Birch sap: composition, preparation, application. Where does birch sap come from?

Birch juice- a transparent liquid (sap) flowing from broken and cut branches and trunks of birch under the influence of root pressure. The release of sap begins in the spring and continues until the buds open, and the collection of birch sap begins in April and continues until May.

This drink was actively and successfully consumed in the USSR in the mid-20th century, but over time, the demand for birch sap has greatly decreased, which is very unjustified. After all, it is not only a tasty natural product of nature, but also a rich source of nutrients. Freshly collected birch sap can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Calorie content of birch sap
The calorie content of birch sap is 24 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of birch sap
The composition of birch sap includes fruit sugar, vitamins, tannins, enzymes, organic acids (more than 10) and phytoncides with antimicrobial properties; macro- and microelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, copper; saponins, betulol, essential oils.

Fresh birch sap is considered not only a tonic and general strengthening agent that will relieve chronic fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, but also a dietary drink.

Birch sap, due to its beneficial properties, is a remedy for many diseases (calorizer). It is used for coughs and sore throats, headaches, and joint diseases. Birch sap is one of the best remedies for improving metabolism and stomach function. It should also be drunk for diseases of the respiratory system, rheumatism, tuberculosis, gout; stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, edema, as it has a diuretic effect.

Externally, birch sap is used for furunculosis and eczema, acne and hair loss, skin pigmentation, non-healing wounds and ulcers.

And this is not the entire list of diseases that can be prevented and cured with the help of birch sap.

Birch sap contraindications
However, there are also contraindications, for example, people with stomach ulcers and urolithiasis should be careful when drinking birch sap. It is also contraindicated for those who are allergic to birch pollen.

How to collect birch sap yourself
An average of 2-3 liters of sap per day is obtained from one birch tree. A large tree can produce about 7 liters of sap per day, and sometimes more. The sap is obtained by chopping the bark of a tree or cutting small branches and attaching a plastic gutter to the cut site, flowing down which the sap fills a container or plastic bag with birch sap.

The most important thing is not to harm the tree, do everything carefully, correctly, and don’t forget to close the hole after collecting the sap. It is recommended to take no more than 2 liters of sap per day from one birch tree. It is better to choose older trees for collecting sap, because young birch trees may die as a result of these manipulations.

Birch sap in cooking
In addition to pure birch sap, infusions of mint and rose hips are also made. In ancient books there are recipes for making kvass and wines from birch sap. In one of the documentary books, writer Evgeny Permyak describes the production of wine similar to champagne from birch sap. The drink was called "Berso". In 1936, a pilot production of birch wines was organized near Sverdlovsk. In the USA, birch syrup is sometimes made from birch sap, similar to maple syrup. It is usually obtained directly from the forest by evaporating the juice over “naked fire.”

In the spring, birch buds open and leaves grow. These processes require large amounts of nutrients. The tree takes nutrients from its reserves: sugar rises from the roots along with water.

The points:

1) Last summer, photosynthesis took place in birch leaves: glucose (sugar) was formed from carbon dioxide and water. Excess of this glucose was stored in the roots in the form of starch.

2) The birch tree did not eat all winter (since it did not have leaves and, therefore, photosynthesis).

3) In the spring, while there are no leaves, the birch tree also does not feed. But the process of bud breaking and leaf growth requires a lot of nutrients. Therefore, the birch tree uses last year’s reserves: the starch lying in the roots decomposes into sugars, which, together with water, rise upward to the growth points.

Why only birch and why only in spring?

Phloem (bast) is the conductive tissue of plants through which water and sugars move. Phloem sap is sweet in all plants. It is into the phloem vessels that aphids stick their proboscis - and from there they get so much sugar that they can even share with ants (when ants “graze” aphids, they feed on their sweet feces). But the structure of the phloem is such that if it is damaged (cut), then a drip flow (a stream of juice) will not work, everything will dry out quite quickly. Birch sap does not flow from the phloem.

Birch sap flows from xylem (wood) - a conductive tissue through which in all normal plants water and salts flow from the soil to the top. And the birch, in fact, too - all the time, except in early spring. In early spring, birch sends an early spring portion of sugar upward through the xylem. Such sending occurs quickly, but with large losses, therefore very few plants do this(only birch and maple sap are extracted industrially). Most plants prefer to send sugar, as expected, through the phloem (phloem) - this is slower, but much more reliable.

Xylem consists of vessels - simple pipes through which water flows. If the pipe is pierced, a stream of liquid will flow out of it. Why is this stream so much more powerful in spring than in summer? - In the summer, when the tree has leaves, water rises through the plant under the influence of two “engines”: the lower one (root pressure) and the upper one (in place of the water that has evaporated from the surface of the leaves, new one is attracted), and the upper engine is about 3 times more powerful than the lower one . In the summer, the top motor sucks water up and prevents water from flowing out through the hole you made. In spring, the upper motor does not work.

Surely you have only tried this drink, but never collected it yourself. To correct this situation, we decided to tell you in detail about how to properly extract birch sap.

General information about the drink

Before I tell you how birch sap is collected, I would like to tell you what this drink is.

Birch sap is the liquid that flows from broken and cut branches and trunks of birch trees, which occurs as a result of root pressure.

Surely everyone knows that berezovitsa (the second name of the drink we are considering) is a very valuable and nutritious product. This is due to the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Composition of the drink and beneficial properties

In the spring, sweet birch sap is extracted due to the fact that it is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Experts say that this drink includes the following substances: various sugars, phosphorus, potassium, zirconium, sodium, nickel, calcium, barium, magnesium, strontium, aluminum, copper, manganese, titanium, iron and silicon. Scientists also found traces of nitrogen in it.

Drinking the drink helps cleanse the blood, break down stones in the kidneys and bladder, and enhance metabolism. It also removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Among other things, birch sap is useful for drinking for liver diseases, stomach ulcers, gallbladder pathologies, low acidity, rheumatism, scurvy, radiculitis, arthritis, headaches, tuberculosis and even sexually transmitted diseases.

When to collect birch sap?

The release of sap from birch begins in early spring, with the first thaw. This period continues until the buds open. However, it should be noted that the exact time of juice release is quite difficult to establish, since it completely depends on weather conditions. Although most collectors claim that “birch tears” begin to run in mid-March.

To independently determine the beginning of the sap flow period, you just need to come to the forest and prick a birch tree with a thin awl. If after this action droplets of life-giving moisture appear from the hole, then you can safely begin collecting it and further preparing it.

In our country, maple juice is extracted very rarely. And its volume is quite difficult to compare with birch. This is due to the fact that the sugar maple grows only in North America, while other species are not fast-growing enough to produce large quantities of the life-giving drink.

In the northeastern United States, as well as in southeastern Canada, maple sap is used very widely. As a rule, it is used to produce a sweet syrup, which is often consumed with pancakes and added to various confectionery products.

Let's sum it up

In this article, we answered in detail the question of how to make birch sap tasty and store it for a long time, and also discussed how it should be extracted without harm to the trees. Thanks to these tips, you will definitely get a very tasty and healthy drink that will quench your thirst and saturate your body with minerals and organic acids. Just don’t forget to “treat” the slender beauty and treat the wound so that the tree does not die.

I remember from childhood we had fresh birch sap at home every year. Few people were interested in the benefits and harms of birch sap; we drank it simply because it was tasty.

Today I want to talk about why this drink, which looks so similar to plain water, is so useful.

Where does birch sap come from?

This is a liquid that begins to actively circulate inside the birch during early spring. This process is called sap flow. And its purpose is to deliver all the beneficial substances accumulated by the roots since the fall to all the branches of the birch.

If in early spring you make a special hole in the bark of a birch, then this same liquid, which is called birch sap, begins to flow out of the tree under pressure.

Composition of birch sap

In terms of its composition, natural birch sap is very rich in various beneficial substances. It contains tannins, organic acids, vitamins, phytoncides, saponins, and essential oils.

Composition of minerals:

  • potassium
  • sodium
  • silicon
  • nickel
  • iron
  • titanium
  • aluminum
  • calcium

It also contains up to 3 grams of carbohydrates, while fats and proteins are completely absent.

The benefits of birch sap

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, drinking this drink is very healthy. It has been found to improve the human body's metabolism and help remove waste substances such as toxins and various carcinogens.

  • liver problems
  • cough and bronchitis
  • presence of gastritis
  • rheumatism
  • radiculitis
  • gout

Also, its use can crush kidney and bladder stones.

Due to the absence of aggressive allergens, such as those found in citrus fruits, birch sap can be consumed by nursing mothers and pregnant women. This will also help strengthen the immune system.

Diuretic properties are also known. Therefore, it can be used to combat swelling, especially during pregnancy.

For the same reason, the drink is used for kidney problems, kidney inflammation, and kidney failure.

However, if you have kidney stones, you need to be careful, as it can promote the movement of stones and the occurrence of renal colic.

In case of various intoxications, birch sap will help to more quickly cleanse the body and restore it, since under its influence harmful microorganisms and toxins will be removed more quickly.

It will also help cleanse the blood. Under its influence, tissues are restored due to improved blood supply.

Application in cosmetology

Externally, birch sap is used to treat skin diseases: ulcers, acne, age spots, inflammation, eczema, boils

It also fights excess oil on the skin, toning it.

Reduces hair fragility and promotes hair restoration. If you have dandruff, you can rub it into your scalp. The effect will be even greater if mixed with a decoction of burdock root. You can also read about caring for oily hair in the article ““.

Birch sap is used to care for facial skin, especially together with honey. The skin becomes smoother and healthier.

How to collect birch sap

The collection of birch sap begins in early spring, before all the snow has melted, and continues until approximately April, until the first leaves begin to appear on the birch tree.

Before extracting it, a small hole is made in the tree trunk, to a depth of about 3 centimeters, directed downward at a slight angle. A tube is inserted, for example, a plastic one, which should match the hole in diameter. The lower end of the tube is lowered into some container, such as a bottle or water bottle. It is better to make the hole at a distance of about 50 centimeters from the ground.

It is important not to harm the tree itself during collection. For extraction, trees must be selected with a diameter no thinner than 20 centimeters. It is advisable to collect no more than 2 - 3 liters from one birch tree. If you collect more, it can also harm the birch.

After completing the collection, the hole needs to be sealed with something. For example, felt, moss, earth, or even better, garden pitch.

How to preserve birch sap

You can store fresh birch sap in the refrigerator, but no more than three days. For longer storage, it must either be preserved or frozen.

Preparation of birch sap. Recipes

Canned birch sap

For long-term storage, you can make a canned drink. To do this, it needs to be heated to 80 degrees. Jars and bottles must first be sterilized and filled into them. After this, seal the jars hermetically.


You can also make a birch sap concentrate. To do this, you need to evaporate the liquid from it for a long time until a fourth of the total volume remains. When such a concentrate is opened for consumption, it will need to be diluted with water to restore its previous volume.


In order to prepare kvass from birch sap you will need a minimum of effort. Pour it into a glass container and add sugar at the rate of two tablespoons for every liter. Also add 5 - 6 raisins per liter. If desired, you can also add lemon zest.

After this, the dishes are sealed with a lid and left for several days to ferment.

If you store this kvass in a cool place, it can last up to three months.

Contraindications and harm of birch sap

As such, there can be no harm from drinking this drink. However, you need to use it with caution if you have an allergic reaction to birch pollen.

Just as mentioned earlier, with urolithiasis, movement of stones can occur, and as a result, painful attacks with colic.

And, of course, in order for it to be useful, it needs to be collected in clean areas, away from roads polluted by traffic. Juice collected in contaminated areas may contain toxic substances harmful to health.

Here, in brief, is all that concerns benefits and harms. Be always healthy!

I suggest watching a short video on how to collect birch sap. In my opinion, this is the most harmless method for the tree itself.

And another useful video:


Health 04/04/2019

One of the most popular cults of the ancient Slavs was the worship of birch: they turned to it in prayer, prepared healing infusions from its leaves and buds, and treated diseases with its juice. This sacred tree is the patron saint of women. The beginning of spring is a great time to go into the forest, collect tasty and healthy birch sap, and restore strength after a long winter. Today we, dear readers, will talk about the benefits and possible harm of birch sap for our body, find out what is the correct way to collect and use it, how to preserve it and much more.

From childhood, I still have memories of going into the forest to buy birch sap, and I even remember the store where my mother and I bought it in three-liter glass jars. Oh, what a taste it was, the taste of childhood...

Do you remember how in Veniamin Basner’s song from the movie “The World Guy” it is sung touchingly and very tenderly:

As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time,
As soon as the first thunderstorms approach,
Juice appears on the white trunks -
Now the birches are crying, now the birches are crying.

This is a real spring elixir, easy to digest and beneficial for the body. It is considered a diet drink and is very refreshing.

The composition of birch sap is unique and varied and includes a large number of useful substances:

  • Organic acids (citric, malic, etc.);
  • Sahara;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • mineral complex (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, etc.);
  • saponins;
  • betulol

The density of birch sap ranges from 1.0007-1.0046 g/ml, the dry matter content is 0.7-4.6 g/l, and the total amount of sugars is 0.5-2.3%. The composition of birch sap will vary greatly depending on the condition of the particular tree and its growing area.

Birch sap is colorless and transparent. The taste is slightly sweet, very pleasant. All its components are easy to digest. There are no proteins or fats in the product, only carbohydrates.

Calorie content

The calorie content of juice, despite all the variety of its composition, is low: per 100 g - only 24 kcal. This is a very light, refreshing drink and does not cause allergies. Thanks to its lightness and openness, birch sap can be perfectly combined with other juices.

Do you know that in Finland they are going to equate the value of birch sap with aloe vera extract? Are cosmetic brands in Japan and Sweden increasingly including it as an ingredient in their products?

The Indians used birch sap as a remedy for arthritis and other joint problems. In Korea, it is used to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis and can also reduce migraine attacks.

The benefits of birch sap for the human body

Having complete information about the composition of birch sap, you can effectively use it in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. Let's talk further about the benefits of birch sap and its beneficial properties for our health.

Useful properties of birch sap

  • Improves digestion and metabolic processes. Does not irritate the mucous membrane, it can be taken for ulcers and gastritis;
  • removes toxic substances, helps cleanse the kidneys and liver;
  • helps in dissolving salts. Removes sand and kidney stones. Cleanses the bladder. The juice is used for urolithiasis - a monthly course of 1 liter every day;
  • in combination with a diet allows you to lose weight;
  • stimulates intestinal function, relieving constipation;
  • good for joints. Drink for arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism;
  • stimulates the immune system, helps resist colds and infections;
  • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • in folk medicine it is used to treat the respiratory system; Used for bronchitis and asthma. There is evidence that birch sap helps with tuberculosis;
  • As a remedy against dehydration it helps at elevated temperatures. Used for sore throats, flu, acute respiratory infections;
  • has a diuretic effect. Helps well with swelling;
  • bioactive substances give the juice an antitumor effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic process;
  • regenerating effect is used for external use. Treat wounds, ulcers, boils, eczema;
  • used in cosmetology. Removes acne, pigmentation, tones facial skin. Moisturizes dry skin. Strengthens hair roots and eliminates dandruff.

Birch sap also has a general strengthening effect, so it helps get rid of migraines, loss of strength, and depression. But look carefully at the contraindications, we will talk about them below.

Birch sap is low-calorie and beneficial for metabolism, which is valued by many athletes. Data have emerged on the benefits of birch sap to combat inflammation of the oral cavity. It also began to be used to prevent caries.

Let's listen to what doctors say about the benefits of birch sap.

When is birch sap collected?

When can you collect birch sap? The period of movement of juices is the end of March and April. This process depends on latitude and weather conditions. The main thing here is the beginning of a sustainable thaw.

The collection of birch sap continues until the first buds appear. Over the entire period of sap circulation, a birch tree is capable of producing 3–6 liters of life-giving moisture. The volume depends on the size, age and place where the birch grows.

How to properly collect birch sap?

Collection time

It is better to organize the collection during daylight hours - from 10 to 18 hours. This is when the juice flows most actively. Avoid collecting from trees located near roads and large populated areas. It is ideal to find an environmentally friendly place where the birch tree cannot take anything bad from the soil.

A little test before collection

You should choose a medium-sized tree (with a diameter of at least 20 cm) - not very old and not very young, so as not to cause harm. First, you should conduct a small test to understand that this birch is ready to share its wealth with you. At a height of at least 20 cm from the ground (half a meter is optimal), carefully pierce the bark with an awl and see if drops of juice appear. If this does not happen, choose another birch.

When you see drops on the bark, you can proceed directly to collecting the juice. There is no need to try to extract all the sap from one tree - it is better to collect it from several birches.

Remember that 1–2 liters is the amount of sap that one healthy birch tree is ready to lose per day without consequences (depending on its size). A larger amount of collected sap can lead to a negative effect, including the death of the tree.

The juice collection itself

There are several ways to properly collect sap, but none of them involve the active use of an ax! By making significant breaks in the bark, you cause irreparable damage to the plant. Such a birch will not only no longer produce sap, but may soon dry out.

Therefore, the use of an awl, drill or knife is recommended. The depth of the hole that needs to be made is about 3 cm. There is no point in making it more, since the sap moves between the bark and the wood. To make the juice flow more smoothly and in the right direction, an additional device is inserted into the hole. This could be a cocktail tube or a dropper; among the “natural” options, a groove made of dry grass or bark. The point is that the juice flows directly from the hole into your container, and does not disappear, going down the bark.

Which container to use

You can use a plastic bottle with a narrow neck or a jar as a container for collection. They need to be securely tied to the tree just below the hole.

The process of collecting sap itself takes place without constant human participation, but you need to periodically visit the birch tree in order to have time to remove the container filled with sap and replace it with a new one. See how fast the juice flows and calculate the approximate time. It is ideal to monitor the process once every 3 hours.

After collecting juice

Once the sap is collected, be sure to take care of the tree. The hole you made should be carefully plugged with moss or a stake, or covered with garden varnish or wax. This will help the tree recover faster from loss of fluid.

There are several tricks for successfully collecting birch sap, known since Soviet times, when this activity was very popular:

  • It is worth choosing an older birch tree, as its sap is sweeter and richer;
  • It is better to make the cut on the north side of the tree, where the movement of sap is stronger;
  • It is better to start collecting in the southern parts of the forest - there the juice appears faster.

I suggest watching a video where everything is clearly shown how to properly collect birch sap.

How to take birch sap

Birch sap is useful for almost everyone. It is easily digestible, does not lead to allergies, and tones. And drinking fresh juice is very easy. It is enough to take a glass of juice three times a day, on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink it 30 minutes before meals. The preventive course is about a month. But you can drink little by little without a clear system, if you are healthy.

As a general tonic and cleanser, this juice is drunk for acute respiratory infections. Then it is heated quite a bit.

Compotes and jelly are cooked with birch sap. It can be added to various cereals. But, in my opinion, it is best to drink it fresh. In Canada and the USA, syrup is made from it.

The use of birch sap in folk medicine

Folk recipes that include birch sap are very popular and are considered effective in the treatment of many diseases. Here are some recipes:

  • for the treatment of anemia and enlargement: mix birch, apple, beet and carrot juices in equal parts, take 50 ml 3 times a day;
  • for the treatment of colds: birch sap together with rose hips and lemon juice (1:1 proportions) increases sweating, thereby helping the body fight the symptoms of the disease;

Birch sap copes well with many cosmetic problems and is not only consumed internally, but also used externally. It improves skin tone and treats skin diseases (psoriasis, acne, age spots), and prevents hair loss.

  • Birch ice helps preserve youth and. It's easy to prepare: just freeze birch sap in special ice trays and wipe your face and décolleté.
  • A nourishing mask based on birch sap helps saturate the skin with vitamins, moisturize, and improve skin color. Wipe your face with a swab lubricated in vegetable oil. Then take a mixture of birch sap, sour cream and honey and apply it to the skin for 15 minutes.
  • For hair, birch sap can be a cure not only against hair loss, but also against dandruff. You can simply rub it into the scalp without rinsing it off, or prepare a mask: mix birch sap, honey and castor oil in a ratio of 5:1:1, apply to hair and leave for 20 minutes.

A slight cosmetic effect will be noticeable even if you simply wipe your face with birch sap as a lotion and, of course, take it orally.

Harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms of birch sap are not at all equivalent. The harm from it is minimal and has several contraindications.

Consultation with a doctor is required if you have kidney stones. The same goes for bladder stones. The juice can cause stones to move.
In some cases, birch sap is not recommended for stomach ulcers. A very small percentage of people are allergic to birch pollen. Here juice may also be contraindicated. Children are given birch sap after one year. For diabetes mellitus, birch sap should be taken with water in a 1:2 ratio.

How to store birch sap

Of course, the greatest benefit will come from fresh birch sap, which has just been collected. To preserve the beneficial properties of this drink for a longer period, you need to take into account the effects of factors such as light, oxygen and temperature.

Storing the collected juice

The juice is best stored sealed in a glass container in a cool, dark place; the shelf life is 3 days. Then the juice begins to ferment, actively losing its benefits, and it is worth thinking about preserving it. There are 2 main ways to preserve juice:

Preserving juice without added sugar

The taste of such juice will be more natural, and the benefits will be more pronounced. Filter the collected sap through cheesecloth, separating it from pieces of bark and wood that are usually found there. In an enamel pan, heat to 80–90 degrees.

The juice should be poured into clean, sterilized jars and immediately sealed tightly. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until completely cool. The drink should be stored in a cool place and consumed within six months.

With added sugar

This drink will have a sweetish taste. As in the first case, filter the juice through cheesecloth and heat. When you see that yellowish foam has appeared on top, remove it and remove the juice from the heat without bringing it to a boil. For every kilogram of juice, add a tablespoon of sugar and citric acid on the tip of a knife. Roll up as in the previous recipe.

You can prepare many simple, tasty and healthy drinks that contain birch sap.

Birch kvass

Take 2 liters of juice, add 1 tablespoon of raisins and 100 g of sugar. Leave in a glass jar in a dark, warm place for three days, allowing it to ferment. Next, strain the mixture, and the kvass is ready. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

Kvass from birch sap with bread

Infuse 3 liters of fresh birch sap in the refrigerator for 1–2 days. Cut 200 g of black (preferably Borodino) bread into small cubes. You can fry them in the oven or in a frying pan. Pour crackers into a glass container and pour birch sap (it is advisable to warm it up a little first). The juice should be at a temperature of about 20`C. Add 0.5 cups of granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
Cover the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3–5 days. Then strain the finished drink.

Kvass from birch sap with raisins

Heat the juice to 35`C. For a liter of juice, take 20 g of fresh yeast and three raisins. Lemon zest is often added. The container is tightly closed and placed in the dark. Kvass is ready in one and a half to two weeks.

Birch sap with honey

Birch sap with honey is a delicious combination that allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the sap for a long time. You will need 5 liters of birch sap, 30 g of honey, 25 g of fresh yeast and 15 raisins. Place the mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks; after this time, you can use it all summer.

Birch lemonade

Birch lemonade is a refreshing drink full of vitamins. For 4 liters of juice, take 2 large lemons and 14 tablespoons of sugar. Cut the lemon into slices, pour in the juice and add sugar, boil the resulting mixture and let it brew for 3 hours. After straining and refrigerating your lemonade, you can drink it all summer long if you store it in the refrigerator.

Health drink

For 3 liters of birch sap you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, add 1/3 teaspoon peppermint + 1/3 teaspoon oregano + 1/3 teaspoon thyme + 1/4 teaspoon citric acid and 1/2 teaspoon spoons of St. John's wort, bring to a boil and preserve in a prepared container (roll the boiled lid into a sterilized jar with the prepared drink poured into it).

And from me a soulful song performed by “Pesnyary” Birch sap. What amazing songs they were, right?