What wallpaper to choose for 1 room apartment. How to choose wallpaper for an apartment

When choosing wallpaper for a room, you need to take into account the area of ​​​​the room, the type of lighting, functional features rooms. When choosing, you also need to take into account the style and color of the furniture, it is much easier to choose wallpaper for furniture than to change the furniture in the room. Various types of wallpapers on the manufacturer's market make it possible to please the most daring ideas and tastes of customers, in addition, by choosing the right wallpaper, you can cheaply and beautifully complement the interior and style of the room and the room as a whole.

Each room in the room has its own characteristics, knowing and considering which, you can make a wonderful repair with the help of wallpaper. First of all, you need to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, for a small room it is better to choose wallpaper with a small pattern and ornament in bright colors. But in large rooms it is better to glue wallpaper with a large print, you can experiment with colors, combining and combining them. In rest and relaxation rooms, you need to glue wallpaper in soothing colors.

For the hallway, corridor and living room, you need to choose the following wallpapers:

  • Bright colors and shades;
  • Large ornaments and drawings;
  • Combined wallpaper.

Must choose optimal material wallpaper when pasting in rooms of different purposes.

In rooms where there is frequent traffic and movement, where pollution is possible, for example, in the hallway or in the kitchen, it is better to glue universal non-woven wallpaper, which is well processed.

And for the bedroom, for the living room and the nursery, it is just better to use natural paper wallpaper or textile.

Wallpaper in a one-room apartment: what to look for

It is quite difficult to decorate a one-room apartment and give it a presentable look; it is very difficult for her to choose wallpaper. For narrow hallway light-colored non-woven or vinyl wallpapers are most suitable, they are well processed from dirt, and light color wallpaper visually enlarges and illuminates the room. One in the kitchen room apartment, it is better to stick vinyl wallpaper, preferably with a washable surface. The color of the wallpaper should also be restrained.

It is better to paste over the hall with natural paper or textile tones, the main thing is to choose:

  • Light tone wallpaper;
  • Small drawing or ornament;
  • Wide canvases.

The bedroom should also be pasted over with natural light wallpaper, from flowers it is better to choose delicate pink, white, peach beige.

You can use wallpaper with a small floral pattern, with an ornament. If there are niches in the rooms, it is better to glue them, and if they are highlighted, then only with natural colors, for example, wood, concrete, stone wallpaper. Interior doors should be light, this will visually add space.

Which wallpaper for a large room is better: we select the best option

In large rooms, you can safely experiment with the color and type of wallpaper, choosing bright colors, large prints, combining canvases with each other. If you want to keep a large room visually in the same area, just paste over the room plain wallpaper. Furniture, interior and decor elements, indoor flowers will fill the space.

But it also happens that the room is too large, in a large square room you can make space zoning:

  • Select a recreation area;
  • working area;
  • Niches available in the room.

This will help the combination of several colors combined in the spectrum and wallpaper different material. With this option for wallpapering, a large room can be made very stylish. This idea is suitable for office decoration, both at home and at work.

The advantages of large rooms are that wallpaper can be glued here different types, boldly experimenting in the process of pasting the walls.

The most successful types of wallpaper for gluing large rooms, experts consider non-woven, fabric and textile wallpaper. Coloring can be different, from large ornaments and patterns to small prints.

Rooms with photo wallpapers in the interior

Wall decoration with photo wallpaper is the current trend in the world of renovation and interior design. Wall murals are perfect for any room in terms of area and purpose, and if you choose the right pattern, you can highlight the room and its advantages.

The most common photo wallpaper ideas are:

  • Cities of the world;
  • Floral prints and nature;
  • Animals;
  • Children's photo wallpaper;
  • 3D photo wallpaper.

For both home and studio use, photo murals look amazing on walls. Modern digital photo printing on wallpaper conveys drawings and images as accurately as possible, with the help of it you can visually expand the room, hide wall surface errors.

Wall murals can be pasted over not only the surfaces of walls and ceilings, they can be used for designer pasting old furniture, entrance doors into the room.

Beautiful wallpaper in the room

Beautiful wallpaper will always complement the interior and can act as an independent decor element. But what wallpapers are considered beautiful? First of all, it is correct for a particular room. In addition, you need to take into account the age of the owner of the room. Fashion and youth wallpapers, in the rooms of teenagers and young people, this is a photo wallpaper. In the children's room, wallpapers with cartoon characters, wallpapers of bright colors look good. For young man, photo wallpapers with the image of cars, with a marine theme are suitable.

Also pay attention to tips for choosing stylish and unique wallpaper for the bedroom:

For a girl, floral prints on paper wallpapers, photo wallpapers with cities, countries are suitable, the main thing is to combine them correctly:

  • The color of the furniture and the color of the wallpaper;
  • Interior style and wallpaper texture;
  • Keep the color scheme in the decor elements.

You should not emphasize the bright color of the wallpaper with rich decor elements, it is better to use bright decor elements for rooms with light pastel-colored wallpapers.

We glue wallpaper and make repairs

You need to glue the wallpaper correctly, maintaining the technology of working with the wallpaper canvas, using right glue, tools. To do this, first of all, you need to know the wallpaper consumption per room, which will help you find out a special calculation table. The next step is the right glue. Make sure the wallpaper sticks well to the walls. Glue must be selected according to the type of wallpaper.

And the last thing that lies in the secret of successful wallpapering repairs is correct sticking wallpaper:

  • Preparation of walls for gluing;
  • Using a pen for wallpapering;
  • Correct measurements of wallpaper strips;
  • Careful application of glue on the wallpaper and on the wall.

If old wallpaper is being replaced with new wallpaper, it is imperative to plaster the walls in places of error and prime before sticking new wallpaper.

Carefully preparing for the repair and preparing necessary materials, you can make high-quality repairs with your own hands, without the services of expensive professionals.

How to decorate the walls in the room other than wallpaper

Wall decoration during the repair process is the most important stage, because it is with the surface of the walls that a person most often contacts both visually and tactilely.

For wall decoration use different materials:

  • Plastic;
  • Siding;
  • Drywall;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Painting;
  • Tile;
  • Clapboard.

But the most profitable, budgetary and affordable material for wall decoration is wallpaper. They can be painted, re-glued, decorated at any time, minimally spending on changes in the style and design of the room.

How to choose and paste wallpaper (video)

Repair is always a costly business, before you finish the wall, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Wallpaper has always been at the forefront of the refurbishment market for surface finishes and remains in the same position thanks to new technologies and types of material production.

Wallpaper in the interior (photo)

Our home is our castle. In your cozy corner, you want to hide from all the problems that have accumulated during the day, forget about all external stimuli, and try to relax. Everyone wants their apartment to match this: to be cozy and comfortable, even if it is small. It is at home that people can feel at ease.

The interior plays an important role in this, so you need to be able to choose it correctly. Not the last place is occupied by wallpaper. How to choose the right wallpaper for a small apartment?

You will learn about:

Types of small apartments

First you need to figure out what small apartments are. They are divided into 4 types:

  • Khrushchev. These apartments have poor soundproofing, small rooms and a small kitchen. Houses built under Khrushchev usually have no more than five floors and no elevator. Khrushchevs are block five-story buildings.
  • Little families. In such apartments, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 35 square meters, up to fifteen apartments can be located on one floor. Bathrooms are small and not very comfortable.
  • Studio apartments. Of course, there are large studios, but in this case we are talking about small ones. Such apartments have one large room, which, if desired, can be divided by various partitions.
  • There are also just small apartments that do not belong to any of the above types. For instance, one-room apartments, or those where several rooms (no more than three) are small.

Now, having determined the type of your apartment, you can proceed to the next step - the selection of wallpaper for a particular room.

narrow room

Narrow rooms - bedrooms, living rooms - can be present in any apartment. Do not despair if your Khrushchev or small family has a room that crushes with its "narrowness". This is just a visual effect that is easy enough to remove. On a long wall, you need to choose wallpaper with a larger pattern than on short walls. This will visually expand the room, which can be seen in the photo.

Dark and small room

Naturally, if the room is too small and transmits very little light, then it needs to be made lighter. An interesting move would be to choose a lighter wallpaper (beige, peach, pink) for the most dimly lit wall or the wall opposite the window. Do not use cold shades (blue, purple) for northern rooms.

Glossy wallpaper that reflects the light, as seen in the photo, will make the room larger and brighter. The problem of dark rooms is most common in studios.


Quite often there is a problem with ceilings. Usually ceilings are too low or, conversely, high.

High ceilings are typical for stalinka buildings. So that the room does not seem too “endless”, wallpaper with horizontal stripes in a contrasting color is usually chosen for such rooms. Borders here will be most welcome. The tricky move is shown in the photo: in small rooms with high ceilings, you can glue the wallpaper a little lower than the ceiling: this will visually reduce the height of the walls.

Small apartments with low ceilings need to be expanded. To do this, select wallpaper in horizontal stripes. Borders will be redundant and will only make the room even smaller. The color of the wallpaper is mostly light. Suitable beige, light green, light blue, pale orange.

Color solution

As you know, it is the white color that visually expands the space. Therefore, in a small closet you need to choose wallpaper in light colors. Dark shades will only make the space smaller, which is very disadvantageous in this situation.

If you are planning to have wallpaper on the ceiling, then they should be lighter than the color of the walls, as shown in the photo. A white textured finish would be a good option.

Which is better to choose?

On the modern market There are a huge number of wallpapers. In particular, there are:

  • paper;
  • textile;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • luminous;
  • silkscreen;
  • non-woven;
  • velor;

There are many other types as well. Each of these varieties has many advantages and several disadvantages. For each room, a certain type of wallpaper is usually chosen.

As mentioned above, for small rooms it is best to choose glossy wallpapers. This is the main selection criterion, but you can pick up something of your own. The main thing is that the color of the walls is combined with the overall interior.

It is not at all necessary to glue the same wallpaper in different rooms of a small apartment. It will be much more interesting if each one represents its own "world" with a unique interior, wall and ceiling color.

It does not matter what kind of apartment you have - a small family, a studio or a Khrushchev - the main thing is how it is decorated. It is the interior design that plays a huge role in whether your home will please your eyes. It is even possible that the guests will take your Khrushchev for Stalin, and the studio for ordinary apartment if you are responsible for the design of the premises.

With a wallpaper salon, the "site" offers the largest selection of trendy wall wallpapers for an apartment from leading European and Russian manufacturers. Here you will find more than 1000 models of paper, vinyl, textile and non-woven wallpaper for walls for every taste and budget.

A convenient catalog of our online store will allow you to easily choose wall wallpapers for a room, kitchen, nursery, bathroom or corridor, as well as evaluate how they will look in your interior and find a good solution for decorating your home.

Italian wallpaper

There are about 40 wallpaper factories in Italy. The most popular of them are Limonta (Domus Parati), Andrea Rossi, Sirpi and Zambaiti. The main advantages of Italian wallpapers are design, durability and environmental friendliness of materials. Italian wallpapers form the bulk of our range. Our managers will tell you in detail about the wallpaper discount program from Italy.

Our home is our castle. Our mood and way of thinking depends on how comfortable we feel within our walls. Home interiors are full of colors and textures, but wall coverings and textiles are the best way to emphasize the style. We invite you to the online store modern wallpaper, where you will definitely be able to find the optimal solution in terms of design and cost.

It is convenient to buy modern wallpaper on the wall in Moscow in the online store. A large assortment of positions will put you in front of a difficult choice of colors and patterns. The catalog of designer wallpapers includes the following types of products:

paper wallpaper

Studio "Adagio" presents to your attention the best finishing materials. Our paper wallpaper catalog is filled with the best products from famous brands. Each position is complemented by a colorful image that accurately conveys color and texture. Therefore, you can easily and quickly pick up paper wallpapers for the bedroom, living room, hall or kitchen. An atmosphere of harmony and peace will reign in every room of your home.

Today, wallpaper of this type is used to equip premises of almost any kind. It is advisable to use them at low levels of pollution and humidity in the room. The material will slightly reduce the thermal conductivity of the surface, enhance sound insulation. Paper wall wallpapers are very durable. Imported samples are designed for a service life of 10-20 years. In addition, you can wipe these wallpapers with a damp cloth. It is impossible not to mention the chic possibilities of this material in terms of decor. All wallpaper options are so bright and unusual in execution that they can delight even experienced designers.

Studio "Adagio" presents to your attention a catalog of premium class vinyl wallpapers at a very affordable prices. Here you will find fashion collections by famous brands. Bright and expressive wallpaper will help create a unique atmosphere of harmony in your home.

Vinyl wallpapers for walls are multi-layered. The bottom layer is paper or fabric. It is covered with a layer of polyvinyl. Then a pattern or embossing is applied to the surface. Foamed vinyl wall wallpapers are very dense. This result is achieved through a special heat treatment. Therefore, vinyl wallpapers perfectly cover surfaces, hiding minor flaws. home distinguishing feature This material is that such wallpapers are washable. This means that walls covered with washable vinyl wallpapers are extremely hygienic. Wet cleaning of all surfaces will help keep your home in perfect cleanliness. Wall washable wallpapers are especially relevant if there are allergy sufferers or small children in the house.

To create a special mood in a child's room, various wallpaper options from the world's best manufacturers will help you. Studio "Adagio" presents to your attention the most harmonious, cutest options.

Our catalog of children's wallpapers includes collections of world famous brands - Marburg, York and others. These are guaranteed high-quality, environmentally friendly, absolutely safe materials. Buying children's wallpaper for walls in our online store is very simple. Create a unique room design for children with Adagio!

Attention, action! Studio "Adagio" offers all lovers of elegant wall coverings to purchase high-quality linkrust on favorable terms! When ordering linkrust up to 10 rolls you get a 5% discount. When buying more than 10 rolls - every 10th roll for free!

Linkrust (from Latin linum - flax, linen and crusta - bark, lining) is a completely unusual wall covering. It comes in rolls, just like wallpaper. But the composition of the linkrust is completely different. The plastic coating consists of a mixture of wood flour, linseed oil, chalk, wax, rosin .. Thus, linkrust wallpaper can have an unusual fantasy surface like stucco molding in the form of the most intricate patterns.

Studio of elite wall coverings "Adagio" brings to your attention an exquisite catalog of linkrust. Here you can order both classic and modern ideas for wall design. It is important to note that compared to other types of wallpaper, there are no restrictions in terms of maintenance for linkrust. It will successfully withstand both dry and wet cleaning. Therefore, it is especially important to buy linkrust wallpaper for a room with increased requirements for its hygienic condition.

Decorative effects, Decor technique, Lincrusta

Luxurious compositional solutions, large-scale prints of various subjects, stylish ideas color performance - wall wallpaper panels literally amaze the imagination! They look really amazing on the wall: catchy, unusual, exclusive. Unlike old samples, modern copies are much more convenient for gluing, more durable, and, of course, much more beautiful.

Studio "Adagio" presents grandiose wall panels from world famous brands. The collections reflect the full depth of feelings and emotions experienced by a person who is looking for aesthetics in everything, including the environment. Trust the world's leading designers to create stunning wallcoverings. They can't be wrong!

Textile wallpapers

Studio "Adagio" offers exquisite collections of textile wallpapers by the most famous brands. The sale of fabric wallpapers occupies one of the central positions of our range of services. People like to equip their apartments and country houses with the latest fashion. And textile wallpapers for walls always meet the most high requirements in terms of quality and style. It is worth noting that when choosing a wall covering, it is important to take into account the features of caring for it. Remember that dust also accumulates on vertical surfaces. So important point is that fabric wallpapers can be brushed or even vacuumed gently.

Today, seamless textile wallpapers are produced in the form of a paper web laminated with fiber. different kind and there are various sizes. This makes it easier to choose them for equipment of a particular type of room. Wallpapers are characterized by excellent indicators of heat and sound insulation. They practically do not fade under the influence of UV rays. Elite textile wallpaper from the Adagio store - make a chic gift for yourself and your home!

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wall paper is extremely easy to use. Putting them on is fun! It is not necessary, as before, to lay out bulky rolls on the floor, smearing the sheets with an adhesive solution. Special glue is not applied to non-woven wallpaper, but directly to the wall. Then the sheets are carefully taken and spread over the surface. Non-woven wallpaper allows you to avoid swelling, wrinkles, creases. In addition, such rolls are very economical: their width is greater than that of other types. In terms of hygiene, such wallpapers meet the highest requirements. They can be taken care of both with the help of dry cleaning and with the help of wet cleaning. Thus, our catalog of non-woven wallpapers will be of particular interest to people who prefer perfect cleanliness in the House.

You can buy non-woven wallpaper in Moscow at the most affordable prices right now! We sell products from the world's best manufacturers. Comfortable service from the Adagio interiors studio and a wide range of products are at your service.

Jute (Corchorus capsularis) is a plant of the linden family that grows in the warm climates of Egypt, India, and the United States. The strongest jute fibers are highly valued. They are used for the production of canvases, fabrics and other materials. Sisal is a natural fiber obtained from the leaves of the Agave plant.

Interior Studio "Adagio" offers an exclusive option for wall decoration - jute wallpaper. At your service the widest color scale, a variety of invoices and style finds is provided. Eco-friendly jute wallpapers bring an atmosphere of natural harmony, comfort, warmth, peace into the room. Such materials are ideal for equipping bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms. Of course, this is an elite wallpaper, but jute is not capricious at all. It is easy to work with it, it does not require special care. Jute wallpapers have paper base, which makes the process of sticking them on the wall extremely simple and fast. Therefore, such material for wall decoration is highly valued even among professional decorators. The interiors created with the use of jute delight with their spontaneity, prettiness, and extraordinariness.

Natural wallpapers are wallpapers made from environmentally friendly materials that carry natural warmth and care. Natural wallpapers are very diverse in texture, they can be made from cork, sisal fiber, dried grass (jute wallpaper), bamboo and are very widely used by designers. Wallpaper from natural materials do not require certain skills when pasting, tk. the basis is paper or interlining.Natural wallpapers are ideal for equipping bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, they have a very rich color palette from delicate colors to the most catchy and extravagant.

Paper with acrylic coating

Ashford House,

Buy wallpaper in the online store in Moscow

We have collected collections of designer wallpapers for our clients. Luxurious collections from leading manufacturers in Europe and the Russian Federation are made of high-quality and environmentally friendly materials, have an original pattern and texture. With the help of a convenient search, you can buy designer wallpapers for the walls of the kitchen, bedroom, living room, hallway, nursery. Every room in your home will look cozy.

You can buy designer wallpapers for walls in the online store:

  • Conveniently;
  • quickly;
  • easy;
  • inexpensive.

We have provided an optimal type of search, which allows customers to select products according to the main criteria: color, pattern, location, style, type of product, price. The Moscow online store is also adapted to the choice of brand and type of products. For example, you are impressed by one or another brand, in our catalog you can view all the offers of the manufacturer.

Cooperation with manufacturers of finishing materials allows us to set an affordable price for products, so you can purchase at inexpensive price quality goods. Ordering takes a matter of minutes, after which the products are already sent to your address!

Choosing and buying finishing materials in Moscow is easy if you choose a reliable supplier. Stop your choice on "Adagio Studio"!

  • Living room
  • Living rooms are the "heart" of the apartment, so they try to create a special harmony and comfort in it. It is usually arranged in classical style, sticking wallpaper with large drawings. These fabrics are perfect for wooden furniture and go well with a large chandelier. However, if you are planning to make the living room in a more modern style, you can use the colorful wallpaper for the apartment that has come into fashion again, coverings with asymmetric futuristic prints that are in perfect harmony with the outlines of modern decorative attributes, lamps and furniture. We advise you to pay attention to the colorful collections "New Contemporary", "New Contemporary Two", "Charlie Wilson", "Albemarle".

    The Odesign online store has a great variety of colorful wallpapers, the choice is yours. Will it be a colorful landscape, a big night city or buy wallpaper in an apartment with large flowers - it's up to you. The main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion. Please note that:

    • horizontal lines visually reduce the room;
    • vertical stripes visually lengthen;
    • a dark room will become lighter with cold light tones, and a light room will be vice versa.
  • Bedroom
  • In such a room, pastel colors should prevail. As a rule, a bright pattern is not appropriate here. Of course, this is a matter of taste, but keep in mind that surrounded by colorful parrots in the jungle, carefully examining you from the walls, you are unlikely to be able to relax. Scientists have found that dark wallpaper in bedrooms contribute to better sleep for people with sleep disorders. We recommend paying attention to the collections "Mineral", "Silent nature", "Ornament 2012". Note that the wallpapers of our online store are of high quality. They will not fade in the sun even after many years. Blackout curtains on the windows in the bedroom, of course, do not interfere, but you should not buy them just because of the wallpaper.

  • Children's
  • The small world of your child is better to turn into a fabulous journey. On our site you will find a lot of interesting ideas: from small discreet children's drawings, to bright colors, from children's cars, to images of entire cities. The main thing is that the canvas matches the age and interests of your child. It could be something from the collection "Lilleby", "Wallp. By Scand Des", "Marstrand", "Happy", "Accessories".

    All wallpapers of our store are absolutely eco-friendly. In your baby's room, you can safely glue both washable non-woven wallpaper and photo wallpaper.

  • Kitchen and corridor
  • In these areas, it is preferable to glue washable wallpapers or combine them with ordinary vinyl. The premises are prone to increased pollution, so wall coverings will have to be cleaned quite often. Washable wallpapers by ODesign are very durable, designed for repeated wiping with wet sponges and even brushes with cleaning products.

    The widest assortment and quality of each roll will be the envy of many stores. Designer canvases from Swedish and English manufacturers can transform any room in your apartment. If you find it difficult to make a choice, you can always consult with the specialists of our site. Follow our advice and you will certainly create an excellent interior in which you will always be cozy and comfortable. Elite wallpaper for an apartment from the Оdesign online store in Moscow - the official representative of Eco Wallpaper, Borastapeter and other companies - is the right solution for any interior issues. Buy wallpaper for your apartment online or in our wallpaper salons in Moscow!