Quick clean runes. Runes for cleaning negativity, blocks, damage and other destructive programs (possible variations)

Are you tired of endless problems? Then rune cleansing is what you need. Ancient staves will help get rid of a losing streak and return all negativity to ill-wishers.

Runes are ancient signs that people used not only for writing, but also in many magical rituals. Some symbols gave the ability to read minds, others called for good luck, others attracted money and prosperity. It is believed that with the help of runes, any negative can be removed from life. Becoming from runic symbols will relieve extraneous influence, problems and other negative programs in a very short time.

Protective barrier to remove negativity

Runic becoming removes all negative programs from a person: energy binding, evil eye, sharing. The combination of three runes eliminates damage, and also puts a powerful defense against energy attacks. Keep the formula with you for about three weeks.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Algiz- a ligature that beats off any negativity from those who want to protect themselves, their home and their family from negative influences. To enhance the effect will help the reservation: “I remove all the negativity that was imposed with the help of magic, psychological blocks, complexes, resentment, doubts, negative emotions, problems, failures, energy bindings. Nothing else will stop you from living a normal life.”

Removal of negative impacts and protection from new ones

The following formula will help cleanse and protect yourself from any negativity. Moreover, you will be able to notice the unusual behavior of others: they may avoid you, stop communicating. In this case, you don’t need to be upset, just thank the runes that turned away ill-wishers and envious people from you.

Soulu + Algiz + Soulu- a solar shield that will cleanse from all evil, fill your life with light and happiness and neutralize failures. After such a stav, problems are solved by themselves, bad thoughts cease to bother, and the streak of luck does not end. The formula should be written down on a piece of paper and always carried with you.

Runic formula to return negativity to the enemy

This becoming will save you from failures and negativity. It will not only reflect the energy strike, but also return all evil to the sender. He is both protection and retribution. Usually it is used to put up a shield against the attacks of negative peoplecapable of "sucking out" all the forces and suppressing the will.

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz- this runic tie protects from any negativity. It blocks the negative impact, destroys it and, with the help of a special stipulation, directs it back. They carry it with them all the time, writing it down on paper, and when it wears out, they write a new one. Protective clause for sending a negative: "By the power of the runes, Hagalaz, Laguz, Evaz was destroyed, burned to the ground."

Cleansing runes from negativity and problems will neutralize all the negative consequences that prevent you from living a normal life. You can choose a suitable stave and write it down on paper or more durable material, thus making a strong talisman and amulet. This will repel the attacks of ill-wishers and help change life for the better. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.10.2019 05:13

Often, ill-wishers can send damage or the evil eye, even without the ability to magic. After all, the main...

Negative energy has a destructive effect on our biofield, which leads to personal problems, illnesses and turns ...

To remove the negative collected along the way to the goals, the influence of diseases, failures, the views and thoughts of strangers, and sometimes even damage or the evil eye will help rune cleaning . You can do it yourself at any time when you feel that you want to shake off the burden of circumstances and problems.

My favorite feng shui teaches any manipulation of space to start with cleaning. Today we will talk about cleaning inside and around ourselves - I mean energy shells.

What you will learn from the article:

Cleaning with runes: what are we cleaning from?

To begin with, let's figure out what can so pollute our personal micro-atmosphere. Damage, evil eye, envy, negative emotions, attitudes - both yours and those imposed on you by other people, fears and much, much, much more ...

It so happened that we live in a densely populated world. Let's not go deep and be afraid of the population of our space. We just realize that hundreds of factors influence us every day. We interact so closely with other objects of our world that it is difficult to remain sterile emotionally, spiritually, spiritually and mentally.
There are many ways to keep yourself clean: pray in the morning before leaving the house and in the evening immediately after returning, go from time to time to the “grandmother” to remove damage, the evil eye and other joys, regularly confess in church, go to services and observe the canons, always stay -forever impenetrable - never and under no circumstances get out of the moment here and now and control emotions ... There are many other ways - no less difficult.

Today I offer you rune cleaning. we considered in one of the articles.

3 reasons to do rune cleaning

1. you do everything on your own, not allowing strangers to get too close to you
2. you yourself stipulate what, how much and why you clean yourself
3. you can repeat the cleaning regularly without having to send money to the masters every time

Rune cleaning - step by step instructions

I offer you one of the cleansing options that I regularly use to cleanse myself, and for loved ones, and for those who turned to me with such a request.

>>>WARNING: Before cleaning, ALWAYS carefully


So, I write a formula on a piece of paper or directly on my hand, as in the picture, pronounce the names of each of the runes (see photo caption), and then read the intention. The intention for this formula I say is:

“With this runic formula, I purify and remove from myself (or the NAME of the one you are cleaning) all the negativity received both from one person and from a group of people - both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, beings and programs of a known me energy-informational structure, and unknown.
Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my fate, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes to my life.
To carry out the work without affecting the positive changes imposed on me by me or any other subject, without affecting the established protections.
This runic formula works without harm to my health at all levels from the moment of application and works for 9 days. May it be so!"

You can also apply the formula for three days, but the cleansing will be three times more intense - so if you don’t want ailments and sudden emotional changes, it’s better to stretch the pleasure J.
From my own experience, possible SIDE EFFECTS: minor misunderstandings with others, depressed mood, sadness, slight apathy, exacerbation of existing problems.
AFTER the cleansing period ends, you will experience significant improvement on all levels. So the game is worth the candle!

I learned this formula from Bust and have been gratefully using it for several years now.

Another cleansing formula

This formula was compiled by Nikolay, see the report on its action and the features of the formula in the comments to this article. Looking for Nicholas :)


You can use the intention from the previous formula or make up your own - that is, formulate in your own words what you want to be cleansed of. This formula is softer than the first one. Especially good for women.

After cleaning, it is advisable to put protection so as not to be cleaned again after a while: read

Are you tired of constant failures? Want to move up the corporate ladder or find the perfect life partner? Then cleaning with runes from negativity is what you need. In this article, the reader will learn useful information about the basic rules, methods for conducting these rituals.

What is the difference between rune protection and negativity cleansing

By cleaning with runes from negativity with a reservation, you can remove residual manifestations of negativity from life in any sphere of life.

Note! The fundamental difference between runic protection and cleansing is as follows: Magical runic protection from negativity allows you to save existing benefits from extraneous encroachment, and cleaning eliminates negative manifestations that prevent the arrival of pleasant (positive) moments in your life

General rules for cleaning runes from negativity for beginners

The power of protective runes is very difficult to overestimate. Their main feature is the ability to select several runes that allow you to make positive changes in one of the areas of life. Such protection will be multifunctional, most appropriate for your situation. A correctly made tie from a certain set of runes allows you to save the operator from possible negative, other negative influences in the shortest possible period of time.

Attention! Cleansing runes from negativity eliminates all the negative consequences that occur in your life. You can choose the right formula by making the necessary runescript in the form of a talisman or amulet - this will protect you from third-party encroachments from the outside, changing your life for the better

Cleaning with runes from negativity for beginners should be carried out in the following cases:

  • Feeling of third-party negativity from envious people, enemies
  • The presence of chronic diseases that do not leave you even with active treatment
  • "Ringing" events - wherever you go, knock on closed doors everywhere
  • Clearing the subconscious from third-party garbage, resentment, negative thoughts that interfere with the achievement of the goal

To determine the presence of a negative / damage / curse, you should carefully mix the runes, taking out one of them. Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Laguz speak of their presence (direct, inverted positions)

Important! When formulating a question, clarity is important. Write down the required phrase on a piece of paper - the answer to it should imply an unambiguous statement from the "yes / no" series. Otherwise, the runes will give blurry information.

Interpretation of the dropped runes

  • Eyvaz: Corruption was induced by a person versed in magic. Another interpretation is that the object is interested in causing you irreparable harm in a certain area of ​​life.
  • Hagalaz: It is likely that you were cursed verbally, which is the main type of induced negativity
  • Turisaz: Negative impact is a consequence of revenge
  • Laguz (direct position): There is a high probability that you crossed the road to someone in "heart matters"
  • Laguz (inverted position): The rune indicates an object through which damage or other negative effects were induced. As an option - cemetery land

Before organizing the cleaning of negative runes with a return, you should remember the basic rules for compiling protective formulas - it all depends on the scope of influence (more details can be found in similar articles on the topic).

  • To protect people, use a photo that should be put at home. If personal cleaning is expected, you can use oil, a marker - this will help you draw the appropriate runic sign on yourself
  • To protect animals, apply the chosen stave to the collar or bowl
  • Home security - door, door jamb
  • Protection of property - the direct application of protective symbols to what needs to be kept safe and sound. Option - write a runic formula on a piece of paper, placing it inside the property (car, etc.)

When drawing formulas, be extremely careful, since the main task of the runes is to fulfill the given installation. Remember - incorrect formulation of the formula can lead to the fact that the condition from cleaning with runes from negativity can worsen several times. Work out the desired end result by making an unambiguous intention that you will visualize, pronounce when working with the runic formula.

What runes are used for cleaning

Cleaning with runes from the negative on the candle - becoming "Lily of the valley". Allows you to quickly burn out all the existing negative without negative consequences for the operator.

Consists of three Hagalaz located in the cross of Kveorts, Teyvaz + Turisaz. At the corners of the stav there is a ligature consisting of Nautiz + Laguz. It is recommended to use within two hours. Detailed scheme, description are given below.

The composition of this runic formula includes the following runes - Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Turisaz, Nautiz, Teyvaz, Laguz.

Start drawing symbols from the central part of the stav - three Hagalaz, then apply the following runic symbols counterclockwise. The formula should be worn for three days. The slander is made near a burning wax candle. The main intention is to clean out all the negative (it is better to write the list on a piece of paper, separated by commas). Do not forget to write the expiration date of "Lily of the Valley".

Removing negative runes from yourself

Activation by fire of cleaning with runes from negativity with the clause "Rozenrot + Trap" occurs according to the scheme below. Allows you to clean all the negativity from the object, including bindings, damage, settlements. In the presence of weak entities, the runic becoming kills them, and simply drives out the strong ones, crippling them. You should keep it with you for about three days - it all depends on the well-being of the object.

In the central part of the stav are the runes Dagaz, Laguz, Soulu, and in the background - Uruz and Mannaz. On the left and right sides of Mannaz are Turisaz + Kveort + Nautiz + Raido (Eyvaz in the background). The extreme left part is a combination of Nautiz + Yera + Laguz.

Note. To slightly slow down the effect of the formula, preventing the moment of recleaning, targeting runic symbols should be placed on top of Mannaz and under it

The Hyera - Eyvaz - Soulu - Hagalaz - Soulu - Eyvaz - Hyera formula will help to clear the operator of all kinds of negative manifestations. In the process of drawing the formula, be sure to pronounce the meaning of each rune. Let's start in order.

  • Hagalaz: Displays the whole complex of negativity superimposed on a specific object (say the name). When making a reservation, indicate the existing psycho-emotional blocks, resentments, complexes, memories that in one way or another can affect the existing spheres of life
  • Soulu (left and right): The power of the negative impact is destroyed and burned completely, irrevocably
  • Eyvaz: Final elimination of negative impacts
  • Hyera: Consolidation of the effect for nine days

Removing negative runes from loved ones

To activate runic formulas to remove negativity from loved ones, follow these tips:

  • Write the runes in the given sequence on a piece of paper. Another option is the inside of the wrist. Say the name of each rune, and then clearly state the intention (the essence of the cleansing). This option is most often used by beginners - it helps to draw up a clear wording for the correct removal of negativity
  • Runes are applied to a special candle (not necessarily a church one). You should burn it completely and start the cleaning process.
  • Runic formulas for protection can also be applied to the mirror. Thus, the negative will be sent to the person who applied it.
  • Using a photo, you can also remove the negative from loved ones. Apply the selected runic stave to the photo and leave it in a place inaccessible to strangers

Cleaning property with runes (remote cleaning of property by photo)

For those who wish to remove the negative from their own home, you should take advantage of the action of protective runes that repel attacks. I advise you to use Queorth (the rune of the Northumbrian series), but without fanaticism and not for everyday protection.

The ritual of runic cleansing can be carried out directly in the house or at a short distance from it. Rune magic is most often used in conjunction with other rites/attributes, regardless of the operator's religion. The main task of the runic formula is to attract natural elements that allow them to fight negative manifestations.

Cleaning the apartment according to the photo

  • Return rites. They give the opportunity to the customer of the negative to experience the full power of the “backstroke” from the negative sent to them
  • Easy cleaning. The task of this rite is to get rid of negative energy, to establish strong protection against the subsequent wave of negative manifestations.
  • Cleaning with a candle is the most versatile way to clean with runes. Draw the Quaorth sign on a white wax candle four times according to the drawing below and walk with it around the room. Repeat the procedure for three days - depending on the degree of contamination of the room

Note! This ritual should be performed in the complete absence of people or pets.

The reservation should carry the following: the goal (cleansing the room of negativity), the enumeration of possible negative programs (it all depends on the manifestations - say the most complete list), the end result (what should happen after cleaning).

The consequences of cleaning with runes

The consequences of cleaning with runes after the negative depend on the correctness of the ritual performed. Most often, enlightenment occurs in all spheres of human life - health improves, promotion takes place, relations with loved ones normalize.

If we are talking about karmic problems, minor troubles may appear, the resolution of which will not take very much time. Be carefull!

To find out even more interesting information, do not forget to follow the updates on our website. I wish you all the best! Good luck!

In the life of each of us there are periods when failures follow one after another, and in the soul - anxiety and longing. If such a period lasts several months or even years, there is reason to suspect that magic weapons were used against you. A proven way to get rid of frequent illnesses and problems is cleaning with runes.

Reasons to cleanse yourself

The main reason why we are turning is the desire to cleanse ourselves of someone else's witchcraft. Rich, successful people often become victims of the induced negativity. If neighbors or colleagues they can jinx you.

Purges are resorted to by people who, in moments of despair, an impressionable person curses his life. The girl who was abandoned by the groom can swear that she will never fall in love again, will not “run” for a man. Words charged with emotional power sometimes act like spells. After cleaning from the negative with runes, you will be freed from destructive installations and programs.

Sometimes cleaning becomes the only way to influence a stubborn and proud person. If your relative behaves rudely and defiantly, do it before starting magical work, familiarize yourself with the features of each runescript, you can clean yourself and your loved ones from damage.

For beginner and master

One of the most powerful magical tools is runes. If cleansing and protection did not bring results, then you did not have enough personal strength to The second reason why runic combinations may not work is a lack

Formulas for beginners differ from professional cleanings in a number of ways.

  1. Before creating a complex runescript, the master turns to (Odin, Freya, etc.) for help. After the ritual, you need to make an offering to the deity whose support you enlisted. If you ignore this part of the magic, the purge may not work. When you draw a simple cleansing combination, you do not need to turn to the gods.
  2. A powerful cleaning done by an inept master will bring undesirable results. Becoming for a beginner has a mild effect. You may feel a slight malaise, anxiety, but you will not have serious illnesses.
  3. Cleaning runes from negativity for beginners consists of Professional formulas may include symbols from the Junior runic alphabets, hieroglyphs and other magical signs. The more unfamiliar runes are included in the cleaning becoming, the greater the likelihood of an error when applying it.

Action algorithm

Before cleaning from negativity with runes, make sure that you have been magically influenced from the outside. This can be done Ways to identify the negative:

  • divination on tarot cards;
  • runic oracle;
  • clairvoyance, examination on a subtle plane.

If the diagnosis has shown that the cause of your misfortunes is black magic, choose the right cleansing one. Things to consider:

  • the specifics of a particular cleaning;
  • your baggage of knowledge;
  • internal sensations when looking at the runes.

When you find a suitable rune cleanse for beginners, the first thing you should do is come up with a clause for it. Next, decide on which medium you will draw the runic combination. Symbol options:

  • apply as a marker on the left wrist or on the left leg;
  • if you are cleaning a loved one, decorate his photo with runic symbols;
  • write standing on paper.

After all the symbols have been applied, say a slander and activate the formula. Formulas can be activated with their saliva, blood or breath. If you have done becoming for your husband (relative), “turn on” the cleaning with the help of fire: spend several times with a lit candle in front of the photo.

How many hours or days to keep universal cleaning with runes, you will understand from your own feelings and from diagnostics. There is a rule: strong cleaning should not be kept for more than 8 hours.

Staves from spirit settlers and formulas from ancestral curses hold for 2-3 days. Then you need to deactivate the runic combination. Becoming "Cleaning the apartment" is not recommended to burn earlier than 5 days after application.

Cleansing Formulas

It is not necessary to create a runic combination yourself. There are ready-made formulas that are in demand in magical circles. The main types of stakes:

  • runic combinations for cleaning the room;
  • formulas that free a person from bindings, negative programs;
  • aggressive combinations with the removal of protection; rigid formulas are used before a love spell - if your chosen one has strong generic protection, and you can’t influence him with conspiracies in any way, carry out a set of runic works.


To avoid the side effects of cleaning from negative runes, you need to work on the text of the spell. Due to an error in the slander, you can “pull” someone else’s illness onto yourself, lose your job, or quarrel with your husband. When composing the text, consider several important factors.

  1. Avoid the "not" particle. Our subconscious and Higher Forces ignore this part of speech. Instead of the phrase "damage leaves and does not return to me," say "negative leaves forever."
  2. Ask becoming to act without harm to your health.
  3. Specify under what conditions becoming will cease to operate.

Pay attention to examples of reservations to the staves.

  1. “Let cleaning the house with runes work without harm to my well-being. The work of the stav will stop when I burn this paper. I activate by becoming my breath. So be it".
  2. “The purpose of this stav is to remove the damage to cooling between me and my husband. May my enemy be punished for what he has done. The purge will not affect my loved ones.”

Reliable Formulas for Different Situations

Someone else's interference in your life may not be noticeable at first, but when the troubles become "chronic", you remember who you have been at enmity with recently.

If you want to remove severe damage, becoming Rosenrot will help you. Allocate 11 characters that are part of the runic combination.

  1. This rune is written in the center of the stave. It is applied first. This symbol represents you (the injured party).
  2. (magic power, energy).
  3. (sacrament). The rune occurs twice in the stave.
  4. symbolizing cleansing).
  5. (rune of fire).
  6. The rune helps to dramatically change the situation for the better.
  7. Symbol meaning: breakthrough.
  8. (rune of victory).
  9. The symbol speaks of purification, healing, the beginning of a new life.
  10. Success, a reward for your efforts - that's what this letter promises you.
  11. (compulsion). The rune is located along the edges of the stave, as if fixing its work.


Becoming applied to paper. It can be activated by breath or fire.

If you are interested in cleaning with a "return", use becoming a "Boomerang". The main task of the runic combination is to return the negative to the one who spoiled your life. Description and specifics of the stave:

  • The "core" of the formula is the rune Mannaz;
  • as a support of the previous rune, the Icelandic symbols Sol and Hagall act: these magic letters destroy the damage directed at you;
  • the rune Twi-ervard gods is responsible for: the name of this rune is translated as “an inverted bow with two arrows”;
  • the Icelandic rune Ir is used 4 times in the stav: a powerful runic symbol ensures that your enemy does not hide from the evil he has done, the negative will quickly return to the magician.

Becoming drawn from the middle, then its left side is drawn, at the end - the right. It is undesirable to draw symbols on yourself. Not suitable for beginners. If you make a mistake in the inscription of one of the runic signs, you can get sick. The loss of expensive things is not ruled out.

Becoming a "Cleaner" basically Main operating runes: Halagaz, Kveort, Sovilo. For people who want to renounce generic evil, the Rotor cleansing is suitable.

Runes Eyvaz, Halagaz, Nautiz and Laguz destroy damage. The rune Turisaz, repeated six times, breaks all bindings to the source of negativity.

Becoming a "Fire Snake" is able to destroy the energy "agreements" that you have concluded with other people in past lives.

Multifaceted rite

If you have repeatedly tried to kill witchcraft, use universal cleaning. It's called "On All Fronts". The purge includes Icelandic runes and symbols from the Elder Futhark.

With the help of a runic combination, you will get rid of the old channels through which the negative returned to you. Becoming eliminates the manifestations of karma (repeated situations).

Note to the stav: only men can use cleaning. Becoming draw on paper. Burn in 10-15 hours.

Suppression of the will

If you need to suppress the will of the groom or boss, purge "Unprotect". This runic combination can weaken the morale of the enemy.

Becoming difficult to draw by hand. Application option: print a picture with a stav and circle the symbols.

Elimination of complexes

Among the runic formulas stands out becoming "From cockroaches". The combination of symbols works to eliminate your psychological blocks and complexes that prevent you or create a family. Runes are applied to the photo (head area).

Removal of hassle

Cleaning with the pleasant name "Lily of the valley" will help you get rid of the imposed installations (damage, trouble). A day after activating the stav, you will feel like a clean page, a free person.

Job and career cleaning

To save a damaged business, you can use the Bur cleaning. In the first week after applying the combination, quarrels with colleagues and business partners are likely. The situation will soon return to normal.

To clean the office, use the "Clean House" setting.

Get rid of the spells

It is unpleasant to realize that you have become a victim of a love spell. To neutralize sorcery, use the Free Heart Cleansing Combination. In the process of work, rapid fatigue is not ruled out,

Elimination of thieves

Conversations cause mystical fear. If you have a negative program, luck and money will go from you to the enemy. To destroy the kradnik, use standing in the shape of a cross.

The combination is made up of the following runes: Mannaz, Dagaz, Fehu, Gebo, Turisaz, Uruz, Hagal, Eyvaz, Isa. The name of the work is "Remove the thief".

Neutralization of damage to loneliness

A common problem for girls is the crown of celibacy. The program for loneliness will be destroyed by cleaning from negativity with runes. The runes used in the stav are Perth, Halagaz, Ear, Kveort, Ansuz.

It is advisable to apply with an appeal and gifts to the goddess Freya. These actions will enhance the cleaning work. You will get married within a year.

The power of the Odal rune

One of the most interesting and powerful runic symbols is the Odal rune. In a narrow sense, it means property, receiving benefits. The mystical meaning of the rune is the purity of the blood.

Rune Odal is used to cleanse and protect the family, at home. Sometimes it is used for energy "treatment" of the genus.

We clean the house

If breakdowns, mystical situations (creaking of floorboards at night, incomprehensible sighs) have become more frequent in your home, and family members feel uncomfortable, spend

To clean the room or the entire apartment, 2 formulas are used.

  1. "Vietnam". The differences of this combination from similar cleanings: a large number of characters, the complexity of the outline.
  2. "Home Protection". Becoming made of stylized runic signs.

Removal of fractures of fate

If you are sick for a long time or cannot find a job, use proven combinations to change your fate. To eliminate the kink will help becoming the "Magic tangle".

Magic tangle

The runes work to strengthen your defense, destroy the energy channels through which the enemy "sends" damage to you.

Helper in love

If your husband suddenly becomes rude and inattentive, it is possible that he is bewitched by another woman. Skillful sorceresses induce damage




Draw on your photo or on a piece of paper

new black marker

or gel pen.

We draw a rune, while

speaking her name.

1. We draw Hagalaz,

pronounce the name

runes and immediately say:

“All the negativity that is imposed on me with

with the help of magic, my



complexes, resentment,

doubts, painful


concerning any

people and events

disturbing me

live well and

develop, my

problems during

relationship with

people (possibly


what exactly)".

2.3 We draw on the left Soulo,

pronounce the name

runes, draw on the right

Soulo, let's talk

the name of the rune and say:

"By the power of the runes Soulo destroyed, burned

finally and

irrevocably, with double


4. We draw Eyvaz,

pronounce the name

runes and say: "By force

Eyvaz runes destroyed

remnants of negativity.

5. We draw Yera,

pronounce the name

runes and say:

"Guaranteed in

within 9 days.

"This runic

palindrome destroys and

destroys only

what i said and

nothing but this.

This rune. palindrome

works without harm

my health and

the health of my loved ones

(can be listed)

I start purge at 9

days. Formula starts

work right now

will work in

within 9 days and

finish work at 10

day after burning

with gratitude to


revitalize (activate)

runes with your breath,


May it be so!"

Photo wrapped in

dark, monochromatic

nature. cloth or

put in a new envelope

and hide in a secluded

a place. If you apply on

piece of paper, then carry it with

by yourself, at night you put

under the pillow

On day 10 photo or

burn paper and

speak at


Runes, thank you for

work, help


Ashes - to the wind or in

running water (river,

sea, stream, you can just down the toilet and flush).

P.S. Activate

fire means

hold lit

match or flame

candles according to the outline
