Should a guy shave his pubis. Rules for shaving the inguinal zone with a machine tool for a girl: no cuts and irritation

Women's preferences in such an intimate matter as "should men shave their groin" differ dramatically. Basically the same as men. If one representative of the fair half claims that the true beauty of the partner’s intimate zone is clean and well-groomed, then her opponent generally questions the masculinity of the representatives of the strong half of humanity who shave “there”.

To shave or not to shave - the individual decision of each man

Trying to shave at least once is still worth it. Just to experience new sensations, to feel how it is, and to make your personal choice in favor of this procedure or against it. Continuing the discussion on the topic “Should I?” and, if necessary, how to shave a man's groin, you should dwell on all the pros and cons more specifically. Many women believe that if their sexual partner expects special attention to this part of his body from his partner, then he must certainly take up the razor.

Lovers of shiny shaved skin guarantee unforgettable oral caresses, during which they will not think about hair stuck in their teeth, but will easily give in to passion and show more imagination. In addition, visually, the penis, devoid of hair, looks much larger, which gives men more self-confidence and causes pride in their manhood.

However, there is another opinion regarding male beauty.

The subconscious of the other half of the female representatives draws the image of an ethnically brutal male, certainly covered with natural hairline, they don’t even want to hear about how to shave a man’s groin. For them, the partner really loses his sexual attractiveness without pheromones actively evaporating from the hair in the groin. A weighty argument “against” is the fragility of the effect of smooth skin, in a couple of days the growing bristles will remind both partners of themselves. He - in the form of an itch, and she will have to feel "on herself" the unpleasant pricklyness of the hair growing again. It is rare that a man will be able to care for the perfectly smooth condition of his intimate area as often as required, so most likely it will grow back soon.

How to do this procedure correctly?

If you still decide to surprise your soul mate with your new look, you should learn more about how to properly shave a man’s groin in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of folliculitis or ingrown hairs. Before starting the procedure, take a warm bath and relax your skin. If the hair is long, then it should be cut a little. It is recommended to shave the hair only along the line of their growth. For convenience, you can use a mirror, gently stretch the skin to even out the surface, and rinse the razor more often. Remember, before shaving your groin, a man should first of all take care of a good machine and cream both before and after shaving. Other methods of hair removal can be chosen, such as depilation with chemical creams and a slightly painful but effective epilation procedure that will keep the skin smooth for a longer period.

According to Sigmund Freud in his theory of psychoanalysis, all actions, behavior and life of a person are based on sex and move around it, so it is very important for partners to find a mutually acceptable option. If you, as a woman, want, and your partner does not dare to take such a drastic step, do not torture yourself with the thought of how to shave a man's groin, let it be a neat intimate haircut for a start.

Perhaps the thought of having to bring a sharp razor to your genitals scares you a little. However, shaving the pubic area allows men to tidy up and is a completely normal part of male intimate hygiene. The shaving procedure must be preceded by a careful haircut with a trimmer. Then you should lie down for a few minutes in a warm bath, then apply shaving cream on the pubic area and use a razor to cut off all the hairs with smooth and careful movements. And at the end of the procedure, it is important not to forget to treat the skin with a soothing aftershave balm!


Pre-cutting pubic hair with a trimmer

Shaving trimmed pubic hair

    Soak in a warm bath for five minutes. Warm water will soften the skin and hair, which will help the razor glide over the skin and remove the hairs right at their base. A warm shower also helps to achieve this effect, but a bath gives the best result.

    • Taking a bath for more than 10 minutes in some cases can cause swelling of the skin and, on the contrary, complicate shaving.
    • Take a bath immediately after trimming your pubic area with a trimmer.
  1. Apply shaving cream to the pubic area. You can use either a special cream or gel for shaving intimate areas, or a standard shaving cream. Rub the cream into your hair with your hands for 1-2 minutes. This will soften the hair and lubricate the skin better.

    • You can also rub the cream not with your hands, but with a brush. However, to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, do not use the same brush that you usually use on your face for this purpose.
  2. Shave the hair around the genitals with even, measured strokes of the razor. Stand in the tub or anywhere you can comfortably elevate one leg for easier access to the perineum. Grab a clean, sharp razor with your dominant hand, and use your other hand to adjust the position of your genitals as needed while shaving the hair around your penis and scrotum. Apply even pressure to the razor and shave in the direction of hair growth.

    • Rinse your razor clean water every 2-3 strokes of the skin with a blade. Keep the blade clear of hair and shaving cream.
    • A dull razor forces you to apply more pressure to the razor, which increases the risk of cuts and skin irritation. Therefore, shave the pubic area with a sharp new razor. And do not use this razor to shave your face or any other part of your body.
  3. Tighten the skin for a better shave, but be aware of the risk of cuts and irritation. Pulling the skin around the genitals with your free hand will get rid of stubble and provide a closer shave. However, it also increases the risk of skin irritation, pinching and cuts. And this, in turn, can lead to inflammation.

    Shave your scrotum and penis very carefully and only when necessary. These areas are very sensitive and difficult to shave without injuring or cutting them. If you still decide to shave them, straighten them with your free hand small areas skin and measuredly draw a razor over them with the minimum necessary pressure.

    • If you are not completely sure that you really need to shave these areas clean, limit yourself to cutting the hairs on the penis and scrotum.
  4. Rinse your shaved intimate area, dry your skin, and apply a soothing lotion or aftershave balm. When you finish shaving, rinse your perineum thoroughly with clean, warm water. Then pat the shaved area dry with a soft, clean towel. And then treat the skin with a lotion or aftershave balm that does not contain alcohol and fragrances. This will reduce the likelihood of skin irritation and inflammation.

Other Hair Removal Methods

  • If you plan to use the same razor in the future, dry it completely after shaving. Residual water on the blade will encourage bacteria to grow and corrode the metal. A dry blade, on the contrary, will stay clean and sharp for a long time. When it's time to shave again, consider pre-sterilizing your razor with a little rubbing alcohol and then rinsing it with clean water before you start.

Do you shave the groin of men? Yes or no? Naturally, this is a personal matter for everyone. There are always people who are for and against shaving the intimate area.

Many men would like to shave their groin, but they are afraid that this will affect their "masculinity", in other words, the men in the bath will take them for gays.

And yet there are men who are ready to shave their groin, making concessions to their beloved. Women, as a rule, prefer to shave their bikini area for hygienic reasons and advise men to do it for the same reasons. Moreover, for men, the process of shaving the intimate area is much easier than for women.
And so we list the main pros and cons of shaving the intimate area in men.

Pros of shaving the groin in men

1. Delicate skin without coarse hairs is beautiful and sexually attractive, unlike rough and stiff bristles.

2. Simplicity and ease of carrying out all hygiene procedures.

3. No bad smell coming from the accumulation of hair in the groin

Cons of shaving the groin in men

1. Some time after shaving, stiff bristles form in place of the shaved hair, which can cause some discomfort

2. When shaving hair in the intimate area, there is a risk of hair growing into the skin. It has long been proven that the more often you shave the same area, the more hairs are prone to ingrown. It is clear that an ingrown hair can cause both redness and very painful inflammation on the skin.
3. Regular shaving can lead to severe irritation.

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still decide to shave THERE, then you need to know how to do it correctly.

How to shave the groin of men?

1. The first rule of shaving your groin is to use shaving accessories for sensitive skin. Namely: shaving gel, or foam, or at least just a shower gel. Ordinary soap will not work, as it is insanely dry. It is necessary to have a good razor so that it has several blades, the more the better. And when we have everything at hand, we can proceed to the intimate procedure.

2. In order for the hairs to soften, they must be wetted with warm water and steamed for 5-10 minutes a little, so that they become softer and easier to shave.

3. Then apply shaving gel or foam to the entire bikini area and wait another five minutes.

4. Now it's time to get down to the most important thing. It is necessary to shave the hairs in the direction of their growth, otherwise there will be severe irritation.

5. When all the hairs are shaved, it is necessary to wash off the excess soap with warm water, pat dry with a dry cloth or towel and lubricate the skin with either a moisturizer or special means aftershave for sensitive skin.

The material was prepared with the support of the site, which offers men not to shave their body and groin hair, but to carry out laser hair removal. The offer is interesting for residents of Kyiv. The site tells everything about male hair removal, its prices are presented.

At first, you will notice that if you shave the hair in the intimate area for two days in a row, the skin will become covered with red swelling and / or begin to itch. It is best to choose a foam or cream that is designed for shaving hair in the intimate area, and not on the face, because these products have significant differences.

It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man - it is important to shave your hair without the risk of injury and skin irritation, and in this article we will tell you how to do it. Trim your pubic hair first. Razors are designed to shave short stubble and quickly clog and dull when used on long hair. To cut your hair, gently pull it up and away from you, then cut it with small, sharp scissors or a clipper with a clipper attachment.

Only half a centimeter of hair length or less should be left. If you've never had an intimate haircut, you might want to leave your hair short for a few days to get used to the new sensations. Take a hot shower or bath to soften your hair and hair follicles. This will make coarse pubic hair much easier to shave off. Shaving experts would advise you to exfoliate your skin both before and after shaving, despite the fact that most often it is recommended to do this only after shaving.

Remember that shaving hair without cream or foam is not recommended. If it is sharp, and it has 3-4 blades, it will not only be easier to shave, but also safer. In this case, you should take good care of those that you already have. Dedicate one machine to care for your intimate area and always rinse it thoroughly after use. To make things easier, start at the navel. Stretch the skin above the hairline and move in any direction.

Shave with soft and smooth strokes. If you want to achieve a smoother finish, try shaving across the hairline. For example, if your hair grows down, shave to the left or right. Don't shave too long. Shave each area just enough to remove the hair.

The easiest way is to cut your hair over the toilet, and shave your hair in the shower (at least for cleaning). The scrub will remove dead skin scales from the surface of the skin, and also direct all the hairs in one direction and prevent them from growing in. Gently cleanse the skin in the intimate area with your regular body soap. This will help get rid of clogged pores and impurities on the skin that lead to ingrown hairs and infections.

Prevention of redness and skin irritation

If you don't want to get rid of all the hair, leave a V-shaped section. So everything will look neat and finished. Store your pubic hair razor separately from those used on your face or underarms.

You will need to shave every few days; shaving cream is not used. Trim your hair with a trimmer. Buy a hair or beard trimmer and cut your groin hair to less than 0.5 cm. This will make it easier for you to shave later on.

In this case, a trimmer is preferable to scissors, as it cuts hair better and shorter. If you will be using a hair clipper, make sure the head is set to “0” or “1” so that the clipper will cut hair almost as close to the skin as a razor. The skin on the scrotum is very thin and stretched, and therefore it is easy to injure it, which will cause you incredible pain. Hair in this place is best cut with scissors.

The same goes for shaving. Do not use chemical hair removal products (depilators). These are the means after which the hair falls off on its own. Most men try not to use depilatory creams for the bikini area, because the skin in the scrotum is very sensitive.

Bray in the right direction

Shaving your groin is not something you should do in a hurry! In addition, you will have water on hand in which you can rinse your razor. As a shaving product, we recommend choosing a product designed for sensitive skin. Avoid products with menthol and other strong fragrances - they can cause irritation.

The key to successfully shaving the genital area is that the skin where you pass the razor should always be taut. Otherwise, cuts will occur - the skin will move with the razor, creating uneven surface. If you move the razor over the surface of the skin easily and effortlessly, you will avoid cuts. It will be easier to shave the scrotum if you lift it and press it tightly against the body. Shaving the area of ​​skin between the shaft of the penis and the scrotum is particularly difficult.

With this technique, you will get rid of the flap of skin between the penis and the scrotum. Reduce skin irritation. If you've shaved for the first or second time, chances are your skin will become irritated as the hair grows back. This can lead to itching and redness. This procedure will relieve you of itching when the hair begins to grow back. Over time, the skin will get used to and become more resistant to shaving (and you, or the shaver, will gain experience and avoid such situations).

Moisturize your skin with warm water before and after shaving. Some men don't shave off all their hair. You should not be sure in advance that your partner will like it. Never shave while drunk - in the morning you will regret all these cuts even more than the fact that you have a hangover.

As the hair grows back, the itching will feel unbearable. After several times of shaving, the skin will get used to the procedure, and the itching will subside. Sometimes it can be difficult to deal with pubic hair. Luckily, this handy guide will walk you through the ins and outs of caring for that nasty pubic hair, whether you're a girl or a boy.

Wash your hair with mild soap. It's not just the hair on your head that needs to be washed - your pubic hair needs love and attention too. Every time you shower or bathe, use a mild, unscented soap to wash your pubic hair. Gently - if you pull the hair at the bottom, it will hurt!

Hair removal in the bikini area is an intimate process and from a hygienic point of view, taking someone else's machine is not correct, this can lead not only to irritation, but also to infection with microbes. Hair coloring in the intimate area, and even a complex haircut, is best done in the salon by a professional. The best way to do this is by cutting your hair! As long as the area is kept clean and cared for, there is no reason to remove pubic hair for hygiene reasons.

Hair is probably the most controversial part of the human body. How much effort we make to ensure that there are more of them, they are thicker and longer where we need them, the same amount of effort goes into the extermination of hair in places where, as is customary to think, they do not belong. Although ideas about where hair is acceptable and where it is not, have changed significantly in different times and among different peoples. So, to shave or not to shave?

Shaving was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great in the 3rd century BC. The Greeks were the first to shave, then this custom spread to other peoples. In the II century BC, during the time of Cato the Elder, razors began to be used in Rome. Roman fashion changed in its attitude to body hair, but the period when they were considered the standard of beauty complete absence, lasted quite a long time. The hairs were plucked and shaved using bronze and iron tools.

Epilation, of course, requires time and care, so it remained the occupation of those who had paid leisure. Here is what Aelius Lampridius writes about Emperor Antoninus Heliogabalus: “He was always with women in the baths, and he himself rubbed them with an ointment for removing hair and smeared his beard with such an ointment, and at the same time - it’s a shame even to say - the same one that women rubbed , and simultaneously with them. He personally shaved the pubes of his lovers and then used the same razor for his beard.

An enlightened inhabitant of an ancient Indian city, according to the Kama Sutra, should shave his face once every four days, and he must “remove hairs in secret places” “invariably once every five or ten days.”

The beauty canons of the Muslim East also excluded any hair on the body, but, unlike the Latins and Hindus, only on the female. Every woman who looks after herself throughout the Middle East - in Syria, Lebanon and further - in Iraq, right up to Georgia - in accordance with Asia Minor requirements for appearance, removed every single hair from her body. Epilation was carried out using special clay (this procedure is described in "1001 nights"), in some places clay is still used. The process of hair removal was especially sophisticated in harems and Turkish baths. Eunuchs and special servants, before bringing a wife or concubine to the Sultan, carefully prepared her - an important part of this preparation (not only cosmetic, but also erotically exciting) was hair removal.

Some peoples of the Caucasus had a custom of shaving the hair on the body of the bride in preparation for her first wedding. wedding night. Visitors to the Batumi Museum of Local Lore could see the newlywed's cosmetic set, consisting of a mirror, a straight razor and a shaving brush. The fashion of the European "gallant age" - the Rococo era brought a new type of beauty, excluding everything rough, bodily, material. What, of course, was the hair on the body. Therefore, a merciless war was declared on them - again with the help of a whole staff of servants. Readers of countless novels about Angelica's adventures may recall an episode in which a gentleman, lusting for a beautiful marquise who has fallen on some kind of pirate ship, is in tormenting thoughts: Angelica looks like a commoner or still plucked her body hair, as it should be a noble lady.

In the 20th century, the following order was established: generally accepted customs in Europe do not allow hair on those parts of a woman's body that a bikini swimsuit opens up. As for the pubis, whether or not to shave it is a matter of taste. Pubic hair can be combed, stroked, slightly pulled - all this becomes part of the erotic game.

By the way, the plot of one American comedy about the manners of a mobile army hospital was based on such a game with a “coufure” below the waist. There, the color of the pubic hair served as proof that the heroine was a fake blonde. In fact, the color of the hair on the head cannot be determined by the color of the pubic hair - as a rule, the first of a darker shade.

Both men and women who decide to remove the vegetation on the genitals should in no case use depilatories for this purpose - it is very easy to burn the mucous membranes. In men, shaving the scrotum requires special care.

Genital hair removal is a powerful erotic procedure. Of course, this procedure, like other modern sexual techniques, can only be carried out by very close people who love and ideally feel each other. In the same way, plucking pubic hair must be treated with great care. At the end of the 20th century, sociocultural identification by hairstyle (“ long hair- a poet, a semi-box - a proletarian, etc.) became possible even "below the belt". For example, the punk fashion, which involves shaving off the hair on the head - a comb painted in unthinkable colors, has spread to pubic hair. Moreover, in the respective salons, for example, a Playboy symbol can be shaved for you - for example, to celebrate the onset of the Year of the Hare - and it will become no less in an efficient way more erotic attraction than a toilet specially tailored for such a party.