Wind in English with transcription. How to describe the weather in English

The topic of the weather is always relevant. How to conduct a dialogue about it and what English vocabulary need to know to keep the conversation going? Let's explore the topic in detailweather in english.

The weather is mentioned almost daily. We look at forecasts, discuss rains, make plans for outdoor activities when sunny days are promised. In addition, this is a standard topic to start a conversation with unfamiliar people.

Vocabulary in this subject is very diverse. This includes natural phenomena, temperature, weather forecasts. Discussing onEnglish weather, we also come across jokes, proverbs. Weather phenomena occur in many idioms. To make it easier for you to master this topic, the article contains various examples of phrases and phrases aboutweather in English with translation.

What is the weather like today

keyword inweather theme in english- weather (weather). You can ask your interlocutor a question like this:

What's the weather like? - What's the weather like today?

The answer can be built through an impersonal sentence with the subject it:

It's windy today - It's windy today

The definitions in this construction are the words:

  • sunny - sunny
  • cloudy - cloudy
  • rainy - rainy
  • windy - windy
  • foggy - foggy

In the construction it "s ... we can also use words that convey sensations of temperature:

  • cold - cold
  • warm - warm
  • chilly - cool
  • freezing - very cold
  • hot - hot
  • frosty - frosty

It's a cold day / it's cold today - It's cold today

If we want to be more specific about the temperature (temperature), then we can note how many degrees (degrees) are outside, use the phrases below / above zero (below / above zero), minus / plus (minus / plus).

It is 25 degrees above zero in the shade today - Today in the shade plus 25 degrees

You can find out how many degrees it is outside by asking:

What is the temperature? - What temperature is it now?

To describe the weatherEnglish languageyou can also use adjectives that convey impressions, for example, nice (good), fine (beautiful), dreadful (disgusting), terrible (terrible).

To add emotional coloring, you can use the constructions "What a ..." or "Such":

What a nice day! - What a pleasant day!

Such terrible weather! - What terrible weather!

Other adjectives that can be used when we are describingEnglish weather:

  • changeable / variable - changeable
  • unsettled - unstable, changeable
  • unpredictable - unpredictable

The weather is so unpredictable this week - The weather this week is so unpredictable

You can also build a phrase using verbs:

  • to warm up - warm up
  • to settle - to be established
  • to worsen - get worse
  • to remain / keep up - stay the same

Will the weather keep up? - Will the weather change?

natural phenomena

To tell more about the weather on the street, we need othersenglish words about weather: names of natural phenomena and related vocabulary.

Consider words to describe the sky and the sun:

  • sky - sky
  • cloud - cloud
  • rain clouds - rain clouds
  • snow clouds - snow clouds
  • sun - the sun
  • sunlight - sunlight
  • sunburst - the rays of the sun from behind the clouds
  • sunrise
  • sunset - sunset

The following words can serve as definitions:

  • clear - clear, clean
  • sunny - sunny
  • cloudless - cloudless
  • open - open
  • starry - starry
  • overcast - overcast
  • cloudy - in the clouds

It was an overcast winter morning - It was a gloomy winter morning

This also includes verbs:

  • to clear up - clear up, clear up
  • to brighten - brighten, brighten
  • to lighten - brighten
  • to darken - get dark
  • to cloud over - cloud over

Suddenly the sky clouded over, and the storm broke - The sky suddenly clouded over, and a storm began

English weatherfamous for rain

  • rainfall - precipitation
  • rain - rain
  • shower - downpour
  • drizzle - fine rain
  • puddle
  • mud - slush, dirt
  • rainbow - rainbow
  • thunder - thunder
  • hail - hail
  • thunderstorm - thunderstorm
  • lightning - lightning

Rain can vary.

  • steady - lingering
  • persistent - long, permanent
  • heavy - strong
  • driving - frantic, rainy
  • pouring - torrential
  • gentle - weak
  • occasional - at times, fickle
  • intermittent - short-term

Overcast morning is a sure forerunner of steady rain

The following verbs can be used with the word rain:

  • to lash - whip
  • to fall - fall
  • to drum on / upon - drum on
  • to patter - drumming, knocking
  • to beat - beat
  • to pour down - gush
  • to set in - set
  • to drip - drip, drain
  • to cease - stop
  • to let up - weaken, stop

The rain lashed against the roof - Rain whipped on the roof

Suddenly the rain poured down - Suddenly the rain poured down

If we are talking about winter, you will need the word snow (snow) and those close to it:

  • snow - snow
  • snowfall - snowfall
  • snow cover - snow cover
  • blizzard - blizzard, blizzard
  • snowstorm - blizzard
  • snowflake - snowflake
  • icicle - icicle
  • snowdrift / snowbank - snowdrift, snow drift
  • sleet - sleet, sleet
  • black ice - frost, ice
  • snowbroth - melted snow, snow slush

This winter broke the record for snowfall - This winter broke all records by the amount of snow

Temperatures are expected to drop below zero, black ice is possible

Like rain, the word snow itself can be used inEnglish weather themeas a verb to snow (it's snowing). In addition, other verbs can be used:

  • to fall - go, fall
  • to settle - linger (do not melt)
  • to cover up - to cover
  • to melt - melt
  • to swirl - spin
  • to be covered in - to be covered
  • to be snowed under - to be covered with snow

All the fields are snowed under - All fields covered with snow

Wind in English sounds like wind. It can have different definitions:

  • high - strong, strong
  • strong - strong
  • fierce - ferocious
  • gale-force - squally, stormy
  • biting - sharp, piercing
  • stiff - strong, fierce
  • icy - icy
  • gusty - impetuous
  • slight - easy
  • favorite - passing
  • light - light, weak
  • brisk - fresh
  • howling - howling

The trees were despoiled of their leaves in the high wind - A strong wind tore all the leaves from the trees

A slight wind rippled the crops in the valley - A slight breeze stirred the tops of the plants in the valley

The following verbs can be used with the word wind:

  • to blow - blow
  • to rise / increase - increase
  • to strengthen - strengthen
  • to fall away - weaken
  • to howl - howl
  • to drop - calm down, calm down

The temperature is dropping rapidly, the wind is howling and it's beginning to snow- The temperature drops sharply, the wind howls and snow begins to fall

The wind fell away and all was calm - The wind died down and everything calmed down

England is called "foggy Albion". ForEnglish weathercharacteristic fog (fog). Close to him in meaning is the word mist (light fog).

What adjectives can describe fog?

  • dense - dense
  • thick - dense
  • light - light, weak

I cannot describe him more accurately, I have only seen him in dense fog - I cannot describe him more accurately, I only saw him in dense fog

Relevant verbs:

  • to lie - to lie
  • to roll - wrap
  • to obscure - obscure, interfere with the review

The view was obscured by fog - Visibility was obstructed due to fog


Weather is not only changeable phenomena. Stable features in a particular area are determined by the climate (climate). Therefore, we bring toweather theme in englishand climatic types:

  • temperate - moderate
  • hot / torrid - hot
  • tropical - tropical
  • subtropical - subtropical
  • warm - warm, hot
  • continental - continental
  • arid - arid
  • dry - dry
  • maritime - marine
  • humid - wet
  • mild - soft
  • fertile - auspicious
  • severe - severe

These clothes aren't suited to the tropical climate - These clothes are not suitable for the tropical climate

Weather forecast

Our plans sometimes depend on the weather, which is why it is so important to understand the forecast in English. Basic concepts:

  • weather forecast - weather forecast
  • weather forecaster / weather chart maker - weather forecaster
  • to give the weather forecast - send the weather forecast

AT weather forecast in englishyou may come across phrases like:

  • The forecast is for... - The forecast promises...
  • Rain is spreading east - Rains spread south
  • A change in the weather - Weather change
  • It looks like the weather should remain settled - The weather remains unchanged
  • Most places will have long sunny periods - Most places will have long sunny periods
  • Some wet and windy weather is possible - Wet and windy weather is possible

You can ask about the forecast using the question:

What's the forecast / What's the forecast like? - What is the weather forecast?

We also give colloquial expressions forweather forecast in English with translation:

  • It looks like rain - It seems that it will rain now
  • It looks like it "s going to snow - It seems that it will snow now
  • It's supposed to get cold next Monday - It should get colder next Monday
  • I hope it would soon be nice and warm - I hope it will become warm soon
  • It "s going to freeze tonight - There will be frosts at night


Weather phenomena often appear in the formation of phraseological units, so let's analyze some idioms from the topicweather in english with translation.

  • fair-weather friends - unreliable friends:

Don "t trust him, he" s just a fair-weather friend - Do not trust him, he is an unreliable friend

  • rain or shine - no matter what happens, under any circumstances:

Every morning, rain or shine, they discussed what work had to be done that day - Every morning, under any conditions, they discussed what work needs to be done today

  • to be under a cloud - to be in bad standing, under suspicion:

After the scandal in the press, the company was under a cloud for a year - After the scandal in the press, the company was in disgrace for a year

    "When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather".
    When two English people meet, their first words are always about the weather.
    Samuel Johnson

    Hello! Who better than the British to talk about the weather? Shouldn't they scold the weather on damp foggy days, and shouldn't they rejoice if it's a fine day? Often, the British, meeting on the street with acquaintances, first of all say such phrases:

    - It "s splendid weather, isn't it? - Great weather, isn't it??

    — What a terrible day! — What a terrible day! Weather in English in expressions Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

    In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable for communication with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of "small" conversation, probably due to the fact that it reflects only real weather conditions without causing disputes and disagreements. Let's take a look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

    Four seasons - all have different weather!

    Expressions about the weather in different seasons





    Phrases and expressions about the weather in English

    Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

    In any foreign language there are words, the translation of which is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and expressions in English related to weather phenomena will surprise you a little.

    Rain (rain)

    Snow (snow)

    Wind (wind)

    cloud (cloud, cloud)

    Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

    Let's see how to maintain a dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

    • ask about weather conditions
    • talk about the weather in your hometown, etc.

    Here are some similar dialogues on the topic of various similar conditions

    The first topic of the dialogue:

    Meeting in the park on a fine sunny day

    Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
    Hey Nick! What a nice day!
    Hello, Kate! Oh indeed, the weather is fine!
    Hey Kate! Oh, the weather is really great!
    We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
    It was raining this morning. I thought the weather would be terrible today.
    — Yeah! Now it doesn't look like rain.
    Yes! But it doesn't look like it's going to rain right now.
    — It is sunny and probably about 20 °C.
    Sunny and probably around 20°C.
    — Enjoy yourself, Kate.
    I wish you a good time, Kate.
    — Thank you!
    Thank you!

    The second theme of the dialogue:

    Autumn changeable weather

    Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
    Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today!
    Hi, Ann! What's the forecast for today?
    Hey En! What is the weather forecast?
    — I didn't weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.
    I don't know today's weather forecast. But it's cold today.
    Yes, also the sky's overcast. It looks like rain.
    Yes, the sky is overcast. Seems it will rain.
    — The sun's just gone in.
    The sun has disappeared.
    — We have to go back.
    We must return.
    — I agree. I don't want to be wet through.
    I agree. I don't want to get wet.
    - Let "s hurry! It's starting to rain. It's necessary to keep the rain out.
    Let's hurry up! The rain starts. You need shelter from the rain.
    — That sounds like thunder!
    Looks like thunder too!
    — The bus stop is very close. Let's go.
    Bus stop nearby. Went.

    The third theme of the dialogue:

    Phone call from a foreign friend in winter

    Hello, John!
    Hey John!
    Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice is chanced.
    Good afternoon Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you all right? I think your voice has changed.
    - I "ve caught a cold.
    I caught a cold.
    — Oh! I forgot that now it's so cold in your country.
    O! I forgot that it's so cold now, and your country.
    - It's very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.
    Very cold. In addition, strong winds blow.
    — What's the temperature?
    How many degrees?
    — It's 12 degrees below zero.
    12 degrees below zero.
    Is it snowing?
    — No, now it isn't.
    No, it's not running right now..
    — But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.
    But there was a snowstorm 3 days ago.
    — It's difficult to imagine such weather conditions.
    It's hard to imagine such weather conditions.

    The fourth theme of the dialogue:

    First fresh spring morning

    — Good morning, dear neighbor!
    Good morning dear neighbor!
    Good morning, Ann! What a nice morning!
    Good morning En! What a wonderful morning!
    — The sun is coming out. It will be a sunny day.
    The sun is peeking out. It will be a sunny day.
    — I there are no clouds in the sky. I think it will not be rain.
    There is not a cloud in the sky. I don't think it will rain.
    - I hope so, but it's a windy day. We have to dress warmly.
    Hopefully it's windy today. We must dress warmly.
    — I agree. Now it is easy to catch cold.
    Agree. It's very easy to catch a cold right now.

    If a survey were conducted among English learners called "The most common questions your teacher asks you at the beginning of class", then the question would be: What is the weather like today in your town/city? would undoubtedly enter the top three. The question about the weather in English is always relevant. It gives you the opportunity to tune in to the desired mood before class. In addition, we all know that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion are already very partial to such conversations, but we want to keep up with native speakers.

    Words on the topic "Weather" in English

    First, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the various adjectives that often describe the weather, especially if emotions are running high.

    The weather can be:

    • Excellent- excellent.
    • Glorious- amazing, glorious.
    • superb- wonderful.
    • Adverse- unfavorable.
    • Sweltering- sultry.
    • Boiling- very hot.
    • Scorching- scorching, sultry.
    • Atrocious/vile- disgusting.
    • Inclement- severe.
    • Nasty- unfortunate.
    • Freezing- very cold, icy.
    • Foul- disgusting, disgusting.
    • Raw- dank.
    • Humid- wet.
    • Muggy- warm and damp, suffocating.
    • Sultry- sultry, stuffy.
    • Mild- moderate.
    • Settled- constant.
    • Unpredictable- unpredictable.
    • changeable- changeable.
    • Fierce- frantic.
    • Frosty- frosty.
    • Stormy- stormy, stormy.
    • unseasonable- out of season.
    • A spell of ... weather- a period of such and such weather.

    On such a sultry summer evening we couldn't make ourselves do anything. “On a hot summer evening like this, we couldn't bring ourselves to do anything.

    The day was cold and bluestery. The day was cold and windy.

    In February we had a spell of unseasonably wet weather. There was an unseasonable period of rainy weather in February.

    In August we usually have dry and settled weather. In August we usually have stable dry weather.

    This year I wasn't happy about the weather on my birthday. It was a muggy July day. This year I was upset by the weather on my birthday. It was a suffocating July day.

    We learned what the weather could be unsettled and unseasonable, and what else can happen to her, we will find out below. We continue to study vocabulary on the topic "Weather" in English.

    Verbs used with the word "weather":

    Expression Translation
    To let up Stop (about the rain), improve
    to warm up warm up
    To hold out Stay the same, keep going
    To keep up Continue, stay the same
    to decay get worse
    To worsen get worse, get worse
    to remain stay the same
    To allow/permit Let
    to prevent Prevent

    We'll go out as soon as the weather lets up. We will go outside as soon as the weather improves.

    If the weather holds out, we will go swimming later. If the weather doesn't change, we'll go swimming later.

    My grandfather goes for long walks as often as the weather allows. My grandfather takes long walks as often as the weather permits.

    Stormy weather prevented any games that day. Thunderstorm weather prevented any games from being played that day.

    And now it's time for the most common weather phrases in English, including the word weather.

    Common weather phrases:

    The lifeboat crews go out in all weathers. Lifeguards work in all weathers.

    We packed all kinds of clothes to cope with the vagaries of the Irish weather. We took a lot of different things with us to be ready for the whims of the Irish weather.

    She goes jogging every day, whatever the weather. She goes for a run in any weather.

    Although the weather in England today is not as capricious as it was 100 years ago, it rains quite often there. No wonder native speakers use so many words to describe it. Rain ( rain) it happens driving(pouring), pouring(rain shower) lashing(slashing), heavy(strong), occasional(irregular), steady(protracted), gentle(weak), patchy(places) intermittent(intermittent), overnight(night), persistent(continuous), outbreaks of rain(short periods of rain) dry interludes(dry period).

    The forecast is for wind and patchy rain. - According to the weather forecast, wind and precipitation are expected in some places.

    Overnight rain freshened up the lawn. The night rain refreshed the lawn.

    Driving rain ruined my plans to sunbathe on Sunday. The pouring rain ruined my plans to sunbathe on Sunday.

    At the same time, the rain itself can go, charge, pour, and much more. Below are these words to describe rainy weather.

    Verbs used with the word "rain":

    Expression Translation
    to beat Beat
    to drip Drip
    To drum Drum
    to fall Fall
    to lash whip
    to patter Knock
    To pour down Pouring like a bucket
    To splash Splash
    To trickle trickle down
    To set in Charge
    to cease cease
    To let up pause
    to continue Continue

    The rain lashed at the windows. - The rain lashed the windows.

    I could hear the rain patter against the window. I could hear the rain pounding on the windows.

    Rain dripped down his collar. Rain dripped down his collar.

    The rain didn't let up all day. - It rained non-stop all day.

    The rain had set in steadily by the time we got home. - By the time we got home, it was raining non-stop (charged).

    Words about snowy weather in English

    The Eskimos are said to have over 50 words to describe snow. Modern English people use slightly fewer words for these purposes, which undoubtedly makes life easier for us English learners. We can use the following words when describing snow:

    • A snowfall- snowfall.
    • A snowflake- snowflake.
    • Anicicle- icicle.
    • A snowstorm- blizzard, snow storm.
    • An ice storm- blizzard, ice storm.
    • A snowman- snowman.
    • A snowdrift / a snow bank- snowdrift.
    • Heavy- strong.
    • Thick- thick, strong
    • light- easy.
    • dump- wet.
    • Crisp- creaking, crunchy.
    • Powder/powdery- snow crumb, small.
    • Drifting- driven by the wind.
    • Swirling- circling.
    • Newly fallen- freshly fallen.
    • Melting- melting.
    • Frozen- frozen.

    The plants were covered in snow. The plants were in the snow.

    It was pleasant to hear the crisp snow crunch under our feet. It was nice to hear the snow crunch under our feet.

    The frozen snow was treacherous to walk on. It was dangerous to walk on the frozen snow.

    Verbs used with the word "snow":

    The garden was completely covered in snow. The garden was covered in snow.

    Snow piled up against the walls of the cottage. The snow was piling up around the walls of the cottage.

    It was too warm for the snow to settle. It was too warm and the snow didn't stay.

    How to describe fog

    England is called Foggy Albion for a reason. Fog ( mist/fog) here the phenomenon is frequent, so this word has a lot of descriptive adjectives: dense(thick), heavy(strong), thick(dense), slight(weak), dark(dark), gray(grey) white(white).

    A heavy mist rolled over the fields. — Thick fog shrouded the fields.

    There was a white mist in front of his eyes. He had a white mist in front of his eyes.

    Verbs used with fog:

    Expression Translation
    To be cloaked in To be wrapped up, covered
    To be covered in to be covered
    To be shrouded in To be shrouded
    To be wrathed in Wrapped in misty haze
    To loom out Appear, outline in the fog
    to shine through Weakly break through the fog
    to disappear into disappear
    To lie Lie
    to come down go down
    to float floating on the surface of the water
    To roll envelop
    To obscure Obstruct vision, obscure

    The harbor was covered in a thick mist. The harbor was shrouded in dense fog.

    The little village disappeared in the mist. The small village has disappeared into the mist.

    A large figure loomed out of the mist. A huge figure loomed in the mist.

    The mist cleared by dawn. By morning the fog cleared.

    Words for a story about the sky

    To describe what the sky is like, the English also have a lot of expressions: clear(pure) open(open), cloudless(cloudless) sunny(solar), cloudy(in the clouds), overcast(clouded) sullen(sullen) starry(star), azure(azure), pale(pale) leaden(lead).

    We slept under the open sky. We slept outside.

    I have never seen anywhere such azure skies. “I have never seen such an azure sky anywhere.

    What are you looking for in this starry sky? What are you looking for in this starry sky?

    Other expressions with the word "sky":

    • A patch of... - a piece.
    • To clear up- to be cleansed.
    • To lighten up- brighten.
    • To cloud over- covered in clouds.
    • To brighten- to clear up.
    • To darken- darken.
    • to turn gray- become grey.
    • To be streaked with smth- to be painted with some color.

    Describing windy weather in English

    And, of course, we cannot ignore such a weather phenomenon as the wind. Here are some adjectives that can describe this phenomenon of nature: fierce(violent) gale force(stormy), high(strong wind) stiff(fierce) strong(strong), terrible(horrible), light(easy), moderate(moderate), slight(small), bluestery(violent) thick(gusty), biting(piercing), bitter(cutting), Brisk(fresh), chill(chill), icy(ice), howling(howling) favourable(tailwind), gust of wind(gust).

    The forecast was for thick winds and steady rain. The weather forecast is for gusty winds and heavy rain.

    The weather man has mentioned something about biting wind. The weatherman said something about a piercing wind.

    High winds caused delays on the ferries. - Due to stormy winds, the crossing worked intermittently.

    Verbs used with the word "wind":

    Expression Translation
    to blow Blow
    to blow up play out
    To sweep (through) smth carry away
    To howl Howl
    to moan Moan
    To roar roar
    to whistle Whistle
    to increase Increase
    To pick up Gain strength
    To rise Rise, soar
    to die down Calm down, calm down
    to drop Stop

    The wind started dying down an hour ago. The wind started to die down an hour ago.

    The wind was moaning all night and I found it difficult to fall asleep. The wind howled all night and I couldn't sleep.

    The wind is picking up. We'd better go home. - The wind is picking up. We'd better go home.

    Other words about the weather in English:

    • black ice- ice, frost.
    • Sleep- rain with snow.
    • Bitterly cold- bitter cold.
    • Frostbite- frostbite.
    • thunderstorm- thunderstorm.
    • Slush- slush.

    Well, now it's time to look at the real weather forecast, which is conducted not by anyone, but by His Highness!

    The topic of the weather is always relevant. How to conduct a dialogue about it and what English vocabulary do you need to know in order to keep the conversation going? Let's explore the topic in detailweather in english.

    The weather is mentioned almost daily. We look at forecasts, discuss rains, make plans for outdoor activities when sunny days are promised. In addition, this is a standard topic to start a conversation with unfamiliar people.

    Vocabulary in this subject is very diverse. This includes natural phenomena, temperature, weather forecasts. Discussing onEnglish weather, we also come across jokes, proverbs. Weather phenomena occur in many idioms. To make it easier for you to master this topic, the article contains various examples of phrases and phrases aboutweather in English with translation.

    What is the weather like today

    keyword inweather theme in english- weather (weather). You can ask your interlocutor a question like this:

    What's the weather like? - What's the weather like today?

    The answer can be built through an impersonal sentence with the subject it:

    It's windy today - It's windy today

    The definitions in this construction are the words:

    • sunny - sunny
    • cloudy - cloudy
    • rainy - rainy
    • windy - windy
    • foggy - foggy

    In the construction it "s ... we can also use words that convey sensations of temperature:

    • cold - cold
    • warm - warm
    • chilly - cool
    • freezing - very cold
    • hot - hot
    • frosty - frosty

    It's a cold day / it's cold today - It's cold today

    If we want to be more specific about the temperature (temperature), then we can note how many degrees (degrees) are outside, use the phrases below / above zero (below / above zero), minus / plus (minus / plus).

    It is 25 degrees above zero in the shade today - Today in the shade plus 25 degrees

    You can find out how many degrees it is outside by asking:

    What is the temperature? - What temperature is it now?

    To describe the weatherEnglish languageyou can also use adjectives that convey impressions, for example, nice (good), fine (beautiful), dreadful (disgusting), terrible (terrible).

    To add emotional coloring, you can use the constructions "What a ..." or "Such":

    What a nice day! - What a pleasant day!

    Such terrible weather! - What terrible weather!

    Other adjectives that can be used when we are describingEnglish weather:

    • changeable / variable - changeable
    • unsettled - unstable, changeable
    • unpredictable - unpredictable

    The weather is so unpredictable this week - The weather this week is so unpredictable

    You can also build a phrase using verbs:

    • to warm up - warm up
    • to settle - to be established
    • to worsen - get worse
    • to remain / keep up - stay the same

    Will the weather keep up? - Will the weather change?

    natural phenomena

    To tell more about the weather on the street, we need othersenglish words about weather: names of natural phenomena and related vocabulary.

    Consider words to describe the sky and the sun:

    • sky - sky
    • cloud - cloud
    • rain clouds - rain clouds
    • snow clouds - snow clouds
    • sun - the sun
    • sunlight - sunlight
    • sunburst - the rays of the sun from behind the clouds
    • sunrise
    • sunset - sunset

    The following words can serve as definitions:

    • clear - clear, clean
    • sunny - sunny
    • cloudless - cloudless
    • open - open
    • starry - starry
    • overcast - overcast
    • cloudy - in the clouds

    It was an overcast winter morning - It was a gloomy winter morning

    This also includes verbs:

    • to clear up - clear up, clear up
    • to brighten - brighten, brighten
    • to lighten - brighten
    • to darken - get dark
    • to cloud over - cloud over

    Suddenly the sky clouded over, and the storm broke - The sky suddenly clouded over, and a storm began

    English weatherfamous for rain

    • rainfall - precipitation
    • rain - rain
    • shower - downpour
    • drizzle - fine rain
    • puddle
    • mud - slush, dirt
    • rainbow - rainbow
    • thunder - thunder
    • hail - hail
    • thunderstorm - thunderstorm
    • lightning - lightning

    Rain can vary.

    • steady - lingering
    • persistent - long, permanent
    • heavy - strong
    • driving - frantic, rainy
    • pouring - torrential
    • gentle - weak
    • occasional - at times, fickle
    • intermittent - short-term

    Overcast morning is a sure forerunner of steady rain

    The following verbs can be used with the word rain:

    • to lash - whip
    • to fall - fall
    • to drum on / upon - drum on
    • to patter - drumming, knocking
    • to beat - beat
    • to pour down - gush
    • to set in - set
    • to drip - drip, drain
    • to cease - stop
    • to let up - weaken, stop

    The rain lashed against the roof - Rain whipped on the roof

    Suddenly the rain poured down - Suddenly the rain poured down

    If we are talking about winter, you will need the word snow (snow) and those close to it:

    • snow - snow
    • snowfall - snowfall
    • snow cover - snow cover
    • blizzard - blizzard, blizzard
    • snowstorm - blizzard
    • snowflake - snowflake
    • icicle - icicle
    • snowdrift / snowbank - snowdrift, snow drift
    • sleet - sleet, sleet
    • black ice - frost, ice
    • snowbroth - melted snow, snow slush

    This winter broke the record for snowfall - This winter broke all records by the amount of snow

    Temperatures are expected to drop below zero, black ice is possible

    Like rain, the word snow itself can be used inEnglish weather themeas a verb to snow (it's snowing). In addition, other verbs can be used:

    • to fall - go, fall
    • to settle - linger (do not melt)
    • to cover up - to cover
    • to melt - melt
    • to swirl - spin
    • to be covered in - to be covered
    • to be snowed under - to be covered with snow

    All the fields are snowed under - All fields covered with snow

    Wind in English sounds like wind. It can have different definitions:

    • high - strong, strong
    • strong - strong
    • fierce - ferocious
    • gale-force - squally, stormy
    • biting - sharp, piercing
    • stiff - strong, fierce
    • icy - icy
    • gusty - impetuous
    • slight - easy
    • favorite - passing
    • light - light, weak
    • brisk - fresh
    • howling - howling

    The trees were despoiled of their leaves in the high wind - A strong wind tore all the leaves from the trees

    A slight wind rippled the crops in the valley - A slight breeze stirred the tops of the plants in the valley

    The following verbs can be used with the word wind:

    • to blow - blow
    • to rise / increase - increase
    • to strengthen - strengthen
    • to fall away - weaken
    • to howl - howl
    • to drop - calm down, calm down

    The temperature is dropping rapidly, the wind is howling and it's beginning to snow- The temperature drops sharply, the wind howls and snow begins to fall

    The wind fell away and all was calm - The wind died down and everything calmed down

    England is called "foggy Albion". ForEnglish weathercharacteristic fog (fog). Close to him in meaning is the word mist (light fog).

    What adjectives can describe fog?

    • dense - dense
    • thick - dense
    • light - light, weak

    I cannot describe him more accurately, I have only seen him in dense fog - I cannot describe him more accurately, I only saw him in dense fog

    Relevant verbs:

    • to lie - to lie
    • to roll - wrap
    • to obscure - obscure, interfere with the review

    The view was obscured by fog - Visibility was obstructed due to fog


    Weather is not only changeable phenomena. Stable features in a particular area are determined by the climate (climate). Therefore, we bring toweather theme in englishand climatic types:

    • temperate - moderate
    • hot / torrid - hot
    • tropical - tropical
    • subtropical - subtropical
    • warm - warm, hot
    • continental - continental
    • arid - arid
    • dry - dry
    • maritime - marine
    • humid - wet
    • mild - soft
    • fertile - auspicious
    • severe - severe

    These clothes aren't suited to the tropical climate - These clothes are not suitable for the tropical climate

    Weather forecast

    Our plans sometimes depend on the weather, which is why it is so important to understand the forecast in English. Basic concepts:

    • weather forecast - weather forecast
    • weather forecaster / weather chart maker - weather forecaster
    • to give the weather forecast - send the weather forecast

    AT weather forecast in englishyou may come across phrases like:

    • The forecast is for... - The forecast promises...
    • Rain is spreading east - Rains spread south
    • A change in the weather - Weather change
    • It looks like the weather should remain settled - The weather remains unchanged
    • Most places will have long sunny periods - Most places will have long sunny periods
    • Some wet and windy weather is possible - Wet and windy weather is possible

    You can ask about the forecast using the question:

    What's the forecast / What's the forecast like? - What is the weather forecast?

    We also give colloquial expressions forweather forecast in English with translation:

    • It looks like rain - It seems that it will rain now
    • It looks like it "s going to snow - It seems that it will snow now
    • It's supposed to get cold next Monday - It should get colder next Monday
    • I hope it would soon be nice and warm - I hope it will become warm soon
    • It "s going to freeze tonight - There will be frosts at night


    Weather phenomena often appear in the formation of phraseological units, so let's analyze some idioms from the topicweather in english with translation.

    • fair-weather friends - unreliable friends:

    Don "t trust him, he" s just a fair-weather friend - Do not trust him, he is an unreliable friend

    • rain or shine - no matter what happens, under any circumstances:

    Every morning, rain or shine, they discussed what work had to be done that day - Every morning, under any conditions, they discussed what work needs to be done today

    • to be under a cloud - to be in bad standing, under suspicion:

    After the scandal in the press, the company was under a cloud for a year - After the scandal in the press, the company was in disgrace for a year

      Weather is the state of the atmosphere in relation to heat or cold, humidity or dryness, and so on. But when studying weather vocabulary in English, it is important to remember that some have both a noun form and a verb and adjective form.

      drizzle light rain
      light rain light rain (diameter about 0.5 mm, with a falling speed of 2 m/s and a falling value of not more than 1 mm h)
      moderate rain moderate rain (diameter 1 mm, with a fall of 4 m/s and an amount of 4 mm h)
      heavy rain heavy rain (diameter approx. 1.5 mm with a fall of 5 m/s and an amount of 15 mm h)
      heavy rain heavy rain (diameter 2 mm, fall 6 m/s, quantity 40 mm h).
      violent rain very heavy rain (diameter 6 mm, fall 8 m/s and quantity over 100 mm h)
      rain fall rainfall
      precipitation precipitation
      rain falls in torrents the rain is pouring down

      Examples for describing the weather in English with the word rain:

      natural disasters in english

      The weather is not always favorable and there are special ones to describe such situations:

      earthquake earthquake
      catastrophe catastrophe
      tsunami tsunami
      tornado/twister tornado
      snow fall snowfall
      eruption eruption
      Avalanche avalanche
      flood flood
      wildfire forest fire
      drought drought
      snowstorm blizzard

      Examples in English with translation:

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      The basis of sentences in English about the weather

      When we talk about the weather in English, we use some common structures:

      1. It + be (is, will be, etc.) + (adjective) = description of the weather. For example: It is a windy day. It's stuffy air. It's rainy season. What's the weather today? – The weather is sunny.
      2. It + be ( , was, be, etc.) + a + adjective (adjective) + noun (noun) (day, morning, afternoon, night, etc.). For example: It was a cold day.
      3. There is (there are) + adjective + noun (day, morning, afternoon, night, etc.). For example: There is a warm May evening.

      Nouns to adjectives: By adding the letter “y” at the end of an English weather noun, we turn it into an adjective: wind-windy, stuff-stuffy, rain-rainy, sun-sunny, cloud-cloudy, fog-foggy, gloom -gloomy, storm-stormy, ice-icy, drizzle-drizzly, mist-misty, breeze-breezy, frost-frosty.

      Consider another rule: It is rain (snow, hail, etc.) is wrong.

      The correct way to say it in English is:

      • It's raining (It's snowing) Or: The rain is falling (The snow is falling down).
      • It is a rainy day (morning/season).
      • There is heavy rain.

      Phrases and expressions to describe the weather in English

      About warm weather in English

      To talk about warm weather in English, use the following words:

      warm weather warm weather
      sunny weather sunny weather
      sunlit sunlit
      a spell of good weather good weather period
      swimming and vacations swimming and recreation
      warm season warm time
      summer solstice summer solstice
      walks on the beach walks on the beach
      breeze light wind
      atmosphere atmosphere
      warmth warmly
      a heatwave heat wave
      hot, dry conditions hot and dry conditions
      hot and hazy weather hot and foggy weather
      torrid – very hot and dry very hot and dry
      cool summer nights cool summer nights
      the fresh wind blows the wind blows
      the grass is wet the grass is wet
      the earth smells of earth earth smells like earth
      It's quiet in the afternoon quiet in the afternoon

      Example sentences for describing warm weather in English:

      About cold inclement weather in English

      English words and expressions to describe the cold:

      cold weather cold
      chilly weather - uncomfortably cool or cold cold weather (uncomfortable from the cold)
      chilly day cold day
      chilly out cold (chilly)
      piercing cold piercing cold
      fierce cold bitter cold
      icy rain freezing rain
      low temperatures low temperatures
      wind and weather bad weather
      overcast sky, overcast/overcast weather cloudy sky, cloudy weather
      bad weather/foul weather bad weather (bad weather)
      Gloomy day gloomy (gloomy) day
      increment weather inclement weather
      it is getting colder it's getting colder
      bit nippy today a bit cold today

      Words for a story about the sky in English with translation

      The table shows English words to describe the sky:

      color of the sky sky color
      white clouds White clouds
      storm cloud/thundercloud/swarm thundercloud
      extraterrestrial space extraterrestrial space
      vault vault
      the luminous stars luminous stars (shedding stars)
      horizon horizon
      the night sky night sky
      Venus Venus
      Mercury Mercury
      planets, comets and meteors planets, comets and meteors
      the Sun The sun
      the Moon Moon
      twinkling of the stars twinkling stars

      English sentences with translation into Russian:

      Describing windy weather in English with translation

      To describe windy weather, the following English words and expressions will help:

      windy weather windy weather
      gentle wind (light wind) gentle (light breeze)
      the wind blowing strongly/blustery wind raging wind
      strong or hard wind/high winds strong wind / strong winds
      ferocious rustling of leaves strong (violent) rustling of leaves
      hurricane force hurricane force
      loud and deafening loud and deafening
      bleak, thin wind dull, weak wind
      violent gust of wind strong gust of wind
      windswept ventilated (open to all winds)
      boisterous frantic
      brisk (fresh) fresh
      movement of air air movement
      fair wind tailwind

      Examples English sentences to describe windy weather:

      Description of the weather in spring in English with translation

      What is the weather in spring?

      What is the weather like in spring?

      When spring begins, you expect good weather right away and you want to go out and wear lighter clothes. Spring is by definition the “crazy season”. Spring is alternating moments that make us think of summer, others that remind us how winter has just passed.

      When spring starts, you expect good weather right away, you want to go outside in light clothes. Spring is by definition "crazy season". Spring is all about alternating moments that make us think of summer, others remind us that winter has just passed.

      Why are these strong changes in temperature? Spring is one of the four seasons of the temperate zones as well as the one that marks the transition between winter and summer. Extreme natural events become a norm: it increases variability by alternating dry seasons with rainier seasons.

      Why such strong temperature changes? Spring is one of the four temperate seasons that marks the transition between winter and summer. Extreme natural events are becoming the norm: it increases variability, alternating between dry and rainy seasons.

      But still spring is perhaps the most awaited season which warms us up after the long winter grayness and throws us towards the hot summer and the long-awaited holidays. With spring, nature awakens. Winter was long, it never seemed to end.

      But still, spring is perhaps the most anticipated season, which warms us up after a long winter dullness and directs us to a hot summer and a long-awaited vacation. With spring, nature wakes up. The winter was long and seemed to never end.

      There have been days when the sun has not even peeped out. We had fog, clouds and a lot of snow. Now everything is painted and it shines. The trees, the flowers, the animals, woke up in the first rays of the sun. The birds already build their nests before the mud dries completely.

      There were days when the sun didn't even look. We had fog, clouds and a lot of rain. Now, instead, everything is painted and shiny. Trees, flowers, animals woke up in the first rays of the sun. The birds are already building their nests before the mud is completely dry.

      A nearby stream already smells of violets and frogs, now awake from hibernation, brighten up their days with their croaking. The whole forest smells of spring. The sun warms the lawns. The March drizzle bathes the daisies that raise their heads on the slender stems.

      The nearby stream smells of violets and frogs, now awake from hibernation and brightening their days with croaking. The whole forest smells like spring. The sun warms the lawns. March rain washes the daisies, which have raised their heads on thin stems.

      I close my eyes and feel the heady perfume of the flowers just bloomed. I listen to the chirping of birds like a concert of flutes and violins. The young grass touches my hands. I open my eyes and see a blue sky painted with air clouds. The sun warms my skin.

      I close my eyes and feel the heady scent of freshly bloomed flowers blooming. I listen to the chirping of birds like a concert of flutes and violins. Young grass touches my hands. I open my eyes and see a blue sky with airy clouds. The sun warms my skin.

      Description of the weather in winter in English with translation

      Winter is not a season loved by many: the temperatures that fall, the days that are getting shorter and the weather conditions that are not always favorable create an overall feeling of dullness. The cold that grips us and makes us put our hands well in the back of our coat pockets is a constant for several months of the year.

      Winter is a season not loved by many. Temperatures that are falling, days that are getting shorter, and weather conditions that are not always favorable create a general feeling of dullness. The cold that seizes us and makes us warm our hands in our coat pockets, constant for several months of the year.

      Many of us would like to hibernate and wake up in the spring, but unfortunately it is not possible. Yet winter also has something magical, just know how to see it. I love winter: hats, gloves, giant sweaters, colored scarves, chimneys waiting for something that you do not know, sudden changes in weather, rain, snow, cold, plaid on the couch and my cats that cheer me up with their purr.

      Many of us would like to hibernate (or winter in warmer climes) and wake up in the spring, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. But winter also has something magical, just know how to see it. I love winter: hats, gloves, giant sweaters, colorful scarves, umbrellas, chimneys waiting for something you don't know, sudden weather changes, rain, snow, cold, a blanket on the couch and my cats purring to cheer me up.

      If you live in a particularly cold area, winter is also synonymous with snow: this frozen rain that whitens the surrounding landscape also seems to muffle all sorts of sound and gives the surrounding landscape something magical and fairytale. It is rain and snow that slow down the world for a while and make the landscape surreal.

      If you live in a particularly cold place, winter is also synonymous with snow: that freezing rain that whitens the surrounding landscape also seems to drown out all sorts of sounds and give the surrounding landscape something magical and dreamlike. It's the rain and snow that slows the world down for a while and makes the landscape look surreal.

      Sink into a lonely melancholy inhaling the scent of the pungent cold that inflames the cheeks. It is in this season, in fact, that Christmas is celebrated and here everything smells of ginger, hot chocolate and the family heat becomes stronger.

      Indulge in lonely melancholy as you inhale the pungent cold that inflames your cheeks. It is in this season that Christmas is celebrated, and here everything smells of ginger, hot chocolate and family warmth.

      You wrap yourself in a warm plaid sitting on a soft sofa and admire the lights of the city outside the window. Rain, wind and snow do not seem terrible but give the city a different appearance, perhaps more melancholic, but no less romantic. The frosty air gives us a sort of shock every morning when we leave the house as if to remind us that we are alive.

      You wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sitting on a soft sofa, and admire the lights of the city outside the window. Rain, wind and snow do not seem so terrible, but they give the city a different look, perhaps more melancholy, but no less romantic. The frosty air shakes every morning when we leave the house, as if reminding us that we are alive.

      Description of the weather in summer in English with translation

      Summer is the hot season. The weather is always beautiful; you just have to be careful and don't cook under the sun.

      Summer is the hot season. The weather is always fine; you just have to be careful not to get fried in the sun.

      It is rare that it rains at this time of year. But the summer rain freshens. The summer weather is often quite stable and temperatures are pleasant both inland and along the coast.

      It rarely rains this time of year. But summer rain is refreshing. Summer weather is often quite stable and temperatures are pleasant both inland and along the coast.

      As soon as the summer takes over the world as a rule at the end of May or the beginning of June you can see that people go out in the sun after a long and cold winter make a barbecue in the parks or on the beach. Temperatures in the summer can reach 25 or 30 degrees and there is almost no moisture in the air. Even the nights are often hot and the temperature of the water in the sea and in the numerous inland lakes usually reaches 18 degrees or more.

      As soon as summer takes over the world, usually in late May or early June you can see people going out into the sun after a long and cold winter, having barbecues in the parks or on the beach. The temperature in summer can reach 25 or 30 degrees and there is almost no moisture in the air. Even the nights are often hot, and the water temperature in the sea and in the numerous inland lakes usually reaches 18 degrees or more.

      The blue sky is without clouds. A walk on the water's edge when it's sunset time and the beach is empty.

      Blue sky without clouds. Walking along the water's edge when it's sunset time and the beach is empty.

      It's hot, very hot, you can't breathe. The beaches are already crowded.

      It's hot, very hot, you can't breathe. The beaches are already full.

      Description of the weather in autumn in English with translation

      Today is just an autumn day: I notice looking out the window of my room that the first fog has arrived. What sadness! Everything looks so grey, so dark. It is a little colder and a light rain has transformed what was a beautiful colorful carpet into a slippery mud and leaf mixture.

      Today is an autumn day: I notice, looking out the window of my room, that the first fog has appeared. What sadness! Everything looks so grey, so dark. It's a little colder, and a light rain has turned what was a beautiful colorful carpet into slippery mud and a mixture of leaves.

      The nature now shows off its new appearance. How many colors! Infinite gradations of reddish, yellow and brown enliven the still silent landscape. The black clouds slowly fill the sky with sadness, at which point you take refuge at home, close your eyes and you start dreaming.

      Nature is now showing a new look. How many flowers! Endless gradations of reddish, yellow and brown hues enliven the quiet landscape. Black clouds slowly fill the sky with sadness and at that moment you take shelter at home, close your eyes and start dreaming.

      Time passes, the leaves fall, and the rains rustle in the air. Outside, meanwhile, flocks of birds are heading south, ready to face a long journey.

      Time passes, leaves fall, and rains rustle in the air. Flocks of birds are heading south, ready for the long journey.

      Then night falls, even colder and chilling than the day. I like to feel the humidity in the autumn air even if it is easy to get sick; and I like this unmistakable smell of slightly rotten leaves. In short, it is a wonderful season full of surprises.

      Then comes the night, even colder than the day. I like to feel the humidity in the autumn air, even if it's easy to get sick; and I love that unmistakable smell of slightly rotten leaves. In short, this is a wonderful season full of surprises.

      A mist covers almost the whole landscape. Everything that surrounds me begins to change according to the season, the days get shorter, the frost rests on the grass, the first mists appear and the swallows migrate to the warmer countries. Autumn is a melancholy season.

      Fog covers almost the entire landscape. Everything that surrounds me begins to change depending on the season, the days become shorter, frost lies on the grass, the first fogs appear, and swallows migrate to warmer countries. Autumn is a melancholy season.