The height of the railings on the walkways. Requirement fnip safety rules in the oil and gas industry

31. Places of passage and access to technical devices, which require the rise of a worker or maintenance personnel to a height of up to 0.75 m, are equipped with steps, and to a height above 0.75 m - stairs with railings. In places where people pass over pipelines located at a height 0.25 m and higher from the surface of the earth, platform or floor, walkways should be arranged, which are equipped with railings, if the height of the pipeline is more than 0.75 m.

32. Mid-flight stairs should have a slope of no more 60 degrees (for tanks - no more than 50 degrees), the width of the stairs must be at least 0.65 m, at the ladder for carrying weights - at least 1 m. The distance between the steps in height should be no more than 0.25 m. The width of the steps should be at least 0.2 m and have an inward slope of 2 - 5 degrees.
On both sides, the steps must have side planks or side cladding with a height of at least 0.15 m, which excludes the possibility of slipping of a person's legs. Stairs must be equipped with railings 1 m high on both sides.
(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)
33. Tunnel-type ladders must be metal with a width of at least 0.6 m and have, starting from a height of 2 m, safety arches with a radius of 0.35 - 0.4 m, fastened together by strips. The arcs are located at a distance of not more than 0.8 m from one another. The distance from the most distant point of the arc to the steps should be within 0.7 - 0.8 m.
Stairs must be equipped with intermediate platforms installed at a distance of no more than 6 m vertically from one another.
The distance between the steps of tunnel-type ladders and step-ladders should be no more than 0.35 m.
34. Work platforms and maintenance platforms located at a height must have a flooring made of metal sheets with a surface that excludes the possibility of slipping, or boards with a thickness of at least 0.04 m, and, starting from a height of 0.75 m, a railing with a height of 1, 25 m with longitudinal strips located at a distance of not more than 0.4 m from each other, and a board with a height of at least 0.15 m, forming a gap of not more than 0.01 m with the flooring for liquid drainage.
45. In places where people cross over rows of pipelines laid on the surface of the earth, as well as over ditches and trenches, walkways with a width of at least 0.65 m with a railing at least 1 m high should be arranged.

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INTER-INDUSTRIAL RULES ON LABOR SAFETY WHEN WORKING AT ALTITUDE - POT RM-012-2000 (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 04-10-2000 68) ... Relevant in 2018

2.3. Requirements for stairs, platforms, ladders

2.3.1. For construction, installation, repair and maintenance and other work at height, ladders are used:

a) attached sliding three-legged, meeting the requirements of GOST 8556-72;

b) one-knee attached inclined, attached vertical, mounted and free-standing, corresponding to the requirements of GOST 26887-86;

c) collapsible portable (of seven sections), designed for lifting onto supports with a diameter of 300 - 560 mm to a height of up to 14 m;

d) ladders, ladders (wooden, metal).

2.3.2. On ladders, ladders, the inventory number, the date of the next test, belonging to the workshop (section, etc.) are indicated: for wooden and metal ones - on bowstrings, for rope ones - on tags attached to them.

2.3.3. The length of the ladders must be no more than 5 m.

2.3.4. Ladders and ladders are equipped with a device that prevents the possibility of shifting and overturning them during operation. At the lower ends of ladders and ladders there must be fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground. When using ladders and stepladders on smooth supporting surfaces (parquet, metal, tile, concrete, etc.), they must be equipped with rubber or other non-slip shoes.

2.3.5. The upper ends of ladders attached to pipes or wires are equipped with special hooks - grips that prevent the ladder from falling from wind pressure or accidental shocks.

Suspended ladders used to work on structures or wires must have devices that ensure their strong attachment to structures.

2.3.6. Install and secure ladders and platforms on the mounted structures before they are lifted. The dimensions of the ladder must allow the worker to work in a standing position on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder.

2.3.7. When working from a ladder at a height of more than 1.3 m, it is necessary to use a safety belt attached to the structure of the structure or to the ladder, provided that it is fixed to the building or other structure.

2.3.8. The places of installation of ladders in the areas of movement of vehicles or organized passage of people must be fenced or guarded for the duration of the work.

2.3.9. Splicing of wooden ladders is allowed by firmly connecting them with metal clamps, bolted linings, etc. followed by a static load test of 1.2 kN (120 kgf).

Splicing more than two wooden ladders is not allowed.

2.3.10. Install additional support structures from boxes, barrels, etc. in case of insufficient length of the ladder is not allowed.

2.3.11. The slope of the stairs when climbing the scaffolding must not exceed 60 degrees.

2.3.12. Ladders without working platforms may be used only for the transition of workers between individual tiers of the building or for performing work that does not require the employee to rest on building construction building.

2.3.13. Install ladders at an angle of more than 75 degrees. without additional fastening them in the upper part is not allowed.

2.3.14. Step-ladders are supplied with devices (hooks, chains) that do not allow them to move apart spontaneously while working with them. The slope of the ladders should be no more than 1:3.

2.3.15. It is not allowed to work from the two upper steps of ladders that do not have railings or stops.

2.3.16. More than one person is not allowed to be on the steps of a ladder or ladder.

2.3.17. Lifting and lowering the load on the ladder and leaving the tool on it is not allowed.

2.3.18. It is not allowed to work on portable ladders and ladders:

a) near and above rotating mechanisms, working machines, conveyors, etc.;

b) using electric and pneumatic tools, construction and assembly guns;

c) when performing gas and electric welding works;

d) when tensioning wires and for maintaining heavy parts at a height, etc.

To perform such work, scaffolding and ladders with upper platforms protected by railings should be used.

2.3.19. It is not allowed to install stairs on the steps of flights of staircases. To perform work in these conditions, scaffolds should be used.

2.3.20. Before starting work, the stability of the ladder must be ensured, and it must be ensured by inspection and testing that the ladder cannot slip or be accidentally moved.

When installing a ladder in conditions where displacement of its upper end is possible, the latter must be securely fastened to stable structures.

2.3.21. When working with a ladder in places with heavy traffic of vehicles or people, to prevent its fall from accidental shocks, regardless of the presence of tips at the ends of the ladder, its installation site should be protected or protected. In cases where it is impossible to secure the ladder when installing it on a smooth floor, a worker in a helmet should stand at its base and hold the ladder in a stable position. In other cases, it is not allowed to support the ladder below with your hands.

2.3.22. When moving the ladder by two workers, the ladder must be carried with the tips back, warning the oncoming ones to be careful. When carrying a ladder by one worker, it must be in an inclined position so that its front end is raised above the ground by at least 2 m.

2.3.23. For vertical stairs, stairs with an angle of inclination to the horizon of more than 75 degrees. at a height of more than 5 m, starting from a height of 3 m, there should be fences in the form of arcs. The arcs should be located at a distance of no more than 0.8 m from one another and connected by at least three longitudinal strips.

The distance from the stairs to the arc should be at least 0.7 m and not more than 0.8 m with an arc radius of 0.35 - 0.4 m.

2.3.24. Stairs with a height of more than 10 m must be equipped with rest areas at least every 10 m in height.

2.3.25. Use of portable metal stairs v switchgears voltage of 220 kV and below is not allowed.

2.3.26. In open switchgears with a voltage of 330 kV and above, the use of portable metal ladders is permitted subject to the following conditions:

a) the ladder must be carried in a horizontal position under the continuous supervision of the foreman, duty officer or employee from the operational and repair service, who has an electrical safety group of at least IV;

b) a metal chain must be attached to the ladder, constantly touching the ground.

2.3.27. Ladders with metal reinforcement along the bowstring should be considered metal and their use in electrical installations should be carried out taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 2.3.25, 2.3.26 of the Rules.

2.3.28. Ladders and step-ladders are inspected by the manufacturer of works before use (without an entry in the journal).

2.3.29. Ladders must be stored in dry rooms in conditions that exclude their accidental mechanical damage.

2.3.30. Platforms hung on stairs or building structures must comply with the requirements of GOST 26887-86.

2.3.31. For the passage of workers performing work on the roof of a building with a slope of more than 20 degrees, as well as on a roof with a coating that is not designed for loads from the weight of workers, ladders with transverse slats are arranged to stop the legs. Ladders are fixed during work.

2.3.32. Ladders and bridges must be rigid and have fasteners that exclude the possibility of their displacement. Deflection of the flooring at the maximum design load should not be more than 20 mm.

2.3.33. With a length of ladders and bridges of more than 3 m, intermediate supports must be installed under them. The width of ladders and bridges must be at least 0.6 m.

2.3.34. Ladders and bridges must have handrails, flanges and an intermediate horizontal element. The height of the handrails must be at least 1 m, the side edges - at least 0.15 m, the distance between the posts of the handrails - no more than 2 m.

2.3.35. Communication between the tiers of scaffolding is carried out by rigidly fixed ladders.

2.3.36. It is not allowed to connect adjacent sections of lifting scaffolding with transitional decks, ladders and ladders.

2.3.37. Gangways must be made of metal or boards at least 40 mm thick. The gangway should have planks with a section of 20 x 40 mm to stop the legs every 0.3 - 0.4 m.

2.3.38. The width of the gangway must be at least 0.8 m for one-way traffic and at least 1.5 m for two-way traffic and have railings with a height of at least 1 m.

2.3.39. On the gangway, the permissible load is indicated in a conspicuous place.

2.3.40. The installation and removal of guards and protection should be carried out using a safety belt attached to a safety device or to securely installed building structures. The work must be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of the work.

Installation and removal of guards must be carried out by specially trained workers under the direct supervision of the foreman.

The transitional bridge is designed for safe transition to any areas inside and outside the construction site or the finished structure. Sometimes a transitional bridge is designated.

Bridges are divided into:

  • industrial, for buildings, industrial facilities - for access and transition to serviced facilities.
  • household - for roof maintenance, crossing the road, etc.

First, consider industrial bridges.

Industrial metal walkways

Industrial metal walkways are used to safely move around areas of industrial facilities, such as workshops, filling stations, any industrial production. All bridges must be made of metal to ensure the necessary rigidity and reliability. The flooring is carried out mainly and expanded metal or corrugated, to eliminate the effect of sliding shoes on the transition surface, we make fences and handrails from a metal profile - a pipe, a corner, a channel.

Metal bridges are:

  1. stationary - motionless, or mobile, but retaining their shape.
  2. folding - for convenience. They are laid out only for work, and then removed. To ensure ease of installation, gas pistons, counterweights are used.

Be sure to install the main and additional handrails and a protective fence.

Below you can see in detail the photo of the bridges.

These folding bridges also belong to and complement them in the overall metal structure.

Bridges are also used if you need to bypass any obstacle, such as a pipe, wires, road, etc. Let's consider further.

Crossing bridge over pipeline and trenches

The transitional bridge through the pipeline and trenches is designed to safely bypass these obstacles.

It is a metal structure with flooring, handrails and a protective fence.

Roof bridges

2.3.1. During construction, installation, repair and maintenance and other work at height, ladders are used:
a) attached sliding three-legged, corresponding to the requirements of GOST 8556 - 72;
b) one-knee attached inclined, attached vertical, mounted and free-standing, corresponding to the requirements of GOST 26887-86;
c) collapsible portable (of seven sections), designed for lifting onto supports with a diameter of 300-560 mm to a height of up to 14 m;
d) ladders, ladders (wooden, metal).
2.3.2. On the stairs, ladders, the inventory number, the date of the next test, belonging to the workshop (section, etc.) are indicated:
For wooden and metal ones - on bowstrings, for rope ones - on tags attached to them.
2.3.3. The length of the ladders must be no more than 5 m.
2.3.4. Ladders and ladders are equipped with a device that prevents the possibility of shifting and overturning them during operation. At the lower ends of ladders and ladders there must be fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground. When using ladders and stepladders on smooth supporting surfaces (parquet, metal, tile, concrete, etc.), they must be equipped with rubber or other non-slip shoes.
2.3.5. The upper ends of ladders attached to pipes or wires are equipped with special hooks - grips that prevent the ladder from falling from wind pressure or accidental shocks.
Suspended ladders used to work on structures or wires must have devices that ensure their strong attachment to structures.
2.3.6. Install and secure ladders and platforms on the mounted structures before they are lifted. The dimensions of the ladder must allow the worker to work in a standing position on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder.
2.3.7. When working from a ladder at a height of more than 1.3 m, it is necessary to use a safety belt attached to the structure of the structure or to the ladder, provided that it is fixed to the building or other structure.
2.3.8. The places of installation of ladders in the areas of movement of vehicles or organized passage of people must be fenced or guarded for the duration of the work.
2.3.9. Splicing of wooden ladders is allowed by firmly connecting them with metal clamps, bolted linings, etc. followed by a static load test of 1.2 kN (120 kgf).
Splicing more than two wooden ladders is not allowed.
2.3.10. Install additional support structures from boxes, barrels, etc. in case of insufficient length of the ladder is not allowed.
2.3.11. The slope of the stairs when climbing the scaffolding must not exceed 60°.
2.3.12. Ladders without working platforms may be used only for the transition of workers between individual tiers of the building or for performing work that does not require the worker to rest on the building structures of the building.
2.3.13. It is not allowed to install ladders at an angle of more than 75 ° without additional fastening them in the upper part.
2.3.14. Step-ladders are supplied with devices (hooks, chains) that do not allow them to move apart spontaneously while working with them. The slope of the ladders should be no more than 1:3.
2.3.15. It is not allowed to work from the two upper steps of ladders that do not have railings or stops.
2.3.16. More than one person is not allowed to be on the steps of a ladder or ladder.
2.3.17. Lifting and lowering the load on the ladder and leaving the tool on it is not allowed.
2.3.18. It is not allowed to work on portable ladders and ladders:
a) near and above rotating mechanisms, working machines, conveyors, etc.;
b) using electric and pneumatic tools, construction and assembly guns;
c) when performing gas and electric welding works;
d) when tensioning wires and for maintaining heavy parts at a height, etc.
To perform such work, scaffolding and ladders with upper platforms protected by railings should be used.
2.3.19. It is not allowed to install stairs on the steps of flights of staircases. To perform work in these conditions, scaffolds should be used.
2.3.20. Before starting work, the stability of the ladder must be ensured, and it must be ensured by inspection and testing that the ladder cannot slip or be accidentally moved.
When installing a ladder in conditions where displacement of its upper end is possible, the latter must be securely fastened to stable structures.
2.3.21. When working with a ladder in places with heavy traffic of vehicles or people, to prevent its fall from accidental shocks, regardless of the presence of tips at the ends of the ladder, its installation site should be protected or protected. In cases where it is impossible to secure the ladder when installing it on a smooth floor, a worker in a helmet should stand at its base and hold the ladder in a stable position. In other cases, it is not allowed to support the ladder below with your hands.
2.3.22. When moving the ladder by two workers, the ladder must be carried with the tips back, warning the oncoming ones to be careful. When carrying a ladder by one worker, it must be in an inclined position so that its front end is raised above the ground by at least 2 m.
2.3.23. Vertical stairs, stairs with an angle of inclination to the horizon of more than 75 ° at a height of more than 5 m, starting from a height of 3 m, must have guards in the form of arcs. The arcs should be located at a distance of no more than 0.8 m from one another and connected by at least three longitudinal strips.
The distance from the stairs to the arc should be at least 0.7 m and not more than 0.8 m with an arc radius of 0.35-0.4 m.
2.3.24. Stairs with a height of more than 10 m must be equipped with rest areas at least every 10 m in height.
2.3.25. The use of portable metal ladders in switchgear with a voltage of 220 kV and below is not allowed.
2.3.26. In open switchgears with a voltage of 330 kV and above, the use of portable metal ladders is permitted subject to the following conditions:
a) the ladder must be carried in a horizontal position under the continuous supervision of the foreman, duty officer or employee from the operational and repair service, who has an electrical safety group of at least IV;
b) a metal chain must be attached to the ladder, constantly touching the ground.
2.3.27. Ladders with metal reinforcement along the bowstring should be considered metal and their use in electrical installations should be carried out taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 2.3.25, 2.3.26 of the Rules.
2.3.28. Ladders and step-ladders are inspected by the manufacturer of works before use (without an entry in the journal).
2.3.29. Ladders must be stored in dry rooms in conditions that exclude their accidental mechanical damage.
2.3.30. Platforms hung on stairs or building structures must comply with the requirements of GOST 26887-86.
2.3.31. For the passage of workers performing work on the roof of a building with a slope of more than 20 °, as well as on a roof with a coating that is not designed for loads from the weight of workers, ladders with transverse slats are arranged to stop the legs. Ladders are fixed during work.
2.3.32. Ladders and bridges must be rigid and have fasteners that exclude the possibility of their displacement. Deflection of the flooring at the maximum design load should not be more than 20 mm.
2.3.33. With a length of ladders and bridges of more than 3 m, intermediate supports must be installed under them. The width of ladders and bridges must be at least 0.6 m.
2.3.34. Ladders and bridges must have handrails, flanges and an intermediate horizontal element. The height of the handrails must be at least 1 m, the side edges - at least 0.15 m, the distance between the posts of the handrails - no more than 2 m.
2.3.35. Communication between the tiers of scaffolding is carried out by rigidly fixed ladders.
2.3.36. It is not allowed to connect adjacent sections of lifting scaffolding with transitional decks, ladders and ladders.
2.3.37. Gangways must be made of metal or boards at least 40 mm thick. The gangway should have planks with a section of 20 x 40 mm to stop the legs every 0.3-0.4 m.
2.3.38. The width of the gangway must be at least 0.8 m for one-way traffic and at least 1.5 m for two-way traffic and have railings with a height of at least 1 m.
2.3.39. On the gangway, the permissible load is indicated in a conspicuous place.
2.3.40. The installation and removal of guards and protection should be carried out using a safety belt attached to a safety device or to securely installed building structures. The work must be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of the work.
Installation and removal of guards must be carried out by specially trained workers under the direct supervision of the foreman.