Composition of modern sausage. What is smoked sausage made from? What is sausage made of?

The first mention of the preparation of sausages, historians find in the annals of Ancient Greece and Babylon throughout the territory of the ancient civilized world. It was invented by cooks to treat local nobles, merchants and kings. At that time, isolated pig intestine and chopped lard with meat were used for the production of sausages.

The recipe changed every day, and the result was a product of the highest quality. It is still popular with all segments of the population to this day because of its great taste and affordable price.

Cutting raw smoked sausage today is considered an integral component of the festive table. With its help, you can make unique sandwiches or simply cut into a plate and enjoy the wonderful taste. But rarely does anyone realize that the production of one stick of sausage requires a lot of effort from the workers of the meat processing plant and the use of high-quality ingredients. Sitting at the table with a cup of tea and a sandwich, sometimes the question arises deep in my soul, so how is a delicious sausage made?

How is sausage made in a factory?

The production of sausages begins with the selection of a recipe and the preparation of a technological process. For example, for raw smoked sausage, fresh, high-quality ingredients are chosen.

What is sausage made from?

  • Beef;
  • Pork;
  • lard;
  • natural spices;
  • Bacterial culture;
  • Salt;
  • Stabilizers;

Meat products come from the deboning stage ready for production. Meat fillet and bacon are ground in a specially prepared meat grinder. For each type of sausage, the knives are adjusted and selected separately to create a unique texture of minced meat.

What is sausage made from?

IN modern Russia there is a 3-fold shortage of meat. In the course of the modern scientific and technological revolution, man is trying to solve the problem of nutrition by increasing the productivity of animal husbandry, poultry farming and fishing, improving the existing technology for processing raw materials and its fuller use. However, the annual gap between the required amount of food products and the consumed population of the Earth (in protein) is more than 6 million tons and is increasing from year to year, since the population of the Earth is now over 6 billion people and is increasing by 2% annually. Therefore, no rate of development of animal husbandry, obviously, will be able to close the gap in the shortage of food protein.

Of course, a person cannot achieve an increase in the number of livestock, receiving 2-3 calves from each cow annually, and is there really a need for this?

Let's think. In order to obtain meat and meat products at a meat processing plant, we must take into account the level of development of both animal husbandry and crop production, which provides animals with a complete diet when growing and fattening. And the composition of the diet includes as the main component of fodder protein of wheat, corn, soybeans, alfalfa. In the body of an animal, vegetable protein is processed into animal protein, that is, into meat.

This is familiar and understandable to us. But did you know that when fattening an animal, the efficiency of converting vegetable protein into meat protein is only 6 to 38%. In other words, during the production of livestock products, most of the vegetable protein is lost. And it is for this reason that protein, for example, beef, i.e. meat, costs 30-50 times more than the protein of plant products, such as bread.

From year to year, the production of legumes and cereals increases, some of which we directly eat, and the rest we use for fodder purposes in animal husbandry. And it turns out, it would seem, an insoluble situation: we have a lot of vegetable protein, but we are forced to use it completely unproductively.

But that's not all. A lot of food is supplied to us by the oceans. Already, it accounts for 25% of animal protein products used by humans. However, only 12-15% goes to food needs and over 10% in the composition of fishmeal is used in animal husbandry and poultry farming.

Man has long mastered the technology of extracting pure protein from soybeans, cotton, rapeseed, sunflower, peanuts, rice, corn, peas, wheat, green leaves, potatoes, hemp and many other plants. But these are incomplete vegetable proteins that do not contain some essential amino acids. And in nutrition, a person needs a sufficient amount of complete animal protein. But where to get it?

And with the help of yeast, bacteria, unicellular algae and microorganisms, man has learned to convert carbohydrates, alcohols, paraffins, oil, grass into a cheap, complete food protein containing all the essential amino acids. Refining just 2% of the world's annual oil production makes it possible to produce up to 25 million tons of protein - enough to feed 2 billion people for a year.

And this method of processing affordable cheap raw materials into scarce animal protein using microorganisms is called microbiological synthesis.

The technology for the production of microbial biomass as a source of valuable food proteins was developed in the early 1960s. Then a number of European companies drew attention to the possibility of growing microbes on such a substrate as oil hydrocarbons to obtain the so-called. protein of unicellular organisms (BOO). A technological triumph was the production of a product consisting of dried microbial biomass grown on methanol. The process was carried out in a continuous mode in a fermenter with a working volume of 1.5 million liters. However, due to the rise in prices for oil and products of its processing, this project became economically unprofitable, temporarily giving way to the production of soybean and fishmeal. By the end of the 1980s, the BOO plants were dismantled, which put an end to the turbulent but short period of development of this branch of the microbiological industry.

Another process turned out to be more promising - obtaining mushroom biomass and a full-fledged mycoprotein mushroom protein using a mixture of petroleum paraffins (very cheap waste from the oil refining industry), vegetable carbohydrates from food waste, mineral fertilizers and poultry waste as a substrate.

The task of industrial microbiologists was to create mutant forms of microorganisms that are sharply superior to their natural counterparts, i.e., to obtain super-producers of high-grade protein from raw materials. Great progress has been made in this area: for example, it was possible to obtain microorganisms that synthesize proteins up to a concentration of 100 g / l (for comparison, wild-type organisms accumulate proteins in quantities calculated in milligrams).

As producers of microbial protein, the researchers chose two types of all-devouring microorganisms that can even feed on oil paraffins: the filamentous fungus Endomycopsis fibuligera and the yeast-like fungus Candida tropicalis (one of the causative agents of candidiasis and intestinal dysbacteriosis in humans).

Each of these producers forms about 40% of a complete protein. Scientists have also selected the conditions for pre-treatment of wastes added to oil paraffins for optimal growth of fungal microflora. Chicken manure is diluted and hydrolyzed under acidic conditions; beer grains are also hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid. After such treatment, no foreign microorganisms that were in the waste survive and do not interfere with the growth of microscopic fungi sown on the substrate.

The technologists also selected the conditions for filtering the multiplied biomass of microorganisms from the nutrient medium. All the tests have shown that the resulting product is not toxic, which means that a complete microbial protein can be obtained from a mixture of petroleum paraffins, chicken manure and vegetable carbohydrate raw materials. Thus, at the same time, a way was found for the effective disposal of manure, which is one of the main problems in the development of industrial poultry farming. The result was an artificial “circulation of nutrients in nature” - what came out of the stomach will return to it.

The next task was to ensure that the proteins isolated from fungi grown on the substrate and supplied to food processing plants under the name “biomass” are purified and deodorized, i.e., they have no taste and smell, are colorless and are a powder, paste or viscous solution.

It is unlikely that there will be those who want to eat them in this form, despite all the advantages in terms of nutritional and biological value. Therefore, at the first stage, isolated tasteless proteins were simply added to traditional meat, and not only meat, products to enrich their amino acid composition.

But this way did not allow to radically solve the protein problem. And the scientists decided to create, design, artificial food products that do not differ in appearance from traditional products familiar to us, based on the use of available protein resources. This approach made it possible to regulate the composition, properties and degree of digestibility of the resulting food analogues, which is of particular importance in the organization of children's, therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

And the use of special technology and equipment makes it possible to recreate the structure, appearance, taste, smell, color and all other properties that mimic a familiar product. In short, the design of food consists in isolating protein from raw materials of various nature and converting it by machine into an analogue of a food product with a given composition and properties.

At the end of the existence of the USSR (in 1989), the annual production of artificial protein substances exceeded 1 million tons. In the conditions of modern Russia, the high profitability of such industries has made it possible to sharply increase the production of protein surrogates and now replace almost all meat in industrial minced meat products.

Artificial meat products are produced in several ways, which make it possible to obtain products that imitate meat, chopped meatballs, steaks, lumpy semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, ham and much more. Of course, it is impossible to create an indistinguishable imitation of a piece of meat - its structure is too complex. Another thing is minced meat and products from it - sausages, sausages, sausages, etc.

The technique and technology for obtaining meat analogues is different depending on the type of product. We will only talk about some of the most interesting ones.

In accordance with one of the methods, a solution of the isolated protein is fed under high pressure through a spinneret into a bath with a special acid-salt solution, where the protein coagulates, solidifies, hardens and undergoes orientation stretching, as a result of which a protein filament is obtained.

Fillers containing binders, food (amino acids, vitamins, fats, micro and macro elements), flavoring, aromatic and coloring substances are added to the fiber. The resulting fibers are grouped into bundles, formed into plates, cubes, pieces, granules by pressing and sintering when heated.

According to the experience of the textile industry, the resulting protein threads can be turned into a fiber-like food material, which, after swelling in water and cutting into pieces, differs little from natural meat products, but still differs ... It is still impossible to reliably fake the most complex structure of a piece of meat.

But in the manufacture of meat products for sausages and minced meat products, they use a different technology that makes it possible to optimally hide the fake: animal and hydrogenated vegetable fats, spices, synthetic flavoring, aromatic substances and artificial dyes are introduced into the jellies obtained by heating concentrated protein solutions. Modern chemistry is able to create the taste and smell of any product, even experts indistinguishable from natural. The liquid mass is injected into the sausage casing, boiled, fried and cooled. An analogue of ready-made sausage meat in taste, smell, appearance, structure does not differ at all from a natural product.

To obtain artificial meat products with a porous structure, highly concentrated protein solutions are mixed with fillers and injected under pressure at a high temperature into an environment with a lower temperature and pressure. Due to the boiling of the liquid part, a product of a loose porous structure is obtained. Some are frightened by the very term "artificial" or "synthetic" meat, as this supposedly creates associations with something nylon or polyester. It should be noted that both the main components and all fillers used in the production of analogues of meat products are harmless and balanced in terms of the ratio of various essential nutritional components in accordance with physiological norms.

You will probably be interested to know that in addition to artificial meat products, artificial milk and dairy products (based on emulsions of cheap vegetable fats), cereals, pasta, “potato” chips, “berry” and “fruit” products, “nut” pastes are produced. for confectionery, like oysters and even black granular caviar. (In particular, on cans with artificial condensed “milk” they write the name not “Condensed Milk”, but “Condensed Milk” - be careful when choosing; look at the labels for indications of the presence of vegetable fats, which are not in real dairy products)

Although the volume of production of artificial food products is constantly increasing, this does not mean at all that analogues of meat products will soon replace natural products.

Obviously, there will be (and is already happening) the distribution of these types of meat products in the diets of the rich and the poor, and primarily through a more complete and more rational processing of protein waste from the meat industry into ARTIFICIAL MEAT PRODUCTS for the low-paying part of the population.

The production of FOOD ANALOGUES is a relatively young area, but already generating huge profits and providing food to billions of consumers around the world, including Russia. Moreover, it was the USSR, which ruined its agriculture, that in the second half of the 20th century made a special scientific and technological contribution to the development of this new branch of the food industry.


The best fish is sausage? Many will agree with this statement, although for some it has always been controversial. And the point here is not in taste preferences, harmfulness-usefulness of "Doctor's" or "Bychkov in Tomato", but first of all in what these sausages are made of.

Previously, they were made from meat. Let's take, for example, the same Doctor's. The recipe and production technology for this legendary sausage was developed in 1936.

According to GOST, its composition included - unsalted raw materials, kg (per 100 kg):

trimmed beef of the highest grade - 25;

pork trimmed bold - 70;

chicken eggs or melange - 3;

whole cow's milk or skimmed milk - 2;

Verdana; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-fareast-language: RU;"> spices and other materials, g (per 100 kg of unsalted raw materials):

edible salt - 2090;

sodium nitrite - 7.1;

granulated sugar or glucose - 200;

ground nutmeg or cardamom - 50.

And that's it. There shouldn't be anything else!

From the moment of "birth" and until the end of the 1950s, "Doctor" did not undergo changes in the main recipe. Since the late 50s, various low-grade fish, fishmeal or chicken heads have been added to the feed for cows and pigs, and the sausage began to smell like fish or chicken. But they were still flowers.

A radical "improvement" of the recipe began in the mid-seventies, when temporary shortages of raw materials began in the USSR and changes were made to GOSTs. Up to 2% of starch or flour, or an animal protein substitute (milk or blood) was allowed to be added to minced meat.

When the shortage of raw materials in the USSR became permanent and, moreover, its shortage began to grow inexorably, not only starch, which became much more in the sausage, but also soybeans were used. Then came the turn of carrageenan (aka Irish moss), from which the so-called carrageenans are made - thickeners, artificial additives, food imitators. Many Soviet research institutes worked on the development of all sorts of “imitators” of products for the population.

What is the “best fish” made of, that is, sausage today? I would like to know the composition of dozens of varieties of sausage, from which (the dream of perestroika) store shelves are breaking. This is told by one of the experts, who, for obvious reasons, wished to hide his last name. Let's just call him EXPERT. We only note that today EXPERT is successfully supplying Russia with various “meat substitutes” (structured vegetable derivatives of soy or rice) and any other “chemistry” to Russian manufacturers of meat and sausage products.

EXPERT — The production of sausages can be divided into two groups: the first are produced in accordance with GOST (this document clearly specifies all the characteristics of the main types of sausages), the second - according to TU (technical specifications). And this makes it possible to make them from almost anything, so long as the people do not get poisoned. Named it let's say "Doctor's for dinner" and forward. And how much meat is in it and how many substitutes should not bother anyone, this is a trade secret.

Consumer - And what is added?

EXPERT - The kit is called - do it yourself. Whatever you add, all the sausage is obtained. Premium meat can be replaced with well-flavoured 1st grade, 1 kg of soybeans + 5 liters of water replace 5 kg of any meat, etc. You can not put milk with melange at all ... The yield will still be 110-115%. Flavors will give "the same" taste. Some of them are even addictive. You can add bone meal. Maybe when using certain varieties of sausages, you felt something so hard and small with your teeth? That's her. The composition of boiled sausage can only be determined in a special laboratory. In the 1990s (and often now) it was possible to buy sausage where there was no meat at all. They say that today the situation has become better - premium sausages contain from 6 to 10% of substitutes. In the most popular, second grade, they are up to 70 percent.

Consumer - Really no one now produces sausages from one meat?

EXPERT - There are some manufacturers who claim that they make them exclusively from meat. Somewhere I read an interview that if you make sausage according to the norms of meat, etc., that were under the Union, then its cost (and selling price) will be 4 times higher than the existing one. And who will buy such sausage? Except the elite. So this is hard to believe.

Consumer - And what about the regulatory authorities? After all, they must observe and not let on store shelves, products that do not comply with GOSTs and TUs?

EXPERT - TU are approved by the manufacturer. For examination in the SES, an exemplary batch is produced, which does not fall on the counter. Nevertheless, conflicts happen, but everything can be resolved amicably.

Consumer - Well, well, the ingredients of boiled sausage, as, probably, sausages with sausages and dumplings, are crushed so much that nothing is really clear. But what about semi-smoked sausages?

EXPERT - And judge for yourself: here is an advertisement for one of the manufacturers of the Textratein soy additive - “The amount of hydrogenated Textratein added to minced meat can be 10-20% or more, depending on the quality of meat raw materials, the type of sausage and your desire. At the same time, the rest of the recipe for meat products remains unchanged. This is their recommendation for producers of semi-smoked sausages. With sausages and sausages - a separate song. Dumplings or sausages are often even more dubious in their composition than boiled sausage. If traces of mold have already appeared on the store sausage, it is processed into liver sausage, and if it is still so-so, they are allowed to use sausages.

Another option: - if you cut the meat from the bone, then not everything will be cut off. There will be cuts on the bones of a complex profile: on the spine, on tricky depressions-pits. Therefore, they came up with a machine that cleans such bones. Naturally, torn pieces of bone, film, tendons also get there. In the case of chicken, there is also a skin, pieces of feathers. All this trash is frozen into blocks and sold. It is called mechanical deboning meat or mechanical deboning for short. Another name is trimming. In common parlance, they often talk about chicken blocks. Of all the raw materials from which sausage can be made, this is the cheapest. It is usually used with a temperature not higher than 8 degrees, otherwise oxidation will begin - there is a lot of rubbish there.

It is from this trimming that cheap sausages are made, adding soy, pork skin, semolina, starch and lard. There are, of course, not such "extreme" recipes. Add carrageenan, soy. Let's take a sausage. She is solid even if you drive into the wall. We cook. We pull it out, and it is already sluggish and wrinkled. Why? But because carrageenan at the factory after heat treatment turned into jelly and froze ... And it disintegrated during cooking. Therefore, earlier carrageenan was not put in sausages. And now they put it everywhere. All do not care. Even if the sausage is evenly fried on all sides on a roller grill, then the more meat it contains, the thicker it becomes, and the more meat in the sausage is replaced with soy and water, the faster it bursts. It's fun to watch how sausages from different batches are fried. It seems that they put it on the grill at the same time, but one is getting fatter and fatter, and the other has already burst and deflated ...

Consumer - I'm afraid to guess what then can be found in canned meat ...

EXPERT - Do not be afraid, almost the same as in the sausage. Imported soybean in pieces, which goes to canned food, has the shape of a cube. It has weak adhesion. Roughly speaking, it falls apart into its components. You can't put this in a stew. Ours gave the soybean a flat and long shape with a fibrous structure (a la undyed chicken). In addition, it contains 8% fat (imported only 1.5%), and due to this, our stickiness is higher and a piece of meat sticks together and does not fall out. And you can tell the difference between figs, especially if it is indicated that there is no soy in the stew (although in some types of stew there is no meat at all). For canned food with minced meat and pates, soy flour, cereals and other types of emulsifiers are used.

For canned meats with salted meat, Textratein F030R01 (red soy flakes) can be substituted for part of the meat. Textratein F030B06 (soy flakes colored with caramel sugar) is most often added to canned food and ready-made dishes from unsalted meat. Soy proteins, hydrocolloids (carageenan or preparations based on inert rubbers and cellulose) can also be added to canned ham-type products.

Consumer - Fun. Do manufacturers add anything to the so-called. whole-muscle smoked meats (brisket, neck, chop, etc.)?

EXPERT - Of course. Brisket is not very popular in small shops. You can't put soy in it. From Russian meat, the brisket turns out to be very thick and fatty - no presentation.

The neck consists of several muscles with layers of fat. Syringe in any way. Takes soy and water well. Illusion of juiciness. The problem is that after injection, the meat needs to be massaged, i.e. spin in a drum with blades. The neck can break and soak in the massager and become too soft and then fall off the hook or rope during heat treatment. But in general, pork neck, carbonate and beef fillet (takes water well) make up the gentleman's set of sausage factories because of their popularity and ease of preparation.

Soy isolates designed for injection into whole muscle foods dissolve easily in water. In large factories, the introduction of brine inside is carried out on special lines with multi-needle syringes, often with telescopic needles. Initially, they began to squirt in order to reduce the salting time of the product. And then they began to add soybeans. But spraying is not enough. If cooked in this form, then the soybeans will boil out and remain along the injection channel with a yellowish mass. And buyers will throw such meat in the face! The meat must be massaged, i.e. make it work in tension-compression, like a sponge. It is also good to create a vacuum inside so that the meat cells are also destroyed by internal pressure.

If there is carrageenan in the brine, then inside the cracks there will be a transparent mass a la veinlets, and the surface will have an appetizing shiny micro-shell. And for this there is a special device. After that, do whatever you want with the meat! You can sprinkle with spices, fry with hot smoke, smoke and cook. You can put it in a metal mold, press it with a lid and cook - you get ham in the mold. Lots of things can be done.

Consumer - Well, I hope smoked smoked ....

EXPERT - Do not hope. You can add the same Textratein red. Previously, raw smoked sausage was made exactly 40 days - from bell to bell. Now the cooking process has been reduced to 7 days. Specials are immediately added to minced meat. starter cultures that kill pathogenic microflora, smoke liquid and reduce the whole drying-smoking process to a parody - 1 week passes from grinding to sending to the store.

Consumer - Yes ... What then is there?

EXPERT - But eat fish. Or buy raw lumpy meat and do whatever you want with it. All attempts to add soy texturate to fish have failed. For the fish is quite transparent and soy stands out in it. Soy does not mix with fish. Only with minced fish. We work with fish farmers only on phosphates and bleach (titanium dioxide).

Soy is good and crab sticks are friends. And they are very, very close friends. If you take a poor, cheap fish, grind it into “surimi”, add soy isolate with water, paint over some with bleach, some with red ...
But this is a completely different - not sausage - story, which will develop further as Russia becomes increasingly dependent on supplies from outside for food. Massive deliveries of industrial rubbish under the guise of food to the Russians are guaranteed.

All the pork that is used at our plant comes from our own farms in the Russian regions. We have our own fattening enterprises where pork is grown, and enterprises for slaughtering livestock, in particular the Penza and Dankovsky meat processing plants. And we are already engaged in meat processing - chilled half carcasses are brought to us. Lean pork goes to Brunswick: from the back, that is, the ham, or from the shoulder. It is 90% muscle tissue and only 10% fat.


We are not engaged in fattening and growing beef. We buy from third-party Russian manufacturers. For this sausage we take premium meat - the best parts, from which all the veins, connective tissue, and fat are separated. Pure muscles.


We take lean meat, because juiciness, tenderness and structure (so that the sausage has a beautiful cut) gives lard (we use spinal). Without it, the sausage will be dry. Pork and beef must be at a certain temperature: for example, the first is slightly frozen, and the second is chilled. Or vice versa. But the bacon is used only in a frozen form, otherwise there will be no beautiful pattern in the structure: it will be smeared, touched. The lard is placed in a cutter (grinding device) in large pieces and is not crushed to the end, but just about the size that we need. That is why circles of fat are visible on the cut of the sausage.

soy protein

We add a small part of soy protein to reduce the cost of the finished product, otherwise the sausage will be too expensive. We buy it in the form of a powder, and at our plant we dilute it with water in order to restore it. The dry product contains 90 percent protein, so when we restore we get the same protein as raw meat: 20-22 percent, the rest is water. Like pork or beef. After that, we make granules from the protein, which, when chilled, are added to the minced meat and crushed so that they are not visible in the sausage. The taste of soy protein is neutral, and it does not change the taste of the final product.

Color fixative sodium nitrite

Sodium nitrite is added to all sausages, because it interacts with red blood cells, makes them brighter, more saturated, and the sausage remains attractive in appearance. Without this substance, it would be more faded. Sodium nitrite is added in a strictly defined dosage, you can not put more or less.

Antioxidant sodium isoascorbate

Sodium nitrite completely decomposes at certain temperatures. And it is practically not left in the finished product. In order for the sausage to remain reddish and attractive throughout the entire shelf life, sodium isoascorbate is added, which stabilizes sodium nitrate and slows down its oxidation. And maintains the color of the product. Sodium isoascorbate is, in fact, ascorbic acid. That is, it is also a source of vitamin C. This food supplement is often referred to as E301.


A special company supplies us with a mixture of spices "Braunschweig". This is a classic set of spices for this sausage: cardamom, nutmeg, white and black pepper. And sugars, which are necessary for the production of raw smoked sausages: the entire process of maturation, fermentation and drying of the product is based on them. When Brunswick ripens in a climate chamber, they interact with dairy cultures, in this process lactic acid is released, which kills all the negative microflora found in raw meat. After that, we raise the temperature and stop the activity of lactic acid bacteria.


It's the same sugar. In raw smoked sausages, not one sugar is used, but a combination of sugars. It can be sucrose, dextrose or lactose - milk sugar. All have a slightly different effect, and with a certain selection, they give the sausage the right taste, affecting its maturation.

Acidity regulator glucono-delta lactone

This is GDL. It is used in sausage for ripening and only works during this process. It gives a slight acidity and improves the work of lactic acid bacteria. When he worked with them, we, by raising the temperature, also suspend his activity so that he does not give any side effect in the finished product.

lactic acid culture

Certain strains of lactic acid bacteria that interact with sugars and affect the final taste of the product. When we have achieved a certain taste of the product, we drown out the work of these cultures and stop the further development of bacteria. Different sausages use different cultures and produce different flavors.

Food coloring fermented rice

Soy isolate, that is, protein, is yellow in itself. If we simply dilute it with water, it will give the product an ugly yellow tint that no one will like. Therefore, when reconstituting soy protein, we add this dye, which gives it a meaty color. This is indeed fermented rice, but not rice in the usual sense: it is a powder. Absolutely harmless.


Salt is needed not only for the taste of the product, it is also the most famous food concentrate. It is necessary to stabilize the taste of the product. It is added at the very end of grinding in the cutter.

How raw smoked sausage is made

When the stuffing is ready, molding into casings takes place and the process of upsetting and ripening of the sausage begins. We drive the sausage into the climate chambers cold and give a little warming up. Not the same as when we make boiled sausage, here the temperatures are lower - a maximum of 20-24 degrees (and a certain humidity must also be observed: 75-80 percent). At this time, all the ingredients in the sausage begin to interact and the structure and taste are formed. After that, smoking: not constant, but at regular intervals. The process goes on, then it stops, the smoke is removed from the chamber, and the sausage is in it without it. Then again smoking, and so several times. If you make this process continuous, then the smoke from oak and alder chips will simply clog all the pores with resin, moisture will not come out of the sausage and ripening will be uneven. Smoking alternates with drying for 3-4 days, depending on the product. Further drying at a temperature of 12-14 degrees and a humidity of 75-78 percent: the humidity of the sausage should drop to a certain level, usually 33-35 percent. The whole process of making Brunswick lasts three weeks, after which the samples are taken to a testing production laboratory, where they measure moisture, fat and protein content, and so on. If the chemical analysis corresponds to the prescribed nutritional value, the sausage can be sold.

The average consumer does not know what is actually in the composition of the sausage. There have been a lot of rumors and speculation around this topic for a long time.

The main question is: how to figure out which sausage has meat in it? It is really very difficult to do this. Greedy and cunning manufacturers often “hide” such components in the sausage that the consumer is not even aware of. True, we all remember stories about toilet paper, which was added to sausage in stagnant times, as well as about rats falling onto the conveyor belt. something will scare us or force us to refuse to use sausage.

However, the possibilities of current food technologies allow selling sausage products to consumers, in which there is not even a hint of meat.

Many enterprises use such a component as MDM instead of meat. This is a kind of substance made from bones with the remains of meat. Under pressure, it is turned into something similar to mashed potatoes and used instead of meat. This simple fraud gives manufacturers the right to write on the package: "pork", "beef", etc. And we naively believe that it is.

Instead of "turkey meat", MDPM is often used - a similar substance made from turkey bones. This is a disaster comparable to soy. If the soy additive is still indicated as a vegetable protein in the composition, then MDM is indicated as meat. In Russia, this is not prohibited. In In Europe, to avoid this, manufacturers are required to indicate on the packaging not only the composition, but also the amount of meat, spices and other components.Unfortunately, these rules only work within the European Union, and when supplying products to Russia, manufacturers are not required to indicate this.

Also, not every piece of meat in Europe is considered meat. This is not a tautology. Cattle meat should contain no more than 25% fat and 25% connective tissue - veins, ligaments, cartilage. In pork, fat can be 5% more, and in poultry and rabbit less: fat - up to 15%, connective tissue - up to 10%. All these norms are spelled out in the relevant EU documents. They are introduced so that the consumer understands what he spends money on and what he eats.

According to the standards (GOST) inherited from the USSR, Doctor's sausage should consist of 25% beef, 70% pork, 3% eggs and 2% milk. However, very few companies decide to produce sausage according to GOST - it turns out to be expensive, more precisely, less profit remains for the enterprise.Therefore, sausage makers develop their own recipes, fix them in technical conditions (TU) and keep them in deep secrecy.

State laboratories, at best, check sausages for the safety of the components, but not for their quality. The state does not have the funds to monitor the safety of products, and the business itself is not interested in this. If these standards (GOSTs) are adopted, it will be necessary to invest in modernization, improve quality - there is no such money. Therefore, we now have not quality, but quantity is a priority.

According to the new standards, any additives are prohibited in almost all sausages. Boiled sausage of the highest grade must be 100% meat. First grade sausage - 70% meat, also allowed the presence of a protein stabilizer - 10%, soy and dairy products - 10%, cereals - 5% and starch - 5%. Sausage of the second grade - 60% meat and 40% additives.

Semi-smoked sausages of the highest grade - 100% meat. The addition of flour and starch is not allowed. Semi-smoked sausage of the first grade - 90% meat and 10% wheat flour and soy products. Spoiled meat or sausages at meat processing plants are subjected to disinfection with chemical reagents and secondary processing.

So what is sausage actually made of?

Sausages in polymer casing:

45% - emulsion
25% - soy protein.
15% - poultry meat.
7% is just meat.
5% - flour, starch.
3% - flavoring additives.


35% - emulsion
30% - soy protein.
15% is just meat.
10% - poultry meat.
5% - flour / starch.
5% - flavoring additives.


Similar to sausages, only instead of poultry meat there is fermented pork skin, interior and subcutaneous fat.

Sausage boiled:

30% - poultry meat.
25% - emulsion
25% - soy protein.
10% is just meat.
8% - flour / starch.
2% - flavoring additives.


Emulsion - leather, by-products, meat production waste - all this is ground and boiled to a state of light gray slurry.

Meat – cattle/mps meat and pork. The vast majority - English briquetted pork.

Flour/starch - kypyznaya / potato flour and starch.

Flavoring additives - thickeners, dye, "meat flavor", preservatives, salt,
sugar, pepper to taste.

The most common way to replace meat in a sausage is to add soy protein instead. Soy is a regular white powder. You mix it with water, and it turns into a porridge that can be salted, peppered, tinted and added to sausage instead of meat.

The main property of soy protein is to absorb water, swell and increase yield. The more water a protein can absorb, the better it is. According to the degree of hydration (moisture absorption), soy protein is divided into three types: soy flour, soy isolate and soy concentrate. Now almost all meat processing plants have switched to concentrate, although it costs more, it absorbs more water. Meat processing technologists, like the ancient alchemists, are constantly looking for soy protein with ever higher absorbency.

When choosing sausage on the market, we always try to find the one that is tastier and cheaper (although somewhere deep down we guess that it is cheap and tasty - the concepts for sausage are incompatible). The main goal of sausage manufacturers is the same: to come up with a miracle sausage that is cheap and that everyone likes it. And here they come to the aid of the chemical industry and the wonders of food technology. Moreover, they come to our meat processing plants from the West and, in particular, from the homeland of sausage - Germany.

For example, some companies use one curious German additive - carrot fiber. This fiber, like soy, has an advantageous ability to absorb moisture for sausage producers. It is boldly poured into minced sausage, poured with water and it swells, increasing the weight of the final product several times.

At the same time, fiber does not have any color and smell. And unlike genetically modified soy, it does not cause any harm to health: in fact, it is not absorbed by the body at all, but, as its manufacturers assure, it is necessary for the good functioning of the large intestine. So, on the contrary, the manufacturer can even boast on the label that his product is "enriched with dietary fibers." Abroad, for example, this very fiber is specially added everywhere - in bread, ice cream, pasta, confectionery and even animal food to make them more beneficial to health.

Even expensive delicacies - carbonades, hams, loins, etc. - also not one hundred percent consist of meat, although they cost like premium beef. To fool the buyer - to take more money, and sell less meat - they add ... water to meat goodies. A piece of meat is twisted for a long time in a special vacuum processor with water, gradually the meat absorbs all the water into itself: it becomes heavier and seems to be juicier. Another way is injection. In simple terms, the ham is given a lot of injections, injecting water with spices into the muscle mass. As a result, the piece becomes more than twice as heavy! To prevent water from flowing back out of the piece, many advanced meat processing plants inject not just water into the meat, but its solution with gelatin or carrageenan.

Although it must be taken into account that even if carrot shavings, soybeans and ground bones were not put into the sausage, the meat itself can be hazardous to health. Even if it is written on the sausage that it was produced in Uryupinsk, in fact, the meat for it could come from the other side of the world - pork from China, buffalo meat from Argentina, kangaroo meat from Australia. What they feed their animals there, intended for export to Russia, is unknown.

Since sausages contain quite a lot of water, and in boiled sausages its content can reach 70%, counterfeiters have a lot of room in this area. To retain elevated water in these products, water-binding components are usually introduced into them: starch, gums, dextrins, inulin and other polysaccharide complexes. It has been established that sausage containing only 3-5% starch retains 20-25% more water than sausage without starch. It is quite simple to reveal the content of these complexes: put a drop of iodine solution on the sausage cut.

If you see the blue of the sausage, or the appearance of individual blue dots, then this clearly indicates that starch has been introduced into this product.

For example, half-smoked sausage with a high water content was brought to a tent, kiosk, or shop. During storage in the refrigerator in the store, some of the water evaporates and the weight of the batch becomes smaller. In order not to incur losses, the seller introduces additional water into the loaf with a syringe before selling. To prevent the buyer from discovering this, only a whole loaf of sausage is sold to him.

Supposedly fresh, just from the meat processing plant, warm sausage is brought to the store, the weight of which will be more than in the state cooled to room temperature. As a result, the seller was deceived by several kilograms. He is forced to compensate for his mistakes at the expense of the buyer, either by adding water to the loaf, or by cheating the buyer.

The introduction of various coloring agents (magenta, beetroot juice, special "sausage" dyes) are now very common both abroad and here in Russia. Many have probably observed in their kitchen that when you boil sausages or sausages in water, then for some reason it turns pink, which immediately indicates that you have a fake in front of you.

To lengthen the period of sale of sausages, especially boiled ones, various antibiotics are introduced into them. This allows you to significantly extend the shelf life of sausages, especially in sliced ​​form.

The store's convenient service - sliced ​​sausage - is actually a disservice to health. According to sanitary standards, the cutting machine must be kept in perfect cleanliness. And on the one that stands in a nearby supermarket, they just chopped boiled pork and a raw-smoked loaf, and an hour ago - an economy-class "Dairy" one. Therefore, everything that was in these products (plus microbes) got into your cut. , before "cutting" the sausage must be cleaned from the shell, and most sellers do not do this - and all the dirt that could settle on the shell (for example, from the hands of the seller or from the walls of the refrigerator) without fail will move to your sandwich.

With the help of vacuum packaging, retail chains often give a “second life” to cuts that are nearing the end of their shelf life.

A few tips for choosing sausages:
when buying, carefully look at the packaging, labeling, date of manufacture and expiration date;
pay attention to how the product is stored in the store window. The optimum storage temperature for sausages and meat is from 0 to 6 C;
the surface of the sausage must be clean, dry, without damage, punctures, influxes of minced meat;
the shell - artificial or natural - should not leave the product. Such a drawback suggests that the sausage is most likely overdried due to improper storage conditions or simply old.

The main types of sausages:

Boiled sausages are made from salted minced meat. They are boiled at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Boiled sausages can be high in soy, or they can be vegetarian with soy or seitan instead of meat. Due to the content of a large amount of water, they are not stored for a long time.

Composition: 10-15% protein, 20-30% fat.
Energy value per 100 g: 220-310 kcal.

Boiled-smoked sausages are first boiled and then smoked. Contain more spices than boiled sausages. Unlike boiled sausages (in which minced meat is a continuous mass), boiled-smoked sausages can consist of small pieces of a certain size. Milk, cream, flour, bacon and starch are used as additives. Shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 2 weeks.

Composition: 10-17% protein, 30-40% fat.
Energy value per 100 g: 350-410 kcal.

Raw smoked (hard smoked) sausages are not subjected to heat treatment, cold smoking occurs at 20-25 degrees, the meat is fermented and dehydrated. Ripening of smoked sausages lasts at least 30-40 days. Raw smoked sausages contain the greatest amount of spices, it is also possible to add cognac.

Composition: 13-28% protein, 28-57% fat.
Energy value per 100 g: 340-570 kcal.

Dry-cured sausages are made from the highest quality meat varieties as a result of long-term drying, without smoking. Spices are added to the minced meat, as well as honey and cognac.

If the manufacturer uses fresh meat as part of such products, then there is no particular need to add flavorings and flavor enhancers to it, well, except perhaps out of economy. But if the product is made from stale meat, then it can hide not only chemical additives, but also soy isolate. This is done especially with old meat that has been frozen, for example, when making a pretty loin, bacon, which are made from whole meat. You can recognize such a product, as a rule, at a suspiciously cheap price and by the list of ingredients in the composition.

There is also an opinion that if sausages and meat products have a bright pink color, then they are fresher. This is not so, various dyes, nitrites and all kinds of additives give them color. These are far from the safest supplements, but manufacturers traditionally use them in small doses to attract the consumer. Sausages and meat products of a grayish color are much more useful - this is the natural color of meat after processing.

But you can’t refuse meat products, since they are the best source of some essential amino acids, iron and B vitamins. For example, iron is very difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities from plant foods. It is generally accepted that apples, buckwheat and pomegranate are good sources of iron, but this is not the case, such substances from plant foods are very poorly absorbed.

Nutritionists advise eating meat products not with potatoes, pasta or cereals, as is customary with us, but with any vegetables - stewed, fried, boiled, steamed, with salads and herbs. This combination of products is optimal not only from the point of view of healthy nutrition, but also from the standpoint of classical medicine.

"Harmful products" (c)


The best fish is sausage? Many will agree with this statement, although for some it has always been controversial. And the point here is not in taste preferences, harmfulness-usefulness of "Doctor's" or "Bychkov in Tomato", but first of all in what these sausages are made of.

Previously, they were made from meat.

Let's take, for example, the same Doctor's. The recipe and production technology for this legendary sausage was developed in 1936.
According to GOST, its composition included - unsalted raw materials, kg (per 100 kg):
trimmed beef of the highest grade - 25;
pork trimmed bold - 70;
chicken eggs or melange - 3;
cow's milk powder whole or skimmed - 2;
spices and other materials, g (per 100 kg of unsalted raw materials):
edible salt - 2090;
sodium nitrite - 7.1;
granulated sugar or glucose - 200;
ground nutmeg or cardamom - 50.
And that's it.

From the moment of "birth" and until the end of the 1950s, "Doctor" did not undergo changes in the main recipe. Since the late 50s, various low-grade fish, fishmeal or chicken heads have been added to the feed for cows and pigs, and the sausage began to smell like fish or chicken. But they were still flowers.

A radical "improvement" of the recipe began in the mid-seventies, when temporary shortages of raw materials began in the USSR and changes were made to GOSTs. Up to 2% of starch or flour, or an animal protein substitute (milk or blood) was allowed to be added to minced meat.

When the shortage of raw materials in the USSR became permanent and, moreover, its shortage began to grow inexorably, not only starch, which became much more in the sausage, but also soybeans were used. Then came the turn of carrageenan (aka Irish moss), from which the so-called carrageenans are made - thickeners, artificial additives, food imitators. Many Soviet research institutes worked on the development of all sorts of "imitators" of products for the population.

What is the "best fish" made of today? I would like to know the composition of dozens of varieties of sausage, from which (the dream of perestroika) store shelves are breaking. This is told by one of the experts, who, for obvious reasons, wished to hide his last name. Let's just call him EXPERT. We only note that today EXPERT is successfully supplying Russia with various "meat substitutes" (structured vegetable derivatives of soy or rice) and any other "chemistry" to Russian manufacturers of meat and sausage products.

EXPERT - The production of sausages can be divided into two groups: the first are produced in accordance with GOST (this document clearly specifies all the characteristics of the main types of sausages), the second - according to TU (technical specifications). And this makes it possible to make them from almost anything, so long as the people do not get poisoned. Named it let's say "Doctor's for dinner" and forward. And how much meat is in it and how many substitutes should not bother anyone, this is a trade secret.

Consumer - And what is added?

EXPERT - The set is called - do it yourself. Whatever you add, all the sausage is obtained. Premium meat can be replaced with well-flavoured 1st grade, 1 kg of soybeans + 5 liters of water replace 5 kg of any meat, etc. You can not put milk with melange at all ... The yield will still be 110-115%. Flavors will give "the same" taste. Some of them are even addictive. You can add bone meal. Maybe when using certain varieties of sausages, you felt something so hard and small with your teeth? That's her. The composition of boiled sausage can only be determined in a special laboratory. In the 1990s (and often now) it was possible to buy sausage where there was no meat at all. They say that today the situation has become better - premium sausages contain from 6 to 10% of substitutes. In the most popular, second grade, they are up to 70 percent.

Consumer - Really no one now produces sausages from one meat?

EXPERT - There are some manufacturers who claim that they make them exclusively from meat. Somewhere I read an interview that if you make sausage according to the norms of meat, etc., that were under the Union, then its cost (and selling price) will be 4 times higher than the existing one. And who will buy such sausage? Except the elite. So this is hard to believe.

Consumer - And what about the regulatory authorities? After all, they must observe and not let on store shelves, products that do not comply with GOSTs and TUs?

EXPERT - TU are approved by the manufacturer. For examination in the SES, an exemplary batch is produced, which does not fall on the counter. Nevertheless, conflicts happen, but everything can be resolved amicably.

Consumer - Well, well, the ingredients of boiled sausage, as, probably, sausages with sausages and dumplings, are crushed so much that nothing is really clear. But what about semi-smoked sausages?

EXPERT - And judge for yourself: here is an advertisement for one of the manufacturers of the soy additive "Textratein" - "The amount of hydrogenated Textratein added to minced meat can be 10 - 20% or more, depending on the quality of meat raw materials, the type of sausage and your desire. At the same time, the rest of the recipe for meat products remains unchanged.

This is their recommendation for producers of semi-smoked sausages. With sausages and sausages - a separate song. Dumplings or sausages are often even more dubious in their composition than boiled sausage. If traces of mold have already appeared on the store sausage, it is processed into liver sausage, and if it is still so-so, they are allowed to use sausages.

Another option: - if you cut the meat from the bone, then not everything will be cut off. There will be cuts on the bones of a complex profile: on the spine, on tricky depressions-pits. Therefore, they came up with a machine that cleans such bones. Naturally, torn pieces of bone, film, tendons also get there. In the case of chicken, there is also a skin, pieces of feathers. All this trash is frozen into blocks and sold. It is called mechanical deboning meat or mechanical deboning for short. Another name is trimming. In common parlance, they often talk about chicken blocks. Of all the raw materials from which sausage can be made, this is the cheapest. It is usually used with a temperature not higher than 8 degrees, otherwise oxidation will begin - there is also a lot of rubbish.

It is from this trimming that cheap sausages are made, adding soy, pork skin, semolina, starch and lard. There are, of course, not such "extreme" recipes. Add carrageenan, soy. Let's take a sausage. She is solid even if you drive into the wall. We cook. We pull it out, and it is already sluggish and wrinkled. Why? But because carrageenan at the factory after heat treatment turned into jelly and froze ... And it disintegrated during cooking. Therefore, earlier carrageenan was not put in sausages. And now they put it everywhere. All do not care. Even if the sausage is evenly fried on all sides on a roller grill, then the more meat it contains, the thicker it becomes, and the more meat in the sausage is replaced with soy and water, the faster it bursts. It's fun to watch how sausages from different batches are fried. It seems that they put it on the grill at the same time, but one is getting fatter and fatter, and the other has already burst and deflated ...

Consumer - I'm afraid to guess what then can be found in canned meat ...

EXPERT - Do not be afraid, almost the same as in the sausage. Imported soybean in pieces, which goes to canned food, has the shape of a cube. It has weak adhesion. Roughly speaking, it falls apart into its components. You can't put this in a stew. Ours gave the soybean a flat and long shape with a fibrous structure (a la undyed chicken). In addition, it contains 8% fat (imported only 1.5%), and due to this, our stickiness is higher and a piece of meat sticks together and does not fall out. And you can tell the difference between figs, especially if it is indicated that there is no soy in the stew (although in some types of stew there is no meat at all).

For canned food with minced meat and pates, soy flour, cereals and other types of emulsifiers are used.

For canned meats with salted meat, Textratein F030R01 (red soy flakes) can be substituted for part of the meat.

Textratein F030B06 (soy flakes colored with caramel sugar) is most often added to canned food and ready-made dishes from unsalted meat.

Soy proteins, hydrocolloids (carageenan or preparations based on inert rubbers and cellulose) can also be added to canned ham-type products.

Consumer - Fun. Do manufacturers add anything to the so-called. whole-muscle smoked meats (brisket, neck, chop, etc.)?

EXPERT - Of course. Brisket is not very popular in small shops. You can't put soy in it. From Russian meat, the brisket turns out to be very thick and fatty - no presentation.

The neck consists of several muscles with layers of fat. Syringe in any way. Takes soy and water well. Illusion of juiciness. The problem is that after injection, the meat needs to be massaged, i.e. spin in a drum with blades. The neck can break and soak in the massager and become too soft and then fall off the hook or rope during heat treatment. But in general, pork neck, carbonate and beef fillet (takes water well) make up the gentleman's set of sausage factories because of their popularity and ease of preparation.

Soy isolates designed for injection into whole muscle foods dissolve easily in water. In large factories, the introduction of brine inside is carried out on special lines with multi-needle syringes, often with telescopic needles. Initially, they began to squirt in order to reduce the salting time of the product. And then they began to add soybeans. But spraying is not enough. If cooked in this form, then the soybeans will boil out and remain along the injection channel with a yellowish mass. And buyers will throw such meat in the face! The meat must be massaged, i.e. make it work in tension-compression, like a sponge. It is also good to create a vacuum inside so that the meat cells are also destroyed by internal pressure.

If there is carrageenan in the brine, then inside the cracks there will be a transparent mass a la veinlets, and the surface will have an appetizing shiny micro-shell. And for this there is a special device. After that, do whatever you want with the meat! You can sprinkle with spices, fry with hot smoke, smoke and cook. You can put it in a metal mold, press it with a lid and cook - you get ham in the mold. Lots of things can be done.

Consumer - Well, I hope smoked smoked….

EXPERT - Do not hope. You can add the same Textratein red. Previously, raw smoked sausage was made exactly 40 days - from bell to bell. Now the cooking process has been reduced to 7 days. Specials are immediately added to minced meat. starter cultures that kill pathogenic microflora, smoke liquid and reduce the whole drying-smoking process to a parody - 1 week passes from grinding to sending to the store.

Consumer - Yes ... What then is there?

EXPERT - But eat fish. Or buy raw lumpy meat and do whatever you want with it. All attempts to add soy texturate to fish have failed. For the fish is quite transparent and soy stands out in it. Soy does not mix with fish. Only with minced fish. We work with fish farmers only on phosphates and bleach (titanium dioxide).

Soy is good and crab sticks are friends. And they are very, very close friends. If you take a poor, cheap fish, grind it into "surimi", add soy isolate with water, paint over some with bleach, some with red ...

But this is a completely different - not sausage - story, which will develop further as Russia becomes increasingly dependent on supplies from outside for food. Massive deliveries of industrial rubbish under the guise of food to the Russians are guaranteed.

Warning: This news is taken from here .. When using, indicate THIS LINK as a source.

Read more:

Going on an excursion to the Okraina meat processing plant near Moscow, I took with me a message from the Rambler agency, circulated the day before: Roskontrol stated that 75% of sausages popular in Russia are counterfeit. With reference to the co-chairman of the consumer union "Roskontrol" Alexander Borisov, it was argued that the enterprises inspected by this organization do not have regular quality control.

In the test samples, cheap substitutes for beef and pork were found (soy and collagen protein, mechanically deboned poultry meat, as well as animal skins), starch, cellulose, moisture-retaining agents (carrageenan) that were not declared in the composition. In addition, there is so much salt in sausages that a couple of pieces are enough to “cover a person’s daily need for sodium,” the expert says.

Not so long ago, the world's largest agencies once again reported on the dangers of sausages based on serious scientific work. At the household level, a lot of the most unpleasant conversations go on the same topic. My husband brought me from work the story of a lady who used to work in a large company in the sausage industry. “The first five minutes after turning on the equipment, at least plug your ears from the squeak of a mouse,” she says. Conventional wisdom is that a person who has seen with his own eyes how sausage is made will never take it in his mouth again.

From what, what are sausages made of?

You can probably start with a scar.

The chief technologist of the plant, Vladimir Timchenko, worked as a deboner at a meat processing plant in his youth; a deep scar on his palm reminds of these times. When Vladimir led us up the stairs from the first to the second floor, he would check with his palm to see if there was dust on the window sills. Entering the room, he ran his palm along the tops of the cabinets. He showed his palm: you see, there is no dust. So I saw the scar.

Frankly, I have always believed that meat in sausages, at least domestic ones, is replaced by soybeans. But our acquaintance with the plant near Moscow began with a boning shop, where dozens of pig carcasses hang on hooks. They hang, but do not lie, which is much safer for sanitary reasons.

Subsequently, I saw the whole process of turning meat into sausages and I can confirm that there is definitely meat in these sausages. Pork is only domestic, as evidenced by the stamps on the carcasses. Part of the beef is brought from Belarus.

From what I have seen with my own eyes: sausages also contain eggs. We were shown a special room in which women are busy breaking eggs. That day, they broke 40 boxes of eggs and then started peeling the garlic. No dry powder: these were natural eggs that the plant receives from a farm near Moscow; garlic was also garlic, not powder.

I also saw milk. “We work on natural milk - the farm supplies us daily with 1.5 tons of fresh milk,” says Vladimir.

For the production of sausages, the quality of water is very important - no less than for the production of vodka, says Vladimir Timchenko. The water near Moscow is heavy, so before it was brought here from afar, then they installed their own filtration system. According to GOST, a doctor's sausage requires 35% of a water-ice mixture (I also saw containers with ice in the workshops).

The composition of some sausages "Okraina" includes cheese. With this, the plant had problems after the imposition of sanctions (as, indeed, the whole country). Previously, it was "Masdam", now they use natural cheeses from Mordovia, from the Altai Territory.

What else is included in the composition of the sausages "Outskirts", I do not know for sure. Giant machines that process ingredients into a homogeneous mass, inside they look like an airplane turbine. The comparison is also justified because the knives in the Kuter assembly rotate at a speed of 5,000 revolutions per minute, while an aircraft turbine rotates at a speed of 7,000 revolutions per minute. When we examined the sausage machine, it was turned off, and we could only appreciate its sparkling clean knives. In the process of work, the knives are hidden from view, and therefore, the contents of the entire container.

But I saw how doctor's sausage is stuffed into the casing. The standard weight of a doctor's loaf is 450 grams. Before the sausages leave the conveyor, they are sized for length and diameter.

Moving from shop to shop, we also saw huge plastic vats with minced meat, pate, meat with bread, blanks for the production of all types of products.

“If someone in blue runs into the green zone - catch and strangle”

Quality ingredients are only half the battle. You can cook a delicious sausage, but if the factory is unsanitary, such a sausage will be the last thing you eat in this life.

This is how they ensure sanitary safety on the Outskirts. The plant has a system in which people employed in different areas of production have the appropriate color of work clothes: orange - delicacies, red - meat processors; blue - a warehouse of finished products, green - movers in a warehouse. And only the management of the enterprise wears white.

“When you see that in the workshop, where everyone works in blue, someone ran in green, you have to catch him and strangle him,” Vladimir laughs. “Because in the green uniform he works where the raw meat is, and the blue color corresponds to the finished product. From meat, he will bring infection. We are all consumers, we all need to know that it is safe here.”

Indeed, raw meat, as they say here, is a very aggressive environment, and you enter the workshops in a dressing gown and a mask. To go to the production, you need to wash your hands with soapy water, then with alcohol. The same rules apply to visitors. We were not only sterilized, but even forced to remove our earrings.

All overalls of the employees of the enterprise (the plant employs 720 people, of which 260 are directly employed at the enterprise) are washed in their own laundry.

The shops are clean, but at the same time there are no cleaners at the plant: each worker cleans his place himself.

But these are only individual elements of security that are striking. In fact, the production safety system is built on the principle of HASSP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points); it is a NASA-developed comprehensive risk and critical control point analysis. The system provides for the identification, assessment and management of hazards that significantly affect product safety.

The heart of the enterprise is the laboratory, where the ingredients — milk, spices, eggs, casings, meat — are constantly examined. what "enters" the enterprise, as well as what leaves it in the form of finished products, our interlocutor says.

We were shown how one of the devices works: it shows if there are bones or cartilages in the jelly produced at the factory: such jelly is discarded. Do the same with meat that has not passed control. Part of the rejected meat goes to dog shelters (the plant patronizes two dog shelters). Sausage, which has expired - but remains edible for another two months - also goes to animal feed.

I noticed that in the boning shop there is practically no smell of raw meat. This is achieved through powerful ventilation. Under the ceiling there are blue units that create air movement at a speed of 0.5 m per second. There is no production on Saturday, air disinfection is carried out.