Wife shows her husband after cheating at a corporate party. Half cheating on a drunk head, corporate parties, adultery, lover at work, love affair at work, womanizer co-worker, cheating on her husband, cheating on her husband, almost cheating on her husband, sex at work, cheating on

In order - I am 35 years old, married for 16 years, have a high school daughter.

She got married at 19 and gave birth at 20. I had little sexual experience before my husband - I met with one guy, I had my first sex with him, but we were both young and inexperienced, in general, I didn’t like it.

I married for love, although my husband was also not an ace in sex, but I hoped that over time everything would work out. The main problem of my husband in bed is that he is unkind, I talked with him many times that I need foreplay, caresses, kisses. He corrected himself for a short time, and then everything came back - they worked out the compulsory program, as in gymnastics and bye. Often I faked an orgasm, over time I realized that it was useless to talk with my husband on this topic. A person wants to think only about himself in bed, sorry, I did not understand this in my youth.

At work I have a friend, as I affectionately called him - brother. Brother because he is 7 years younger than me (he is 28). He is a kind guy, always ready to help, very artistic, participated in KVN, it is interesting to communicate with him and we often talked with him, laughed.

The first bell rang when I was going to work, and on the way I twisted my leg and fell, injured my knee, and was bleeding. I came, he saw me, brought me to his office, he was supposed to have a first-aid kit, he bandaged me, fiddled with me like a child, and then unexpectedly kissed me on the knee.

I attributed this to the fact that he just felt sorry for me and tried to quickly put this case out of my head. I was proud that we have such a friendship without any hint of sympathy, especially since he is also married, has a daughter whom he loves very much and who is only 3 years old. married men have always been taboo for me. Yes, he is too young for me.

The second bell rang at a corporate party at New Year. We were chosen to participate in the competition, for this we had to wear masks. So that the employees would not see ahead of time what the essence was, the presenter hid us in a dark dressing room. And there he again, as if jokingly, began to say that here he could do whatever he wanted with me, but no one would see.

I again turned everything into a joke, attributed everything to the alcohol I had taken and threw it out of my head. Although he then invited me to all the dances, he literally did not let me go, so that even rumors spread. But there was nothing between us, so I thought - let them chat if there is nothing more for people to do.

Several months passed, the anniversary of our boss came, where he invited all the employees. We had a good and fun time in the restaurant, and then a colleague invited everyone to visit her - to show the new renovation.

We went with a group of 8 people, where they laid the table again. They groaned, groaned, admired, the colleague's apartment is really good - four rooms, two balconies, a room was also made from one. At some point, my head ached from loud music and conversations, and a colleague suggested that I go to the second, far balcony, in order to breathe fresh air in silence. So I did.

I’m standing, it’s dark outside, it’s also dark on the balcony, I’m at the open window, my head is gradually passing. And then I feel that someone starts kissing me on the neck and shoulders from behind. I turn around - it turns out it was him, my friend quietly entered. And then I don’t know what happened, it was as if we were thrown to each other, wild kisses, caresses began, I didn’t even have time to blink an eye when I realized that I had been undressed. Then we had sex, so wild, like we haven't had sex in 20 years. I have never experienced such gentle caresses, such dizziness and pleasure with anyone. Even with my husband.

Later, in hindsight, I thought that we could easily be caught and it’s generally incomprehensible how no one has come yet, we would find ourselves in a strange situation, to put it mildly, we would probably have to quit. But no one noticed us, we returned to the others, there everyone was already pretty drunk, chatting, laughing, dancing.

When the holiday ended, he took me home in a taxi. I returned and calmly lay down with my husband in bed, immediately passed out.

The next day my husband went fishing, my daughter went for a walk, and I sat down in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and began to analyze my feelings. I listened to myself, waiting for pricks of conscience, because in 15 years of marriage I did not even look at another man, not to mention cheating.

But in vain, all conscience was drowned out by the memories of how enchantingly good it was for us. I realized that I did not love him, but there was no doubt that it was a passion. The most interesting thing is that we were not that drunk, I don’t drink much at all, he also drank, not to say a lot.

I know my friend won't talk, it's not in his interest. I won’t say anything to my husband either, probably I still love my husband, he is my own person, and my daughter will soon finish school, but I can’t pull her education alone. She shouldn't have to suffer because her mother was blown away.

My friend immediately after the holiday went on vacation, in 2 weeks he should come to work. How to behave with him - I know, I'm adult woman and not a minor. I will pretend that nothing happened, I don’t remember anything and I don’t know. I will really try to communicate less - only at work, no more idle talk.

I'm just afraid that we've opened Pandora's box and that if it happens again, I just won't be able to resist. I'm almost certain of it.

I know that they will judge me here, I myself have always believed that my feelings can be kept in hand, I condemned lovers and mistresses and all sorts of random fucks in general, and I wonder how this could happen to me. Perhaps I want condemnation, to be inspired that everything is wrong, so I wrote here, maybe they will put my brains in my place so that this will never happen again.

My name is Anna. I'm 39 years old. I always thought that my life was more than successful. After all, I had everything a woman needs for complete happiness: a caring husband, wonderful children, a wonderful job. I recently got a promotion. I rejoiced at this event Small child! I even went to another fun corporate party, although before I tried to avoid such events. My simple story will go about the consequences of that evening ...

On that day, the husband and children went to visit his elderly father, with an overnight stay. I did not keep them company, as I firmly decided to go to that ill-fated corporate party. After all, it was there that they promised to announce my imminent promotion. I am completely indifferent to alcohol. But that evening I allowed myself too much ...

I “woke up” in the morning: at home. A pleasant male voice pulled me out of a drunken oblivion.

Good morning, Darling!

— Maxim… What are you doing here?

“It’s strange to hear such words from a woman with whom I recently spent a passionate night!

- What?! Excuse me, please, but I don't remember anything! You'd better leave now!

Eight months later, I was promoted to another city. I tried not to remember this ridiculous story of “close acquaintance” with a young colleague Maxim. But once we had a not too pleasant conversation in my office.

- Hello, sunshine!

- Maxim, what do you want? I'm not interested in you at all as a man!

“Oh, I really, really need you, you old slut!” No, my fish, everything is extremely simple here! I have a business proposal for you. You're going to a promotion in another city, right?

— Yes, but how do you know?

“It’s an unknown secret to me, too!” The whole company already knows! So - you should recommend me to the boss for your place!

- How is it? Are you out of your mind?

- Yes. If you don't do it my way, the photography chief will get where you hug me! Such cute pictures! From clothes on you only lacy stockings! And your promotion "will be covered with a copper basin"! Our boss is a man of strict convictions.

Thank God, the chief listened to my opinion, and Maxim sat down in my former chair. And I quickly got used to new job, eventually got used to a foreign city. I began to treat my husband much more attentively and warmer: I realized that I really value his love.

By the way, at subsequent corporate parties, I no longer drank more than one glass of weak wine. Indeed, in a drunken stupor, not even worthy of attention, a vile man sometimes looks attractive and desirable!

In order - I am 35 years old, married for 16 years, have a high school daughter.

She got married at 19 and gave birth at 20. I had little sexual experience before my husband - I met with one guy, I had my first sex with him, but we were both young and inexperienced, in general I didn’t like it.

I married for love, although my husband was also not an ace in sex, but I hoped that over time everything would work out. The main problem of my husband in bed is that he is unkind, I talked with him many times that I need foreplay, caresses, kisses. He corrected himself for a short time, and then everything came back - they worked out the compulsory program, as in gymnastics and bye. Often I faked an orgasm, over time I realized that it was useless to talk with my husband on this topic. A person wants to think only about himself in bed, sorry, I did not understand this in my youth.

At work I have a friend, as I affectionately called him - brother. Brother because he is 7 years younger than me (he is 28). He is a kind guy, always ready to help, very artistic, participated in KVN, it is interesting to communicate with him and we often talked with him, laughed.

The first bell rang when I was going to work, and on the way I twisted my leg and fell, injured my knee, and was bleeding. I came, he saw me, brought me to his office, he was supposed to have a first-aid kit, he bandaged me, fiddled with me like a child, and then unexpectedly kissed me on the knee.

I attributed this to the fact that he just felt sorry for me and tried to quickly put this case out of my head. I was proud that we have such a friendship without any hint of sympathy, especially since he is also married, has a daughter whom he loves very much and who is only 3 years old. Married men have always been taboo for me. Yes, he is too young for me.

The second bell rang at a corporate party for the New Year. We were chosen to participate in the competition, for this we had to wear masks. So that the employees would not see ahead of time what the essence was, the presenter hid us in a dark dressing room. And there he again, as if jokingly, began to say that here he could do whatever he wanted with me, but no one would see.

I again turned everything into a joke, attributed everything to the alcohol I had taken and threw it out of my head. Although he then invited me to all the dances, he literally did not let me go, so that even rumors spread. But there was nothing between us, so I thought - let them chat if there is nothing more for people to do.

Several months passed, the anniversary of our boss came, where he invited all the employees. We had a good and fun time in the restaurant, and then one colleague invited everyone to visit her - to show the new renovation.

We went with a group of 8 people, where they laid the table again. They groaned, groaned, admired, the colleague's apartment is really good - four rooms, two balconies, a room was also made from one. At some point, my head ached from loud music and conversations and a colleague suggested that I go to the second - far balcony, in order to breathe fresh air in silence. So I did.

I’m standing, it’s dark outside, it’s also dark on the balcony, I’m at the open window, my head is gradually passing. And then I feel that someone starts kissing me on the neck and shoulders from behind. I turn around - it turns out it was him, my friend quietly entered. And then I don’t know what happened, it was as if we were thrown to each other, wild kisses, caresses began, I didn’t even have time to blink an eye when I realized that I had been undressed. Then we had sex, so wild, like we haven't had sex in 20 years. I have never experienced such gentle caresses, such dizziness and pleasure with anyone. Even with my husband.

Later, in hindsight, I thought that we could easily be caught and it’s generally incomprehensible how no one has come yet, we would find ourselves in a strange situation, to put it mildly, we would probably have to quit. But no one noticed us, we returned to the others, there everyone was already pretty drunk, chatting, laughing, dancing.

When the holiday ended, he took me home in a taxi. I returned and calmly lay down with my husband in bed, immediately passed out.

The next day my husband went fishing, my daughter went for a walk, and I sat down in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and began to analyze my feelings. I listened to myself, waiting for pricks of conscience, because in 15 years of marriage I did not even look at another man, not to mention cheating.

But in vain, all conscience was drowned out by the memories of how enchantingly good it was for us. I realized that I did not love him, but there was no doubt that it was a passion. The most interesting thing is that we were not that drunk, I don’t drink much at all, he also drank, not to say a lot.

I know - my friend will not talk, it is not in his interests. I won’t say anything to my husband either, probably I still love my husband, he is my own person, and my daughter will soon finish school, but I can’t pull her education alone. She shouldn't have to suffer because her mother was blown away.

My friend immediately after the holiday went on vacation, in 2 weeks he should come to work. How to behave with him - I know, I'm an adult woman, not a youngster. I will pretend that nothing happened, I don’t remember anything and I don’t know. I will really try to communicate less - only at work, no more idle talk.

I'm just afraid that we've opened Pandora's box and that if it happens again, I just won't be able to resist. I'm almost certain of it.

I know that they will condemn me here, because the forum is family, I myself have always believed that my feelings can be kept in hand, I condemned lovers and mistresses and all sorts of random fucks in general, and I wonder how this could happen to me. Perhaps I want condemnation, to be inspired that everything is wrong, so I wrote here, maybe they will put my brains in my place so that this will never happen again.

One Friday, my wife suggested that I go to a nightclub to dance. I was wildly tired at work and did not want to go anywhere. The grandmother met her daughter after school and left her to spend the night. So I suggested that Natalia go with her friends. She phoned the girls and arranged for two to meet outside the nightclub at 10 pm. She left by taxi, and after standing for a while at the window, I lay down on the sofa and began to click TV channels in search of something interesting. There was a snooker tournament on the sports channel and I did not notice how I dozed off. Then I will tell you what Natalia told me when she returned from the club.

In the lobby of the club, she met with her friends and all together they went to the bar. At first we sat there for a bit, chatted, drank a glass of champagne and then went to the dance floor. After dancing for a while, they returned to the table at the bar and ordered more champagne and coffee. Slow music played on the dance floor, the girls casually chatted about all sorts of nonsense. Suddenly, a handsome guy of about 25-30 years old came up to their table and invited Natalia to a slow dance. She immediately agreed (as she later explained, since I did not agree to go, she wanted to enjoy a slow dance with a man) despite the surprised looks of her friends (it should be said that Natalya does not like to dance with strangers). The guy moved very well, which my wife liked, he smelled of an expensive fragrance, although he was dressed quite simply. Well, how else can you say about jeans and a turtleneck. Alex - introduced himself as a guy. Well, why not, Natalya thought, challenging herself, and they started a conversation. She specifically flirted, deprived of her husband's attention that evening.

“And you can join your company,” said the cavalier.

“Of course,” my wife said.

Alexei was with two friends and after seeing Natalia to the table where the girlfriends were sitting, he left. After some time, he returned with them carrying a tray with a mountain of all kinds of sweets, champagne and expensive wine. The guys were called Nikolai and Vitaly. They, like Alexei, were tall and handsome. The guys made a good impression on the girls, they were gallant, interesting in communication, their jokes were not vulgar, they were quite erudite. Conversation, champagne and wine were replaced by fast and slow dances, everyone was pleased with the well-established rest in the club. Alexei apparently liked Natalia very much, and he constantly looked after her, poured wine, danced all the slow dances with her.

During the dances, Alexei pressed Natalya more and more tightly to him, so that she felt how tense his penis was. He leaned into her ear and whispered to her beautiful words love. Hops turned her head and during one of the slow ones they merged into passionate kiss. Coming to her senses, Natalya tried to move away from her partner and whispered that she couldn’t do it in plain sight, that she was married, that her friends could see or someone she knew, but she really liked it. Alexei offered to drive to him. Blood rushed to his head and pounded in his temples at such an offer. She was confused but for some reason agreed, alcohol dulled the sense of loyalty. She understood that he did not put it out for kisses at all, and certainly not for tea with sweets. Referring to a headache and saying goodbye to her friends, saying that she would take a taxi, Natalya went down to the wardrobe where Alex was already waiting for her.

It was about three in the morning when they came to him. It was two room apartment in the sleeping area. But what. His bachelor's dwelling struck with luxurious furniture, order and lack of superfluous. Everything was nice and comfortable. Natalya went into the room and looked around. After a while, Alexey came into the room and put it on coffee table a tray with wine and fruit, turned on pleasant quiet music, poured the drink into glasses and offered to drink. After drinking, they again merged in a passionate kiss. Natalia said that if she did not return home before eight in the morning there could be problems at home. Alexei leaned over and whispered in his ear.

Don't worry, you'll be home at eight.

Passion seized them, they hugged, kissed. Alexey kissed her on the neck, stroked her back, arms, hugged her. Gradually, the hands descended on the ass and strongly but at the same time, carefully and gently, the fingers clasped her. Then he took off her T-shirt in one motion and his hands went over her breasts over her lacy bra, but they stayed there for a long time. The clasp was in front and the bra slid to the floor. She, in turn, pulled off his turtleneck and snuggled against his chest. He unbuttoned her jeans, and she and they almost simultaneously fell to his feet. The bump on the man's swimming trunks struck Natalya. Alexey kissed her all over - lips, neck, arms, chest, stomach, gradually descending lower and lower to a small triangle of lace thongs. Natalya's legs became wadded and she sat down on the couch. This allowed Alexei to take off her panties and press his lips to her neatly shaved slit.

He worked very skillfully with his tongue, caressing her clitoris, sucking in the external small labia, then penetrating into her. Before such a pressure, the wife could not resist for a long time and, arching her back, she began to violently finish. Alexey stopped caressing and watched the woman come to her senses. Then he took her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom and laid her on a huge bed. This is the bed Natalya thought to herself. He stood near the bed and looked at her, she recovered from the pleasure she had received and looked around, squatted on the bed and stretched out her hands to his swimming trunks. Pulled them down. What was revealed to her gaze caused slight confusion. It was a member of a little more than twenty centimeters in length and six centimeters in width, crowned with a rather large head. He was in full combat readiness. Natalya, recovering from the shock, took his hand and gently stroked it, then the testicles, which were clean-shaven. She gently brought her lips to his and kissed him.

Then she took it in her mouth and began to suck it, gently shaking her head back and forth. This gave the partner pleasure, he groaned, and then offered to change position. He lay down on the bed, and my wife settled down between his legs and sucked his dignity, looking into his eyes, smacking and swallowing as much as possible. Her hair was gently touched by a hand. She shuddered, because Alexei's arms were thrown behind his head, and turned around sharply. She saw Alexei's friends who were with him in the club. Nikolai and Vitaly were completely naked and their excited members stood at attention. Their members were smaller but the same commanded respect. Vitaly, and it was he who stroked Natalya on the head, said

- don't worry, everything will be fine and beautiful

- Natalya should be at home at eight - said Alexei

“Well, then let’s not waste time,” Vitaly answered and smiled, “let’s do something pleasant, let’s indulge in passion.”

Natalya was sitting completely naked in the middle of a huge bed between Alexei's legs, two more young and handsome men were standing by the bed. Thoughts raced through my head at breakneck speed. So they agreed on this in advance, Natalya thought, they just needed a woman, one woman who would agree to go with one of them, and the rest would join. So she was trapped. But no, they are not set up like rapists, they don’t look like those, they want to have fun, well, there’s nowhere to go - my wife thought - you have to enjoy the same, because that’s what she wanted when she went with by a stranger to his home.

Men bent over her and three pairs of hands began to stroke and caress her body, men's lips began to cover her body with hot kisses. She ran. I got dizzy. She merged in a kiss with one partner, then with another, then with a third. Strong hands gently laid her on her back and her face turned out to be Vitaly's cock. Natalya without hesitation took him in her mouth and began to suck, jerking with one hand. Nikolai bent over her and kissed her nipples, massaging her breasts with his hands. Alexei parted her slender legs and gently touched his penis to her vagina, which was very wet from female juices. Feeling a member in front of her cave, she stretched out her hands and parted her genital lips, as if inviting to come in.

The man began to smoothly and carefully immerse his penis in the cherished bosom. Natalya massaged her clitoris with her hands while not ceasing to suck Vitaly's cock. When the member plunged to the end, he just got to the uterus. The woman let out a groan and arched her back. Alexey began to have Natalya with sweeping pitchings for the entire length of his gun. Vitaly and Nikolai switched places. Alexey pumped her like that for about ten minutes, during which time she finished again. Then she was put on all fours and the men began to change places without giving her rest. One fucked her in the pussy, and the other two caressed her body and used her mouth. This went on for about half an hour. During this time, she finished a couple more times. During the last orgasm, her legs buckled and she collapsed on her stomach on the bed in exhaustion.

Alexey lay down next to her on her back, and Vitaly and Nikolai lifted Natalya up and put her astride his protruding penis. The woman had almost no strength and she lay her chest on the man trying to catch her breath and recover. She had never had such pleasure from sex in her life. But they didn't let her come to her senses. Nikolai leaned over and whispered in his ear - Have you ever had anal sex? She couldn't say anything and just nodded in satisfaction. Immediately, her second hole was touched by his penis, already abundantly lubricated by her own vaginal discharge. He pressed hard and his cock began to slowly sink into his partner's ass. Natalia had experience in anal sex, which allowed her to let the penis in herself almost painlessly. A new feeling came over her. Two members were in it and began to move rhythmically. They were separated only by a thin partition, and she felt it. And she definitely liked it. She would have moaned with pleasure very much but her mouth was filled with the cock of the third man. The real carousel has begun. The men were constantly changing places. All her holes were filled with cocks that were constantly moving. Orgasm after orgasm hit her. The realization came to Natalia's head that at the moment she was not a wife, not a mother, she was a body, a machine to satisfy these three men, but she didn’t care at that moment, she wanted and received hitherto unheard of pleasure from this unrestrained sex. She remembers how long this race lasted. She had, had and had.

Finally, the men began together, almost simultaneously, to finish. Alex discharged into her vagina. His hot sperm beat with a strong jet, there was a lot of it, he was shaken by an orgasm for a long time. Nikolai finished in the ass, filling it to the brim. Vitaly finished in her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, but not all. Sperm flowed from her lips, chin. In addition, Vitaly clearly did not want the girl to choke and, freeing her mouth from the penis, released several jets of sperm into Natalya's face, hitting her hair, cheeks, and eyes. She didn't care who finished it where, she was at the pinnacle of bliss. She fell onto the bed and passed out immediately.

How much she was to forget Natalya does not know. She was awakened by the voice of Alexei - the sun, it's time for you to go. Waking up, she looked at the clock. It was about seven o'clock in the morning. Natalya lay alone in the middle of the bed, covered with a warm blanket. Pulling back the covers, she looked down at herself. From both of her holes, a large amount of sperm flowed onto the sheet, her hair stuck together, her skin was drawn from the dried male seed. You still have time to take a shower," Alexei said, handing her a terry bathrobe and a towel. There was no one else in the apartment except her and Alexei. She quickly took a shower, dried her hair, dressed and went into the room.

- Coffee? the young man asked.

Natalia nodded in the affirmative.

Did you like it? he asked again.

She nodded again.

Will we meet again?

No, Natalya said without hesitation. At the moment, she already thought that there would be a conversation at home, and could not decide how to behave better.

Alexey called a taxi, went downstairs with her, gave money to the taxi driver and asked to take the woman wherever she asked.

She arrived at home just before eight o'clock. I slept in the big room on the couch in front of the TV. She did not wake me up, but only turned off the TV, went into the bedroom, wrapped herself in a blanket and fell asleep. I woke up around eleven. Going into the bedroom, he saw his sleeping wife and dived under the covers to her. Gently, so as not to wake her, I stroked her back. My hand gently descended lower and lower to the cherished hole. Putting my hand between Natalia's legs, I felt that she was more than wet there. Gently pulled out his hand and realized that it was someone's sperm. Putting my hand between her legs again, I put my finger into her vagina, He just failed so it was open, pointing my finger at the ass, I felt the same. The ass was greatly stretched and the same sperm oozed from it. I could not believe it. No matter how I tried to act carefully, all the same, I woke up my missus until now.

She opened her eyes, wrapped her arms and legs around me and gently whispered - dear, I love you more than anyone in the world, forgive me, I really need to tell you something - and kissed me with a deep kiss. During the kiss, I felt the taste of sperm in my wife's mouth. I was shocked. I pulled myself together and tried to calmly listen to her story without making hasty conclusions, asking only that she be absolutely honest with me. She spoke in detail about everything that had happened to her that night. By the end of the story, I was not at all angry with her and only said - the main thing is that you were very pleased and you got new unforgettable impressions. During the story, I was very excited and as soon as she finished we had rough sex. This incident made us even closer, we became even more open to each other. So far, there have been no more betrayals either on her part or on mine, and now we visit nightclubs only together.

Oh, it's not easy! Not at all. Not me. Exhale.))
It so happened that my friend Lekha asked me to pick him up after a corporate party yesterday, and I, as a good Samaritan, could not refuse him. There is a strong blizzard outside, it is frosty, windy, and taxi drivers have raised prices by 30% in connection with the New Year holidays. In short, I understand it.

We agreed that he would ring in half an hour and I would jump up and pick him up with a friend, and take them home. I called around 11 pm, they say everything ends. Well, I got ready, cleared the snow from the car, and by half past eleven I was waiting for him outside the restaurant, sitting in the car and listening to music.
There are four of them - three guys and a girl. Everyone is very tipsy, in red hats, jackets wide open. And I look closely, and the girl seems to be familiar ...
Picture to draw attention. TYTS.

I'm sitting, so I'm looking at the girl. And she stands with the guy kissing. It's delicious, it's enviable. And then she turns to face the car and I understand that I know her for sure. Her name is Vika (name changed), and she is the wife of my longtime and not close friend Oleg (name changed). They have been married for 5-7 years, they have a cute daughter, a dog and a parrot. Family, car, cottage. All things.

And here she stands and kisses with some type. Moreover, we saw each other for the last time a very long time ago, and since that time I have changed decently, grew a beard, and generally matured.
Well, I think it's okay. If he recognizes me, then I will think what to say according to the situation. Solve problems as they come, so to speak. If he doesn't know, I won't identify myself. Driver and Driver.

Lech climbs into the front passenger seat. The rest funny company climbs on the back. Hello. Vika doesn't recognize me. I'm half a turn, and she is passionate about the satellite. I don't really turn around.
- Dimas, shall we bring the guys? It's close here. Lech starts talking.
- Yes, not a question - I answer. - Of course we will. Say the address.

I turn up the music a little louder. I'm touching. The snow is falling. The company behind is discussing the corporate party and the future continuation of the banquet. They have whiskey and champagne with them. Drive really close. 15 minutes later we drive up to the address. House with enclosed yard. Marked tracks. Blizzard.
The company from behind stormily thanks and falls out into the street to smoke with Lekha. I say goodbye and stay in the car, look at Vika in short dress. A swarm of thoughts in my head. "To call or not to call Oleg?" And then I realize that I do not have his number. It's left on an old pipe that was sunk while fishing, and maybe some catfish is playing it in Soccer now.
Lech jumps into the car.

What are you, puffed up? he asks me.
- Yes, I'm tired of something - I dismiss. - Let's go already.

On the way, I carefully ask him about Vika. I find out that I have never been seen in anything like this before, but here she says how the roof was torn off. She began to hang herself on the guy.

But, they are for a couple of hours - says Lech. -Drink clean. And home. So it's unlikely that the guy will burn out.
And then meaningfully adds the word "Although ..."

I take him to the store near his house, we say goodbye. And I'm going home. At home, I find Oleg's phone number in my notebook.

Now I'm thinking, is it worth calling or not?
First, maybe it's just kissing. And nothing more. And, as such, there was no betrayal.

Secondly, if it was a friend, or at least a close acquaintance, I would say. I know Oleg more in the business field and quite capably. Been to the same company several times.

And thirdly, I don’t want to spoil the New Year in their family and, possibly, become the reason for their break.

What do you think? Call or not? What do you say?
Invited to post katysha , kiss_my_abs ,