Beautiful places in Rome. An unusual guide to Rome - an independent sightseeing tour without a guide

The rich historical heritage of Rome is reflected in the architectural appearance of the city, and in its cultural values, sights, which are thousands of years old.

Those who visit Rome on a package tour can choose between sightseeing tours offered by numerous travel companies. Those who travel on their own can make up for themselves the main top attractions that they would like to visit in the first place. And if you correctly allocate time and plan a route, you can see much more than planned.

So… What should you definitely see in the vicinity of Rome and what sights of the main tourist city of Italy should you visit?

Architectural masterpieces, description and photo with names

Where to go and what to see in Rome? Any tour of the Eternal City includes palaces, fountains, museums and sights that have become a kind of hallmark of Rome.

For 16 euros you can buy a single ticket to.

To avoid long queues, you can book your tickets in advance on the Vatican website (but please note that this advance booking service is subject to an additional fee of EUR 4).

List of free tours

Some sights of Rome are available to absolutely everyone - and completely free. These are churches and museums where you do not have to pay an entrance fee.

  • whose history goes back over two thousand years. Built back in 27, the temple was dedicated to the Roman gods. Its dome, which is 43 meters in diameter, is built in such a way that when the sun is directly at its zenith, a direct and thick beam of the sun ("divine light") beats through the hole in the dome.

    There is an opinion among the people that if you stand right under the hole in the dome, all your sins will be forgiven. Whether it works or not is unknown, but there are more than enough people who want to test the hypothesis.

  • Imperial forums(not to be confused with the Roman Forum). A number of sights and monuments of ancient Roman architecture associated with the eras of the emperors of Ancient Rome - the forum of Augustus, the forum of Caesar, the forum of Vespasian, the forum of Trajan, the Temple of Peace.
  • appian way- one of the central roads of ancient Rome. Today, the Appian Way is an open-air museum: mausoleums, villas, parks, and churches are located along the road.

    You can walk along the road, or you can take a special bus (archeobus), the cost of the trip is 12 euros. There is a more budgetary option for traveling - by bike, the rental of which will cost 10 euros.

  • and Palazzo Poli form a single architectural ensemble.

    Trevi is the largest fountain in Rome. He left his mark in the cinema - the beauty of the fountain can be enjoyed in the films "Roman Holiday" and "Sweet Life".

    A coin thrown into the fountain - "for good luck" - will help you return to Rome again. In the evening, the fountain is illuminated by skillfully selected lighting, and classical music is poured over the square.

  • . This architectural structure is directly connected with the three countries.

    On the territory of Italy there is a staircase that united France and Spain after centuries of hostility. There, in Plaza de España, there are several more attractions- the Trinite dei Monte church and the Barcaccia fountain.

Fans of architectural heritage can consider themselves truly happy Lorenzo Bernini - Italian architect and sculptor. Many of his works adorn Rome, and all this splendor can be viewed completely free of charge. For example, the bridge of the Holy Angel, bas-reliefs and statues in the squares, sculptural compositions.

Famous works of Michelangelo can also be viewed for free. These are the city gates of Port Pia, the Basilica of St. Peter, the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli.

Travelers in Rome should take note of a few tips in order to avoid unpleasant moments that can overshadow your vacation.

  • If law enforcement officers may not pay attention to an abandoned piece of paper, then here For smoking in a public place, you can get a fine of up to 200 euros These rules are strictly observed here. Especially in places where there are children.
  • Be careful on the subway. Crowded subway cars and buses are a real expanse for pickpockets. Do not leave documents, mobile phones and money in your pockets.
  • If you prefer walking, take care of comfortable shoes and clothing that does not restrict movement. Most of the roads in Italy are made of cobblestones, so sneakers or sports slippers are the best option for sightseeing in Rome. And do not forget about respite in the shade and about the drinking regime, otherwise heat stroke will be guaranteed in the heat.

Learn more interesting facts about the sights of Rome from the following video:

It doesn't matter how many sights you can see during the trip. Any corner of Rome - be it a palace, a fountain or something else - is worth seeing with your own eyes and remembering the feeling of touching the history of the Eternal City for a long time.

In contact with

Rome occupies a special place among European capitals. It is a symbolic city, a primary source city where Western civilization originated. The mighty Roman Empire, which subjugated the entire Mediterranean, began right here - on the banks of the Tiber River. The historical and cultural heritage of Rome is priceless; architectural and cultural masterpieces await tourists at every step.

Rome is the legendary Colosseum and museum treasures, the historic ruins of the Capitol and the magnificent facades of baroque villas. The whole city can be viewed as an open-air museum, its streets and squares are home to the history of three thousand years of civilization, thought, art and culture.

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What to see and where to go in Rome?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

1. Colosseum

The main arena of Ancient Rome, a theater for gladiator fights, persecution of captives by wild animals and other no less bloody performances of the annual Games of the capital of the Empire. In honor of the opening of the Colosseum in 80 AD. the Great Games were arranged, which lasted more than 3 months. The ancient stones of the Arena still remember the gladiators killed for the amusement of the public and the slaves from the occupied provinces torn to pieces for pleasure.

2. Pantheon

Construction of the II century BC, "temple of all gods" in Greek. The Pantheon was created during the period of the highest flowering of ancient Roman architecture. For many centuries, pagan gods were worshiped under the dome of the building, until at the beginning of the 7th century the Pantheon was turned into a Christian temple. The building has survived to this day in good condition thanks to numerous restorations that began before the advent of our era.

3. Vatican

City-state, stronghold and main bastion of the Catholic Church, the residence of the Pope. In total, about 800 people are citizens of the Vatican, mostly priests and church employees. The Vatican is famous for its museums, which contain outstanding collections of paintings, sculptures and applied arts. This is a real treasure trove of humanity. Also, tourists are attracted by the main Catholic church - St. Peter's Cathedral.

4. Cathedral and St. Peter's Square

St. Peter's Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Catholic branch of Christianity. Here the Pope himself conducts festive masses. The temple arose on the site of the former circus of Nero in the 4th century. At first it was a small basilica where the relics of the Apostle Peter were kept. In the 15th century it was rebuilt into a grandiose building. Raphael, Michelangelo, Peruzzi, Maderno and others worked on St. Peter's Cathedral. In front of the temple is a wide square with a colonnade of 284 Doric columns.

5. Vatican Museums

Museum collections were collected at different times by the popes. They were founded in the 16th century by Pope Julius II. An extensive exposition of paintings of the 11th-19th centuries is collected in the Pinacoteca of the Vatican. You can get acquainted with tapestries and frescoes by the great masters by visiting the Sistine Chapel and Raphael's Stanzas. Antique statues, sarcophagi from ancient Rome are presented in the museums of Chiaramonti and Pio Cristiano. The history of religions around the world is described by the exhibits of the Ethnological Missionary Museum. The history of the Vatican is presented in the Historical Museum. The Vatican Library has over one and a half million books. The visit is open daily, except Sundays and Catholic holidays.

6. Vittoriano

Memorial architectural complex of the 18th-19th centuries. in honor of King Victor Emmanuel, the first ruler of a united Italy. On the site in front of the monumental palace, the Eternal Flame burns and a guard of honor is on duty. The inhabitants of Rome are not too fond of this bulk of white marble, as they believe that it does not fit into the architecture of the city. Some Romans refer to Vittoriano as a ridiculous "wedding cake".

7. Trastevere

Bright and colorful Roman quarter across the Tiber River. Here in the XVIII century BC. the Etruscan tribe settled, from which the history of the Eternal City began. In the era of the Empire, luxurious patrician villas stood here. In the area, many buildings and residential buildings are many hundreds of years old, so they look very authentic and attractive to tourists. People continue to live in dilapidated houses.

8. Piazza Navona

Oval square in the central part of Rome, located on the site of the former circus of Domitian. Since the 16th century, ambassadors, cardinals, bankers and other wealthy representatives of society began to settle in this area. From the 15th century until the middle of the 19th century, there was a market here. In the middle of the square is the Fountain of the Four Rivers - a sculptural group with a deep symbolic meaning. In the middle of the composition rises an obelisk, symbolizing the power of the Pope. Around the obelisk are sculptures representing the rivers of four continents.

9. Piazza del Popolo

In a free translation into Italian, the name of this place sounds like "People's Square". Piazza del Popolo played an important role in the life of Rome, as the road to the northern provinces began from here. The square is decorated with the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo and the Egyptian obelisk of Ramses II. The piazza received its modern look at the beginning of the 19th century, the architect D. Valadier worked on it.

10. Castel Sant'Angelo

The construction began to be built in the era of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century AD. During its existence, it served as a papal dwelling, prison, warehouse and even a tomb. Today, the fortress houses the Military History Museum. The castle got its name in the 6th century AD. after the image of the Archangel Michael appeared to Pope Gregory. Directly from the castle, a picturesque bridge is thrown across the Tiber River, which was built under the emperor Hadrian. On the bridge it was possible to get to the Champ de Mars by the shortest route.

11. Roman Forum

The very heart of Ancient Rome, where important state and social events took place - the fate of laws was decided, consuls were elected, the triumphs of emperors took place after victorious wars. After the fall of the Empire, the forum was destroyed and devastated, and time did its work, so only fragments have survived to this day. The remains of the forum are part of a protected archaeological area, where an open-air museum operates.

12. Forum of Trajan

The forum appeared at the turn of II-I centuries. BC. In those days, it was a large square surrounded by a market, the temple of Emperor Trajan, Greek and Latin libraries. The 38-meter column of Trajan made of Carrara marble has survived to our time. Inside the column is the tomb of the emperor himself and his wife. Trajan's Forum is the last building of its type built in Rome.

13. Baths of Caracalla

Remains of ancient Roman baths along the Appian Way. The culture of visiting the term was well developed in the Roman Empire. People came here to talk, learn the latest news or hold business negotiations. The Baths of Caracalla were built in the 3rd century AD. under the emperor Septimius Bassian Caracalla. Already in the 5th century AD. this architectural complex began to be considered a real wonder of the world. In addition to baths and pools, there was a library here.

14. Arch of Constantine

The triumphal arch erected by Emperor Constantine in honor of the victory in the civil war over the troops of his rival Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius. It was under Constantine that Christianity became the official religion (the ruler believed that God himself helped him come to power), the capital of the Empire was transferred to Constantinople, and Rome gradually began to lose its former power and decline.

15. Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano

One of the most ancient Christian churches, the first temple of Rome. In the church hierarchy, it is above all others, even above St. Peter's. The Catholic hierarchs awarded her the title of "basilica major", that is, "senior". She is recognized as "the head and mother of all churches." The temple appeared during the reign of Constantine under Pope Sylvester I in the 4th century AD. Six Popes are buried in the basilica and the relics of the Apostles St. Paul and St. Peter are kept.

16. San Paolo Fuori le Mura

Temple of the 4th century AD, erected on the burial site of the Apostle St. Peter, who was executed at the behest of Emperor Nero in the 1st century AD. The building was rebuilt several times under the emperors Theodosius I and Valentinian II. Almost every Catholic Pope tried to bring something of himself into the temple complex, so over time, San Paolo Fuori le Mura expanded in size and grew with new additions.

17. Santa Maria Maggiore

One of the four main Catholic churches in Rome. It has a very high status in the ecclesiastical rank of cathedrals (the highest status is assigned to the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano). The foundation stone of Santa Maria Maggiore was laid in the middle of the 4th century. In the XIV century, a 75-meter bell tower appeared near the church. The facade, which has survived to this day, is a mixture of Romanesque and Baroque styles.

18. Il Gesu Church

The main Jesuit temple in Rome, where the Grand Master Ignatius Loyola is buried. The first project of the temple was developed by Michelangelo, but the head of the order did not like it. In 1561, another architect, Giacomo Barozzi, began construction according to his own plan. Until the abolition of the Jesuit Order at the end of the 18th century, significant wealth was stored in the church of Il Gesu. The church building itself was taken away from the organization. Only after 1814 it was returned back.

19. Basilica of Saint Clement

Unique archaeological site. The church consists of three levels. The lowest one was discovered in the 19th century and represents buildings from the 1st century AD. Frescoes and remains of decor have been preserved here. The second level is an early Christian church from the 4th century. The upper level is a 12th-century basilica, with a baroque façade, an atrium and a fountain inside. The interior decoration is rich, the walls are painted with frescoes of the 18th century.

20. San Pietro in Vincoli

The name of the church is translated as "Saint Peter in chains". It is located on the square of the same name and was founded in the 5th century as a place for storing chains with which the holy apostle was bound. Here is the tomb of Pope Julius II, designed by Michelangelo. One of the main decorations of the tomb is rightfully considered the famous sculpture "Moses". The artist Antonio Polayolo is also buried in the church.

21. Church of Sant'Ignazio

The cult building of the Jesuit order in the Baroque style was built in 1626. It is located on Ignatius Layola Square and is dedicated to this saint who founded the order (he served as a prototype for Don Quixote). The church consists of many chapels, decorated with columns, arches and voluminous stucco. Numerous frescoes tell about the life of Saint Ignatius. The flat ceiling is frescoed in such a way that the illusion of its domed structure is created.

22. Santa Maria in Trastevere

According to presumed data, this church was the first Christian church in Rome. Its foundation dates back to the 3rd century AD. It is located on the square of the same name in the Trastevere district. The building is rightfully considered a pearl of medieval architecture: the facade with arches and columns is decorated with colorful mosaics of the 12th century. Inside the church is arranged according to the principle of a classical basilica. In addition to Catholic icons, Christian icons are also kept here.

23. Capitoline Museum

The world's first museum was born in 1471, when Pope Sixtus IV donated a collection of antique bronzes to the inhabitants of Rome. It is located on the Capitoline Square, designed by Michelangelo, in three palaces. The New Palace presents an exposition of classical sculpture. In the Palace of the Conservatives there are world-famous ancient statues, a collection of paintings from the Renaissance, a collection of coins. The main part of the Palace of the Senators is occupied by the City Hall of Rome, the first floor is reserved for the museum.

24. National Museum of Rome

It is a museum complex located in four buildings. Palazzo Massimo houses exhibitions of ancient Roman jewelry, coins, as well as sarcophagi, frescoes and mosaics. Palazzo Altemps bears the name of its first owner, Cardinal Altemps. His personal collection of works of art is exhibited here, as well as a collection of ancient sculptures and an Egyptian exposition. The crypt of Balbi houses ancient Roman artifacts found during excavations. The building of Thermae Deoklitsiana itself is already a unique architectural monument. Various exhibitions are held here, there is also a permanent exhibition of ancient sculptures, manuscripts and archeological finds.

25. Doria Pamphili Gallery

The private collection is on display at Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, one of the main streets of old Rome. It began to be collected in 1651. The palace is the largest private palace in the city. The paintings of the Italian painters of the 17th century are most widely represented. An interesting gallery of sculptures, a rich collection of antique furniture and fabrics. In total, more than 500 copies are presented here, in six main halls.

26. Rome Opera House

The first name is the theater of Constanti, after the name of its founder. The opening of the theater took place in 1880, in the 20th century the building was acquired by the city authorities, and was partially rebuilt twice. World premieres of great composers took place on this stage, the best voices of the world performed. Currently, both opera and ballet performances and concerts are held here. The theater has a ballet school.

27. Museum and Crypt of the Capuchins

Santa Maria della Cancezione is a small Roman church with a modest façade. However, the place is attractive for tourists. The Roman cardinal Antonio Barberini, a member of the Capuchin order, is buried here. Under the church there is a burial of monks, the walls of the crypt are decorated with bones and skulls of more than 4,000 thousand dead from 1528 to 1780. Since 2012, the Capuchin Museum has been organized here: the exhibits tell about the history, traditions and secrets of the ancient Order.

28. Catacombs of Rome

Numerous underground galleries and labyrinths that are located under the surface of Rome. Many pre-Christian burials have been found here, but the foundations of some of the underground passages were created in the era of early Christianity. The first associates of Jesus hid in these dungeons. Here they held religious rites, meetings, prayers without the danger of being discovered and caught.

29. Pyramid of Cestius

It is believed that the building was erected in the 1st century BC. It served for burial purposes - here is the tomb of Praetor Gaius Cestius Epulus. The construction took place during the period of the conquest of Egypt, when the fashion for the "Egyptian style" appeared in Ancient Rome. At that time, obelisks, sculptures and other monuments were taken out of the Nile Valley. The Pyramid of Cestius reaches a height of 37 meters and a width of almost 30 meters.

30. Big circus

Ancient hippodrome between the Palatine and Aventine hills. In the era of the Roman Empire, chariot races were held here. Under Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar, the circus was rebuilt and grew to a fairly large size. More than 250 thousand people could watch the spectacle at the same time. In the spectator sector, lodges for patricians and standing places for plebeians were equipped.

31. Appian Way

One of the most important roads of the Roman Empire, which led from the Eternal City to the south of the Apennine Peninsula. The total length of the route is more than 500 km. The road began to be built in the 4th century. Due to the excellent quality of the pavement masonry, the Appian Way made it possible to quickly reach places remote from the capital or to transfer troops in a fairly short time. The roadbed has survived to this day in very good condition.

32. Villa Borghese

Palace of the XVI century, built for Cardinal Scipione Borghese on the site of former vineyards. The building is surrounded by a huge English-style park with numerous antique statues. On the territory there is a hippodrome, a zoo, a theater and several museums. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the mansion with the park belonged to the Borghese family, then all the property went to the state.

33. Villa Medici

It is located on the hillside of Pincho on the site of the former gardens of Lucullus. In the middle of the 16th century, the territory near the hill became the possession of the Medici Cardinal, who built a villa-residence here for his family. After the extinction of the Medici dynasty, the house and surrounding lands were transferred to the Lorraine family. The Medici Cardinal acquired many works of ancient art to decorate the villa. Some examples can be admired in the Uffizi Gallery.

34. Spanish Steps

Italian baroque staircase in the center of Rome. It is recognized as one of the most picturesque in Europe. The stairs start at the Plaza de España and lead to Pincho Hill. The Plaza de España itself is a very expressive place, where it is always pleasant to stroll among the flowering flower beds. In the 17th century, the Spanish embassy was located here. As a sign of good relations between the two countries, the piazza was named after Spain.

35. Trevi Fountain

The most famous Roman fountain of the 18th century, where every guest of the city is simply obliged to throw a coin for good luck. In a week, coins are thrown in the amount of several thousand euros. All money goes to a charitable foundation. The sculptural composition of the fountain consists of the figure of the sea god Neptune on a chariot and his companions. 16 architects fought for the right to work on the construction of the fountain.

1. Santa Constanza - a small church built as a mausoleum for the daughters of Emperor Constantine. The sarcophagus of St. Constance was transferred to the Vatican Museums long ago, but the basilica-tomb of indescribable beauty remained. Over time, many have forgotten about its existence, hiking trails bypass it, maybe that's why it has been preserved almost in its original form. The insanely beautiful mosaic with images of Jesus Christ on the walls indescribably delights those lost tourists who, by chance, ended up here. The entrance to the church is securely hidden in a garden that has grown near another ancient church - Sant'Antonese, famous for its catacombs.

2. The Basilica of San Sebastiano is located a kilometer on foot from the famous Domine Quo Vadis church, the last refuge of the faithful on the Appian Way. The church is famous for the marble footprints of Jesus. And none of the travelers realize that, after walking only 1000 meters, in the empty Basilica of San Sebastiano, on the right in the alcove at the entrance, you can see real prints, and not the fake that is shown to tourists in Domine Quo Vadis. The Basilica is open around the clock, and no one will stop you from touching a real relic.

3. The crypt of Via Veneto, decorated with skulls and skeletons, is a unique place with real human bones everywhere. There are three large halls in which filming is prohibited and only viewing is allowed. The place is positioned as completely non-tourist, which is why it is not in the guidebooks, although the attributes of a tourist place, such as an aunt-caretaker and an entrance fee, are present here.

4. Church of San Pietro in Vincoli - a basilica hidden from tourists, which is not visible from any square. You can enter it with just one staircase from Cavour Street. Not crowded inside, mostly tourists look at the tomb of Pope Julius II by Michelangelo. But the main attraction for knowledgeable people are the chains with which the Apostle Paul was chained in Rome and Jerusalem - they are on display under the altar.

5. The square Colosseum was not recorded in any guidebook for political reasons, because it was created on the orders of Benito Mussolini in honor of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of fascism in Italy. This place has become one of the symbols of the "fascist faith". The huge building impresses with its size and scale. Of course, references to the Nazis are not in favor here: today museums and a nightclub work here. The square Colosseum now serves to entertain people.

Rome has many interesting places to visit. Arriving in this historic city for one day, you should try to cover the most beautiful and famous of them. You can select the top 5 beautiful places in Rome in order to be able to set off in advance along the planned route.

Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo was formed in the 16th century. Three main thoroughfares departed from it, represented by Corso, Babuino and Ripetta streets. At the point of convergence of these avenues, two churches were built: the oval Santa Maria in Montesanto and the round Santa Maria dei Miracoli.

Piazza del Popolo is surrounded by a balustrade decorated with sculptural allegories. Today it is one of the favorite places of tourists and Romans. Previously, executions were held on the square, but now it is closed to traffic. It is beautifully illuminated at night, and the Pincio Gardens spread over it offer views of the beautiful places of Rome. On the square itself there is the gate of del Popolo, behind which the pilgrimage Flaminieva begins.

In the center of the square, tourists can see an Egyptian obelisk, which is called the Obelisk of Flaminius. It is a stone pillar, which is more than three thousand years old. It was brought to the city as a war trophy. All this will be interesting to see.

The Trevi Fountain is a very interesting place not only for tourists, but also for local residents. This . It has an impressive size and is adjacent to the majestic facade of the Palazzo Poli. All this looks like a single whole, which visually makes the fountain even larger, as the architect Nicolo Silva intended.

The Trevi Fountain resembles a scene from an ancient play that is carved out of stone. Water in this case looks like just an addition to the composition, and not its basis. Such an attraction is interesting to see not only during the day, but also at night. At this time, the fountain is illuminated by a large number of lamps and looks completely different. Thanks to warm shades, it seems that the sculptures come to life.

aventine hill

You can really say about the Aventine Hill that this is the most beautiful place in Rome. It is one of the 7 hills on which the capital of Italy is located. Aventine Hill is located on the left bank of the Tiber River. It used to be sparsely populated and located outside the ancient border called Pomeria, which used to separate the ancient city from the outside world.

Today, Aventin is a marvelous park, which contains orange groves, as well as cypress and pine alleys. From the top of the Aventine Hill you can see the beautiful places of Rome. The picturesque view from here is breathtaking. This is what attracts travelers.

Pincho Hill

Pincio Hill is located north of the highest hill of the Quirinal. Initially, it was located outside the city, but during the time of the Empire it began to be built up and entered the city limits. Today, beautiful gardens and luxurious villas are spread on the hill. Antique statues and buildings are located throughout the territory. Because of the wide variety of gardens, it is called the hill of gardens. On its central square stands a nine-meter Egyptian obelisk. The current layout around it was designed in the era of classicism.

You can go to Pincho Hill by two famous stairs. The first of them is Spanish, which leads from Piazza del Spagna, and the second "Napoleonic", leading from Piazza del Popolo. Climbing the hill, travelers can relax in the shade of trees, sit on a bench or lie down on the grass. The picturesque nature around is conducive to a relaxing holiday after long walks around the city.

Spanish Steps leading to Pincho Hill

Venice square

It can be called a separate tourist center of Rome due to the fact that it is most convenient to start a tour of the city from it. The square got its name thanks to the Renaissance palace, which was created here in the 15th century.

The main place in Piazza Venezia is occupied by a monument to Victor Emmanuel II, who was the first king of Italy. They built it for 26 years. Inside the monument today is the Risorgimento Museum. It is dedicated to the history of the struggle for independence in the 19th century. Piazza Venezia gained its fame due to the fact that Napoleon's mother lived in one of its houses. It is known that she often sat on the balcony and watched what was happening in the square.

Today, tourists can walk around the square, as well as climb the observation decks. They offer a wonderful view of the city streets with old buildings. Such a magnificent sight amazes tourists at any time of the year. From this square, you can go in any direction to view other attractions.

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Rome is the city of seven hills. The southernmost of them - Aventine - is spread on one of the banks of the Tiber and sheltered many attractions. Usually tourists go to the Aventine to look at the ruins of the ancient circus, the pyramid of Cestius, admire the temples of San Sabina (5th century), Sant'Allesio (4th century) and others. And few people know that on the top of the hill, in the area of ​​the Knights of Malta, there is a unique keyhole. Looking into it, you can see three sovereign state entities at once - Italy, the Vatican and the Order of Malta.

The address: aventino hill

2. Orange garden on the Aventina

Going to the Aventine just for the sake of some kind of "hole", of course, is stupid. This place is also one of the most romantic places in Rome - Savello Park. Although the locals rarely use this name, for the Romans it is the Orange Garden on the Aventina.

It was founded in 1932 on the site where the Savelli family fortress once stood (hence the name). The remains of this ancient structure are still found among the trees.

Wonderful orange groves, slender cypress alleys and flowering oleanders create a unique atmosphere of tranquility. In addition, the garden ends with a terrace, which offers beautiful views of the Tiber, Trastevere, Janiculum and the Vatican.

P.S. Oranges are inedible - a wild variety.

The address: L'Aventino, Circo Massimo, Viadi Santa Sabina

Orange garden on the Aventina

3. Bartolucci store

For many decades now, in the Bartolucci family, the secrets of carpentry have been passed down from generation to generation: from grandfather to father, from father to son. After all, they have a family business on their shoulders - a wooden workshop Bartolucci.

Everything in this shop is wooden: from the cyclist Pinocchio, who meets visitors at the entrance, to women's jewelry. Toys, frames, caskets, watches, an exact copy of a motorcycle (!) And, of course, all kinds of figures of the Log Boy - the eyes run wide from the variety of wooden handicrafts. You will definitely not leave this store without a souvenir.

The address: Via dei Pastini, 98.
Working mode: daily from 12:00 to 20:00

4. Via dei Condotti

One of the oldest and most famous Roman streets lies in the center of the Italian capital. In ancient times, it connected the Pincho hill with the Tiber and crossed the Via Flaminius. Her name is Via dei Condotti.

From the 18th century, this street began to acquire a halo of glitz and “glamour” – fashion shops and ateliers grew there like mushrooms after rain. Now the street houses boutiques of the most prestigious world brands - Valentino, Armani, Hermès, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana and Salvatore Ferragamo. The oldest fashion establishment in Via dei Condotti is the Bulgari atelier, opened more than a century ago, in 1905.

Among other attractions of this street - house number 11, where one of the inventors of the radio, Guglielmo Marconi, lived; house number 68 - the residence of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta; as well as the famous cafe "Antiko Caffe Greco", where Lord Byron himself, Goethe, Liszt and Stendhal drank coffee.

The address: strada Via dei Condotti, tra Piazza di Spagna e Via del Corso
Wiki: Via dei Condotti

5. Market Porta Portese

If the glitz and prices of Via dei Condotti suddenly make you feel bad, urgently go to the Trastevere area to one of the largest European flea markets (more than 1350 stalls).

It originates at the gates of Porte Portese (which is why it is called so) and stretches as far as two streets - Via Ippolito Nievo and Via Portuense. It arose in the middle of the last century, after the end of World War II - unemployment and inflation forced people to sell personal belongings in order to somehow feed their families.

What is sold at Porta Portese today? In short, ALL. Old books, picture frames, furniture, used clothes, gramophones, telephones, toys, dishes, reproductions of paintings, watches (of all kinds), military patches... If you wish, you can find any, including rare, goods there. Prices, as expected in the market, do not bite, and you can always negotiate with merchants.

The address: Via Portuense & Ippolito Nievo
Working mode: every Sunday

The ancient Romans used to say "Habent sua fata libelli", which means "Books have their destiny". This saying means that one should not rashly judge literary works (perhaps the descendants will appreciate the "masterpieces" of Daria Dontsova).

As if a mute reminder of this wisdom is the Roman Fountain of Books (aka the Fountain of Science or the Fountain of Knowledge), created by the sculptor Pietro Lombardi and dedicated to Thomas Aquinas. It represents two stacks of books with bookmarks and a deer's head between them. This unusual fountain is located near the masterpiece of the Roman Baroque, the 17th century Catholic church - Sant Ivo alla Sapienza, which is part of the Borromini University of Rome.

The address: Via degli Staderari

7. Square Colosseum

This place, for political reasons, is not included in any of the guides to Rome. The World Expo quarter - Esposizione Universale Roma or EUR - was built in the southwest of Rome in 1943-1945 by order of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. The occasion was the twentieth anniversary of fascism and the World's Fair scheduled for 1942.

One of the symbols of the "fascist era" was the Palace of Italian Civilization (Palazzo della Civilta Italiana), better known as the "Square Colosseum" (Colosseo Quadrato). There really is something similar to the ancient amphitheater: for example, the loggias on the facade of the palace, located in six rows of nine arches each. As such structures are supposed to be, the marble palace is impressive in size - 68 meters high, area - 8,400 sq.m.

The World Exhibition in Rome did not take place then, and the EURO quarter and the "Square Colosseum" are still standing. By the way, the latter has appeared on movie screens more than once (for example, in The Last Man on Earth in 1964).

The address: Via Cristoforo Colombo, 559
Wiki: World Expo Quarter

8. Pizzeria "Buffetto's"

What is Italy without pizza? One of the most delicious is prepared in Pizzeria Da Baffetto restaurants (there are only two in Rome). This is a family business, which has been headed by Buffetto's grandfather for half a century. He knows a lot about pizza: the dough should be thin and fluffy, and the filling should be fresh and juicy.

Tourists have a life hack: go to places where locals eat. So, at Buffetto's, both of them are happy to dine. After all, for 20-25 euros you get first-class Italian pizza, piping hot (prepared right in front of visitors), beer and a great mood. The only problem is that getting into this pizzeria is not so easy because of the huge queues.

Addresses: Via del Governo Vecchio, 114 e Piazza del Teatro di Pompeo, 18 (Baffetto 2)

9. Museum of Art of the 21st Century

The National Museum of Art of the 21st Century (MAXXI) is very young (opened in May 2010), but, as expected, ambitious. The MAXXI building, occupying 27 thousand sq.m. and affectionately called "pasta" by the Romans, was built by Zaha Hadid on the site of the Montello barracks. The construction cost 150 million euros, but Rome now has a museum of the future.

Or rather art and architecture of the future. The exhibition halls of MAXXI present photographs, installations, prototypes and models of houses, streets and entire cities in which we will live in a couple of decades. In addition, the museum has a conference room, a library and a workshop. Do you want to imagine the future of your children? Head to Rome's National Museum of 21st Century Art.

The address: via Guido Reni, 4 A, metro station Flaminio
Working mode: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday - from 11:00 to 19:00; Thursday, Saturday - from 11:00 to 22:00

Italy is the birthplace of Ferrari. Its headquarters is located in Maranello, and in the capital there is the largest store of the world famous brand. Car fans will go crazy with this place: key chains, watches, shoes, clothes, toys and hundreds of other items with Ferrari symbols.

Of course, you have to pay for the name. Prices, to put it mildly, bite: 150 euros for a keychain with a rearing stallion; 300 for branded racing gloves and 1,500 for a sparkling red toy car.

By the way, you can also ride a real Ferrari through the streets of Rome - the rental service is very popular there.

The address: Via Tomacelli, 147
Working mode: daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Ferrari Store in Rome

11. Cloaca Maxima

The exact date of its construction is not known for certain (either the 4th or the 7th century BC), but this is definitely one of the most ancient and unique structures of this kind. Sewerage in Rome began to be actively built under Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, who paid great attention to the infrastructure of the city.

It is during his reign that the construction of the Great Cloaca is most often attributed. To do this, they invited Etruscan craftsmen and dug a canal 800 meters long, 3 meters wide and 4 meters high between the Palatine and Capitol hills. Cloaca Maxima was originally open, then covered with wooden decks and then paved with Gabi stone.

And to this day, despite its venerable age, the Great Cloaca is in fairly good condition and serves as a storm drain.

The address: exits under the Ponte Rotto and Palatinski bridges.
Wiki: Cloaca Maxima

12. Panoramic platform Gianicolo

Aventine, Viminal, Capitol, Quirinal, Palatine, Caelius, Esquiline… Stop! Where is Gianicolo? Alas, this peak is not one of the famous seven Roman hills, as it is historically located outside the city walls. And in vain, because there are also many ancient monuments here: the monastery of Sant'Onofrio, the Gianicolo lighthouse, Villa Aurelia and others.

But the main reason why it is worth visiting Gianicolo Hill is the observation deck. It offers just a crazy view of His Majesty Rome.

The address: Gianicolo, Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi

13. Gelateria blue ice

Gelateria Blu Ice is a chain of ice cream parlors. The Romans say, and the tourists confirm that it is in these establishments that the best Italian ice cream is. These cafes do not just sell - they produce ice cream. Therefore, in Blu Ice, an ice treat is always fresh for every taste - with fruits, nuts, chocolate, puffed rice, coconut flakes ...

Prices are quite reasonable - from 150 to 350 rubles. Another undoubted plus is that the cafe is open at night. So gelateria Blu Ice is a paradise not only for children, but also for adults, among whom, as you know, there are many sweet teeth.


  • Via di S. Prassede, 11/bis;
  • Via dei Baullari, 130;
  • Viale dei Due Macelli, 29;
  • Viale Ottaviano, 7;
  • Via S. Agnes in Agone, 20;
  • Via Sistina, 122, etc.

Working mode: daily from 10:00 to 2:00

Art lovers will not be bored in Rome - the Vatican Museum, the Borghese Galleries, the Barberini and dozens of other exquisite places. However, lovers of sharp (in this case, in the literal sense of the word) sensations also have something to visit in the capital of Italy - Museo Criminologico awaits them.

This is the building of a former prison, and now a historical exposition that tells about criminals and the penalties applied to them at different times. So, in ancient Rome, offenders were not particularly ceremonial: they were executed, given into slaves or appointed as a gladiator.

During the Inquisition, there were their own methods of justice:

Left - torture chair, right - bronze torture chamber for witches

In short, in this museum you will probably learn more about Good and Evil than in any art museum.

The address: via Gonfalone, 29

15. Shelter of cats

Roman cats. Shelter for stray cats. Visit" - a strange inscription at the entrance to the excavations of the temple complex of the times of the Roman Republic, in Torre Argentina Square.

Nevertheless, the fact remains: stray cats live among the remains of ancient temples and dilapidated statues. And for completely legal reasons. When local residents and authorities learned that stray tailed whiskered creatures had chosen the Argentine ruins, they decided not to drive away the cats, but to organize a shelter for them. Now it has several hundred inhabitants, who are cared for by volunteers. Each visitor to this unusual cattery can help the animals with a "ruble" (in the sense of the euro) by buying local souvenirs.

The address: Largo di Torre Argentina

16. Enoteca Costantini

Continuing the theme of gastronomic travels, one cannot but talk about Italian wine. There are 20 regions in this sunny country and each (!) of them produces its own wine. Its unique wine, which differs in taste, aroma, terroir and production technologies.

You can try different varieties of Italian wines in the enoteca Costantini. This is a real wine treasury, where thousands of bottles of various brands and aging are stored. You can buy wine and take it with you, or taste it on the spot, in a local restaurant.

The address: Piazza Cavour 16
Working mode: Monday from 16:30 to 20:00; Tuesday-Saturday - from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 16:30 to 20:00

17. Monument to the Pope

In Rome, not far from the Termini station, there is a monument to John Paul II. Such a solid sculpture - 5.50 m in height, real bronze, silver plating. It would seem that what is special here, where, if not in the capital, to build monuments to the Popes?

But the inhabitants of the Eternal City rebelled - "We don't need such a Pope!" The Romans did not like the appearance of the pontiff: a round head, like a ball, and an almost complete absence of a neck. At the same time, the posture of the monument, as conceived by the author, symbolizes the universal concern of John Paul II for humanity.

Robert De Niro, who played one of the members of the Sicilian Corleone crime family, once said: “Italy has changed a long time ago. But Rome is Rome.

Indeed, it is difficult for a city with a thousand-year history to change. And it is not easy for a tourist coming to the capital of Italy to see another, not only historical, Rome. We hope that with our help you will succeed.

Share in the comments the unique Roman places you know that you must see.