Great Love Stories: Gala and Dali. Gala - created to raise not children, but geniuses

“Only idiots think that I follow the advice I give to others. Why? I'm not at all like the others."

Dali's first love.

Many people know Salvador Dali as a mature eccentric master - a great surrealist with a protruding mustache, drawing elephants on stilts, flowing clocks and many different obscenities in his paintings. He is famous for his outrageousness - he was a bold subverter of social norms and really is not like the others.

But Dali was not always like this, his modest youth in his father's conservative house, where he felt squeezed and depressed, did not delight the artist himself. He rebelled, he left, he subverted, and this was helped by friendship with other young talents who later became famous writers, artists and directors - Garcia Lorca, Buñuel, Miro and Picasso. Salvador loved freedom, fame and money, and did not hide it. Life gave him a chance in the form of a beautiful woman, Russian by birth, Elena Dmitrievna Dyakonova (Gala), who, being at that time the wife of the poet Paul Eluard, very soon became a friend of life and a real muse of Dali.
Young Dali was lucky with this woman, who was much older, but believed in his genius.
Look how cute they are - Gala and Dali, when they just sit without posturing))

Naturally, the relatives were against such an unequal marriage, and dad cursed El Salvador, for the first time they lived together they rented a fishing hut on the seashore. But Gala went to the city market and sold pictures of Dali that the public liked. At home, she tactfully advised on what to focus on and skillfully guided him to success. Dali was insanely brilliant and longed for fame and money, like a surrealist, he went to all sorts of outrageous antics to attract a bored audience, but of course he was not truly crazy. "The difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad " he said.
The artist adored his Gala, idolized, firmly believed in her intuition and painted all his life. She also called him "Baby Dali" and always believed in his genius. Of course, it was an unusual marriage, in Dali's diaries you can read many interesting details about their non-standard personal life, in particular, he often called himself a pervert and voyeur, but added that this is just normal for an artist.
You can treat this couple differently, but I am FOR such creative unions, age is not important.

Dali's second love

Dali's second love chiefs- like a true Nietzschean, he had pathologically tender feelings for the strong leaders of this world and often thought about them. For example, he wrote in the Diary about how he dreams of drawing Lenin's three-meter buttock on a crutch and Hitler's gentle erotic back, etc., all in his own style. The artist was attracted by all extraordinary personalities, which he considered himself to be. In particular, the famous acute-angled mustache on his face, he brought in defiance " boring mustache Nietzsche"...
You can argue about a lot about Dali, but the iconostasis on the mustache is good!))))

Not much has been invented since the time of Salvador Dali. Until now, his jokes are remembered and his phrases are quoted, and in modern fashionable restaurants in the capitals, a festive dinner is served on naked male and female bodies. So did he - the main performer of the twentieth century.

Third love.

Dali adored cinema - Together with another genius, he made several films that still amaze the audience. The most famous of them is a surreal 20-minute silent b.w. a film - in which a close-up of the entire frame of the eye is cut with a razor and vague images flash, illustrating the theory of dreams by Sigmund Freud. He also later worked with friends on the films The Golden Age and Spellbound. Well, there’s no need to talk about how Dali himself loved to pose for the camera until the end of his life - more than a hundred photo portraits of a genius from various authors and newsreels that can be found on YouTube have survived to this day.

Salvador Dali, I think, was not so much a great artist as a brilliant actor who played flawlessly the role of "genius madman", but, here everyone has reason to think))

Your Asya Nemchenok.

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The lovers married about 50 times. In the heat of his feelings, Salvador literally renounced everything that was dear to him, declaring that Gala was dearer to him than his mother, money, and even dearer than Picasso, who served as a source of inexhaustible inspiration.

Faktrum talks about how two amazing human geniuses met and fell in love.

Russian and Spanish soul

The acquaintance of Gala and Salvador happened unexpectedly, this meeting changed their lives. Salvador was 25, he was innocent and read the works of Nietzsche. He then lived in the village of Cadaques, which was located near the city of Port Aigata. The artist invited two married couples to visit: Magritte and Eluard. Paul Juliard introduced Dali to a girl who conquered him once and for all. “Meet my Russian wife Gala, I told her a lot about your work,” Paul said. Poor Salvador was speechless and could only spin around his lady of the heart.

Then, after many years, he described his beloved in the book “The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, written by himself” in this way: “Her body was tender, like that of a child. The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly rounded, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like those of a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender, energetic torso, aspen waist and tender hips made her even more desirable. Far from her, the artist could not work - the brush did not want to remain in his hand. All Dali's thoughts were only about his friend's wife.

Live together

The divorce of Gala and Eluard took place 9 years after she met Dali. But the muse of the artist formalized relations with him only after the death of his first spouse, showing a rare sensitivity.

Gala and Salvador settled in Paris. The paintings painted during this period were striking in their lightness. They changed the world and ideas about what an artist and his works should be like. Salvador did not pay a drop of his precious attention to everyday life: Gala took over everything that was daily and ordinary. She also sold paintings. Once Gala helped out 29,000 francs for a painting that had not yet been painted: such was Dali's authority among connoisseurs.

It is known that the artist had an ocelot and an anteater as pets.

The audience was delighted and amazed at various kinds of eccentricities on the part of the famous couple. The long mustache and bulging eyes of El Salvador only confirmed the fact that next to genius there is always madness.

Gala often poses for her husband, she is present in his paintings both in the allegory of sleep, and in the image of the Mother of God, and Elena the Beautiful. Sometimes interest in Dali's surrealistic paintings begins to fade, and Gala comes up with new ways to get the rich to fork out. So Dali began to create original gizmos, and this brought him serious success. Now the artist was sure that he knew exactly what surrealism really was. "Surrealism is me!" he said.

Behind every great man was a great woman. For Salvador Dali, this was Gala, which he idolized. In the dedication to the book The Diary of a Genius, Dali writes: "I dedicate this book to MY GENIUS, my victorious goddess GALA GRADIVA, my ELENA OF TROJAN, my HOLY ELENA, my brilliant, like the surface of the sea, GALE GALATEA SERENE." Russian Elena Dyakonova knew what she was doing when she took the name Gala, which means “holiday” in French. A holiday that drew more than one genius into the maelstrom of insane passion...

September 1929. A small Catalan village of Cadaques, a few kilometers from Port Ayigata. Here lives the aspiring artist Salvador Dali, known for his strange paintings and predilection for the philosophy of Nietzsche. He is 25 years old, but he is still a virgin and even more than that - he is terribly afraid of women. Salvador Dali was afraid of contact with women, but he could talk about them from the point of view of a great connoisseur of female beauty. Here is one of his arguments from the book "The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, told by himself."

At that time I took an interest in elegant women. And what is an elegant woman? ... So, an elegant woman, firstly, despises you, and secondly, cleanly shaves her armpits ... I have never met a woman who is both beautiful and elegant - these are mutually exclusive characteristics. In an elegant woman, one can always feel the edge of her ugliness (of course, not pronounced) and beauty, which is noticeable, but nothing more ... So, the face of an elegant woman does not need beauty, but her arms and legs must be impeccably, breathtakingly beautiful and - as open as possible. The chest doesn't matter at all. If she is beautiful - fine, if not - it is unfortunate, but in itself it does not matter. As for the figure, I make one indispensable requirement for elegance - this is the figure of the hips, steep and lean, so to speak. You can guess them under any clothes, they seem to challenge. You probably think that shoulder pattern is equally important? Nothing like this. I admit any, if only to worry. Eyes - This is very important! Eyes must at least seem intelligent. An elegant woman cannot have a stupid expression on her face, which is the most characteristic of a beauty and harmonizes remarkably with ideal beauty ...

Neighbors say that a young man "with great oddities", painfully shy, will laugh out of place, then cry, afraid to cross the street alone. He is very thin, wears a long, twisted mustache, smears his hair with bryoline in the manner of Argentine tango dancers, dresses in silk shirts of wild colors, complementing the outfit with ugly sandals and bracelets made of fake pearls ... That autumn, Dali invited the artist Magritte with his wife Georgette and spouses Eluard. He was already anticipating how he would shock the guests by coming out to them, fragrant with the "aroma of a goat", for which he had prepared "perfume" in the morning from glue brewed from fish heads, goat droppings and a few drops of lavender oil. But unexpectedly, from the window, he saw a young woman who was examining his dwelling with interest. She was wearing a white dress, and her jet-black hair was blowing in the wind. He immediately remembered the fountain pen from childhood and was struck by the similarity of the two women. Is it really her?...

He quickly washed off the goat "aroma", put on a bright orange shirt and, putting a geranium flower behind his ear, ran out to meet the guests. “Meet Dali,” said Paul Eluard, pointing to a woman in white. “This is my wife Gala, she is from Russia, and I told her a lot about your interesting work.” "From Russia. There’s a lot of snow there… A lady in a sleigh,” the artist’s head flashed feverishly. Instead of shaking the woman's hand, he just giggled stupidly as he danced around her...

From that moment, Dali lost his peace - he fell in love to the point of madness. “Her body was as tender as that of a child,” he would write many years later in his book The Secret Life. - The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly rounded, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like those of a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender energetic cable, wasp waist and tender hips made her even more desirable. Dali could no longer work, he was irresistibly attracted to this woman.

Gala quickly learned what freedom of love means, and immediately took advantage of its fruits. So before meeting with Salvador Dali, Gala was already quite a woman who knew what she needed. Gala was not a beauty, but she had great charm, female magnetism, vibes emanated from her that bewitched men. It is no coincidence that the French publisher, art collector Pierre Argille, answering journalists' questions, said:

This woman had an extraordinary attraction. Her first husband, Eluard, wrote her tender love letters until his death. And only after he died in 1942, Dali and Gala officially got married. Salvador painted her endlessly. Honestly, she was not so young for a model, but artists, you know, are not easy people. Since she inspired him...

In his book The Secret Life, Dali writes:

She admitted that she took me for a nasty and unbearable type because of my lacquered hair, which gave me the appearance of a professional Argentine tango dancer ... In my room I always went naked, but if I had to go to the village, I brought yourself in order. I wore immaculate white trousers, fantastic sandals, silk shirts, a rhinestone necklace, and a bracelet around my wrist. She began to consider me as a genius, - Dali further admitted. “Half-mad, but possessing great spiritual power. And she was waiting for something - the embodiment of her own myths. I thought that I might be able to become this incarnation.

And what happened next? And then Gala allegedly told Salvador Dali a “historical phrase”: “My little boy, we will never leave each other.” She firmly decided to connect her life with the artist Dali and leave the poet Eluard. In fact, she left not only her husband, but also her daughter. What turned out to be more in this decision? Adventurism or deep calculation? It's hard to answer. What was Paul Eluard to do? He packed his bags and left the sanctuary. In 1934, Gala divorced Paul Eluard, but out of pity for him, she would officially formalize her relationship with Dali only after the death of the poet. (The latter, by the way, until the end of his days hoped that Gala would return to him, and was ready to forgive her anything).

They got married on August 8, 1958, 29 years after they first met. The ceremony was private, almost secret. It was, of course, a strange marriage in all worldly senses, but not in a creative one. Sensual Gala, who even at the time of Dali did not want to remain a faithful wife, and a virgin artist who was terribly afraid of intimacy with a woman. How did they get along with each other? Obviously, Dali turned his sexual energy into creative energy, and Gala realized her sensuality on the side. As Spanish journalist Antonio D. Olano testifies: “She really was insatiable. Gala tirelessly pursued the young men who posed for Dali, and often got her way. Dali was also insatiable, but only in his imagination.

In everyday life, they turned out to be an almost perfect couple, as often happens with completely different people. Salvador Dali is an absolutely impractical, timid, notorious person who was afraid of everything - from riding elevators to concluding contracts. Regarding the latter, Gala once said: “In the morning, El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the agreements he signed lightly.”

“Gala pierced me like a sword directed by Providence itself,” wrote Salvador Dali. “It was a ray of Jupiter, as a sign from above, indicating that we should never part.”

From now on, Dali paints fantastic paintings one after another, signing them with the double name "Gala Salvador Dali", as if it were about one person. She told him that he was a genius. “Soon you will be the way I want to see you, my boy,” said Gala. And he, like a child, believed her every word. Gala protected Dali from everything that prevented him from working, putting on her shoulders both life and production functions. She offered her husband's work to galleries, persuaded her rich friends (and among them were such celebrities as Stravinsky, Diaghilev, Hitchcock, Disney, Aragon) to invest in Dali's work.

The result was not long in coming. World fame has not yet come to El Salvador, and he has already received a check for 29 thousand francs for a painting that has not yet been painted. And to his wife - the title of the main Muse. From this moment on, the couple begin to literally bathe in luxury and do not get tired of impressing the audience with eccentric antics. They say about Dali that he is a pervert, a schizophrenic and a caprophagus. His famous mustache and bulging crazy eyes are known all over the world. About Gala in the press they do not cease to viciously gossip: “The Gala-Dali couple to some extent resembled the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Dali tirelessly draws his Gala in the image of the Mother of God, then Helen the Beautiful, and even ... women with chops on their backs. When the demand for his paintings began to fall, Gala immediately gave him the idea to create designer things, and “dalimania” repeated itself with renewed vigor: rich people from all over the world began to buy up strange watches, long-legged elephants and red sofas in the shape of lips.

Now there was no need to convince Dali of his genius, because he believed in himself more than ever. He believed so much that he even quarreled with his friend Breton and other surrealists, once categorically stating: “Surrealism this is me!".

“All over the world,” writes Dali, “and especially in America, people are burning with the desire to know what is the secret of the method with which I managed to achieve such success. And this method really exists. It's called the paranoid-critical method. For more than thirty years I have invented it and have been using it with constant success, although to this day I have not been able to understand what this method is. On the whole, it could be defined as the strictest logical systematization of the most delusional and insane phenomena and matters in order to give a tangibly creative character to my most dangerous obsessions. This method works only if you own a gentle motor of divine origin, a certain living core, a certain Gala - and she is the only one in the whole world ... ".

As for the mother, this is not a slip of the tongue. Salvador Dali, who lost his mother early and did not receive her love, subconsciously searched for his mother and found her ideal expression in Gala, but she, in turn, found a son in him (she loved her daughter Cecile less, and it was no coincidence that she was raised by Paul's grandmother Eluard). Despite the fact that all his life Dali called his wife none other than "divine", she was still an earthly woman. And yet none of the mere mortals managed to avoid old age. After 70, Gala began to age uncontrollably. It was the turn of plastic surgery, newfangled vitamins, endless diets and young lovers in large numbers.

But the older she got, the more she wanted love. She tried to seduce anyone who got in her way. “El Salvador doesn’t care, each of us has our own life,” she convinced her husband’s friends, dragging them into bed. Her lover was the young singer Jeff Fenholt, one of the leading men in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. They said that it was Gala who caused his breakup with his young wife, who had just given birth to his child. Gala took an active part in the fate of Jeff, created conditions for him to work and even gave him a luxurious house on Long Island. It was her last love. Of course, love for Salvador Dali does not count. And yet Gala remains a mystery. In numerous interviews that she gave over half a century, she stubbornly did not talk about her relationship with Dali. All her letters to Eluard were destroyed by her ex-husband, asking her to do the same with her own in order to "deprive curious descendants of looking into their intimate life." True, Gala, according to the artist, left an autobiography on which she worked for 4 years. Gala kept a diary in Russian. Where these priceless documents are now is unknown. Perhaps the art world is waiting for new finds and new discoveries.

Answering unambiguous questions from journalists, Dali adhered to the same “legend”: “I allow Gala to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it turns me on.” But what did he really feel? Nobody knew this. Finally, Gala asked Dali to buy a medieval castle in Pubol for her, where she organized real orgies, and only occasionally received her husband, sending an invitation in advance in a perfumed envelope ... It all ended in 1982, when Gala broke her hip neck in a fall. She died soon after. In the last days in the clinic, an old woman suffering from severe pain, abandoned by all young lovers, was on the verge of insanity and tried all the time to hide money under the mattress ... Salvador Dali put on her late wife her most beautiful scarlet silk dress, large sunglasses and, sitting like a living thing in the back of a Cadillac, taken to the place of their last shelter - to their family crypt in Pubol. The embalmed body of Gal was placed in a coffin with a transparent lid and quietly buried. Dali did not come to the burial, but only a few hours later looked into the crypt to utter just one phrase: “You see, I don’t cry” ...

Eyewitnesses said that with the departure of Gala, the former Dali was gone. He no longer wrote, could not eat for a long time, shouted loudly for hours, spat at the nurses and scratched their faces with his nails. Madness finally took over his mind. Nobody understood his inarticulate murmur. He survived Gala by almost seven years, but it was no longer life, but a slow extinction. According to the will of El Salvador, Dali was not buried, but the embalmed body was exposed under the "geodesic dome" in the family crypt near Gala. And a little further away they installed a yellow boat bearing the name of the artist's wife. At one time, Dali brought her from Cadaques, where he first met his "black-haired lady from childhood" and was so surrealistically happy.

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On this day, May 11, 1904, the genius of surrealism, Salvador Dali, was born.
My dreams of Spain have always been associated with the name of Salvador Dali, Luis Bunuel, Federico Garcia Lorca. And when I ended up in Spain, the first thing I decided to do was visit the places where the famous artist and his muse lived.
I am not a biographer of Salvador Dali, but I read a lot about him. I recently bought a book by Rudolf Balandin “Salvador Dali. Art and outrageous.
Analyzing various sources, I wrote my own story of the extraordinary co-creation of love. This story is full of mysteries and paradoxes.
We can say that every artist is made by his muse - the woman he loves and who loves him.
The French poet Andre Breton wrote: “Dali and Gala are not husband and wife, and certainly not an artist and his muse; they are two hemispheres of the same brain.”
What kept the genius of surrealism and the Russian girl together for more than half a century?

She was born on August 26, 1894 in Kazan. For some reason, her name annoyed her. “She seemed like a stranger in her own family.” The dream was to change his name and live in Paris among poets and artists.

According to some sources, her middle name is Elena Ivanovna (after her father, Ivan Dyakonov). A petty official, the loser Ivan Dyakonov, went to Siberia to look for gold, where he died in 1905. Some time later, the mother entered into a free alliance with a wealthy Moscow lawyer. Dmitry Ilyich Gomberg, apparently, was her old acquaintance, and even allegedly the real father of Lenochka. Gomberg adored his stepdaughter (or daughter), performed any of her whims. They developed such a good relationship that Lena took a new patronymic Dmitrievna.

What kind of love it was - love for a daughter or stepdaughter - one can only guess. When Lenochka was diagnosed with consumption at the age of 16, her stepfather himself fell ill from worries.

It is curious that in the novel Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak used a real life situation, describing how the lawyer Komarovsky becomes the lover of the widow Guichard, and then the lover of her 16-year-old daughter Lara.

Stepfather Dmitry Ilyich Gomberg placed Lenochka in one of the best Moscow gymnasiums, where she studied with Asya Tsvetaeva, the younger sister of Marina Tsvetaeva. Elena graduated from high school with honors, was versed in painting and literature, was fluent in French and German.

This woman loved to make a riddle out of her life. In fact, neither her place of birth nor her real name is known. Some researchers claim that she never lived in Kazan, but simply confused her tracks, not wanting to reveal the truth about her past. Who was her real father is also not known for certain.

The official father liked to call her Lenochka, and the older brothers preferred to call her Galya. Mother, Antonina Dyakonova, from childhood called her eldest daughter Galya. Friend Anastasia Tsvetaeva also calls her Galya, Galochka.

Any name is no coincidence. The name is fate. If she really was Galya, then it is understandable why she preferred to be called GalA (in French it is “holiday”).

Elena was not a beauty, but she had some kind of magical attraction, which invariably helped her add what she wanted. She adequately assessed her not too beautiful appearance, but did everything to please.

When her stepdaughter fell ill with tuberculosis, her stepfather sent her to Davos, Switzerland for treatment. There she met a young French poet. His name was Eugene Emile Paul Grendel. He fell in love with her at first sight. Galya did not like his poems, but she was pleased to feel like the poet's muse.

Education, high culture and at the same time the ardor of a Russian girl impressed the young poet. She called herself Galina, and the poet in love called her Gala - with an emphasis on the last syllable.
For her beloved, Gala also came up with a beautiful pseudonym - Paul Eluard. Today this name is known to all connoisseurs of poetry.

When the treatment was over and Gala (Elena) returned to Russia, she wrote letters to her lover:
“I love only you, I have no mind, no talent, no will, nothing, nothing, nothing, only love. It's horrible. If I lose you, I will lose myself. I will no longer be Gala, I will be a poor woman, of which there are thousands of thousands.

“With you, I feel strong, confident in myself, in my thoughts and actions. Away from you I become a suffering thing. I lose my clear soul, and instead of it there is some kind of black hole.

“As a child, my mother called me “the princess and the pea” because I never did anything around the house, even for myself. But I'll do the housework for you! … I will never be just a housewife. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself ... ".

“You must know that you cannot cross the border before we receive the blessing of the church and God. I don't want that and I hope you understand me this time."

“I believe that all people on Earth, in the world, in all worlds have one God, and that God accepts all faith (when it is sincere). He accepts the faith of the savage with the same joy as the Catholic and Orthodox, and so on. He is everywhere. He is one. He is for everyone. Therefore, I know that you and I have the same God.”

While in Moscow, Gala strove for the one whom she had already appointed as her husband. The parents were against it. However, Lenochka, by all means, wanted to leave forever from her parents' house. She even defiantly cut her veins on her wrist. After that, her parents let her go and even provided her with money.

In the summer of 1916, Elena (Gala) came to her beloved in Paris. Madame Grendel could not understand why her son fell in love with this absurd and ugly Russian. But Gala managed to please the mother of her future groom. In addition, the Grendel family was very wealthy.
When the First World War began, and Paul went to the front, Gala settled in his room. They got married on their first vacation.

The young couple entered the circle of avant-garde poets of that time. To surprise and inspire surrealist friends, Gala talked about the sexual adventures of her and her husband. She and he were then leading a fashionable free sex life.

Gal had a natural instinct to recognize in men a spark of divine talent.
In 1921, Eluard and Gala visited the artist Max Ernst in Cologne (Germany). Gala posed for him and soon became his mistress, while remaining Eluard's wife. The following year, Max Ernst moved into the house of Eluard, and the three of them began to live together, not hiding at all. This "marriage for three" lasted about two years. They even shared a bed. Together they slept on a large oak bed, which Eluard's parents had given for the wedding.

It was fashionable at the time. Suffice it to recall the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who lived with the same family with Lilya and Osya Brik in the apartment of the proletarian poet.

Gala and Paul Eluard understood marriage as a free union of two creative individuals who have the right to love affairs on the side. Eluard proudly showed nude photos of Elena to his friends. He didn't mind if friends became his wife's lovers. Eluard liked group sex. He enjoyed watching his friends make love to Gala and often became a member. Group orgies in their house were commonplace. Among the French surrealists, such behavior was not something out of the ordinary.

Thanks to Eluard, Elena Dyakonova turned from a modest Russian woman into a vamp, the goddess of the French beau monde of those times. She was adored and hated; she was envied and worshipped.

When Eluard received a million francs as an inheritance, Gala and Paul began to visit expensive restaurants, Gala loved to buy luxury items.

Daughter Cecile, born to Paul and Gala, was unloved and unwanted. The mother did not want to raise her daughter.
Constant conflicts with her mother-in-law made her long for freedom and independence.
By the end of the 20s, the Eluards practically did not live together, although sometimes they rested together.

In the summer of 1929, they went to rest in Spain in the fishing village of Cadaqués, where they were invited by a Parisian friend of the young artist Salvador Dali. El Salvador has already managed to become famous for the film "Andalusian dog". This film was created by Dali together with film director Luis Buñuel. It was Dali who came up with the idea of ​​the most shocking frames of the picture.

Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904 in Figueras in the family of a wealthy notary.
When Salvador was six years old, many said that he looked like the Little Prince from a fairy tale by Exupery. “Oh, this is a completely extraordinary child: he doesn’t play pranks, like his peers, he can wander alone for a long time and think about something of his own. Very shy. And recently, imagine, he fell in love and assures that this is for life!

One of the relatives gave the boy an unusual fountain pen: behind the glass frame one could see an incredibly beautiful girl with flowing black hair; she rode in a sleigh through the sparkling snow in an open silver fur coat.
For many years, Dali kept this pen as a real treasure, dreaming of meeting such a girl.

Salvador painted his first painting at the age of 10. But he did not dream of becoming an artist. He dreamed of becoming just a great man.
“As a child, I acquired a vicious habit of considering myself different from everyone else. It turned out to be a goldmine."

The boy studied well and wrote well. However, at the age of 15 he was expelled from school for indecent behavior. But he still managed to finish school with brilliant grades.

In 1921, Dali entered the Academy of Fine Arts in San Fernando. At the Academy, he was a stranger, a strange, incomprehensible, extraordinary stranger, and he was proud of it.
“Everything changed me, nothing changed me. I was cowardly and nasty."

In Madrid, Salvador became friends with the poet Federico García Lorca. It was with Lorca that Dali had his first love experience. However, he did not become a homosexual. Perhaps because he loved his mother and needed female care.

Salvador's mother doted on her son, cared for and spoiled him. Salvador was a "mama's boy". And when his mother died unexpectedly, he became afraid to live. He needed a woman who would take care and love him like a mother.

When Dali first got together with a random woman, he experienced disappointment from sexual intercourse: "... lying on her, he rummaged around the bed with his hand in search of something heavy with which I could hit her."

The father loved Salvador very much and endured all the antics of his son. Their relationship was not easy.

In 1926, Salvador Dali was expelled from the Academy for his arrogant and dismissive attitude towards teachers.

Salvador Jacinto Felipe Dali Domenech Cusi Farres paints very strange pictures and likes to philosophize.
At 25, instead of flirting with women, he prefers to read the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche.
“Feeling is banal in nature,” Dali admitted. - This is a low natural element, a vulgar attribute of everyday life. So when I get overwhelmed with feelings, I turn into a branded idiot.

When Dali first saw Gala, she did not make any impression on him. However, the next day on the beach, he recognized her as an old childhood dream.
“It was her! Galyuchka Rediviva! I recognized her by her bare back. Her body was tender, like that of a child ... "

The appearance of his new acquaintance mystically coincided with the appearance of a certain Russian girl, who from an early age came to him in dreams.

And Salvador, with all the passion of a true Spaniard, swore that this mysterious Russian girl from his childhood dreams would become his woman.
He didn’t give a damn that in reality the “girl” was ten years older than him, that she was married to the master of French poetry Eluard, that she had a daughter and many lovers.

On the decisive day of the explanation, Dali asked, "What do you want me to do?"
Gala replied: “I want you to knock the spirit out of me!”
The answer shocked Dali, but helped to get rid of his follies.

“The first kiss,” Dali recalled, “when our teeth collided and our tongues intertwined, was only the beginning of that hunger that made us bite and gnaw each other to the very essence of our being.”

If Dali's love was rather a wild passion, then Gala's love was not without calculation.
Later, Gala admitted that at first she also did not like Dali because of his varnished hair, which gave the appearance of an Argentine tango dancer.
However, very quickly Gala realized that she was a genius. She herself seduced him, and she herself proposed to him: “My boy, we will not part again. Soon you will be the way I want you to be!”

It was not enough for her to be a Muse. She longed to become a Pygmalion in a skirt, that fatal woman who, like from malleable clay, blinds a young genius of a Genius unseen by the world.
“Genius is extraordinary, elevated to a superlative degree. That's what I'm building."

As soon as she met Dali, Gala collected his sketchy draft notes (which he himself called "incomprehensible"), took them with her to Paris and rewrote them cleanly, giving them a coherent form. Based on these notes, Dali published a "poetic and theoretical collection" under the title "Visible Woman".

For Gala, Salvador has become a big child, and she is his mother. They both did not feel the need for children. And after the operation, Gala could no longer have children.

Her strong, resolute nature was necessary for a weak-willed artist. Gala put things in order in his workshop, patiently folded scattered paints and canvases.

When Gala and Dali moved to Paris, at first they lived very poorly. They were poor but proud. Gala counted every centime and bought the cheapest products on the market. At the same time, she said: “As soon as the money starts to melt, you need to increase the tip, not assimilate to mediocrity. It is better to lose something than to adapt. You can not eat, but you can not eat badly.

Gala solved not only domestic problems and was engaged in earning money, she became an inspiring muse for Dali.
“Now I am a student, Gala is a teacher. She tells me: “Get up and go, you didn’t have time!” And I get up, go and create ingenious ... "

Gala became for Dali both a muse, and a wife, and a lover, and a nanny, and a secretary, and a manager. She advertised his paintings, souvenirs, paid newspaper critics to create a positive image of the successful and fashionable artist Salvador Dali.

“To comprehend and express the meaning of life alone means to be compared with the great titans of the Renaissance. This is my wife Gala, whom I found for my happiness.

The scandals organized by Gala and Dali became part of their existence, as they attracted the attention of the public. The result was that from the beginning of the 30s, Dali's paintings were sold out within half an hour after the opening of the exhibition. One of the first victories was receiving 29,000 francs for a painting that the artist had not yet painted.

"Gala is the only person in the world who could help me forget failure - and fear - with the magic of her presence alone."

Director of the art gallery John Richardson recalled: “In the artistic world there is an indisputable axiom: the creator is presented as a free person, a person not of this world, but his wife is utterly practical, a real devil in a skirt. But Gala really was a devil. She could beat you up if she didn't get what she wanted. And she wanted, as it seems to me, power, money and luxury.

Gala admitted: “A Western man is an extrovert, a Russian woman is an introvert. That is why the union of Western artists with inspirers from the North is so harmonious.

Many men dream of a woman who would love them disinterestedly and devotedly, like a mother, while passionately desiring to possess him; I could understand and support morally in difficult times.

Dali wrote: “She began to regard me as a genius. Half crazy, but possessing great spiritual power. And she was waiting for something - the embodiment of her own myths. Thought I might be able to become that incarnation.”

Gala and Dali were convinced that their meeting was destined in heaven and it was impossible to resist the will of the gods.
“Gala pierced me like a sword directed by providence itself. It was a ray of Jupiter, as a sign from above, indicating that we should never part,” wrote Salvador Dali.
“Gala did not harden me, as life would have done, but built around me the shell of a hermit crab, so that on the outside I was like a fortress, but on the inside I continued to grow old.”

Paul Eluard urged Gala to return to him, and was ready to forgive her anything. He hoped until the end of his days.

She stands before my eyes
Her hair mixed with mine
She takes on the color of my eyes.
She drowns in my shadow
Like a rock in the blue sky
Her eyes are always open
She won't let me sleep.
Her dreams in daylight
Make all the suns go out.
And they make me laugh and cry
And laugh again and say
Without saying a word.

Gala said that her first husband Paul Eluard was a talent, and Salvador Dali was a genius.

I personally do not think it is correct when they say "he is a genius." For the first time, Benvenuto Cellini said about himself “I am a genius”. Before that, only "my genius" was said. I adhere to the ideas of the ancient Romans, who believed that every person has their own “genius”, women have their own “juno”. Socrates called the voice that told him how to live my "daimon".

When Paul Eluard finally gave a divorce in 1934, Gala and Dali registered their marriage. Eluard attended the ceremony as a witness.
However, the wedding was refused to the spouses. Dali presented the Pope with his famous painting, where he depicted Gala in the image of the Immaculate Virgin, but the Pope considered this sacrilege.

They were able to get married only in 1958 after the death of Paul Eluard. Gala was already almost sixty years old, and Salvador was not yet fifty.
Gala and Dali traveled all over the world and repeated the ceremony of marriage in each new country. Salvador officially married his wife fifty times!

When World War II began, the couple emigrated to America. There Dali became extraordinarily popular. If in Europe artists sought to express some lofty ideals, then in America the main indicator of success was the dollar.

When interest in Dali's surrealistic paintings began to decline, on the advice of Gala, the artist began to create original gizmos that were eagerly bought up by the rich who wanted to "join art."
Frankly acquisitive activity greatly damaged the reputation of Salvador Dali among true connoisseurs of beauty. But it raised his popularity to an unattainable height.
Andre Breton even came up with an anagram from the name Salvador Dali Salvador Dali Avida Dollars, which meant "greedy for" dollars ".

As a result of successful creative and commercial activities, the couple literally bathed in luxury. At the same time, they did not get tired to amaze the audience with their eccentric antics.

Dali was a shocking genius. His whole life was for show. Once, in a conversation with his sister, when guests suddenly appeared, Dali apologized and said: “I'm sorry, I have to put on a mask.”

They said about Dali that he was a pervert, a schizophrenic and a caprophagus. And he did not get tired of repeating: “The main thing is to let them talk about Dali. At worst, let them speak well.

Salvador Dali had a high opinion of himself - “I am a surrealist from God!”
Dali gave advice on creativity to novice artists, and in the end he concluded: “All these tips are nothing, an angel should lead your hand.”

Thanks to the efforts of Gala, Dali believed in his own genius so much that he once said: “Surrealism is me!”
As a result, he quarreled with his friend Breton and other surrealists, who considered Salvador Dali a traitor to the art of surrealism.

During the eight years of her stay in the USA, Gala turned an unknown artist into a multimillionaire and a world-famous surrealist, Salvador Dali. She found customers, arranged exhibitions, completely controlled the financial affairs of her genius.
She created a real empire of Salvador Dali: she sold his paintings for fabulous money, launched a line of perfumes, dishes and crafts with his name.
Money flowed like a river, and already in the early 40s, Salvador Dali was a millionaire.

Dali deified his wife. After all, it was she who made him a recognized genius, and besides, a millionaire.

“From my painful states of mind, from wanderings in the realm of fantasy, paranoid visions and delirium, Gala created the realm of the classics. She from-Dali-la my nonsense and turned on the brain mechanisms that began to fix fragments of reality. Thanks to her, I began to distinguish dream from reality, my ethereal intentions from my classical revelations.

"Thank you, Gala! It's thanks to you that I became an artist. Without you, I would not have believed in my talents! But it’s true that I love you every day more and more…”

Dali loved Gala, but in fact he loved himself. Like a true narcissist, he saw in her only his own reflection.
"I am completely faithful to Gala." "I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more than Picasso and even more than money."

Journalist Frank Whitford wrote: "Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, calculating and desperately upward predator, which the Surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague."

Gala loved chic and preferred to dress by Chanel, whom she knew personally.
She was called "Woman - the embodiment of evil", "greedy Valkyrie", "predator".
"Gala knew what she wanted: pleasure for the heart and all five senses, as well as money and friendly relations with geniuses."

According to eyewitnesses, Gala was tough, ruthless and even aggressive in her actions. She took an ice cold shower every morning to strengthen her body. In the same way, she trained her soul. If a person annoyed Gala, it cost nothing for her to spit in his face.

Somehow, she and Salvador got pets in the house - fluffy rabbits. But when her husband accidentally dropped a word that Gala did not like, she calmly ordered her husband to fry rabbits for dinner and forced him to eat fluffy pets as punishment.

In 1943, in the novel Hidden Faces, Dali writes a dedication: “To Gala, who was always there while I was writing, helping, like a good fairy, my peace of mind, driving away the salamanders of doubt and giving strength to the lion of confidence. Gale, who inspired me with the nobility of the soul, Gale, a mirror that reflected the most cruel of the geometries of the aesthetics of feelings that guided my work.

The great surrealist artist Salvador Dali called Gala "his genius".

He signed his most fantastic works with the double name Gala-Salvador Dali.
Dali paints pictures depicting Gala on them: “Atomic Leda”, “The Last Supper”, “Madonna of Port Lligata”, and many others.

On one of the last canvases of the artist - "Christ-Gala" - the Creator is depicted with the face of Gala.

Dali not only painted Gala, but also made films about her.

In the preface to The Diary of a Genius, Salvador Dali writes: “I dedicate this book to MY GENIUS, my victorious goddess GALA GRADIVA, my ELENA OF TROJAN, my SAINT HELENA, my brilliant, like the smooth surface of the sea, GALA GALATEA SERENE.”

With age, Gala became more capricious and intolerant. She did not want to grow old, and tried all means: creams, massages, plastic surgery, made young lovers.
Dali reacted like this: “I allow my Galarina to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it turns me on.”
Salvador lived his fantasies, arranging erotic paintings of nude models.
“Let her swear. Let him speak to me in Russian, which I do not understand. Just let it be there."

Gradually, Gala lost all interest in El Salvador, which led him into a state of deep depression. But in the late 60s, she remembered that in her youth Dali promised to give her a castle. She demanded to communicate. Together they searched for a suitable one for a long time, and finally settled on Pubol Castle.

Gala said that she would live alone in the castle, and Dali would be allowed at her written invitation.
This condition delighted Salvador: “I responded to him with all my masochist sophistication. Just think about it! The castle will become an impregnable fortress for me, which, in spite of everything, Gala remained.

At 75 years old, Gala still wanted to feel like a woman who was liked and idolized. She invited young lovers to Pubol, gave them cars, houses, and even gave away a Salvador painting worth millions of dollars for a night of love.

She gave one of her lovers, who was forty-six years younger than Gala (!), Jeff Fenhold, who performed the main role in the Broadway production of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, a recording studio.

Salvador Dali also did not remain alone. He had the most stormy romance with a young Englishwoman, aspiring singer Amanda Lear. They say that the aging Gala herself found a young mistress for Salvador.
Charming Amanda was 19 and she seemed to Dali an angel. Then she was known as Peki D'Oslo. The name Amanda Lear is a play on words in French, which means "Dali's mistress."

After three dates, Salvador Dali invited Amanda to marry, of course spiritual. The artist was sure that they would always be together. Indeed, for a long time Amanda lived in Dali's house. At the same time, Amanda had her own personal life.

With his usual spontaneity, Dali introduced his "angel" to his wife. The appearance of the favorite caused the wrath of the jealous Gala. Reassuring Amanda, Salvador assured that Gala's anger is just a sign of sympathy.

Gala gradually reconciled. The couple have been together for the last 8 years. They often walked, dined and attended receptions as a threesome or in the company of another young favorite of Gala.

Gala took a promise from Amanda that she would marry Salvador after her death.
The wedding did not take place, although the unusual relationship lasted almost until the death of the artist.

“Gala was and remains the only one for me, the one with whom I am able to enjoy, arousing in myself the most exalted images of my hierarchy of beauty. She is my inner truth, my double, my "I myself" ... "

In February 1981, at night, Dalí's secretary heard cries for help. In Dali's bedroom, he found Gala lying next to the bed. Later, Salvador admitted that they had a falling out and he beat her with his cane. She was then 86 years old.

Gala did not like to think about Russia. But there were photographs of her Russian family in the bedroom. She did not share her longing for Russia with anyone. She visited Moscow only once in 1929.

In 1982, during a fall, Gala broke her femoral neck. She spent her last days in the clinic, abandoned by all the young lovers. Suffering from severe pain, she was on the verge of insanity and kept trying to hide her money under the mattress.
Her torment ended on June 10, 1982.

For Salvador Dali, the death of Gala was a heavy blow. The embalmed body of Gal was placed in a coffin with a transparent lid and quietly buried in the family crypt in Pubol Castle. Dali did not attend the funeral. A few hours later, he looked into the crypt and said: “You see, I don’t cry ...”

Gala lived 88 bright, eventful years. She not only created herself, but also gave the world two geniuses: Paul Eluard and Salvador Dali.

After the death of his wife, Salvador lost his inspiration and could no longer paint. They say that in recent years, Dali sold blank canvases with his signature. He despised the "connoisseurs of painting", calling them "idiots".

Dali outlived his beloved woman for seven years. Even before his wife's death in 1981, Dalí developed Parkinson's disease. It was difficult to care for a sick and distraught old man, he threw himself at the nurses with anything, biting, screaming. Gradually, Dali completely lost his mind and instead of words, he emitted only inarticulate lowing.

In 1984, a fire broke out in Pubol Castle. Paralyzed Salvador Dali unsuccessfully rang the bell, trying to call for help. Dali fell out of bed and crawled to the exit, but passed out at the door. He was taken to the hospital with severe burns, but survived.
Dali died on January 23, 1989 from a heart attack.

A few years earlier, the mayor of the city of Figueres (where Salvador Dali was born) proposed the creation of a museum of the great surrealist. Dali agreed, but on the condition that there would be no tours. He did not want anyone to impose their ideas about his creations. “I don’t understand my own works…”

Salvador Dali was buried in the theater-museum of the great artist.
Dali bequeathed his fortune and work to Spain.
But the main creation of the great surrealist was his love.

What is love?
It's the pain of renunciation
It's a joy to come back to yourself
It's happiness without any permission
This is a chance to be together and not be alone,
This time, parted from the clock,
This is the tenderness of a thawing soul,
This is the torment of desire to merge with bodies,
This feeling of the disappeared I and YOU,
These are the tears when hopes die
This is the moan of a mind-drenched dream,
This is sadness in the middle of a deserted desert
lonely shooting star...
(from my novel "Alien Strange Incomprehensible Extraordinary Stranger" on the site New Russian Literature

Salvador Dali was not only a great surrealist artist, but also a surrealist of love!

Do you believe in LOVE SURREALISM?

Salvador Dali and Gala

More than one exciting novel can be written about the love story of the great Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali and his wife Elena Dyakonova, better known as Gala. However, within the framework of this book, we will try to describe it briefly.

Salvador Dali

No one would call Elena Dyakonova a written beauty, but there was something in this woman that made artists, poets and, in general, people of that circle that is commonly called bohemian throw themselves at her feet.

Lenochka was born in Kazan in 1894. Widowed early, the girl's mother soon remarried, and the whole family moved to Moscow. Here Lena Dyakonova studied at the same gymnasium with the sister of the future famous Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, Anastasia. Anastasia herself also did not shy away from the literary field; here is a verbal portrait of Gala that she compiled at that time: “In a half-empty classroom, a thin, long-legged girl in a short dress sits on a desk. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes of such length that, as their friends later claimed, you could put two matches next to them. In the face of stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt.

The painful fragility of Lenochka Dyakonova, who looked like a small songbird, came from weak lungs. In 1912, she was sent to Switzerland for treatment - the then Mecca of tuberculosis patients. It was there, in the Clavadel sanatorium, that the “Russian bird” met his first lover, the young French poet Eugene-Emile-Paul Grendel.

Only Elena had sick lungs, but his father, a wealthy real estate dealer, sent Paul to the Swiss Alps so that his son could be cured of ... poetry! Oh, that was a serious illness, completely incompatible with Grendel Sr.'s ideas about a decent life! Unfortunately for the rich dad, the alpine air had an effect on Paul in a miraculous, but most unpredictable way: the son not only did not recover, but became a real poet, who became famous under the pseudonym Paul Eluard.

Lenochka said goodbye to her illness forever, but she picked up another, no less dangerous illness - she fell in love. The love turned out to be mutual. Paul doted on his new girlfriend. It was at that time that she acquired her middle name - Gala, with an emphasis on the last syllable. In French, Gala meant "lively, cheerful" - and so it was. Gala had an easy character, and the lovers were well together. So good that they decided to end their relationship with marriage. But first, the bride and groom had to part - Paul went to France, and Gala returned to Russia. Letters full of declarations of love and that wonderful lightness that so well characterized the coming age of cars, the rejection of corsets and long dresses, and at the same time the petty-bourgeois morality that had bothered the world, rushed from country to country swiftly, like carrier pigeons.

“My dear lover, my darling, my dear boy! Gala wrote to Eluard. “I miss you like something irreplaceable.” She, who was only a little older, referred to Paul as a little boy. It was always the maternal principle that was strong in her, the desire to protect, instruct, hold the hand ... to be, first of all, a mother, and only then - a lover.

In 1916, Gala, unable to bear the separation any longer, went to Paris. She was already twenty-two, but the groom still had not put on her wedding ring. However, he had serious reasons for this: Paul served in the army. A Russian girl with a French-sounding name achieved her goal - the wedding still took place. In early February 1917, the lovers got married.

Paul Eluard turned a modest Russian girl who sat at the window with books by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky into a real vamp, a heartbreaker and a muse, a fatal, self-aware daughter of Parisian bohemia.

Despite the fact that a year later the couple had a daughter, Cecile, adored by both parents, Eluard and Gala eventually broke up. Perhaps the point was that, despite all the poetry of nature, Paul demanded that his wife run the household? Gala herself bluntly admitted: “I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails!

The field could not sit still, and constant moving tired his wife. Gala wanted to be an equivalent unit, and not just a muse and wife of the poet. To top it off, Paul had acquired the habit of showing everyone and everyone nude pictures of his wife. The results were not long in coming: they began to consider Gala accessible, and the fact that poets, like artists, look at the world with completely different eyes, was simply discounted by the townsfolk.

Paul and Gala constantly quarreled and violently sorted out the relationship, often bringing their scandals to people. And if Eluard found consolation and relaxation in poetry, then his wife soon needed a friendly shoulder for this. A love triangle formed: Paul Eluard - Gala - artist Max Ernst. Free love was then in vogue, and Gala did not feel guilty. Moreover, she already felt on her lips the taste of that free life, to which she had always aspired.

In the summer of 1935, Eluard and his thirty-five-year-old wife and eleven-year-old daughter went on vacation to Spain, to the small village of Cadaqués. There they were impatiently awaited by the young Spanish artist Salvador Dali, whom Paul had met in a Parisian nightclub. The family went to the Spanish wilderness to take a break from the noise of the capital, and all the way Paul enthusiastically told his wife about the work of the young Spaniard, breaking the classical canons of painting, about his outrageous film "Andalusian Dog", about the strangeness of character and beauty ... Gala, tired of the trip, listened with half an ear. Later, in a conversation with friends, she remarked: “He did not stop admiring his dear Salvador, as if on purpose he pushed me into his arms, although I did not even see him!”

A young and really extremely talented Spaniard, who at that time was only twenty-five, was worried before meeting with the poet, and especially with that very famous Gala. He had heard so much about her that he decided to appear before a stranger who had arrived from Paris in the most extravagant form. Salvador shaved his armpits and dyed them blue, and loosened his silk shirt into long stripes. To impress not only sight, but also smell, he rubbed his body with a mixture of fish glue, lavender and goat droppings. The hero of the day stuck a red geranium behind his ear, the flowers of which grew in abundance near his small house, and, looking with satisfaction in the mirror, was already about to go out to the guests. Needless to say, the effect of such an appearance would exceed all expectations!

However, looking out the window, he suddenly noticed Gala. The elegant Parisian seemed to him the height of perfection: her face was as if carved by a sculptor's chisel, and her thin body was not the body of an adult woman - it belonged to a young girl ... It was not for nothing that Eluard wrote to him about his wife's buttocks: "They lie comfortably in my hands!" Looking at his own hands, stained with goat droppings, Dali rushed to the bathroom. Washing off the fish glue, and especially the blue paint, was not an easy task, but now he could go out to the guests with clean and shiny hair - and with a storm in his soul ...

As soon as he took Gala’s narrow cool palm in his hands, Dali realized that here she was - the only love of his life, the woman he was looking for and who might not exist at all ... However, she existed: she breathed, smiled and looked at him with all her eyes . Because from the shock, Salvador was attacked by an attack of hysterical laughter!

Gala immediately realized that Dali was not just talented - he was a genius. Next to this giant, who, when he was expelled from the group of surrealists, declared: “Surrealism is me!”, Her own husband seemed just a boy, and not a battered Parisian, a famous poet ... Love struck on the spot not only Salvador - she shot right through both of them. And so Elena-Gala almost immediately and unconditionally left the Fields. The love fever with which she fell ill was so strong that she left not only her husband, but even her daughter!

Eluard, who was obviously superfluous here, where these two - his former friend and his already ex-wife - did not take their eyes off each other, all that remained was to pack their bags and leave. Dali was by no means a monster, which he so often liked to expose himself to and which biographers often paint him with, he was also not devoid of concepts of honor, dignity and friendship. Maybe that's why, in parting, he gave Eluard his own portrait? Dali himself will say about it this way: "I felt that I was entrusted with the duty to capture the face of the poet, from whose Olympus I stole one of the muses."

Despite the external outrageousness, Gala probably felt embarrassed in front of her ex-husband and in front of her daughter, who by no means could become an “ex” for her. Therefore, they married Salvador only after the death of Eluard, twenty-nine years after their first meeting. Prior to this, Gala and Salvador, although they registered a secular marriage, led a fairly free lifestyle. Rather, only Gala led a bohemian life, whom her second husband even encouraged to do so. She had no lovers, as a rule, much younger than her - in short, it was a strange marriage in every respect. But in fact, it was not even a marriage - it was a creative union!

They were good together - both in bed and out of it. Oddly enough, in everyday life these people, so dissimilar in everything, also turned out to be a harmonious couple. Gala became everything for the impractical Dali: a mother, a nanny, a secretary, a psychoanalyst ... Dali's oddities manifested themselves not only in painting or extravagant antics - he really could not stand and was afraid of many things: riding in elevators, the presence of children, animals, especially various insects. Grasshoppers and enclosed spaces gave him panic attacks.

Dali was a great artist, but not a very successful businessman. It was Gala who persuaded him to paint pictures that were more understandable to the viewer, she was looking for buyers for them and carefully reviewed the contracts before her husband put his signature on them. Gala herself recalled this as follows: “In the morning, El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the agreements he signed frivolously.”

Later, when Dali's name was already booming, Gala would also become a talented manager with her husband, turning his name into a hot commodity. When the sale of paintings stalled, she forced her husband to appear in commercials, come up with company logos, decorate shop windows, and design household items such as ashtrays or cups. Some say that Gala put pressure on Dali, but perhaps she, constantly offering her husband to engage in new types of creativity, forced him to grow.

This celebrity couple was very fond of filming. A huge photo archive of portraits of Dali and his wife has been preserved. They lived extremely friendly, despite the fact that Gala constantly had lovers. However, entering into marriage, they stipulated this detail. The wife of a genius was not forbidden to have her own personal life - and she was always hungry for carnal pleasures. And if in her younger years she took something from her lovers as a keepsake: jewelry, paintings, books, then, having grown old, she herself paid them extra ...

In 1964, Dali's wife turned seventy, she was already wearing a wig and was thinking about plastic surgery - because at that age she wanted love more than ever! Gala tried to seduce literally everyone who appeared on her way. “El Salvador doesn’t care, each of us has our own life,” she convinced her husband’s friends or his fans, dragging them into bed.

Among the many lovers of Gala was Jeff Fenholt - the performer of one of the main roles in the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". This connection broke the singer's marriage, and his wife, who had just given birth to a child, left him. Gala must have felt guilty: she gave the singer a luxurious house on Long Island and further helped him advance. This was the last speakerphone of Gala - the years went on, overshadowed by senile diseases, decrepitude, the inevitable decay of the body ...

The muse of the great artist died at the age of eighty-eight. Dali himself did not go to her funeral, he did not bother with a monument for his beloved, because his numerous canvases, where her face and body met more often than others, remained a real monument to the history of their love and creative union.

This text is an introductory piece.

Dali, Salvador According to Ter-Oganyan A.S., is pop culture, and not “contemporary art.” The point of view today, of course, is generally accepted - but Oganyan adhered to it back in the early 1980s, when Dali was an intellectual idol and supreme, in intellectual

Salvador Dali Salvador Dali“Our time is the era of the pygmies ... Others are so bad that I turned out to be better. Cinematography is doomed, because it is a consumer industry designed for the needs of millions. Not to mention the fact that the film is made by a whole bunch of idiots. I write a picture because I don’t

Salvador Dali Chops, bacon, baguette and spiny lobster Salvado?r Dali? (Salvado?r Domenek Felip Jasi?nt Dali? and Domenek, Marquis de Pubol) (1904-1989) - Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism.Kitchen

Salvador Dali Fear of copulation, generated by the father of Salvador Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. He

Salvador Dali Military UniformSalvado?r Dali? (Salvador Dom?nek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domo?nek, Marquis de Pubol) (1904-1989) - Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. The fatal attraction of a military uniform

Salvador Dali A teenager who owns a small slave girl Salvador?r Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. How

Salvador Dali Foreskin with breadcrumbs Salvador?r Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. According to Javier

DALI SALVADOR Full name - Dali Salvador Felix Jocinto (b. 1904 - d. 1989) Famous Spanish artist, designer and decorator. Author of a huge number of paintings. Dali's works are widely represented in museums in Europe and the United States of America. Not

Salvador Dali Full name - Salvador Felix Jacinto Dali (born in 1904 - died in 1989) A Spanish artist who chose the only woman as his idol. In the history of world painting, there are many artists who inspiredly portrayed the female and male body in

Chapter Six How Gala met Paul Eluard and married him; about the joint life of the spouses with Max Ernst; how Dali declared his love to Gala; how Dali was kicked out of the house; about the film "Andalusian Dog" and about the quarrel between Gala and Buñuel, Paul Eluard kept his promise. IN

Chapter Seven About how faithfully Dali served surrealism, how he was then expelled from their ranks by the Parisian surrealists; what Dali Gala saw in her portraits; how Dali and Gala began to build their house in Port Lligat Camille Goemans could be pleased: almost all of Dali's work with

Chapter Eight About how it dawned on Dali to write a flowing watch, about a trip to America, about reconciliation with his father, meeting with Lorca and how Dali and Gala miraculously escaped death Gala decided to finally break with Eluard after he died in the summer of 1930 showed up in Port Lligat

DALI SALVADOR (b. 1904 - d. 1989) "How you wanted to understand my paintings, when I myself, who create them, do not understand them either." Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was born twice. His father, the public notary of Figueres, an anti-Madrid republican and

Dali and Gala Salvador Dali - Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. He was born in May 1904 in the city of Figueres in the family of a wealthy notary. Dali was a quick-witted, but arrogant and uncontrollable child. Numerous complexes and phobias prevented him

Salvador Dali and Gala About the love story of the great Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali and his wife Elena Dyakonova, better known as Gala, you can write more than one exciting novel. However, within the framework of this book, we will try to tell it

Salvador Dali Crazy, unfaithful, cursed, Two-legged, overgrown with wool, Think, think constantly About the inevitable: about the Second Coming ... Rurik Ivnev, 1914 Fantasies and madness (Salvador