Upload the wot replay to the best shot program. Replays World of Tanks detailed instructions

You can read about what replays are and how to watch them in detail here:
Support Center Knowledge Base
FAQ on replays (requires a forum login)

How to upload a replay to the site?


Replay issues


We record videos for your special replays and post them on our channel on youtube.com!

How to upload a replay to the site?


Replay upload

By checking the "Make available via a "secret" link" checkbox, you can upload the replay to the site and only those with whom you share the link will be able to see it.

The replay file is located in the game folder, in the "Replays" subfolder.

Replay editing

Modification of Replays Manager for managing replays

This mod will allow you to manage and view replays directly from the game client: Replays Manager


When will the gold for the contest be credited?

CTTS! From the moment the competition ends, it can take from a few days to two weeks.

How to send a replay for OSR or FBR NO COMMENTS?

On the page of the replay you uploaded, there is a button "CONTESTS/REPLAY MANAGEMENT". Click and you will see the buttons "VBR NO COMMENTS" and "OSR" if your replay is eligible for the contest. Replays older than two weeks and replays not fully recorded are not suitable.

How to send a replay to the WoTReplace contest?

All replays uploaded to the site participate in the competitions of the VoTReplace site. True, at any given moment we hold competitions only for a part of the tanks. But all replays with these tanks participate in the contest. You just need to upload a replay.

Replay issues

No combat information

If you left before the end of the battle, then the replay is not recorded until the end. You can view it, but you cannot download information about the results of the battle from it. And it's also impossible to check whether the results of the battle are faked. Therefore, information is not uploaded from such replays and they cannot participate in contests. We don't write videos for them either!

How to delete a replay?

Go to the replay page and click on the "CONTESTS/REPLAY MANAGEMENT" button. Please note that it is not possible to delete a replay sent to the OSR or VBR NO COMMENTS programs if the replay has already been considered by the moderator.

File not loading

We are very pedantic about what is uploaded to the site. Therefore, only replay files can be downloaded and only if they are recorded correctly. Unfortunately, in World of Tanks there is some very difficult to catch and rarely reproduced bug, when even a replay recorded to the end is recorded incorrectly. This can be understood if the file size is significantly larger than 1 megabyte. Such replays cannot be uploaded to us either.

How can I watch a replay of an outdated version?

To view a replay of an outdated version of the game, use the appropriate version of the client:
Versions of clients for viewing replays (requires a login to the forum)


How do you choose replays for video recording?

We have launched an automatic process for choosing a video. First of all, we select the replays of the winners of the WoTReplays contests. And then we focus on the following criteria:

  • Replays uploaded by players of top clans. At the same time, the battle is victorious, the badge of class "Master" is received, 4 or more opponents are destroyed. Such fights are often useful and interesting to watch. The list of clans may change and be supplemented depending on the situation in the game;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 5000 battles and have wn8=2500 or more statistics. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious and the class badge "Master" has been received;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 10,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2400 to 2500. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the "Master" badge has been obtained, 4 or more opponents have been destroyed;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 10,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2300 to 2400. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the "Master" badge has been obtained, 6 or more opponents have been destroyed;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 15,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2200 to 2300. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the "Master" badge has been obtained, 7 or more opponents have been destroyed;
  • Replays that were included in the selection on the site, but selectively;
  • Replays sent by members of our