US National Security Agency (NSA). Former NSA employee spoke about his experience in the remote operations center "Kaspersky" revealed a unique NSA spyware

Structure of the NSA

The head of the NSA director by his status must be a military man who previously worked in intelligence and has the rank of a three-star general (ie, lieutenant general) or vice admiral. He reports to the Secretary of Defense and represents the NSA in the US Intelligence Community. In addition, the director of the NSA simultaneously heads the Central Security Service (CSB), created in 1972, which encrypts information transmitted over American communication channels and decrypts foreign codes. The current director of the NSA is Lieutenant General Michael Hayden of the US Air Force.

In addition, the senior leadership of the NSA includes: deputy (actually, 1st deputy) director - currently held by William Black, deputy director of operations, deputy director of technical affairs and deputy director of information systems security. Unlike the position of director of the NSA, which can only be held by the military, all four of his deputies must be civilian specialists.

The headquarters of the NSA is located in Fort Meade, Maryland.

As of the end of the 70s, the structure of the NSA looked like this. The most important divisions of the NSA were:

Directorate of Radio Intelligence Operations,

Directorate of Communications Protection,

Control scientific research and technology.

The Directorate of Radio Intelligence Operations is headed by the NSA Deputy Director for Operations. Previously, it was called production management. This department is engaged in radio intelligence operations (from interception to cryptological analysis), analysis of the movement of signals and analysis of decrypted messages. The Directorate consists of three "mining" (that is, supplying intelligence information) and two auxiliary groups. The mining groups are organized geographically:

Group "A" is responsible for Russia and the countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact.

Group "B" deals with China, North Korea, Vietnam and other Asian socialist countries.

- Group "G" is responsible for all other countries. In addition, since the 1960s, this group has been processing international radio signals incoming and outgoing from the United States. In 1972, the staff of group "G" consisted of 1244 civilians and about 600 military.

Auxiliary units of the Directorate of Radio Intelligence Operations are groups "C" and "W". The first of them is engaged in computer processing of intelligence information, and the second is responsible for coordinating all interception operations. In 1976 Group C was merged with the Telecommunications Division and a new Directorate, Telecommunications and Computer Services, was created on their basis.

The Communications Security Administration is also known as Organization S. It supplies encryption equipment to all US government agencies (in 1993, NSA contracts for Maryland alone were valued at $700 million) and establishes communications security procedures for all agencies in the US Intelligence Community.

The Department of Scientific Research and Technology, as its name implies, is engaged in a variety of scientific and technical research in the field of interception of radio signals, decryption and protection of communication lines: from mathematical methods to the development of new technological processes and equipment. The department consists of four departments:

The Department of Mathematical Research deals with the application of mathematical methods to cryptanalysis.

The Intercept Equipment Division develops equipment for the interception and analysis of radio signals.

The cryptographic equipment department develops new types of encryption equipment, which are then put into production by the communications security department.

The department of computer technology, as you might guess, is engaged in research in the field of electronic computing technology.

In addition, the NSA has such support departments as the already mentioned department of telecommunications and computer services, the department of installation and configuration of equipment, which installs NSA equipment around the world, and the administrative department.

As mentioned above, the director of the NSA also heads the Central Security Service. Moreover, if the NSA itself looks like a top-secret office, then the CSB is a top-secret organization, so to speak, squared. Established in 1972 by presidential decree, the CSB is responsible for cryptanalysis and cryptosecurity. The CSB faces two tasks: deciphering foreign codes and encrypting official materials transmitted by means of communication. As the head of the Central Security Service, the director of the NSA controls the actions of the electronic intelligence units of the army, aviation and navy.

Training for the NSA is carried out in National School cryptology. This school trains personnel not only for the NSA, but also for several other departments of the Department of Defense. In addition, the NSA pays for the education of its employees in leading colleges and universities in the United States, and sends some of them to the military colleges of the Department of Defense.

Like many intelligence agencies around the world, the NSA has its own museum, the National Museum of Cryptology, located in a former motel near the headquarters of the Agency.

The number of personnel at the NSA facilities, including seconded military personnel from all branches of the armed forces, apparently exceeds 120,000 people. At the same time, 20-24 thousand of them work in the central office of the NSA, while the rest - mostly military personnel - work at the bases and stations of the NSA around the world. Thus, in terms of the number of employees, the NSA is undoubtedly the largest among the American intelligence agencies.

The number of electronic intercept stations currently available to the Agency is usually estimated at 2,000, although there are also estimates of 4,000. In any case, the plan for the deployment of NSA intercept stations, drawn up in the mid-50s, provided for the creation of a total of 4,120 round-the-clock intercept points around the world.

In addition to fixed radio interception points, the NSA uses US Navy reconnaissance vessels for its purposes. The NSA also has the capabilities of the US Air Force and naval aviation. Aircraft with NSA technicians on board often deliberately violated the airspace of the USSR and China in order to activate their air defense systems.

The NSA space intelligence units collect information from two types of artificial earth satellites: from commercial vehicles that broadcast telephone conversations, fax messages, and computer modem signals to the ground, and from military reconnaissance vehicles that provide two-way radio communication (receiver-transmitter), telephone communication ( within countries) and transmission of other electronic signals.

Despite the fact that formally the NSA is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, in fact this organization is more of a civilian character. Moreover, it can be seen that the military personnel of the NSA are subject to a kind of discrimination. In fact, at stations of radio-electronic interception, located somewhere in Alaska or in other places poorly adapted for life, mainly military personnel serve. However, among the inhabitants of cozy offices in Fort Meade, civilians already make up 50%. If we take the leadership staff, then in 1971, out of 2000 positions of chiefs of various levels that were available at that time in the NSA, the military occupied less than 5%. As we have already noted, all 4 deputy directors of the NSA must also be civilians.

In this connection, a curious fact may be mentioned: Deputy Director Dr. Luis V. Tordella held his post for 16 years, from 1958 to 1974. Considering that during this time five generals and two admirals have been replaced in the director's chair, it can be safely assumed that the daily work of the NSA all these years was led not by brave bearers of epaulettes and order bars, but by a modest doctor of science.

However, civilians joining the NSA are subject to the strict rules of this "closed" agency. In order not to accidentally blurt out secret information under anesthesia, they even go to "their" dentist checked by the NSA security service. There are restrictions on traveling abroad. In the event of marriage (or marriage) of any of the NSA employees or their relatives to a foreign citizen, the agency's management must be informed of this. All these requirements in the eyes of the inhabitants of the former USSR, who have repeatedly encountered the ubiquitous first departments in their lives, look completely natural. However, freedom-loving Americans, who are taught from childhood that they do not owe anything to the state, but the state owes them, perceive such restrictions rather painfully.

The budget of the NSA, like other US intelligence agencies, is currently classified. Moreover, unlike the CIA or the FBI, it has never been declassified. As for its value, there are different estimates. The American "Encyclopedia of Spying" reports that "this figure is about three and a half billion dollars, not counting the maintenance of space spy satellites." However, according to other estimates, the NSA's budget is about $15 billion. The latter figure does not sound fantastic when one recalls that Jeffrey T. Richelson, author of the 1985 book The US Intelligence Community, estimated the budget for the NSA (together with the CSB) to be between $5 billion and $10 billion. In any case, contrary to popular misconception, it is the NSA, and not the CIA, that is the most funded US intelligence agency.

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Officially, the NSA is responsible for all types of computer, electronic and any other intelligence using modern technical means. And it has long been no secret that the sponsors of the development of most software created in the US are local intelligence agencies. It is to their servers that your computer connected to the Internet constantly sends information for its subsequent processing by the NSA think tanks. The awareness of agency workers can be judged from information published by defector Edward Snowden.

The NSA is located in 50 buildings in Fort Meade (near Laurel, Maryland). Each of them is protected by special security systems, windows that reflect electromagnetic waves, and many others. technical means, making the territory of the object inaccessible to outsiders. And there is something to hide. According to Edward Snowden, he personally, being a small cog in the NSA colossus, sitting at a computer, could listen to almost any person on Earth who logged into the Internet. Thanks to the modern proliferation of mobile phone systems, the NSA, Snowden claims, can listen to just about anyone. This raises a question. If the NSA is such a well-informed organization, why are terrorist attacks and other crimes still happening in the world. It remains to be concluded that they are committed, at least with the tacit consent of the NSA.

On January 9, 2019, it became known that Kaspersky Lab, whose software was banned from use in US government agencies, helped to catch a thief of secret data from the National Security Agency (NSA). Read more.


Search for information about spy microchips from China

On October 11, 2018, it became known that the US National Security Agency (NSA) is looking for witnesses who could confirm the information about the installation of Chinese spy microchips on the servers of American companies. This was reported by Bloomberg, citing NSA expert Rob Joyce.

Rob Joyce urged those with information to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the NSA, or the US Department of the Interior.

In early October 2018, Bloomberg published an article alleging that Chinese hackers were trying to spy on American companies using microchips. According to agency sources, spy chips were embedded in motherboards intended for servers used by companies such as Apple and Amazon. Sources claimed that this happened at the stage of equipment assembly at factories in the PRC, which are contractors for the world's largest manufacturer. motherboards Supermicro.

Subsequently, Apple and Amazon denied these claims. Supermicro also denied Bloomberg's allegations. Later, security expert Joe Fitzpatrick, whom the agency referred to, said that Bloomberg distorted his words in his article, taking them out of context.

Ex-programmer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison for leaking cyberweapons in favor of Kaspersky Lab

In September 2018, 68-year-old former NSA programmer Ngia Hoan Pho was sentenced to five and a half years in prison for leaking secret cyber-military developments. Back in December, Pho pleaded guilty to deliberate unauthorized copying of classified information related to state security. Read more.

The US NSA created a cyber unit to fight Russia

"Russians are coming"

Paul Nakasone, who heads the National Security Agency (NSA) and simultaneously holds the post of head of the cybertroops, officially confirmed in July 2018 to the Bloomberg news agency the creation of a separate special forces "to repel Russian threats in cyberspace" .

“I formed a Russia Small Group,” Nakasone said. “This is what the intelligence community really needed to do after [the events of] 2016 2017.”

The Washington Post reported that the US NSA and its Cyber ​​Troops intend to counter "Russian threats to US security" in the midterm elections in November, which will re-elect the House of Representatives of the US Congress (lower house) of 35 senators and 39 state governors.

“Russia has significant capabilities and we certainly need to be ready for such a challenge,” Paul Nakasone said this past weekend during his keynote address at the annual Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado. “And if such a challenge comes, I believe that without a doubt we will be ready to counteract.”

Strengthening the infrastructure of the NSA cybertroops

In June 2018, The New York Times wrote that the Pentagon has significantly expanded the capabilities of the US NSA cyber troops over the past few months, giving them, among other things, the right to hack enemy networks to protect American networks. Such powers do give the NSA Cyber ​​Troops much more room to maneuver, as they were previously only allowed to protect US networks. Also, the increase in status, in all likelihood, also opened up additional opportunities “for protection from Russia,” Bloomberg notes.

The NSA stepped up surveillance of American phone calls

The National Security Agency (NSA) tracked three times more phone calls and text messages from Americans in 2017 than in the previous year, reports Reuters in May 2018. This is stated in the report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States.

According to the agency, a sharp increase in phone call tracking was recorded for the second year after the adoption of a law in the United States, which was intended to reduce the scale of surveillance. The data collected by the NSA includes the numbers and times of calls or text messages. It is clarified that the NSA does not record the content of the conversations.

Rumor about the possible appointment of a military expert by the head of the NSA


Data on the secret NSA Red Disk project leaked to the Web

In November 2017, information appeared that confidential data from a hard drive owned by the US National Security Agency (NSA) was leaked to the Web.

As it turned out, the classified project of the NSA and the US Army, stored on the Amazon Web Services server, was not password protected. The leaked virtual disk image contained over 100 GB of data.

Data from the disk was discovered by security researcher Chris Vickery and in October 2017 reported his discovery to the government.

Once unpacked and downloaded, the disk image was a 2013 snapshot of a hard drive from a Linux server that is part of a cloud-based intelligence-sharing system called Red Disk. The project was developed by the INSCOM (U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command) Futures Office as a complement to the so-called Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS), the legacy U.S. Army intelligence processing and sharing platform.

The project was conceived as an easily customizable cloud system capable of providing access to the required data as part of complex military operations. In particular, it was assumed that the Red Disk system would be able to provide American soldiers in hot spots with data directly from the Pentagon, including satellite imagery and video broadcast from unmanned aerial vehicles.

As a result, the system did not live up to expectations: it turned out to be too difficult to use and had a low speed. However, $93 million was invested in the development of the project, while it was never fully implemented.

The NSA collapses after its hacking tools are stolen

The National Security Agency (NSA) is struggling to recover from the blow dealt to it by the hacker group Shadow Brokers, who stole the source code for the agency's hacking tools in 2016. In August 2016, hackers began releasing these codes, causing great damage to the NSA's intelligence and cyber capabilities, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told The New York Times.

The NSA has been investigating the incident for 15 months, but still cannot say with certainty whether it was a hacker operation by foreign specialists, or an internal leak, or both. The NSA counterintelligence division Q Group and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are involved in the investigation. Since 2015, three NSA employees have been arrested for taking classified data out of the office, but the department fears that there are still undiscovered spies in the state.

These fears were confirmed to The New York Times by former NSA cybersecurity officer Jake Williams, who described how a Shadow Brokers spokesman spoke with him on Twitter in April 2017. The unknown hacker not only knew who Williams was, but also mentioned technical details of NSA hacking operations that only a few of Williams' colleagues in the unit knew.

global damage

The damage caused by the Shadow Brokers far exceeded the damage caused by the revelations of Edward Snowden, who took four laptops with classified materials from the agency in 2013, although his actions received more media attention. But if Snowden exposed only the names of hacker tools, then Shadow Brokers made public their codes. Now these codes, created with US taxpayer money, are being bought up by hackers in North Korea and other states to be used against the US and allied powers, writes The New York Times.

The publication links the theft of codes to major ransomware attacks, in particular, the destruction of files of tens of thousands of employees of Mondelez International, the manufacturer of Oreo cookies. The incident, which occurred at the end of June, was caused by the spread of the Petya virus. The package delivery company FedEx suffered from the same ransomware, which cost $ 300 million in the attack. These companies, like hospitals in the United States and Indonesia, a machine factory in France, an oil company in Brazil, a chocolate factory in Tasmania, and many others deserve an explanation, why codes created by the NSA were used against them, the newspaper said.

The United States learned about the theft of NSA data through Kaspersky Anti-Virus from the Israeli special services

NSA spying on aliens outside the US

In September 2017, it became known that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring more than 100,000 foreign citizens outside the country. The intelligence agency operates on the basis of paragraph 702, VII amendment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), CNN reports citing a number of high-ranking officials.

Specifically, section 702 allows the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence to authorize surveillance of non-U.S. citizens or outside the country if they are in possession of information of interest to foreign intelligence.

The amendment to the Covert Surveillance Act expires in December 2017, but opinions are divided on the advisability of extending it.

Arguments against"

A number of US politicians have spoken out against further extension of this law, fearing that it could be used to spy on American citizens as well. Intelligence agencies can gain access to the electronic communications of US citizens without a warrant just because of the mention of a foreign object, said Senator Ron Wyden.

For their part, NSA representatives deny the existence of such incidents. According to them, the department is required to comply with numerous measures to protect the privacy of citizens in accordance with the 2008 charter.

Arguments for"

The NSA itself is in favor of extending the validity of the amendment, in particular, arguing that thanks to the "Act on Covert Surveillance" it has repeatedly been possible to timely identify threats of cyber espionage, prevent cyber attacks and disrupt the preparation of terrorist acts by Daesh (banned in Russia).

In addition, US Attorney General Jefferson Session and Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats have proposed indefinite extension of a law allowing covert electronic surveillance of citizens. The US presidential administration also called for the extension of the law without making any changes to its text.

Secret US base to intercept communications found in Australia

The US government has built a secret base in Australia's Northern Territory to monitor wireless communications and support its drone program, according to a new batch of National Security Agency (NSA) documents released by Edward Snowden. In documents published by The Intercept, the base is referred to under the code name Rainfall, but its official name is the Joint Defense Facility Pine Gap.

“A short drive from Alice Springs, the second most populated city in the Northern Territories, is a highly classified secure facility codenamed Rainfall. This remote base, located in the desert wilderness in the heart of the country, is one of the main sites for covert surveillance in the Eastern Hemisphere,” writes The Intercept.

The base hosts a strategic satellite ground station for secretly monitoring telecommunications in several countries and obtaining geolocation data of targets intended for drone attacks. The work of the base is active, hundreds of American and Australian employees are involved in it.

The satellites used at the base are geostationary, that is, they are located in orbit above 32,000 km above the surface of the planet and are equipped with powerful equipment for monitoring wireless communications on Earth. In particular, satellites are capable of intercepting data transmitted by mobile phones, radios and satellite uplinks.

The Northern Territory is a federal subject within Australia, in the north of the mainland. It has a status slightly lower than that of the state. It borders Western Australia to the west, South Australia to the south and Queensland to the east. The main city is Darwin.

Satellite uplinks are the portion of a communication link used to transmit signals from a ground terminal to a satellite or airborne platform.

Facebook and Google announced total NSA surveillance

In May 2017, it became known that America's IT companies are asking for amendments to the Internet surveillance law. They wrote such a letter to Congress. It was signed by the heads of more than 20 companies. The authors of the appeal propose to deprive the National Security Agency of its powers. In addition, they want to control the activities of the NSA.

The companies' request concerns PRISM mass surveillance software. They demand to limit the amount of data that the NSA can collect through this program, as well as to ensure the transparency of this process. Each case of obtaining personal data must be supervised by the court. The letter was signed, among others, by Facebook, Google, Airbnb, Amazon, Dropbox, Microsoft, Uber, Yahoo and others.

Tools for hacking the SWIFT banking system

Among these tools, tools were found to carry out attacks on the international interbank SWIFT system and its service bureaus. Apparently, the goal of the NSA was to gain the ability to trace any transactions carried out through this system.

The published tools also include exploits for hacking systems based on different versions of Windows, as well as a number of presentations and accompanying documents for these and other Equation tools.

SWIFT representatives told Threatpost that neither the infrastructure nor the SWIFT data itself was compromised, but "third parties" could gain unauthorized access to communication channels between service bureaus and their customers.

Service bureaus are third-party service providers that manage and maintain connections financial institutions to the SWIFT network. The Shadow Brokers leak includes detailed data on the architecture of EastNets, the largest SWIFT service bureau in the Middle East, and data for accessing it.

It is worth noting that after the attacks of September 11, 2001, American intelligence agencies secretly gained access to financial information in the SWIFT network - this was done in order to track possible financial transactions of terrorists.

In 2006, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times published materials on the ability of the NSA and the CIA to monitor transactions in SWIFT, so that the administration of this service was severely criticized for insufficient protection of customer data.

Subsequently, the architecture of the entire system began to be updated - just in order to protect the secrecy of transactions.

US NSA GenCyber ​​cyberwarrior training program

GenCyber ​​program, from which cyberwarriors learn, is directly funded by a key intelligence unit - the US National Security Agency. As part of GenCyber, special courses are held in 36 states, where everyone interested is told about the basics of cybersecurity and cyber warfare, and in a number of universities they train "cyber warriors" directly.

One of the brainchild of the GenCyber ​​program - " National Cyber ​​Warrior Academy", which works at the University of North Georgia and does just that. For training, it recruits students to prepare for service in federal and military government institutions. Moreover, priority is given to Americans who study Russian.

The specialization of future cyberwarriors includes training in drone programming, car hacking, and even 3D design. Upon completion of training, each graduate is issued a document - " hacker certificate". And there are 76 such educational institutions in, which, under the leadership of the NSA, train future cyber-warriors with all kinds of skills, and this is just the beginning. In 2017, 120-150 such courses are planned, and by 2020 program manager Stephen Lafontaine wants to increase the number up to 200 such courses per year.

National Science Foundation also finances the program Cybercorps", which is designed to recruit cybersecurity specialists, and, of course, all this is paid for by American taxpayers - grants from $22,000 to $34,000 per person. For such a generous reward, each graduate must "repay the debt" - get a job only to government agencies, the list of which is still the same - the NSA and the Ministry of the Interior, where they will have to deal with cyber operations.

"Snowden #2" stole 50 TB of classified data "due to a mental disorder"

In February 2017, the US National Security Agency accused Harold Martin, a former freelancer, of stealing classified information. The amount of data stolen by him is a total of 50 TB, which is approximately 500 million pages. The US government has already called the incident the largest theft of classified data in the history of the country.

Among other things, Martin allegedly stole lists of undercover NSA agents working abroad. Also, according to The New York Times, he stole computer codes designed to attack government networks in other states, including China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. In total, 75% of the hacker tools used by the Tailored Access Operations (TAO) division, which is engaged in cyber attacks at the NSA, turned out to be in his hands.

In addition, the discovered archive contains NSA documents from 2014, which contain detailed intelligence on foreign cyber systems and cyber attack techniques. Martin was also found in possession of an NSA user manual for intelligence gathering and a file describing the agency's daily operations dating back to 2007.

In addition, Martin is accused of stealing data from other agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the US National Space Intelligence Agency and the US Cyber ​​Command.

At the same time, it is not yet specified what Martin did with the stolen data, if he did anything at all. However, he will have to answer immediately on 20 criminal articles, for each of which he can receive up to 10 years in prison. The investigation into Snowden #2, launched in August 2016, is ongoing. In mid-February, Martin will appear in court in Baltimore, USA.


Hackers stole NSA-linked Equation Group tools

Search for hackers of the servers of the US Democratic Party before the presidential election

According to a journalistic investigation published by the British edition of The Intercept, more than 2,200 analysts, mostly from the American NSA, work at the secret Menwith Hill base in British North Yorkshire, which during the Cold War years was called Field Station 8613 and spied on Soviet communications.

The top-secret nature of the Menwith Hill base is emphasized by round-the-clock patrols by the British Army and surveillance cameras placed on almost every three-meter section of the base's fence, which covers an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 2 square meters. km.

According to secret documents obtained by The Intercept journalists from former NSA officer Edward Snowden, two main functions of global espionage are implemented on the basis of Menwith Hill. One of them is called Fornsat and uses powerful antenna fields to intercept signals from foreign satellites.

The second feature, called Overhead, uses U.S. government satellites in geostationary orbit over countries of interest to monitor mobile phone traffic and Wi-Fi networks.

According to American journalist James Bamford, who worked with Snowden, in 2016 the NSA is developing two global initiatives at once. The first is called TreasureMap, and its task is to create a real-time interactive map of all the devices in the world that are connected to the Internet. The second operation was called Turbine, its goal is to place malware on computer systems around the world for spying or cyberattacks.

James Bamford claims that the cyber-espionage affiliate of the NSA and the CIA is called the Special Collection Service. Its branches, equipped with the necessary equipment, are located in US embassies around the world. regional center The service responsible for operations in the Caribbean and Central and South America is based in San Antonio, Texas.

According to Bamford, the cyber service is controlled from Fort Meade, the headquarters of the NSA, located in Maryland. Under construction is a separate headquarters of the Special Collection Service, worth $ 3.2 billion. The headquarters will be equipped with a supercomputer, which will occupy an area of ​​​​55 thousand square meters. m and will consume about 60 MW of electricity. After its launch, cyber espionage in the US should reach a new level.

Journalist David Sanger has written a book about the massive US cyber war against Iran. In particular, it refers to the "Olympic Games" initiative, sanctioned by the Obama administration, which, with the help of cyber attacks, set back Iran's nuclear program by two years. During the operation, about a thousand turbines were destroyed remotely, and the Iranian nuclear station in Netenz was also disabled.


The NSA is preparing the US for a large-scale cyber war

Mass surveillance, which the US National Security Agency (NSA) is engaged in, is only the beginning of more global events, Spiegel magazine wrote in 2015. New documents released by Edward Snowden and found in the publication's possession suggest that the agency is arming America for future wars in cyberspace, in which the Internet will play a key role.

The purpose of the training is to be able to paralyze computer networks and thereby disrupt the operation of enterprises, including power plants, water systems, factories and airports, and financial institutions.

In the twentieth century, nuclear, biological and chemical weapons were created. Only decades later were measures developed to regulate such types of weapons. Today, a new digital weapon is being created for the war on the Internet. But no international agreement or organization regulates digital weapons. There is only one law - the strongest wins, writes Spiegel.

Remarkably, Canadian theorist Marshall McLuhan foresaw this decades ago. In 1970 he stated:

"Third World War will be a guerrilla information war without separation between military and civilian participation.”

This, according to the German edition, is exactly what the NSA is preparing for now.

By 2015, the ground forces, navies and air force USA . But the NSA, which, by the way, is also a military organization, according to Spiegel, is leading in this area. It is no coincidence that NSA Director Michael Rogers is also the head of the US Cyber ​​Command. It has about 40,000 military personnel in charge of espionage and cyberattacks.

From a military point of view, Internet surveillance is only the first phase of cyber warfare. Based on NSA documents obtained by Spiegel, surveillance is needed in order to find vulnerabilities in the enemy information system. After the vulnerabilities are found, the second phase begins - the installation of bugs and the acquisition of the possibility of constant surveillance.

The third phase in the documents of the NSA, which the publication cites, appears with the word "control". In the third phase, the agency gains the ability to "control and destroy critical systems." K is critical important systems applies to everything that ensures the normal life of people - electrical networks, communications, transport. The documents feature the concept of "phased capture of control in real time."

One of the NSA presentations says that the next major world conflict will start in cyberspace. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the agency is to prepare for such a conflict. According to the documents, in 2013 the NSA expected to receive about $1 billion from the state budget just to strengthen its computer networks.

Kaspersky uncovered unique NSA spyware

The US National Security Agency came up with the idea of ​​hiding spyware on hard drives manufactured by Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba and other leading manufacturers, thus gaining access to information on most of the world's computers. This was reported in 2015 by Reuters, citing a study by Kaspersky Lab and the testimony of former NSA employees.

Based on the results of many years of observations, Kaspersky Lab managed to uncover the most complex and sophisticated cyber-espionage system known to date. The company's specialists found personal computers in 30 countries infected with one or more of these spyware. The largest number of infected computers, according to her, was in Iran, as well as Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Mali, Syria, Yemen and Algeria. The most frequently attacked computers were government and military institutions, telecommunications companies, banks, energy companies, nuclear research companies, media companies and Islamic activists.

The specific country behind the spy campaign is not named by Kaspersky Lab. However, he clarifies that it is closely related to Stuxnet, which was developed by order of the NSA to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. A former NSA official told Reuters that Kaspersky's findings are correct. According to him, current employees of the agency rate these spyware as highly as Stuxnet.

Another former intelligence official confirmed that the NSA had developed a valuable way of hiding spyware on hard drives, but said he did not know what kind of spying tasks they were assigned.

Predecessor Management Supervisor Michael Rogers Deputy John C. (Chris) English Website Media at Wikimedia Commons

National Security Agency United States (eng. National Security Agency, NSA) - a division of electronic and electronic intelligence of the US Department of Defense, which is part of the Intelligence Community as an independent intelligence agency. Formed as part of the US Department of Defense on November 4, 1952. In terms of the number of military and civilian employees and the size of the budget, it is the largest intelligence agency in the United States.

The US NSA is responsible for the collection and analysis of information by means of RER (RTR and RR), control of electronic communication networks, accounting of electronic traffic, solves highly specialized tasks of electronic intelligence (RTR) and radio intelligence (RR) to obtain information from communication networks of foreign states through electronic and radio interception and its decryption using computer technology. The NSA is also responsible for closing the electronic communications networks of US government agencies from unauthorized access to DER services of other states.

Solves the problems of obtaining information in a technical way, is responsible for all types of RER, the tasks of data protection and cryptography.

General information

The NSA is the key structure of the REI within the US Intelligence Community, headed by the Director of National Intelligence. Central Security Service (eng. Central security service) - the US Department of Defense is an organization created to develop security measures for electronic communication networks and to cooperate between the US NSA and the cryptographic services of the US Department of Defense. The director of the NSA and the head of the Central Security Service is also the chief of the operational staff of the psychological warfare and electronic warfare of the US Armed Forces. Since 2009, these positions have been held by General Keith Alexander (director of the NSA since 2005). The field of activity of the NSA is limited to RER REW, the agency does not conduct undercover intelligence outside the US.

The job category of the chief of the NSA is filled by a senior officer of the US Department of Defense - a military man with the rank of lieutenant general or vice admiral. The positions of NSA deputy chiefs may be filled by civilian employees of the US Department of Defense.

The number of employees and the annual budget of the agency are US state secrets. There are various estimates of these figures: the number of employees at the headquarters is estimated at 20-38 thousand people; in addition, about 100 thousand specialists in electronic warfare, psychological warfare and cryptography work at US military bases around the world. According to various, very different estimates, the budget of the NSA can be from 3.5 to 13 billion dollars, which makes it the most funded intelligence agency in the world.

Training of specialists for the NSA is carried out at the National Institute of Cryptography. This educational institution trains personnel not only for the NSA, but also for several other divisions of the US Department of Defense. In addition, the NSA pays for the education of its employees in leading US colleges and universities, as well as in military colleges of the Department of Defense.

The NSA, like many other intelligence agencies, has its own museum - the National Museum of Cryptography, located in a former motel near the headquarters of the agency.


The mission of information security is to counter foreign adversaries gaining access to confidential or classified national information. The mission of electronic intelligence is to collect intelligence signals, process and disseminate intelligence information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence in order to support military operations. This agency also allows the operations of the Warfare network to defeat terrorists and their organizations at home and abroad, in accordance with US laws and the protection of privacy and civil liberties.

Goals and objectives

OBJECTIVE 1: Success in modern operations - to include wise political decisions, effective national security actions, US freedom of action in cyberspace, exploiting the use of foreign electronic signals and systems, and information security systems used by the US and its allies to ensure the protection of privacy and civil liberties.

OBJECTIVE 2: Prepare for the Future - Provide capabilities and solutions to the next generation that meet the challenges of tomorrow and move from invention to work in support of national security and US government missions.

OBJECTIVE 3: Strengthen Staff Competence - Attract, develop, and train an exceptional, diverse workforce trained to meet US cryptology challenges.

OBJECTIVE 4: Implementing Best Business Practices - Making sound, strategic and tactical investment decisions while ensuring organizational accountability for implementing those decisions and implementing them to improve performance.

GOAL 5: Demonstrate Principled Performance - Achieving US missions with commitment through a principled and determined approach to accomplishing assigned tasks while respecting the rule of law, citizen rights, and public trust above all else.

The NSA has two main directorates: the main directorate of the RER, responsible for obtaining information from foreign communication channels, and the main directorate of information security, which deals with the protection of electronic communication systems and information of the US system.

The tasks of the department include: radio intelligence and electronic intelligence (see: en: SIGINT), protection of government information, cryptography.

Obligations to fellow citizens

“We will act with dignity to advance the rights, goals and values ​​of the nation.

We will adhere to the spirit and letter of the Constitution, the laws and regulations of the United States.

We will support and protect our troops in their field of action.

We will fight terrorism around the world - if necessary, risking our lives to save the nation.

We will provide our politicians, negotiators, ambassadors, law enforcement, the intelligence community, vital intelligence information, incl. of a military nature, so that they can guard and protect the people.

We will protect the national security networks vital to our people.

We will trust our public resource managers and rely on their prudent and prudent decisions.

We will continuously strive for transparency in all of our reviews, controls and decision-making processes.

We will be responsible for our actions and take responsibility for our decisions.

We honor open government and mandate transparency by providing timely and accurate information that is accessible to the public, subject to the need to protect privacy, confidentiality, security or other restrictions under existing law and applicable policy.

We are partnering with the Maryland STEM program to support the goals and programs outlined.”


The headquarters is located in Fort Meade, Maryland ( 39°06′31″ s. sh. 76°46′18″ W d. HGIOL), between Baltimore and Washington. Territory - 263 hectares. Fort Meade is capable of fully providing all of its vital functions. It has its own power plant, television network, police, libraries, cafes, bars, various social facilities, including schools and Kindergarten. Two glass buildings of the complex were built in 1984 and 1986 and are equipped with protection systems against enemy electronic intelligence. The height of the main building is 9 floors.


Armed Forces Security Agency

Creation of the NSA

As a result of the investigation into the failures of the ABS, it was decided to establish a new body with broader powers, and to transfer to it all the functions of electronic intelligence. Thus, President Truman's secret directive of October 24, 1952, established the National Security Agency. The official date of its creation is November 4, 1952. Unlike its predecessor, it did not report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but directly to the Secretary of Defense. The creation of the NSA was classified and until 1957, the agency was not mentioned in any official document. It was not until 1957 that it was mentioned in the annual Directory of US Government Agencies. United States Government Manual ) as "a separately organized agency within the Department of Defense, under the direction and control of the Secretary of Defense ... performing highly specialized technical functions in support of the intelligence activities of the United States" .


In 2013, another public confirmation of the global activities of the NSA was announced by an American citizen Edward Snowden, referring to his personal involvement in electronic espionage. In early June, Snowden handed over to The Guardian and The Washington Post newspapers classified information from the NSA regarding the total surveillance of information communications between citizens of many states around the world by American intelligence agencies using existing information and communication networks, including information about the PRISM project.

First publications

Throughout the Cold War, the NSA was hostile to attempts by writers and journalists to lift the veil of secrecy over the organization. Works on cryptography rarely appeared in the open press, since most of the developments were classified. When in 1967 D. Kahn's book "Crackers" was being prepared for publication, which contained, among other things, some information on the methods used by the NSA, the agency tried to prevent its publication. In 1982, James Bamford's Puzzle Palace was published, the first book devoted entirely to the NSA. For writing, the author used documents, access to which was provided in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Information ( Freedom of Information Act). In an attempt to prevent the publication of the book, the government changed the secrecy of some documents. To this day, the book remains virtually the only full-scale work devoted to the NSA.

Digital Fortress is a novel by American writer Dan Brown. The book tells about the confrontation between the National Security Agency represented by the best US cryptographer Susan Fletcher and a mysterious intruder.

The influence of the NSA on standards in cryptography

Competition AES

Perhaps due to previous discussions, the NSA's involvement in the selection of a successor to DES was immediately limited to performance testing. The agency has subsequently certified an algorithm for protecting state secrets. The widely used hash functions SHA-1 and SHA-2 were developed by the NSA.


The NSA promoted the standardization of the Dual EC DRBG random number generator (RNG) in . The poor performance of the algorithm and the presence of vulnerabilities in it have led some experts to believe that the generator has a built-in backdoor that allows the agency to access information encrypted by systems using this RNG. In December 2013, Reuters reported that the NSA secretly paid RSA $10 million to make Dual EC DRBG the default in its products.


The NSA is the main operator of the Echelon global interception system. Echelon has an extensive infrastructure that includes ground-based tracking stations located all over the world. According to the report of the European Parliament, the system is able to intercept microwave radio transmissions, satellite communications, mobile communications.

In the early 1990s, tracking the territory of the "collapsed" Soviet Union, and primarily Russia, continued to be the main task of the US National Security Agency, since it is in this part of the globe that a significant nuclear potential is located. In 1990, in order to maintain its budget in the changed conditions, the agency had to change the field of its activity, defining the priority of obtaining not military, but economic data. The objects of observation are many countries - allies of the United States, whose banks, trading and industrial companies successfully compete in the world market with American partners.

Other tracking programs

In April 2009, U.S. Department of Justice officials acknowledged that the NSA had been collecting information on a large scale from the internal communications of U.S. citizens in excess of authority, but argued that the actions were unintentional and have since been corrected.


Information and Computer Science Research

The NSA has a group of computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians who conduct research on a wide range of problems. The agency is collaborating with commercial and academic partners, as well as other government organizations, to explore new analytical methods and computing platforms.
Their research in the field includes:

  • Database
  • Ontology
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Language analytics
  • Voice analytics

Modeling / Cognitive Science

Foreign analogues

  • Russia: Spetssvyaz FSO Russia;
  • Russia: FSB Russian Federation
  • United Kingdom: Government Communications Centre;
  • Canada: Center Security Communications;
  • France: Frenchelon.



  • November 1952 - November 1956 - Lieutenant General Ralph Kanin
  • November 1956 - November 23, 1960 - Lieutenant General of the Air Force John Samford
  • November 1960 - June 1962 - Vice Admiral Lawrence Frost
  • July 1, 1962 - June 1, 1965 - Air Force Lieutenant General Gordon Blake
  • June 1965 - March 28, 1969 - Lieutenant General Marshall Carter
  • August 1969 - July 1972 - Vice Admiral Noel Geiler
  • August 1972 - August 1973 - Lieutenant General of the Air Force Samuel Phillips
  • August 1973 - July 1977 - Air Force Lieutenant General Lew Allen
  • July 1977 - March 1981 - Vice Admiral Bobby Inman
  • April 1981 - April 1, 1985 - Lieutenant General of the Air Force Lincoln Fower
  • April 1985 - August 1988 - Lieutenant General William Odom
  • August 1988 - April 1992 - Vice Admiral William Studman
  • May 1992 - February 1996 - Vice Admiral John McConnell
  • February 1996 - March 1999 - Air Force Lieutenant General Kenneth Minihan
  • March 1999 - April 2005 - Air Force Lieutenant General Michael Hayden
  • April 2005 - April 2014 - Lieutenant General Keith Alexander
  • April 2014 - present - Admiral Michael Rogers.

Notable collaborators

  • Robert Morris
  • Luis Tordella

see also


  1. DNI.RU INTERNET GAZETA VERSION 5.0 / USA fired head military intelligence
  2. Schneier B. 25.1 National Security Agency// Applied cryptography. Protocols, algorithms, source code in C language = Applied Cryptography. Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C. - M. : Triumph, 2002. - S. 661-663. - 816 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-89392-055-4.
  3. Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security / Ed. by K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. - 1 edition. - Gale, 2003. - Vol. 2. - P. 351-353. - ISBN 978-0-7876-7546-2.
  4. Pykhalov I. V. NSA // Special Services USA. - St. Petersburg. : OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - ISBN 5-7654-1504-0.
  5. The NSA/CSS Mission - NSA/CSS (indefinite) . Retrieved 3 December 2015.
  6. US National Security Agency (indefinite) Archived from the original on February 21, 2012.
  7. Commitment - NSA/CSS (indefinite) . Retrieved December 6, 2015.
  8. HQ ANB (indefinite) . Retrieved November 23, 2012. Archived from the original on February 21, 2012.
  9. Cold War: A Student Encyclopedia / Ed. by Spencer C. Tucker, Priscilla Mary Roberts. - ABC-clio, 2007. - Vol. 3. - P. 1447-1449. - ISBN 978-1-85109-847-7.

In 1997, the mysterious organization NSA (Academy of National Security) was created in St. Petersburg, and the chain of bloody events of the fall of 1998 is connected with this organization, which occurred shortly after Putin became director of the FSB on July 25, 1998.

Chronology of events

  • September 28, 1998 killed Evgeny Agarev- an explosion of hexogen in the entrance blew off his head. This murder is connected to the NSA, at least by the fact that it is technically exactly the same as the next murder, which took place 12 days later. The murder of the defenseless Agarev is very similar to the "testing of equipment" before the murder of Dmitry Filippov, surrounded by professional guards, and it was carried out by the same "professional hexogenists".

  • October 10, 1998 explosion of hexogen in the entrance, the victim is the organizer and sponsor of the NSA Dmitry Fillipov. Probably, it was Dmitry Filippov who was the main target of the special operation, which was carried out under the pretext of the need to defeat the NSA, which Putin presented to Yeltsin as a kind of "gang of commies striving for power," and received carte blanche to defeat. The rest of the victims in this chain may have suffered simply "for the company."

  • October 16, 1998 1st Vice President of the NSA Mikhail Osherov received two bullets in the head in the entrance of his house. Judging by the documents of the NSA, he was the most active participant in this organization, and it rested on him. Since Mikhail Osherov and Dmitry Filippov were friends with Gennady Seleznev for more than 25 years (who just provided all the formalities for registering the NSA and its legalization within the State Duma), the connection between the events and the NSA is quite obvious, in fact, everything rested on these three: Seleznev, Filippov, Osherov.

  • November 12, 1998 Vice President of the NSA Kurkov Anatoly Alekseevich, former head of the KGB of Leningrad, former boss of Putin, died at the age of 68 - not so old, strange. No obituaries are googled, although Kurkov was a rather influential person in St. Petersburg even after his resignation. The date of his death is suspiciously adjacent to the chain of liquidations of people associated with the NSA.

  • November 17, 1998 a press conference was held by FSB officers who were dissatisfied with their use for contract killings. It was led by Alexander Litvinenko - he did not get much better in the future. The fact that the FSB officers themselves showed dissatisfaction with their involvement in contract killings indicates that it was at that time that such a practice took place. Otherwise, so many regular FSB officers would not expose their heads to inevitable retribution. In the future, all the participants of that conference had a hard time.

  • November 17, 1998 in the newspaper "Northern Capital", which was published by Galina Starovoitova, her article was published on the activities of Seleznev and the NSA - " New Russian communists: the union of the sickle and the dollar". The article, signed with pseudonyms, "exposed" the NSA - they say that the communist Seleznev is extorting money from entrepreneurs for his election campaign, hiding behind chatter about national security. Putin's friend Cherkesov, the then head of the St. Petersburg FSB, is mentioned in this article in such a way that one can conclude that he had a preliminary conversation with Starovoitova on this topic.

  • November 20, 1998 killed in the entrance of her house Galina Starovoitova. On that day, she flew to St. Petersburg by plane with Cherkesov, who allegedly offered her his protection. In the murder of Starovoitova, there is an open allusion to the "insidious special service of the NSA", which, desperately resisting its exposure, kills its offender in impotent rage. And, of course, one of the first versions of the murder was put forward as a connection with the revelations of the NSA, where the "mask show" soon appeared.

  • November 22, 1998 In the office of the NSA, which, by a strange coincidence, was in the same building as the public reception of Galina Starovoitova, officers of the UBEP, accompanied by fighters from the detention group ("mask show"), raided. They searched the NSA office and seized all the documents. Financial violations were found in the papers and NSA Director General Alexander Zabuty was arrested.

What's so suspicious about all this? Let's take it in order.

1. Logic and motivation for Yeltsin

There is a very logical causal relationship between the desire of Yeltsin (and the company) to "stop commies rushing to power" and active actions against the NSA, which outwardly looked very much like a "den of commies rushing to power." That is, this is a specific motive that completely logically explains everything that happened, if you look from the point of view of "from the Kremlin."

It probably went like this: FSB director Putin came to Yeltsin and reported on Gennady Seleznev's activity in "seizing power in the country." There were two main points: about how successfully the communists raise money for their election campaign, and about the creation of a "communist special service" that is disguised as a harmless-looking organization of the NSA.

Having shifted some accents, Putin could easily present information in such a way that Yeltsin had a picture in his head that was directly associated with 1993, when he had to shoot down the parliament in order to keep to power.

Impressed and on reflection, Yeltsin should have agreed to Putin's proposed measures, the essence of which was "not to bring the situation to a critical point, but to get by with little bloodshed." That is, to eliminate the ringleaders, and then, they say, this whole most dangerous undertaking for the country will fall apart, and rivers of blood will not be shed, as in 1993.

The instigators in the NSA were Dmitry Filippov and Mikhail Osherov, and of course their mutual friend, State Duma Speaker Gennady Seleznev, who ensured that the NSA was legalized in the State Duma. Well, of course, they did not dare to kill the speaker of the State Duma, it would be too much, it could lead to a lot of noise and a serious investigation. But to remove his two friends, under the guise of gang warfare, seemed like a simple and logical decision, so to speak, without pale.

Yeltsin had nothing to lose - by that time he already had experience of approving the execution of the parliament, approving the start of the Chechen war, and eliminating Dudayev. He had no moral obstacles to approving the liquidation of Filippov and Osherov. Of course, under Putin's personal responsibility: "if you fail, I didn't know anything, but I'll cover it as best I can."

2. Logic and motivation for Putin

Putin, when he became director of the FSB, found out that Dmitry Filippov had deadly compromising evidence against him, and was clearly preparing the ground to voice it through the State Duma before the 2000 elections. What else could Putin come up with, except to kill him?

However, it was not so easy for Putin to kill Filippov:

  • firstly, Filippov was waiting for the assassination attempt and hired professional security, who did not step aside from him. Therefore, the options familiar to Putin, such as the murder of Igor Dubovik or Mikhail Manevich, when the killer stupidly shoots the victim, fell away. Something more complex was required here, something that Filippov's guards could not have foreseen.

  • secondly, for Putin, who took the chair of the director of the FSB, it was not so easy to order Filippov through old gangster connections. There was a very high risk of failing and losing everything at once. It was clearly more profitable and safer for the bandit who accepted such an order to hand over Putin to the same Filippov, rather than puzzle over how to kill him. Or another option - having received an order to blackmail Putin himself by exposing his order.

Having become director of the FSB, Putin immediately began to look for ways to make this organization work for him. He could not be sure that ordering someone to kill would result in the execution of such an order, and not exposure. He needed to have Yeltsin's approval for the assassinations, at least initially, in case the FSB tried to expose him. Therefore, it was necessary to ensure some kind of clearly illegal activity, but with the approval of Yeltsin - so that if the performers refuse to follow orders and start complaining (remember the press conference on November 17, 1998), then their complaints would not become some kind of terrible revelation for Yeltsin. Well, later, having found in the FSB such people who would kill without asking too many questions, having checked them in the case, it was already possible to act without Yeltsin's approval, according to proven schemes (the explosions of houses in the fall of 1999 Yeltsin hardly approved).

That is why the murder of Dmitry Filippov must necessarily have been preceded by the murder of some less significant person by the same people, but according to the same scheme. Putin checked the FSB-shnyh "hexogenists" on Yevgeny Agarev in order to check the entire chain from the order to the murder. If something was wrong with the "hexogenists", then the insignificant liquidation of Agarev would have failed, and Filippov would not even have suspected that they were approaching him.
When the same "hexogenists" blew up Filippov, and Putin did not risk anything - firstly, people are proven, and secondly, if something goes wrong, then Yeltsin, who himself approved this liquidation, will not be at all surprised and will not twitch.

Well, the murder of Osherov, who was not guarded by anyone, was a simple matter, they sent him a "glazier" with a converted gas pistol - to make the murder look unprofessional. Putin didn't care if Osherov survived. It was necessary to shoot at him only to reinforce the legend that after the sudden liquidation of the "leaders of the NSA" the insidious activities of this organization ceased. If Putin portrayed Filippov as such a "leader of the NSA" whose liquidation completely solves the problem, then Yeltsin could guess that Putin wants to kill Filippov in general, and not "liquidate the NSA" at all. To maintain the legend of a powerful secret organization, several leaders were needed.

Kurkov among the "leaders of the NSA" was very helpful. In addition, he is the only one of the entire company who even looks like a conspirator. (By the way, Kurkov was a member of the State Committee for the State of Emergency. True, during the putsch he did nothing, he did not twitch, but he did not have the opportunity to do something then). This former head of the KGB of Leningrad, the former head of Putin, became deputy chairman of the board of the Viking commercial bank, and scams with false advice notes were connected with this bank, the amount of theft amounted to hundreds of millions of rubles. Evgeny Oleinik was allegedly involved in these machinations. Whether these tales are true is a big question, and the very fact of their existence says not so much that this bank was much more criminal than others, but that someone needed such legends. The fact is that KB Viking looked like an old KGB scheme to secure the theft of funds at the interbank level (I must say, such an accusation looks plausible - at that time it was a great way to get a huge pile of money "out of nothing"). And if Putin hinted that in this way these KGB guys get money to finance the "communist revenge", then it would sound quite convincing, coupled with the fact that Kurkov is just the vice president of the NSA. In this context, it is likely that Kurkov died not at all because of worries about the bank, but something like Sobchak. At least the death of Kurkov for the legend about the "liquidation of the leaders of the NSA" was somehow very timely and by the way.

And the murder of Galina Starovoitova also did a great job of reinforcing the legend about the "power of the NSA" - that's, supposedly, what a terrible organization it is, which, in retaliation for the liquidation of its leaders, killed Starovoitova. And now, they say, what a cool organization Putin won in a fierce battle against the commies. Although not without losses, but still "the democrats won." In addition, Starovoitova did not like KGB officers and persistently lobbied for a lustration law, the adoption of which would have closed the state career for Putin and Cherkesov, former employees of the 5th KGB Directorate, which the Democrats considered the department to combat dissidents. It is quite logical that these two friends killed her under the guise of a performance with the "liquidation of the NSA". They simply ordered it to their familiar bandits ( upd: important details of this murder - our investigation).

3. Decorative

There are many indications that the NSA only looked like, and not really, something dangerous for "democrats." The impression is that it was a completely decorative office, which invited a number of "wedding generals" with a high-profile legendary past, but nothing really connected with each other.

By the way, the logic of setting up with the NSA looks similar to the State Emergency Committee. Moreover, this analogy is also interesting in the opposite direction, that is, that the State Emergency Committee of 1991, in many ways, is also a set-up and a divorce, an artificially created pretext for the forceful removal of a number of persons, the ban on the CPSU, and the general destruction of the USSR.

The decorative NSA was just a horror story, at least there is no reason to suspect any of the "academicians" in a real desire to weave some kind of conspiracy, with the possible exception of Kurkov. For a full-fledged conspiracy, at least like-minded people who have some kind of common history, on the basis of which they could trust each other, are needed.
Let's look at the composition of NSA vice presidents:

  • Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Osherov Mikhail Semenovich(friend of G. Seleznev)

  • FSB Major General Panteleev Gennady Stepanovich, deputy head of the FSB in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. A very ambiguous character.

  • Police Major General Kramarev Arkady Grigorievich, in 1991-94 - head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. The same one, the compromising evidence on which was collected and leaked to Sobchak by the "Chekist Oleinik", for which he received a bullet. The same Kramarev, whom Sobchak shoved into the chiefs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and then he himself accused him of rampant banditry.

  • Colonel of Justice Kirilenko Viktor Petrovich. In 1966-1980 he worked as an investigative and prosecutor in the bodies of military justice. Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Government of the Leningrad Region.

  • Major General Nefedov Alexander Alexandrovich, Head of the Tax Police Department of the Leningrad Region.

  • Captain 1st rank Leskov Alexander Yakovlevich, the legendary Soviet submariner, received an award for saving the Lenin Komsomol submarine from the sinking (however, for some reason, only in 2012).

  • someone Khromovskikh Valery Georgievich, head of the financial department of the NSA

  • someone Rozhkov Vladimir Dmitrievich, Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Population Len. areas.

  • Major General Semchenkov Alexander Vasilievich, President of the State Security Veterans Fund.

  • Lieutenant General Kurkov Anatoly Alekseevich, who in the documents of the NSA was not recorded as a general, but modestly - “Deputy Chairman of the Board of the VIKING Design Bureau”, although in fact this is the former head of the entire KGB of Leningrad and the region, who headed the “office” from April 1989. November 29, 1991, Putin's former boss.

At first glance, the list seems impressive - like almost all the old security officials, many generals. However, if you take a closer look, it is clear that these people are not interconnected (with the possible exception of Kurkov and Semchenkov). This can in no way be the basis for a real group of conspirators - a decorative gathering in which it is impossible to keep any secret, and even more so to develop and implement some kind of joint plan. This is not a combat structure, it is only suitable for impressing those who will not delve into the details.

So it turns out that the NSA is just a set-up, a horror story, a pretext for putting under the nose, for example, Yeltsin, a bundle of papers, where in the most gloomy colors it would be written about an absolutely terrible "adventure of commies striving for power." It does not require anything but an impression, on the basis of which you can get the go-ahead to eliminate the "leaders" ...

4. Speed, complexity, scale

The fact that it is the FSB headed by Putin that is behind the events to liquidate the NSA is indicated, among other things, by the fact that the events to liquidate the NSA took place quite rapidly, many people were involved in them, and powerful information support was provided. It was a special operation on a national scale, it was impossible to carry it out without the use of state resources. It took less than two months to prepare and execute the liquidation of at least four people (and along the way to take control of the investigation of these crimes so that nothing superfluous came up).

At least 3 groups of assassins were involved (hexogenists from the FSB who blew up Agarev and Filippov, plus a certain "glazier" who shot at Osherov, plus bandits hired, probably by Cherkesov, who shot Starovoitova). Plus, it’s not clear what happened to Kurkov.

Such a serious operation could not have taken place without a strong cover story. The number of people dedicated to the fact that the liquidation of the NSA was being carried out should have been in the tens of people (and someday this will definitely come up, someone will spill the beans).

5. Information background

The events related to the NSA were covered in the media in such a way as to shift the focus from political overtones - to "thugs did not share the money."

With regard to the NSA, some powerful force obviously played along with the creation of a criminal-gangster informational background, and therefore the criminal image of this organization just rolls over. After the NSA was beheaded, it generally turned into a "gangster's lair" - after the removal of Mikhail Osherov, a certain Oleg Taran, convicted of fraud, was put in his place in the NSA. He was shot dead by a sniper on September 21, 2001, and his place was taken by Vladimir Kulibaba - the right hand of the crime boss Konstantin Yakovlev (the same "Kostya Grave"). I wonder why all of a sudden a well-known crime boss needed to climb into the NSA, as if it was some kind of arch-profit enterprise? Usually shady tycoons tend to go into the shadows, but here, on the contrary, for some reason they decided to climb into a place where everyone is killed, imprisoned, and they are constantly investigating something. Weird.

In general, after a chain of bloody events, it would be logical to simply close the Academy of National Security - what kind of national security is there, when the "academicians" could not even ensure the safety of their organizers, and some clowns, supposedly from the "Shutov gang" are so easily separated. It is not clear who needed the continuation of the existence of this "Academy" with such a sad history. By the way, it still exists for some reason, there is even a website

6. About the abbreviation NSA

The name and abbreviation of the NSA is almost a tracing-paper from the mysterious American intelligence agency called the National Security Agency (NSA or NSA). It's just that the word Agency has been replaced with Academy.

According to Wikipedia, it is “the most secretive American intelligence agency, solves the problem of obtaining information by technical means, is responsible for all types of electronic intelligence, data protection and cryptography tasks. Due to its special secrecy, the NSA abbreviation was sometimes jokingly deciphered No such Agency (“the agency that does not exist”) or Never Say Anything (“never say anything”) ”

However, despite the secrecy of the NSA, Yeltsin should have known about this organization in connection with the history of the liquidation of Dzhokhar Dudayev. Numerous attempts to kill Dudayev during the first Chechen war failed, not without the help of the US CIA, which actually provided a "roof" for the militants. And now, according to the Chechens who were investigating this case, when the price of the issue of Dudayev's elimination reached sky-high heights, the American NSA joined this case, which just provided necessary information to eliminate the leader of the Chechen separatists. The homing missile found its target on April 21, 1996, 2 months before Yeltsin's next presidential election, which took place on June 16, 1996. The successful liquidation of Dudayev significantly increased Yeltsin's rating before the elections, and this favor on the part of the Americans seemed very useful.
From the side of the NSA, a snapshot was even published from the video coming directly from the rocket:

It is difficult to say how true this information is, but it is plausible. In order to direct a missile on the signal of a satellite phone of the American system, it is necessary to obtain a certain amount of secret data from the United States. This kind of information is just within the competence of the NSA.

Thus, even the abbreviation NSA itself in 1998 could already evoke in Yeltsin associations with some powerful secret intelligence service, and the efforts of the "unfinished commies" to create the NSA under the roof of the State Duma, all the more, seemed not to be the creation of some harmless academy, but with a claim to create a secret organization, well disguised.

7. Attributing murders to the "Shutov gang"

The fact that the “hexogen” murders of Agarev and Filippov were attributed to the “Shutov gang” clearly indicates that Putin knows who actually ordered these murders, and deliberately switches the arrows to a person who is obviously not involved in them, so that the real killers - "hexogen workers" from the FSB - were not found.

The Shutov case is a bomb for the regime

The fact that the “Shutov case” is a complete fake is clear from a huge number of inconsistencies, of which the most obvious is that Shutov did not become a millionaire as a result of the activities of his “gang”, unlike traditional gangster leaders who acquire wealth and spheres of influence. His gangsters, according to the case file, received about $100 a month. In general, the financial side of this "case" is sheer absurdity (as, indeed, all other parties).

Shutov allegedly started creating a gang in 1997, and recruited performers from anti-social elements sitting in IZ-45/1 - it was from there that Lagutkin, Rogozhnikov and some other "gang members" came out. All of them did not know Shutov, but they testified that, after leaving prison, they began to receive assignments from him through a chain of intermediaries and unquestioningly execute them. True, at the trial they refused their testimony, and even told in detail how and who forced them to lie, but they were simply removed from the courtroom, for the accused the trial was held in absentia.

Apparently, these guys from the "Shutov gang" are ordinary criminal drug addicts, who were selected in advance to falsify the case against Shutov, and then released to take a walk in order to soon put everyone back, and force them to sign the testimony they need - about how they were commanded by Shutov. The task of blaming the murders of Dubovik, Agarev and Filippov on them - most likely, was assigned to the falsifiers later.

What the criminal guys were like can be imagined from one more or less plausible episode:
“On the night of December 08-09, 1998, in apartment 194, building 46 on the street. Malaya Balkanskaya in St. Petersburg, members of the gang Nikolaev, Rogozhnikov, Minakov and Lagutkin drank alcohol with Kharenkina. In the process of drinking alcohol, Nikolaev, Rogozhnikov and Lagutkin attacked Kharenkina in order to steal her property. Nikolaev inflicted several blows with his fists on the head and body of the victim. Further, Nikolaev suggested to Rogozhnikov to wash off the blood from Kharenkina's face, tie her up, and take away the jewelry. Realizing a single intent to take possession of the property of the victim, Rogozhnikov struck her with his fist in the face and tried to forcibly remove the gold ring from the victim's hand. Suppressing Kharenkina's resistance, Rogozhnikov grabbed a kitchen knife from the table and, using it as a weapon, inflicted at least one blow on the victim's hand, after which, threatening with violence dangerous to life and health and demonstrating the knife, forcibly removed two gold rings: one of them - an engagement ring - worth at least 500 rubles, the second ring - with cubic zirkonia, worth at least 400 rubles, which Nikolaev, he and Lagutkin took possession of. Rogozhnikov tied Kharenkina in the bathtub with a rope. After that, Rogozhnikov, Nikolaev and Lagutkin stole property belonging to the victim from the victim's apartment: a Panasonic telephone worth at least 700 rubles, a telephone set worth at least 120 rubles. In total, they stole property from Kharenkina for a total amount of at least 1,720 rubles. Then Rogozhnikov unleashed Kharenkina and the gang members with stolen property disappeared from the scene. As a result of the joint violent actions of Nikolaev and Rogozhnikov, Kharenkina suffered beatings and a cut wound on the back surface of the left hand.
That is, this is two months after another brilliantly executed murder by them (the victim was a powerful shadow politician Dmitry Filipov, surrounded by professional security, who could not help him in any way). These professional killers, who have already committed a series of daring political liquidations, have put the whole of St. Petersburg, the entire police and the FSB on their ears. Did you think that they were hitchhiking out of St. Petersburg, or "lay low", with a suitcase of money earned from the murder? No, the boys shook off traces of hexogen from their hands and went to rob Kharenkina. These guys are so harsh that they carelessly thump and rob a drinking companion, and take possession of a telephone set worth at least 120 rubles.

It would seem, why don't the fabricators remove this episode from the case so as not to undermine the cinematic image of the killer gang? But how to seize if there is a victim - Kharenkina, and what to do with her? Taking off the rings with Kharenkina, criminal drug addicts Lagutkin and Rogozhnikov did not even suspect that very soon almost all the high-profile murders of 1998 would be hanged on them.

There are so many absurdities and inconsistencies in the "Shutov case" that it is generally incomprehensible how it was possible to falsify such an important case, on which the country's top leadership directly depends, so ineptly and clumsily.

A series of murders in 1998 - of course, far from the worst crimes of Putin's gang of murderous lawyers who deprived Russia of justice as such. Just a few old murders, such a small thing compared to everything else. But with these murders, everything was done so rudely that by seizing on the "Shutov case", on which these murders were hung up, one can legally prove not only Shutov's innocence (which, in fact, few people are interested in), but Putin's guilt - first in falsifying the case , and then along the chain and to the organization of the murders themselves.

The last (in my memory) attempt to sue Putin is tribunal Viktor Ilyukhin. It all ended quite logically - immediately after this tribunal Ilyukhin suddenly died. It is clear that the mere legal proof of his crimes is not enough when justice has been abolished in the country, and the court has been turned into an instrument of slander and reprisals.

Nevertheless, this strongly protruding "skeleton in the closet" with the dastardly murder of Dmitry Filippov and blaming it on Shutov is a great point of effort for those who want to rid Russia of Putin's gang of thieves and traitors. It is necessary to poke their noses into the "Shutov case" of all the "zaputins" who believe that the accusations against Putin are unsubstantiated. Here there are not only weighty suspicions, there is a specific murder of Dmitry Filippov, which Putin hid in the fake "Shutov case." The unwillingness of an honest investigation of this case indicates that the lack of a sentence for Putin is not at all due to the lack of evidence of his guilt, but because of the destruction of justice in Russia.

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