Recipe for making birch sap for the winter. How to close birch sap for the winter

Birch juice- undoubtedly a valuable liquid useful for our entire body. It contains many vitamins, useful substances. In addition, this product has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste. In order to always have a delicious drink in the house, you need to know how to prepare birch sap for the future for the whole year.

It's nice to drink freshly picked cool juice in spring! And the preparation will help preserve this taste until the next season of collecting magical liquid.

When and how to extract birch sap

During the period of snow melting, when young leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees, the time begins, which is called the “weeping of birches”. This season usually falls in mid-March-April. It was then that you need to go to collect a valuable liquid with a sweet taste.

Birch sap should be collected only in clean forests, far from roads and cities, otherwise the liquid may not be beneficial, but harmful to health.

Collecting birch sap is a seemingly simple matter, but it has several rules:

  1. Birch should not be young and not old.
  2. From one tree you can collect no more than 1 liter of juice in 2-3 days.
  3. The incision is made small so as not to harm the birch.
  4. After the procedure, it is necessary to seal the cut with plasticine, wax, garden pitch.

In order to collect the juice, you need to make a small cut in the bark of a tree (at a distance of 25-30 cm from the ground) and clear it. Insert a groove made of metal or plastic into the hole, through which liquid will flow. From below, install a jar, a plastic or glass bottle, in general, any convenient container. It is important to closely monitor the flowing juice, and after filling the jar, close up the cut in the trunk with wax, garden pitch.

It is worth noting that in sunny weather the birch “weeps” faster than in cloudy weather.

Beneficial features

Birch sap, and especially collected in places remote from people and roads, has many useful properties. Doctors recommend in the spring to consume at least one glass of valuable liquid per day. It helps to cope with spring weakness, depression, absent-mindedness and fatigue.

"Tears of a birch" can also boast of the ability to cure diseases of the stomach and liver, relieve headaches and charitably influence the state of the body as a whole. In addition, cosmetologists assure that washing with birch sap has a positive effect on appearance skin, fights pigment spots and acne. To do this, you need not only to use the elixir, but also to wash yourself with it.

Preparation of birch sap

Making birch sap at home is simple and even interesting. Most often, the magical sweet liquid is canned, but many also freeze "tears of a birch." Thanks to the second method of storing birch sap, it does not lose its useful properties, as happens during heat treatment, however, we will consider both methods of harvesting.


The first recipe for making birch sap is based on heat treatment. Unfortunately, with this method of preparing a tasty liquid, all vitamins and nutrients are lost, but the drink continues to be tasty.

To prepare birch sap at home, we need:

  • 7 liters of birch sap;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 orange;
  • a sprig of dry mint (added to taste, however, with this ingredient, the drink will acquire a more interesting flavor as a result);
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar.

Pour juice into a large saucepan, add sugar. We put the drink on medium heat. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, we collect all the foam from the juice with a spoon and remove it. If this is not done, a precipitate will form in a rolled up jar with a delicious drink. After boiling, add half a lemon, half an orange (lemon and orange are better cut into circles) and a dry sprig, then reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for 10-12 minutes.

Before preparing the treasured juice, it is worth sterilizing the jars. It is important to do this especially carefully so that the drink does not deteriorate. Rinse the jar with a clean sponge hot water with soda, then sterilize glass containers in any way convenient for you. Bottles, if you decide to store birch sap in them, just rinse with hot water and soda.

As soon as the appointed time has come, the “tears of a birch” have prepared, we carefully filter them.

At the bottom of the prepared jars, lay out the remaining half of the lemon and orange (cut them into circles). Pour the birch sap prepared at home into the container, roll it up with a metal lid and put it upside down in a cold place.

If you store juice in bottles, then you can prepare a lemon and an orange for subsequent placement on the bottom of the dish in cubes, chopsticks, or any other medium-sized cut.


Another way to prepare and store birch sap is freezing. It is simple and practical. Thus, the drink will not lose valuable substances and vitamins useful for the body.

For this method, you only need pure birch sap and bags or plastic bottles.

Fresh birch sap is poured into bottles and tightly corked, placed in the freezer.

If you use bags, they must be clean, new. It is better to pour the liquid into them in small portions, 2 cups of the drink in a bag. Be sure to release all the air, close the bag tightly and send it to the freezer.

"How to make birch sap at home?" This question has been relevant at all times. There are now a huge number of ways and recipes for creating a delicious drink, and all of them are unique and interesting in their own way. Of course, it would be great to try birch sap in all versions, but you should start with a simple and at the same time delicious recipe.

It is useful and pleasant to use, because the drink is not only rich in substances valuable for health, but also has a thirst-quenching effect and excellent taste.

Making lemonade from birch sap - video

A wonderful time has come - the collection of birch sap. You can talk about its benefits endlessly. That is why I recommend that you do not miss the opportunity and drink it as much as possible, especially fresh. But what if there is a lot of it? And there are actually a lot of options, I think that each of you will be able to choose a recipe to your taste.
Kvass from birch sap
The above recipe is designed for 5 liters of birch sap. We dilute 25 grams of yeast in a small amount of juice, pour it into the main volume of juice. Squeeze juice from 1 lemon, 20-30 gr. honey and some sugar. We combine all components with juice and mix. Pour the juice into bottles, in each of which you need to put a couple of pieces of raisins. We close the containers tightly and send them to a cool dark place.
You can drink kvass from birch sap already on the 4th day, and it is stored for 3-4 months.
Preservation of birch sap
Birch sap with lemon and orange.
The simplest canned juice recipe that I have been using for several years. The essence is very simple: we sterilize the required number of jars and lids. We put birch sap on medium gas, bring to a boil, remove the foam and add sugar. I throw sugar on my eye, as someone likes it sweeter, and someone does not. But for 5 liters you need an average of 1 glass of sugar. We cut the lemon and orange into slices, do not remove the skin, pour over with boiling water and put in jars. In a 3 liter jar, I put 2 circles of lemon and 3 circles of orange. We pour the juice into jars, twist the lids and turn them over, put the jars in a warm place, wrapped in a blanket. The next day, you can send canned juice to the cellar or to another place, but always dark and cool.

Birch sap with dried fruits or rose hips:
This recipe can be slightly modified depending on your personal wishes. Personally, I roll up birch sap with rose hips for myself, but for my daughter I make it according to the same recipe with dried fruits.
Calculation of ingredients for 3 liters: an incomplete glass of sugar, a handful of rose hips or dried fruits.
We boil the juice, add sugar and washed rose hips, boil for 10 minutes, then pour into jars, sterilized in advance. We roll up the lids, turn the jars over and wrap them up.

Birch sap with lollipop

The recipe is designed for 3 liters of juice
Boil birch sap, add half a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid and candy - 2 pcs. Pour into jars, sterilize them, roll up and warm.

Wine from birch sap

The recipe is based on 5 liters. Boil the birch sap until it boils, add sugar, 300 grams. Put a couple of slices of lemon into the container in which the juice will be stored and pour 1 liter of table white grape wine, after which we pour hot birch sap there. When the liquid has cooled, add half a teaspoon of yeast (dry), mix. The wine should stand for 3 days, after which you can cork it and put it in a cold place for 2 weeks. After this time, birch sap wine will be ready.
I also want to deviate a little from the topic and tell you a few recipes for what can be made from birch leaves.

birch leaf recipes
Seasoning with birch leaves

We need birch leaves and nettles. We wash everything and dry it. When the leaves have dried, grind them together with one clove bud.
Proportion: 1 tsp birch, 1 clove bud, 1 tsp. nettles.
Seasoning is best stored in a dark place in a glass container.
Seasoning is suitable for fish and meat dishes.
birch leaf tea
Crushed dry birch leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours.
For 250 ml. boiling water you need 2 tsp. leaf.
Next, the drink is filtered, after which it is ready for use.
It is recommended to drink no more than one glass a day, warming up a little and adding honey.

In birch sap - the vital energy of a slender tree. It is saturated with microelements, vitamins, refreshes and has healing effect. How to roll up birch sap at home? The answer to this question is in different preservation recipes using lemon, orange and citric acid.

Fragrant, transparent juice is not just a delicious drink with an original taste, but a whole natural first-aid kit in one glass. As part of "birch tears" - phytoncides, organic acids, enzymes and almost all trace elements necessary for the human body.

Attention! To get rid of various diseases and strengthen the body, it is recommended to drink from 8 to 10 liters. birch sap per year.

The peculiarity of the juice is that it is structured and has so many unique properties that it is quite difficult to list everything. Suffice it to say that birch sap has a pronounced antitumor effect and antioxidant properties. In addition, it dissolves stones in bladder, in the kidneys, is used in the treatment of ulcers, bronchitis, tuberculosis. It has an anthelmintic, diuretic effect, strengthens the immune system and saves from beriberi. And even to get rid of wrinkles is used. In fact, this is a unique medicine.

When and where is birch sap harvested?

"Tears of a birch" are collected during the spring snowmelt, until the tree is decorated with young sticky leaves. In April, active sap flow begins at birch trees and they literally “cry”, releasing a clear liquid.

Birch sap is collected in spring

The collection period is short, only 15-20 days, and during this time experienced collectors extract enough juice for drinking and harvesting for future use.

By the way, purchased birch sap in a classic three-liter jar is just a semblance of a fresh healing liquid. If you are lucky and you ended up in Belarus or in middle lane Russia, then you can use this chance.

The process of extracting the "universal medicine"

Extraction of any value requires knowledge, skills and tools. Only adult birches with a trunk diameter of 20 cm or more are suitable for collecting liquid. In trunks of 20-25 cm, 1 hole is drilled, 25 - 35 cm - two.

For a day, an adult birch can give up to 6 liters. juice, but it is better to collect 2 liters. from every tree.

Attention! It has been scientifically proven that birch groves and forests correct collection juice is not harmful. On the contrary, during several years of intensive production, sap flow becomes more abundant.

Step-by-step guide to collecting healing fluid:

  1. First you need to remove a piece of bark at a height of 40 cm from the ground.
  2. Drill a hole up to 5 cm with a drill.
  3. Insert a gutter, any tube, a transparent medical dropper or gauze through which drops will flow.
  4. Place a collection container on the ground and lower the end of the tube or chute into it. Best conditions for a plentiful "harvest" - sunny weather and time from 12 to 18 pm.
  5. As practitioners say, there is no need to spend 24 hours a day at the device. It is enough to check it 1-2 p. in a day.
  6. After receiving 2 liters of the "universal medicine", the hole is filled with moss or a stick treated with natural remedy from pests.

Harvesting birch sap for the winter with citric acid

Usually, wood drink lovers consume part of the juice immediately after extraction, and some is left for canning. A greater percentage of the unique nutrients contained in "birch tears" can be preserved with proper processing.

Advice. The main thing is to prevent the drink from boiling, otherwise some of the healing properties will be lost.

To start work, you need to prepare glass jars, 5 liters. clear juice, 25 gr. citric acid, 630 gr. Sahara. When these ingredients are added, the juice with a mild taste acquires a bright sweetness and slight sourness.

Canning steps:

  1. Pour all the juice into a saucepan, and put on a quiet fire. As soon as foam appears, it must be removed. If bubbles appear, indicating the beginning of a boil, quickly turn off the heat.
  2. Put citric acid and sugar in the drink.
  3. Before pouring birch sap into sterile jars, it is filtered through a fine sieve or gauze.
  4. Roll up jars or bottles with lids, and, after cooling, take them to a cold place. Some advise to hold spins in hot water approximately 15 min. for additional sterilization.

Birch drink with lemon or orange

Birch sap with a delicate citrus aroma will appeal to even those who do not like clear drinking. Calculating the components of this recipe is very simple:

  • the total volume of 3 liter jars should be equal to the number of liters of juice;
  • each jar will take 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 slice of lemon or orange. What exactly to use depends on your taste. To begin with, you can close several blanks with lemon and part with orange.

Advice. An interesting variation of the recipe was offered by the inhabitants of the village bordering on the birch forest. Instead of fruits, they put sucking sweets in jars: barberry or duchesse.

Cooking steps:

  1. Bring the juice to a hint of a boil.
  2. Turn off quickly, pour into prepared containers.
  3. Drop the indicated amount of sugar and fruit into each jar.

Preserved birch sap with mint, tangerines and dried fruits

Transparent birch sap for a cook is like a blank sheet of drawing paper for an artist. Canning can be approached creatively, and enhance the taste of the drink with various additives:

  1. The collected and filtered juice is brought to a boil and turned off.
  2. A sprig of mint, a slice of peeled tangerine, a few slices of lemon are added to the fragrant liquid. Better - without zest, it will give a bitter aftertaste.
  3. Then put pre-washed dried fruits. For example, raisins or rose hips.
  4. Add citric acid to the pan in a ratio of ½ tsp. for 10 l. juice. Bring to a boil again and pour into prepared containers.

Exquisite drink. Juice plus currant cuttings

Admirers of colorless juice with a smooth, slightly sweet taste and pronounced aroma will like the infusion with currant cuttings. The principles of its preparation are the same as in the previous versions. Only the branches need to be washed in advance and cut so that they fit well in jars. Then spread them in sterile containers, and pour hot strained birch sap. Exquisite drink for the winter is ready!

Kvass infused with wood drink

One of the original recipes for preserving "birch tears" is the preparation of kvass.

To get a fermented drink, you need to heat the birch sap to 30 ° C. Add to the pan with liquid 15-20 gr. yeast and a few raisins. If you like citrus flavor, you can put lemon zest in your drink. The last stage of preparation is fermentation for 2 weeks.

Advice. The lid from birch kvass during fermentation must be periodically removed, releasing the formed gases.

As a result, the juice turns into a delicious carbonated drink with a pronounced taste. You can keep it all summer long.

IN Lately healing "birch tears" have practically disappeared from store shelves, and yet they have unique properties that cannot be replaced by anything else. Harvesting a wonderful drink for the future can save you from spring beriberi, help in the fight against ailments. And just to please with an unforgettable mild taste.

Harvesting and conservation of birch sap - video

Oksana Shavyrina 11/25/2017

There are few people who have not heard anything about the benefits of birch sap. The liquid secreted from broken birch trunks and branches contains valuable organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and useful microelements. It strengthens the body, helps fight diseases and improves metabolic processes. There are many ways to preserve it, for example, with lemon and orange.

Birch sap with lemon

Preservation of birch sap with lemon is incredibly popular. At the same time, mint is added to the processed product. It turns out a pleasant and tonic drink with sourness and minty aftertaste.

  1. For 7 liters of liquid, you will need 3 sprigs of mint, the juice of half a lemon and 10 tablespoons of sugar.
  2. Put the container with the contents on the stove and wait for the bubbles to appear. Reddish foam should be removed with a spoon.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterilized containers and roll up boiled lids.
  5. Cover with something warm, such as a blanket, and put it in a cool place the next day.

Birch sap with orange

Citrus flavor can bring not only lemon, but also orange to the drink. This sunny sweet fruit will give the juice a pleasant aroma, so hurry up to roll up birch nectar with orange and please yourself and your loved ones with a healthy drink.

  1. 3 liters of liquid will require 1/4 ripe orange, 1 tsp. citric acid and 150 gr. Sahara.
  2. Put the filtered juice on the stove, and at this time the oranges should be divided into 4 equal parts, not forgetting to wash before that.
  3. Place fruit, sugar and acid in each sterilized jar, pour boiled juice and roll up the heat-treated lids.

Birch sap with rose hips

By adding rose hips to birch sap, you can enhance its vitamin composition and healing properties. Such a product will powerful weapon against seasonal infections and will have a slight diuretic effect. And its sweet and sour taste will be appreciated by many.

  1. For 3 liters of filtered liquid, you will need 15-20 rose hips, 150-180 gr. sugar and 1 incomplete teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Put the container of juice on the stove and remove the foam as soon as it appears.
  3. During the appearance of bubbles, add 3 of the indicated ingredients and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. After pour into sterilized jars and roll up.
  5. Further steps are the same as in the previous recipe.

This is how you can roll up birch sap deliciously.

Birch sap without sugar

Preservation of such birch sap provides for plugging only the product itself without additives. After boiling it for 10 minutes, you can pour it into containers and roll up the lids. You can try to cork the juice according to all the proposed recipes and choose the one you like the most, but rolling birch sap without sugar is the easiest way. Good luck!

How to roll birch sap correctly - 4 recipes for blanks

Birch sap is delicious and incredibly healthy drink. In a cold place, it is stored for a long time, so you can preserve it for future use.

How to prepare birch sap for the winter

Many people love birch sap or apiary, but someone buys it ready-made, and someone has a tradition - in early spring engage in harvesting birch sap.

This is a rather peculiar drink, loved by many, a source of a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

But, unfortunately, it is available only for a month of the year. Therefore, if you want to diversify your diet at other times of the year, you can roll up birch sap for the winter according to several delicious recipes.

How to collect birch sap

Harvesting birch sap for the winter takes place in early spring. To collect juice, you should choose trees with a diameter of 20 centimeters.

You will need tools for collecting birch sap, namely a knife (for cutting a hole) and a stainless steel groove. After you have made an incision in the tree, insert a pre-prepared stainless steel groove into it.

The most intense juice flows until 6 pm. After you have collected all the juice, close up the hole carefully. If this is not done, bacteria will get under the bark of the tree and the tree will quickly begin to wither.

You can close up the hole with garden pitch, moss, plasticine, wax or something else. The main thing - in no case do not leave holes open.

You can collect more juice from birch stumps. There is an unlimited amount of it. As soon as leaves begin to appear on the birch, the movement of the juice stops.

Traditionally, the juice is drunk immediately after collection, until it has lost its freshness and maximum benefits.

Within 2-3 days, birch sap can be stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar, during which time it will not deteriorate. But then it will inevitably turn sour and ferment. But if the temperature is close to freezing, then the juice will stand for about a month.

However, people who have known from time immemorial about healing properties birch sap, learned to store it in winter. Many of the recipes for harvesting birch sap by canning are still used today.

How to preserve birch sap for the winter

A simple recipe for seaming birch sap

Rolling birch sap is not difficult, especially for those who are familiar with the basics of home canning and have some hands-on experience.

The easiest way is to pour raw materials into an enameled pan, heat to a temperature of 80-90 degrees and seal in jars. The container must be prepared in advance, cleanly washed and sterilized. Rolled cans of birch sap are covered with a dense cloth and left to cool completely.

This is how canned birch sap is obtained, natural, without additives. It is better to store it in a cool place.

How to close birch sap with sugar

This is the easiest way to save beneficial features birch sap for a long time. Clean jars are taken, the lids are sterilized for them, the juice itself is brought to a boil, 2 tablespoons are added. sugar per liter of juice and citric acid at the tip of a spoon (it can be replaced with half a peeled lemon), poured into jars that roll up with lids. You can not boil the juice, but warm it up a little, pour it into jars and put it in a deep saucepan to sterilize for 10 minutes. Citric acid is required in the recipe, as it is a natural preservative.

How to put birch sap on yeast

You can use another way to prepare birch sap: take 20 g of yeast for each liter of sap. Pour the juice into a saucepan, heat, dilute the yeast. Expose the juice for 4 days in a cold place. Then pour it into sterile jars, roll up.

The recipe for a drink with a richer taste, like in a store, is done a little differently. For a 3-liter jar of juice, you will need 0.5 cups of sugar and 1 tsp. citric acid. Preservation of birch sap with the addition of the listed ingredients is boiled and then rolled into sterilized jars. The resulting product is stored without problems in the conditions of the apartment.

Birch sap for the winter with orange conservation

  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of juice
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife
  • 3-4 cups of orange or lemon per 3-liter jar

How to roll up birch sap for the winter:

Cut a lemon or orange into thin slices, put in a container, pour birch sap, send citric acid and sugar there. Bring the juice to a boil, pour into clean jars.

Put a slice of lemon in each jar, roll up quickly. Leave to cool, then store.

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How to prepare birch sap for the winter in the form of syrup

Another way to preserve birch sap is to make syrup from it. This option is not very common in our latitudes; Americans most often cook it, along with maple.

The syrup is prepared by evaporation. To do this, you need dishes with a wide flat bottom - a saucepan or a basin. Birch sap is poured there and boiled over low heat. When the volume of liquid decreases three times, fresh juice is added. This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times. In the process, the foam is necessarily removed and removed.

Important: no sugar added! Ready syrup is filtered through double gauze, bottled. Birch sap can be stored in a cool place throughout the year.

Without sterilization and rolling for the winter, there is another simple way to harvest birch sap. Kvass is made from it, which is obtained by fermentation in bottles, in which 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter and a small handful of raisins. Juice ferments rather slowly, because such a drink is stored until mid-summer.

The second way. Strain fresh juice through gauze, then pour into pre-sterilized glass bottles close tightly with lids and refrigerate. Watch carefully that there was no mold, otherwise this juice will be unusable. After a couple of days, the juice will noticeably become cloudy and begin to ferment. Fermentation lasts no more than two weeks. As a result, you get a natural drink that tastes very similar to kvass. It should be put in a cold place. You can save no more than a year.

From harvesting birch sap in winter, you can also make kvass. To do this, add a little yeast (50 g per 10 liters of juice), sugar and raisins. Put all this in a warm place, and after the juice starts to foam and hiss, pour the resulting mixture into jars (plastic bottles are possible) and put in a dark, cold place (better cellar).

You can also diversify preparations with dried fruits. You can also use dry rose hips. For a 3-liter jar of birch sap, you will need a handful of dried fruits and ¾ cup of sugar. Everything is boiled together for 5-10 minutes and then rolled into prepared containers.

Another extraordinary version of a drink made from birch sap is obtained by adding ordinary candies to it. For example, barberry, duchesse, mint.

For 3 liters of juice you will need a couple of sweets (preferably one kind), ¾ cup of sugar, a little citric acid.

True fans of birch sap can try to make such a drink. For 5 liters of birch sap, you need to take 1 liter of port wine, 2 lemons and 1.6 kg of sugar.

We cut the washed lemons, together with the zest, into pieces. We remove the bones. Pour port wine, juice into a saucepan (barrel), add lemons and sugar. We close the dish with a lid and take it out to the cold.

After 2 months, we bottle the birch and cork them well. Harvesting birch sap and storage Those who do not make birch for the first time are advised to attach corks to bottles with wire so that they do not fly off. Bottles are stored lying down in the cold (in the cellar). You can drink birch tree four weeks after bottling.

If you like natural vinegar, you can try to make it from birch sap. It will take 2 liters of juice, 40 grams of honey and 100 grams of vodka.

We mix all the products in a saucepan or a barrel. We cover the container with gauze and put it in heat. After 2-3 months, the vinegar will be ready. It must be bottled and sent for storage in a cold place.

And the most useful way preservation of all the beneficial properties of birch sap until winter is freezing. The difficulty lies only in the fact that it is difficult to save large volumes of raw materials by this method. Otherwise, you can pour the juice and freeze it as in plastic bottles as well as in containers.

The taste qualities of the juice are preserved in full. It is advisable to freeze the juice immediately after collecting it, because the faster you prepare it, the more vitamins it retains. Sugar and citric acid are not needed in this case. At the lowest temperatures in freezer juice can be stored up to six months. Juice is not subject to repeated freezing, after defrosting it is necessary to use it immediately.

How to prepare birch sap for the winter at home

Many people love birch sap or apiary, but someone buys it ready-made, and someone has a tradition to harvest birch sap in early spring. This is a rather peculiar drink, loved by many, a source of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. But, unfortunately, it is available only for a month of the year.

Simple recipes for canning birch sap at home

Birch sap is a delicious, healthy drink. It contains many vitamins, organic acids, essential oils and micronutrients. All of these components are necessary for the human body. A fresh product is stored for a short time. However, if desired, you can preserve it for the winter. How to prepare birch sap at home?

Classic recipe

Home canning of birch sap is a simple process. The drink goes well with citric acid. This component gives the product a sweet and sour taste. For cooking you will need:

  1. 5 liters of birch sap.
  2. 630 g sugar.
  3. Not more than 25 g of citric acid.

Birch sap must be poured into a deep container and brought to a boil.

During the cooking process, an orange or yellowish foam may form on top. It needs to be removed. Otherwise, the foam will spoil the appearance of the finished product and affect the taste.

Attention! Do not boil the juice, as this will deprive it of useful substances.

Citric acid and granulated sugar should be added to the drink. These components must be completely dissolved. The finished product should be poured into already sterilized jars. You can put gauze on the neck of the container and pour the drink. This will filter the product and remove small particles of debris from it.

Filled containers must be hermetically sealed. Banks with birch sap should be turned over and carefully wrapped. In this position, they should stand for a while until they cool.

Healing product with lemon

You can preserve birch sap without citric acid: replace it with fresh fruit. Lemon will allow you to add a little sourness to the finished drink. For cooking you will need:

  1. 3 liters of birch nectar.
  2. Medium sized lemon.
  3. 3/4 cup sugar.

Birch sap should be poured into a refractory container and brought to a boil. While the liquid is heating, you can sterilize the jars in which the nectar will be stored. The product must not be boiled. Therefore, it must be heated, remove the foam, and then pour in the remaining components. The sugar in the pan should dissolve well. In conclusion, the composition must be filtered using cheesecloth and poured into containers. Banks should be hermetically sealed, turned over, carefully wrapped and left for a while.

Recipe with orange

For a change, you can preserve a drink with an orange. In winter, such a drink will give the body a lot of useful substances. For cooking you need:

  1. 5 liters of birch nectar.
  2. 25 g of citric acid.
  3. 3 medium sized oranges
  4. Granulated sugar.

The liquid must be poured into a deep container and placed on fire. While the drink is heating, it is worth preparing the jars. They must be washed well and sterilized for a couple or calcined in the oven. Wash the oranges and then cut into rings. It is not necessary to remove the peel. Put a few pieces of orange in the container.

When the birch sap is warm enough, foam will appear on its surface. It needs to be removed. Pour sugar into the composition to taste. When the component is completely dissolved, you need to add citric acid.

Ready nectar must be poured into jars, after filtering it. Containers should be hermetically rolled up, turned over and wrapped.

Recipe with blackcurrant branches

Currant allows you to give the drink an extraordinary pleasant taste. If desired, you can put branches of this plant with buds that have not yet blossomed.

For cooking you need:

Nectar must be poured into a saucepan and heated until foam forms. You can't boil the drink. The foam must be completely removed. Pour sugar and citric acid into the heated liquid. Put a sprig of blackcurrant into prepared glass containers. They should be pre-washed and rinsed with boiling water. Filter the composition, pour into jars, roll up, wrap and cool.

mint recipe

Spicy and refreshing drink will appeal to many. Harvesting birch sap with mint takes a little time. For cooking you need:

  1. 7 liters of birch sap.
  2. 10 st. l. granulated sugar.
  3. 50 to 70 g dried mint.
  4. 1/2 tsp citric acid.

Birch sap should be poured into a saucepan and placed on fire. While the drink is heating, prepare containers in which it will be stored all winter. Banks can be used glass or polyurethane. They need to be washed and sterilized. Do the same with lids.

It is necessary to remove the foam from the surface of the hot liquid and pour sugar and citric acid into it. When the components are dissolved, add a bunch of mint to the drink. The amount depends on personal preference. The more mint in the product, the more fragrant it turns out.

The container with the finished product must be removed from the fire. The drink should be infused for 10 minutes. Then it must be brought to a boil again and strained. Pour into prepared containers and seal tightly.

Extraordinary drink with caramel

This is another original recipe for making birch sap. Preserving a drink with caramel is very simple. For cooking you will need:

  1. 3 liters of birch sap.
  2. 3/4 st. granulated sugar.
  3. Several caramels. You can use mint, barberry or pear.
  4. 2/3 tsp citric acid.

The juice should be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Pour sugar, citric acid into the drink and lay out the candies. After that, birch sap should stand for a while. At the end, the drink should be brought to a boil, filtered and poured into jars, previously washed and sterilized.

The product must be sealed. Banks must be turned upside down, wrapped and left in this position until completely cooled.

Rosehip recipe

The taste of the drink depends on the additional components of the recipe. In birch sap, you can add not only fruits, but also rose hips, raisins and other dried fruits. For 3 liters of fresh product you need:

  1. 1 handful of rose hips.
  2. 3/4 st. granulated sugar.

The cooking process is similar to previous recipes. First you need to prepare the containers, and then the product itself. Add sugar and rose hips to the juice. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and, after filtering, pour into jars. Rolled containers must be turned upside down and wrapped.

It is worth noting that the product, which contains rose hips, is a good prophylactic. The drink can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Juice with barberry

Birch sap is combined with many fruits and berries. Barberry in this case is no exception. With it, the product turns out to be no less fragrant. For cooking you need:

  1. 3 liters of birch sap.
  2. 100 g of barberry berries.
  3. 1 st. granulated sugar.

First you need to prepare containers: wash and sterilize. In this case, it is better to use jars, the volume of which is 3 liters. Pour a glass of granulated sugar and 100 g of berries into each container. Pour birch sap into a saucepan and bring to a boil, but do not boil. After that, filter the product. It is best to use gauze.

Pour hot liquid into jars and close tightly. Dissolve sugar already in a rolled container. To do this, you can shake it a little or roll it on the floor.

In this way, birch sap can be preserved in combination with various fruits and berries. To do this, you can use kiwi, apples and pears of sour varieties, black currants, cherries. Each of the drinks has its own unique taste and aroma.

Birch sap is a unique product, the use of which has a positive effect on work immune system. It contains tannins that give antiseptic properties to the product. Glucose and fructose contained in nectar improve brain function. For this reason, experts recommend using it for those who experience severe mental stress. It should be noted that the composition does not cause allergic reactions, and has practically no contraindications.

Rolling (preservation) of birch sap at home: recipes for how to roll up with lemon and orange, with citric acid

Method for preserving birch sap at home. Recipe for rolling birch sap with lemon, orange, rose hips, lollipops, mint and barberry.

Birch sap recipes for the winter

Unfortunately miraculous, tasty and healthy juice birch is stored for a very short time. It can be kept in the refrigerator in a glass container for no more than 2 days. After that, he just starts to sour. Therefore, care must be taken to preserve and use birch sap as long as possible. The recipes below are also suitable for making drinks in summer heat to quench thirst, and for preservation for the winter at home.

They say that if a person drinks 10 liters of birch sap during the year, then he will have excellent health. Collect birch sap, make drinks from it according to our recipes, drink and be always healthy!

But before you cook, listen to some tips.

  1. At the initial stage, the juice must be filtered through several layers of gauze. Still, this is a drink from the forest, you never know what could get into it - a small insect, birch bud or a piece of old bark.
  2. Turn the jars rolled up with juice upside down so that the process of sealing the jar with a lid is better. After that, wrap them in a warm bedspread or blanket, as the cooling process should go very slowly.
  3. While the birch sap is heating on the stove, do not waste time, ignite the jars in the oven.
  4. If you do not have fresh mint sprigs, you can use dried spice or mint candies.

Birch sap with orange (photo above)

The result is a very tasty drink.

Exquisite taste combines primordially Russian birch sap and the aroma of an exotic fruit.

  • birch sap - 5 l;
  • oranges - 3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • citric acid - 20-25 g.

Pour the juice into a large bowl and put on fire.

Wash the orange and cut into slices. Arrange 4-5 orange slices at the bottom of the prepared jars. Banks are best used with a capacity of 1 liter and 1.5 liters.

During this time, the juice on the stove almost came to a boil, a foam appeared on it, remove it, add sugar, mix until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Now add citric acid.

Pour the resulting birch drink into jars and cork.

Recipe for birch sap with lemon

Such a drink will turn out with sweet and sour notes in taste.

  • birch sap - 6 l;
  • medium sized lemon - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups.

Pour the birch sap into a large saucepan and send to the fire.

Wash the lemons, cut into circles and arrange in prepared jars. One lemon is about 3 liters of juice. So see for yourself - if you pour juice in 3 liter cans then put one chopped lemon in it. In the case of using 1 liter jars, divide the lemon into three equal parts and arrange in three liter jars.

In the meantime, foam should appear on the juice, remove it. Reduce heat to low, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

Pour the juice into jars and roll up the lids.

Birch sap with currant cuttings

Birch sap will be even richer in vitamins if you manage to get young bright green currant cuttings. As a result, the drink is slightly sweet, and the taste is very mild.

  • birch sap - 4 l;
  • currant cuttings - 12 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - ¾ cup;
  • citric acid - 20-25 g.

Pour birch sap into a saucepan and heat on the stove.

Wash the currant cuttings thoroughly in cool water. If they big size then cut them in half.

Just before the juice boils, remove the foam from it, add sugar with citric acid, mix until the components are completely dissolved.

Pour juice and roll up.

Birch sap with mint

The juice prepared according to this recipe is distinguished by its special freshness and aroma of spices.

  • birch sap - 3.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • citric acid - ¼ teaspoon;
  • fresh mint - 2 sprigs.

Bring the juice to a boil in a saucepan on the stove. Collect foam, put sugar with citric acid.

Stir until sugar and citric acid are completely dissolved.

Now add sprigs of mint to the saucepan with the juice, with the heat turned off, let the juice brew for about 10 minutes. If you want a more intense mint flavor, you can add more sprigs.

After 10 minutes, bring the mint cocktail to a boil again, then immediately pour into jars and cork.

birch sap lemonade

Roast summer time lemonade from birch sap will refresh and quench your thirst, and it tastes very much like a soda from our distant childhood.

  • birch sap - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • lemon - 1-2 pieces.

Cut the lemon into slices and sprinkle with sugar. Let it stand for a while until the lemon juice appears.

Pour birch sap into a saucepan, put lemon and sugar in the same place, mix and bring to a boil over medium heat.

As soon as the liquid begins to boil, turn off the fire and let the drink infuse for about 3 hours.

Strain the lemonade and serve over ice cubes.

Birch sap with raisins for the winter

Another option for a drink made from birch sap, which will perfectly quench your thirst in a hot summer. It turns out very beautiful color, is very useful for those who are on diets, and also suffer from diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

  • birch sap - 5 l;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • dried fruits - 150 g;
  • young leaves of lemon balm and mint - to your liking.

Pour birch sap into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil.

As soon as it starts to boil, put mint leaves, dried fruits and raisins into the juice.

Culinary advice. Such a drink turns out to be especially tasty if you use a dried wild pear.

Bring the drink to a boil again, remove the foam and turn off the heat.

Let it brew and cool, then strain and store in a cool place.

Now you know how to prepare birch sap for the winter for the whole family. We hope that you liked our recipes and you will definitely use them.

Birch sap, recipes for the winter at home

Birch sap, prepared at home according to our recipes, will retain its beneficial properties for a long time, even if it is rolled up for the winter.

Birch sap is a source of vitamins and nutrients created by nature, which perfectly invigorates and replenishes vitamin deficiency, stimulates the immune system and improves metabolism. In addition, it is an excellent tonic, "cleaner" and "beauty elixir" that can be prepared for future use. And we will tell you some interesting ways to roll up birch sap at home.

Canned birch sap

Required Ingredients:

  • sugar - 70-100 g
  • birch sap - 1 l
  • citric acid - 3-6 g

Cooking method:

  1. in a saucepan, mix our healthy birch liquid, acid and sugar and bring the mixture to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved. At the same time, watch the boiling point - you do not need to boil the contents;
  2. filter the hot mixture through gauze, bottle and cork;
  3. for additional security, it is better to hold closed bottles of juice in water with a temperature of 90C for about 15 minutes.

Canned birch sap with lemon and orange

There are also very interesting recipe how to roll birch sap with the addition of citrus fruits and without the use of an artificial preservative citric acid. Fruits give this Slavic drink unusual tropical notes.

Required Ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • birch sap - 3 l
  • lemon - 1 slice
  • orange - 2 slices

Cooking method:

  1. put fruit slices and sugar in a jar prepared for canning;
  2. bring the birch drink to a boil and pour it into a jar;
  3. after which we roll up the container, wrap it up and leave it like that until the jar cools.

Canned birch sap with dried fruits

You can also diversify the taste and useful qualities of homemade preparations from the liquid contents of birch with the help of dried fruits. The latter can be replaced or mixed with rose hips.

Required Ingredients:

  • dried fruits - 1 handful
  • birch sap - 3 l
  • sugar - ¾ tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. we pour our dried fruits (rose hips) and sugar into a birch drink;
  2. bring the whole mixture to a boil, pour it into a pre-sterilized jar, roll it up;
  3. turn over the rolled up jar of juice and warm it.

If you are preparing a drink with rose hips, add hawthorn fruits to it - and you will have an excellent and tasty medicine for heart rhythm disorders.

Canned birch sap with lollipops

Another extraordinary recipe for how to roll up birch sap to get a refreshing drink with an interesting candy flavor.

Required Ingredients:

  • sugar - ¾ tbsp
  • birch sap - 3 l
  • sweets-lollipops (duchesse, mint or barberry) - 2 pcs
  • citric acid - 2/3 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. add sugar, citric acid and selected candies to the juice;
  2. bring everything to a boil, pour into a prepared jar and roll up.

    Bon Appetit!