Mosaic tiles - original styling ideas and the formation of a stylish design (80 photos). Mosaic in the interior of an apartment and a house What can be done from a mosaic in the interior

Mosaic is a versatile material that is used for wall decoration not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but also in any other premises. The main advantages of the mosaic are easy maintenance, water resistance and exquisite appearance. A mosaic panel is an opportunity to bring to life the most interesting and stylish ideas. Designers often resort to the use of mosaics in the interior, as it creates a unique atmosphere, can act both as a bright accent and as a white canvas for other design solutions.


Mosaic has many advantages over other materials, which puts it on a par with the most relevant and used building elements. First of all, the mosaic attracts with its external qualities, since it has no analogues on the market. building materials. It allows you to create unique paintings in interiors, is applicable in different styles and retains an attractive appearance for many years.

Mosaic for design decoration has been used since ancient times. and during this time it is a sought-after material, but only the most prosperous citizens could afford it. Its presence in the interior makes the room truly refined and luxurious, which speaks of an unsurpassed taste and social status her owners. In addition, some style directions cannot be realized without the use of mosaic, which makes it an indispensable material.

This material is resistant to abrasive elements and even mechanical damage.

It is easy to take care of it, because the mosaic is not afraid of various cleaning products, and it is enough to wipe its surface with a napkin or sponge to make it shine again.

Mosaic is suitable for rooms where there are flat or curved walls and any complex building structures.

Mosaic is used for both wall and floor decoration.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the high cost, which repels many, but designers advise not to rush to conclusions, because the mosaic is worth it. Among other things, wall cladding with mosaics is meticulous and hard work, requiring a lot of experience in this kind of business and special knowledge in laying this material.

Application in different rooms

Wall cladding with mosaics allows you to show all your imagination and create a unique design. In addition to the fact that it looks original and beautiful, it is also quite strong and durable, which is what all owners of apartments or houses dream of.

Over the years, this unusual material has retained its original appearance.


Most often, mosaics are used in bathrooms. It can be either full or partial wall cladding. Colorful panels look interesting, which contrast with plain tiles or paint on the walls. Experts advise placing a shower cabin, a sink with a mirror or a bathtub next to the picture of small elements.

The panel is appropriate not only on the walls, but also on the floor. Designers often use mosaics to create interesting canvases with unusual patterns as flooring. At the same time, you can cover the entire wall with a plain mosaic or mix several suitable colors in the interior.

V Lately often used countertop cladding for the sink in the bathroom.

This is true for different styles, but it is important to choose the right shades so that the countertop looks appropriate and complements the interior with its appearance, and does not look like an inappropriate element.

This also includes the lining of the bathroom, preferably round or oval, which is located in the middle of the room or in its main part. This solution is suitable for large rooms where there are no problems with the placement of plumbing and furniture.

You can make a frame for a mirror or a reproduction of a picture from a mosaic. It is important to select suitable colors so that such a decorative element becomes a direct part of the design.

This interesting material is also used as a decorative element. when only a few are laid on the wall vertical stripes from mosaics that separate other textures and colors, as well as the room into several zones. Mosaic inserts look harmoniously with different types finishes, including tiles and paint.

In oriental styles, it is important to create a colorful and bright rug near the bath or shower. It looks like a real carpet, while the work is done from small elements, which, despite their attractive appearance, are not damaged and delight the owners of the room for many years.

Due to the high popularity of showers made of glass and metal profiles, mosaics are used as a lining material for shower trays. It looks beautiful, while it allows you to smooth out all the imperfections of the floor surface and lay out the material even where it would be simply impossible to lay tiles.


The kitchen room is a great opportunity to give free rein to imagination and embody the most interesting solutions. Basically, the mosaic in the interior of the kitchen is used to decorate the apron between wall cabinets or shelves and countertops. For a monochromatic panel, the color is selected in accordance with the overall color scheme, but the accent wall is a field for experimenting with both shapes and textures, and colors.

It is unlikely that you will be able to create a harmonious and large-sized pattern on your own, therefore it is advisable to seek help from a specialist for this purpose.

For small kitchens, it is important to use a mirror mosaic that reflects light and visually expands the space.

This option will also look interesting in rooms where there is little natural light, especially if you use gold or bronze-colored mosaics. It is suitable for those who are used to bringing some novelty and zest into their lives and interiors, but this is on condition that reflections and flicker will not distract and interfere.

If the mosaic is mirrored, it is too much and not suitable for a calm and cozy interior , then you can pay attention to the combination of mirror elements in a small amount with a matte surface. With it, just glossy coatings are also applicable. different colors. Having a little sheen, the apron will inhale new life into the interior, and shine will add a certain amount of charm and sophistication.

I must say that mirror surfaces, with proper care, visually create an atmosphere perfect purity and order, besides they look quite modern.

It is not necessary to use a classic square mosaic to design an apron, since there are several types of mosaic elements on the building materials market that differ in texture and shape.

The most popular combination for the kitchen in terms of color is a white and blue canvas, which harmoniously fits into most projects. At the same time, the walls can be plain, and blue and white colors are reinforced decorative elements and some pieces of furniture.

In addition to the apron, the mosaic is also used to decorate the countertops., which as a result becomes not only incredibly beautiful, but also more durable and practical. In modern times, it does not have to be selected by small elements, which greatly simplifies the cladding process.

Mosaic is sold in ready-made canvases, so there should be no problems with facing the countertop, regardless of its size.

Appearance is not the main component, for which you should pay attention to the mosaic as a material for the countertop. In most cases, this solution saves the budget significantly, since the exquisite and durable countertops are made from expensive materials, compared to which the mosaic will be much cheaper. The main thing is that the cost is not reflected in appearance, because countertops finished with mosaics are stylish, beautiful and quite durable.

You should not exclude paintings from your field of vision, which are very relevant for modern interiors. The main thing is to think over the composition and plot in advance, choose shades and a good specialist for the implementation of this design solution. A mosaic picture allows you to beautifully design and highlight any area, focus on a certain point and simply decorate the room with a beautiful panel.

, countertops, mirrors, floor coverings and other surfaces. Sometimes they turn out to be real works of art. Well, if you're into handicrafts, then mosaic decor is your element, which may turn into a regular hobby.


Your combat ammunition: a pencil, a clerical knife or a jigsaw (for cutting the base), liquid nails, wire cutters, putty grout for tiles, spatula, gloves, soft sponge and rags. You need to start with the selection of the foundation. Moisture resistant drywall(it is convenient to cut any shape from it according to a preliminary sketch), fiberboard or chipboard, OSB, plywood.

Then, with the help of liquid nails, a thin mirror sheet is glued to the surface of the base, so that there is a margin around framework 8-10 cm. Any ceramic shards, tiles, old crockery and different little shiny ones accessories from jewelry or children's sets. Important recommendation! Try not to use more than 4 shades in the design, otherwise you risk getting color dissonance.

A sketch is drawn with a pencil along the entire border of the base. You should not go too deep into painting, everything should be simple and schematic. Perhaps it will be some kind of curly floral pattern or geometric ornament. Then, depending on the traced details, large and small pieces of different colors are plucked from the ceramic raw material with wire cutters and laid out (without glue) on the base according to the sketch. When the drawing is laid out, you can apply glue. Acrylic-based liquid nails dry quickly enough, so after a few hours you can start grouting. For grouting, a gypsum mixture based on putty is used (it comes in different colors). We dilute the mixture with water in a ratio of 1: 1 to a creamy state, then evenly rub the seams with a spatula. With a damp sponge, remove the rest of the grout from the mosaic. The last step in the process is polishing the surface with a dry cloth. Everything. The finished mirror can be hung on the wall.

table top

In the same simple way, you can lay out the mosaic on the countertop, and when developing a sketch, they will help you ready-made templates on self-adhesive paper. Upon completion of work for greater shine, you can rub the composition with wax. In practice, the uneven rough surface of the table is not always convenient, so the mosaic is often covered with a thick layer on top. glass. The glass "hood" will also hide any unevenness when using a mosaic of sea pebbles or CDs.

Mosaic on the wall

When laying the mosaic on the wall (in bathroom, on the kitchen as a working belt, for panels, in children's bedroom etc.) have their own characteristic nuances. Often, the mosaic is applied to the surface as a fragmentary finish, that is, with joint wall decor paint , plaster or tiles.

To simplify the process, you can use grid sheets (in the form of squares or rectangles) of bonded mosaics, such are sold in hardware stores with a ready-made pattern. The sheets are assembled like puzzles, and according to the technology they are laid like ordinary tiles. The question of price can be confusing. It's not cheap.

Before starting work, it is recommended to sort all stones in sizes and colors in boxes or containers to simplify further laying out. The mosaic requires a solid concrete base. Along the perimeter of the planned (excavation at a depth of up to 20 cm) and leveled (for this, a bubble level is used) area, formwork is laid out from a wooden block.

The site is covered with a layer of sand, gravel and another layer of sand and compacted tightly so that there is no subsidence. Then fall asleep dry concrete mix and leveled by the rule. The concrete layer should not be thick, otherwise the pebbles will displace too large residues with their mass. The mixture is evenly sprayed with water from a spray bottle until a mud-like mass is formed, and the contour of the future pattern is marked with a stick. First, large stones are laid along the lines, and small pebbles are already placed in the allocated space.

Remember that in the hot season, the concrete mortar dries quickly, so do not write off preparing for the mosaic too much. large plot. Keep a screwdriver nearby for those cases when naughty stones begin to "sink" or somehow sit crookedly, so that the mixture does not grab them in time to correct them. Wipe the dried mosaic with a damp sponge to remove excess mortar, and then be sure to take a picture of your masterpiece on your smartphone and brag to your friends on social networks!

And without that, the widest choice of finishing materials is constantly replenished with various new products. Among such a variety, it can be quite difficult to understand and make a choice. But there are things that remain in demand for interior design, and mosaic is one of them. Let's tell you everything about the mosaic today: its types, installation technique, how the mosaic is used in the interior. And you can buy Italon tiles from the manufacturer at the link .

Mosaic is a technique decorative design interior, patterns, paintings that are made from small pieces various materials- colored glass, stone. Man uses mosaic as decorative finishing material from ancient times. If you delve a little into the history of the use of mosaics, you can see how widely mosaics in the interior were used in ancient Egypt and China. But the earliest example of the technology of using mosaics in the interior for decoration are panels that date back to the 6th century BC, they were discovered during excavations in Mesopotamia.

Mosaic in the interior is considered an indicator of prosperity and well-being. Currently, marble, natural stone, and smalt are used to make mosaics. The use of natural materials is becoming increasingly popular, but not everyone can afford such a luxury due to their high cost.

To ensure the availability of finishes, modern manufacturers have developed similar types of mosaics that imitate natural materials, while in no way inferior to natural raw materials. They are durable, moisture resistant, durable, resistant to high temperature conditions, environmentally friendly.

Mosaic types

Depending on the material used, the types of mosaics are also divided:

glass mosaic

Glass mosaic is a very common type of mosaic today. At a fairly low price, it stands out with a variety of colors and shapes. Very good glass mosaic creates shades such as silver, mother-of-pearl, gold and platinum. Glass mosaic in the interior very well and brightly allows you to highlight accent areas. The advantage of such a mosaic from other types is its high frost resistance, strength, and heat resistance. Suitable for finishing kitchens, bathrooms, fireplaces, countertops, partitions and even floors.

ceramic mosaic

It differs from ordinary tiles only in size. Ceramic mosaic has a fairly wide range of colors. Most often produced in the form of traditional squares or rectangles. Features of this type of mosaic tiles are increased strength and resistance to water. Ceramic mosaic is ideal for decorating a wide variety of
surfaces, both indoors and outdoors.

stone mosaic

In the manufacture of this type of mosaic, various types of stone are used, starting with inexpensive tuff and including rare rocks of jasper, onyx, and marble. The color of this material is unique, so each image of this material is unique. With this type of mosaic you can decorate: stairs,
countertop, pool, walls of the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom, hallway, floor in the hall. Often used for finishing steps, decorating entrances, door and window openings, exterior wall facades.

Smalt mosaic

In appearance, the smalt mosaic in the interior looks like smooth glass. The color palette is rich and bright. Mosaic shades have a glow effect. Such a mosaic is suitable for decorating interior surfaces, including often loaded places. But it should be noted that smalt mosaic is very practical and of high quality, it belongs to the most expensive types.

Leaf mosaic

A finished drawing or pattern made from various materials is sold attached to a backing sheet. The sheet mosaic is fixed on a mesh base, so it is easy to cut, which, in turn, makes it very easy to process the most inaccessible places. Its practicality lies in the fact that it is quite simple to transfer it to a prepared surface.

As you can see for yourself, different types of mosaics provide a choice of both material and cost. But how it is used in interior design, we will consider further.

Mosaic in the interior of various rooms

Most often, mosaics are used in the design of the kitchen, bathroom, swimming pool, but this does not limit the possibility of using it for decoration in other rooms and rooms.

The use of mosaics in interior decoration has been known since ancient Mesopotamia. It began to be used when people taught how to make colored glass. Over time, the process of making mosaics became more and more perfect, the details turned out to be smaller and the patterns more interesting. With the help of modern mosaics, you can convey the most luxurious and complex images.

Interior decoration with mosaics has long ceased to be the privilege of rich people; now everyone can afford to use it. Thanks to the latest technologies Mosaic can be made from any image you like.

Everyone strives to create comfort in the house in different ways. If you want the interior to be delightful and unique, then one of the options for making your dream come true can be the use of mosaics as decoration.

Typically, mosaic is used to decorate the kitchen or bathroom, pool. Much less often it is used for finishing walls and floors. The thing is that such a solution requires considerable financial costs. Recently, mosaics are also used for the restoration of individual sections of furniture. It is also used as a panel for finishing new pieces of furniture. Looks great on countertops and bar counters.

There are a lot of finishing materials on the construction market and for sure your choice will depend on the functionality, beauty and quality of the material. If we talk about a mosaic for decoration, then this option will be able to satisfy these needs. Mosaic has already managed to occupy its niche and become a popular facing material for creating a unique decor.

If you give preference to naturalness, then the mosaic will become a rather expensive finishing option. Smalt, natural stone and marble are used for its manufacture. Currently, to reduce the cost of this solution, there are analogues that are not much inferior to natural materials. They are also moisture resistant and high temperature and sufficient strength.

As a finishing material, mosaic has been used for a very long time. A similar decor originated in ancient Egypt and China. In ancient times, mosaic was a whole art direction and was used as the creation of whole paintings from glass fragments. Today, the mosaic is made not only of glass, it can be found in marble, ceramics or natural stone. Color solutions rejoice in their diversity.

Pros and cons

To decide on the use of mosaics as decoration, it is important to understand the costs of arrangement. Such a solution in the interior is distinguished by practicality and durability, but its implementation requires considerable costs. The cost of a mosaic is determined by the naturalness of the material, its quality and quantity, and a special coating. If you do the laying of the mosaic yourself, then this will help you save money, but it will take time. If you hire specialists, mosaic decoration will be expensive.

But there are also economical ways to finish with a mosaic. It is possible to tile and use mosaics for individual inserts. Thus, you can emphasize and highlight some areas in the interior, adding a little personality.

Like any material, mosaic has its drawbacks. The material is quite expensive, especially from reputable manufacturers. Material made in an incomprehensible place will also suit few people. Laying by a good specialist is also expensive. If we are talking about a small surface, then even without experience in repair work, you can do it yourself if you want. Great experience will be required when finishing large surfaces, not every specialist will cope with the task with high quality. Of course, the cost of work will be much higher than when laying ordinary tiles.

Mosaic in wall decor

In most cases, bathroom walls are decorated with mosaics. It can be as a standard ornament or a beautiful photo picture, which is intended for room decor. The sizes of such mosaic panels can be different. They are glued to the work surface in one continuous sheet.

It is not uncommon to find options where all the walls of the bathroom are lined with mosaics of the same color or gradient. Such a mosaic can be diluted with small mirror inserts. In this case, with the right lighting, the mirror elements will resemble twinkling stars.

A luxurious, glamorous and very bold decision is to use mosaics on the walls of other rooms in an apartment or house. The mosaic on the walls looks great in combination with a mirrored floor, leather furniture and an unusual coffee table.

Recently, frescoes, which are combined into one mosaic, have become very popular in interior decor. large sizes. Such frescoes are a large number of paintings with different plots; as a result of the work, these paintings form a canvas that can be viewed for hours.

Mosaic in the decor of the fireplace

The first material used as a mosaic during the Rococo era were small sea shells. Currently, such a mosaic is often used in bathroom decor, as this material absorbs moisture well. However, such a mosaic will perfectly decorate the surface of the fireplace.

Another option for decorating a fireplace with mosaics is suitable for lovers of Morocco and colorful India. The patterns of such a mosaic do not look strict and verified. The drawings of this mosaic resemble a handful of multi-colored small candies scattered over the entire surface of the fireplace. Mosaic details of this style may differ not only in color, but also in size and shape.

A good option would be to decorate the fireplace with a mosaic to match the main color scheme of the room. The gray-white design of the room will look more expressive if the fireplace is decorated with a silver mosaic. A fireplace with a mosaic of various shades of brown will make an interesting living room, which is designed in the same shades.

Mosaic as an element of furniture decor

Inlaid furniture also began in the Rococo era, and this technology no longer went out of fashion. Furniture can be decorated only with mosaics or combined with marble, glass or wood. Mosaic on furniture can be a bright accent in the interior of the room or combined in color with mosaics on the walls or floor.

Mosaic on the floor

The floor of the room, decorated with mosaics, can be a good alternative to the usual carpets. Filling the entire surface of the room is recommended only in cases where it has either a very small area (balcony, bathroom), or, conversely, very spacious (studio apartment, or houses with a large area). In all other cases, mosaic patterns on the floor should be combined with tiles. Mosaics made of fragile materials should not be laid in rooms of frequent use. In this case, it is better to give preference to ceramic tiles, which have high class sustainability.

Mosaic in the decor of the kitchen

Last fashion trend in the decor of the kitchen is the use of the original mosaic in the lining of the apron instead of the usual tiles. Such an element of decor will be the highlight of the kitchen of any stylistic direction, from country to high-tech. If a mirror or monochrome mosaic is suitable for high-tech style, then a mosaic of any color is suitable for country style design.

For the decoration of the mosaic in the interior of the Mediterranean-style kitchen, a chaotic arrangement of the parts of the mosaic is characteristic. Looks great not only a mosaic with a flat surface, but also a mosaic, the elements of which have a concave surface.

In order for the mosaic to look great in the interior of any room, it is important not only to choose a good pattern and shade of the tile, but also to correctly design the lighting. By the way, you can also use mosaic in landscape design to decorate your garden with original paths, transform garden furniture or decorate a gazebo.

Types of mosaics in the interior

Before laying out the mosaic at home on the walls, on the floor, on the fireplace or on the furniture that you decide to decorate, you should first decide what kind of mosaic you need.

Smalt mosaic

Smalt is made on the basis of natural glass. An expensive option that justifies its quality, practicality and naturalness of the material. The color is determined by the mineral constituents of the material. It looks like smooth glass. The colors of such a mosaic are bright and saturated, the shades have a glow effect. Often used to finish interior surfaces that are often loaded. Coloring directly depends on the mineral components of the material. This finish option is available to a few, so modern technologies allowed to reduce the cost of this solution. An alternative to reducing the cost of finishing can be the use of a material based on artificial glass.

The alternative is glass. Advantages - low cost and variety of performance, resistance to environmental factors ( high humidity, high and low temperatures) and to aggressive detergents. It will be a suitable solution for kitchen or bathroom interiors, floors or partitions, also suitable for finishing a fireplace or countertop. Mosaic is also often used for flooring, it is resistant to mold and is strong enough to withstand dynamic loads. When choosing this version of the mosaic for finishing the floor, pay attention to the slip coefficient. If you use a glass mosaic for the bathroom floor, then this issue is especially relevant and the coefficient should be maximum.

ceramic mosaic

It can be produced in the form of porcelain stoneware sheets or ceramic tiles. This material has high strength and resistance to water, which opens up wide possibilities for use in various rooms. Mosaic is used to create panels and decorative accents.

stone mosaic

Quite expensive material and belongs to the elite type. It can be made of lapis lazuli or jasper, marble or travertine. Such decoration is often found in the design of the facade, entrance, opening in doors or windows. Stone mosaic looks very beautiful and can decorate the walls of your kitchen, bathroom, pool or hallway. It will be an excellent solution for decorating countertops, stairs or floors in the hallway.

metal mosaic

Very popular for wall decoration. Tiles can have a different shape and surface. Most often used in decor as inserts.

Unusual solutions

The most expensive option in the interior can be a diamond mosaic. With its help, sparkling interiors are created. This solution is distinguished by sophistication of style and originality. The laying out process will not take much time, although it may be difficult to dock. You will need patience and accuracy. Such a design requires a creative approach, looks elegant and creative. For a creative person, it may well become a hobby in the future. A simpler option is glass and mirror mosaic.

Another non-standard option is porcelain stoneware. It differs from the previous one in low cost and ease of installation. The manufacture of such a mosaic is distinguished by a variety of possible materials. Produced in the form of sheets. This option is easy to install and process. The interior is somewhat reminiscent of the usual tile. Porcelain stoneware is inexpensive material which is at the same time much stronger than ceramics. In the interior, pieces of glass or aventurine can be used to decorate a baseboard, countertop or window sill.

Mosaic laying methods

In order to correctly and beautifully lay out the mosaic, it is necessary to assemble it into the desired matrix. Such matrices, ready-made, can be found on the shelves of large stores. If the design is invented independently, then it will be possible to order a matrix from its photo on the Internet.

The mosaic is made in the form of separate fragments, which have a variety of shapes and sizes. This is a very important detail in the decoration. Inner side tiles are fastened together end-to-end to a special mesh or film. Fastening is achieved using special adhesive bases. A special paste is required for grouting joints.

Mosaic is unlikely to ever go out of fashion due to its beauty. It can become indispensable for places with uneven surface, areas with drops and ends of the surface. The material is durable and resistant to external influences, which justifies its popularity and high cost.

To create a unique and elegant interior, it is possible to combine different types of mosaics. With its help, you can emphasize your own style and highlight with an unusual pattern those things in the interior that your guests could not pay attention to before.

The originality and unlimited possibilities of using mosaic tiles make it an increasingly popular material. It can be easily lined with a bathtub body, a protruding wall, a kitchen countertop, and can be used in the hallway and living room. Consider the options and methods for decorating the interior with mosaic tiles.

Types of mosaic tiles

Mosaic tiles are a set of small elements of various shapes, from 1 to 5 cm, glued to a grid or special paper that holds them together at regular intervals. It can be made from stone and glass, ceramic and metal, plastic and porcelain stoneware, as well as more exotic materials such as coconut and bamboo. Such a wide range allows you to fit mosaic tiles into almost any style of interior, from loft to classic.

Stone mosaic tiles most often made of marble, travertine, quartz or slate. Given the good technical parameters, this type of tile is very often used for both wall and floor cladding. For more demanding customers, there are also mosaics made of semi-precious stones, such as agate or malachite, on the market.

Glass mosaic tiles are especially recommended for installation on surfaces that are constantly exposed to moisture, such as walls in bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, saunas. However, it is worth remembering that it is much less resistant to scratches, so it is not recommended to use it for flooring, countertops.

Ceramic mosaic is for indoor use only. It is very moisture-absorbing, so it is not suitable for the kitchen or bathroom.

Mosaic tiles made of aluminum, copper, bronze are available on the market. Such a mosaic has a number of advantages, in particular, resistance to corrosion and temperature changes.

Wooden mosaic tiles are an interesting offer for people who want to bring nature into the interior of their home. Such tiles can be made from various types of trees: oak, ash, wenge, merbau, cypress, bamboo. Its main advantage is hardness and resistance to abrasion.

Mosaic Tile Application Ideas

Mosaic is an alternative to traditional ceramic tiles and offers many more design options.

It is perfect for the bathroom. However, it should be borne in mind that cladding walls and floors with only one mosaic can cause oversaturation, so it is better to use it, for example, as a decor in combination with ceramic tiles big size.

Colorful decoration: mosaic in the bathroom

Mosaic is ideal for lining showers, pools and saunas.

Shower cabin lined with glass mosaic

For decorative finishes arches, columns, niches and furniture.

Ease of maintenance and aesthetic appearance

Whether your kitchen is retro, classic, modern minimalist or pop art, mosaics will give a stunning effect.

Bright mosaic above the countertop will enliven any kitchen

Mosaic is an original decoration of the bedroom, dining room or living room in the form of interesting decor which will add charm and originality to the interior.

Color accents for inspiration

Laying mosaic tiles - step by step

Installation of mosaic tiles is a simple process, but it requires special accuracy and patience.

Materials and tools: tile adhesive, adhesive spatula, level, spacer crosses, grout, sponge.

Surface preparation. One of the most important issues related to the laying of mosaics is the proper preparation of the substrate. The surface must be free from dust and dirt, dry and even. To improve adhesion, the surface must be coated with a primer. All measurements and wall markings are preliminarily made.

Applying glue. Glue is applied to the base in a thin layer. For uniform application, use a spatula with fine teeth. To avoid rapid drying, do not apply the adhesive solution immediately over a large area.

Laying tiles. Installation of mosaic tiles is made in small plates. Each is carefully pressed against the wall. For bonding strength, all sheets can be pressed with a trowel or rolled with a rubber roller.

Adhesive that has come out on the surface of the mosaic should be removed immediately. Mosaic tiles on a grid are glued with a grid to the wall. A mosaic tile paper basis- paper up.

After the glue has set, the paper is soaked with water and removed. During laying, the width of the joints between the plates should be controlled. To do this, you can use remote crosses.

Seam grouting. Not earlier than 24 hours after laying the mosaic, you can start filling the joints. Before grouting, the base is thoroughly cleaned of adhesive residue. The grout mixture is applied to the surface with a rubber spatula, carefully filling the seams to the full depth.

After drying, the excess solution is removed with a slightly damp sponge.

  1. When laying the mosaic, the air temperature should be between +5 and +30 °C.
  2. The adhesive solution must be selected depending on the type of mosaic, the type of substrate and the place of application. To improve the visual effect, it is better to use white cement-based glue, especially for marble and glass mosaics.
  3. In areas that are subject to constant contact with water and chemicals, it is better to use epoxy grout for grouting. Such grout does not absorb water and other substances that cause persistent pollution.

Attention! Epoxy grout is not suitable for grouting tiles on underfloor heating.