Water spell for weight loss - only positive consequences. How to correctly read water spells for wealth

Everyone knows that losing weight is a rather complex process that requires huge amounts of energy. That is why many turn to magic to solve this problem. The water spell for weight loss is very effective; its consequences are always positive and are associated exclusively with rapid weight loss.

Powerful rituals

Any spell on water, the consequences of which, if you believe in the magical power of words, are simply amazing, is distinguished by its simplicity in execution. In a week, under its influence, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight. A very powerful ritual is the ritual using holy water. It must be brought from the church, where you should also purchase three candles. A spell for water is read in the evening during the waning moon. Attention! If you carry out the ritual on the waxing moon, then this threatens to gain additional weight.

To conduct the ceremony, you must retire to a separate room and ensure absolute silence. You need to put the candles on the table in front of you, light them, and pick up a glass of holy water. Then say the following words:

“The water is violent, a natural element. You flow in different directions, and nothing gets in your way. Please don't run away from me, but help me. Take my fullness and only with this weight run away from me forever. Water, holy water, excess weight is not my problem. Deliver me from him, and I will no longer find grief. Amen".

The spell is pronounced three times directly on the water. After which you need to drink the water, if possible, in one gulp. Then say:

“I will never know trouble from pure holy water. My fullness will go away, it will go to an unknown enemy. Amen.

After this, you need to sit and wait until the candles burn out naturally. If you performed the ritual with sincere faith in success, then the process of losing weight will begin almost immediately and will continue until the weight returns to normal. One should not expect bad consequences from such a conspiracy, since it does not mention the action of a specific enemy. And by such a statement you can mean anything.

Effective ritual

The ritual described above can only be performed by baptized and believing people. But there are other conspiracies that work effectively regardless of a person’s religion. For example, every evening you need to place a container filled with spring water next to your bed. When you wake up, you should immediately bend over the poured water. And say the following words:

“Water, clean and strong water, my sister, wash me, wash away all the evil and bad, leave the good and the good. Natural and clear water, help me, your sister, relieve me of bodily heaviness, take away the alien illness. Let the excess weight go away and your health increase.”

After this, you need to wash yourself with the charmed water and wipe your body with a clean towel soaked in water. Moreover, the towel should be changed every day.

With water treatments

You can promote weight loss even by taking a regular shower. To do this, you should repeat the magic words several times during water procedures during the week.

Water is considered the most common substance on the planet, but few people are familiar with its magical properties.

In the circles of healers, magicians and psychics, a water spell is widely popular, which can lead to healing, attract good luck, give love and achieve other goals. However, it is very important that the water is endowed with positive energy, since bad energy will not bring the desired result. Not at all, it can harm a person.

Magical rituals performed with the help of water can pursue a variety of purposes, since this substance is an extraordinary keeper of information. Through magic, water can be enriched with a wide variety of energies, given any structure and directed its power to perform a specific task.

Water is a very malleable material, so you should work with it carefully.

Melt and holy water are recommended to be used in positive rituals. Using tap or bottle water requires an additional cleansing ritual. Untreated tap water is endowed with negative energy, so its use will cause serious consequences.

Read the words correctly and cast a love spell on your loved one!

Magical rituals using water are most common among magicians. With their help, you can fulfill your cherished desire and attract good luck, attract love, cure the sick and much more. However, for the plot to work, it must be executed correctly. Improper execution of the ritual can lead to disaster.

First of all, a person must believe in magic and be able to impart power to spoken words. The ritual can only be performed in a concentrated state. As mentioned above, it is recommended to use holy or spring water in rituals; it is also possible to use melt water. If only tap water is available, then it is subject to preliminary 7-day purification.

To do this, a vessel with liquid is spoken with a special prayer and left for 7 days in a dark place.

All spells based on water should be read by heart. Especially if they are strong. Some texts are very short, and some are quite long, but this should not stop you - they must be learned. It is permissible to read a prayer over water only in a quiet and peaceful environment; there should be no noise or other distractions.

It is recommended to read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper, so that the reading is more like singing. Each word is pronounced clearly and intelligibly, but at the same time quietly and in a sing-song voice. You should keep your lips close to the liquid, then it will be able to respond to breathing and absorb energy. It is unacceptable for anyone to know about the ceremony, so you should choose a place for the ceremony with the expectation that it will be deserted and calm.

Water will heal and remove damage

A popular magical ritual of an Altai healer will allow you to get rid of all ailments at once. So, one conspiracy allows you to simultaneously get rid of the evil eye, failure, illness and other negative aspects. It is recommended to read the plot at dawn on the day of the waning moon. For the ceremony, spring or melt water is used. A spell is cast over her three times.

Conspiracy “From the evil eye and damage”

I cleanse you from negativity, cleanse you from bad thoughts, from damage and the evil eye, from a heavy burden!” From all ailments: “Spring water, clean water, get rid of me, God’s servant (name), from illnesses, from damage and protect from the evil eye. I will take your strength for myself, I will take your purity for myself. Amen!"

The charmed liquid should be taken daily for several months, one tablespoon per day.

The following ritual can help make your most cherished desire come true. Having collected spring water in a glass and spoken to it, the liquid must be consumed in small sips.

Conspiracy “To make a wish come true”

“Water, water, you are my sister, you let me wash, you let me drink. Give me, servant of God (name), some water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and sea for good luck. I close my words with the key, I wash the key in water. Just as the water is pure, my thoughts are pure and my desires are clear. As it is said, it will come true. Amen."

It is important that at the moment of committing a conspiracy, a person’s thoughts are concentrated on desire, and it must be pure and kind. Evil intentions will not be fulfilled, but will bring disaster to the performer.

No less popular among the people is a conspiracy that allows you to attract good luck in solving financial issues. To do this, you will need to light several candles, fill a container with holy water, and lean close to it and whisper the words of prayer.

Conspiracy “To attract money”

“Just as water is holy, as pure as a tear and healing, so it is miraculous in wealth. I charge water for money, for deals, for earnings. Just as water flows into the belly, so wealth accumulates drop by drop. Money to money, action to words. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Water magic attracts good luck, fulfills wishes, bestows love and eliminates illnesses.

Young girls are in great demand for a ritual aimed at attracting the guy they like. Of course, every girl has a desire to find love and attract the attention of her chosen one. An appropriate conspiracy will help in this matter.

So, the ritual must be performed on the waxing Moon at midnight. You will need to light one church candle and read a prayer over a jug of water. The words should be said three times, while candle wax should be dripped into the vessel three times.

Conspiracy “To attract a guy”

“For love, for longing, for tenderness. I need to speak to the water so that the servant of God (name) does not see his life without the servant of God (name). So that they could be happy to be together, keep love, be faithful. Let him not seek happiness without her, let him know no peace. Amen!"

Subsequently, the water should be used in baked goods, which will be fed to the chosen one. Thus, the desire to attract attention will be fulfilled.

Will there be a reckoning?

Any conspiracy has consequences. The only difference is that the simplest and most harmless rituals will result in minor losses for the performer. So, some time after performing the ritual, a person may get what he wants, but in return, he may lose a small or large amount of money, catch a cold, or incur anger from loved ones.

It happens that after attracting a guy, after a while the young man suddenly begins to hate the girl.

Love spells can lead to serious consequences. Rituals for love are the most powerful and belong to black magic. In this case, the performer and the victim will face punishment. Often the ritual has the opposite effect - the performer himself becomes bewitched and suffers from this state.

Video: Water conspiracies

Water has very powerful energy, especially if collected from a natural source - a spring, spring, river or clean lake. Also, life-giving moisture is an excellent conductor of the information contained in it. Therefore, water spells are often used in magical rituals. Let's talk about how to do this ritual correctly.

For the spell to work on water, it is important to strictly follow the rules:

  1. Try not to use tap water - it is “dead” and does not have strong energy. In winter, melt water is good, and in the warm season you can collect it in a river, lake or other clean natural source. Just make sure that there is no dirt, sand or small stones in the water. As a last resort, let the tap water sit for half an hour to an hour.
  2. Before you begin a magical ritual, learn the text of the conspiracy well. You will have to pronounce it quickly, clearly, without the slightest hesitation, without looking at the piece of paper. Otherwise the plot will not work
  3. The room in which the ceremony will take place must be completely empty. Make sure that no one will disturb you - neither household members nor pets will disturb you
  4. Focus on the goal you want to achieve. Rid your mind of negative emotions and doubts. Believe in the magical power of the conspiracy - and it will definitely work
  5. No one should know that you are preparing to perform a magical ritual. This action must be performed secretly - the energy of strangers can unpredictably affect the result of magical intervention

Now you know all the necessary rules and you can proceed directly to conspiracies.

Love magic: water spell for a spouse

If you are already married, but feel that your love has become much less, and your spouse does not pay enough attention, you often have conflicts, then you can try these types of love spells.

To strengthen marital relations

Prepare clean water and two white wax candles. Shortly before midnight, place a clear glass bowl of water in front of you and light the candles. Wait until the wax becomes soft. Put out the candles and intertwine them together.

When the wax has cooled again, light the candles again. Then bend over the bowl of water and clearly say the cherished words three times:

After reading the plot, wait until the candles go out. Pour the charmed water into a glass container with a lid. A few drops of this water should be added to your and your husband’s food throughout the week. If liquid remains after this period, it must be poured into the ground.

To get rid of a rival

This conspiracy works if your husband still loves the girl he dated before marrying you

To perform a magical ritual you will need holy water from the church. Wait for the waning moon, fill a glass bowl with water and leave. In the morning, just waking up, with the first rays of the sun, you need to say a spell, bending over the water:

This water should not be drunk. After the ceremony is completed, it must be poured out the window. Make sure that no one is walking under the windows at this time, otherwise a stranger may get hurt and the plot will not work.

To return love

This version of the plot is used to return once strong feelings to a relationship. You felt that your chosen one began to treat you coldly, and that your attention was getting less and less every day - which means this is your case.

The plot is read for the new month. Wait until dawn. Prepare a bowl of water (preferably the container is made of transparent glass). Place the cup in a secluded place where no one will find it.

After this you need to wait until dark. Closer to midnight, take out a bowl of water, go to the window and say the spell:

A few drops of enchanted water should be placed on the sheet on which you sleep. Pour the remaining liquid into the ground.

Watch the video on how to make a water spell:

Conspiracy for female attractiveness

After you say the text three times, quickly extinguish the candles and immediately leave the room. You can only return to the premises in the morning. Having crossed the threshold of the room in which the sacrament was performed, cross yourself three times and take seven small sips of the enchanted water. Pour the remaining water onto your hair.

Plot for good luck

If your luck has run out, this plot will help. It is read strictly for melt water. You will also need a silver spoon, a small glass container and a wax candle.

Light a candle and set the water to boil. Stir the liquid with a silver spoon and say the following words:

The spell must be recited twelve times. Try to do it before the water boils. After reading, remove the water from the heat and wait until the candle burns out. The used water should be poured, preferably into the ground, and the wax from the burnt candle should be buried.

Gradually, luck will return to your life, and troubles will pass you by.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Natural pure water is widely used in magic. It significantly enhances targeted magical effects and removes negativity. Such properties of a natural attribute have been known for a long time, so we can safely say that all the effectiveness of any rituals with water has been proven and time-tested.

A spell on water can be aimed at different purposes. With the help of special rituals, diseases caused by the evil eye or damage can be cured. In addition, water is often used as an additional magical attribute in influences to attract good luck and money.

In order for the water spell to have maximum power, full concentration is always needed when performing the ritual. It is imperative to exclude any interference during the ritual.

Rituals with water are very popular, which are aimed at making your most cherished desire come true. In such a ritual, only spring water should be used. It is considered energetically pure. If it is not possible to obtain such water, then you can use mineral water from a bottle, but it must first be purified by performing a special ritual.

You need to lean over a glass of water and quietly say the following words over the surface of the water:

“I, the Servant of God, (proper name), make a request from my innermost, water-sister. You let me drink and wash. So give me a few drops for luck and good fortune so that my innermost wish comes true. I close it with my key and wash the key with water. My thoughts are pure and my desire is clear. As it is said, so it will happen. Amen".

After reading the magic spell, you should drink water from a glass slowly and in small sips, imagining that your wish will soon come true. This ritual should be performed late at night, and upon completion, you should immediately go to bed.

Getting rid of negativity

If in your life you often have to communicate with people who are unpleasant to you, then, of course, your energy field absorbs a lot of negativity from them. And you need to get rid of it periodically by performing a special ritual with water. This ritual is not only cleansing, but also protective.

The magic words sound like this:

“The Holy Mother of God walked and wandered through the dark dungeon, cleansing the roots and stones there, washing them and healing them. So cleanse me, the Servant of God (my own name) from everything alien and unnecessary to me. So that the evil eye, the evil word and the bad damage do not interfere with my life. My word is strong and unshakable. Amen".

Such words are read seven times, after which water is poured onto the top of your head. It is important to leave water splashed on the floor to dry naturally.

Ritual for attractiveness

Perhaps every woman dreams of looking attractive and beautiful in the eyes of others. And a magical ritual that involves the use of water can also help with this.

The ritual for beauty does not require a mandatory supply of spring water; you can use magic words to use ordinary tap water.

Every morning before washing your face, you should fill a bowl with water and say the following over it:

“I, the Servant of God, (proper name), will shine with beauty and attract the views of others! My face will be filled with natural freshness and everyone will admire it! Strong water, clean water, natural water will help me with this. Men will admire my appearance, and women will come out of envy. My eyelashes will be long and black, my body will be flexible and beautiful, my hair will become thick - very thick. With the help of natural, clean and transparent water, I bring upon myself extraordinary beauty. Amen".

You must wash your face immediately with the enchanted water. This action must be repeated every morning.

A ritual with water is very popular, which allows you to attract money to yourself. The ritual is carried out during the waxing moon in a separate room. Spring water or water collected from a well is poured into the basin.

“I, the Servant of God, (proper name), turn to you, water, natural and strong. You wash the whole earth and streams flow from heaven, you see everything and know everything. You can wash away all my bad luck and attract money to me to ensure a prosperous life for me. Give me wealth, and I will be able to use it wisely and not offend anyone. Amen".

You should wash your face with enchanted water and wait until your face dries itself. The remaining water should be drained and you should continue to wash your face with it periodically until it runs out.

Any ritual with water must be carried out in a calm environment and in a positive mood. Only under such conditions can the success of the ritual be guaranteed. The plot itself must be read quietly, but confidently, thus completely transferring your energy to the water.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, dedicate this article to the money magic of water, or rather, how to independently make a water ritual for good luck and money? I will teach you; I will explain everything in detail, as I usually do. And I’ll start with a proven ritual of practical money magic for wealth through water, which I recommend taking into your piggy bank. Water is one of the four Great Elements. Sacred source of life. Water is revered, worshiped, and used in witchcraft rituals to attract monetary luck.

Money spell for water for great wealth and a happy life

A magical spell to attract good luck is done on the waxing moon. They work morning, afternoon and evening. A matinee is done for good luck, a daytime plot is for money growth, and in the evening – for a good life. They cast a spell on their own for 7 days in a row, and this is what is needed for it:

  • new mirror
  • pure water
  • your wallet

When you wake up in the morning, stand in front of the mirror, wash it with water, sprinkle it on your face and pour it on your chest, and read the home spell of water for wealth and good luck 7 times:

“It went away in the evening and came in the morning, not in silver, but in gold. So with prayer I shake the heavens and shake the earth, and call upon the mighty wonder and morning wonder. Yes, in the morning they created, and in the morning they enriched my fields with grain sown, and my ears of corn are full, and my barns with gold, and my purses are dressed with money. So that morning is wondrous, and dressed in the colors of the seven rivers, like the matinee everyone walked, and everything was said by me. Amen. Yes, the talk is strong. As it is said, as it is said. Closed."

Take a new mirror, specially purchased according to magical rules. After the words of a powerful spell for water to make money have been read, turn the mirror face down and do not look at it until the next time you read the spell. Water can be taken from a well, or from a spring that runs along the ground, the main thing is that the water is pure earthen water. You can take Epiphany water from the church and read this powerful spell of holy water for money and good luck in business. Melt water infused with silver in the evening is also suitable.

When noon comes, then this is the witchcraft ritual that needs to be done: press the thumbs of both hands to the palm, lower the remaining fingers onto the thumbs, look first at your feet, and then up, and read the following text of the conspiracy:

“Three porins have been released, and the orderly time is in the middle, and on each side it is propped up with money, and on each side it is strengthened, then the upper one is laid with gold, and the lower one is covered with silver, since these words are spoken, then everything is done with the orderly cry, and I have received the goods, Yes, I counted the money, since it was ordered in the middle, then it was accepted by me on both sides. Amen".

You need to read these words of the spell for money once, and then go about your business. And read the evening plot for a rich life before going to bed. Once all this is read out for 7 days in a row, then life will become good and you will forget about poverty. And here is this evening cry, a proven conspiracy for wealth, which should be read not for water, but for your wallet:

“In the evening it was said, but at night it was fulfilled, then my request was said with thunder, and the grabber was passed around, and fulfilled by the unmentioned forces, since everything was going around in a circle, and everything was being turned around, and so the money was made in a circle, and everything was sent around, so the unmentioned forces were secured, since in the evening I wake up, then at night everything changes, and my life is crowned with gold, and my purse is overflowing, and the reverent ringing of the evening will be heard, then people will bow to me, and I am all around the whim, and corrected by evening talk. Amen".

This is a proven working magic ritual for luck and money.

The result lasts a long time. There is no need for a ransom here; the work is based on combining one’s own magical power and natural forces in solar-lunar periodicity. Requires repetition approximately every six months. In general, I think that the morning spell - Matinee for Wealth - can be done separately. And it is quite acceptable to combine parts of this witchcraft ritual with other money conspiracies, rituals for a rich life, and strong spells for good luck and money for water. The main thing here is that there is enough witchcraft power, otherwise it will be of little use.

A strong spell on water for a profitable sale - so that the goods are quickly sold out

An effective conspiracy is suitable for selling things. Read on the waxing moon. As far as water goes, the water must be undrinkable well water. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would replace it with water from a spring that comes out of the ground and flows in a fast stream. It seems that river water would be suitable, by analogy: just as the river flows quickly, so quickly the goods would sell out. For a witchcraft ritual to profitably sell your goods, you need:

  • charmed water
  • clean linen rag

At dawn they take water, yes water spell for good luck and money Read it 9 times, and then soak the rag in this water and wipe the goods. Here is the text of a proven conspiracy through water for profit and luck in trading:

“Radiant, golden queen, life-giving water, wonderful water, filled with morning gold and born of beauty. Whatever you put your mind to, you will measure yourself in beauty, you will be overwhelmed by spells, you will be overwhelmed, your hearts will become clouded, your eyes will glaze over, everyone will covet it, think of it, and cling to it. Amen".

When an effective spell has been pronounced 9 times, soak a piece of flax in water, squeeze it out, and wipe the goods that need to be sold soon. Yes, wet it again, squeeze it out and wipe it, but while you are doing this, you also need to read another strong spell for water for money, so that the product seems attractive to buyers:

“From the water with charms, and in the eyes of beauty, if he sees you, he will lust after him, if he touches him, he will exchange money, then he will pamper himself, but he will not be left without it. Amen".

Once the money ritual is done, after that the magic water must be quietly poured out in a public place, and at the same time read the spell on water for money 1 time, you should say this:

“It’s walked, it’s moved around, it’s tried on me, it’s tidied up, it’s washed with water, and it’s brought to me. Amen".

If you are constantly engaged in trade, then keep that rag. It will be like a shopping amulet to attract buyers. It will be suitable for repeating the witchcraft ritual of attracting customers to the store. And in general, there will be profit in trading.

This is a powerful conspiracy for successful trading. And there are also magic readings that are good at work, help, attract luck, make work easy, enjoyable and profitable. For example, such a strong water spell for work.

Self-spell on water for good luck in your career

On the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11, new style), buy shoes, and stand in the evening service in church in these new shoes. When you return home, wash your soles in a basin and pour the water into a jar. At the same time, there is no need to read a spell on water for good luck in work, but the presentation of the result should be clear and specific. At the same time, you can stipulate in your own words certain improvements in the service.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The next day, take this jar to work, and so that no one sees you, pour water spelled for success over any corner of the building where you work. Do not take the jar with you or throw it away, but leave it there.

A magical ritual to fulfill a wish - calling nine devils through water

In the practices of money magic to create what is intended, there are effective rituals using water to fulfill desires. Try to do this witchcraft ritual to quickly fulfill your cherished desires, for which you need to summon 9 devils. The magical ritual is complex, with character. Doesn't work for everyone. On Black it is necessary, the connection with the Dark Forces must be good.

For this magical fulfillment of desires with the help of water, in addition to the actual bowl with well water, you need to prepare the following elements:

  • 9 church candles
  • piece of rye bread
  • 9 nickels
  • small mirror

Take the candles to the cemetery and bury each candle on a separate grave. Yes, not in discord, but in a row, so that the candles follow one after another. Naturally, there should be a memorial on every grave. And the purchase for the cemetery owner too. When all 9 candles are buried in the graves, you need to say:

“They buried themselves in the graveyard and prepared for an unholy sacrament.”

Count down 3 days, return for candles on the third day, and dig up all 9 candles. When leaving the cemetery, leave a piece of rye bread and a nickel coin at one of the cemetery intersections. The second part of the ritual for the quick fulfillment of one’s deepest desire is done at home at night. Pour salt into a circle on the table, place a cup of water in the center of the circle, and place a mirror at the bottom of this cup. So that there is a reflection upward. Along the salt circle against the sun, i.e. from left to right, arrange the candles evenly. And now I cut my finger on my left hand and drip some blood into the water.

And read a conspiracy to make a wish come true:

“They anointed Herod on the throne with blood, and with blood they powered the witcher’s word, so now they complete the sacrament with blood, and the blood will dissolve in the mirror water, and the inferno will be knocked nine times, and nine souls, and nine devils will be unleashed on this world. Even if in the heat they coexist in the flame, here they will be covered in nine cursed candles. Yes, they will see each other in the nine-way flame. The Lord's power is now being trampled upon, let this conspiracy be created. Amen. Amen. Amen".

“I light deathly candles, and I read the demonic prayer, and I trample on the Lord’s authority, and I blaspheme the church. Thus, the filthy accursed holiness will be tempered, and for nine days the torment of Christ will be intensified, and the inferno will be extinguished with rejoicing, and for nine moves the nine commanders will be released. So under each there are nine legions, but they are all strong with the inferno, and if they appear here, they will die in the dead flame, so they will come together in the flame of these candles, and they will reconcile with the demonic dance there. Yes, for nine days they will indulge in sacrifices, and for nine days they will form regiments, and they will become my accomplices. Amen".

“He will indulge himself with a nickel, and nine demons will be bought, and (say the wish that was intended) will come true. Amen".

Self-fulfillment of desires - a simple spell for a glass of water

There is a simple way of fulfilling your wishes with the help of magic, through which you can try to make your dream come true. The ritual works on personal strength, so the result depends entirely on how much you invest in this matter. Reviews about the equipment wishes come true for a glass of water those who made their own at home are very different. Those who have a positive result praise the easy spell that can be done at home. But there are also those who did not notice any results. Here's what you need to do to independently carry out the ritual to quickly fulfill all your desires.

Pour water into a glass. Spring water is used in witchcraft. If you can’t get one, you can take blessed Epiphany water to perform a home ritual to quickly fulfill your desires. Say your wish out loud three times over the water, then read the text of the spell on a glass of water to fulfill your wishes:

“Water, water, as you give me a drink, give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness. I close it with the key, wash it with water, according to what I have truly said, let everything come true. Amen".

Drink the charmed water. The result should be within one lunar cycle. A very simple magical ritual, but it does not mean that it is not effective. Many people have very good results. This is also evidenced by reviews of those who performed an independent ritual to fulfill desires through a spell for a glass of water.