What does the three-handed icon mean? Icon of the Mother of God of the Three-Handed Meaning and Prayer

The miraculous icon of Three Hands

Icon of Three Hands. Prayer.

In the Orthodox faith, the miraculous icon of the “Three Hands” has a very important meaning. Celebration of the image on July 11 and 25. The icon depicts the Mother of God, on whose right hand the Divine Infant is located and blesses with her right hand all those in front of him. And the Mother of God points to the baby Jesus Christ, as if showing the way to salvation. Below on the icon, under the right hand of the Mother of God, another human hand is depicted. Some lists of Our Lady attribute a third hand to her. The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” is based on a severed hand, indicating that people who serve God can receive salvation.

The history of the appearance of the image is connected with the Monk John of Damascus, who was accused of treason against the state. By order of the Emperor, they cut off his right hand and wanted to hang him in the square, but then they pardoned him. John asked the icon of the Mother of God for help for a long time, so that the Higher powers would restore his hand. After much prayer, the Virgin Mary appeared to him at night and told him about the healing of his hand and John should use his hand to glorify God. This event formed the basis for the appearance of the “Three-Handed” icon.

The “Three-Handed” icon means what it helps with. The main meaning of the icon is its protective abilities. To protect your family from negativity and problems, you need to place it at home. The image of the Mother of God also helps believers receive support and hope in difficult life situations. Among artisans, “Three-Handed” is considered a patroness. If people are sick, then the icon has special meaning for them.

Prayers in front of the image help sick people recover and help them recover from illnesses. History remembers that prayers before the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” helped save many people from serious illnesses, from typhus, and not only from physical illnesses, but also from mental illnesses. The image helps praying women if they want to strengthen their marriage or marry a good husband. The face also helps to heal from diseases of the legs, arms, and eyes. Prayers in front of the icon will help so that sad thoughts, apathy, and melancholy go away.

The help of the “Three-Handed” icon can only be received by a deeply religious person who turns to the icon in prayer with a sincere heart, love, and faith. Not only the icon itself is considered miraculous, but also all the copies that are found in numerous churches.

In Russia, the “Three-Handed” icon has been known since the 17th century. A copy of this icon was presented as a gift to Patriarch Nikon of Moscow in 1661. Copies of the miraculous icon, which also help believers in their prayers, are found in churches throughout the country. In the capital of Russia, Moscow, you can pray to a copy of the image of the Holy Mother of God in the Assumption Church on Taganka.

Glorification of the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”

Before the icon of the Mother of God “THREE-HANDED” - they pray for illnesses and injuries of the arms and legs, mental unrest, and in case of fire.

Magnification, troparion, prayers. A spell for a seriously ill patient to heal.

Explanation of the Three-Handed Icon.

There are two legends associated with the Three-Handed icon. The first legend says: “Once, robbers chased the Mother of God. The Mother of God ran as far as she could, but the river blocked her way. Then She threw herself into the water, hoping to swim across the river. But with the Baby in her arms it was difficult for her to swim; she had to row with one hand and hold Jesus with the other. Gasping, the Mother of God prayed:

My dear son, give me a third hand, otherwise it will be unbearable to swim.

At that very moment, she had a third hand, like a miraculous salvation given from above.

According to the second legend, in 716 the fierce iconoclast Leo the Isaurian ascended the Byzantine throne. On his orders, people who had icons were executed, and the icons themselves were burned at the stake.

With the emperor there was a man named John of Damascus. Unafraid of the ruler’s anger, he began to denounce criminal actions. For this, his right hand was cut off and hanged in the city square. John asked permission to return his hand to bury it. “Oh, Most Holy Theotokos,” he cried out to the Queen of Heaven, “if my hand is returned, then I will devote my whole life to describing the deeds of the Lord and Yours, our Intercessor.” And then a true miracle happened, and the news of it spread throughout the world. John retired to the monastery of Sava the Sanctified and there accepted monasticism. In memory of his gratitude, he attached a silver hand to the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is how the Three-Handed icon appeared.

Magnification of the Icon of the Mother of God ">

We magnify Thee, Most Immaculate Virgin, and honor the miracles of Thy holy image, the appearance of Thy three most pure hands to the glory of the Divine, in the Trinity of our God.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”

Today the reigning city of Moscow brightly flaunts, having in itself, O Most Merciful, the Most Honest of all creation, our Intercessor, the Virgin Mother of God, Thy honorable image, with which you astonish the sunflower ends of the earth and grant peace to the world, in the image of the Holy Trinity you manifest three hands: two for His Son , Christ our God, you bear, third, you faithfully deliver those who come running to You from misfortunes and misfortunes, and you save them from drowning, and you give something useful to everyone, and you show the monk Michael the Mount of Malebnos, and you always have mercy on everyone, with your honest robe you cover this residence and all the cities and our country, let us call Ti: Rejoice, O Joyful One.


Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos, who showed a great miracle to Saint John of Damascus, as if he showed true faith - undoubted hope! Hear us, sinners, before Your miraculous icon, fervently praying and asking for Your help: do not reject this prayer of many for the sake of our sins, but, as the Mother of mercy and generosity, deliver us from illnesses, sorrows and sorrows, forgive the sins we have committed, fill us with joy and joy to all who honor Your holy icon, may we joyfully sing and glorify Your name with love, for You are chosen and blessed from all generations forever and ever. Amen.


Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Mother of God Mary! We fall down and worship You before Your holy icon, remembering Your glorious miracle, the healing of the truncated right hand of the Venerable John of Damascus, which was revealed from this icon, whose sign is still visible on it, in the form of a third hand, attached to Your image. We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, and like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, you heard us, so do not despise us, those who grieve and suffer from the wounds of many different passions, do not despise , those who diligently come running to You from a contrite soul. You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will need Your help, as enemies surround us from everywhere, and there is no one who helps, less than one who intercedes, unless You have mercy on us, the Lady. To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith immaculately until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer at the terrible judgment of the Son Yours and our God. Beseech Him for us with Thy motherly prayer, that He may not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy. O All-Blessed One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, yes, having received salvation through You, let us sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of You, to Him belong glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit , always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


They read it while standing at the patient’s head in the morning and evening, holding the “THREE-HANDED” icon in their hands.

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship you before your holy icon, remembering your glorified miracle, the healing of the beheaded by the right hand of St. John of Damascus, revealed from this icon. His sign is still visible on it in the form of a third hand, attached to your image. Help, O Three-Handed One, in healing by Your wondrous hand the servant of God (name). And hear us, and do not deprive us of Thy Sovereign help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The “Three-Handed” Icon of the Mother of God would probably not be so famous if it were not for the story that happened in St. John of Damascus. In 717 AD there was a certain Byzantine emperor, Leo the Isaurian, who was particularly cruel in the persecution of Orthodox Christians. During his reign, many different icons were burned and destroyed, and those who preached the Christian faith were especially brutally tortured and subjected to mortal torture. John, at that time, lived in complete safety, since he was in Damascus, it was a Muslim city, which was located far beyond the territory of the Byzantine land. Then he was an adviser to the city ruler, which was a very high and respected position.

John of Damascus carried out his service well and faithfully, but evil tongues arranged everything in such a way that they began to accuse him of treason to the state and personally to the emperor himself. The adviser was slandered, right in front of the local caliph, after which, by order of the emperor, his right hand was cut off. After the torture, the brush was hung in the main square. This was done to intimidate the people, and to understand that this would happen to anyone who dared to give a state or an individual emperor.

In the evening, when the ruler “cooled down” a little, his former adviser asked permission to retire to his cell. The emperor allowed John to retire and he indulged in a long and fiery prayer before the Holy Image of the Virgin Mary. He asked the Mother of God about the healing of his severed hand and, placing his hand on the image, spent the whole night in prayer. When he fell asleep, the Mother of God herself came to him in the form of a vision, informing him about the healing of his hand. The Virgin Mary said that now his healed hand should work in the Name of the Lord and glorify His holy name.

After awakening, the Saint actually saw that his hand was safe and sound.

Touched to the depths of his soul by the mercy shown by the Lady, John composed a song of praise, which is known as “Every creature rejoices in you, O Gracious One.”

The Monk John of Damascus, in order to somehow perpetuate this miracle, attached his right hand, which was cast from silver, to the image that he had at home. This is how the “Three-Handed” icon appeared, which is depicted with a third hand at the bottom.

After the news of the miracle spread throughout all borders, they again wanted to appoint John as the chief adviser, but he refused, asking permission to retire to Jerusalem. There, among a few things, he took an icon, and later gave himself up to loneliness.

The history of the “Three-Handed” icon and its meaning

Until the thirteenth century, the icon was in Jerusalem. In the fifteenth century, an amazing incident occurred that was associated with the holy Mount Athos. This happened due to the fact that Ottoman troops began to attack these lands. So that the shrine would not be damaged in battles or destroyed, it was decided to entrust its fate to the Queen of Heaven herself. Therefore, the icon was placed on the donkey, and it set off on its own.

No one knew where he would go and who would become the owner of the miraculous image. But it so happened that the donkey, by an unknown force, was directed precisely to Athos - the center of Christianity and monasticism. He decided to stop right near the gates of the Hilandar monastery, which was founded by Simeon back in the thirteenth century. The monks reverently accepted this gift and installed it on the altar of the local cathedral church. To this day, this icon is located on Mount Athos, and every year a religious procession is held to it with a large number of believers from all over the world.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child, whom she holds in her arms, and her head is slightly tilted towards his head. At the same time, Jesus Christ looks straight ahead, folding his right hand to bless everyone who stands in front of him. At the bottom of the icon is the right hand, which seems to point to Christ, letting us know that through him we will be saved if we only go for it.

Miracles performed by the Three-Handed Icon

After the appearance of the icon on the holy Mount Athos, its history never ceased to amaze. One day, one hegumen reposed before God, and there was turmoil among the brethren, because for a long time they could not choose the manager of the monastery. Arriving at the morning service, the brethren were surprised to see the icon in the abbot’s place. The monks thought that this was the work of someone else and again placed the icon on the altar.

After the service, the doors of the temple were sealed, but in the morning the “Three-Handed” icon was again in the abbot’s place. This continued until one of the most famous hermits came to the temple and told the brethren about his vision. In it, the Mother of God said that she was taking on the management function because she did not want there to be disagreement among the brethren. Therefore, from now on she occupies the abbot’s place with her icon.

As was customary then, this is observed to this day, the abbot in this monastery is no longer elected by the entire brethren. After all, its place is taken by the “Three-Handed” icon and the Mother of God herself rules. The monks also firmly believe that by venerating and asking for a blessing from the holy image, everyone will receive a blessing from the Lady of Heaven herself. The Three-Handed One showed her miracles many times during the Turks’ attacks on Mount Athos. In those days, one could observe the emergence of a wonderful woman’s face, which was inaccessible to any type of weapon.

How does the “Three-Handed” icon help and how to pray

  • Before this image, it is necessary to pray to those who have all sorts of ailments associated with injuries and injuries;
  • When reading the prayer, apathy and melancholy go away. Therefore, this image helps those who suffer from mental disorders and increased anxiety;
  • Those who are engaged in any craft also need to extol prayers in front of the holy image, for success in their business and the development of the craft in the right direction;
  • “Three-handed” is also a protector from all troubles and misfortunes;

Prayer to the Three-Handed Icon

Today, there are a large number of copies that help people all over the world. Christians treat this holy image with great reverence, not only because the icon has an amazing history and protects the holy Mount Athos from everything bad, but also because it is a protector. According to the prayers of Orthodox Christians, it is capable of granting healing from various ailments, burns and other injuries, as well as strengthening the human soul in the fight against demonic intrigues and temptations.

“Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship Thee before Thy holy icon, remembering Thy glorious miracle by healing the truncated right hand of the Venerable John of Damascus, which was revealed from the icon, whose sign is visible to this day on it in the form of a third hand attached to Thy image.

We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, and, like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, You heard us, so do not despise us, who are grieving and suffering from the wounds of many different passions and those who diligently come running to You from a contrite and humble soul.

You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will demand our help and intercession, as if we are surrounded by enemies from everywhere and there is no one who helps, less than one who intercedes, unless You have mercy on us, the Lady.

To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer on the Last Day The judgment of Thy Son and our God, Who prayed for us with Thy Motherly prayer, may He not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy.

O All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, yes, having received salvation through You, let us sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of You, to whom befits glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always , now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Such an icon can rarely be found in a home iconostasis. It is also not very common in temples and cathedrals. But every believer should know its history and offer their fiery prayers to this Holy image!

Queen of Heaven pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls!

What you need to know about the “Three-Handed” icon

When my aunt suffered a severe fracture of her arm and wore a cast, I often came to her house to visit her. Not just to talk, but to help with cooking, washing dishes, hanging laundry and ironing. One day, on the bedside table, I saw an amazing icon of the Virgin Mary.

She held the Baby with one hand, put the other to her heart, and with the third... She had a third hand! Of course, I immediately began asking what kind of image this was. And it turned out...

In the 8th century AD, when the persecution of Christians had long ceased, the world was overwhelmed by new unrest: iconoclasm. Emperor Leo the Third began to urge people to destroy icons and not paint them, praying only to the Lord who is in heaven. Along with the faces of the saints, many other Christian relics were destroyed: statues, mosaics, even altars.

One of the Byzantine courtiers, Damascene, openly opposed the emperor, wrote treatises, in every possible way explaining the importance of icons. Of course, the ruler did not like this, and he organized a forgery, namely a letter that exposed John as a state traitor.

The Byzantine king, at whose court the sage worked, believed the forgery and ordered John to be punished by cutting off his hand.

Suffering from pain, the righteous man prayed to the Holy Virgin. One night she came to him and promised to heal him. And indeed, the hand has grown! And only a large scar remained on the hand as evidence of the terrible wound suffered by John.

In gratitude, he ordered a copy of his hand made of silver, after which he attached it to the icon in the church, wanting to show that his hand actually belonged to the Queen of Heaven.

By the way! The relics of St. John are located not only in Greece and Venice, but also in St. Petersburg (Novodevichy Convent, Kazan Church):

Folk legends associated with this icon

Not all Orthodox Christians knew about John of Damascus, but many saw in churches an icon on which the Mother of God was depicted with three hands (by mistake, all three hands began to be drawn in the same style and the same clothing, so many naive people attributed all three to the Mother of God).

And these are the stories people made up.

  1. Once, when Christ was still a baby, robbers chased His Mother. She threw herself into the river to save herself by swimming. But it was difficult to swim and hold the baby. Therefore, the Virgin asked Jesus to give her another hand, for convenience. And so it happened.
  2. One icon painter painted a hodegetria. When the icon was almost ready, he approached it and suddenly saw that there were three hands in the image. How could he have been so wrong? The artist immediately erased the third hand, but the next day it appeared again. The man sketched it again, but in a dream the Mother of God came to him and ordered him not to touch the icon anymore - they say, it should look exactly like this. Of course, the artist obeyed.

What does it tell us: meaning

Little Jesus blesses everyone who looks at the icon, and His Mother points to her Son, thereby making it clear who we should strive for and whom we should ask for help.

There is also an opinion that three hands mean: the Mother of God needs two palms to support her Son, and the third to help all those who suffer.

In terms of writing style, this is a hodegetria (that is, a guidebook, since the Virgin Mary points to Christ as the true path of any Christian).

Days of celebration of this icon

  • June 28 (or July 11).
  • July 12 (or 25).

Where are the most revered lists?

In our country there are many copies of this icon; it is very popular in Orthodoxy. There is even a monastery built in her honor. But the most healing images are those that you can visit in two cities:

  • Moscow (St. Daniel's Monastery). Here is a truly ancient copy of the 17th century, famous for the healing of the master who restored the icon. This man had problems with his eyes, but he believed that the shrine would help - and he began to see well.
  • Yekaterinburg (famous Church on the Blood).

You don't live in Russia? Then maybe you are from Ukraine? Visit the Kyiv Monastery of the Holy Trinity. It is here that Troeruchitsa is located, which stopped the typhus epidemic in the city in the 19th century.

Well, the oldest copy is in the Bulgarian Troyan Monastery. The brethren consider her their protector, guarding the monastery for many hundreds of years.

What do they ask when they come to her?

  • Naturally, most of all - health. People whose illness is related to their hands especially pray to the Three Hands.
  • They also pray for eye health and good vision.
  • And in general, any prayers for health, for oneself or for one’s family, are offered to her, and she helps many.
  • Craftsmen consider the Mother of God of Three Hands to be their patroness.
  • It is also a protector from evil slander. If a person has been slandered, he asks the Mother of God to help the truth to be revealed.
  • They ask to protect them from enemies and enemies, as well as “friends” with unclean thoughts.
  • Many people turn to this icon if they feel that something is threatening their family peace or home.
  • Finally, they ask to increase the family's welfare. And not in vain, because after the healing of John of Damascus, the Byzantine ruler believed that the sage could not wish him harm, forgave him, again brought him closer to himself and showered him with all sorts of gifts.

How to pray

Of course, if there is a specific request (something hurts, someone is preparing for surgery, someone’s good name is at risk), people address it in their own words.

But there are also certain prayers created specifically for this icon.

They sound like this:

You can learn more about the life and work of John of Damascus (emphasis on the last “and”), a saint about whom, unfortunately, most of our Orthodox believers know almost nothing, from this report video:

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Thanks to the patron saint of Orthodoxy, John of Damascus, the “Three-Handed” icon gained fame, and believers received miraculous help. The Icon of the Mother of God is of great importance for the Christian world and has helped many who believed in its power.

Before the miraculous image, many people offer prayers to the Mother of God, asking for great intercession. The Three-Handed Icon is the protector of every suffering soul. Christians treat her with great respect. It helps anyone who sincerely believes in the holiness of this image and its miracles.

History of the icon

John of Damascus has always been a true believer and defender of icon painting. But at one point he was charged with treachery. The man was denigrated right in front of the Patriarch. The emperor ordered to deprive him of his hand and hang him in the square so that all people could see and fear. In the evening, when the ruler had calmed down a little, John asked to return his hand and, together with the severed hand, locked himself in his room.

The monk prayed for a long time before the image of the Mother of God. He tearfully begged to be healed. That same night, the Most Holy Virgin herself came to him in a dream and informed him that the cut-off hand would henceforth serve him to praise the name of God. When the saint woke up, he found his hand safe and sound. This event was the reason why the world learned about the extraordinary shrine “Three Hands”. Nowadays, this icon helps many unfortunate people around the world.

Where is the icon

The image of the Mother of God can be found in many churches in Russia.
One of the icons is located in Moscow in the Danilovsky Monastery. This image was created in the 17th century. Her most miraculous healing is the restoration of vision by the artist who reconstructs her. Another significant icon is located in the Yekaterinburg Church on the Blood. There is also a monastery of the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”.

What is the help of a miraculous image

The icon brought many miracles to the world. It helps heal diseases of the hands, feet and eyes. When reading prayers to the Mother of God, you can banish anxiety, sadness and boredom. The image patronizes people performing production activities. The icon protects, provides powerful protection from enemies and provides material and spiritual benefits.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God

The significance of this icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” lies in its ability to protect. It is kept in people's homes, protecting families from difficulties and failures. This image gives people faith and helps them cope with difficult situations. It provides special assistance to people suffering from various diseases. Prayers in front of the icon promote healing.

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God “Three-handed”

First prayer.“Great Holy Virgin Mary, we bow before You in sacred image. Hear us, sinners, bringing prayers before Your face. We pray for support, don’t leave us. Deliver us from weakness and from our sins, from despondency and illness. Forgive us many sinners, fill with joy and joy those who believe and bow before Your image, may You be glorified throughout the ages, may we glorify Your name, for You have been chosen by the people and thanked forever and ever. Amen".

Second prayer.“Divine, Most Pure Virgin, Exceeding all in Her Holiness! We kneel before You and pray before Your holy icon; I believe and remember Your great miracle, the healing of the severed hand of John of Damascus. I pray for Your help in healing, O Holy Three-Handed One. Hear us and do not ignore us, do not deprive us of Your help. Heal and give strength, I ask You, Blessed Virgin. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” takes place on July 11 and 25. Everyone can pray before the “Three-Handed” icon of the Mother of God and ask for help and healing. And she will help everyone who truly believes in her miraculous help and powerful power. We wish you strong faith, family well-being, success in everything, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.07.2017 05:40

There are many icons in Orthodoxy, and most of them are dedicated to the Mother of God and Jesus Christ, depicted...