What is heavier muscle or fat in a person. Why is muscle heavier than fat?

Let's just say, I'm sick of questions about weight. A pound of fat = a pound of muscle, but muscle is actually bulkier, denser than fat. It is enough to search the Internet for a picture comparing 500g of fat and muscle. The difference will impress you.

You have probably noticed how different girls of the same age, height and weight look. Here I am posting a girl with a height of 164 cm, weight 60 kg, and in the comments “hoaaa? Why do I weigh the same but look completely different? Or I post a girl who lost weight from 73 to 63, and they write to me “why can’t you see a difference of 10 kg?” But because the latter can have muscle mass with a gulkin nose, as well as the difference in the ratio of muscles and fat among the first commentators.

All you need to remember is the general numbers that you can apply to yourself. Of course, they were not invented by me. In the first year of weight training, a woman can grow about 4-5 kg ​​of muscle mass (all this must be done regularly and monitored by body composition analysis). The second year of regular training is only 2.2-2.7 kg of muscle mass per year. In the third year, even less: 1-1.5 kg of muscle. And if you have a huge training experience plus 4 years in the gym, you have an inevitable "plateau" compared to the potential of a beginner - 400-700g of muscle per year.

Muscle mass requires dedication, regularity and good recovery. It's easier not to even start if you're not capable of regularity. No steroids will help if you are malnourished, sleep deprived and train once every 2 weeks. If you are used to starving and always losing weight, if for you a beautiful body is thin in a dress, and not undressed on the beach is elastic and smooth, then I have bad news for you - you will not succeed. If you are ready to change, save fat along with muscles, gain gradually and not masturbate the trainer with questions “why haven’t I changed in 3 months”, then you have a chance.

There is another nuance in the mass collection. It concerns just a plateau or slow growth with experience. The point is that our body is not rubber, and it also has a limit. Genetic potential, blah blah blah, unlimited possibilities, sung by NIKE, but the body gets tired. If you push yourself through cycles of bulking and cutting for years, your body will probably give up. Stupid mentally deformed people will resort to pharma to constantly sell rubber band assholes, smarter people will support what they have, but there are subtleties there too.

In short, to recap: building muscle is hard work. If you cannot train regularly, have problems with sleep, food, are not psychologically ready to gain muscle and fat (which is inevitable), then mass is not for you.

If you do not understand why 2 girls of the same age, height, weight look different, reread the first paragraph. Once again: the ratio of water, muscle and fat they can be different. You can learn everything about yourself by doing a body composition analysis. The only way. Therefore, do not pay attention to weight, if it is not 80-100kg, of course.

Many people who decide to lose weight correctly, that is, with the help of fitness, often explain the fact of the frozen arrow of the scales by the fact that muscles are heavier than fat. Allegedly, their weight is due to the fact that, while exercising, they replace fat with muscles that weigh more.

Is it really? Let's figure it out.

After a month in the rocking chair, you begin to look arrogantly at the chickens, which now and then run on the scales.

You are not like that. You understand that weight loss and fat loss are two different things. Weight loss can occur not only due to fat loss, but also due to the loss of muscle mass, water, and feces.

You robotically repeat that in PMS and from milk you are “flooded”, and “the arrow of the scales is not an indicator, because muscles are heavier than fat.”

Chill out, chickens. The arrow of the scales is an indicator even for me. Not to mention your flaccid asses.

Yes, I really don’t like the question: “Lena, what is your weight?”

For this very reason:

Yes, we have all seen this picture, but only fools understood it like this: “If I go to the gym and my weight stays the same, it means that I am losing fat, and instead I am building muscle, the weight of which is equal to the weight of the lost fat” .

Such an arrangement is impossible, in principle.

Losing fat is always much easier and faster than gaining muscle mass. Muscles grow very slowly.

Fat also - especially at a certain stage - goes slowly. And yet, fat loss and muscle gain are incomparable things in terms of speed. Muscle growth in both women and men is always slower than fat loss. Women are twice as slow as men.

A woman who is not a beginner in the gym and who trains there in good conscience can gain about 50 grams of muscle mass per week. And this is an excellent indicator.

A healthy person, if he sets himself the goal of losing weight and does everything right, easily loses from 500 grams to 1 kg of fat per week.

So if the arrow of your scales stands still for some long period of time (weeks 3-4), this does not mean that by exercising you are replacing adipose tissue with muscle, but that you are unable to lose weight. fat.

Chickens, forget the statement that muscles are heavier than fat, and never try it on yourself. Don't be embarrassed.

You have no idea how ridiculous it sounds from your lips, given that fat loss occurs in one and only one case: when you burn more calories than you consume. With a calorie deficit, there can be no talk of any increase in muscle mass.


1) Those who have just started to lose weight. This is a matter of the first two weeks, not four or more.

2) Those who use steroids.

If you're exercising and the weight isn't coming off, chances are you're just eating too much. Even if you swing a lot, you eat even more. That's why your weight does not move.

Do you want a beautiful body? Be smart. Turn on the head, and do not replicate, flapping wings, misinterpreted truths.

There is a generally accepted opinion that any exercise is good for the body and contributes to weight loss. To some extent, this is true. But if your goal is a beautiful figure without fat folds and saggy skin, then you must choose the appropriate type of exercise that is most effective for achieving this goal. Just as important as the exercise itself is proper nutrition. Classes, coupled with proper nutrition, can give stunning results with relatively little effort.

It is important to take into account some of the nuances, so as not to waste time and effort.

Results won't be instant

Any training aimed at losing weight, and especially cardiovascular and strength exercises, takes time to see results. And this is often discouraging for beginners.

On the one hand, many women, having decided, begin to train intensively and train with enthusiasm for about one to two weeks. And then, seeing that their size has not decreased from the 50th to the 44th, they are disappointed and stop playing sports. They put in so much effort in the first days of training and stop just when they are on the verge of losing weight.

On the other hand, many women avoid intense training, especially strength training, in order to "not build muscle like men." Usually these are women with a good metabolism: their fats melt quickly, so it seems to them that their muscle mass will grow just as quickly. In reality, women simply do not have enough androgens to have muscles like men. Yes, and the men themselves, in order to look muscular, are forced to take steroid drugs. What is there to say about women!

Exercise is needed in order to change not only the body, but, first of all, the way of life. They slowly, but for a long time, rebuild the work of the whole organism. Since they are "trading fat for muscle" and muscles are heavier than fat, you may feel like you are not losing weight. In fact, you will notice results in the form of a decrease in volume and an increase in tone after the second or third workout. And after 2-3 weeks, the weight will begin to decrease.

Diets don't work

The body needs proteins for muscle mass, carbohydrates for energy, vitamins and minerals for metabolism. Beauty is synonymous with health, and an emaciated body simply cannot be beautiful. Take, for example, those who skip meals to lose weight faster. When the body is put on a starvation ration, it begins, in the literal sense of the word, to "devour" itself! And not only accumulated fats, but also muscles!

Those who go on a diet and start exercising for the sake of losing weight usually begin to frenziedly weigh themselves several times a day. This in itself is not terrible, but only in increasing the weight after the first workouts there is nothing wrong. Muscles weigh more, and the body needs more muscle mass in order to burn fat. Therefore, it is important not to reduce weight, but to remake the body - the exchange of fat mass for muscle mass.

Have you ever noticed that women weighing, say, 70 kg sometimes look more slender than women weighing 65 kg? This may be because they have a lower percentage of fat mass and a higher percentage of lean mass. Therefore, in most cases, it is easier to change the ratio of fat and muscle mass than to simply try to "reduce weight", which is genetically predetermined.

How to achieve a toned figure

Often, weight loss brings new problems to those who have lost weight. This is because not all fat is burned at the same time and quickly. Some subcutaneous fat stores are more resistant to attack, and it takes more time and perseverance to get rid of them. Meanwhile, these unburned reserves lie in bumps, look ugly and form skin folds. Not only does it look unaesthetic, it's also unhygienic, as these folds rub against other parts of the body and dirt and bacteria accumulate underneath.

You can get rid of stubborn fat and tighten sagging skin by changing the so-called BMI - body mass index. What does it mean? This means building muscle while losing fat. With improper or too rapid weight loss, muscle mass is often burned along with fat. Therefore, stretched skin sags - it simply has nothing more to fit. Building muscle mass will not only allow you to burn more fat, but also create the necessary framework for the skin.

However, a distinction must be made between sagging and excess skin. Excess skin appears in people who have lost a lot of weight. This is stretched thin skin, as if “empty” from the inside. There are practically no fat reserves left in it, and it is very difficult to pull it up. Sagging skin, on the contrary, is something like "pockets" filled with fat. Such sagging skin can just be tightened with a change.

And although each loser has his own ultimate goals, depending on his own height and physique, in general it is desirable that body mass index was less than 30 and in some cases even lower. Changing this index is not easy, especially if you are already slightly overweight, but with some perseverance it is quite possible. In order to build muscle mass instead of fat:

1. Continue to eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein - at least 75-100 grams daily.

2. Engage in aerobic exercise or other vigorous and vigorous sports at least 3-4 times a week.

3. Do strength training at least 3-4 times a week.

4. Reduce the amount of sweets, starches and processed foods in your diet.

The bigger, the better?

How do you train to build muscle instead of fat?

Ideally, it is desirable to combine aerobic training with strength training. Thanks to intensive motor exercises of aerobics, excess fats are effectively and quickly burned. The goal of strength training is to develop the muscular system. And here, unlike aerobics, it is not the number of repetitions and not the duration of the workout that matters, but the weight of the load. By training with a heavy weight (2-4 kg) and repeating each exercise for only 10-12 times, you attach, burn fat and build muscle instead. With less weight, regardless of the duration of the workout, the result will be negligible: the muscles simply are not involved, which means that muscle mass does not increase.

The optimal duration of strength training is 15-20 minutes. It is useless and even harmful to health to "swing" for hours - the muscles must be given rest after each power load. Only with a combination of load and rest, muscle mass replaces fat most effectively.

Many women like to boast: "I weigh 50 kg, and my height is 170 cm!". Our subconscious perceives such a ratio of parameters as an indisputable proof of harmony, an athletic figure, and the absence of hated cellulite. In a word, the owner of such sizes, in our opinion, should wear the smallest clothing size, not know cellulite and flutter. But is it? Does such a ratio of 50 kg / 170 cm speak of a slim or full person? Is light weight related to the size of clothes for inches? Do they know cellulite? Let's figure it out.

Seminar Rehab Fitness Matrix Base I- training in body composition testing and group training for weight loss through the correction of muscle balance and nutrition.

We will solve a simple problem by applying simple calculations and knowledge from the course of physics and geometry for grade 7.

  1. Given: the mass of a person is 50 kg. Human height - 1.7 m.
  2. To find: the difference in clothing sizes (transverse body dimensions or body radius) in two girls of the same height and weight with a different ratio of muscle and fat mass, for example, 20:80 and 80:20. To simplify the task, let us assume that when considering body weight, we do not take into account the weight of bones and internal organs.
  3. Solution: volume is the ratio of mass to density. From a reference book on physics, we find that the density of fat in the human body is on average 0.9 g / cm³, the density of muscles is 1.3 g / cm³.

Let's simplify the situation again. Imagine that the human body is an even cylinder. From the course of geometry, the volume of the cylinder is calculated by the formula V=π R 2 h, where R is the radius of the cylinder, h is the height of the cylinder. Then R 1 \u003d √ (52136 / (πx170)) \u003d 9.88 cm.
That is, the radius, (waist circumference) of the first human cylinder (with a muscle/fat ratio of 20:80) is 9.88 cm.

R 2 \u003d √ (41880 / (πx170)) \u003d 8.85 cm. The radius of the second human cylinder (with a muscle / fat ratio of 80:20) is 8.85 cm. The difference in radii, as we see, is 1.03 cm That is, if the human body had the shape of an ideal cylinder, then two people with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 50 kg differed from each other like two cylinders with a difference in radii of 1 cm. Not a very noticeable difference! But what happens if we return from abstraction to a real model?

Lyrical digression.

Those. if the fat was distributed evenly, then we would not have noticed that a person has extra volume. 1.03 cm - an almost imperceptible value! But the whole trouble is that fat in the human body is distributed unevenly, the location of fat deposits on our body depends on gender, genetic structure, lifestyle and hormonal balance.

Most men have an apple-shaped figure. They accumulate fat around the abdomen, heart and intestines. In women, the figure is pear-shaped, and fat is deposited on the buttocks, outer and inner thighs.

Now let's imagine how the centimeter calculated by us is distributed over the body. Then we will be able to find the difference in the volume of the waist or hips, which means the difference in size.

To do this, you need to delve a little into biochemistry. There are a number of factors that determine where and how fat is deposited and removed in our body, in particular, the distribution of receptors in the body that control the process of accumulation and release of fat.

Excess fat is stored in the fat cells that make up adipose tissue. We lay down fat cells in childhood and early adolescence, but after they have appeared, it is almost impossible to get rid of them. All we can do is only reduce their volume, not the quantity.

On the surface of each fat cell are microscopic structures called receptors. Studies have shown that there are several types of receptors: some are responsible for the accumulation of fat, others - for its removal. The former are called alpha-2 receptors. They are stimulated by insulin, which is released when there is excess fat in the blood, such as after a meal. Excess sugar can also be converted to fat, which is similarly stored in fat cells by alpha-2 receptors.

The receptors that control the release of fat from fat cells into the bloodstream are called beta receptors. They are stimulated by hormones such as thyroxine and adrenaline, as well as other substances of natural origin.

The study found that most women have more alpha-2 receptors in fat cells in the buttocks, thighs and knees than in fat cells found in the rest of the body. Further research allowed us to establish a quantitative difference: in fat cells on the buttocks, thighs and knees, there are approximately six alpha-2 receptors per beta receptor. In the upper part of the body, the exact opposite picture is observed.

Fat cells located in areas prone to cellulite are especially active in accumulating fat and do not give it away as easily as fat cells in other parts of the body.

Their ability to lose fat is reduced by a factor of 6. In other words, this means that if you gain 7 kg of fat, then 6 of them will fall on the buttocks, outer and inner thighs, and only 1 kg on the upper body.

Conversely, if you lose 7 kg, then the lower part of your body will lose only 1 kg, and the upper part - by all 6.

Let's return to our question - how noticeable is the difference in size and appearance of two women who have the same height and weight, but different ratios of muscle and adipose tissue.

Taking into account the fact that 10 liters of excess volume, which, if evenly distributed, would give only 1 cm increase over the entire surface, will be distributed as follows: in the buttocks, thighs and knees there will be about 8.5 liters of volume (8500 cm 3); the remaining 1.5 liters (1500 cm 3) will be located on the entire remaining part of the body, then we will have two completely different folded figures. In the first case (muscle/fat ratio 20:80) we will see a girl with clearly underdeveloped and fat-covered muscles on top (chest, arms), and swollen cellulite legs and hips. Fat cells that have a large volume of fat inside are a necessary condition for the formation of cellulite. The second model (muscle/fat ratio 80:20) is a girl with well developed muscles. The difference in the volume of the hips of our models can reach one or even 2 sizes! Not to mention the amount of cellulite and evenness of the skin!

To better demonstrate, here is a photo of 2 women who have the same height and weight (170/50), but a different amount of fat. As you can see, low weight with high growth is no reason to relax, cellulite will overtake anyway! A muscular, slender figure with the same height and weight looks impressive!

Look at the photo of Penelope Cruz and Jessica Biel. Biel is muscular, athletic, and Cruz is “floated” and soft. Both weigh about 50 kg.