Boreev Georgy. Books online

ABOUT THIS person will express his opinion time. And today people look at him with surprise books - his works, asking the same question: who is he, GEORGY BOREEV?
The note I am publishing, of course, is not going to focus on the biographical components of George's life, I pursue other goals: I want to talk about how the works of this peculiar writer should be perceived.
At the very beginning of my exoteric career, in one of the conversations with representatives of the Higher Mind, I managed to hear that on the eve of the onset of people on the planet of the time of the MOTHER OF THE WORLD, knowledge about the ancient worlds is being prepared by millions of people with extraordinary abilities. Georgy Boreev is one of them. A man to whom fate gave the most interesting knowledge and life opportunities. Georgy Boreev is a contactee with a civilization lost by the people of Atlantis. For him, she is alive, he knows about her. Then, in fact, the material was written by this man - the exoteric story "Alien Civilizations of Atlantis" - a story about how Atlantis lived: what happened on this ancient land, what is the meaning of its existence ...
We often hear: is it really true? The answer to the question is simple: if this is true, then it will remain for centuries. If this is a lie, then in the near future people will forget about Georgy Boreev's Atlantis and about himself. No, humanity will not be able to forget this most interesting person and unique writer!

The DAY of Atlantis - the oldest continent in the history of mankind - and the day of the current modern civilization differ from each other, like Heaven and Earth. A flying UFO, for us contemporaries of today's Earth, is a problem of interest, giving rise to "terrible storms" of the secrecy syndrome, when some want to know everything about UFOs, others hide this knowledge ...
For Atlantis, such problems did not exist - the Atlanteans were a magical civilization created by the will of the Cosmos on Earth. And therefore, the usual picture of the world of Atlantis, says Mr. Boreev, was a UFO, which was not hidden from people, because on these "unidentified flying objects" the parents of those races that developed in the world of people, under the bright good sun, arrived on Earth. People coexisted next to the gods ... The world was different, more interesting or what? Yes, that's right, because the interests of that Atlantean humanity were not determined only by the interests of the planet, the Atlanteans lived in the same way in Space ... Georgy Boreev tells us about this today.
The magical civilization of the Atlanteans is the future of earthly humanity, which began today, now. On the planet of people, the restructuring of the psychoculture of man and mankind rules its ball - people change. Georgy said: they, the parents of mankind, will not go anywhere, because the time will come and they, the Teachers of the presumptuous civilization of mankind, will be forced to turn their faces to people, since people will become a problem for the entire Cosmos. The prophecy has come true: humanity has grown, but has not grown wiser. From all sides with moral teachings came to him those who "begotten" him, humanity. And then humanity found how to manifest itself: if earlier it was looking for life in the Cosmos, now it is brushing aside this cosmic life with terrible force ...

WHAT is the phenomenon of Georgy Boreev and his literary works? Let us repeat once again: a page of knowledge is opened before mankind, where there is not a single gram of fiction, because that is how it all happened. Atlas was similar to modern man only externally. The inner world of these people of the most ancient civilization of the planet Earth was different (not different from the modern world of modern people), namely, different, if you like, it was the inner world of the human soul: yes, before us are magicians ... Subsequent humanity, remembering Atlanteans, will include the plots of their real life, in fairy tales. Since the people of the Earth will not be able to believe in what is happening for many centuries. The war in space, among contemporaries, is an essay on the topic, among the ancient Atlanteans, it is true. Let it be terrible, but true!
Seriousness in the perception of what was written by Georgy Boreev, probably this is the little that humanity should give to the author, since in front of you, the reader, Atlantis is the way it was in reality, without embellishment and useless fiction ...
Read and be surprised!

IN ACCORDANCE with the consent of ancient Atlantis and the wish of the author, I OFFER the exoteric story "ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS OF ATLANTIS" to the reader. I offer a story about what happened and what contemporaries do not know. Reading the work of Georgy Boreev is a kind of look at the possible future of mankind, where it will simply be obliged not to repeat the mistakes of the ancient world of Atlantis!


Boreev Georgy - about the author

He served in the Soviet Army in East Germany. After demobilization, he worked as a loader in the ports of the Black Sea and as a ship assembler at the shipyards of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Then he enlisted as a worker at the BAM construction site, worked as a welder, concrete worker, fireman in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Yaroslavl. For a long time he taught Russian language and literature at a vocational school, worked as a correspondent and literary consultant in regional newspapers.

He began to make his first attempts at writing at the age of 25, sending his poems to the regional and district newspapers of the city of Nikolaev. After 2 years, he became the Laureate of the Prize of the Ukrainian Komsomol named after. Dovzhenko for a cycle of poems dedicated to native nature and mother. Studied at five institutes. But I only finished one. In 1980 he entered the Literary Institute. Gorky, at the Faculty of Poetry, a seminar by Larisa Vasilyeva. In 1986 he received a diploma from Litin.

Since 1992, Boreev has been practicing Raja yoga exercises. The lack of necessary esoteric books for spiritual development forced G. Boreev to turn to prose. What George could not find in the libraries, he decided to write himself. The first prose book "13 signs of the Zodiac" Boreev wrote and published at his own expense in 1998, in 1999 the books "Alien civilizations of Atlantis" and "Conscious exits from the body" were published, which became bestsellers .... Then yoga books were published "The Secret Energy Exercises of the Atlanteans", "The ABC of Yoga", "Flights of the Soul" and other teaching aids, which are used by thousands of followers of spiritual practices in many countries of the world.

In 2004, George began to erect a five-story house in the Moscow region according to his project with a pyramid built inside the castle. During the construction of the “castle in the air”, workers were not hired: he built everything himself, using the “secret” mathematics of Pythagoras and the technologies of the Atlanteans. The palace of glass and pine wood was built by him in three years. This marvel of architecture is adorned by the iron horse Pegasus, hovering over fields and forests at the height of the fourth floor. George welded the wings for the horse from double sheets of iron - 3 mm and 2 mm. The wingspan of Pegasus is 2 meters. The energies coming from the pyramid protect people and the northern regions of the region from vital and tectonic cataclysms, from spiritual breaks in our difficult transitional time.

Boreev Georgy - books for free:

The new book by Georgy Boreev is about the Pole Shift and the Quantum Leap in December 2012, about the transition of humanity to the Sixth Race, about the global changes that await our planet during the Ascension in 2012-2017. Information about the Flood and planetary...

Boreev G. A. Conscious exits from the body. Nine practical methods. (Techniques for achieving physical immortality). Moscow: Hyperborea, - 224 pages, 2002...

The climax of any Initiation into the mysteries of closed esoteric societies... —

The culminating point of any Initiation into the mysteries of closed esoteric societies is the exit of the astral body from the physical in full consciousness.

The Gheranda Samhita is the most authoritative text on Hatha Yoga that has come down to the reader of our day. The prehistoric manuscript is given in the form of a dialogue between a yoga teacher and an inquiring student. The original text was written in Sanskrit... -

The explosive nature of the development of terrestrial civilizations from the flights of an ancient man into space to its complete degradation in the next Stone Age leads to the idea of ​​the existence of some kind of leadership from the outside ...

The parable is both simple and very complex. On the...

In the book, the author interestingly and informatively reveals unknown pages of the biography of Pythagoras and, in parallel with the plot, tells about the secret life of the esoteric schools of Egypt, Judea, Persia, Babylonia, India, China and Shambhala...


In the second volume of the book "Pythagoras" the author interestingly and informatively describes the path of Pythagoras from Babylon to Shambhala. The volume, called "The Wise Men of the East", introduces the reader to the unknown pages of world religions. A lot of esoteric knowledge can...

The book reveals the secret laws of the subtle worlds, sincerely describes the secrets of the exercises of Kriya Yoga, Karma Yoga and Mantra Yoga. Various explanations and warnings are given to trainees. Techniques from the first and second parts of the book lead to...

Ways to exit the astral body.

Boreev G. A.

Here, briefly stated thoughts at first glance do not always agree with each other. But upon re-reading, you, dear reader, will notice the general outline of these notes.
With an independent astral projection, first of all, we note a certain risk and danger of the double not returning to the physical body or a partial return.
The simplest and most accessible way of conscious projection is the fasting method. That is, you need to drink only water for 40-50 days and not take any food. You need to get out of fasting gradually, starting nutrition with freshly prepared juices diluted with water. The number of days out of a juice fast should be equal to half the duration of the fast itself. During fasting, it is recommended to breathe rhythmically according to the yoga system and meditate on the sixth chakra.
Another simple way to enter the astral plane is to bring yourself to exhaustion. Here and long monotonous work, endless bows, staying in one position, running over long distances and so on. There are methods that cause instant trance. This is an infringement of certain nerves of the neck, a sharp compression of the chest of a person with full lungs, a blow to the head with a hard object, an impact on the point between the mouth and nose, and others. Only the exit from the body in this case will be unconscious, and therefore will not be remembered. When the astral double leaves, there is always a danger of mistaking the physical body for dead and burying it alive. Unfortunately, modern doctors do not know how to distinguish a living body from a dead one. Therefore, approximately 5% of people today are buried alive.
All astral worlds are very densely populated. Essences of the subtle worlds are mostly neutral towards humans. But in the lower astral worlds there are creatures hostile to people. Sometimes they inhabit the body, causing possession. Even black magicians can damage the silver thread connecting the physical body with the astral, twist it or break it. If the silver thread breaks, then the physical body dies. Let us note again that the strong physique and "rough" health of people hinder all forms of occult activity. Such bodies are built by young and young souls, it is too early for them to return "home". Frailty of physique and nervous sensitivity, on the contrary, favor the exit of the astral body. Sensitive, plain-looking people are often powerful magicians and initiates.
When practicing the exercises for the release of the astral body, do not eat 4 hours before classes and 4 hours after the exercises. The room should be quiet and gloomy, you should be completely alone. During this time, no one should enter your room. It is not recommended to project onto subtle planes during rain or thunderstorms. The temperature in the room should be approximately plus 22 - 26 degrees Celsius.
Rhythmic music plays a very important role in entering a trance state. The Israeli prophet Elisha (850 - 800 BC), wanting to prophesy, called the guslist to him to play. Siberian shamans used a dance accompanied by rhythmic beats of a tambourine to find out the future, guess thieves, search for stolen things. The very force of the impact of ritual music and a given rhythm can be unpredictable. This is evidenced by an amazing incident that happened to a Leningrad post-graduate ethnographer who was writing a dissertation on tundra shamans. While doing research at the Anthropological Museum, one day he took a tambourine and, in order to amuse his girlfriend, began to imitate the ritual of a shaman. At first it was a playful game, but gradually the rhythm of the tambourine so captured him that he could no longer interrupt his dance. The friend tried to stop the graduate student, but was thrown away from him by an invisible force. The dance became more and more frenzied, the cries of the rites grew louder, until the scientist collapsed to the floor. At that moment there was a conscious exit of the astral double from the body of the graduate student. The stay of the postgraduate student's consciousness in the subtle world turned out to be so significant for the young scientist that he abandoned his dissertation, left his scientific career and became a shaman.
Some sorcerers use various drugs, music, various techniques to exit the astral double, others can achieve these states spontaneously. For example, the mullahs in Samarkand, who read fortune-telling from a book in order to "discover fate", by an effort of will brought themselves into a trance, "becoming like drunkards."
It is easy to leave the body on the full moon, new moon, on the seventh and on the twenty-second lunar day. For successful exits, you need to learn complete relaxation of the body - relaxation of all muscles. I have described the relaxation exercise in detail in the chapter "Third Method of Astral Projection". No thoughts should disturb the mind. No rush. 15 - 30 minutes of daily relaxation training will help you with this. The state of wandering of the mind, even thoughtfulness, helps to “deconcentrate” the consciousness. Allow the cottony silence to envelop you, then "feel" the house, the room, and the person you want to see. If concentration is specifically directed to a particular goal, then it should be limited to the day preceding the experiment. During the experiment, the mind must be relaxed, and then the goal will give a push to the forces of separation.
The famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce himself brought himself into a similar state of trance. Here is how he described this technique: “Lying down comfortably, I put both palms to my head - to the place where, as they say, the“ third eye ”, I pray. I lie and wait for the “signal” for several minutes. "Signal" - a flash of white light, sometimes with a golden sheen - means that he has made contact. Seeing the light, I move my palms to the solar plexus. My eyes are always open. Breathing becomes even and deep - from the diaphragm. After a few minutes, the eyes are closed. After that, as I am told, I answer questions.
A strong desire to achieve separation, frequent repetition of this desire, and stubbornly holding in the mind a moving image of oneself that goes beyond the limits of the body will invariably lead to success. The key to all astral exits is a distinct visual image created by your imagination. Various exercises have been devised to develop the magical power of the imagination. The stages of progress in these exercises are the fantasy of an image perceived through closed eyelids - the image is first static, and then dynamic. Next comes the creation of a visual image with open eyes. These methods are not mutually exclusive, they must be used alternately.

Two exercises to develop the imagination:

1) You look at a simple drawing, then close your eyes and try to keep the picture in your mind. This must be done without concentration. It is enough to look at the picture for one second, then close your eyes for three seconds and keep the picture in your memory. Then open your eyes again to check the details - and close them again. Do this 10 to 100 times until every detail of the picture becomes distinctly clear. Then take a drawing for exercises with more complex illustrations and color pictures.
2) One can then practice by putting some simple (and then increasingly complex) objects on a tray and trying to remember them with closed eyes, not by mental association, but simply by visualizing their position.
During sleep, conscious exits to the astral are also possible. Usually acute thirst and intense hunger during sleep leads to astral projection. (For this, it is advised to eat salty before going to bed and not to drink).

Conscious projection is also induced by inhaling nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Psychologist William James, breathing laughing gas, said that all mystical secrets were revealed to him. Inhalation of chloroform leads to a similar condition. Medicines containing drugs also cause separation of the bodies. The AD effects of LSD often bear a resemblance to schizophrenia. But experiments with drugs are impure, since the trainee cannot give an account of where he has been. Moreover, the use of drugs is disastrous for both the physical body and the human soul.
Tobacco is also a type of drug. The natives of South America, inhaling snuff, saw giant lizards, dinosaurs. And medieval sorcerers fell into a trance, sniffing henbane. They also applied an ointment containing belladonna, hemlock, and other stimulants to the skin of the body, which sent them on an imaginary journey. Under the influence of cocaine, people see gnomes and huge insects.
But not all hallucinations from drugs are unpleasant. So the inhalation of hashish leads to the vision of infinity. Mescolin brings lifeless objects to life. LSD - a synthetic drug - helps a person to fly in the astral body.
The human subconscious is always aware of the existence of other worlds. Drugs do not give a complete transition to the astral, the transition is distorted and only partial. The most spiritual and safe way to travel through the astral worlds is described in yoga. Even with the help of only one method of yogic breathing, one can achieve all conceivable and unthinkable miracles. In the chapter "The Causal Body" we already said that drugs affect the circulatory system, and it is connected with the lower astral plane. Yogic breathing leads us to the higher astral plane. If every day you breathe rhythmically for 30 minutes, spending 12 seconds to inhale, 48 seconds to hold your breath after inhalation and 24 seconds to exhale, then after three months almost all diseases are cured in a person. If you breathe for 24 seconds - inhale, 96 - delay, 48 - exhale for 30 minutes, then the exerciser begins to rhythmically take off half a meter above the ground in the physical body and descend without any body movements. With increasing breath holding, the height of the jumps increases until the physical body begins to levitate continuously. With rhythmic breathing 36 - 144 - 72 seconds for 30 minutes, a person reaches Nirvikalpa Samadhi. He completely merges with God and discovers in himself all the divine qualities, including such siddhis as conscious exits from the physical body. Thought is power. She moves objects (psychokinesis), creates ghosts and elementals, and animates matter. Thought causes bodily changes in a thinking person. All diseases in the world are created by thought. Ulcers due to stress, migraines due to disorders, asthma due to restlessness, heartache due to stress in business, politics and social life. Selfish thoughts create huge egregors of evil.
In the subtle worlds, time does not exist. There are only causes and effects. The reason for the existence of people is what will happen in the end. Space is a great idea. What we call matter is a form created by our senses and therefore an illusion. Therefore, any science is just an extension of our feelings.
Plato said: “The world of reality consists of representations. They exist in another sphere, but not as simple concepts, but as complex prototypes or fundamental principles. In that world, there are ideas about a tree, a man, a dog, etc.” In the world of Eden, in the astral plane, Adam and Eve sinned and were given "covers of skin" - exile into physical bodies after the fall.
Thomas Aquinas - Divine Doctor, systematized the entire philosophical heritage from antiquity to 1273. While he was celebrating Mass in 1273, he suddenly had a vision from the astral world, which he knew only from books. Brother Thomas said to Brother Reginald, "Compared to what I have seen, everything I have written is not worth a penny." He stopped writing and died a month later at the age of 49.
We are just as mortal on the astral planets as we are on Earth. We just live there much longer. In the depths of their souls, all people passionately desire death for themselves. In the mental worlds our bodies are just as mortal as in the physical world. Dead children instantly grow up in the astral worlds, and old people get younger until the age of 25 - 30 years. Dead people do not see the physical world, just as we do not see them.
The emotional maturity that a person acquires during earthly life determines the well-being and happy life of the soul in the next world. Maturity is everything. The death of the physical body does not change the character of a person or his thinking in the least. If we do not resolve the differences within ourselves here, then even heaven will not make us happy. Our emotions in the astral worlds become thousands of times stronger after the death of the physical body. If a person has not learned to control his emotions during life, then after death they burn him and turn life on the astral plane into hell until he outgrows them. We build our own hell, and the demons that will torment us there are our thought forms, our desires. Wealth on earth can become a great obstacle to spiritual development. In heaven, more is asked of the rich and talented than of the poor and simple. Therefore, those who have been given a lot from birth must first of all overcome their laziness and addictions on Earth.
All worlds are built according to the principle of eight. Eight is infinity, it is the ball of the celestial sphere and the ball of the lower sphere, which includes the physical world, astral, ethereal, demonic, kliphonic. The lower circle of the figure eight in many occult sciences is represented by the symbol of a snake biting its tail. For most people, there is no way out of the lower circle. People are trapped in time because they cannot overcome their desires. They leave the physical world, so that after a short rest in the astral plane, they return to it again.
A person is perfected in this way: first we lose the body on earth, personality, ego, our own essence on the post-mortal planes, and in the divine spheres - a sense of separation and individuality. Merging with God, we lose our "I".

Third Eye

There are four main brains in the physical body: the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and solar plexus. In addition to them, there is the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. The brain is divided into two hemispheres. The cerebellum is located behind and below the brain. They are connected by a short stem called the medulla oblongata. The solar plexus (abdominal brain) is located behind the stomach. The astral cord of the subtle double can be attached to these four brains. The astral cord is the umbilical cord that feeds the physical body with universal energy. Inside the brain is the pineal gland. It is the main link between the physical and spiritual worlds. The pineal gland is located in the center of the skull just above the end of the spine. It is cone shaped and reddish gray in color. It was called the pineal because the gland looks like a pine cone. The pituitary gland is located in front of the pineal gland and below it. It is also associated with the occult. Molecular movement in the pineal gland causes clairvoyance. Therefore, when mechanically washing the nose with salt water or one's own urine for three years, a person begins to see the future. However, for this clairvoyance to illuminate the field of the universe, the fires of the pituitary gland must unite with the fires of the pineal gland.
Focusing on the pineal gland facilitates the conscious projection of the astral body. The pineal gland in esotericism is called the Third Eye. The line of force (astral cord) is formed in the place where a person concentrates his attention. This force controls the physical body and is not created by it.


A healthy person can work for ten to fifteen weeks without taking any physical food and without feeling tired. The body temperature of a starving person drops by only 1 degree Celsius. This means that it is not food that is the main source of energy, but the astral energy received during sleep. Without sleep, we cannot live after 3-4 days of insomnia. The role of food is to supply the material needed to keep the system in such a state that the vital energy can circulate freely. The atoms of physical food are used to build new cells of the material body and repair old ones.
A vegetarian diet makes protoplasmic molecules short and more sensitive to ultrashort wavelengths. A vegetarian becomes like a magnet that attracts cosmic spiritual energy.


Fasting increases the influx of cosmic energy. Of the three sources of energy (nutrition, breathing, sleep), sleep is the most important: it is easy to see that with proper breathing and nutrition, sleep decreases and vice versa. At the beginning of fasting, sleep time increases. And this is one of the reasons why fasting promotes astral projection. During fasting, one of the secondary sources is turned off. In order to keep the necessary amount of energy in the system, the astral body flies away from the physical body to a “farther distance” and thereby receives a greater charge of energy. That is why people endure fasting without losing energy, and in some cases even increasing it. (When the breath is turned off, the astral body also “removes farther and farther away”). The deeper the dream, the more passive the body, the greater the distance over which the astral double separates. That is why during hypnotic sleep a person can rest in 15 minutes in the same way as in 8 hours of normal sleep.
Prolonged fasting makes the astral double fly to more subtle worlds for the sake of even more collection of the missing energy for the physical body. After fasting, the deep sleep habit remains, so sleep time is reduced and energy gain during sleep is greatly increased. "Beginners" are recommended to start fasting with a 36-hour fast, which is carried out once a week. Then gradually increase the time of fasting up to three, seven, ten days. And only after a year of such cleansing procedures, you can carry out a long fast for more than thirty days. Moreover, the correct way out of fasting is no less important than the post itself. Many people think that the main thing is to go out on vegetable juices during half the term of the fast. Then the healing effect will be provided. But this is not true. I have met people who have been fasting for more than forty days. And they went out on vegetable juices. Yes, they gained physical health, got rid of many chronic diseases. However, spiritually, they did not become wiser. Some of them, on the contrary, degraded - they became even more materialists. And, of course, they did not acquire any siddhis during the fasting process, because their head was occupied with mercenary thoughts. The main thing during fasting is to transform your thinking, destroy your ego or at least reduce it, change your character, remake your nature. And after fasting - keep the purity of thoughts, do not communicate with dirty people, do not listen to the radio, do not watch TV, do not read newspapers. That is, do not let yourself become again - “like all people”

Dream projection practice

If at the time when you fall asleep, your conscious mind partially turns off, it continues to work together with the subconscious, then the material for dreams is delivered by two worlds. If the mind is turned off completely, you don't remember dreams. Regarding dreams, you should remember the rule: "When your actions in a dream coincide with the actions of an astral ghost, this dream causes a projection." That is, before going to bed, you need to program an “aviation” dream.
During sleep, the mind is partially at work, and the dream acts as a suggestion to the subconscious Will, the force that causes the astral double to separate from the physical. The basic law of projection states: "When the subconscious will is occupied with the idea of ​​setting the astral body in motion, and the physical body is passive, then the astral body will come out of the physical." The most enjoyable way to project output is in a dream.

Dream control method

1. Develop yourself so that you can maintain consciousness until the very moment of falling asleep. Hold a raised hand so that it falls during falling asleep and wakes you up;
2. Build, plan the dream so that it is dominated by your activity along with the upward movement (elevator, plane, flight);
3. Hold the dream clearly in your mind; visually try to imagine it while falling asleep. Reading stimulating books before going to sleep will also increase your ability to project. (However, do not mistake dream consciousness for real consciousness).

Bringing consciousness into the astral body

There are two factors for the awakening of consciousness in sleep. These are "sounds" and "correctly applied suggestion". Sounds work when the phantom goes beyond the range of the cord, and within it, the sounds will cause the bodies to coincide. As the number of projections increases, consciousness will connect more and more often. In that place of the dream where the consciousness turned on in the first dream, it will turn on in other dreams.
The suggestion that you will wake up in a certain place will be one of the most powerful factors in the way of achieving full consciousness in the astral body.

There are four factors that impel the subconscious will to action in a dream:
A) 1. Dreams of the flying type;
2. Dreams that cause desire and habit;
B) 1. Intense desire;
2. Suppressed desire;
C) Desire of the body:
1. Hunger;
2. Thirst;
3. Weakness;
D) Habit:
1. Old;
2. Steady;
3. Desirable.


The soul weighs approximately 9 grams. In order to project, you need to slow down the pulse, slow down the heartbeat. To do this, lie on your back, cover yourself with a light blanket, stretch your arms along the body. Focus on the heart. Inspire the heart with an even rhythm, count its beats until the rhythm is established. After a few minutes, start counting the rhythm a little slower, thinking that the heart is already beating slower. Don't stop to check your pulse. Keep doing this until you feel that the heart is beating at the desired speed. For astral projection, the pulse should be approximately 32-37 beats per minute. You should be cold, although the room will be warm.
To slow down the pulse, it is good to use a dripping faucet. First, the drops should drip at one second intervals. Adjust the heartbeat to the rhythm of the drops. Then slowly close the faucet, reducing the number of drops that fall to 35 per minute. Over time, your heart will beat in time with the falling drops.
Deep passivity and great fatigue will help in the projection - the double will rise about one meter above the bed. If you are not tired, then the astral body will come out only 5 - 10 cm. On a good projection day, you need to learn to relax. Complete relaxation is the key to success. As a rule, the ghost rises higher and higher as the dream becomes deeper. Therefore, most projections take place after a few hours of sleep.

Working with a mirror

For your success in astral projection, you need to study yourself well. Place a chair in front of a mirror. Look at yourself for 15 minutes every day. Look at yourself, remember every little thing until you lose your sense of reality. Imagine that your "I" is in the mirror. Study your nose, lips, and so on. Then look into your eyes for 15 minutes while repeating your name. Convince yourself that you are in the mirror.
Then, before going to bed, focus on the path that the ghost will take. You must have a strong desire to project. Try to wake up at a certain hour at night. And give in to your imagination. Imagine how your phantom walks around the room along the wall, and then returns to the body.

Development of desire

If you are sure that the desire for projection has taken possession of you strongly enough, then the following properties should appear in you;
1) You must be dreaming of projections of the astral body;
2) You must physically somnambulize;
3) You must wake up at night, overwhelmed by the desire for projection.
How to stimulate desires:
1. Strive to wake up in a strictly defined place (with a friend or in the country);
2. Slow down your heart rate even more;
3. Try to increase the desire for projection with the help of the will of the imagination;
4. Suggest to yourself that from now on you will wake up every night, say, at 3 o'clock. When you wake up, lie still and let your passive will stimulate the desire for projection. Become more physically passive before bed.

Relaxation exercises

Any projection of the double begins with complete relaxation of the body. If any muscles are tense, then the exit of the ghost will not work. Therefore, you must definitely learn the complete relaxation of the physical body.

Here is one of the simplest and easiest relaxation techniques:

1. Lie down on the bed or on the floor. Ground yourself. Grounding happens like this: we imagine a red beam of light coming from the Earth to the first chakra, and leaving into the Cosmos through the crown. A white ray comes from the Cosmos to meet him, enters the seventh chakra and exits the first chakra into the Earth.
2. Defocus your eyes, half-close your eyes, look through objects with a hazy look.
3. Relax all facial muscles.
4. Imagine your feet are filled with warm water. First the water fills the right leg, the leg becomes heavier and heavier. As it fills with water, the leg muscles relax. Then the water fills the left leg, then the lower abdomen, chest, arms, head. The members of the body become heavier, more and more relaxed.
5. When you fill your whole body with "water", check with your mind's eye again your whole body, starting with your toes - if there is any tense vein left somewhere. After doing this, you can close your eyes. For advanced students, I give a deeper and more detailed relaxation exercise in the chapter “Third Method. Mirror.

Georgy Aleksandrovich Boreev (Georgy Byazyrev, 09/08/1953-05/05/2010) was born in Irkutsk.

He served in the Soviet Army in East Germany. After demobilization, he worked as a loader in the ports of the Black Sea and as a ship assembler at the shipyards of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Then he enlisted as a worker at the BAM construction site, worked as a welder, concrete worker, fireman in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Yaroslavl. For a long time he taught Russian language and literature at a vocational school, worked as a correspondent and literary consultant in regional newspapers.

He began to make his first attempts at writing at the age of 25, sending his poems to the regional and district newspapers of the city of Nikolaev. After 2 years, he became the Laureate of the Prize of the Ukrainian Komsomol named after. Dovzhenko for a cycle of poems dedicated to native nature and mother. Studied at five institutes. But I only finished one. In 1980 he entered the Literary Institute. Gorky, at the Faculty of Poetry, a seminar by Larisa Vasilyeva. In 1986 he received a diploma from Litin.

Since 1992, Boreev has been practicing Raja yoga exercises. The lack of necessary esoteric books for spiritual development forced G. Boreev to turn to prose. What George could not find in the libraries, he decided to write himself. The first prose book "13 signs of the Zodiac" Boreev wrote and published at his own expense in 1998, in 1999 the books "Alien civilizations of Atlantis" and "Conscious exits from the body" were published, which became bestsellers .... Then yoga books were published "The Secret Energy Exercises of the Atlanteans", "The ABC of Yoga", "Flights of the Soul" and other teaching aids, which are used by thousands of followers of spiritual practices in many countries of the world.

In 2004, George began to erect a five-story house in the Moscow region according to his project with a pyramid built inside the castle. During the construction of the “castle in the air”, workers were not hired: he built everything himself, using the “secret” mathematics of Pythagoras and the technologies of the Atlanteans. The palace of glass and pine wood was built by him in three years. This marvel of architecture is adorned by the iron horse Pegasus, hovering over fields and forests at the height of the fourth floor. George welded the wings for the horse from double sheets of iron - 3 mm and 2 mm. The wingspan of Pegasus is 2 meters. The energies coming from the pyramid protect people and the northern regions of the region from vital and tectonic cataclysms, from spiritual breaks in our difficult transitional time.

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