What does pedant mean. What does a pedantic person mean

Pedantry or Pedantry(lat. paedagogans - teaching, fr. pedant - teacher) - the quality of a person, providing for the utmost accuracy and accuracy in any actions of a person; an excessive tendency to comply with formal requirements, rules, etc.

External signs of pedantry are accuracy, pettiness, adherence to routine in different aspects of life. By nature, it has several levels of manifestation: from light and rational to obsessive-painful.

In some people, pedantry is of a very painful, obsessive nature, often associated with objective mental disorders, including neuroses.

Business pedantry, rational, is completely (or almost completely) conscious, prudent. Such pedantry can be called part of a person's life strategy. A person decides for himself that everything must be done with the highest quality, that this is a very useful habit and it will help him out more than once.

It seems difficult due to the nature of habits to separate the painful pedant (anancast) from the businesslike one. What distinguishes anancaste from a business pedant is mainly the nature of his feelings. A businessman has few such experiences. Anancaste (painful pedant) with thoughts and feelings constantly returns to his obsessive thoughts and experiences.

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  • Pedantry

What is pedantry, and how it can become a pathology

We all have an idea of ​​what pedantry is. This is meticulous observance of established rules and requirements. Saying the word "pedant", we imagine a neat, restrained and punctual person who carefully does his job and does not need external control for this.

What is pedantry as a pathology

Pedantry does not immediately manifest itself as a pathology: at first glance, we are just a very meticulous person, accustomed to accuracy and order in everything. But over time, it becomes clear that the pedant-psychopath is simply not capable of making decisions. To take the “last step”, to move from a theoretical solution to a problem to action, is an impossible task for him.

Showing manic pedantry, such a person double-checks the correctness of his conclusions a hundred times, even in cases where everything has been clear to a sane person for a long time. In psychiatry, such people, who are accustomed to chewing endless "mental chewing gum", are called personalities of the anankastic type.

Before closing the front door behind him, anancast will repeatedly check whether all household appliances are turned off. And any homework will take him much more time than an ordinary person: after all, everything must be washed and dried not just well, but perfectly. To do this, the dishes are washed 2-3 times, the rags are washed with soap, and everything is ironed, including socks.

What is pedantry in the workplace: is it really that bad?

True, pedantic personalities, unlike anancastes, do not always show such meticulousness, and often their behavior remains quite acceptable to society. Such people in the workplace, as a rule, have a lot of advantages due to their seriousness, responsibility and the ability to do the job "perfectly". Pedants are formalists, chit-makers and "bores", but on the other hand, not a single trifle escapes their attention, they do not make hasty decisions and approach everything thoroughly. For this, they are appreciated by their superiors and respected by their colleagues.

What is pedantry, turned into a state of obsession

Pedantry can be detrimental only when it is supported by neuroses, that is, it acquires a painful character. In such cases, anxiety and inability to make a final decision are especially acute. Checking dozens of times whether the assigned work has been done well enough, the anancast cannot decide for itself that it has already been completed. He begins to noticeably lag behind his colleagues, which forces him to work overtime, sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of uncertainty about the results of his activities.

Anancastas are characterized by hypochondriacal experiences, suspiciousness, anxiety. Moreover, in people prone to such a pathological condition, the listed fears take on a bizarre character: anancast is not afraid of death from any disease, he is afraid of being afraid of this death. It is not the fear of being robbed that is inherent in him, but the fear of the fear of being robbed, etc.

This leads to a mass of "counteractions", rituals that are supposed to protect the anancaste from obsessions. At the same time, he understands the absurdity of what is happening, but he cannot do anything about it. In neglected states, anancasm develops into manic-depressive pedantry, manifested by paroxysmal manifestations of painful pedantry, reaching the point of complete inability to engage in any type of activity and causing, accordingly, a feeling of powerlessness and severe depression in the patient.

What does pedantry mean


PEDANT m. (pedant f.) - French. - a strict, precise, picky small-timer, requiring observance in the matter of appearances, roundness, order; heavy and stubborn follower of the once accepted, unilateral order; self-confident scientist, inopportunely demanding from everyone the same look with himself; student, scientist.
/according to Dahl/


That’s when they stopped you on the highway, introduced yourself in all forms, checked your rights, told about your violations, told about your rights, issued a receipt, escorted you on the road and didn’t take anything - this is not pedantry, these are only the first signs ...

it means scrupulous (accurate in detail) performance of simple and complex actions. always the same in the details.
Here is such a pedant - the people. and you observe yourself and discover in yourself this pedantry.

Who is a pedant?

Pedant- who is it? What are the features of his behavior?

A pedant is a teacher, mentor (usually strict and meticulous) one who is unnecessarily strict and petty meticulous in fulfilling all formal requirements. A person who keeps cleanliness does everything perfectly and impeccably, an example that comes to mind is the character from the movie the carrier, who was also named by a police officer, since everything was well-groomed at his house, all the flowers were watered, there was not a single speck of dust and his work was built perfectly, without the slightest flaw


A pedant is a person who is distinguished by increased accuracy and meticulousness, the desire to comply with all the rules and requirements.

Pedants tend to attach importance to any small and insignificant details, conscientiously perform their work or task. For representatives of some professions, pedantry is a very important quality, for example, for accountants. Pedantry can manifest itself in everyday life, for example, in the desire to restore perfect order in the home, put things in their places, live in a certain regime and try never to break it, since disorder can cause severe discomfort to the pedant.

Excessive pedantry may be associated with mental illness.

A pedant is a person who lives by certain rules that he has adopted for himself on his own and strictly observes them not only himself, but also requires strict adherence to them from others. Its main qualities are: accuracy, scrupulousness, adherence to instructions and instructions, the habit of living in a strict order. For a pedant, the main thing is to remain satisfied with himself, his actions, activities, regardless of the fact that his behavior seems a little strange to those around him. But pedantry is not always a negative character trait. You just need not to go too far in the performance of any task or attitude towards others.

Pedants are very attentive to trifles, bringing every trifle in a big business to an ideal state. They feel good only when everything is done as they intended. They break a big deal into parts and bring it to perfection. They can be very nerdy and can pester other people to behave in the same way.

Pedant - comes from the French word. And has a translation, like a teacher, a mentor.

Those. a pedant is a person who observes every little thing in certain moments, for example, in behavior, in statements, in speech.

Those. a pedant is a very neat person in everything.

A pedantic person (pedant) is a very accurate person who adheres to accuracy in performing any actions. As a rule, pedants are inclined to strict observance of all regulations, laws, requirements and other orders.

The appearance of pedantic people is often distinguished by excessive thoughtfulness and accuracy: even at home, such individuals try to dress “like a needle” and look as well-groomed as possible.

Pedantry can be divided into 2 types:

  • Rational pedantry;
  • Obsessively painful pedantry.

In the first case, a person performs his actions consciously, often rational pedantry is part of a life strategy. Such people make decisions only after carefully studying all the details and trifles, therefore they rarely make mistakes in business. Rational pedants are confident in their abilities and perform work at the highest level, so they quickly climb the career ladder. This is their main advantage over other workers.

People who are prone to obsessive-morbid pedantry are called anancastes. They also strive to do everything according to the rules, but they are very worried about the end result, which leads to the development of neuroses and other similar diseases. Quite often, anancasts are addicted to some kind of collecting (sometimes they can be absolutely useless and old items). Anancastic personality disorder included in the International Classification of Diseases and diagnosed by a specialist on the basis of certain characteristics (usually at least 3-4). Usually anancasts experience great difficulties with the emotional sphere of life: excessive control always turns into periodic nervous breakdowns. It is for this reason that people with an anankastic disorder should be constantly monitored by a specialist and receive qualified psychoanalytic therapy.

From the point of view of psychology, it is extremely important for a pedant to remain satisfied with his activity, even if it looks strange in the eyes of others. Such behavior often speaks not only of the principles of pedantic people, but also of their lack of psychological flexibility.

The characteristic features of pedantic people include:

  • performance and commitment;
  • Accuracy of following instructions;
  • Punctuality;
  • scrupulousness;
  • Inability to make serious decisions;
  • indecision;
  • Multiple checks of the work done;
  • seriousness;
  • perseverance;
  • Fear of changing habitual life;
  • Fear of responsibility;
  • Tendency to hypochondria and psychasthenia.

These numerous features are more inherent in anancasts. Pedantry is not considered a negative trait if it does not violate the habitual way of life of a person and his immediate environment. However, in some of the most severe and advanced cases, the pedant may need the help of a qualified specialist (psychologist or psychotherapist).


0 Nowadays it is very important to know the meaning of various words and expressions. Indeed, in modern society it is difficult to live uneducated people. They cannot get a normal job, they are not promoted, and they do not raise their wages. Although, you can be not educated, but remember a couple of hundred "tricky" words in order to seem smarter than you are from time to time. Our site is just perfect for this purpose, because here you will find not only deciphering scientific terms, but also interpretation of street slang, which is also important. Add us to your bookmarks so as not to get lost in this informational sea of ​​the Internet. Today we will talk about a rather unusual word, it is Pedant, which means you can read a little later.
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So, let's continue, This term was borrowed from the French language" pedant", and translates as "teacher".

Pedant- this is a person who loves order, clarity, formalism, accuracy, cleanliness in everything

Pedant- this is the one who loves that things lie in their places, that the spines of books do not protrude even a millimeter, that all pieces of furniture are exceptionally symmetrically arranged in the room, etc.

Pedantry is directly related to a person's personality. In one study, extroverts were found to be more tolerant of the mistakes of others than introverts.


Initially, the word "pedant" was formed in Italian, but where exactly it was borrowed is still uncertain. Although several dictionaries suggest that it originated from the Latin "pædagogans" present participle " pædagogare", and translates as "to act as an educator, to teach." The Latin word comes from the Greek παιδαγωγός, paidagōgós, παιδ- "child" + ἀγειν", originally referred to a slave who accompanied children to and from school, but later meant "a source of instruction or guidance".

The term in Russian is usually used with a negative connotation to refer to someone who is too preoccupied with small things and whose tone is condescending. Thomas Nashe wrote in With You (1596), p. 43: "Oh, this is a precious apothegmatic [skewbald] Pedant who will find matter in order to develop a whole day of the first invention."
However, when the word was first used by Bill Shakespeare in Love's Lost Labor (1598), it simply meant "teacher".

The medicine

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized in part by a form of pedantry that is overly associated with punctual rules, procedures, and practices.
Pedantry can also be a sign of specific personality developmental disorders. In particular, people with Asperger's Syndrome often exhibit behavior characterized by pedantic speech.

By reading this short article, you have learned what does pedant mean, and now you can easily find similar individuals among your friends.



(it.). A petty person, strictly adhering to the form, a heavy and stubborn follower of the once accepted one-sided order, incapable of either broad generalizations or higher spiritual movements.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


a narrow person, petty and limited, striving unswervingly to follow once accepted views and forms, regardless of the peculiarities of each individual case. There are many such in any area; not only in practical everyday life, we meet them in science and even in art.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


French pedant, it. pedante, participle from it. pedare, to educate. a) A man puffed up with his learning. b) A person who strictly observes all the little things.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


a person with a limited outlook, prone to pedantry (see).

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(fr. pedant it. pedante letters. teacher, teacher)

1) obsolete a picky teacher, mentor, requiring strict adherence to established rules;

2) a person distinguished by petty accuracy, adherence to established habits, observance of external order; formalist.

New dictionary of foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


pedant, m. [ it. pedante, lit. teacher] (book disapproval). 1. A scientist who does not want to know anything but his own science, a literalist, a formalist in science. Dry pedant. || The comic image of a scientist in an old comedy (historical lit.). Moliere pedants. 2. A person who flaunts his learning, teaches others, takes on the role of a mentor (obsolete). Onegin was, in the opinion of many, resolute and strict judges, a small scientist, but a pedant. Pushkin. 3. A person who stubbornly follows the accepted way of thinking, established habits and requires the same from others, a routinist. In duels, a classic and a pedant. Pushkin. 4. A person who is distinguished by excessive, exaggerated accuracy, committed to order to the smallest detail.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


but, m., shower (fr. pedant it. pedante lat. pedagogus Greek pedagōgos educator).
One who is unnecessarily strict in fulfilling all formal requirements (in science, in life, etc.).
Pedant- woman-p.
| initial n. - a picky teacher, mentor.

Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words L. P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "PEDANT" is in other dictionaries:

    pedant- a, m. pedant, germ. Pedant it. pedante. 1. outdated. A picky, formalistic teacher, mentor. BAS 1. Suddenly a terrible voice of a pedant We heard in the distance. Pushk. Memory. In the midst of their childish activities. It suddenly leads... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Pedant, m. [it. pedante, lit. teacher] (book disapproval). 1. A scientist who does not want to know anything but his own science, a literalist, a formalist in science. Dry pedant. || The comic image of a scientist in an old comedy (historical lit.). Moliere pedants. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Book-eater, accurate, formalist, teacher, aristarch, cracker, teacher Dictionary of Russian synonyms. pedant cracker (colloquial iron.) see also Formalist Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    Husband. female pedant, French a strict, precise, captious little trader, requiring observance in the matter of appearances, roundness, order; heavy and stubborn follower of the once accepted, unilateral order; self-confident scientist, inopportunely demanding from ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French pedant, from Italian pedante, originally a teacher, educator), a person distinguished by excessive accuracy, accuracy, formalism ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (French pedant from Italian pedante, originally a teacher, educator), a person distinguished by excessive accuracy, accuracy, formalism ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PEDANT, husband. A person who is overly strict in fulfilling all formal requirements (in science, in life). | female pedant, i. | adj. pedantic, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (it. pedante, originally - teacher, teacher) - a person who is distinguished by excessive accuracy, accuracy, formalism. Big explanatory dictionary of cultural studies .. Kononenko B.I .. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Pedant- (French pedant, from Italian pedante, originally a teacher, educator), a person distinguished by excessive accuracy, accuracy, formalism. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    pedant- a, m. 1. A person who is overly strict in observing a certain order. And there are stiff dandies, inexorable pedants, And there is no remedy for fools. // Lermontov. Tambov Treasurer //; The architect was a pedant and wanted symmetry, the owner ... ... Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from the works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

Initially, the term "pedant", which came from the Latin language, meant a mentor or educator. The outdated meaning of this word paints an image of a strict teacher who is meticulous about his duties. Today, this term is most often used to refer to an excessively accurate person, committed to exceptional order even in small things, requiring strict observance of formalities from himself and others.

The term "pedantry" in its modern sound often acquires a negative connotation. It is awarded to those who sometimes bring the simplest everyday situations to an exceptional absurdity, which causes irritation among others, leads to mutual misunderstanding, and sometimes to serious conflicts.

In communication, pedantry manifests itself in the form of excessive thoroughness, detailed and extremely precise style when constructing statements.

Being a character trait, pedantry manifests itself in almost any situation. The pedant considers it necessary in a special way to lay out things in the closet, products. Even linen for drying, such people hang out in a certain order, picking up items of clothing by color or size. A person who is distinguished by pedantry puts order at the forefront. He will not rest until the world around him becomes ideal and complete.

There are positive features in pedantry. Such people are usually diligent, very accurate in deeds and in expressing their thoughts. They do a good job with their duties if their function is to maintain order in documents. The apartment of the pedant shines with neatness and cleanliness. All things in his home are located in their places, there is not the slightest hint of disorder.

You can be sure that the pedant will arrive on time for a date or business meeting.

Pathological pedantry

In there is the concept of "pathological pedantry". This is the name given to the exaggerated and scrupulous desire of a person for the exact and strict performance of duties, which sometimes takes the form of following artificial rituals. Such a feature of character, manifested in painful attention to detail, most often damages the case.

Experts explain the pathological manifestations of pedantry by the lack of the ability to separate essential details from completely insignificant ones. It happens that such a characterological feature is combined with indecision, difficulties in choosing one of the options, excessive suspiciousness. A detailed combination of qualities forces the pedant to show