How to solder a gas column. Heat exchanger for geyser

The heat exchanger is used to heat water due to the burner burning under it. This is a vital part of any geyser. If this part breaks, then the entire column fails. How to choose a heat exchanger for a geyser? You will learn about this after reading this article. In it we will tell not only about the choice of this part, but also about its repair.

We buy a new heat exchanger

Geysers are characterized by extremely intensive operation. The cyclical heating and cooling of the heat exchanger does not add health to it, but, on the contrary, takes it away. Over time, small holes appear in it, leaks begin.. Some of them are easily eliminated through repairs, but this is only a temporary measure. With further operation, the number of leaks increases, and then there comes a moment when it is better to change the heat exchanger.

Even the smallest leak over time will lead to a breakdown of this module, and hence the column itself.

The diseases of heat exchangers do not end there. While they wear out due to constant temperature changes, scale clogs them from the inside. As a result, the heating efficiency drops - the burner flame buzzes, and due to the low thermal conductivity of the scale, heat is not transferred. At the output, consumers receive not hot, but barely warm water.

You can buy a heat exchanger for a geyser in some plumbing stores selling parts for gas appliances. They are also supplied by online stores, since spare parts for speakers are a specific thing. How to choose a heat exchanger for a column? Here you need to pay attention to several things:

  • The cost of the heat exchanger - try to find a store with the most affordable prices;
  • Compliance or compatibility of the model - otherwise, the heat exchanger may simply not be suitable;
  • Material of manufacture - some manufacturers eventually begin to save money by offering their customers not copper, but steel heat exchangers.

When buying a heat exchanger, you need to pay attention to its compatibility. Many manufacturers make uniform spare parts for certain model ranges, which allows you to quickly select the desired model. If you choose the wrong model, there will be difficulties with installation - here we can observe the incompatibility of fasteners and other elements.

When choosing a heat exchanger, give preference to models that are made specifically for your geyser. Only in this case can you count on perfect compatibility. If you have a Vector column, then take parts from it.

stood in your column copper heat exchanger, and in the store you were offered a model made of steel? In this case, you will face certain risks. The thing is that steel parts have a smaller margin of safety - copper models definitely win in this parameter. Therefore, you should not buy a steel model. But steel heat exchangers are more affordable, this is their only plus.

Repair of heat exchangers of geysers

Sometimes the cost of a new heat exchanger with a replacement turns out to be such that it is easier to buy a new column. Therefore, you need to make a choice - buy a spare part or look at another water heater. If the cost is too high, then it is better to try to repair the column. Repair of geyser heat exchangers comes down to finding microcracks and holes through which water oozes. Next, we manage with the most common soldering using a powerful soldering iron.

Materials and tools necessary for the repair of the heat exchanger.

Soldering geyser heat exchangers will require:

  • Suitable flux (by type of metal);
  • Solder (tin);
  • Soldering iron with a power of at least 100 W;
  • Fine sandpaper.

Repair of the heat exchanger should begin with its inspection. Usually the places through which water flows are clearly visible to the naked eye.- there will be traces of corrosion in this place. These marks should be removed with sandpaper so that the metal around the crack or hole is clean and shiny. After cleaning up the leak, you need to take a suitable flux, solder and tin the metal so that it is covered with a thin layer of solder.

Instead of a soldering iron, you can use a gas torch. The main thing is to be extremely careful!

Remember that the solder should, as it were, spread over the place of soldering, so you need to warm up the place to be soldered with a soldering iron as best as possible. Otherwise, the repair will be unsuccessful - the solder will simply fall off. If you feel that the solder does not fit, try additionally warming up the repaired area with a gas burner or blowtorch. Also for this operation, you can use building hair dryers and cooking burners that give the desired temperature.

If the solder has taken well, wait for it to cool, then apply a little more solder to the repaired area - its thickness in this place should be 1.5-2 mm. Otherwise, the column will start to flow again. After the hole or microcrack is sealed, inspect the entire heat exchanger and analyze the locations of possible future leaks. You also need to pay attention to traces of corrosion - they may hide as yet invisible holes and cracks.

Before repairing and soldering the heat exchanger, do not forget to drain all the water from it - otherwise the water will interfere with normal soldering, taking away all the heat.

Many apartments and houses are equipped with gas boilers, they are quite economical and efficient. The heat exchanger for geysers is the main working element along with the burner. The service life of equipment depends on the quality of its manufacture. In the article you will learn what materials radiators are made of, why they are needed, how to do repairs yourself.

How is the heat exchanger

A heat exchanger, or radiator, is designed to heat water from a burner. The stream flows through the tubes of the coil, instantly warming up from the burning fuel. Most often, the block is steel or copper. How much does the device weigh? Copper device - from 3 to 3.5 kg. The steel apparatus is much heavier, for this reason it has a lower efficiency.

Features of steel product:

  • Lower cost compared to copper.
  • Due to the plasticity of the material, heating does not harm the surface.
  • Differs in resistance to corrosion.

Copper Appliance:

  • Possesses high efficiency, fast heating.
  • Products that contain additional impurities are cheaper.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Light weight if it is pure copper.

Trying to reduce the cost of production, manufacturers add impurities to copper. Because of this, the radiator heats up unevenly, which leads to burnout of individual parts. Some cover the surface with heat-resistant paint, but this brings little results. Service life does not exceed 2-3 years.

Copper is more resistant to corrosion than steel. Most manufacturers do not indicate how much copper goes into the production of the product, assuring that the heat exchanger is made of a thick layer.

To extend the life of the device, install water filters. They soften and purify the liquid from impurities that settle on the parts in the form of scale.

How much does it cost to replace a gas boiler radiator? If you take into account the purchase of a new device, delivery and installation, it will be cheaper to repair the heat exchanger.

Radiator repair

Let's figure out what to do if your column is broken.


In one of our publications, we wrote how to clean geyser generally. Let's take a closer look at flushing the heat exchanger.

If you notice that the column has become worse at heating water or the pressure has decreased, clean it. Salts of potassium and magnesium settle on the walls, clog the tubes of the coil. Therefore, it is required to descale the product at least once a year.

How to clean:

  • Shut off the water and gas supply.
  • Remove the cover of the device. Often it is mounted on the two lower screws.
  • Lift the cover up, pull it towards you.
  • The plates are cleaned of dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

You can wash the product at home with citric and hydrochloric acid. The latter must be used very carefully in case of severe contamination. To create a circulation of fluid through the coil, you can use a watering can or a pump.

  • Locate the tube that goes from the electronic unit to the radiator.
  • Disable it.
  • Open the mixer; you can loosen the nut so that the water drains better.
  • Connect the rubber hoses to the inlet and outlet of the product, having previously disconnected the nozzles.
  • Place the heat exchanger over a large tank, a bathtub.
  • Pour a solution of hydrochloric acid (5-15%) from a watering can into the inlet. Repeat the flush cycle at least 5 times.
  • Then rinse the serpentine under the faucet until the water runs clear.

For cleaning citric acid do it like this:

  • Dilute 100 g of powder in 350 liters of water.
  • Pour the solution inside with a watering can.
  • You can leave it to stand for 30 minutes or place it in a container of water and heat it on the stove until the scale has gone.

Some users use the calcination method, but it is more risky. To do this, the radiator is evenly heated by a burner until the scale inside cracks. Then it is washed with small portions of water.

Soldering and Troubleshooting

We described the soldering process in detail in the article “ How to solder a gas column". Recall that you can solder corrosive damage using a soldering iron with a power of 100 W or a gas burner. POS-61 solder and flux are also used.

What to do if the heat exchanger burned out? How to glue the device? Useful copper and tin patches. Can lids can be used.

You can fix the patch with a riveter. It is necessary to make holes around the hole with nails and fix the plate with wire.

Cold welding can also be used to eliminate leaks. The material is kneaded to a plastic state and superimposed on the damage. Wait until it hardens, and you can operate the radiator.

This is how you can return the column to working capacity yourself. During disassembly, do not forget about safety rules, shut off the gas supply.

The video shows the repair of the gas column:

The heat exchanger is a copper component of the geyser, designed to heat water, transfer heat from the burner to the coolant. It consists of two parts: a heater (honeycombs placed in the upper part) and a combustion chamber (the lower part is surrounded by a thin sheet of copper). The combustion chamber is wrapped in tubes through which water flows (coil). Constant circulation of water helps to remove heat, preventing the heat exchanger from overheating.

The temperature regime of the heat exchanger is calculated so that it is below the melting temperature of the solder and its parts. But still, during the operation of the geyser, emergency situations arise in which the heat exchanger overheats and cracks:

    Lime deposition on the rod of water fittings - leads to jamming, tight running, to hanging heating;

    Scale deposits on the tubes - reduces the amount of water passing, not having time to carry away heat;

    Clogging of the Venturi tube of the water fittings - leads to jamming of the entire mechanism, the column continues to work even when it is turned off, the tube boils and bursts.

All of the above breakdowns lead to an increase in pressure in the copper tubes through the formation of steam, and the column may leak. If this happened to your column, then you will need the services of a heat exchanger soldering wizard.

Soldering a gas column radiator

To increase the strength of the brazed spot, we use copper-phosphorite solder with a melting point of 850 degrees Celsius, which guarantees the efficiency of heat transfer and the reliability of brazed spots.

How much does it cost to solder a gas column heat exchanger

Service Explanation
1. Challenge Departure of the master within the Moscow Ring Road - 0 rub.
To the Moscow region - 30 rub/km.
2. Simple soldering Easily accessible places (pipes, cracks and holes on the outside). - 1000-1500 rub.
3. Complex soldering Hard-to-reach places (tube leak near the plates, bends and repetitions, inner side). - 1500-3000 rub.

Warranty period (three years) NEVA LUX-5013 worked flawlessly, and in the fourth year of operation, water began to drip from it. The hope that one of the gaskets was worn out did not materialize. When the casing was removed from the geyser, a fistula was found in the heat exchanger, from which water spouted.

After discovering the fistula, the first desire was to replace the gas column heat exchanger with a new one, but when I found out that its cost was 1/3 of the cost of a new column, I decided to try to repair the gas column heat exchanger on my own, solder it with a soldering iron. I reasoned as follows: water flows through the heat exchanger tube, the temperature of which, when heated, cannot exceed 100 ° C. Solder melting point, depending on the brand, is about 200˚С. Consequently, the solder will not melt and the solder will seal the leak securely. Repair of the gas column heat exchanger was a success.

Communication with sellers of spare parts for gas water heaters and acquaintances identified the existing problem of water leakage in heat exchangers, both in gas water heaters of domestic and foreign manufacturers. As it turned out, the service life of gas column heat exchangers is mainly due to the method of water disinfection during purification in the city water supply system.

Currently, chlorine or its dioxide is mainly used to disinfect tap water. Water containing chlorine, passing through the copper tube of the heat exchanger, heats up during the operation of the gas column, and, as is known from chemistry, when heated, chlorine begins to react with copper, forming copper chloride. Thus, the tube is destroyed from the inside, which leads to the appearance of fistulas. In cities where water disinfection at treatment plants is carried out by ozonation, fistulas in the heat exchangers of flowing gas and electric water heaters practically do not appear.

It is also worth noting that at present, manufacturers have begun to install copper tubes with thinner walls and made of lower quality copper in heat exchangers. This is also one of the factors that reduce the service life of heat exchangers.

if the fistula is in a place accessible for soldering

Before starting soldering, it is necessary to drain the water from the heat exchanger, otherwise the water will remove heat, and it will be impossible to warm up the soldering place to the required temperature. To do this, open the tap hot water in the sink or sink and unscrew the union nut with the feed cold water gas column pipes. Since the column is at a level above the tap, most of the water will drain, but not all. To remove residue, I use a purge. This can be done with a compressor, vacuum cleaner or mouth. When blowing by mouth, you can use a flexible hose from a shower head. One of the union nuts of the flexible hose is screwed onto the thread of the water supply pipe of the heat exchanger through the gasket, and the heat exchanger pipe is blown through the mouth through the other end of the flexible hose. The remaining water is drained through the tap, and you can start repairing the heat exchanger.

The soldering itself is not difficult. If you do not have experience with a soldering iron, you can familiarize yourself with the soldering technology on the site page "How to solder with a soldering iron". With fine sandpaper, clean the location of the fistula from oxides. As a rule, copper oxidizes in this place and a stain forms. greenish tint(You can clearly see it in the photo above). After cleaning, wipe the place with a cloth soaked in solvent to remove grease and dust. Tin with any solder, for example POS-61, (melting temperature not lower than 180 ° C) with a soldering iron with a power of at least 100 watts.

Rosin can be used as a flux, and the one with which violin bows are rubbed is also suitable. If there is no rosin, you can successfully use aspirin tablets (sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets called "acetylsalicylic acid"). A wonderful flux, I use it all the time in cases where it is impossible to clean. For example, when tinning stranded wires. Color the tablet and sprinkle small crumbs on the place of tinning, or rub the tablet on the heated surface. If during tinning the solder does not spread, but lays down in a loose layer, then the place of soldering is not warm enough. In this case, you can additionally warm up with another 40 W soldering iron, building hair dryer or iron, applying it next to the soldering point.

When the solder has evenly covered the required surface with a thin layer, you need to build it up to a thickness of 1-2 mm. The fistula on the heat exchanger has been eliminated and will never show itself again.

Now carefully inspect the gas column heat exchanger tube along its entire length. If you find a green spot, then there is a high probability that there is a micro-hole in this place that allows water to pass through. It is necessary to clean the tube with fine sandpaper to a shine and see if there is a small black dot. If there is, then be sure to tin and solder. Otherwise, after a couple of months, you will again have to do repairs.

How to solder a gas column radiator,
if the fistula is in a place inaccessible for soldering

If the place of water leakage occurred on the wall of the heat exchanger adjacent to the base of the geyser, then repair of the heat exchanger by soldering in place is not possible, and it must be removed from the geyser. The designers of NEVA LUX-5013 "tried". To remove the heat exchanger for repair, it is required to disassemble almost the entire gas column and, most unpleasantly, disconnect the gas pipe. I did not want to mess with gas pipes, as it is dangerous.

The removal of the heat exchanger for repair was prevented by an umbrella for the removal of gas combustion products, fixed with four aluminum rivets to the base of the gas column. I had to drill these rivets with an electric drill, remove the umbrella, and only then it became possible to remove the heat exchanger. During assembly, instead of rivets, the umbrella was fixed to the base with two M4 screws. If the wall does not interfere, then you can fix the umbrella with self-tapping screws.

Further, the repair of the gas column was carried out according to the above technology. Over the past two years, I had to repair the heat exchanger by sealing the fistulas five times. The last time the water began to flow from the side adjacent to the wall of the heat exchanger, and I decided to buy a new one, which I did. I am going to repair the old heat exchanger of the geyser, I will zaluzh and solder the tube along the entire length. Photo of the view of the heat exchanger from the side of attachment to the base.

When buying a heat exchanger for a geyser, I was surprised to find that they gave me not a new one, but an already repaired one. On the tube of the heat exchanger there was one of the same soldering, as I myself did when repairing my old heat exchanger. As a result, of the four available in the store, only one heat exchanger was not soldered. It turns out that the repaired heat exchangers that failed during the warranty period are shipped for spare parts. Fistulas are soldered in them and sold again. The warranty period for the heat exchanger is only 1 month. It turns out that in a few months you will have to repair the gas column again!

If you have to buy a heat exchanger for a geyser, carefully inspect it. If soldering is found, it is better to refuse the purchase. In the event of a replacement of a heat exchanger in a geyser under warranty, make sure that you install not a repaired heat exchanger that was in operation, but a new one.

Repair of a replaced gas column heat exchanger

For almost three years, the NEVA LUX-5013 gas water heater worked properly after replacing the heat exchanger, but happiness did not last forever, and suddenly water began to drip from it. I had to redo the repair.

Removing the casing confirmed my fears: on the heat exchanger tube with outside a green spot appeared, but it was dry, and the fistula, from which water oozed, was on the side inaccessible for inspection and soldering. I had to remove the heat exchanger for repair.

When looking for a fistula site on reverse side The removed heat exchanger has a problem. The fistula was at the top of the heat exchanger tube and water oozed from it and flowed along all the tubes below. As a result, all the turns of the tube below the fistula turned green on top and were wet. Whether this was a single fistula or there were several, it was impossible to determine.

After the green coating had dried, it was removed from the surface of the heat exchanger using fine sandpaper. An external examination of the heat exchanger tube did not reveal blackened dots. To search for leaks, it was necessary to pressure test the heat exchanger under water pressure.

To supply water to the heat exchanger, the above-mentioned flexible hose from the shower head was used. One end of it was connected through a gasket to water pipe water supply to the geyser (in the photo on the left), the second one is screwed onto one of the ends of the heat exchanger tube (in the photo in the center). The other end of the heat exchanger tube was plugged with a water tap.

As soon as the tap for supplying water to the geyser was opened, drops of water immediately appeared in the supposed places of fistulas. The rest of the tube surface remained dry.

Before soldering the fistulas, it is necessary to disconnect the flexible hose from the water supply network, open the plug valve and drain all the water from the heat exchanger by blowing it out. If this is not done, then the water will not allow the soldering place to be heated to the desired temperature, and the fistula will not be able to be soldered.

For soldering the fistula, which was located on the bend of the heat exchanger tube, I used two soldering irons. One, whose power is 40 W, led the tube under the bend for its additional heating, and the second, with a hundred-watt, performed soldering.

I recently purchased a building hair dryer for the household, and soldered the fistula in a straight section, warming up the place of soldering them additionally. It turned out that soldering with a hairdryer is much more convenient, since copper warmed up faster and better. The soldering turned out to be more accurate. It’s a pity I didn’t try to solder the fistula without a soldering iron, using only a building hair dryer. The temperature of the air from the hair dryer is about 600 ° C, which should be enough to heat the heat exchanger tube to the melting temperature of the solder. I'll check it out next time I repair.

After repair, the place of the heat exchanger tube, where the fistula is located, is covered with a millimeter layer of solder, and the water path is reliably blocked. Repeated pressure testing of the heat exchanger showed the tightness of the tube. Now you can assemble the gas column. Water will no longer drip.

I bring to your attention a short video on how to solder a gas column radiator.

It should be noted that with the help of the presented technology, it is possible to successfully repair not only gas column heat exchangers, but also copper heat exchangers and radiators of any other types of water heating and cooling devices, including copper radiators installed in cars.

Restoration of pipe flanges
geyser soldering

Somehow, two pieces of copper tubes with flanges caught my eye, on which American union nuts were put on. These parts are designed for the installation of water pipes from copper pipes.

When soldering the gas column heat exchanger, I remembered them, and the idea arose to restore the previously cracked copper pipeconnecting the heat exchanger outlet pipe to the hot water supply pipe, soldering new flanges to them, idly gathering dust on the shelf. The task was somewhat more complicated, since the available parts had a copper tube bent at a right angle. I had to take up a hacksaw for metal.

First, a part of the tube with a flange was sawn off in the place where the bend begins. Further, an expanded part of the tube was sawn off from the opposite end for further use as a connecting ring. If the tube were straight, then there would be no need to cut. The result was two pieces of tube about a centimeter long.

The next step is sawing off the cracked flange from the pipe. The sawn off piece of pipe should be equal in length to the piece of pipe with the flange prepared for repair in the previous step.

As you can see in the photo, the sawn-off piece of the gas column pipe at the place where the flange was formed had many cracks.

The photo shows parts prepared for soldering. On the left - the end of the gas column pipe, on the right - a new flange with a union nut, in the middle - a connecting ring.

Before soldering, you need to check how the prepared parts fit together. The tubes of the branch pipe should enter the ring easily, with a small gap.

The mating surfaces of the tubes and the ring before soldering must first be cleaned with fine sandpaper to remove the oxide layer. It is convenient to clean the ring inside by wrapping a round rod with sandpaper, for example, the handle of a small screwdriver. Next, the cleaned surfaces must be tinned with a thin layer of POS-61 tin-lead solder using a soldering iron with a power of 60-100 watts. As a flux, it is best to use acidic zinc chloride flux, in other words, hydrochloric acid slaked with zinc. Since copper parts are soldered, rosin or aspirin is also suitable.

When soldering, it must be ensured that the pipe joint is inside the ring approximately in the middle. If, after tinning, the tubes do not want to enter the ring, then you need to heat them up with a soldering iron, the solder will melt and the tubes will enter. Do not forget to put a cap nut on the tube before soldering the pipe.

After the tubes are articulated, all that remains is to fill the gap with molten solder. As you can see in the photo, it turned out to be a completely hermetic and mechanically strong connection. The branch pipe is repaired, and you can install it in place in the gas column, it will serve no worse than a new one.

The check showed the tightness of the pipe at the place of soldering, but a leak occurred at its other end, for the same reason a microcrack appeared. I had to repair the other end of the pipe in the same way. The geyser has been working with a repaired pipe for more than a year. No water leaks were observed.

Using this technology, it is possible to restore the tightness of not only copper and brass tubes, but also stainless steel and iron tubes. The technology is applicable not only for the repair of gas water heaters, but also for the repair of other devices and machines, including cars.

Connecting the exhaust pipe
to gas column umbrella

To repair the heat exchanger, it is necessary to dismantle the exhaust pipe. When installing this pipe in place, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of its connection with the gas column umbrella.

Sealing even a large gap up to a centimeter is easy to perform using asbestos soaked in water. This is a heat-resistant material that is produced in the form of sheets. In water, asbestos sags like cardboard, and is a soft mass that is well molded. After drying, the asbestos becomes quite hard and dense again. Asbestos can be reused. It is enough to soak the extracted pieces in water.

The heat exchanger is one of the main devices in the gas heating apparatus, which is responsible for heating the coolant. In a geyser, the heat exchanger has a solid surface through which heat is transferred to the coolant. Due to the influence of various external factors, fistulas and ruptures may appear in the walls of the coolant, and the gas column may begin to flow. You can fix the problem yourself. How - read below.

A geyser is an affordable and reliable water heating equipment. But, due to poor-quality water and gas, the life of the gas column can be reduced significantly. In order not to change equipment every few years, you should understand how to repair it. So, most often, leaks of columns and insufficient heating of the coolant are associated with malfunctions of the heat exchanger. Troubleshooting can usually be done in two ways: cleaning or soldering the heat exchanger.

At the same time, in order to avoid situations dangerous to health and life, repair work should be carried out:

  • After stopping the supply of water (or other coolant) and gas;
  • On an empty apparatus (you must first drain the water from the gas column or remove any other coolant);
  • In protective gloves, glasses, clothes (if we are talking about soldering).

If for execution repair work you decide to call a specialist, choose only certified masters with good reviews. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to independently understand the device of the gas column and how to repair equipment. After all, you may come across an unscrupulous worker who, seeing your incompetence, will “find” non-existent malfunctions for maximum financial benefit.

Soldering the gas column heat exchanger

Soldering of the gas equipment heat exchange device is performed when the element is depressurized. Most often, the appearance of fistulas in copper heat exchangers is associated with poor-quality, hard water. So, in most cities, today, water is disinfected with chlorine. When heated, the chlorine in the water reacts with copper (the heat exchanger material), forming copper chloride. As a result, the walls and tubes of the heat exchanger begin to collapse from the inside. Frozen water in the system, the presence of stray currents can also lead to the rupture of the walls of the heat exchanger.

There are three ways to solder the heat exchanger:

  • using a soldering iron with a power of at least 100 watts;
  • using a burner with a gas cylinder;
  • cold welding.

Before applying solder, you should clean the surface of the radiator. It is necessary to process not only gaping fistulas, but also greenish spots on the surface of the heat exchanger, which signal thinning of the metal.

In order for the solder to spread well over the metal, it is better to use a copper flux paste for soldering.

You can replace it with more affordable rosin. On average, good soldering lasts six months. Grounding the dispenser can reduce the likelihood of new leaks. You can extend the life of the heat exchanger by installing a filter at the system inlet that purifies and softens the water.

How to remove the heat exchanger from the geyser

In some cases, for example, when a fistula or rupture is located on the wall of the heat exchanger, which is adjacent to the base of the gas equipment, the radiator must be removed for repair. In addition, the dismantling of the heat exchanger may be necessary if you decide to clean it.

To remove the heat exchanger from gas water heater necessary:

  1. Turn off the water and gas supply to the gas water heater;
  2. Remove the switch handle and casing from the device by unscrewing the connecting screws with a Phillips screwdriver;
  3. Disconnect the chimney;
  4. Remove the overheating sensor from the upper metal element of the column;
  5. Drill out the rivets holding the top metal element from dismantling;
  6. Remove the top metal structure upward movement of the hand;
  7. Using a wrench, unscrew the nuts from the pipes to which the heat exchanger is attached;
  8. Remove the heat exchanger towards the top.

If, after dismantling the device, you find that it cannot be repaired (for example, the heat exchanger burned out), then it will have to be replaced with a new one. At the same time, the issue of choice should be approached carefully. Often, heat exchangers in stores are recycled: after replacing the elements under warranty, the manufacturer repairs the failed heat exchange device and sends it for sale. Pay attention to the weight of the heat exchanger: sometimes, in order to reduce the cost of manufacturing a part, the manufacturer intentionally makes the walls of the element thinner. This significantly affects the life of the heat exchanger. How much does it weigh quality device? On average, at least 3 kg.

How to clean a gas column radiator

Among the regular maintenance measures for gas water heating equipment, cleaning of the heat exchanger occupies an important place. Cleaning should be done at least once a year. If your area has hard water with various impurities, then you can hold the event more often. In addition, cleaning is the first thing to do if the column has become worse at heating water for no apparent reason.

The best substance for cleaning the heat exchanger at home is citric acid.

Citric acid is available to everyone, effective and absolutely safe for metal. At the same time, the product does not emit carcinogenic substances and an unpleasant odor.

In order to clean the radiator with a “lemon” you need to:

  1. Dissolve 100 grams of the substance in a liter of warm water;
  2. Pour the resulting solution into the heat exchanger;
  3. Lower the part into a container with a solution;
  4. Wait 15-20 minutes;
  5. Rinse the radiator with running water;
  6. Wait for the part to dry.

You can use vinegar essence to clean the radiator. In this case, the cleaning algorithm should be left unchanged. You can rid the radiator of scale with the help of special means(for example, antiscale SK-110A).

How does a gas column heat exchanger work (video)

The most efficient, affordable and economical domestic water heater today is a gas water heater. The equipment consists of a heat exchanger, an igniter and a main burner. The copper heat exchanger is most susceptible to wear: under the influence of hard water, the tubes of the element are clogged, and its walls are corroded. But, do not be upset: equipment repair can be done by yourself. And the above instructions and recommendations will help you with this!