Insulate a country house from the outside. How to insulate a country house for winter living

How to insulate a summer house for living in winter? The fact is that outdoor activities outside the city attract many gardeners not only in summer, but also in winter. Therefore, in order to be able to spend time in the garden with comfort with the onset of winter, the floor should be insulated, wooden walls and the attic of the house.

In this article we will tell you how to insulate a brick or timber garden house for living in winter on your own. At the end of this article see detailed video instructions on this topic.

How to insulate country house hic in the garden?

You should decide on thermal insulation materials before starting work. For foundations, basements and basements it is better to use extruded polystyrene foam, which is very durable and resistant to high humidity.

For residential premises, you should choose mineral wool or fiberglass as an environmentally friendly insulation.

Most practical materials for the thermal insulation of the summer house are basalt materials, slabs of expanded polystyrene or foam pleex. Expanded polystyrene should be used for self-insulation of foundations and blind areas.

Penoplex plates are a dense and durable material that is not afraid of high humidity, however, these materials can emit harmful substances.

Warming garden house for winter residence

When using mineral wool, high-quality vapor barrier is required from the side warm room.

Mineral insulation when laying should be tightly packed into the frame. It is believed that mineral wool is not eaten by rodents and is environmentally friendly for humans. In order for the thermal insulation layer to be optimal, you must first calculate the thickness of the wall insulation on a heat engineering calculator.

How to insulate a garden house with your own hands

Having followed all the tips from this article, even a small stove in the house will be enough for the whole family to live in winter time with comfort.

Approach responsibly to work in order to prevent the construction of cold bridges in the constructions. At the same time, do not forget to pay attention to the ventilation of residential premises, since insulation worsens the microclimate in the room, reducing the ability of structures to “breathe”.

External thermal insulation of structures shifts the dew point towards the street, reducing the risk of moisture on the walls in the room.

Insulation of the garden house from the outside

Wall decoration can be done according to the method " wet facade"or" insulation under the siding.

Insulation of a panel house for winter living: the choice of materials and technologies

In the first case, the insulation is attached to the facade with glue, a reinforcing mesh is glued on top of the insulation and facade plaster is applied. In the second case, the thermal insulation is fastened between the rails of the bars, then the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film and sheathed with siding.

Insulation of a garden house with foam plastic from the outside

Insulation of the garden house from the inside

In addition to insulating floors and walls, do not forget about protection against heat loss through doors and windows in a summer house.

Window openings, especially window slopes and window sills, require careful insulation. Well, if you have a small vestibule, then the cold will not penetrate into the house, but it is better to insulate the front door in the country house. To do this, you can use dermantin, synthetic winterizer and furniture nails.

Insulation of a garden house with mineral wool from the inside

Insulation of a garden house for living in winter

Floor insulation

To begin with, it is necessary to carry out the insulation of the basement with polystyrene foam and the floor on the first floor.

Most often, in summer cottages, the floor is made of wood, so we will consider this particular design. If you want to save money, you can use traditional materials - sawdust or expanded clay. If you take work more seriously, then floor insulation can be carried out with mineral wool on wooden logs.

Wall insulation

If the house in the garden is built of silicate brick or from a bar, then the insulation must be performed from the outside.

In this case, you will save space in the living room, protect the walls of the building from freezing and possible mold. It is best to insulate the facade with mineral wool, followed by finishing vinyl siding. How to choose mineral wool correctly read on our website here.

Insulation of the facade of the house without cold bridges

Attic insulation

Through the ceiling private house loses the most heat, since warm air always rises.

It is better to deal with warming from the side of a cold attic. On horizontal surfaces, you can use traditional and inexpensive bulk materials- sawdust mixed with earth or expanded clay. If used mineral wool, then a rolled vapor barrier is first laid on the surface.

Video. How to insulate a summer house for living in winter

How to properly insulate a garden house

Insulation of walls in the country is an urgent problem in modern world. She can save a lot the amount of money that goes to heating the cottage.

But this is possible only with high-quality insulation.

And for this you need to know some installation tricks, as well as be able to choose the right insulation material.

From the article you will learn how to choose a heater for the walls inside the house in the country.

How to choose the right heater

It is known that a large loss of heat from the house occurs through the walls.

In numerical terms, this is about 40% of the total heat lost. Therefore, it is very important to insulate this structure with high quality.

The amount of material you need to take depending on what parameters of the wall: height and width. You should also consider the thickness of the insulation used.

When choosing an insulating material, you need to look so that it satisfies the following qualities:

  • Environmental friendliness.

    It means that the insulation material should not harm human health and have toxic properties;

  • Safety (incombustibility). In other words, the ability to prevent fire;
  • Low thermal conductivity - an indicator of the ability to retain heat;
  • Durability. To make repairs and insulation work serve for a long time and keep the house warm;
  • Water and steam retention capacity, that is, the ability of the insulation to repel water and steam;
  • Profitability, that is, an acceptable price for consumers.

The most popular materials for wall insulation are polystyrene foam and mineral wool.

Each of them has its pros and cons.


This material is a sheet with a smooth surface. It has high strength ratings. At the same time, the foam is quite light, which means that installation can be easily carried out on your own, without additional help.

However, the foam has a significant drawback. Due to the fact that the insulation is represented by rectangular layers, seams are formed during installation.

Through them, heat can subsequently escape from the house.

In order to minimize these losses, the following measures were devised:

  • The sheets must be fitted as tightly as possible to each other, this should be given special attention. Therefore, during work, you can not rush;
  • If necessary, it is better to use special sealants;
  • In addition to using sealant, the seams are sealed from above.

Installation of foam sheets is carried out in a certain sequence.

Styrofoam sheets are glued onto the cleaned and pre-prepared surface, which are pre-coated with adhesive over the entire surface.

The resulting seams are sealed with sealant. If necessary, the seams are sealed over. Then you can start finishing work.

Mineral wool

The presented insulation, as a rule, is produced in the form of rolls and plates.

For insulation of small walls, it is better to use mineral wool in tiled form, since it does not have such properties as crushing and deformation.

How to save heat in a country house with the help of insulation

Since it is easier to work with it on a large scale.

The result is a perfectly flat surface on which it is easy to mount finishing material. The negative property of mineral wool is the ability to absorb moisture.

What to look for:

That is why it is impossible to produce insulation only with this material. It is best used in tandem with a vapor barrier film.

A vapor barrier layer is installed on the wall itself.

Then an insulating material is attached to it, in our case it is mineral wool.

It is attached to the vapor barrier with glue or self-tapping screws, or both. It is fixed with rails, on which the interior decoration of the room is attached.

polyurethane foam

V Lately polyurethane foam is gaining popularity. It is considered one of the most reliable heaters.

The presented material has positive properties:

  • Withstand mechanical stress;
  • Withstand thermal stress;
  • Fire resistant;
  • Durable;
  • There are no seams and joints that need to be sealed.

In other words, this insulation does not have the disadvantages that mineral wool and polystyrene have.

If you look from the side of the properties of this product, then we can say that it has no drawbacks.

The only difficulty you may encounter is the application of the material. Polyurethane foam consists of two components that form foam when mixed. It is applied using a special device.

The foam is sprayed directly onto the wall on which the frame is installed.

There is no need to use fasteners. Polyurethane foam quickly hardens and dries.

A nylon mesh can be installed on top, and any finishing work can be done on it.

Warming technology

Regardless of which type of insulation material you choose, they all have approximately the same insulation technology:

  • Preparation of the wall for construction work: cleaning from dirt, leveling with a primer;
  • We apply glue over the entire surface of the insulation material, glue it to the base;
  • Performs such a manipulation with each sheet;
  • After fixing with glue, the material can be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws or dowels.

    However, this is not necessary, it all depends on the desire;

  • If joints or seams were formed during installation, then they must be repaired;
  • We fix the material with the help of mesh and putty;
  • We carry out the finishing of thermal insulation;
  • At this stage, you can carry out finishing and decorative work. That is, work on the design of the wall itself from the inside.

Sometimes when installing insulation, special frames are used.

Then the fixation of the material occurs directly on it. Then it will be easy to fill drywall or plastic panels on top of this frame.

Wall insulation country house can cost a tidy sum, even if you use budget heaters like mineral wool.

However, no matter how big the costs they seem now, remember that it will definitely pay off.

In addition, it should be remembered that when conducting internal insulation of a house or cottage, it is better to combine it with external insulation. Only then will you get the highest quality insulation and the minimum amount of heat loss.

Many people prefer to spend time in the country, not only in summer, but also in winter.

And in order not to freeze, it is necessary to insulate the country house correctly and on time, and then the cold weather will only please and not cause trouble.

During the construction of a country house, the floor and walls are usually insulated, but the heat still does not hold and it becomes cold during the first frosts.

To make the room warm and cozy, it is necessary to insulate more windows, ceiling, attic and doors. Walls must be equipped outside and inside.

Usually, country houses have a frame made of beams sheathed with clapboard, and internal walls upholstered with plywood or chipboard.

Naturally, there is no thermal insulation in such a room, so it will be impossible to stay there in winter.

It is best to deal with warming in the warm season, when there is nowhere to rush, and then you can finish the cottage efficiently and reliably.

If you are engaged in thermal insulation in winter, then work on the insulation of the walls will have to be carried out inside. This method will only narrow the room.

How to insulate a cottage?

What insulation material to choose

There are many building materials with which you can warm the cottage with your own hands. The most practical and inexpensive are mineral wool, foam plastic or polystyrene.

The most popular insulation is mineral wool. It is an inorganic fiber composed of porphyrite.

  • The advantage of such insulation is durability, resistance to fires, protection from external sound.
  • Of the minuses - does not tolerate a humid environment. Therefore, it must be fixed with a film.

When choosing any insulation, you must pay attention to the following criteria:

- it should be of low thermal conductivity;

- resistance to moisture, if necessary, can be overlaid with a sealed film so that water does not get there;

- fire resistant, usually there is information about what temperature they can withstand;

- durable and strong;

- environmentally friendly and safe. It should be borne in mind that small children may be in the country house.

Insulation of the floor in the country

The floor covering must be warm. Even if the house will heat If the floor is not insulated, your feet will still freeze.

It is better to insulate a wooden floor with a log device and a heater that needs to be laid between the boards, and you can put plywood on top.

It is worth remembering that if mineral wool is chosen, then it must be protected from moisture on both sides. Roll insulation is laid tightly, it should be close to the logs.

Therefore, there is a little trick: the distance between the bars should be 1-1.5 cm less than the width of the insulation. If insulation is laid in the form of plates, then the cracks are treated mounting foam.

Warming of country windows

Plastic windows are the most convenient option for protecting your home from the cold. They keep the heat in the room well. But not everyone can afford them. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate the windows that are available.

Here are some tips:

- It is desirable that all windows have glass. V last resort, they can be hammered with boards or plywood. It is better not to save on windows, because the wind will blow into them.

- If there are cracks, then they are covered with putty, and a transparent tape is applied on top.

- The holes between the wall and the window frame are filled with mounting foam.

- And the gaps between the glass and the frame are sealed. Window joints are insulated with foam rubber. Top can be sealed with tape or special tape. There should be no gaps.

Openings from the outside between the wall and the window frame are treated with mounting foam. Cement plaster is applied on top. When it dries, you can paint it with paint to give it a beautiful look.

Insulation of doors in the country

Usually the doors are wooden or metal. If there are gaps, then they are sealed or covered up so that air does not penetrate. Warming is usually carried out in two ways: first, a sealant is fixed to the door frame, it can be made of any material intended for these purposes. Then inner part upholstered with foam. Plywood can be nailed on top of it. Here you can show your imagination and decorate according to your own taste.

Some summer residents install double doors, which is a great way to protect against frost. When insulating, it is also worth considering the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Ceiling insulation

In country houses, the ceiling can be overlaid with any material at hand. Expanded clay, max, sawdust are suitable. From modern means mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are more popular.

In terms of safety, mineral wool is considered the most effective.

The procedure goes like this:

- first, logs are made, a rolled vapor barrier film with an overlap is applied to them;

- then put the insulation in several layers;

- glue the vapor barrier;

- overlap the joints with any material (plywood, drywall).

It is not so difficult to insulate the ceiling on your own.

How to insulate a house in the country from the outside

To save space, you can insulate a country house from the outside. Often this is done if the house is built of bricks. For beauty, they make cladding with siding on the outside. You can choose any insulation from fiberglass, polystyrene foam.

How to fix the thermal insulation on the wall:

  • Clean the wall from dirt and dust;
  • Fix waterproofing;
  • Fix the frame to put the insulation;
  • Lay thermal insulation
  • Sheathed with material.

In some cases, you can make thermal insulation indoors. And if time and finances do not allow, then at least in one room. The main thing is to sheathe outer wall, windows, doors and ceiling.

Now you know how to insulate a summer house and do it yourself is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose the right material, follow the instructions and observe safety precautions.

If the thermal insulation in the house is in order, then after self-insulation you can safely be in the country in the winter.

In addition, this method is much more profitable and does not require large investments than to carry out overhaul. In such a house it will be pleasant to be with the whole family.

And you will learn about which heater is best to choose for a summer residence.

Cottage warming

The design of a country house is usually designed to stay in it during the warm season. The main task is protection from precipitation, wind and dust.

In the cold season, it becomes impossible to live in a country house, it is not able to sufficiently provide a comfortable temperature. You have to constantly heat the stove or boiler, keep the electric heaters on, which creates an increased consumption of energy, fuel and, accordingly, money.

Consider how to insulate a country house for winter living and solve the problem with your own hands.

Why insulate?

Insulation of a country house for year-round use automatically turns it into a full-fledged housing. Fashion on country houses appeared quite a long time ago, and warming the cottage allows you to acquire such a dwelling relatively inexpensively and easily. The possibility of year-round living outside the city limits, in the fresh air, is attractive to most owners of country houses.

In addition to considerations of economy, do-it-yourself warming of a country house has one more, more important reason. At permanent residence people, the house has its own atmosphere, saturated with water vapor. They appear due to cooking, using the bathroom, bathroom. But the main amount of steam comes from the breath of people. The steam that comes out of the mouth in the cold is released in the same way when breathing and in warm rooms, it is simply not visible. In the internal atmosphere of the house, steam is under some pressure, which is called partial pressure. Normally, this moisture is gradually pressed through the walls and brought out, evaporating from the outer surface of the walls.

If the design of the house is not designed for living in the winter, the wall surfaces are not able to retain heat. They are constantly cold, which causes the process of steam condensation on them. The walls get wet, soaked with water, freeze from the outside and begin to collapse. metal elements begin to rust, failing.

Warming the cottage for winter living, which consists of, and (if required), will help to avoid this.

Thermal insulation materials

To insulate a country house outside with your own hands, various materials can be used:

  • tough(slab). These include polystyrene, foam plastic, basalt mineral wool, etc.
  • rolled. In most cases this different kinds mineral wool, of which there are several dozen
  • sprayed. Polyurethane foam, ecowool
  • loose. Expanded clay, vermiculite, sawdust, expanded polystyrene granules, etc.

The main indicator characterizing the heat insulator - vapor permeability. Exists:

  • permeable materials- mineral wool, all loose types, ecowool, etc.
  • impenetrable views- foam plastic, foam plastic, polyurethane foam, penofol and other synthetic types of insulators

In addition, important indicators for heat insulators are:

  • thermal conductivity. The lower it is, the better material able to store thermal energy
  • burning ability. Most heat insulators either do not burn at all, or are subjected to appropriate procedures during manufacture. At the same time, the possibility of combustion may persist. For instance, styrofoam does not support combustion, since its granules are filled with carbon dioxide. At the same time, a puddle of molten polystyrene burns quite well
  • ability to hold shape and not change their linear dimensions over time. If the insulator changes size or shape after several years of operation, so-called. cold bridges, contributing to the wetting of walls and corrosion of metal parts
  • high temperature resistance
  • resistance to moisture, hygroscopicity. In this regard, mineral wool is noticeably behind, which needs to install protective films.
  • biological neutrality. The insulator must not rot, support the growth of mold or fungus, or encourage insect or rodent habitation.

The most common mineral wool and polystyrene. This is due to high working qualities, relatively low cost and availability. Recently, materials from foamed polyethylene have been actively developed, which are absolutely resistant to moisture and biological manifestations.

The choice is usually driven by price and general ideas user about a particular material, its qualities and properties. For those who want to insulate a country house for winter living price matters a lot, which often predetermines the choice of material to the detriment of the quality of work. When determining how and with what material to insulate a country house, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the operation of a particular insulator and have an idea of ​​​​the physical processes occurring in the structures of the house.

How best to insulate

There are two ways:

External insulation is considered the most effective and preferred option. It consists in installing a heat insulator on the outside of the walls and has a lot of advantages:

  • the inner surface of the walls is kept intact, which allows you to finish it in any way, install hanging furniture or household appliances
  • all are saved conditions for the unhindered removal of water vapor ensures the durability and safety of wall materials and structures
  • walls are included in the thermal circuit buildings, which contributes to more efficient operation

To disadvantages external insulation include:

  • work cannot be done in the cold in the rain or at night
  • not all types of insulation are suitable for outdoor installation

Insulation from the inside consists in installing heat insulators with inside. The room becomes, as it were, enclosed in a cocoon of insulating material, installed on all external walls. The disadvantages of this method are:

  • complicate or not at all stops steam escaping through walls
  • the surface of the walls is covered with a heater that needs installation of a protective cover or another layer
  • wall mounting attachments are excluded
  • the volume of the rooms is decreasing
  • exterior walls are excluded from the thermal circuit, remaining only mechanical barriers

The advantages include:

  • opportunity work at any time or in any weather
  • free access to any surface

The main difference between these methods is the steam output mode. With external insulation, it passes through the wall, enters the insulation, from where it is removed to the outside. A vapor-permeable insulator must be used, most good option which is the mineral wool. With internal insulation, steam output becomes almost impossible. If an impermeable insulator is used, a cutoff occurs. If mineral wool is installed, then the steam, passing through it, is in front of the wall. Its permeability is lower than that of an insulator, so steam accumulates in the thickness of the insulation, the material gets wet and loses its working qualities.

Vapor permeability rule

There is a rule that the vapor permeability of materials should increase in the direction from the inside to the outside. According to him, installing an impenetrable insulator on the outside will "lock" the steam inside the wall, causing it to get wet and begin to collapse.

At the same time, the installation of a permeable material on the inside will allow the steam to be absorbed by the insulator, but will prevent passage through the wall. Guided by this rule, you can avoid common mistakes when choosing and installing heat insulators.

Choosing an installation method definitely prefer the outdoor option. However, sometimes it is necessary to choose internal insulation if there is no possibility or access to the surface of the walls. For example, you must not violate the architecture of the house, or the walls are too close to a neighboring building, etc. Choosing internal insulation should immediately take care of creating a quality ventilation system . Exhausting the internal air will allow steam to be removed, which will eliminate the problem of excessive air humidity.

Warming technology

Installation Methods different materials have their own characteristics, but the general procedure remains unchanged. In addition to vapor permeability, it is necessary to take into account the material of walls and ceilings in order to select the most suitable heat insulator. In addition, the insulation of the walls of a country house will not be able to completely solve the problem.

You will also need to insulate the floor in the country house from below or above, as well as insulation of the ceiling and, if necessary, the roof. Usually, the installation of an insulator on the roof is carried out in order to make the attic a full-fledged living space.

All work is carried out after appropriate preparation, which consists in removing hinged elements, brackets and other foreign parts from the surfaces. Contaminants are cleaned, crumbling or exfoliated areas are completely removed. The old coating or paint layer is removed, if possible.

Slots or cracks are sealed with putty or solid plaster. After that, the surface is covered with a double layer of deep penetration primer, after which you can proceed to the direct installation of the insulation.

Ground floor insulation

Do-it-yourself floor insulation in a country house is made in accordance with the material or design of the floor slab. Country houses are usually built with floors laid at a low height above ground level or, as they say, on the ground. Proximity to the soil creates high humidity at the lower level of the house, the floor surface is constantly cold, which contributes to moisture condensation.

When insulating the floor in the country with your own hands on the ground, you must sequentially perform the following steps:

  • remove boardwalk and logs
  • level the main soil, compact it
  • pour a layer of sand about 20 cm (thickness depends on the level of the floor, existing or desired)
  • pour a layer of rubble, compact it well, pour 305 cm of sand and also compact it tightly
  • lay geotextile, on top of it a layer of vapor barrier film
  • lay a layer of insulation. Optimally - extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex), but also a good option - floor insulation in the country with expanded clay. It is poured in a layer of 20 cm
  • pour a layer of screed with a thickness of 5 cm or more, depending on the desired floor level

After drying, the screeds are laid either flooring or install underfloor heating.

Ceiling over the basement and attic

Insulation of the floor in a country house, located above an unheated basement, is best done from below, from the side of the underground.

A layer of vapor-permeable insulation (mineral wool) is installed on the surface of the prepared floor slab. Insofar as the insulator must be protected from moisture, you will first need to install a crate with a thickness of bars not less than the thickness of the heat insulator. The step of the crate (the distance between adjacent slats) corresponds to the width of the insulation.

Gaps are filled tightly with insulator, all cracks are filled with mounting foam. Then a layer of steam is installed waterproofing membrane with access down (to the basement), after which you can proceed with the installation of the skin.

Insulation of the ceiling of a country house is best done from the outside, from the side of the attic.

The best way is to install a high crate, backfill the formed cells with expanded clay, laying boardwalk, allowing you to move freely around the attic. It's inexpensive and fast. Alternatively, you can lay a layer of mineral wool.

The use of polystyrene foam or foam plastic is allowed only if the attic is residential, heated. Otherwise, the overlap will get wet and rot.

Wall insulation

There are two ways to insulate the walls in the country house with your own hands - from the inside or outside. We have already considered the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, now we will determine the procedure.


Work on the insulation of the facade of the dacha from the outside begins with preparation - cleaning the walls of all foreign elements, removing the cladding or old coating, crumbling or exfoliated sections. Detected cracks or potholes should be puttyed or plastered, the surface is primed with a double layer of primer (deep penetration primer).


After that, you need to install the crate. First, extreme vertical strips are installed, aligned vertically and in distance from the wall surface. Then control cords are pulled between them, along which the remaining strips are installed with a step equal to the size of the insulation.

Insulation installation

Plates or cut pieces of insulation (mineral wool) are inserted between the laths of the crate. Installed on top of the insulator vapor barrier layer with the release of moisture to the outside (it is necessary to carefully monitor which side of the film is deployed).

Then horizontal strips for lining or are installed.

Internal option

Warming a country house from the inside with your own hands is somewhat easier. On the prepared surface of the outer wall heat insulator plates (polystyrene or foam plastic) are glued. As an adhesive composition, you can use a mixture for laying ceramic tiles. The insulator is glued and fixed additionally with special dowels with a wide plastic washer.

After installing the insulation, a reinforcing mesh is attached to its surface with brackets and a layer of plaster is applied.

mansard roof

If you need to create a full-fledged living space from the attic, you need to insulate the roof. The only one affordable option- . To do this, it is necessary to install a heat insulator on the lathing layer that carries the roofing.

A crate is installed, between the slats of which heat insulator mats are inserted. It is recommended to use impervious types of material. All cracks are filled with mounting foam. After installing the insulator on the ribs of the crate, sheathing is installed from lining, OSB, chipboard or plywood. The choice depends on the type interior decoration attic, because sheet materials allow you to perform more finishing options than lining.

A country house is a building that is initially calculated only for summer operation, therefore, during its construction, insufficient attention is paid to thermal insulation measures. If it is necessary to use it in the cold period, the question arises of how to insulate a country house intended for winter living.

Why insulate

Warming the cottage will save on heating in winter

Modern systems heating systems are able to create the desired temperature in the room, so why is it necessary to carry out additional measures. Warming country house will allow the owner to solve the following problems:

  • high heating costs;
  • the appearance of condensation on the walls and ceiling;
  • violation of the operation mode of structures and their destruction.

If during the cold season there is a positive temperature inside the house, but its enclosing structures are not insulated enough, this will lead to many problems, which are easier to prevent than to fix with your own hands.

Thermal insulation materials

The building materials market offers a huge range of types and manufacturers of thermal insulation materials. It is easy to get lost in this variety. The choice depends on the location of the thermal insulation and the wishes of the owner of the house. The main heat insulators include:

  1. Mineral wool. It is produced in the form of mats (rolls) and rigid plates. The first option is suitable for walls and floors along the logs, the second for walls, floors, roofs. The advantages include incombustibility, high efficiency, durability, resistance to decay and mold. The disadvantage is the ability to absorb moisture. It is important to remember that when working with this material, you need to use masks, gloves and overalls. Neglect of safety measures will lead to the ingress of cotton particles on the skin and lungs, and eventually to irritation and allergic reactions.
  2. Styrofoam. The material is made from polystyrene. It is a plate of small balls filled with air. The indisputable advantage was the low cost of the material and availability. There are quite a few shortcomings. These include combustibility, inability to pass air (the house will need additional ventilation), low strength and instability to the simultaneous effects of moisture and low temperatures. Suitable for do-it-yourself insulation of walls (it is recommended not to use it from the outside), floors (better for insulation from below), attic roofs.
  3. Extruded polystyrene foam (foam). The material is similar to foam, but is an improved version of it. It belongs to low-combustibility, has increased strength and moisture resistance. The disadvantages include air tightness. Suitable for insulating walls and floors (both interfloor ceilings and on the ground).
  4. Expanded clay. Inexpensive material. Compared to the previous three, it does not have high efficiency. Represents small granules of the baked clay, free-flowing. The disadvantages include high thermal conductivity and a large mass. Suitable for floor insulation (simultaneously levels the surface).

There are also a number of less common materials, these include:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • ecowool (insulation mats made of flax);
  • penoizol (foamed polymer resin);
  • isocom (foil material);
  • sawdust.

How best to insulate

After choosing a heat insulator, you need to decide on the method of insulation. Do-it-yourself warming at home for winter living can be carried out in two ways:

  • outside;
  • from within.

Insulation of a country house from the inside is relevant in the following cases:

  • work is carried out in winter, when it is not comfortable to perform operations on the street;
  • it is impossible to affect the facade of the building and violate its decoration;
  • wall insulation at a sufficiently high height.

It is important to remember that do-it-yourself insulation from the outside is more correct from a technical point of view.

Protecting the house from the cold air side helps prevent the effects of cold on the supporting structures and extend their service life.

Warming technology

It all depends on the location of the structure that needs to be protected. In the case of a country house for living in winter, the following elements need thermal insulation with their own hands:

  • floors on the ground;
  • floors of the first floor with a cold basement;
  • exterior walls;
  • attic floor when the attic is cold;
  • mansard roof.

Each of these cases must be considered separately.

Ground floor insulation

An event may be required if the building has a basement, which is planned to be used as a warm room and to conduct heating there. Two types of thermal insulation materials are suitable for this event:

  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • expanded clay gravel.

Scheme of thermal insulation of the floor on the ground with expanded clay

If expanded clay is used, then the work is performed in the following order:

  • compact the base soil by tamping;
  • perform backfilling of coarse or medium sand (thickness depends on the characteristics of the soil, is approximately 30 cm);
  • expanded clay is poured (thickness is about 30-50 cm, depending on the climatic area of ​​\u200b\u200bconstruction);
  • lay a layer of waterproofing;
  • pour concrete subfloor.

Styrofoam floor insulation scheme

If a decision is made to insulate with foam plastic, work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • compact the soil;
  • make a backfill of sand or gravel;
  • pour concrete;
  • lay waterproofing;
  • foam layer;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • pouring a rough concrete floor.

For floors on the ground, it will be more economical and easier to use expanded clay. It is important to choose the right thickness depending on the outside temperature during the cold period.

Ceiling over the basement and attic

Laying insulation from above can be done in two ways:

  • between lags;
  • under the screed

thermal insulation attic floor between the lags of the cold attic and between wooden beams attic floor

The choice depends on constructive solution overlapping and cake floor. Laying along the logs is suitable for houses with ceilings along the beams. In this case, almost any type of heat insulators can be used:

  • polystyrene and foam plastic;
  • mineral wool (slabs and mats);
  • expanded clay and sawdust;
  • polyurethane foam and penoizol;
  • ecowool.

Laying under the screed requires increased strength from the material. Here it is better to stop at:

  • mineral wool boards;
  • penoplex;
  • expanded clay.

The scheme of floor insulation under the screed

When installing along the logs, beams are first mounted under the flooring, then waterproofing is laid between them (in the case of attic insulation from the outside, vapor barrier). Next, thermal insulation is laid in the space.

If the insulation is laid under the screed, then the work is carried out in this way:

  • waterproofing is laid on a leveled and cleaned base (again, in the case of protecting the attic with your own hands from the outside - vapor barrier);
  • put a heater (for penoplex provide for the distance between the plates);
  • when warming from the outside, it is necessary to provide waterproofing, when warming from the inside - vapor barrier;
  • lay the reinforcing mesh;
  • pour the screed.

The second option for insulation is from the side of the ceiling. It is undesirable for the attic floor, since the thermal insulation is located on the side of warm air. For the basement, insulation from the outside is more than correct option but extremely labor intensive. To fix the heat insulator use wooden slats or adhesives.

Wall insulation

Carried out from the inside and outside. When fixing the heat insulator with your own hands from the side of the facade, the work is performed in the following order:

  • clean the wall from dust and dirt;
  • fix waterproofing;
  • mount a frame for insulation;
  • lay thermal insulation;
  • wind protection is fixed on the insulation layer;
  • do the outer lining.

It is important to remember that for materials such as mineral wool and ecowool, it is necessary to provide a ventilated layer on the outside between the heat insulator and the outer skin, 5-10 cm thick. The fastening of heat-insulating materials to the wall depends on the type chosen.

When installing thermal insulation from the inside, follow this order:

  • cleaning the surface from dust and dirt;
  • fixing waterproofing;
  • installation of a heater;
  • vapor barrier;
  • interior decoration.

mansard roof

The most common type of insulation is rigid mineral wool slabs. Work order:

  • installation of the truss system;
  • fixing waterproofing and wind protection;
  • installation of a counter-lattice (it is necessary to ensure a ventilation gap between the mineral wool and the roofing, gaps are provided for the free movement of air in the counter-lattice);
  • installation of the crate;
  • laying roofing material;
  • installation of heat insulator plates between the rafters;
  • vapor barrier;
  • bottom crate;
  • ceiling lining.

For the convenience of laying mineral wool, the pitch of the rafters is taken so that 58 or 118 cm remain in the light between them. After the thermal insulation of the roof, the insulation of the house is completed.

Dacha is a favorite place for out-of-town family leisure in the summer. With the onset of cold weather, the house becomes less attractive for long visits. This is due to the peculiarities of the design of country estates, especially the construction of the period of the late 80s of the last century and up to the early 2000s. Then the insulation of the country house was not among the priorities.

Video about the insulation of a country house

Fight for heat: basic rules

With a general improvement in the quality of life and the advent of new technologies, the situation has changed. The cottage easily turns into a house where you can create comfort at any time of the year. In addition, the use of special materials significantly reduces heat loss and contributes to significant energy savings.

The factor of increased consumption of fuel, gas or electricity often keeps you from spending time in the country after the start of the heating season. Few people want to heat the street and shiver from the cold in their own house, which does not want to warm up in any way.

When planning work on insulation, it is worth paying attention to several essential features to save time and money:

  • external insulation is more effective than internal insulation;
  • indoor work can lead to a reduction in usable area;
  • sealing windows, entrance doors, floors, cracks and cracks reduces heat loss;
  • an integrated approach will provide better results.

Thermal insulation of all structural elements buildings will improve performance. If, for example, the country house is insulated from the inside, but at the same time the cold is allowed to penetrate through the windows or the floor, the efforts will be in vain.

At the same time, excessive sealing can lead to poor ventilation and a decrease in the amount of oxygen. Therefore, the approach should be not only rational, but also competent.

One of the signs of poor insulation of country windows is frost on the inner surface of the glass.

It's important to know:
To insulate windows, it is enough to “plant” the glass on the sealant and press it tightly to the frame with glazing beads. Puttying cracks and painting windows will enhance the effect.

External insulation - an effective solution

How to insulate a country house, everyone decides independently, based on the available resources. Internal work traditionally costs less, but the loss of space is inevitable. This is important for a small house where every square centimeter counts.

But the correctly executed insulation of a country house from the outside is a guarantee of a successful solution difficult task. It should be noted that during such work it is not enough to install directly insulating material. Will have to resort to finishing work using certain technologies.

Most often, the following materials are used for external insulation:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool.

Mineral wool is an excellent insulation for wooden houses. After installation, it is advisable to sheathe the building with clapboard.

The crate is made in accordance with the width of the material. It is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the insulation

Work on the external thermal insulation of the house consists of several stages, which are important to follow:

  1. The device of a wooden or metal crate, the thickness of which should be 2-5 cm more than the thickness of the material.
  2. Insulation lining.
  3. Formation of a waterproofing layer - suitable roofing material or dense polyethylene.
  4. Creation of a ventilation system. The slat frame is attached to the crate and performs two functions at once: it leaves an “air cushion” between the waterproofing and the exterior finish; serves as a basis for fastening facade elements.
  5. Finishing and decorative work using the selected material.

This is one method of outdoor insulation that can be called classic. Overlay allowed thermal insulation material directly on the wall, on top it is covered with waterproofing, then - crate. It also serves as a frame for mounting siding or lining.

It's important to know:
A person begins to feel discomfort if the walls are more than 6 ° C colder than the air inside the room. The optimum temperature difference is 3 °C.

At the same time, there are more expensive insulation technologies: in particular, on a cross frame. In this case, the material is laid in two layers according to a special scheme.

The waterproofing layer is mounted without damage to the material and with a high degree of reliability - otherwise moisture will penetrate

The choice of method largely depends on the climatic features of the area. But in any case, the freezing of the heat-shielding layer should not be allowed. Such an unfavorable phenomenon is possible with the penetration of moisture into the material. Expanded polystyrene insulation and mineral wool have a porous structure and are exposed to water. Waterproofing and ventilation in the insulation system play a very important role. This must not be forgotten.

Work inside the house: a rational approach

Floors, windows, doors, ceilings and exposed walls are excellent conductors of cold air. Therefore, only outdoor work is not enough. The house should be like a box in which there is not a single crack. How to insulate a country house from the inside is a truly burning issue that requires an integrated approach.

First of all, you need to take care of the warm field. The order of work is as follows:

  • frame device directly on the floor screed;
  • filling the "cells" with insulation;
  • laying the floor.

It's important to know:
For floor insulation, manufacturers offer a wide range of materials: expanded polystyrene, expanded clay, mineral wool, fiberglass, etc.

Will help to resist the effects of frost sealing windows and doors. To do this, a thorough examination of frames, loot is carried out, and work is carried out to eliminate cracks and gaps as much as possible. Surface painting performs not only a decorative function - there is an additional tightening of cracks.

Insulation of entrance doors with the help of polystyrene is considered effective - the creation of a kind of "pie" stuffed with insulating material.

The insulation is laid directly on the floor screed. The technology provides for the creation of a frame for laying the surface

When designing the insulation of a country house, you should carefully consider the mandatory interior work including wall insulation. Technology is similar in many ways to order external insulation:

  • material laying;
  • vapor barrier device;
  • provision of ventilation;
  • Finishing work.

In this case, the usable area is lost, but the work is not as laborious and costly as with external insulation.

Insulation of the roof and attic - how to keep warm

A complete answer to the question of how to insulate a summer country house will not be given until the roof ceases to be a heat leakage channel. As you know, when heated, air rises. And it must not be allowed to volatilize freely. Especially if the roof is with a residential attic, and during the construction of the cottage, the features of the insulation of the room, which is most vulnerable to cold, were not taken into account.

Roof insulation is necessary in the presence of exploited attic space

If there are no attic spaces, in many cases it is enough to insulate the ceiling according to the same principle as insulating the walls from the inside. Thermal insulation of the roof, if necessary, is carried out in a similar way using traditional materials.

After completing the entire range of works, we can confidently say: the problem of how to insulate the cottage has been successfully solved.

It's important to know:
The performance of work on the insulation of the ceiling or roof is associated with increased danger. Required in without fail protect your eyes with special goggles from dust and particles of material.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the mass availability of building, finishing, insulating and other materials has created a deceptive illusion. For example, you can do the insulation of the cottage with your own hands. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the main technological stages and sequence of work. But this is far from true.

Even a small house is an engineering and architectural object. And when planning actions to improve performance characteristics without consulting an experienced specialist. A wrong decision made on your own can result in a lot of problems and significant financial losses. Professionals who have been working in the construction and repair services market for many years will provide the necessary consulting assistance and help in choosing the most suitable material.

Timely taking care of the insulation and heating of the country house, you can relax and work in the country in comfortable conditions at any time of the year

Equally important is the issue of recommended technologies. Warming a summer house is a rather complex multi-stage process. Even with a great desire to do everything yourself, there is not always time and opportunity to focus on labor-intensive construction work that requires a very careful approach. Therefore, the help of real masters of their craft will come in handy.