How law enforcement experts crack passwords. Intelligence agencies against hackers

Like at school...

The problem when violent activity is obvious, and the result is zero, is quite common. Not surprisingly, there are many different techniques for increasing productivity. It is clear that everything is individual here: someone needs a tight schedule, and someone works without any plan. The portal offers to try one of the most effective and affordable methods - the "45 by 15" technique.

This formula is not new and each of us is familiar firsthand. Have you forgotten school lessons of 45 minutes and 15-minute breaks?

As the name implies, the essence of the technique is to work hard for 45 minutes and rest for 15 minutes. The reason is simple: experts assure that a person is able to focus on one task for no more than 45 minutes. Hence the solution: break the working day into 45-minute segments, in each of which a person will be engaged in one task.

The main difficulty in applying this method is not to be distracted by extraneous things - phone calls, social networks, tea-coffee, and so on. This technique does not encroach on communication in the smoking room, but allocates it a strictly defined time - 15 minutes per hour.

By the way, the main rule of the 15-minute break is to completely move away from your workplace. That is, if you worked at the computer for 45 minutes, and decided to spend 15 minutes of the break on viewing mail, this can hardly be called a good rest. On the other hand, it is better to spend the allocated 15 minutes on social networks and mail than to be distracted all the time later.

But still, it is better to spend "legitimate rest" on any physical activity: walk along the corridor, run up the stairs, go outside. And this technique is especially suitable for those who work from home. You can’t even imagine how many household chores you can get done by organizing your work according to the 45/15 system!

Everything's under control!

It is easy to calculate that with such a regime, an 8-hour working day with a slight movement of the hand turns into a 6-hour one. experts offer to face the truth and honestly admit that without this schedule, we are distracted much more - by telephone conversations, chatting with colleagues, correspondence in mail and chats, social networks and much more. Therefore, you do not take time away from your working day, but simply take control of it!

If everything is done correctly, these 6 hours will be much more productive than the previous 8. This system works and suits almost everyone, unless, of course, your profession implies continuity for a certain period of time.

For example, if you are an operating surgeon, you are unlikely to take a break from the operation for 15 minutes to unwind, states the portal. But if you're an office worker, worker, or mechanic, you can afford 45/15 technicians and get six full hours of full-time dedicated work as a reward.

Believe and check: it's more than what you are spending now!

Five minutes - a lot or a little? It depends on how to use this period of time, and it is known to be the most expensive. Using every free minute for creativity, you thereby save yourself from idleness, and at the same time get a lot of pleasure from the knowledge that the received thing is made by hand. So what can be done in five minutes?
This section is dedicated to home craftsmen who, by the nature of their activities, are very limited in time. Here are unique instructions for creating various useful and necessary things made by yourself in a short period of time.
Also in this section, ideas for making a gift with your own hands from improvised means are provided, which can be presented for any occasion. At the same time, you will spend much less time than going to the supermarket for an original product.
You can spend any free minute using your abilities and skills, and ideas for creating masterpieces with your own hands can be taken from our website. Take a look around and you will see how much material at hand is next to you! And thanks to our instructions, you only need five minutes to transform unwanted items into unique homemade products.

Let me guess your thoughts after reading the headline: “I don’t even have time to even have a proper breakfast, what’s another 45 minutes?”.

Yes, familiar story. We jump up in horror from the fact that we overslept again, dress feverishly, have breakfast on the go, fly out of the house. Is it any wonder after that that the whole day then passes in a hurry, nerves and fuss? Meanwhile, you can organize your life in a completely different way. To do this, you should know and follow just a few simple rules, which are discussed in this article.

So, how should you spend your first morning hour so that your whole day passes calmly and fruitfully?

1. Wake up as early as possible

The ancients had such a belief that important things must be done early in the morning, because your fear is still asleep at this time. More than once I noticed that those things that seemed complicated and voluminous in the evening were carried out in the morning without any fear or delay. In addition, your opportunities at the beginning and at the end of the day are completely different things. Therefore, try to maximize the duration of your morning and get up at least an hour earlier. In this case, this is not about reducing the duration of sleep, but simply about a slight shift in your schedule.

2. Morning exercises (15 minutes)

Yes, for people who are seriously passionate about sports, such a duration of morning exercises may seem ridiculously short. But for an ordinary person who does nothing, even such a short warm-up can be a serious test. Especially if you practice software and use something like an advanced one, which can even give you a serious load in more than half the time.

3. Meditation (10 minutes)

After a good awakening workout, it's time to relax and tune in to a more relaxed way. Our brain, no less than our body, needs constant care, and is one of the best tools for this. Numerous have repeatedly proven that meditation changes our consciousness, reduces stress, improves brain activity and psycho-emotional state. Great bonus for spending, isn't it?

4. Diary entry (10 minutes)

Daily writing practices are becoming more and more popular today, and this is no coincidence. is one of the easiest and at the same time effective ways to start leading a meaningful life and increase your productivity. Fixing your feelings, achievements, new ideas helps to think them over better, articulate them more clearly and serves as the first step in putting them into practice. Definitely worth doing every morning instead of getting a fresh serving.

5. Planning (10 minutes)

Almost all business people understand the importance of planning their day. Clear definition of your goals, prioritization, clarification of a specific sequence of necessary actions will help you make every day of your life as productive as possible.

There are many various techniques planning, but it is best to use the following. Just select the three highest priority tasks from the entire list of tasks, those that you need to complete in without fail. You will start completing tasks from this short list immediately after arriving at workplace and you will not do anything else until you cross them out. This approach allows you to clearly define the most important goals and make every effort to achieve them.

As you can see, the recipe for the right morning is not at all complicated, it consists of only four ingredients, and its preparation will take you no more than 45 minutes. But then, throughout your day, you will eat the dish of a well-prepared, productive and successful day.

Hackers, scammers, IT security workers, investigative agencies and intelligence agencies - all of them, under certain circumstances, can try to get to information protected with passwords. And if the tools used by hackers and intelligence agencies, on the whole, practically coincide, then the approach to the task differs radically. With the exception of isolated cases, which can be solved with enormous efforts, the expert works within severe limits both in terms of resources and the time that he can spend on cracking a password. What approaches are used by law enforcement agencies and how they differ from the work of hackers is the topic of today's material.


The method of searching and selecting passwords described in the article is not new, but is actually used by a number of special services when catching criminals.

With a kind word and a gun

Of course, first of all, representatives of the security agencies act by persuasion. “You will not leave here until you unlock the phone,” they tell the detainee, placing a document in front of him, where it is written in English and white that “the bearer of this has the right to inspect the contents of the detainee’s mobile devices.” That's just that the detainee is obliged to unlock his own phone, there is not a word in the document. That does not at all prevent security agencies from shamelessly exercising a right that they do not have.

Is it hard to believe this? In fact, not very much: the last such incident occurred just the other day. American citizen Sidd Bikkannavar, who works for NASA, was detained at the border while entering the country; it was with “a word and a gun” that he was persuaded to unlock his corporate smartphone.

Yes, you are not obliged to testify against yourself and give out your passwords. This principle is clearly illustrated by another case. Child pornography suspect has been in jail for 16 months for refusing to reveal passwords to encrypted drives. Presumption of innocence? No, we haven't heard.

However, such measures can not be applied always and not to everyone. You can't ban a petty swindler, a marriage swindler, or just a lover of pumping up music "in reserve" without clear evidence in prison, as well as a serious criminal with money and lawyers. Data has to be decrypted, and passwords have to be opened. And if in cases involving serious crimes and the threat national security(terrorism), the hands of experts are free, and there are practically no restrictions (financial and technical), then in the remaining 99.9% of cases, the expert is severely limited both by the available computing capabilities of the laboratory and by the time frame.

And how are things going with this in Russia? At the border, devices are not yet forced to be unlocked, but ... I will quote an expert who is engaged in extracting information from the phones and computers of detainees: “The most effective way to find out the password is a call to the investigator.

The most effective way to find out the password is to call the investigator

What can be done in 45 minutes? And in two days?

Movies don't always lie. At one of the exhibitions, a man approached me, in whom I immediately recognized the head of the police station: big, bald and black. The information from the token confirmed the first impression. “I have two hundred of these ... iPhones in my station,” the visitor began on the move. - What can you do in 45 minutes? I had never come across such a question before. However, at that time (three years ago), devices without a fingerprint scanner were still popular, the Secure Enclave had just appeared, and, as a rule, there were no problems with installing a jailbreak. But the question stuck in my head. Really, what can be done in 45 minutes? Progress is being made, protection is becoming more complex, and the police are running out of time.

In the most insignificant cases, when the user’s phone or computer is confiscated “just in case” (for example, they were detained for petty hooliganism), the investigation will have neither time nor energy, and often employees highly qualified to reveal the password. Unable to unlock your phone in 45 minutes? Let's turn to the evidence collected in a more traditional way. If you fight to the last for every encrypted device of every petty hooligan, there will not be enough resources for anything else.

In more serious cases, when the suspect's computer is also confiscated, the investigation may make more serious efforts. Again, the amount of resources that can be spent on hacking will depend on the country, on the severity of the crime, on the importance of digital evidence.

In conversations with the police different countries most often, the figure “two days” appeared, while it was understood that the task fell on an existing cluster of a couple of dozen computers. Two days to crack passwords that protect, for example, BitLocker crypto-containers or documents in Office 2013 format - isn't it too little? It turns out not.

How do they do it

The police initially had tools for cracking passwords, but they learned how to fully use them not so long ago. For example, the police have always been interested in passwords that can be retrieved from a suspect's computer - but they first retrieved them manually, then using single utilities that could, for example, get only the password from ICQ or only the password to accounts in Outlook. But in the past few years, the police have come to use all-in-one tools that scan the device's hard drive and Registry and save all found passwords to a file.

In many cases, the police use the services of private crime labs - this applies to both routine and high-profile cases (thick reference to the San Bernardino trial). But the "private traders" are ready to use the most "hacker" methods: if the original data does not change, and there are no traces of interference, then the method by which the desired password was obtained does not matter - in court, an expert can refer to a trade secret and refuse to disclose technical details of the hack.

Real stories

Sometimes you need to act quickly: it's not about resources, it's about time. So, in 2007, the laboratory received a request: a 16-year-old teenager was missing. The parents turned to the (then) police, who came to the laboratory with the laptop of the missing person. The laptop is password protected. It was clear that there were no several months to search for passwords. Work went on in a chain. A disk image was taken, a password attack was launched in Windows in parallel. Disk search for passwords started. As a result, the email password was found in Elcomsoft Internet Password Breaker. There was nothing else interesting on the computer. There was nothing in the mail that could help in the search, but through the mailbox we managed to reset the password to ICQ, and there we found correspondence with friends, from which it became clear in which city and to whom the teenager “disappeared”. It ended well.

However, stories don't always have happy endings. A few years ago, a French private investigator approached the laboratory. The police asked for his help: a famous athlete was missing. Flew to Monaco, further traces are lost. At the disposal of the investigation was the athlete's computer. After analyzing the contents of the disk, iTunes and the iCloud control panel were found on the computer. It became clear that the athlete has an iPhone. Tried to access iCloud: password unknown, but authentication token (pulled from iCloud Control Panel) worked. Alas, as is often the case, the cloud backup did not contain any hints of the location of the "lost", and the backup itself was created almost a month and a half ago. A careful analysis of the content made it possible to find the password from the mail - it was saved in the notes (the same “yellow sticker” with the password, so as not to forget). We went to the mail, found a hotel reservation. The police caught up ... Alas, the story ended badly: the athlete was found dead.

But back to our two days for hacking. What can be done during this time?

How (imp)useful are strong passwords

I'm sure you've heard advice on how to choose a "strong" password many times. Minimum length, letters and numbers, special characters... Does it really matter? And will a long password help protect your encrypted volumes and documents? Let's check!

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The development of technology has led to major changes in the labor market - you and I are experiencing a real boom in remote work, freelancing and what economists call "micro-business", and simple people- work for yourself.

Bloggers, journalists, consultants, coaches - a huge number of people around the world are changing the established rules of the game, choosing self-discipline and flexible employment instead of a corporate structure.

The popularity of various methods of improving one's own efficiency is a reflection of this trend: when income does not depend on the number of hours spent at work, but on the result of labor, there is a great temptation to spend as little time as possible on achieving this result.

Citizens who have chosen relative freedom and find themselves in free swimming learn to deal with the internal procrastinator, study "" and try new techniques with enthusiasm.

Such as "15 minutes windows".

Magical 15 minutes

However, the authors of the 15-minute windows approach, May Wang and Katty Lee, founders of a company that improves productivity (personal and team), argue that you can actually get a lot done in 15 minutes. And if you correctly spend such short periods of time during the day, then you can free yourself from the working burden as many as several hours a week!

The approach is based on breaking down everything that you have planned for the day into two groups:

  • projects
  • tasks

Projects are what you work on during the day, and each project consists of a list of tasks that you need to complete in order to achieve a goal (for example, to write an article, you first need to come up with a topic, collect material, develop a plan, write a draft, edit, proofread, send to editor, etc.).

But besides the tasks that are directly related to your projects, there are tasks that are not related to these projects, and we most often do not take them into account when planning our day, although their implementation eats up time (parse mail and answer letters, make an appointment with a dentist). , find the address of a store with costumes for a child, figure out what to cook in the evening, etc.) And for solving such problems, 15-minute time periods are just perfect!

Useful breaks

A lot has been written about the fact that it is necessary to pause every 35-45 minutes while working on a project, the author of the famous Pomodoro technique advises to interrupt for 5 minutes and just get up from the table and warm up.

However, adherents of the “useful 15-minutes” advise taking longer pauses, but spending them with benefit - that is, switching attention from the project to non-project tasks (and rest for the brain, and time with benefit). In doing so, you can find solutions that will help you complete these tasks in a short time.

For example, if you are one of those who struggles to find ideas on the topic “what to cook”, then download applications that accumulate recipes from different sources in one feed so as not to waste time searching.

You can see what's new on the sites that you usually read and whose pages you subscribe to in the "feed of pages" tab on Facebook (you don't need to waste time to go to these sites - in this tab all updates are already collected in a digest).

If you subscribe to different mailing lists, then an application like will help you combine all your subscriptions into one email (no more spam and no more time wasted downloading, reading and deleting emails).

Active to-do list

However, the principle of “effective 15-minutes” is still based on planning, so unloved by many. To spend time effectively, you need to know what, and it is better if you formulate a clear task for yourself in advance. Avoid vague formulations, advise coaches, set yourself the task very clearly:

  • not “look for a New Year's costume”, but “find the addresses and opening hours of the nearest shops and costume rentals”;
  • not “deal with accounts”, but “log in and pay receipts for November online”;
  • don't 'think about what to do on New Year", but "see the cost of tickets and hotels in three different directions."
  • etc.

This task setting will help you reduce the time to complete it, since you will not need to rethink what exactly you need to do in order to solve the problem. As soon as you decide to take a break or you have a break between meetings, you can review the list of such tasks and decide what to spend your 15 minutes on.

Rest is also necessary

“Sometimes a 15-minute break between meetings or activities is best spent relaxing,” advise coaches. Recovery is as much a part of project work as active diving, and remember that you are not a robot.

However, if you decide to take a rest break, make sure it's high quality - rest your eyes, take your eyes off the screen, walk around, go outside, and just close your eyes and listen to your favorite music for 15 minutes.

And on top of all this, this activity tends to suck you in and take time, going far beyond the "small break" - do not fall into this trap, do not waste precious minutes.