Kvass in industrial conditions. Kvass production: list of equipment, description of manufacturing technology

Drinks based on grain raw materials and fermented drinks include fermented kvass and bottled kvass, which are produced using the technology of carbonated soft drinks.

The main raw materials for fermentation kvass are kvass wort concentrate (KKS), sugar, water.

Kvass wort concentrate (GOST 28538-90) is a product obtained by mashing with water rye and barley malts, rye or corn flour, or freshly germinated stewed (fermented) rye malt with the addition of rye flour and enzyme preparations, followed by clarification, thickening of the resulting wort in a vacuum apparatus and heat treatment of the product. It is also used for the preparation of kvass concentrates. By appearance- it is a viscous thick liquid of dark brown color, sweet-sour taste, with slightly pronounced bitterness, with the aroma of rye bread, highly soluble in water, having a mass fraction of solids of 70 + 2% and a titratable acidity of 16 + 4.0 cm 3 of solution NaOH with a concentration of 1.0 mol/dm 3 per 100 g of concentrate.

In small industries, kvass rye bread or dry kvass is used as a raw material.

Kvass rye loaves (OST 18-1999) are used in the production of bread kvass using the infusion method for obtaining wort. Kvass bread is baked from a mixture of rye and barley malt, rye flour, water, without yeast and sourdough. The taste is sweet and sour, characteristic of rye bread, without a bitter aftertaste, with a pronounced aroma, without signs of mustiness, moldiness and other foreign odors. Color - dark brown. Mass fraction of moisture - 40%, and water-soluble substances - 52.0%. The loaves are baked using a special technology that ensures intensive accumulation of melanoidins, which give the loaves a dark brown color and the aroma of rye bread.

Dry bread kvass (OST 365) is a semi-finished product for making bread kvass at home and for industrial production kvass infusion. It is obtained from crackers of specially baked bread. In appearance - coarse rusk flour with a taste characteristic of rye custard bread, brown with a reddish tint, a pronounced aroma, without signs of mustiness, moldiness and other foreign odors, with a mass fraction of moisture 10%; mass fraction of water-soluble substances not less than 49%.

For the production of bottled kvass, concentrates of Russian and Moscow kvass are produced (GOST 28538). In appearance, it is an opaque viscous thick liquid from light brown to dark brown color, sour-sweet, bready taste, with a mass fraction of solids of 70 + 2%.

Extracts of kvass for okroshka and for Russian okroshka (GOST 28538): in appearance it is opaque

viscous thick liquid of dark brown color, sweet-sour taste with a salty taste and aroma of rye bread and dill - in the extract of okroshka kvass and with a flavor characteristic of horseradish with the aroma of parsley, dill, rye bread - in the extract of kvass for Russian okroshka. The mass fraction of solids for the extract of okroshka kvass is 70 + 2%, for Russian okroshka - 65.5 + 2%.

The main stages of kvass production:

Obtaining kvass wort;

Fermentation of kvass wort;

Blending kvass;

Pouring kvass.

At factories, kvass wort is obtained by infusion method from kvass rye bread or from dry kvass by extraction hot water or from kvass wort concentrate by dissolving to the required mass fraction of solids.

When preparing kvass wort from kvass wort concentrate, it is added in an amount of 70% of that provided for in the recipe, diluted with water at a temperature of 30-35 ° C by 2-2.5 times. The remaining 30% of KKS is used at the stage of blending fermented kvass.

Kvass wort is fermented with the help of a combined starter, which consists of kvass yeast of race M and lactic acid bacteria of races 11 and 13 in a fermenter or fermenter-blending apparatus. After pumping the wort into the fermenter, 25% sugar (of the prescription amount) is added to it in the form of sugar syrup at a temperature of 25°C and thoroughly mixed. The mass fraction of solids in the wort for bread kvass should be at least 2.5%, and for okroshka kvass - 1.6%. Then, a pre-prepared combined starter culture from pure cultural leaven yeast and lactic acid bacteria is introduced in an amount of 2-4% by volume of the wort.

Yeast and lactic acid bacteria, when combined, form ethyl alcohol, lactic and acetic acids, CO 2 , a number of aromatic products that give kvass a specific taste and aroma.

Pressed baker's yeast can also be used for fermentation, but the quality of kvass deteriorates. Their consumption is 0.15 kg / 100 dal * kvass. Beer and wine yeast are also used.

Fermentation of kvass wort is carried out at a temperature of 25-28°C until the mass fraction of solids decreases by 1.0% and the acidity reaches 2.0-2.5 cm 3 of a NaOH solution with a concentration of 1 mol/dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of kvass. The average duration is 16-18 hours. At the end of fermentation, kvass is cooled to 6°C, while the yeast settles to the bottom of the apparatus, they are not reused. Kvass is pumped into the blending apparatus and blended directly in the punching and blending apparatus.

Fermented kvass is blended by adding the remaining 75% sugar in the form of sugar syrup, 30% KKS and, if necessary, color. The blend is thoroughly mixed with a stirrer or carbon dioxide to reduce the loss of CO 2 . After checking the main indicators, they are transferred for bottling.

In the production of bread kvass for hot shops, the calculated amount of ascorbic acid, calcium chloride, potassium phosphate and table salt is added to the fermented kvass during blending in the form aqueous solutions: Kvass is poured into tank trucks and barrels. The temperature of kvass during bottling should not exceed 12°C.


1. Characteristics of kvass

2. Raw materials for obtaining kvass.

3. Technology for obtaining kvass wort

4. Characteristics of the combined ChK, breeding ChK

5. Technology for the production of kvass from KKS

1. Kvass - a brown newspaper drink with the aroma of rye bread, obtained by combined incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation with an alcohol content of not more than 1.2% by volume.

Kvass is produced in accordance with GOST R 53094-2008,

According to GOST

Kvass happens

1 unfiltered unclarified

2.unfiltered clarified

3.Filtered pasteurized

4. Filtered unpasteurized

5.Filtered unsecured

The mass fraction of solids in kvass must be at least 3.5%

Acidity 2-7°T

Carbon dioxide - not less than 0.3%

2. The main raw material for the production of kvass is rye and barley malt, rye, barley or corn flour, leavened bread and sugar.

It is also allowed to use honey, sugar syrups, citric and lactic acids, salt, as well as any types of vegetable and fruit and berry raw materials as additives.

In the production of kvass, three types of malts are used

1 Barley brewing malt.

2 Rye diastatic malt.

3 Rye fermented malt.

1.1 The production of brewing malt was taught.

2 Rye diastatic malt is produced similarly to barley brewing malt and on the same equipment and according to the same technological scheme. I carry out soaking of rye! by air-water method to the degree of locking 45-48%. The duration of soaking is 32-36 hours. Soaking and germination are carried out at a temperature of 13-16°C. The duration of germination is 3.5 days. Drying similar to barley malt

3. Rye fermented malt. Soaking and the first day or 1.5 days of germination is similar to diastatic malt. Then the malt is subjected to fermentation for 4.5-6 days Fermentation involves languishing green malt at a temperature of 50-60°C. At this temperature, under the action of enzymes, a significant amount of low-molecular sugars and amino acids is formed, and acidity increases. Sugars and amino acids interacting with each other according to the Maillard scheme form mslanoidins. which significantly increases the color of the malt and ensures the presence of a specific bread smell. The activity of enzymes during fermentation is significantly reduced. Losses by weight of solids during fermentation are large and amount to 10-12%. Drying of rye fermented malt is carried out to a moisture content of 8%. Moreover, in order to preserve aromatic substances, drying is carried out at low temperatures up to 70°C.

The ratio of these three types of malts, as well as the amount and species of flour for making kvass wort, vary depending on the variety of kvass.

Kvass bread is not used in industrial production. They are produced as a raw material for making kvass at home. Kvass loaves - a mixture of crushed malts baked at a low temperature for the production of kvass and rye flour and water. When baked due to malt enzymes, partial hydrolysis of starch to dextrins and fermentable sugars occurs, the aroma is enhanced. Bread is crushed, dried and sold to the population under the name dry kvass. The extraction of extractive substances from dry kvass is carried out by ordinary infusion in water.

Sugar" syrup - a filtered solution of sugar in water with an extract of 65-75%.

Produced hot and cold. That is, respectively, by dissolving sugar and hot or cold zero.

3.1 Technology for obtaining kvass wort

We write down the structural technological scheme of the arbitrariness of kvass wort.

For some reason, the modern production of kvass has developed in such a way that the resulting kvass wort is subsequently evaporated to an extract of 70%. The resulting product is called kvass wort concentrate. KKS is sold to other industrial enterprises, where it is diluted with water and sent for fermentation. It is not economically profitable, but everyone works that way.

Cleaning has been done several times.

The crushing of fermented malt is carried out similarly to the crushing of barley malt in the production of beer. those. but strive to keep the chaff shells intact.

Steaming. Target:

1 To increase the taste and aroma of fermented malt as a result of the continuation of the reaction of melanoidin formation.

2 Conduct starch gelatinization

The hydromodule during steaming is 0.4-0.9. The duration of steaming is 1.5-2 hours. Steaming temperature 125-133°C. Pressure 1.5-2 atmospheres. During steaming, the mass is stirred. Before being transferred for saccharification, the steamed mass is diluted with water to enable pumping to a hydromodule of 1-1.5.

Saccharification is carried out using crushed malt or enzyme preparations. Malt is introduced in the amount of 9-12% by weight of fermented malt. Interestingly, for kvass wort, the saccharification process usually does not imply complete saccharification, until the iodine color disappears. And the purpose of saccharification is to transfer aromatic sugar compounds, a certain amount of amino acids, peptones and dextrios into solution. During saccharification, the mash is diluted with water, bringing the hydromol to 8-9 if the wort is immediately sent for fermentation and to 2.8-3.2 if the kvass wort is used to make kvass wort concentrate.

There are 2 ways of saccharification:

    Classical conduction along the protein, maltose and saccharifying pause. Improves the transition of amino acids into kvass wort.

    Saccharification starts at a temperature of 70°C. then the temperature is lowered by topping up cold water. Improves the transition of sugars into kvass wort.

Filtration is carried out at a temperature of 72-78°C. The extract remaining in the grains is washed out with hot water in the same way as the filtration of brewing wort. The first wort and wash water are combined and sent either to fermentation or to evaporation in vacuum apparatuses.

4.Characteristics of the combined HC, breeding of the HC.

In the production of kvass, a combined pure culture is used, consisting of yeast and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. Many races are used, but the classic sourdough starter consists of dusty yeast of race M and lactic acid bacteria of 2 races 11 and 13 at the same time Dry yeast and baker's yeast can be used.

Accordingly, three schemes for breeding ChK can be used

1. Breeding all three types of m / o separately and mixing them only before fermentation of kvass wort.

2. Breeding separately 2 races of lactic acid bacteria and yeast.

3. Mixed breeding of three species on one nutrient medium.

In the laboratory stage, as a rule, the second option is used, in the production stage the third option.

Breeding is carried out classically, by transferring HK into ever-increasing volumes of the nutrient medium. For breeding, a blend of kvass wort and sugar syrup is used, the extract is 11-12%, and 20-30% of dry matter is added with sugar syrup. Breeding is carried out at a temperature of 25-35°C. It is very important to maintain a balance of development different types microorganisms, since they can enter into antagonistic relationships. In this regard, it is necessary to know which factors stimulate the development of lactic acid bacteria, and which yeast.

1. Lowering the temperature below 30°C stimulates the development of yeast.

2. Lowering the pH below 5.0 stimulates the development of lactic acid bacteria.

3. Aeration stimulates the development of yeast.

4 Increasing the proportion of sugar added by sugar syrup stimulates the development of yeast

5. The use of protein supplements stimulates the development of yeast.

5. Technology for the production of kvass from KKS

Kvass wort concentrate is a dark viscous liquid obtained by thickening kvass wort to an extract of 70%.

Let's write down the structural technological scheme for obtaining kvass from KKS

Dilution of KKS with water is carried out to an extractivity of 20-25%. to facilitate transfer.

Due to the high osmotic pressure, the microflora does not develop in the KKS, but it can survive. But as soon as we have diluted KKS with water, the microflora, getting into favorable conditions for existence, can begin to develop. Therefore, KKS with an extractivity of 20-25% before being used for the production of kvass is pasteurized by heating to 80°C and holding at this temperature for 30-40 minutes and then cooling to a temperature of 30°C.

The preparation of the wort is carried out by blending the KKS of sugar syrup and water in such a way that the extractivity of the blend is 2.5-3.5%, depending on the variety of kvass, and 30% of all solids were made by sugar syrup. The acidity of the blend for making kvass should be 0.9-1.2°T.

ChK is introduced into the wort in the amount of 4% by volume. Fermentation is carried out at a temperature of 28-32°C at atmospheric pressure until the acidity increases to 2.5-3.5°T, depending on the variety of kvass. Typically, the duration of fermentation is 60-80 hours. The extract of the must at the end of fermentation is from 1.8 to 2.5%. Alcohol accumulates from 0.3 to 0.9% by volume and depending on the variety of kvass.

Upon completion of fermentation, kvass is sent for separation or sterilizing filtration in order to stop fermentation. After separation, the number of yeast cells and kvass should be no more than 5000 cells/ml.

After separation, the fermented wort is blended with sugar syrup to extract from 3.5 to 6% according to the variety of kvass.

After blending, kvass is cooled to a temperature of 1-3°C in order to prevent the possible re-development of yeast and lactic acid bacteria and sent for bottling.

Before bottling, kvass is pasteurized and saturated. Unlike beer, the quality of kvass does not deteriorate during pasteurization, therefore it is pasteurized with a huge excess of somewhere around 1000-1500 PU.

Homemade kvass production as a business- a very profitable, low-cost and fast payback business.

Russian kvass is an extremely useful, popular and, moreover, quite simple product to manufacture. By organizing its production at home, you can build a profitable business. What might be the algorithm for setting up an appropriate home business?

Kvass is a national Russian product. It is noteworthy that its traditional format is just the same home, and therefore, there is every reason to assess its potential demand among consumers as exceptionally high. Many drink lovers will prefer home-made kvass to that produced on industrial lines.

Actually, this can be facilitated by objective reasons:

  1. Homemade kvass can be produced in compliance with all the nuances of the traditional drink recipe - for example, the necessary aging, the use of dishes made of special materials, which, in turn, can be problematic to comply with when producing kvass on an industrial scale in terms of ensuring the profitability of the drink production.
  2. The manufacturer of homemade kvass in many cases has more room to maneuver in terms of changing the taste content of the product, the range of kvass supplied to the market, in contrast to an industrial factory with a closed technological cycle, which must necessarily be reproduced in order to prevent economic losses.
  3. The manufacturer of homemade kvass can establish extremely close feedback with the consumer of the product, adapting the taste content of the produced drink, as well as the assortment to the wishes of buyers.

In this way, homemade kvass will be in demand. But it, despite the potentially high performance, will be characterized by nuances.

Demand for kvass: nuances

Kvass is one of the best drinks that can quickly quench your thirst in the heat. One way or another, it is customary to use it cold. Therefore, the peak demand for kvass almost always occurs during the hot summer months. But, it should be noted that even in winter kvass can be extremely popular in a number of market segments where there is a demand for drinks that can effectively quench thirst - for example, in the industry of Russian baths, saunas, and in some areas of fitness.

The region where you do business is also important. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, hot summer months are a rare or inconsistent phenomenon. It should also be noted that kvass is not as popular in all the national republics of the Russian Federation as in the historical Russian regions.

In this way, The ideal market for selling homemade kvass is characterized by:

  1. A climate in which hot summer months are not uncommon.
  2. Developed bathing culture, demand for fitness services - as conditions for the demand for kvass in winter.
  3. The traditional popularity of kvass as a national drink.

If these conditions are met, there is every chance to develop, albeit a small, but extremely profitable home business.

You can sell ready-made kvass:

  • on their own (at home, in the format of remote trade);
  • through public catering points, provision of bath services, fitness centers;
  • through specialized points of sale of kvass;
  • through retail outlets.

Consider how much you can earn in the production of homemade kvass.

In order to make 10 liters of kvass, you will need:

  • about 10 liters of drinking water (the cost is about 100 rubles if it is bottled water from a store);
  • about 1 kg of rye bread (70 rubles);
  • about 90 grams of pressed yeast (15 rubles);
  • about 1 kg of sugar (50 rubles).

The total cost of 10 liters of kvass, if the entrepreneur produces the drink on his own, without the involvement of hired employees, is, therefore, about 235 rubles.

Estimated selling price of 1 liter of homemade kvass averages about 50 rubles. Thus, the operating profitability of the production of the corresponding beverage will obviously exceed 100%.

Of course, the costs of delivering kvass to consumers and supplementing its classic recipe with additional ingredients can also be taken into account (but in this case, selling the cost of the drink can be increased, and profitability will not change significantly).

The cost of kvass can be significantly reduced (and profitability, respectively, increased) through the use of not bottled, but filtered running water(but in this case, the cost structure will have to include the cost of purchasing a high-quality filter).

Now consider how to start the production of homemade kvass.

How to start the production of kvass?

To do this, the future entrepreneur needs:

1. Follow the formalities:

  • registering as an economic entity (the easiest way is as an individual entrepreneur) and choose the optimal taxation scheme;
  • having issued a sanitary book for yourself (for this you need to contact the regional institution of hygiene and epidemiology).

2. Purchase accessories:

  • bottle for water (10 liters);
  • a bottle for the finished product (10 liters);
  • a set of dishes for preparing ingredients (knife for cutting bread, cutting board, a pan for toasting bread, a container for breeding yeast);
  • sugar storage container.

Kvass using the above ingredients is prepared for about 2-3 days. Therefore, if there is a corresponding demand, then it makes sense to purchase several of these sets of accessories for organizing a continuous release of the product (perhaps in a significantly larger volume than 10 liters).

3. Start producing kvass- with mandatory compliance with the requirements of SanPiN There is, albeit rather small, but still worthy of some attention, the possibility of checking the activity of an entrepreneur by Sanepidnadzor.

No permits are required in this case. But at the request of the entrepreneur, samples of finished kvass can be tested in a specialized organization and issue a certificate for the relevant products.

According to experts, the production of kvass can be a promising business for an entrepreneur, since the final product is in high demand among consumers (especially during the season). The competition in this niche is quite high, since several companies successfully operate in Russia. large enterprises and dozens of small workshops for the production and bottling of this delicious drink. But by offering a quality product to the end customer, you can quickly gain their trust. And the variability of technology allows you to buy equipment for the production of kvass for various purposes and functionality.

Kvass is a traditional Russian drink obtained by alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of wort. The content of ethyl alcohol in the final product should not exceed 1.2%.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

So, the idea is formed. It's time to start implementing the project. What does an entrepreneur need to highlight when drawing up a business plan for the production of kvass?

Prospects for the direction and possible problems in doing business

Every year, the amount of kvass consumption is growing, which is confirmed by statistical data. And this is even taking into account the fact that every year new enterprises specializing in the production of the drink appear on the market. And this cannot but have a positive effect on the prospects of this direction. The production and sale of kvass as a business, subject to competent planning and a well-thought-out marketing policy, can become a highly profitable business that brings high incomes to the entrepreneur.

Beginning entrepreneurs should hardly be afraid of high competition, since large factories mainly produce the so-called kvass drinks, and not a natural product. And a small workshop can be focused on the production of a “live” drink, which consumers love so much. And it is the quality of products, in this case, it is advisable to use as a publicity stunt.

The only drawback that can overshadow the whole picture is seasonality. The manufactured product is in great demand only in the spring-summer period, but in winter the kvass mini-factory will sell a much smaller amount of finished products, which, of course, will affect profits.

What assortment to offer consumers?

With the assortment, which will be further supplied to retail outlets, you need to decide immediately. It is on this that the technological instruction and the manufacturing process itself will depend.

It would seem that kvass is kvass. But the kvass production technology allows introducing various additives into the recipe, designed to make the final product unique in comparison with others presented in abundance on store shelves. And here many options are possible. Today, having developed an appropriate recipe and correctly adjusted technological process, you can produce kvass of different types:

  • bread,
  • pear,
  • citric,
  • cranberry.

The most popular is the "standard" bread kvass. And therefore, the main bet should be made on this type of drink. And in the future, as the popularity of the brand grows, it will be possible to expand the range of products.

The most popular containers for kvass among buyers are PET bottles. As for their volume, it is better to pour the drink into containers of 2 liters.

Business Options

Mini plant for making kvass

The production of bread kvass can be established in several ways. And in order to choose the right one, you should carefully monitor the market and weigh your financial capabilities. What development paths are possible here?

  • Home made drink.
  • Industrial beverage production.

Both options are quite “working” and, with well-established distribution channels, will be able to bring a decent income to the entrepreneur. But making a drink at home, using simple equipment, it will not be possible to enter a large consumer market, the maximum that is possible is to sell the product to neighbors and friends. But the industrial production of kvass, through the use of high-tech equipment, is able to satisfy any consumer needs.

When organizing an industrial enterprise, it is not necessary to invest large sums of money. This may be a small workshop that sells kvass on the local market.

Raw materials and technology for making kvass

To implement an uninterrupted process, it is necessary to establish constant purchases of raw materials for the workshop. It is better to conclude contracts with suppliers for the wholesale supply of components - it's cheaper.

You will need the following raw materials for kvass:

  • leavened bread,
  • yeast,
  • sugar,
  • purified water.

To reduce the cost of the process, many entrepreneurs use semi-finished products - kvass powders and concentrates. Which components to choose should be decided based on the planned assortment and cost plans for obtaining the finished drink.

Technological scheme for the production of kvass

The technological scheme for obtaining kvass is simple, and can be described as follows:

  • Water treatment (filtration and boiling).
  • Getting the wort (mixing all the ingredients).
  • Must fermentation (12 hours at ≈30 ˚C).
  • Pouring a drink.
  • Fermentation of kvass (4 hours at room temperature).
  • Cooling kvass.

Even a beginner in this business can master the production of live kvass. But for the development of recipes and specifications, as well as for the commissioning of the line, it is better to invite an experienced technologist.

Technical equipment of the workshop

Even a mini-production of kvass will require a certain set of equipment in the workshop. And this direction is also good because the widest choice of devices allows you to start an enterprise even with minimal funds, since suppliers offer the widest range of prices.

The standard kvass production line is completed as follows:

  • Water purification system.
  • Dosing machine with scales.
  • Fermentation apparatus.
  • Fermentation container.

The specific number of items will depend on the planned production volumes of the drink. For example, a mini-shop at first can function with just a few tanks for fermentation and product maturation.

The minimum price of equipment for the production of kvass, which will be spent on equipping a small-capacity workshop, is ≈500,000 rubles. If we talk about a large-scale plant, much more funds will be required - up to 5,000,000 rubles. And to save money, you can order devices from China, or alternatively, buy a supported line.

Sales options for kvass

It is necessary to think over the options for marketing the finished product at the stage of developing a business plan. This will help to establish cooperation with regular customers as soon as possible and will not let the equipment stand idle.

The sale of kvass can be carried out in the following ways:

  • wholesale deliveries to retail outlets,
  • directly to customers through their own outlets.

Choosing the second option, it is better to prepare for expenses, since it will require the purchase of special equipment for bottling the drink (kegs with taps, taps, refrigerators) and rent passing place. But it can be a great solution for an aspiring entrepreneur, as you don't have to spend time looking for "profitable" clients. But not every chain of large stores will sell kvass from a little-known brand.

Profitability of the planned business

The production of kvass by fermentation will require investments from the entrepreneur in the amount of at least 1,500,000 rubles. This will include expenses for the purchase and commissioning of equipment, registration of the enterprise and registration of the brand, preparation for the work of the premises, raw materials. Capital investments can be reduced to 300,000 rubles if you plan a home release of the drink.

The business promises to be profitable, as some economic calculations prove. Kvass on lactobacilli costs ≈35 rubles/l on the wholesale market. Its cost at the same time is 15-20 rubles per liter. And, if you sell 200 l / day (which is quite realistic even with 1 fermentation unit of a small volume), you can have a monthly revenue of up to 250,000 rubles. And we are talking about a small workshop - revenues will triple if you start full-scale production.

Kvass is a drink that has been familiar to us since childhood, despite the fact that it is the result of the fermentation of grain raw materials, and which gives us such a desired coolness in summer heat. For the first time this drink in a person's life appeared a long time ago and since then it has not lost its popularity. But at the same time, since then, kvass has become a product of mass consumption.

For its production, products such as malt (obtained from wheat or barley) can be used, in some cases they are used. In addition, if desired, some other ingredients are added to it, such as honey or foundation, in some cases mixtures of some herbs. It is believed that kvass as a drink is a purely Slavic traditional drink.

Apparatus for the production of kvass - equipment

Even for kvass at home, you will need appropriate equipment, in particular containers for fermenting the wort, in most cases an ordinary glass jar is used for this at home. But on the scale of industrial production, special fermenters, devices for crushing grain, for blending kvass, and much more are used. At the same time, it is necessary to cancel that, depending on the amount of the drink produced, the volumes of the devices will also depend.

It is also worth noting that during the production of kvass it is very important to get a drink of a sufficiently high quality, which cannot be achieved without the use of high-quality raw materials, as well as devices that could help achieve the desired result. The correct selection of equipment for kvass is especially important from the first days of the existence of production, although it must be taken into account that this cannot always be arranged. And also during the modernization of the business to increase its scale.


  • Drink making machine;
  • Washing keg;
  • Fermentation tanks;
  • Mixing tank (circulation+mixer);
  • Capacity for the prepared water of 120 l. (float + spurs);
  • Water purification system. (3-stage cleaning + UV filtration);
  • Cold hop machine;
  • Sip-wash;
  • Raw material dispenser;
  • Mixer for raw materials;
  • Reducer with heating functions;
  • Measuring instruments;
  • Intake heads fitting A (G/S/H/M/U/D).

The minimum price for the purchase or assembly of a mini-factory with a capacity of 10,000 liters per day is from 250,000 rubles.

Kvass production technology + video how they do it

Today, such a drink as kvass is produced using the technologies of carbonated and soft drinks. And its main ingredient is the so-called kvass wort concentrate. In addition, it includes, of course, water.

What the process looks like:

  1. Water treatment. To make natural fermented kvass, you need drinking water, suitable according to the sanitary and hygienic standards SanpiNa and / or TI 10-5031536-73-90. Water must be sterile, so it should be disinfected by boiling or passing through a special disinfecting filter with UV radiation.
  2. Wort preparation. To obtain kvass wort by the infusion method, special kvass briquettes based on rye flour and sugar beets are used. Briquettes are poured with boiling water (30 liters of water per 4 kg of briquettes). Sugar and must concentrate are added to the fermentation vessel according to the recipe. Then warm water (about 35 ° C) and a pre-diluted yeast mixture are poured.
  3. fermentation process. After adding the yeast mixture, the wort is thoroughly mixed, the fermenter is tightly closed. The temperature (about 30 ° C) and the fermentation time (at least 12 hours) are set.
  4. maturation process. The fermented liquid is filtered through filters, poured into plastic food barrels, kegs or PET bottles for its further maturation. Kvass is placed in dark room where it is kept at room temperature for 4 hours.
  5. Cooling process. After the kvass has matured and the drink has been saturated with carbon dioxide, the container is placed in a refrigerator. Further, such kvass of natural fermentation is sold together with the container in which it was aged.

Since the wort concentrate is the main ingredient for kvass, the main attention is paid to its manufacture. It is obtained from barley or wheat malts that are mashed with water. But in addition to malts, corn or rye flour can be used. It should be noted that any production for the production of kvass has its own recipe for its production. For example, some plants may use freshly germinated fermented rye malt. Small-scale enterprises most often use the so-called leavened rye bread. In addition, dry bread kvass and much more can also be used. It all depends on the scale of production and the desire of the manufacturer to supply a high quality non-alcoholic drink to the market.

And for this in without fail it is necessary to follow the sequence of each stage of kvass production. So one of the first stages is to obtain a wort, for the manufacture of which the above ingredients are used, which must be infused for a certain amount of time. The next stage is the fermentation of kvass wort. To do this, kvass wort must be pumped into a special apparatus and, depending on the recipe, add a certain amount of sugar (at this stage it is 25% of the total amount of sugar required). For more thorough mixing, it is added in the form of sugar syrup. Next, kvass is blended. In its process, the remaining 75% of sugar is added, in addition, it is necessary to add kvass wort concentrate, and also, if necessary, color. After thorough mixing, the kvass product is transferred to the bottling stage. Ordinary plastic bottles, tank trucks or barrels. It must be remembered that the temperature should not exceed 12 degrees Celsius.

Video how to make kvass:

It should be noted that in addition to real kvass, on the shelves you can also see the so-called kvass drinks, which have practically nothing in common with real kvass, except for the name. Since they consist of soda, various sweeteners and flavoring. In most cases, they are sold in plastic bottles.