGD-5(2pcs) - Coil

Cartridges 5.45X39mm(3p) - Drop

Cartridges 7.62X39mm(2p) - Blood of the Stone

TOZ-34 "Vertical" - Flash

Saiga-12K - Chunk of Meat

First aid kits (8pcs) - Stone Flower

Vodka (3 bottles) - Twist


Cartridges 5.45X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Flash

Grenades RGD-5(3pcs) - Stone Flower

Cartridges 5.56X39mm (5p-simple, 3p-b / b) - Slime

Cartridges 9X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Gravi

AS "Val" - 2pcs Fireball

OTs-14 "Groza" - Night Star

First aid kits (5pcs) - Bengal Fire

Vodka (5 bottles) - Blood of the Stone

Armor Repair Kits (3pcs) - Chunk of Meat

Repair kits for weapons (3pcs) - Fireball

Miser (freedom)--

Cartridges 5.56/NATO/(5p-prost, 3p-b/b) - Slime

F-1 grenades (2pcs) - Thorn

Cartridges for the PKM machine gun (2 boxes) - Crystal Thorn

Cartridges 5.7X39mm for Belgian R90(4p) - Gravi

Belgian P90 - Goldfish

FN2000 - 3pcs Soul

First aid kits (5pcs) - Medusa

Anti-rads (5pcs) - Coil

Repair kits for weapons (3pcs) - Stone Flower


Charges 9mm M72-M"Gauss"(10pcs) - Night Star

9mm М72-М "Supergauss"(3pcs) - Spring

Suit SSP-99M "Vega" - Crystal

Cartridges 12X70mm (5p-usual, 3p-dart, 2p-zhakan) - Bengal Fire

SPAS 12 - Slug

M72-M "Gauss Rifle" - Mother's Beads (3 pcs)

First aid kits scientific (4pcs) - Thorn

Antirads (5pcs) - Slime

2 armor repair kits - Gravy

Cold (Clear Sky)--

F-1 Grenades - Gravy or 2pcs Chunk of Meat or 2pcs Coil

First aid kits 5pcs - Slug or 2pcs Bengal Fire or 2pcs Blood Stone

for 3 fly agaric

Cartridges 7.62X25mm PS for PPSh-41

Cartridges 7yu92X57 for machine gun Maschinengewehr 42

Cartridges 5.45X39mm

Cartridges 5.56X45mm SS109

Cartridges 9X39mm PAB-9

3 first aid kits and antirad

Swamp doctor--

Shot ammo (5p) - Thorn

Grenades RGD-5(5pcs) - Slime

Cartridges 5.56X39mm (3p) - Drop

Cartridges 7.62X39mm(3p) - Flash

Sniper SiG - Mica(3pcs)

AK-47 - Soul

First aid kits (3pcs) - Slug

Antirads(5pcs) - Stone Flower

3 weapon repair kits - Crystalthorn


Cartridges 5.45X39mm, AK-47 (3p-b / b, 5p-simple) - vodka (3b)

Grenades RGD - vodka (1b)

Cartridges 7.62X39mm, AKM (3p-b / b) - vodka (3b)

Abakan - vodka (5 liters)

AK-47 - vodka (4 liters)

First aid kits (2pcs) - vodka (1b)

Ensign Sherstyuk (Agroprom)--

Cartridges 5.45X39mm, AK-74 (3p-b / b, 5p-simple) - vodka (3b)

F-1 grenade - vodka (1b)

Cartridges 7.62mm for PKM machine gun - vodka (7b)

Bronik SKAT-9M - vodka (15b)

Abakan sniper - vodka (15b)

PKM machine gun - vodka (box)

Army first aid kits (2pcs) - vodka (1b)

Zakhar hunter--

Weapon "Absolute" - 3pcs Crystals

Modified weapon - 3 pieces Meat Chunk

Antirads - Gravy

Colonel Petrenko--

Cartridges 7.62X54mm - Drop

Shots VOG-25(4), VOG-25R - Blood of the Stone

Cartridges 7.62X39 - Medusa

Special armor DOLG PS3-9Md - 2 pcs Mica

Exoskeleton of Duty - 3pcs Mica

SVD - Sea Urchin

SVU-AS - Soul

3 first aid kits military Stone Flower

Cartridges 5.45X39mm (1p) - 2 cans

Grenade RGD-5 - 2 sausages

Cartridges 9X19mm (b / b), for MP-5 - 2 energy

F-1 grenade - 5 loaves

Abakan - 10 cans

MP-5 - 5 sausages

First aid kit - sausage

Vodka - 2 cans

Armor repair kit - 3 water

Repair kit for weapons - 10 loaves

Cartridges 9X19mm b/b(3p) - 3 flesh eyes

Cartridges 11.43mmX23mm (3p) - 5 jerboa heads

Cartridges 5.45X39mm b / b (5p) - 2 hands of the controller

for other parts - artifacts

AK-47,TOZ-34,Saiga-12,Desert Eagle,BM-16 sawn-off shotgun - controller hands

PP "Bizon", Kriss Super V, MP-5 - byurer's hands

cartridges 12caliber, shot, jekan, dart - tails of pseudo-dogs

Thunderstorm ammo - tails of blind dogs

for unique weapons gives artifacts

Sniper Ammo (2p-prost, 1p-b/b) - Chunk of Meat

Cartridges 9.39mm (5p-prost, 4p-snipe, 3p-b/b) - Gravi

Charges to Gauss - Fireball

Army SKAT-10 - 3 Sea Urchins

VVS"Vintorez" - Crystal

Army First Aid Kits (3pcs) - Crystal Thorn

Armor repair kits (3pcs) - Flash

Max (Freedom)--

flamethrower mix

Cartridges for "Thunderstorm"

Bronnik Nauchnik Dolgovskiy

minigun box - 2500+ Medusa

All mod guide People's Solyanka on your computer!

Download the installation file, click on it, install it and enjoy the cheat sheet with screenshots!

Modifications and Recipes

Note! These recipes work in AMK and SIMBION mods.

Babkiny Beads.
The Mother's Bead Artifact is thrown into the Elektra Anomaly for five hours. Characteristics: bullet resistance +5, endurance +250, radiation +5, resistance to electric shock -15. Probability of successful mutation 85%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 5%.
Take: from Brom for the quest with his weapon "Devil's Weapon"

Great-grandmother's beads.
Babkina's Beads mesomodifier is thrown into the Kholodets Anomaly for three hours. Stats: Bullet Resistance +3, Health +150, Radiation +7, Bleeding -380. The probability of a successful mutation is 72%, unsuccessful 12%, rejection 16%.
Take: from Sidorovich for the quest "Clear the area from mutants"

(modification of resistance to chemical combustion and bullet resistance)
The film artifact is thrown into the Springboard anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting modification has the following characteristics: + 35% resistance to chemical combustion, + 7% bullet resistance, +3 radiation.
Take: at the Cordon, at the checkpoint in the barracks on the bedside table between the beds.

The Skin mod is thrown into the Carousel anomaly for 5 hours. The resulting meso mod has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical burning +42, bullet resistance +5, radiation +150, health +150, bleeding +100. The probability of a successful transmutation is 80%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 10%.
Take: from General Voronin for RG-6 "Bulldog"

Mesomodificat Scales rushes into the anomaly Kholodets for 2 hours. The resulting hypermod has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical burning +45, bullet resistance +10, radiation +2, health +50, bleeding +130. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 10%.
Take: from Sidorovich for documents from the checkpoint

Controller scalp.
The Hyper Mod Carapace is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 6 hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical burning +10, bullet resistance +10, hunger - 20, health +100, psi-protection +75. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
Take: from one of the top twenty Monoliths on the Radar (random recipe).

Soul Drops
The Soul Artifact is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 4 hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 10. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 5%.

fiery soul
The Soul Drop Mod is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for six hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 20. The probability of successful transmutation is 60%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 20%.

Crystal Soul
The meso mod Fire Soul is thrown into the Frying anomaly for 10 hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 30. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 35%, rejection 15%.

Crystal Soul Bengal
The hyper-mod Crystal Soul is thrown into the Elektra anomaly for 1 hour. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance + 18, radiation - 30. The probability of successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 30%, rejection 20%.
Take: The entire chain is from Lukash for the quest with the improved armor suit Beryl "Healing".

The Sea Urchin Artifact is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 3 hours. Characteristics: endurance - 20, radiation - 65. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
Take: Buy from the Informant in the bar.

Electric Porcupine
(Meso-modified stamina and radiation resistance) Mod Porcupine throws himself into the Elektra anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting meso mod gets the following characteristics: -63 radiation, +100 stamina, -10% electric shock. Transmutation success rate: 72%; degeneration probability: 25%; rejection rate: 3%.
Take: from the Miser for the quest "Clear the village of Bloodsuckers"

Snotty Porcupine
The meso-mod Electric Porcupine rushes into the anomaly Kholodets for 2 hours. Stats: Electroshock - 7, Stamina + 90, Radiation - 55, Bleeding - 400. Probability of successful transmutation 74%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 16%.
Take: From a wounded stalker (first give a first aid kit) on the second floor of the gas station next to the bandit base in the Dark Valley.

Stone Porcupine
The Hyper Mod Snotty Porcupine rushes into the Springboard anomaly for 9 hours. Stats: Electroshock +25, Stamina +85, Radiation - 50, Bleeding - 350. Probability of successful transmutation 70%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 10%.
Take: On a flash drive of a crazy stalker in a swamp near the Freedom base according to Max's quest.

Steel Gingerbread Man
Artifact Gingerbread Man is thrown into the Springboard anomaly for 2 hours. Stats: gap +5, bullet resistance +5, radiation +7. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 5%.
Take: from the Hunter in the bar for the quest "Family Gun".

Titanium Gingerbread Man
The Steel Gingerbread mod is thrown into the Carousel anomaly for 5 hours. Stats: Rupture +7, Bullet Resistance +10, Radiation +15, Fire Resistance +25. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 35%, rejection 15%.
Take: On the corpse of one of the mercenaries at the Chernobyl checkpoint.

Diamond Gingerbread Man
The meso-modified Titanium Gingerbread Man is thrown into the Kholodets anomaly for 8 hours. Stats: Rupture +6, Bullet Resistance +10, Radiation +10, Fire Resistance +25, Chemical Burn Resistance +15. The probability of a successful transmutation is 78%, unsuccessful 17%, rejection 5%.
Take: from Kruglov for help with the passage to Yantar.

Giant's Little Brother
(absolute tear resistance, bullet resistance, fire resistance, chemical combustion resistance, hunger resistance and radiation resistance)
Hyper-modified Diamond Gingerbread man throws himself into the Frying anomaly (transmutation time: 3 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute has the following stats: +12% tear resistance, +10% bullet resistance, -15 radiation, +25% fire resistance, -45 hunger, +20% chemical fire resistance.

Take: from Kep for helping defend the Barrier.

Tears of Elektra
The Drop artifact is thrown into the Elektra anomaly for 5 hours. The modifier receives the following characteristics: radiation - 10, endurance + 18. The probability of a successful transmutation is 75%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 15%.
Take: from Sakharov for the quest "Bring a body part of the Snork"

Tears of Fire
The Tear of Elektra mod is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 6 hours. The modifier receives the following characteristics: radiation - 30. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
Take: from Sakharov for documents X-16

Tears of the Chimera
The Tear of Fire meso-mod is thrown into the Cold anomaly for 2 hours. The modifier receives the following characteristics: radiation - 40, psi-protection + 45, bleeding +140, health +150. The probability of a successful transmutation is 55%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 20%.
Take: from Sakharov for the quest "Bring a unique jumpsuit" (Ghost costume).

4 artifacts are thrown into the anomaly "Jellied" at once: Medusa, Drop, Stone's Blood and Thorn - for 4 hours.
It has the following characteristics: psi-protection +50%, bleeding +50, tear resistance -25, endurance -20. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful - 20%, rejection - 10%.
Take: In X-18, on the table, next to the documents for the Bartender.

Fire Empty
The Empty artifact is thrown into the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 3 hours Zone. The mod gains the following stats: +30% Fire Resistance, +36 Stamina, -10% Electric Shock Resistance
Chance of successful transmutation: 70%; degeneration probability: 25%; rejection rate: 5%.

Bright Empty
The Fire Blanket mod is thrown into the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 6 hours Zone. The meso mod gains the following stats: +30% fire resistance, +73 stamina, -15% electric shock resistance
Transmutation success rate: 59%; degeneration probability: 20%; rejection rate: 21%.

Lunar Dummy
Meso-modified Bright Empty throws itself into the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 8 hours Zone. The hyper mod gains the following stats: +30% fire resistance, +109 stamina, -20% electric shock resistance.
Chance of successful transmutation: 50%; degeneration probability: 35%; chance of rejection: 15%.

(absolute of resistance to fire, endurance and resistance to electric shock)
Lunar Empty throws itself into the anomaly Holodets (transmutation time: 12 hours of the Zone). The Absolute gains the following stats: +45% Fire Resistance, -20 Stamina, +50% Electric Shock Resistance, +2 Radiation.
Chance of successful transmutation: 80%; degeneration probability: 10%; rejection rate: 10%.
Take: At X-16, on the floor in the last cell to the left of the Ghost's corpse.