Stalker call of pripyat to find tools for calibration. Tools for fine work in Stalker: Call of Pripyat

Whatever new appears in the Zone, you are ready to explore it first. Finding new, not yet studied anomalous formations, you advanced science in understanding the Zone.
The set of new data allowed Professors German and Ozersky to synthesize an experimental anabiotic under the conditions of the Zone.
1. Bring the modified steering wheel from the dredger to Boroda.
3. Bring scientists an anomalous plant.
Reward: nothing was found.

Mutant Hunter
You are not trying to avoid dangerous mutants, you are hunting them, and you have succeeded. Good hunters are respected people among stalkers.
Stalkers have become better for you. In order to somehow thank you, stalkers from time to time leave cartridges in your personal box at the Yanov station.
1. Destroy the burers on the instructions of St. John's wort.
2. Destroy the bloodsuckers on the instructions of St. John's wort.
3. Destroy the chimera on Jupiter on the instructions of St. John's wort.
Reward: cartridges 5.45x39 (AR), 5.56x45 (AR) - 2 pieces, 9x39 (AR), zhecan 12x76 are placed in a box on Jupiter every 12 hours.

You have revealed the secret of the disappearance of stalkers from Skadovsk - not mutants are to blame for this, but a more dangerous enemy - a man. Your desire to find the truth has earned you the respect of stalkers.
Stalkers have become better for you. Out of respect for you, stalkers from time to time leave medicines in your personal box on Skadovsk.
Uncover the mystery of the disappearance of stalkers (starts with Capercaillie).
Reward: a first aid kit, bandages and antirad in the amount of 4 are placed in a box on the Zaton every 12 hours.

Having repulsed the bandits led by the Sultan, you have gained popularity among stalkers. We are always glad to see you at Skadovsk.
Stalkers have become better for you. At the request of the stalkers, the merchant Sych made a discount for you. Beard offers you the best prices for artifacts.
1. Bring the Compass to Beard artifact.
2. Warn the stalkers on Shevchenko about the bandits' attack and help them fight them off.
Reward: The assortment of the Beard and Owl is changed, the Owl makes a 10% discount (if there is no achievement "Information Merchant", otherwise 20%).

You helped the Sultan seize the initiative from the stalkers and take control of the Beard case. Now on Zaton you are feared and respected.
steel treats you with respect. Trader Owl, out of fear that he might become the next victim, made a discount for you. According to the agreement, Beard must pay you a percentage of his income.
1. Bring the Compass artifact to the Sultan.
2. Help the bandits kill stalkers on Shevchenko.
Reward: Beard pays 500-2500 rubles daily (issued randomly). The assortment of Beard and Owl is changing, Owl makes a 10% discount (if there is no achievement "Information Merchant", otherwise 20%).

Justice messenger
You stopped the scoundrel from escaping justice. Stalker Soroka more than once exposed others under attack and was not shy in methods. Now the fair is waiting for him.
Khabar Soroki, received by meanness and deception, stalkers will give to the one who deserves it more. His loot was put into your personal box on the Yanov.
Hand over Magpie-Flint to Duty, Freedom or Gont.
Reward: Soroka's swag.

You have found all types of artifacts known to the researchers of the Zone. Thus, you have earned the respect of stalkers and the close attention of bandits.
Stalkers have become better for you. The bandits will chase you during forays into the Zone.
Find all kinds of artifacts in the Zone.
Reward: reputation among stalkers will increase by 200, bandits simulate more pursuit of the player.

Combat Systems Master
Cardan now has tool kits for every occasion. This will allow him to make improvements that were not available before.
Bring all three sets of tools to Cardan.
Reward: starts installing hydraulic boosters in the exoskeleton servos - you can run in it.

Master of High Technology
Nitrogen has received every toolkit a technician in the Zone can dream of. Now he can deal with high-tech modifications.
Bring all three toolboxes to Nitrogen.
Reward: begins to install an infrared scanner on the helmet, which allows you to record people nearby.

Faced with the need to work in a team, you have assembled a good squad, which has proven your leadership skills.
Your leadership skills increase the team's chances of survival.
Collect Vano, Lieutenant Sokolov and the leader of the former Monoliths, the Tramp, in a detachment for the campaign to Pripyat.
Reward: this is shrouded in mystery. Judging by the scripts, at some point (s) in time, your team will be healed automatically.

You know how to solve problems in a peaceful way. It is not necessary to use force if everything can be resolved through negotiations. However, you should beware of those who shoot first and ask later.
Respecting your ability to negotiate, "Freedom", "Duty", free stalkers and even bandits have become better treats you.
1) Solve Wano's problem bloodlessly.
2) Bloodlessly solve the quest with Mitya.
Reward: Increases the reputation of the GG among bandits, stalkers, Duty and Freedom by 200.

You have worked with scientists for so long that you deserve the title of Research Fellow. Now all the inhabitants of the research bunker treat you as their own.
Seeing you as a valuable assistant, Professor Herman offers you medicines and equipment intended only for the bunker personnel, at cost.
Novikov is so used to you that, making modifications, he requires payment only for consumables.
Complete at least 4 of 8 quests for scientists:
1. Bring the scientists Oasis.
2. Bring the scientists an artifact from the tunnel that generates an alternating psi-field.
3. Investigate anomalous activity in the area of ​​the cooling tower with an improved detector.
4. Transfer to Herman documents from the Jupiter plant on the latest developments and PDA Cherny.
5. Install scanners in anomalies for scientists (three are enough to fulfill this condition).
6. Investigate anomalies together with a research group of stalkers.
7. Bring scientists an anomalous plant.
8. Check Ozersky's hypothesis.
Reward: Novikov makes upgrades 25% cheaper. Herman starts selling anabiotics, various pills, detectors. The decrease in the price of medicines is not associated with achievement, but with the completion of quests for scientists. For three quests a 25% discount, for six - 40%.

Friend of "Duty"
You helped the Duty faction a lot and gained prestige among its fighters and their friends. But do not forget that not everyone sympathizes with Duty.
Your relationship with Debt has improved. If you get into trouble, the Duty fighters will try to come to your aid. Technician Azot sympathizes with "Debt", so he made a discount for you.
Your relationship with Svoboda has deteriorated. The Hawaiian, a trader sympathetic to Svoboda, has raised the prices of his goods.
1. Attach a detachment of former Monoliths to Debt.
2. Sell the PDA of the founder of Debt Debt.
3. Sell PDA to Morgan Debt.
4. Hand over Magpie-Flint to Duty.
Reward: Nitrogen makes repairs and upgrades at a discount (up to 35% - depends on the amount of materials brought to him), Hawaiian sells (and buys) 10% more. Also, his assortment is decreasing.

Friend of "Freedom"
You helped the Freedom grouping a lot and gained prestige among its fighters and their friends. But do not forget that not everyone sympathizes with Svoboda.
Your relationship with Svoboda has improved. If you get into trouble, the Freedom fighters will try to come to your aid. A Hawaiian - a merchant sympathetic to Svoboda - made you a discount.
Your relationship with Debt has deteriorated. Technician Azot sympathizes with "Debt", so he raised the prices for his services.
1. Attach a detachment of former monoliths to Svoboda.
2. Sell the PDA of the founder of the Debt to Freedom.
3. Sell PDA to Morgan Svoboda.
4. Hand over Magpie-Flint to Freedom.
Reward: Nitrogen makes repairs and upgrades more expensive (up to 13% - depends on the amount of materials brought to him), Hawaiian makes a 20% discount. Also, his assortment is increasing.

Balance advocate
You did not give preference to any faction, and always acted like a free stalker. As a result, they did not make new enemies, but they didn’t make new friends either.
For stalkers on Yanov, the balance of power between Duty and Svoboda is important, so a technician and a trader have made discounts for you.
1. Sell the PDA to the founder of Debt Sych.
2. Sell PDA to Morgan Sych.
3. Hand over Magpie-Flint to Gonta, not to Duty or Freedom.
Reward: Nitrogen makes repairs and upgrades at a discount (up to 35% - depends on the amount of materials brought to him), Hawaiian makes a 15% discount. In the current version of the game, this achievement cannot be obtained due to a bug.

Keeper of secrets
You cannot be denied prudence - having found the notes in the hiding places of the Strelka group, you did not part with them until you found the one to whom they belong.
Having received the notes, the Shooter found a new reason to survive and reach the intended goal at all costs.
Send all 3 notes about his group to the Shooter.
Reward: this is shrouded in mystery. Judging by the scripts, at a certain moment (s) in time, the Shooter will be healed automatically. The whole team will also receive medical treatment in the tunnel.

Experienced stalker
Near the center of the Zone, there are almost no available places left that have been bypassed by your attention. You have visited almost all local anomalies.
The accumulated experience allows you to find rare artifacts more often.
Visit 18 anomalies.
Reward: the probability of finding some artifacts in anomalies increases. At the moment, the reward is not working. Apparently a bug.

Wealthy client
Although you are not by hearsay familiar with the lack of money, you can not always be called strapped for money. On the contrary, sometimes, your money savings can be envied. Such clients are a great joy for the merchant.
Merchants often offer you the rarest and most expensive goods.
Earn over 100,000.
Reward: Hawaiian, Beard and Owl have more expensive weapons, body armor and more on sale. The specific assortment depends not only on this achievement, but also on the situation in the game (reputation with Duty and Freedom - Hawaiian, solving a quest with a Compass - Beard, solving a quest with a Compass and friendliness of bandits or stalkers to the player - Owl).

Marked by the Zone
You were able to survive the blowout without hiding in a shelter - you were saved by anabiotic pills. This had an ambiguous effect on your psyche - a strange silence fell in your head. You don't seem to hear the constant stream of thoughts anymore.
Even without medication, you have a chance to survive an out-of-shelter blowout if your health is not compromised.
Survive 3 Bursts with Anabiotics.
Reward: The surge can now be survived without using anabiotics.

Information merchant
Whatever information falls into your hands, you always find a buyer for it. Without missing the opportunity to provide information to those interested, you, naturally, did not forget about your own benefit.
The merchant Sych made you a discount as the best informant and colleague by profession.
Sell ​​at least 10 of the 16 items listed below to ANY merchant (excluding Morgan's PDA, the sale of which affects other achievements):
1. PDA mercenary Hook.
2. PDA of the Ridge mercenary.
3. PDA of the founder of Debt.
4. PDA of a mercenary with a contract from Morgan with a task to kill Degtyarev.
5. PDA Morgan.
6. Documents from the Jupiter plant, a folder with an order for a general evacuation.
7. Documents from the Jupiter plant, a notebook sheet with a note.
8. Documents from the Jupiter plant, delivery schedule.
9. Documents from the plant "Jupiter", a letter about the decision to supply "product No. 62" only through the overpass.
10. Order No. 562.
11. Order No. 423 - copy 1.
12. Order No. 423 - copy 2.
13. Laptop of the mercenaries.
14. PDA Driftwood.
15. PDA of the leader of the bandits, waiting for the GG at the port cranes.
16. Unlocked memory module from the drone.
Reward: Owl starts selling things cheaper by 15% (if you just got the achievement) or 20% (if you also brought the Compass to the Sultan or Beard).

Friend of stalkers
Meeting stalkers in trouble, you have always helped them. Stalkers are not very united, but in the unspoken stalker brotherhood you have allies who can help you in battle and after it.
Your relationship with stalkers has improved. If you get into trouble, stalkers will try to come to your aid. Medical stalkers have agreed to sell you medicines at cost.
1. To kill the chimera on the Zaton on the quest of St. John's wort.
2. Help Mityai in any way.
3. Help Vano with his debt.
4. Finish the quest with the forestry for the stalkers, and the leader of the squad - Spartak - must

The Trafficker of Information achievement in Stalker: Call of Pripyat opens after selling ten documents to Sych or a PDA with different useful information... Sycha's shop is located on the middle deck of Skadovsk on the Zaton. The merchant has a bad temper and a grumpy disposition. Doesn't like to waste time. Appreciates information very much. The cost of information depends on the importance and varies from 200 to 5000 rubles. Sych's range of goods is expanding gradually and depends on Degtyarev's reputation with stalkers and bandits. The reputation is influenced by achievements "", "", "", "", "" and "". Over time, Sych's store will have Svarog detectors, an exoskeleton, a SEVA overalls, powerful weapon and other rare goods. The achievement "Information Merchant" affects the ending of the game.

Information (PDA, documents, notes) for sale to Sych in Stalker: Call of Pripyat:

  • PDA Morgana(cost: 5000 RU) - picked up from the body of the supplier "Debt" on the territory of the Forestry on the Zaton in the task "Deal" during the resolution of the conflict between and.
  • PDA Noah(1000 RU) - on Noah's body on an old barge south of Skadovsk on the Zaton (task "").
  • PDA Hook, Ridge PDA, Mercenary laptop(cost: 5000 RU) - PDAs are lying on the bodies of mercenaries, and a laptop is on the table at the waste processing station in the southeastern part of the Zaton (task "Camp of mercenaries", given by Sych).
  • Pda bandit with harbor cranes(1000 RU) - lies on the body of a bandit at the port cranes (the task "Reputation", starts after buying from the Nimble weapon and passing the task of Snag "Inaccessible cache").
  • PDA Tachenko(2500 RU) - lies on the body of General "Duty" in the Cooling Tower (). Affects the achievement of achievements "" and "".
  • Strelka group notes(1500 RU) - lie in three caches in the vicinity of "Jupiter". Affect the achievement of the achievement "".
  • Memory module(500 RU) - Lies in a crashed drone behind the Ashes anomaly in the northwestern part of the Jupiter Environs. The memory module can be deciphered by Yazot from Yanov and Novikov from the bunker of scientists.
  • Sultan's messenger CCP(500 RU) - lies on the body of a bandit, sent to the soul of Snag from the Sultan, at a station (task "Theft").
  • PDA Driftwood(200 RU) - lies on the body of Snag in the event of the death of a free stalker (task "Theft", starts after the task "Reputation").
  • PDA fighter "Monolith"(5000 RU) - lies on the body of the Prayer Book on the roof of the River Port in the northeastern part of Pripyat. Contains the coordinates of two caches.
  • PDA Barchuk(4000 RU) - lies on the body of a mercenary near the emergency generator, for lowering the elevator to the X8 laboratory, at the Yubileiny OBE in Pripyat.
  • Administrative documents, The scheme of the overpass "Pripyat-1", Recorded Papers, Letter of delivery "Product No. 62", Duty shift log- are located in different places on the territory of the "Jupiter" plant (task of scientists "" and "").

The ending of the game with the Owl in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat":

Owl has established good relationships with customers outside the Zone. His product is information. According to rumors, a significant part of his information goes to the SBU.

Having received the quest from Cardan at the "Backwater" location, when he asks to find various tools for him, head to the abandoned one. Without engaging in battle with zombie stalkers, go around the warehouse building on the hill and go down to the detached destroyed house.

Run past the stalled truck and dive into the doorway. Shoot the zombies inside the house, then in one of the 2 rooms look for the stairs leading to the attic. Search the small room and take the tools.

Each technician needs 3 kinds of tools: rough work tools, fine work tools and calibration tools.

However, leaving the attic is not easy. Zombie stalkers will gather in a bunch of shots and block the passage, preventing the player from leaving with inaccurate, but dense fire. Break the boxes in the attic and get the grenades from there. Throw them into the cracks on the floor to the cluster of dead stalkers. When those are dispersed by the explosion, get down and run as fast as possible.

After that, you should visit the substation to the west of the "Circus" anomaly. Approaching it, you will stop from the menacing shout of the mercenaries entrenched in it. Agree with them, promising to bring food. In exchange for food, the mercenaries will let you dig in the backyard of the substation, where, after a short search, you will find another set of tools.

Nitrogen Tool Kit

Going to the location "Jupiter" will also have to look for tools for a local technician named Azot. To do this, walk along the railway tracks to the south until you come across an abandoned electric train bridge. Climb onto the bridge and jump down the open sunroof. Run around the cabin to the vestibule, where you will find instruments on the floor. Having received what you want, jump onto the windowsill, sit down and climb out the window.

Another set of tools is located on the territory of the Jupiter plant. To do this, go to the "Concrete Bath" anomaly, where you will find the iron gate leading to the factory yard. After entering inside, move to the right multi-storey building, where climb to the very top. On the top floor in the right corner there will be tools.

The tools for each of the technicians are interchangeable. You can take the tools from the "Jupiter" location to Cardan at the "Backwater" location, and you can give the tools from the "Backwater" to Azot on the "Jupiter". This replacement will not affect anything.

Calibration tools

Having reached the Pripyat location, go north to the old building of the former KBO. Go to the second floor and search the shelves, one of which will contain tools. Take them and fight back or run away from the burer who attacked you.

Another set of tools is in the south dead city in the basement of a department store. Climbing into it, you will be attacked by a flock of mutated jerboas. Disperse them in bursts and follow the fleeing monsters. After running after them into the closet that served as their nest, finish off the remaining rodents and pick up tools.

One of the quests during the game is to find tools for different types works. In total, there are three names for the sets, the quest itself is taken from the craftsmen who make modifications to weapons and ammunition, in particular from characters named Cardan and Azot. This task will help us in the future to produce cheap repair and perform some tricky operations with our things, namely, improve the characteristics of weapons and clothing, adjust the features of the unit used. Completing this type of quest will bring many advantages for the further progress of the game. We will now consider where to find tools for fine work in Stalker Call of Pripyat.

Workshops on the Zaton

The first set we will look for at the workshops of the substation on Zaton... But before you go there, you need to complete the quest "supplies", which includes the delivery of food, for hungry mercenaries, blocking our way to the tool, and fiercely guarding it from you. To complete this quest, you need to bring food, in the form of six units. The mercenaries have different preferences, but the privileges are arranged as follows. The first to be used are canned food, which, as a rule, tend to retain their qualities for a long time. Then comes the sausage, and only after these two comes bread with a certain cynicism.

Building on the territory of the Jupiter plant

Next place, where to find tools for fine work located on the territory of the Jupiter plant... The building we need is located south of the "concrete bath" anomaly. You should enter this building, find an attic in it and immediately go there. However, you need to be extremely careful, because an anomaly "electra" operates in the area, which, with any awkward movement, can deprive you of strength, health, and you simply simply cannot get out of there whole, if you ever get out at all. It will take some skill to carefully walk between the trap straight to the box, which is located almost at the end of the room. You can also try. In order not to leave empty-handed, you can open the detector (preferably of the Veles category) and look for a treasure trove of artifacts that are in the same room. To get out of there, at the same end where you are, there is a door through which you can exit in a safe way without encountering any traps or anomalies.

Walkthroughs Stalker Call of Pripyat: Stalker Call of Pripyat where to find tools

Set of tools Young technician... It is unlikely to be suitable for work in which subtlety is needed, but in the conditions of a total lack of tools in the Zone, an economical technician can come in handy.

Zaton - the second floor of a building in the lowland, on the territory of the Sawmill.

Jupiter is an old wagon with a wandering anomaly under a bridge not far from the station building.

Fine work tools

Nice toolbox. Apparently, it was carefully selected by an experienced craftsman for himself, a dear one. Despite the years, the entire toolkit has been well preserved.

Zaton - the inner courtyard of the mechanical substation, to the right of the Iron Forest.

Jupiter - below the enclosed territory of Jupiter there is a building (entrance through the bridge to the ascent and to the gate). Climb into the attic and, passing through the electro, you will find the desired cabinet.

Calibration tools

Professional set of tools for fine-tuning equipment. The inscription on the box says that the set was made in the GDR. What is included in the kit is sufficient for almost any setup and calibration work.

Pripyat - Old KBO second floor

Pripyat - under the old department store building