Black magic bassoon. Bassoon: human challenge, consequences and reviews

A challenge that has become a classic - Bassoon:

There are two options. Since Bassoon is a demon of the winds, it is recommended to read the challenge through an open window or in an open space in windy weather. But there is another option - to read, resting his hands on the door jambs.

As for the number of readings, there are also options here. You can read the plot below 3 times 7 days in a row, i.e., in total - 21 times in 7 days. Or read this plot only 7 times, but at least 2-3 days, i.e., not in one day.

» Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name)
fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter,
Feppe, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all Devils.
Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name) until
until he comes to fulfill all my desires and orders.
Go lightning, ash, storm, SANTAS, QUISOR, CARRACOS, ARNE.
Turn him around so that he can neither sleep nor stand still, he can't do anything,
neither to eat, nor to cross the river, nor to ride a horse, nor with a man, nor with a woman,
not to talk to the girl until he comes to fulfill all my desires and

QUISOR, CARRACOS, ARNE read S'antas, Ku'isor, Karr'akos, 'Arne

Feppe and Elera - accents - F´eppe, Elera
Redemption - after the last reading or after the person made contact.

Calling Bassoon has now become very popular. The fact is that this ritual can influence a person, but this is not a love spell at all. The energy of a person, of course, changes, but not in such a radical way as with a black love spell.

Let's start from the very beginning. The bassoon is the demon of the winds. It refers to otherworldly low-energy entities. It is he who helps to make a love spell on the wind. So the ritual of his call refers to black magic. This means that Fagot will take something valuable from you if you do not give him a ransom.

What is Fagot used for?

The bassoon is called in to make the person you are interested in come to you (call, send a letter, message, and so on). They also say: "to call a loved one." That is, the meaning of the ritual is to force (against your will) it to “light up” on your horizon.

This is done not only for the purpose of starting a romantic relationship. Bassoon works even better for creating business connections and contacts, for repaying a debt, etc. If you need to quickly borrow a certain amount, Fagot will bring you a person who has these funds and will gladly share with you. You just need to tell the Demon the name of your patron, and he will come to you.

Well, if you want to get attention from the person you like, then the conspiracy will work great here too. You will only have to keep the interest of the desired person after Fagot brings her to you. However, before using black magic, try a love spell so that the guy calls - it is safer, although a little less effective.

Description of the summoning ritual

Calling Fagot is not difficult. It is a demon of the winds, so windy weather is needed to summon it. It is very good to read the plot in an open space. For example, in the mountains. If you have such an opportunity, then climb to the top of the mountain, turn your face to the wind and read the plot seven times. If the wind is very strong, it will act almost instantly. In this case, the candle is not used. For urban residents, there is an option: go up to the roof of the building and read the plot there. There is no need to light a candle there either.

If such options do not suit you, then you can read the plot in the apartment. This will take more time and an amplifier. Such an amplifier is a wax candle. It must be purchased from the Church (others will not work). Please note that you will need a lot of time. You should not be interrupted or distracted. If the ritual is broken, then it will have to start from the beginning. So, light a candle, open the window (window) and, looking at the light, read the plot (seven times):

"Bassoon! I call, I conjure with my name (name)! Fly to (name of the victim)! Plunge right into his heart! Place passion in his body, so that I will take (a) power over him! Let his (her) heart and mind burn with desire! May all desires leave (name)! Only the desire to see (your name) will remain! There are no other intentions and desires in his thoughts! Be my way! Ambi kkaso umdt! Dole crane right now! Bassoon! Dukhan zhebe lyen! Topasi prices turi fak! Bassoon! Lead (name) to me. May he not rest until my desires are fulfilled! I conjure you! He will not be able to eat, drink, sleep, or rest (the name of the victim) until he comes to (his name), he will not cope with his (her) tasks! Bassoon! I conjure! I command all the winds!

You need to read without taking your eyes off the fire (therefore, the spell should be learned by heart). While the candle is burning, you need to look at the flame and imagine how the right person is exposed to Fagot. The ritual ends only when the candle itself goes out. In people with high energy, it begins to act from the first day. If you are not sure that you can overcome the resistance of the victim, then it is recommended to repeat the ritual for three days in a row. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to create a wind in the room. For example, you can turn on the fan. Just do not direct the air flow to the candle, otherwise it will go out.

If the candle itself went out during the reading of the plot, this is a sign. Fagot advises you to stop. He sees that contact with the desired person can bring you a lot of trouble.

On the consequences of contact with Fagot

Many are concerned about the question of what the consequences will be after the ritual. It is impossible to answer it unambiguously. But it is not so strong as to significantly damage both the one who will perform it and the victim. It’s just that the Demon needs to “pay” for the work correctly, then you will protect yourself from his black forces. Bassoon is strong, but not particularly vindictive. For an empty worry, he can punish, but if you give him enough, he will peacefully fulfill your desire and forget about your existence.

The ransom for Fagot is done after the seventh day of the call, before dawn on the eighth. A cup of vodka and an odd number of coins of the same denomination (a handful) should be taken to a pedestrian crossroads. Returning home, you can not talk to anyone. If the ransom is done correctly, there will be no consequences of the call.

Today there is a huge variety love spells actively used by women different countries peace. One of these is calling the bassoon. In this magical way, you can influence a person, but at the same time not harm him. Naturally, this ritual affects the consciousness of a person, but not as much as in the case of other black rites to attract the attention of a loved one, in which resa is often used.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the bassoon is the demon of all winds. This is an entity that carries little energy. It is this demon that helps to carry out all the rituals to the wind. Any ritual in which the bassoon is addressed is black magic. If this entity is not given a ransom in time, it will take someone very dear and close from you. As a rule, these are relatives or close friends.

A full-fledged bassoon challenge - how to make your loved one think about you?

It should be noted that calling the bassoon is not a love spell. The fact is that this magical intervention does not make a man fall in love with a woman. It only awakens a feeling of longing for you. Reviews about this rite are very different. For someone, the conspiracy helped, for someone it became completely ineffective. The purpose of such a ritual is to bring longing to the object of love spell. He will not subside until he is close to this person. In order for the ritual to be effective, it is worth preparing the following items:

  • church large wax candle;
  • photographs of the man or woman to whom the Magic power;
  • spell text on paper. It would be ideal if you knew him by heart.

You can do the ritual on any day, time of day and phase of the moon. Other similar love spells, unlike the bassoon, require special conditions. The most important thing is that in this or that room where the conspiracy will be read, there should be no one but you. It is important that no one knows that you have decided to carry out such a ceremony, otherwise the effect will be zero.

As soon as you are 100 percent sure that you are ready to read the magical conspiracy, you can begin the ritual. First you need to open the window wide. Such a simple procedure will help you attract your loved one as quickly as possible. After that, you should light a candle and put it in front of you. At this moment, you need to concentrate on the energy of the person for whom the ceremony is being performed. Near the candle, you need to install a photograph so that it can be clearly seen.

Looking at the photo, you need to imagine that this young man is with you now. As soon as you can feel it, you need to read the text of the conspiracy:

“Dear bassoon, burn the heart, soul, body, mind and consciousness (name) with fire, water, earth and other planets. Make profitable connections with other devils and become the owner of this person's thoughts until such time as he comes to me. Let him carry out all my orders and wishes. Make it so that he cannot live normally until he becomes my slave.

Important Aspects

If you have already performed such rituals and are convinced of their effectiveness, it is enough to say the prayer only 1 time. If for you such a magical intervention takes place for the first time, do not be lazy and say a conspiracy at least 3, maximum 7 times. In order for your rite to work on the charmed character, you must believe in it. If you are not convinced that the wind demon will quickly transfer your desires to a person, then the effect of this will be zero.

After what time the magical object will appear to you, depends directly on you. The stronger your energy, the faster your loved one will come. If you are weak in terms of energy, you should not be upset, you just need to wait a bit. After the plot is read, the bassoon should show you the image of your loved one in the flame of a candle.

You don't need to blow out the candle. You have to wait until it burns out completely. In order for the challenge to be as effective as possible, one should peer into the candle flame for as long as possible. Well, it is very important that no one enters your house until the candle is completely burned out. Even if someone came, it is strictly forbidden to let him in. Now you know how to properly hold the bassoon full call.

Calling the bassoon - how to properly pay off?

So that Fagot does not get angry with you, and you do not become a victim of the negative influence of this demon, you need to know how to pay him off correctly. There is a special procedure for this, which should be implemented strictly according to the instructions.

This entity does not accept the typical redemption process, which involves leaving gold-colored coins at the crossroads. In this case, on the seventh night after the magical rite, you should go to the intersection of 2 roads that are closest to your home. It is important that such a lane be more or less calm, especially at the time of the buyout. After arriving at such a place, you should install a full bottle or jar of water in the middle of the intersection of roads. It must be opened so that water is in contact with air. Near the bottle you need to put a good piece of yesterday's rye bread. After that, it is recommended to turn to the intersection with your face over your left shoulder and utter the text of the conspiracy:

"I pay in full for my service."

After all of the above is done, you need to turn away as quickly as possible and run towards your house. It is very important not to turn around. On the way home, you can not start a conversation with anyone until you are at home. If you violate the rules for paying off, it is likely that the bassoon will direct its negativity at you. Therefore, it is better to act strictly according to the instructions. To do such a ritual is necessary solely to appease the demon. This is not a challenge, but just retribution for your sin.

What is the best way to call a demon?

You can count at least several ways of inviting Fagot. In order for the ritual to be successful and correct, you need to open the maximum number of windows and doors in the house so that at least a small draft sweeps through the room. If you decide to conduct the call outdoors, not at home, you need to choose a place where there would be a strong wind. Usually these are open steppes and fields. In this case, you will be heard, and your request will come true. If the ritual will be held in an open area, then you should climb a hill closer to heaven.

It is in such a place that the rite will become the most effective and the result will not be long in coming. The difference between carrying out this ritual outdoors and at home is that it is not necessary to use a candle on the street, since it will go out anyway. Yet more often the ceremony is carried out at home. And the most effective challenge involves the acquisition of 7 candles. They need to be placed in 1 row. First, the most extreme candle on the left is set on fire. And only then, gradually, from left to right, the rest are set on fire in a chain. After that, you should bend over each candle and read a magical plot near each.

“Fagot, I call you. Fly to my beloved (name), but pierce his heart with an arrow of longing. Let all his desires disappear and only a craving to see me as soon as possible appear. Let him not imagine his life without me and visit me as soon as possible.

It is important to memorize the text so that you can peer into the candles. It is necessary to carry out the ritual over each candle in turn until they burn out completely. It is this bassoon call that is considered the most correct and effective.

Likely consequences of the conspiracy

Each strong magical ritual carries with it a number of consequences. Full Summon Wind Demon is no exception. But since such a ritual does not belong to the category of conspiracies, the consequences will also be different. A bassoon is a rather cruel demon that can bring a lot of trouble to a person. Nevertheless, if the procedure is carried out correctly, then most likely there will be no consequences.

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The victim of magical interference will feel the same as before. However, he will notice some changes in his feelings. He will sometimes be overcome by an incredible longing for you. Also, he may not understand what magical power prompted him to come to you.

Usually such a ritual is used to awaken certain feelings in a person. For example, very modest people will be able to overcome this feeling in themselves. That is why the only thing that can threaten the victim is a certain fear and misunderstanding of what could provoke him to carry out this or that action. Calling the bassoon is indeed a serious magical intervention, but still, if in no other way you achieve your goal, you can use it.

Call Fagot - a ritual to attract the right person. You quarreled with your soulmate, you haven’t seen your best friend for a long time, a malicious debtor has disappeared, you need to urgently negotiate with the result in your favor? Bassoon helps to connect with any person, even if he is far away. Contact the dark angel, receive a long-awaited call, SMS, meeting.

Legend of Fagot

Ancestors - the Slavs - addressed the demon. Fishermen, merchants asked for a fair wind when they went to sea, they conjured to carry away illnesses. Today, the call is used in practical situations: love, friendship, business contacts.

The legend says that Fagot is the child of an ordinary woman and a dark angel. The boy grew up to be a strong, powerful giant. The gods, frightened by his possible power, punished the future demon. Now Fagot's soul wanders, directing winds and storms to the earth. However, the demon inherited human kindness from his mother. This quality is at the heart of the desire to help people.

The demon has the power to force the right person to come to you, to make itself felt at all costs. The person will not rest until the meeting has taken place.

With the help of the wind, the bassoon arranges audiences, a conversation, but does not evoke deep sincere emotions in a person: love, passion, conscience. The object begins to obsessively think about you, seek communication on its own initiative. Even the humblest person takes a decisive step.

Fagot's task is to connect people. The result of contact with the attracted person depends on you. Order execution time from a couple of hours to several weeks. It depends on the energy, experience, faith of the caller, strict adherence to the rules of the ritual.

Responsibility to the Higher Powers

Before the ritual, read the precautions. The challenge does not bewitch, does not break the will of the object of influence. However, the ritual is not safe.

The wind demon doesn't like it when you:

  • call him again in case of an unsuccessful rite;
  • do not buy off;
  • perceive the rite as entertainment, an experiment;
  • do not believe in its power;
  • you order something for which you are not responsible.

Punishment options for a negligent magician:

  • loneliness, celibacy;
  • absence of children;
  • damaged relationships with loved ones;
  • poverty.

To prevent negative consequences, treat the Higher Forces with respect, follow the rules of the challenge, and pay off.

Quick call that works right away

The rite is universal. Suitable for man and woman.

Make magical preparations: buy 7 church candles, learn a spell, choose a time when you will be alone in the house, close front door lock, turn off your phone.

Implementation order:

  1. Create a draft: open the windows, the door to the room.
  2. Place the candles in one line.
  3. Light with your left hand, moving from the left to the right side.
  4. Say the full call over the candles in turn:

“Fagot, I call to you! I conjure in my name. Fly to (name person). Into his soul, pierce the mind! Let all aspirations (name a person) go! One strong desire to meet with (say your name) will remain! There is no place in his thoughts for other aspirations and desires! All thoughts are only about (say your name). May it be as I said (a)! Bassoon! Please bring (name a person) to me! Let him forget about peace, joy, until my order is fulfilled! I conjure you! He won’t eat or drink (name the person) until he appears before me, he won’t cope with the order! I conjure! I command the winds!

  1. Wait for the candles to burn out.
  2. Open the front door.
  3. Work completed.

Wait for the candles to burn out. The ritual cannot be interrupted. Call a girl or young man may have an immediate effect. Some practitioners answer the question of how quickly the conspiracy works, answer 2-3 hours. If the attracted object has a strong will, the result comes later. Experienced performers say that if during the performance there is a feeling of the presence of the Higher powers, you have been heard.

Study the behavior of candles. Fading during the ritual means that the demon of the wind and the Higher powers are not disposed to attract the desired person. Do not enter into conflict with them, stop the action.

How to call a loved one?

Make magical preparations: take a photo (image requirements - as in), 3 black candles, learn the full text of the spell, stay alone in the house, turn off the phone.

Implementation order:

  1. Arrange the candles in the form of a triangle.
  2. Open the window.
  3. Put a photo of the summoned object near the triangle of candles.
  4. Visualize as if he is already there.
  5. Say 7 repetitions:

“Fagot, I urge you, cloud the mind (name the person), I conjure with all my might. Please, Fagot, in the name of all the gods, demons, torment his heart, mind, burn his body (name the person). Do not give peace, joy, until it appears before me, it will not be subdued by my power. Let him not be able to sleep, eat, drink, think of anything else, neither with a woman nor with a man to speak, until he becomes completely my slave. As I said, so be it!”

  1. Upon completion of reading the spell, look at the photo. Visualize happy pictures from your future life together. Try to see the face of your loved one in the flame.
  2. Wait for the candles to burn out. It is forbidden to extinguish them yourself.
  3. Open the front door.
  4. Work completed.

Look forward to meeting your loved one soon. If you get lost when reading the plot, repeat the ceremony no earlier than after 24 hours. Do not talk about performing a magical act. Higher powers will stop helping.

Some practicing magicians read words on garments, a person's hair. The result appears quickly.

Visualization helps to more clearly present the end result and enhances the effect of the ritual. In the process of preparing and setting up for the ceremony, add practice.

Sit or lie down on the sofa. Turn off your phone temporarily so that nothing distracts you. Close your eyes, imagine how the right person comes to you, calls, writes a message. The picture must be detailed. Saturate the image with emotions of joy, revive it. Focus on the end result. Practice visualization for 5-10 minutes.

How to perform the ceremony on the street?

Magical work through the Bassoon in nature, in a windy place, has a more powerful force. Climb the hill, the mountain. The dark angel will hear you. Candles are not needed. The main requirement is a lot of wind. Clothing should be loose, fluttering from the breath. Call on the dark angel for 7 days in a row in your own words.

Option for romantic purposes. To give words a love spell, you can read the text 3 times at midnight at a crossroads. The phase of the moon doesn't matter. Before the performance, throw a couple of coins in front, under your feet. The effect is mini.

Redemption - gratitude to the Higher powers for help in a magical action. You have to pay for the fulfillment of a wish. Things, food, household items are used as a payoff. How to thank the wind demon for assistance.

On the seventh day after the ceremony, at night, before dawn on the eighth day:

  1. Exit to the desert crossroads.
  2. Leave an uncorked bottle of vodka, a loaf of rye flour bread.
  3. Stand with your back to the crossroads, say: "I pay for your service."
  4. Head towards the house without looking back, keeping silent.

The dark angel will be angry, if you do not pay off, look back, talk to the oncoming one.

Performers about the effectiveness of the rite

Those who did magical practice are sure that the result depends on the energy strength of the sorcerer. However, most note the effectiveness of calling a person through Fagot, regardless of work experience. A person gets in touch personally, writes on the social network immediately or within a week.

According to one version of the origin of the demon, Fagot is one of the fallen angels who, for their desire to become like the supreme gods, were cast down to earth in the mist. Some of them adapted to the conditions of the area where they fell. But some of the fallen angels did not want to adapt to the circumstances, and directed all their anger at people.

According to the second version. Bassoon is the child of a fallen angel and an earthly woman. As the child grew, he became a strong giant, and the gods, fearing his future power, punished him. His immortal soul began to wander, sending violent winds to the earth. Nevertheless, some qualities of a mother, a simple woman, from time to time take precedence over malice in him.

Bassoon in Slavic magic

Our ancestors turned to Fagot in two cases - when they needed wind and when they didn't need it. Fishermen or merchants "tied" a fair wind into knots with a whisper, i.e. tied knots on a rope, saying: “Severe bassoon, you command all the winds, help me, save the fair wind in my knots. At the right time, I will set him free for my happy share. May it be so". The merchants and fishermen took the charmed rope with them, in the absence of a fair wind they took it out, untied the knots. They did it with a whistle, because. it was believed that whistling contributes to the appearance of wind. A fair wind was not long in coming.

In the name of Fagot, people "thrown" diseases into the wind. In windy weather, they went out into an open place - a mountain, a hill, in a field - and shouted loudly: “Bassoon long beard, take away the pain and sickness of the servant of God (name), let them go through the wind-wind, along the long beard. Let the wind take the disease from the sick, from his bones and clear eyes, from all bodily parts. Let the winds carry away all ailments and pains beyond the distant forests, where they can rotate in the darkness and not return back. May it be so". After the ritual, they went home without talking to anyone.

Ritual to summon a person

Nowadays, Fagot is most often contacted to call a specific person - a boss, a neighbor, a debtor, a lover. This rite is not a love spell, nor is it aimed at the favor of the object. This is just an order for the called person to come or call, write a letter. In a word, somehow contacted the "customer". Sometimes this meeting (letter, message, call) is of decisive importance: the boss pays attention to a subordinate he had not noticed before, a guy or a girl reconsiders their attitude towards those to whom they were indifferent, the debtor suddenly appears on the horizon, potential partners begin to search with you connections.

The ceremony is held outdoors in the wind, either at home on the balcony in windy weather, or in a draft, standing on the threshold. In the presence of a strong wind, you just need to say a conspiracy once and calmly return home. If for some reason this is not possible, do this: buy 7 wax candles, put them on the window at home and light them. Speak the magic text 7 times (you must read it by heart, because throughout the rite it is necessary to look at the fire of candles without stopping). The text of the spell is:

"Bassoon! I call on the winds, I conjure with your name. Fly to (name of the callee), stick into his heart. Place passion in it so that I (name) gain power over it. Let his heart and mind burn with desire so that he remembers me right away. Let (the name of the callee) forget about everything, and only thoughts about me will remain in his head. From now on, there is no other desire in his heart, except to go to me! From now on, let him not eat or drink until Fagot fulfills your will and comes to me. In the name of all the winds and the power of Fagot, everything will be so.

Candles should burn out to the end. If during the ceremony at least one candle went out, reschedule the ritual for another day. Turning to the demon, you violate the peace of the dark forces, which means that you need to pay off. At dawn on the 8th day after the ceremony, take a glass of vodka and a handful of coins, go to the crossroads and throw out the liquid, scatter the money with the words: "Paid for everything."

Return home without speaking to anyone. If the redemption is carried out correctly, there will be no negative consequences of calling the bassoon, and the called one will remind of himself very, very soon. And maybe your life will change dramatically!

If you want to quickly call a person to you, they often make the so-called bassoon call.

The essence of the invocation

Calling the bassoon is the philistine popular name for a specific ritual, with the help of which the victim of the rite is called to himself with the help of the forces of the demon responsible for the air element - Fagot.

It should be noted that calling the bassoon does not apply to love rituals and is not able to bewitch a lover, husband or wife. This magic is used to create the preconditions for communication and forging new relationships.

Unlike magic love spells and conspiracies, calling a bassoon does not violate a person’s energy systems, affecting his mind and behavior.

In addition, it must be remembered that after turning to Fagot for help, his call leads to close contact with the customer on the part of the victim, but this should not be confused with the emergence of any feelings.

However, calling a bassoon can make it possible to use the established contacts with the victim for their own purposes. This is especially important in the business area when creating new business contacts and signing important contracts.

As a result of the ceremony, the person you are interested in gets in touch different ways: makes a phone call, sends a letter or message, shows up at your home.

Such communication through the forces of air helps to receive Money when you need to borrow. To do this, the demon Fagot, called to help, will lead you to the desired source. When you know the prospective lender, summoning the bassoon will work much more effectively by channeling its power directly.

Slightly less useful is calling the bassoon in the romantic realm, however, such a ritual will allow you to get the attention of your subject.

Rules for holding indoors

The bassoon is called at any time of the day, regardless of the lunar phase. One of the main conditions for fulfilling it correctly is the absence of other persons in the room who could interfere with you.

To make a bassoon call, you will need:

  • wax candle,
  • the image of the object you are interested in and its name,
  • conspiracy words that are written on a piece of paper, but for greater effectiveness of the ritual, the text is memorized.

It is important to remember that when using a church candle in a black magic ritual, it turns upside down.

Before the ritual, windows and doors are opened to achieve a draft, a candle is lit from matches, and an image with the object of the call is placed in front of you. Professional magicians concentrate on the energy field of the person they call upon, after which they read the words of the call.

Those with powerful energy potential and experienced in conducting such magical rituals can read conspiracy words once. Those who are engaged in such rituals for the first time are recommended to read the magic words of calling the bassoon at least 3-5-7 times.

After the spoken words of calling the object, you need to look at the flame of the candle and try to see the person you are interested in there until the wax candle burns out completely.

During the ritual, a burning candle sometimes goes out. This means that the demonic Bassoon is not ready to help you, seeing the subsequent troubles from communicating with the person you are interested in.

Reviews of those who applied for professional help they say that energetically strong performers begin to wait for the result from the invocation of the desired object from the very first day after the magical ritual. Those with no experience can repeat the ceremony for the next three days. This is also done in those cases when it is not possible to break the resistance of the object, and that person of interest to you does not make contact.

Outdoor call conditions

A bassoon call made outdoors is considered more effective than one made in a confined space. For the ritual, a place is chosen where the wind would freely walk, which is controlled by the Fagot assistant you call. The most important condition in this case is the presence of windy weather. The stronger the wind, the better the result.

The most favorable place for the implementation of the ritual of addressing Fagot in nature is where there is a hill. It could be a hill or a mountain. If you are calling the bassoon within the city, then the roof of the building is quite suitable for the ceremony.

When summoning an object through a ritual performed in the natural environment, candles are not used. To pronounce conspiracy words, they stand in the direction against the blowing wind. Read the words seven times. It is believed that a strong wind allows you to quickly achieve the desired result, taking your requests towards Fagot.

In order to pay off Fagot for his help, a few coins left at the crossroads, familiar to all magical rituals, will not work.

The ransom is carried out no later than on the seventh day after the call of the demonic forces of the wind for help. It is better if this is done immediately or after the onset of favorable events for you. This is done at the intersection of two deserted roads, which is rarely used by anyone. In a designated, pre-selected place for a ransom, an open, but always full, bottle of vodka is placed. A small piece of black bread is placed next to the bottle. Putting everything at the crossroads, you should turn your back and say, doing this over your left shoulder:

"My ransom for your help."

They leave the intersection of roads without looking back, do not talk to anyone on the way home.