Haircut 22 lunar day. Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

The moon gives important tips on how to get the right haircut

In general, 22 lunar day is favorable for a new hairstyle. You can make styling in a classic or strict style. Refuse to shock the public with the help of appearance.

Now it is useful to comb the hair, as this is good for their condition. This procedure activates the hair, so you can catch a lot of information coming from the moon.

Haircut on 22 lunar day will help normalize work respiratory system, excretory organs, will contribute to career advancement. It is only important not to cut the length.

A haircut on this day will have a beneficial effect on those who wants to forget about visiting the hairdresser for a long time. But dyeing your hair a different color will bring you profit.

  • The timing is perfect for people who want to slow hair growth and avoid going to the hairdresser for long periods of time. So the hairstyle will retain its original appearance for a long time.

Changing the color of the hair is only useful if natural substances are applied. It is better to choose shades of natural tones.

You may also want to travel. Think of a place you have long dreamed of visiting.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation on 10/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the Moon on October 22, 2018

On the date 22.10.2018 in 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 13 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Aries ♈. Light percentage The moon is 94%. Sunrise moon at 17:02, and sunset at 03:53.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 13 lunar day from 16:45 10/21/2018 to 17:02 10/22/2018
  • 14 lunar day from 17:02 10/22/2018 until the next day

The influence of the moon on a haircut October 22, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (− )

Moon in sign Aries. the general condition of the hair will not change under the influence of this sign. A haircut should be postponed, it can adversely affect the condition of the hair and their appearance, the hair may begin to fall out, the ends will become split.

Coloring, restorative procedures for hair, toning will be successful. Head massage will bring benefits, blood flow to the hair roots will accelerate their growth and improve the general condition.

Styling should be carried out using cosmetics containing collagen or wax.

13 lunar day (±)

October 22, 2018 at 12:00 - 13 lunar day. cutting hair on the 13th lunar day will improve your health, intuition is on top, it will allow you to solve financial issues in business.

Hair coloring is highly discouraged today. The hairstyle today must be taken very responsibly, you should not trust it to a stranger. Today you are under the influence of new energies, and it is better not to trust strangers.

Today, the cosmos is talking to you on "new frequencies", this will allow you to achieve excellent results in almost all endeavors. Try to spend more time with your loved ones, because today is the opportunity to settle some differences and achieve harmony. Today you will want to visit nature, some sentimentality can overcome you.

Many astrologers say that the 13th lunar day is a special time for searching. For some people this may be a burden, for others it will reveal many secrets of our world. The moon has a strong influence on humanity, and quite often gives a lot of favorable and positive changes.

The 13th lunar day is a great day to "feed" the Cosmos. For most people, this happens unconsciously. Well, people who follow astrological patterns need to be a little careful and distribute correctly.

general characteristics

What other lunar days are suitable for a haircut?

Different lunar periods have special effects. 13 lunar day - perfect for going to the hairdresser. But some other lunar days are no less favorable for such actions.


So, the 22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut. Thus, you can improve the functioning of the organs of the respiratory and excretory systems. Moreover, it will become easier for you to achieve a higher position in society, in your company, and so on.


A great astrological period for going to the hairdresser. Especially relevant for those who want to quickly grow new hair.

The moon is waxing, so hair growth is also accelerating. It is the 6 lunar day that opens up opportunities for us to experiment.

Allow yourself to go beyond the usual limits. Perhaps the moon will give you some original ideas. On this auspicious day, there are no restrictions on haircuts.

However, do not dye your hair. But if you really want to make your hair color brighter, then you can use henna. However, don't overdo it!


This lunar period will help bring more stability and tranquility into your life. But if you are planning a change, then it is better to refrain from going to the hairdresser.

By dyeing your hair, especially blonde and red, you can attract the positive energy of communication. You will also become more attractive to the people around you. A haircut on the 17th lunar day can affect the increase in your intellectual abilities.

This day is generally good for any mental activity.

Unfavorable dates

On such conditionally “negative” days, you should completely refrain from manipulating your hair. Therefore, it is best to avoid cutting and dyeing your hair. Your strands may become brittle, grow much slower. Moreover, your hair may begin to actively fall out.

Most astrologers say with confidence that a haircut on such days greatly affects. Such a haircut depletes the biofield and provokes, both physical and psychological.

Some of the most unfavorable lunar days for a haircut are the following: 9, 15, 23, 29. These are not just bad days. They should be called dangerous. It is best to avoid visiting the hairdresser. Otherwise, you run the risk of greatly slowing down hair growth, the strands will become thin, and the volume will disappear.

There is also a high risk of hair loss. A haircut on such days has a strong influence on the future fate of a person. For example, a huge number of obstacles, misfortunes, may appear.

You can not get a haircut on the days of the new moon, lunar and solar eclipses.

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Knowing favorable astrological periods for many generations has helped people greatly simplify their lives and avoid unnecessary problems. Knowing the laws of the universe really helps us become happier.

In many cultures, Monday is considered a day that is completely unsuitable for any undertakings. The lunar haircut calendar, on the contrary, sees on Monday best time for hair manipulation. Any procedure will be successful. An updated look will inspire you for great things. It is especially useful on Monday to cut dry ends or slightly touch up your haircut. Together with extra centimeters, adversity and empty experiences will go away. After the procedure, you will feel light and clear, you will be able to concentrate on important things. Everything you do will take on a new meaning. Exception: for people born on Tuesday or Saturday, it is better to refuse to change your hairstyle on this day.

Moon phase

Haircut on the waxing moon is the best time for those who want to accelerate hair growth. After a haircut on the waning moon, the hair will begin to grow faster.

Aspects of lunar days

A haircut on the 13th lunar day is favorable: it will bring happiness and benefit, beauty. (bzangbskyed).

A haircut on the 14th lunar day is favorable: it will improve your activities and increase your property. (len spyod'phel)

Moon zodiac sign

Pisces → Aries

Haircut is unfavorable. Even washing your hair with the Moon in Pisces is not recommended - it leads to the formation of dandruff. However, cutting hair these days can help you understand your own self and display unusual abilities. In this it is recommended to smoothly approach skin care. This means that you can clean it (but without resorting to aggressive chemicals), make skin-friendly masks, take a warm bath with candles.

Haircut is unfavorable. Haircut on the growing Moon in Aries will accelerate hair growth, but their appearance will deteriorate. Even if nothing visually happens to the hair, after such a haircut you can get sick or feel vulnerable. With the waning Moon in Aries, you should also not cut your hair - your hair will split off, and your hair will not look as good as you would like. The only indication for a haircut with the Moon in Aries may be your irrepressible desire for change, so if you want just that, go for it;)

During the second phase of the growing moon, there is a gradual increase in energy in the surrounding world and in the human body. This time is the most suitable for haircuts and procedures to improve the condition of the hair. Now the simplest manipulations will have a positive effect on general well-being, cheer up and reputation in the eyes of others.

A visit to the hairdresser during the second phase of the growing moon will give your hair extra strength and stimulate its growth. In addition, a haircut will strengthen the roots and cope with the problem of split ends. Performed in this period, the haircut will keep its shape for a long time and improve general form image.

Now is not the right time to change your image and experiment with new types of hairstyles. Perms, styling and hairstyles may not live up to expectations and spoil the mood of their owner.

Procedures aimed at improving the condition of the hair - masks, balms, wraps, lamination and keratinization - have a beneficial effect on the growing moon. They will give health and strength to curls, increase their defenses and improve their condition in general.

It is not forbidden to perform coloring, highlighting and coloring. However, you should only perform color change procedures if these are the shades that are familiar to you.

Procedures for changing the length or color of hair for the growing moon can favorably affect the general state of affairs. New hairstyles will increase the tone of the body, improve mood, which will be noticed and appreciated by others. When cutting in the current period, it is possible to remove negative energy influences from oneself and clear karma. This will contribute to the growth of not only hair, but also career and material growth.

The positive impact of the second phase of the growing moon:

  • a haircut during this period will strengthen the condition of the hair and improve their appearance;
  • wellness procedures will have a very good effect - a healthy shine and strength to curls is provided;
  • coloring on the last days of the growing moon will add charm to the image, but only in the case of a natural or familiar shade;
  • hairdressing manipulations in the current days will increase the body's defenses, bring good luck and prosperity.

The negative impact of the second phase of the growing moon:

  • the period is not suitable for experiments with a hairstyle and a new hair color - the result may not meet expectations.

Moon in Taurus

Taurus is one of the earth signs, which is characterized by stubbornness and earthy thinking. During the passage of the Moon in this sign of the zodiac, many awaken stubbornness and sobriety of thoughts unusual for them.

Going to the hairdresser on days under the influence of Taurus will not only be successful - your haircut or hairstyle will make a splash among your friends. A beautiful, well-groomed appearance of hair is provided to you complete with healthy, well-groomed strands. It is not necessary to make a full-fledged haircut, even cutting off split ends or bangs, you will significantly affect your entire look.

Cosmetic procedures during this period will be more useful than ever, even coloring and perm will not cause the usual negative impact. The structure of the hair at this time only gets better, and the hair acquires a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance even with minimal effort.

Haircuts on the days when the Moon is in Taurus, except for the beautiful appearance bring peace and emotional balance to the state of mind.

The influence of the lunar day

14 lunar day

Today's lunar period is created for visiting a hairdresser. Haircut done on day 14 lunar calendar will perfectly harmonize with your image, collecting a lot of compliments to your image and healthy hair.

Not a bad time to create elegant hairstyles that can significantly complement your image and increase your rating in the eyes of the opposite sex.

The day is not suitable only for coloring, as the hair is not ready to absorb pigments in full force, therefore, if necessary, select a color only very close to natural. For the same reason, today it is not recommended to do perms and procedures with healing, straightening and laminating compounds.

A haircut on the 14th lunar day can significantly increase your well-being and improve the conduct of important business. Therefore, in case of failures and problems, you should at least run scissors through your hair on this day.

Positive influence of the day:

  • a haircut during the lunar period will improve the appearance and health of the hair;
  • it's time to experiment with hairstyles and styling.

Negative impact of the day:

  • hair is not disposed to absorption chemical compositions, so coloring, waving and other procedures will be ineffective.

Influence of the day of the week

The fourth day of the week in the astrological calendar is ruled by Jupiter. This day is characterized by strong energy and a significant impact on all aspects of human life.

Therefore, visits to a beauty salon will bring very serious changes in your life in the material sphere, and will also add authority to you among those around you. A haircut on Thursday will bring material wealth and good luck in money matters. It is also worth going to the hairdresser if self-esteem and faith in own forces, this will definitely help you return everything to normal, give confidence and authority in communication.

The day is perfect from a cosmetic point of view - even trimming the ends of your hair a little, you will significantly improve their condition, give your hair a healthier and more well-groomed look, and increase your popularity among friends and colleagues.

The exception will be people who were born on Wednesday. They should refrain from going to the hairdresser, so as not to incur financial troubles and conflicts with relatives.